?• »»-y -W-r 'T T -’? -5’ TH E W EST AtfVERTiSERS YOUR HOriE PAPER SUPPORT I r J **• S T R A W 'S I TRA V ELERS* GUIDE. o ---- W ill A ’ex. trip s from Florence to Yaqnina C alling a t A I .SEA , A nd First Florence to Coos Bay F o r p a ssen g er a n d freig h t from Florence to Sau Francisco. W ill also bring up freight E , O. Potter. MMM *** „„„ #*# I Why let your neighbors know It? And why give them a chance to guess you are even five or ten years mere? Better give them good reasons for guessing the other way. It is very easy; for nothing tells of age so I quickly as gray hair. Florence, O r. S T A G E X j IN E J . F o r fu rth er inform ation inquire H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, — OF — E. U. Lee A. W . B E A D L E & CO. W. W. Withers .A. S. Patterson ; 14 C alifornia St ,. ,D. P. Burton i San Francisco, California. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer nnd Scotts burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Lino for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. N EUGENE-FLORENCE It E. Bangs, . W. IL W iatlierson president. . O. W. Hurd Wm. Kyle J . W. Carinan ! M. Morris Board of Trustees Recorder.................... John I. Butterfield Treasurer.............................. F - 15 ' " ’Ison Marshal............................G. C. Cumpton N Pullman Sleeping Cars i a t F lorence th e day fo llo w in g : a t 10 a. m. R e tu rn in g -sta g e leaves F lo r - , Elegant ence daily, except Sundays a t 2 1 p.m ., a r r iv in g in E ugene the day ■ Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping SEC R ET S O C IE T IE S . following a t 9 p. m. Cars 8 T . PAUL A \ . R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 a meets second and fourth Saturdays cf each month at 1 :30 p. m. S. B. O olvin , Commander. J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. DULUTH FARGO CR A S O f o r k s TO W IN N IP E C C __ BUTTE1 Standard THROUGH TICKETS Miaa Georgine Campbell, the portrait and m iniature painter, is a southerner, having been born and bred in New Or­ leans. She is a dainty woman w ith high bred manners and a charming peranu- ! ality. A t an curly age she developed a love for d raw ing , and so precocious was »he in this respect that tho margins of te r books, decorated with beautiful faces, became the envy of hor schoolfel­ lows When 15. she studied under Bernard, a pupil of Paul Delaroche Latet she went to Paris, where she continued her art studies under the best musters, mak­ ing portraiture a profession On her re­ turn she established herself in a studio home, where she now Is Miss Campbell has painted more no­ table people than the usual artisL not NEW HOME Dictionary Of The TO CHICACO ENGLISH LANGUAGE U. W. P erp etn a Lodge, No. 131, every 1st and 3u Tuesdays A O. • each meets month. Members and visiting W AS H IN G TO N COM PLETE P H IL A D E L P H IA S U C C IE N T ltetliren in good standing are cordwily N E W YORK invited to attend. A. O. F unkb , M. « ■ BOSTON ANO A L L I G. K notts , Recorder: a u t h o r it a t iv e PO IN TS EAST and 8O U TH I 0. 0. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l .meets li every Wednesday evening in Lodge IU11, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in pod standing invited to attend. A nohkw B kuxd , N • G. R. L. E vans , See. F .w inform atlon. tim ec a r d s,m sp ssn d tick ets . etc., calt on or write R. M c MURPHEY, A ssistant General Passenger Agent, 2J6 Morrison Pt., Cor., 3d. l„ The full number of words and terms — f different dictionaries for the eiftirc alphabet is P o r tla n d , O r. J F TANNER, FLORENCE, 03. P rop . § § Í , as follow»: B tokmontw , M,3W; W oacnrvTFn ! 