The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, June 30, 1899, Image 2

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    ,T H E W E S T ,
i" '
Jamaica, and a commission from Ber­
muda is on the way to Washington.
F E Fremont’s new barn is to
The pingley law. under which these
treaties are negotiated, provides that, in raised today.
Miss Whitman of Alsea is has been
addition to being ratified by the sou-
i ate. they shall be approved by the house j tow it a few days.
A Schulte moved Ids family to Gardi-
' lieiore becoming effective. Thia is an un-
¡ ner a few day* ago.
i usual provision, but it makes it certain
E V Bury, a drug drummer, was in
1 that no treaty will go into force that does Florence tins wees.
not give equal advantages to both sides.
Ram Amis loft Wcdncsdiy for
Faox or« r.rcrtxE Coap.s'i’o.'.’DtxT.
Edilvr IVyaT: Fiddle creek is to be
r. - i •• < -
bridge 1. l i t contract lieing let to •
— AT—
W ash .. D 0 ., June 23, 1993.
Messrs. Colter, Harwood and Niglis-
u n ie criticism of the idmini-
L ax « C ounty ,
O kkoon
Í . ... . . .
• .V .
The liridge is tadly needed as tins is stration Philippine policy, in Washing
- - • rv - • •
a stream that can be creased nt this ton, at this time tiiau there has been
point with a horse only at its lowest at any time since I lie beginning of the
w .
stage The county court hopes that revolt. It does not come from the
I •
. ■ . h
this will pmvoW the ' Opening of the opponents of the administration either,
E d ito r anil Proprietor.
For tbo benefit of these who nre hop- ' days visit to Eugone.
jfc -i.
road or rather the building of s road. but from their atiorgest auppui ter.s— ing for clerical appointments in the
Cant, and Mrs Cox were visiting in
There is not even a trail tc the tits of men who believe that it was the proper census bureau, it can be officially stated Florence over Sunday.
F loren ce, Ore. J u n e 30, 18P9.
the bridge. The uniqueness of the sit­ thing to take the Philippines and keep that there are two absolutely necessary
G C Cuuipton made a flying trip to
permanently, /ln j
criticism requirements. One is to get the en- the Vmpqiia last Tuesday.
uation is obvious to any passer-by. A their.
Mrs Bernhardt took a trip to Heaton
bri.lge o( this size cost is rarely arises from thu knowledge that A gni-; dorsetnrnt of one of your senators, or of
undertaken uuder such circutnaiaces. n aldo's peace talk was a trick which 1 a representative from your state, and
I 1
Mrs Aldrn Hayes is visiting tier par
The Lincoln County lender oi June Yet, owing to the p e t that it is on the succeeJod in fooling ns into the belief I lbe other is to pass the examination
h J
2Krd s I ft ter front .1 cdrrc» * I line of a very important mail route, he that the revolt was tottering to its en d ,1 required by the burean. Without both, ents Mr and .Mrs Jason Neely.
John Lanham made a short visit to j
pondont at Acme concerning an srlicl who opposes the building of tho bridge when it w as really getting ready to put nn applicant stands the slightest show of
Saturday 011 business.
from the pen of O E Harwood which i oil technical grounds nlonu would be a harder fight than ever--knowledge j receiving an appointment, am} only a
John W Tanner and wife moved into
the W est copied from the San Fi an ci see ' doing a wrung to the community.
r n
which the fighting of last week lias i very few appointments will be made Leonard Christensen’s house this week
Bulletin a few woeks ago. The Acme! There is perfect harmony on the forcibly impressed on the minds o f ! before nert year, anyway.
'L J .
W111 P Drugg the Junction-Deadwood
corrcsjtondeut tliiuks the Yiiqukut lar piatter of a bridge but cn the matter everybody. The critics think that in- !
mail carrier was in Florence several
should l<e improved ami makes a per- • of the road from tho bridge eolith to stead of the comparatively meagre I
days this week.
sonai stuck on Harwood. Commenting • F¡ye MjJe „ )ere ¡3 g^ unt, for
IS Women as well as men are Rev. II II Buckner of Gardiner
fight. reinforeeinents that are being sent to
made miserable by kidnev attended tlie children’s day exercises in
on the letter the Leader calls it :
j We hope to sec it fought out without [ Gen. Otis, which will give him 35,000
bladder trouble. Dr I Florence Inst Suuday.