05,000; WEBSTER (International), 125,000; C e x - TURV, (six volum es. com plete,) 228,000. ! STANDARD, over 300,000; Special Attention to « * Travellers. * * 933 Market S t. ugene, - O ra « © « W -R -m ras 7 and » Ï A d ’i r Î n’ial atten tion g iv e n to coll - i v . - i Twentv-threc Miles West of Eugene. O M * " * * ., A Shaving . Hair C utting M A D E m-J R E P A I R E D . T. a W . E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. Orcstnn F lo r e n c e . IS J U S T M A R IO N M 0 R R I3 Pro p. 'accom odations for th e traveling E . E . B E N E D IC T A T - ♦ » ♦ ♦ « 'gam e, fish and fru it in season. Best EUGENE, OREGON. fT O R N E Y A Tension Indicator: T o n s o ria l P a rlo rs . » * ♦ * » T ables furnished w ith all the delicacies of th e season. eiaco, Cal. Pacific Coast A gent» SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Commercial jH o re n o a , O re g o n - Attorney a t Law, THE N e w H o r n S rw iN O MACHINE CO. Good deniers wanted 111 every town W iite tor prices and terms to Ban Fran E. D. Bronson & Co, MRS. E. A. MORGAN, Proprietor A. C. WOODCOCK, S ew in g Mochin«« w e luanufa. in re and thoir prices lief ire y o u purchase a u y other. acents w a n t e d . everything riRST-CI.AS9. MORRIS «’» HOTEL, ATTORNEYS ______ WRITE FOR CIBCUL6RS fvr’ent Styles of 1 ............ Sam ple Pages F re e ............. (RESBYTERIAN C H U RC H , Florence, Oregon. Sabbath serv ice: Sabbat 11- »nuary, April, Ju ly and October. > very body is welcome to all the service«, astor requosts Christians to make lemselvea known. I. G. K notts , Pastor. • ' Appendix of 4 7 .4 6 * E ntries I ---------- _ TA N N ER HOTEL :hool, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching li clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacra 1 nont ot le Lord’s supper on 1st ° Sp£C„ 1I. t , General Agent. Kooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, 1 Sooo Illustrations K0GENE, OREGON. 1 Cost over >960,000 § C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y Vocobu,.ry rerms 533 Readers for Quotation» A- D- C H A R L T O N , I 0. 0. F. Maple Lodge No., 139, meets li every Thursday evening in Neelv s Tall, Seaton, Oregon. Brothers in goon ilaudiug invited to attend. W illiam B bykd , N. G. P h il . N icolle , Sec. g , FLORENCE. - - PUBLIC. O R EG O N W e h a v e o th e r s tr ik in g im p ro vem en ts t h a t ap p eal to th e c a re fu l b u y e r. Send fo r o u r ele g a n t H . T . catalo g. W rite S ewpw M achine C o . Clevtland. Ohio. Ì G u aran teed F a st B lack 10c. per pair. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Maas. The Funk & Wagnalls H E L E N A ftnrt get It- Diseases Of! a r . i . l W o m a n W h s B t , P a ia tM l M an x X o tn b le Persons. H u rd ’s office in Florence. CROOKSTON ^ L a d ie ’s and M en’s H oae If you do not obtain all tho b«na- I tit* you expected from the u«o nt the I Igor, writ* t l i . doctor »lo-ut It. i 1 robably there Is som e d.fllcuitT with your gen eri! system which I ni ty be easily ren*ovod. Address, Single fare - - - - 55.00 Round trip - - - - 59.00 j T ickets for sale a t E. B angs' livery barn, E ugene, and a t O. W . j M IN N E A P O L IS F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. ■ Regular somninnieation on sceonl and fourth Saturdays in each month. E. W . Conu, W. M. J . i Bi'iriUFiELD, Secretary. Proprietor. Stage leaves E ugene d aily ox- ' eept Sundays, a t G a. in., a rriv in g ! S Month. (We call your " . . . . . . . . . . ~ prices.. We invite comparison. We want your trade, ¡If good goods and low prices count we will A FA M OUS PO R T R A IT A R T IST . ! is a youth-renewer It hides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never falls to restore color to gray hair. It will stop the nsir from coming out also. It feeds the hair bulbs. Thia hair becomes thick hair, and short hair becomes long hair. It cleanses the scalp ; re­ moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. Wc have a book on the i Hair which we will gladly send you. STAGE LINE. u Eash th e Eye. rates O J L R 3 D I3 S T E K O RTHERN Pacific, Ry. cf SjH'eial a tte n tio n to — APPLY TO — W ill carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle. C ITY O F F IC E R S . Sunday Calling a t th e UM PQUA. L U E L L A Sheriff...................... treasurer................. Assessor.................. School S uperin ten d en t... TV. M. Miller Surveyor................................C. M. Collier Coroner............................ W ' P - 0lie8hire Justice of P eace................. C. IL Holden Constable.............................. E. A. Evans D. from ■ C O U N T Y OFFICERS- Clerk ......................... Patterson, M. A t F lo rence T R IP 8 TH E STE A M E R j .............. W. T. Bailey Commissioners j .......... II. D. K idwards NO . 9. Steamer Robarts W ill innko regular aun Beafl oí Tille. Judge.................... ; • ■ ’ I 1899. (¡Hrdiiu'f, Oiegon. make -------- o ....................T. T. Geer. Governor........................ R E G U L A R D A IL Y Secretary of S 'a te ............... V « xr -----B e tw e e n ------ .........................................* • S. Moore. Public Instruction J . If. Ackerman 1 bUP vz • Amt. X V . H . Î Leeds. PAila W State Printer D. It. N . Blackb urn ............. R. R. fi. Bean 30, T R A V E L E R S ' GUIDE S T E A M ER ‘M IN K , judge Second D istrict. J. W. Hamilton Prosecuting A tto rn e y .. .Geo. M. Brown , O P P O R T U N IT Y M F L O R E N C E , O R E G O N , F R I D A Y , J u jie S T A T E O F F IC E R S PA P22. 1 VO L. X . G ENERAL directory OKLT I .-an.'.at ! C h ild re n ’s “ 20c. “ “ ■ B ig S e le c tio n — Can save you money Ready made Skirls. Ken’s anil Boy's G lolltiii Scotch L aw n ■ M en’s S h irts 26c. an d up F a st Colora ! Bovs’ P re tty P a tte rn s I Bovs S uits 75c. I Men ’ . “ 52.75 4c. per yard. Pretty Shirt Waists “ . 20c. “ “ I Bats anâ Drsss Shirts 30 yds. calico for 51.00 L adies’ U n d erv ests 5c. au d u A. F. C. G ingham s 10c. p er y ard . C hildrens D uck S u itin g a t 20c. p e r y a rd : “ 5c. a “ 8, 10, 12, 15, M en’s U n d e rw e a r........ ............ 50c. and u p p e r suit : : Send us your mail orders; they will ha«© orompt attention, j V . K a u ffm a n . North Mfillawiatta Straat. ** ■ North Willamette Street, Lane Co., Oregon Eugene. j T H E B ISC U IT DIDN’T R ISE . MAY BE T H E M ISSIN G LINK. That M y s te r lo u , an d L' m I. m Orgsu of Baw a Young Dunk Thvngkt *0 •• m s * X a Mtotaku. I They had been visitin g and w hile M on, th e V e r m ifo r m A p a e n d ix . A distinguished palooutologist claims away had lieco given such delicious to have discovered facts serving to show homemade biscuit that the memory of that the vermiform appendix, that m ys­ them still lingered in tho mind. Why teriously uaoloss organ that has annoyed shouldn't they have such things thora- the human fam ily so much of late : selves? The mistress of the house de- years, is no more uor less than the rudi­ | elded that they should, if the had to mentary remnant cf the gizzard w ith ! make them bersedf. Wbat good w ife which he believes the monstrous pro­ would not be w illin g to take a little genitors of man of tho tertiary period troubla to please her husband? Bo in UISS GRORGINKCAUf’BKLL of the eurth'a existence were supplied. this virtuous frame of w ind she repair- only women, leaders of social circles Gome of these gigantic creatures, lizards etl to tire kitchen, and there she stirred but men of the political world and their in form, birds in kind, anil nab in some up her biscuit la the most approved children. nerai functions, aro believed to have devol- fashion, shaped them daintily ami put Among her sitters have been General their oped by the gradual stages described by thorn in tho pan. But "ho was not ac­ Grant, his w ife and several of Mri i tho «npFOTters of the thoory of evolu­ customed