“ The popular estimate of Harwood, • HJ}y ji; (8chliz an4 raali(x) T1)p
men when they all reach him, the pres­
Kilmer’s £wauip-IlQot the . Mrs R W Vanderhurg snd children
the Yaquina harbor encyclopedia,
; ,;O[1 #ll0lll(1
HrUled Hùlp',y on ¡ta ident should cab fes the 33,0ft» volun- BLAME. great kidney remedy
are going to Concow, Cal., in a few days
found among hit own neighbors. It *8 j merit'», the greatest gqod to the greatest ! teors authorized by congress, and Bend 1 1
promptly cures. At drug­
; for a visit with Mra V parents.
no more than what could bo expected
„ w #ni, fori.v,,ri beij?g thu , lh«iu all to Gen. Otis, so that lie would gists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You
Stella Bran who has been attending
may have a sample battle by mail free,
of one who seeks to build up himself by b,' . ,
have enough to put down the revolt in
school at Ell.enstiury, Wash., the past
tearing sn sth er' down. Trumpeter' There are two routes presented, one in short order. Before tlie president
dress, Dr Kilmer A Co., Elugliamton, ! winter arrived home Saturday evening.
WeatnersoA had better apologize to his ! having been surveyed, years ago, (in left Washington for New England he was N V.
J H Pratt who traded for Chas. Sher-1
hondy's ranch on South slough moved:
home readers and in future it” Krea'rr I fact a dead survey,) but never opened begged to do that, hut he has the idea
into his new home Tuesday.
care iu the Selection of him who holds end never used. The old survey never that because Gen. Otis had expressed
Hon. F. D G Holden of Grand Rapids
Ids leading string.’’
had but one merit, viz: It would re- the opinion that lie could whip tlie
Wednesday to spend the sum-I
It is a favorite way with seme por- quire's shorter rope to reach froin end Filipinos into subjection with 20,000
Effective Feb. 12th. the Northern iher with Ida brother Col. Holden.
sous nod pajierH whon they find
! lo end than any other. It in over e vei*y men, he would, if he calls for volunteern ' 1 rtCfiic will inaugurate double train ser
Rev. Father Prybvlski of Eugene was ,
side of a cate w'euk, to attempt to rough country and high elevationd. The 1 he charged by his political opponents vice between Portland ' end all points iu Florence Tuesday and Wednesday on !
strengthen ¡City personal iibme of their air line ¡3 short, the road to he of any : with unnecessarily increasing tho army, east. Trains will leave Portland at 11:39 business connected witli clptrcb work.
a m , mid l i p in daily. ' These tre.ifis
opponent«. The editor of the l eader use as a line of transportation would he and he will try to got along without
will both be first class and fully equipped ' R W Vanilerbitrg and F.d Boomer in
is evidently one Of this class. Knowing ■
. long, torturous, steep and impracticable. ' doing it. Some of his beet friends do in every respect, heated by steam, ! tend to leave for Idaho in a few days.!
full well the truth of Mr Harwood's , This is clear to anyone who 'is capable not liesitato to express the opinion that vestibulcd, standard Pullman mid They expect to make the trip witii a
article end'that it was quitb widely of seeing anything and who is free from j ho is making a serious mistake, and that tourist sleepers, dining cars and colonist,
C G Wilson and wile returned Friday
copied; the Loader seeks l^y abusing predjudich. llow it ever came to be the volunteers will have to bo called lor
ears to Missouri River points via Bill after a visit of several weeks at ' Port-;
him to throw discredit on the state yccomniondcd to the county court as a before we see the end of the fighting in inga, which renders ■ the service now land. A sister of Mrs Wilson cmne '
men la contained therein. *
átlered by the Northern Pacific 111I- witli them.
practicable route is a mystery equalled the Philippines.
The Leader only shows the weakness only by suveral other blunders
The new commission to investigate
of its own fiosition In abusing those name kind along thè Gardiner and Isthmian canal routes isn't in any hurry line. The only line to :the Buffalo to Hále and returned Wednesday with
lfnmp territory. See that your tickets 'his family’. They are cow occupying
who thiuk that Yaquina bar is hot n t, q^,nft,ja route.
to start for the scene of its principal) read'via tho Northern Pacific to all E K Marr’s house.
present entitled to suéli an appropria­ I The proposed new route, on a water labor. It held two meetings in Wash- I Points east or south. For further infor-
W II McCornnck mid son Kenneth ’
tion from congress as the people tlwre level, is longer by a mile |x>ssibly but is ington last week, nud after authorizing ' "’»Hon call on address,
were passengers tó Florence Wednesday '
are seeking to obtain. Not finit we have : all the way on smooth ground, avoids Admiral Walker, its president, to
1 R M c M vhpiiy ,
on their way home from a vit'ii of sever­
General Agent, Eugene, Or.
any objection to the improvement of 1 one hill entirely and crosses the main appoint committees to consider each
al weeks at Eugene.
Yaquifiaif it could be done without: divide nt a much lower ' love! than the branch of the work, adjourned mjtil
Miss Greta Brund who has been cm-
ployeil in the Tanner hotel for the pant
delaying tho work in other places that surveyed route. Owing to its topro- July fith, when another meeting will be OREGON
two months returned to her home at
are equally deserving. But Yaquina grapliy a road on this line on or under hold in Washington, at which it is ex ­
Point Terrace yesterday.
lias already received about $700.000 anil ten percent grades would probably not pected a plan for the investigation will
Messrs. Galloway and Brabham who j
as we understand it tho wort is complet­ much exceed the other in length. It be reported and adopted,
Orcfron Native Son:
brought Mr Pratt’s goods in from Eu­
ed as Urst planned. Now the people would pass, from end to eud, through
We know its past; tho present is gene camo down the river for a sight of j
Mr A D Wood, a prominent Honolulu
there ask for' ail extension of the set fled land, better accommodate "every
us and tlio future will he inQiildcd ' the'oeeiin and to dig some clams,
merchant, is now in Washington. He
work at an estimated of over $1,000,- settler on the lake who would ever have
as we put forth efforL The contrast be- i While inH orenee this week W A
says there is a general improvement in , ■ ,,
, , ■
' Cutrier sold a handsome organ to Miss
Out) more. If that was the only bar occasion to use the road, cost less to
„ ....
. .„ ,
Hawaii since its miuexation, hut that | tween the present and wlmi was fifty . Ella .'-.allL-y.
there tvil} be intutc nt tho
needing imprave'aient we would be glad build and maintain and be easier on tlio failure of congress to extend (be j J’ears a8® >B ft fcmarkablo one. Invent- Saflrv home from this time forward,
to see thia work' go on. But .there are a Uianis tliajn tlie rttlicr. Jt presents one
J G Flint and wife were passengers to
laws of the U S to tlie islands lias been ive genius and seientifie research have
number of other places that have not mud-hole to be bridged but to compen-
tlie source of much worry, lie added i so changed tlie conditions that it seems : Eugene by Monday's stage on 1 thsjr
reeeived near so tuiich ¡.1 proportioif ns «gta far thia lias nlxiut 45 rods of road that although the islands were ail ¡n_
in ' but a dream to tlie pioneer, and he can ; "'*'V h>r a visit nt Gonon, III. They
expect to be absent about three months.
liM b*en Expended nt Y aquiua and to already made and cnc-half mile more
tegral part of Uucle Sam’s domain, its liardly realize the boon it is to 1« sur­
From tlie P.oseburg Review we learn
give that pisce another large sprr means in an advanced state of construction
citizens are in reality proceeding as rounded by tlie blessings of the age that \\ iu Anderson lias resigned his
to deity the iihfirovelneut of thrto other with labor pledged to finish this and
though they were still a foreign territory which progress and improvoment have position at* the UnipqnA life saving sta-i
jiiaoet for the purpose of continuing the one-fourth mile more, ns well as to!
that letters were carried from the U S to brought to pass, Had you told him , tion find w ill soon move his family to 1
work zt Yaquina.1' Thfs Uoiild not la1 ' finish the swamping out a good horse-! the islands for a two-cent stamp, but j back in the ea rly ’50s that the long and ; Gard
just ¡fi those other places, ai.d in aims- ! (mck trail, on 30 days notice from
Mr Olesonof Minnesota, who has been !
the Hawaiian receivers had to pay an j weary six months required to cross the
lug those who desirO to see justice done Wilkes' marsh to Frank Byers’ house.
additional tlireo cents, to bring it up to plains would in so short lime be reduced on tide-water for I fie last couple of!