to th is work, and it was net. grandchildren: In Philadelphia, tion into tho semblance of a human ba- Ftrunge that she should forget «oms iff G. W Woodward, the beautiful Mrs th s ingredient* it w ss the baking pow­ W illiam Carter and many othars; In I If the bird form bo tho original of tho | der, a sm all but somewhat Important this city. Mr and Mrs. Seth Ix»w, MI bs humau race, it is reasonable to believe , item In the construction of lig h i his- Consuelo Vanderbilt, now- Duchess of that it may have been supplied w ith • calt. She did not one» think of it until Marlborough, and well known society gizzard, which in the bird of modern the biscuit had becu in the oteu a few leaders in different cities tim e posscascs a definite and important mom ent* Then, as she stood gazing Miss Campbell delights in the paint­ function in tho digestion of the food. adm iringly at the outsido of the range, ing of children One o t her beet produc­ The bird having no tooth the food is in w hich contained this pTacioua pruof of tions was the portrait of little Chap­ many cases swallowed whole. Some bar culinary sk ill, she suddeuly ex­ man G rant who. breukfastlng w ith his birds can crush tho food w ith their claimed: distinguished grandmother at the W hite “ There, I forgot all about the baking beaks, but normally the digestion is House, assumed a pose so graceful that . permitted largely through the agency of powder. ” the late Leland Stanford ordered Miss That would have bean a heartbreak­ the gizzard, where the food is ground Campbell to make up a study as a last­ into flno particles. The interior ooating ing thought to w est housewives, but ing souvenir for Mrs. QrauL—New of this organ is rough and muaoular. not to this one. She w as a woman of York World. t Many birds swallgw, as far as the giz- expedients. “ Never m ind," she said as she hur­ I tard, sm all pobbles that aid the process Actresses l a HsWIts. riedly thought over various ways of A bonutlful woman never looks so of attrition. Thus if the latest thoory mending matters; “ those blsonit have well as on horseback. A superb figure be correct a curious paradox is present­ only been in a short time, and I w ill is better sot off by a fit riding habit ed. Whereas in the beginning, aa now, just sprinkle the baking powder over tho gizzard performed its functions than by any other costume. the top, and tt can melt and soak in. " Every pleasant afternoon a noticeable most satisfactorily when suppliod w ith And she dlil. hut the baking powder did trio is remarked on the bridle paths of indigestible substances, its rudiment not. The housewife hot-self tells th is the park end Riverside. N at Ooodwin. that now remains in the human struc­ story of her oooking now w ith great accompanied by the tw o beautiful El- ture becomes a center of dangerous con­ glee, w hile her husband, beiug a patteut : liott sisters. Maxine and Gortrude, al- ditions as soon as any foreign substance, man, never snys a word about I. is part 1 w ays causes a buzz of admiration Max- and especially any bard matter, is de­ 1 of It In the eatin g.—New York T«nw* j tne E lliott's tropical beanty never shows posited in it. One of the marvels of anatomy for to better advantage than in irreproech BaA. W h ite a a * (Mss UeeA Ksseah. some yeurs lias been this strange sac in able ab it «hie h habit. ** War makes society functions an easy Odette Tyler rides as admirably aa the upper intcetlnos, apparently w ith ­ she acts and is niways su stti.m tivs fig­ out the least function in the digestive matter." cystom and capable of being removed "H ow so?" ure on horseback. *• We don’t have to think up any new Maude Adams looks more fragile and w ithout affecting tho health of the pa­ dinner decorations. ’’—Chicago Record. tient save to a favorable degree. Ite girlish In her habit than she does in searches