' 'orm,p° a ^ew
iu the matter thè èditòr ot the Leader Wilkes'marsh ia 300 feet wide, ?90 feet 1 thc iglalld 1K,9tal n,t8 o( Uve tentR> to three days be would not fiave bcliev- ! ?,CCh.T " aa
allows biniteli to lie n man who lias hut of which could be corduroyed and cover-, b ^ e tbey got tlieui( anJ t,mt the Hau)c ed you. As lie contemplate:] the change Mr Olcson says he likes the country 1
first rale and intends to locate here.
little regard lor justice or for tlio rights ,.j wph dirt as was thc Gibbs uisrslq I o|,| tariff rates have lo he paid
_ wrought by tlie iron horse elei tricity and
James Dodge of Minnie spent last
of other people.
:no feet in the middle could be bridge,!. I
{r0ln thc sUtM( anJ' wi„ contjnue j other improvements and inventions, he ! Saturday in Florence,
lie e found'
The D t V G O O f l S , ★ G r O C e r f e « ★ a n d ★ M o t i o n «
ice. n
iouiki the
tilXll»Cr for th is brid^in^ w ill be
. ! 1«
n amazement.
rn n totn A n l
IkAAn (n
u n «•nliAnlavralsIv
e -changed
- ^
l since
. a
** “•
bis I !
until congress acts, Mr Wood, who
Is another colman will be found the)
some twelve years ago when
futtuftheri largely, if not all, by those i knows whereof he speaks, also made the reward of those who braved tlie pri- j
program for the celebration of Inde­
build up and !I‘Ure W;‘S On1-V “,,e or l 'ro ira,,,e builli- F L O R E N C E
M E A T ^ M A R K E T .
urging this route. We will bo generous this statement:
It is hardly worth various to reach, claim,
ings. Mr Dodge lias been unfortunate
pendence day fit Florence Efforts are
hut wo cannot limlertnku the ontire job. wlli|u fur au Anlcricall lo migralu to make Oregon one of too grandest states lecently having lost his bouse and all
being made to have this tlio greatest 1
The jieople of Five Mile will do their Hawaii iu the hope of licttering his in the union. But tho pioneer is fast ils enuteiits by fire which occured dur­
celebration ever field on the Síuslaw. I
i part and there is n j reason why the condition, unless possessed of a moder­ passing away; bis work so grandly be­ ing his absence.
'J fin result . - i f tlie war with’ Spain has
whole thing should nqt be (¿pished for ate amount of cash. Living is high, gun will be left to moro recent arrivals
been mentioned so often ds a reaHo.i for
Defer .1 Boler of Springfield, gives the
| tlie 4th of July celebration 190d.
for we are very largely dependent on and to the native born to carry forward.
rejoicing that it 1« hardly neeesaary to
j Tl’fic new routo ia needed every day. other countries for our bread stuff'. We If the industries, institutions and devel­ Guard figures of some sheep shearing
repeat it here. But thefie i» hitótlier
by him. From 15 yearlings Mr Boler
More tiiau half of tlie children now in get mutton from Australia and flour and opment of the stato are to keop ^aie received 27,5 founds of Ihs ee, an average
reaoon why the people ¿10,•«gun espec-,
, . , ..
* *
... . .
. . I Fiddle creek aclicol need it at this time dressed beef from the I! S. Though with tho revealed science and aids
’ *J to °* *8/3 pounds. From 10 ewes, each
ially should frol patriotic mid rejoice this 1
everyday. Two'fainilies have now to some vegetables are grown, they do not progress and prosperity those to whom yaisiug a lamb, and average of 15
year on the anniversary of our flat.on'»
use a boat to get to school, a barbarous reach the standard oi perfection known its destiny is entrusted must 1« oil tho pounds. This is very heavy growth.
birth. Last year this state Sent to the
Col. Thom is R Cornelius, of Curne '
method. With tlie opening of this line to jnjople here, and we have, therefore, alert when and where to move for advan.
sceneof conflict to tight the hultlesof
one family could have the road all the to rely considerably on tinned goods. cement o( interests can be made. Thc lius, Oregon, «lied Saturday night of!
tfielr country, .a regwuent of volunteers
heart trouble. Ugud ' <2 years, having
way and the other half the way 1° The agricultural interests have passed history oi the world reads that no state
been a resident of Oregon W years, lie •
wade up if young, strong, able-bodied
into tlie hands of big corporations and or nation ever became wealthy which was a prominent Indian fighter, was
wen. When tho president 'called for
P K O P K iP T n »
lit the name of education, in the name ■>>a in in ot li plantations owned by them lepeuded upon agriculture nlonu for sup- twenty years in (he Îegisiatbre and
troops the young men ruSherl from
of common sense, in tho name of justice render tlie existence of small farmers !>ort’ rc,J'in8 uI>°n othor countries to
pruaidwnt of Ihu somite. He was
I provide the products of - moelianieal in- ' itAfnU
I .1-1 f. for
. a. . governor
........... . _ I
every part of the slate to offer them
by Sylywfér
to all the settlers along thp line, with !superfluous.”
selves for llie.r nation'« service Some
i injury to none, in thu name of humanity
dnstry. Millions havccoine to us through |
According to the testimony of Mr D E
,.f them went from our very midst—
To succeud in the world it is much
to diirnb brutes and beasts of burden, j Dowe, president of the Comiiiereial tlie Halinon, stock, lumber and mining
Yuen with whom we are all acquainted.
noceauary to possess the penetre-
in (lie name ot “ the man with the
mdiiHtries; still, candor will com|>el us I
j Traveler’s League, before tlio iiidusbial
Tiny covered themselves with glory
discover who is a fiiol than to
hoe,’’ in the name of majority rub,
to admit that our uiainsourceof revenue
and guv,) every i nhubi tan I of tlife state
■ di fcovcr w ho is a clear man.
rattier than tho domination of a prej­
■ tlfis country will result, fusing esti­ has been produced by tilling thc soil.
cause to feed proud of that regiment.
udiced mincrity, in the name of good mates on what is already known, in tlis Shall we rest content with these and
Now tlioy wilt soon ’ be horn’s again
But vlasl not alFwIih w»nt aWay' Will
Rn'’ r4r<‘*r’*4' 1 Mk nl1 irionils 10 !<w »1 employment by 35,0fW" eouiinor- give no heed to the encouragement of •• Great Haste h f y t
themselves now f i cial travelers and a reduction oi the |wy l innnufacturing interests? Most assured­
,,.„ ,i,.fc aYefter ruffle to assert **-------
return to greet fatheF, inbthtY, brother,
A lw a ys Good Speed.
, .Uni settle this question forevv sr. Hold of 23,IXM> more; tho railroads will lose i ly not; if we hope to reach that high de
sister and friends. How« gave up their c
, J ,
u'pyourl.and and lilt yoifr voice for ihu $ffl ,000,000, anti The hotels J2tt,W,O9O. grew of stable pro? verity to which we
¿Many people trust to luck
lives in battle.' Some died fff diseases. . .1.»
. .
7 •'
can attain, and which ia necessary to
S cott M
omis ,
Mr Dowe also tealitlal that the follow,
pull them through, and are
Other will emus bock broken in health
ing tru-.’tff had materially increased place and keep Oregon in tho ranks of
uid AuffFr loi* years from the effects of i
disappointed. Do not
the Irnderr. we must begin to (peter and
rieverc nervous spell
liear ng down the price of the goods they control: The
the climate M that far away lafiU. Bui
in matters o f
¡'¡ye. tin and enameled ware, brass support them. The raw materials, in dilly-dally
the people will be glad tfl welcome Ui«m . pains, loss of appetite. Iludvan cures.