have revealed muny traces of the gypsy garments of Lady Babbie, The descent such rudiments in the human system. but she rides gracefully sud la known 1» certain from Darwin’s studies brought to ligh t many w e a k lung», to the habitues of the park resemblances between n w i aud the lingering Grace Parlotta and Katherine Grey enu(h». throat are both cupital horsewomen and nre lower order* It may now lie that the troubles or despised vermiform appendix w ill be known for some brilliunt and daring bronchial exploited as the real “ missing Hub" adectiotM fonts. The latter had a tussle w ith a binding man to the post ages, when life through bleed- fiery steed one day in the park, and a lug lungs, to assumed muny forms that aro today un­ handsome, stalwart polieoman waa al- con-.'imption If lire f i r s t ¡ most bopiug for a runaway that be known.— Washington Star. m ight ri-acue the pretty icfreas. But Miss Grey brought the high «pirited animal to terms, and thereby spoiled a splendid press agent s to r y —New York W o r l d _________________ flnflrrfMje In lla tm ll. Senator Warren of Wyoming has In troduced in the United 8tutec senate nn ! amendment to strike out the word ' “ mule" from rbe proposed conatltution ' of H awaii The amendment was re­ ferred to the senate comm itteeon worn an suffrage, consistiug of Senat-ea i B eny. Mallory. Hoar. 9n «7 and W et­ more A number of petitions in its fa ­ vor have been received If the uw .nd m eet is not reported by the coiimuttee. Henntor Warren will offer It again when tba bill cornea up In the senate. — Woman'* Journal Queen Kntallw's Budge. Queen N atali* who spends tho grent- 1 er part of the year nt Biarritz, has cs- turned the presidency of the For-iety of Help to the Woonrted on Loud snd Ben at Bayonne Vsnally the Insignia of the Red Cross, the badge of office, la In sliver, but sn exception has been mode in Queen N atalie s cane The Insignia whirh was taken to the S»i rhino pshu-s is of gold sn>l has tb- billowing in- ; •ertption “ G ift offered to her majesty Quoeu Natalie by tb* Bayonne corn ui’. tw e S e v i rg Mr ! L ad ies’ Shoes 90c, and up i M en’s “ 75c. “ “ T ' ic lots! an a of the hand .vt.-h, or H aw aiian , lalands is uLoUt tbe same as ‘ N e w Jersey. stages ate neg leered Thar., ■and» of aec- A young luwytr in ouo of the leading pte who *rc now in their grave« would be lalto r itiis recently pmwed a few days at alive m l w l i <3 day il they b»d beedtd tho home of liis childhood, a rural ham- , the fitst w air, 14» of thou« Louniea whi .1 let in an adjoining county. Whilo them , lead to -in'in-uv'.cn and death Tli hackingrough, «pitting of VP.-vl, ho run across ono of tho characters of eak liii'g« « " - f ill «itnilar trouble» d d e the place, a quaint old man whom bo w organ» of breaihaag, wi'd surely h-i-Z t-> bnd known ever nine® ho cuuld remem­ ronnHUpli'Jti. if they *»« »«t already th t mgn» of it. Then there ove the other led»- ber. “ How's hiznesa lu tow t?” inquirod cation» of the approach of con-:ueud on hired help, ch i’* . covery," (or thousands of Wttei« fr^m th« . .. . _ s to — — ------------ 1 tnfferers there.aUws, who so; now w-.ll. — Clove laud P lain Dealer. hear evidence that the "Golden Itedical Waeovery' ’ w ill erne even after go i p ty- ; B i r F o i s t • ( V ie w , ‘ aicians have pronounced the di»ea-»»•. by »Lada » Bl». Uraygrcrn is seilio g h it piet orsa llko stucke. *’ Ye». fin has quit painting to plesso tbo arti».ts ano is paint.ng to pleas« tho p a lile .* ’— New York Journal w tH tence hire ilw w h«e «if » ■ ,□ * ’■ ' "IT •leeu, e«rt bad m ate «P "»7 not live (hrough Ihew teSrr ’ .T '* Golrtea M edie.! te«every and - in - M nyri»«' a . I e r a S M » . ¿ » 0 i ♦o „ f thal I was b e d « • Wok eight te I karr not fle'.t hi •• -*•**< l*VBfciUw"-, Dr Fierce’« Fleas»«! Feilet* for constipation aud WlkwsixKk