it you can
goods, chairs, rubber Shoes, tin plate
Lome. What more fittihg w a/ to show All druggists, 50 cents,
w bite paper, com mou soap, flint glass
H bat our soil and climate is capa- accomplish miracles. With­
our appreciation of them by all turning
bottles, clocks, all metal gowlt, brushes, bie of bringing to a state of perfection out it you are ** no good.
imt and holdinf a grand relegation on
S tami *» on documents have prixluced couibe, and ribbon. This information, ere by no means limited m variety, snd
^ eeT *be liver, kidneys, boWels and
our nation’s bittlwlay.
blood healthy by theuse of Hood's >«r.
more revenue to the government the Mr IXiwc said, had hern obtained from
nowhere can be found greater natoral eaparilla, tho faultless blood purifier.
put year than was received from the j coiniiienial travelers in ti e' lines
" I know a posp.iv» m’def
facilitice for their being turned into for Dyapepe'a
AilENTS WANtffr-KOft “ttlL I.IFl AND
oy«t»p»la and that 1» It,v<p» «»-,aps-
tax on spirits, biVr and other fermented named. The English are taking ad
•. ütm.-iur«Uuf Adniirst l’rwey, tiw
me. My neunls's »¡w>
•i-atest uavsl ben. ¿y Mural HsIxieeJ. the
W F. Bv.owrs, [6<
Î'^lonzïiiend •'.« sffui.m e( the ustiuu'. liquor», l>eiiig ratiniate 1 to amount to vantage o( tlie existing pleasant rels out far their own interests will have rioppot.'*
loi hiaCiiAt iU'l Mt? V<>olu ôvtr MW $»«<*•»,
situ in -hes «eeib 1» P»»»'
,",lu,ï ï ‘. (H.OOri.OOO by July Is!. The tax on lions between them and the American«
Tired Footing ' My appetite was
wealth at their call and happiness and
;u u < 0 : 1) 11») F« d e in « ..l Mi»
cspnrtnus. my liver disordered sn.l I was
ut » s PI»-
tu*- lejtacies producé.) A uiifilcu. while }o iliiprfive (tie co.rtuiercinl relations
oaiâl fr.<- «•finn--
<'hsii'-e ui
Hood's Sarsaparilla r»:level It all.
homos wri’Stnlck. The ».■ailutoo Cuiai«»»-,
It cured • friend of mine of femsl» w.iak-
hankers paid three inllliofa exírh, beeiilu hetwcén tome of their ¿»Ionics und tin and fireside».
loi » haïr Casio» fil'l* • Cbii-egu.
a M zasn *. Clayton. Vet
stamp tat. With the |>roce«wh of the instkcts of the V S. A reciprocity
---- H
A house snd lo tjin ; G le n ! ,
We have mad« arrsneentents t»y
Ova IlraM.vWX i orrèk|»ond<'Iit esile the war ri venne tax and the extra ripense treaty between the I’ 8 and British
S o U a /w iiO n
house is lb by 24 feet acd one a*o
Dne-lsrstiou of Indeiwndcnee » "tsle old of (lie »«I oliuunsie I front the amount, colony of Bai bailors lias been Signed,
Nleeplrssnrss. melancholia, stomach
* • will furnish tho Weekly
• bslf in height. Also s gr«^i
with the W «w for one o » i
stir witii British Guiana almost com puina, heart tr. iibc'. Hudysn cures.
tfiing. As if that dtx'umeat couhl ov» r
lfvN»d*l 1*111« -«Ft hr«t IU*. ;>.o a-«p trr'.Tvtrf anrl on premises. For fiirtb.w
foT the.on, of two Joì
I ten over ‘W.WOJU?.—
X dyr pleted, uegoitaUvns legan (o
firyw o d to a Amiti» eft citizen.
C Wtlb All dr.iggistn, Jfr rents.
inquire at tbi? ofBeff.
.»«ysble »s,i, ( , aJeiees
- i ’l Bl.lMHKD fiV KRY FA IDA Y
— . . .
» » 11 I » » * M « r /••:»•* i
ii . a \ j *: atijekson
S e e o u r s p e c ia l c o u n t e r .
O .W .H U R D
C A R M A N ’S
O oened.
Goods as Reoresented,
J.: w .3 sarnsan
r Dcr.Tuxc::