T b e f i a a ’a M o t lo e . Miss L acy T u ck er, th e daughter o fa prom inent farmer o f V traailk s, la d ., was the victim o f oervotu prostration. Most o f the tim e she w as confined to bed, and w as on the verge o f S t. V ita s’ dance. It w as a p itiful case w hich m edical scien ce failed to conquer. F in ally • doctor prescribed Dr. W illiam s’ P ink P ills for P ale People. H er father said * * W e began g iv in g the p ills nt once, and th e n ex t day w e could see a change for the better in her. W e gave her o n e pill after each m eal until sh e w as entirely w ell. She has not been sick a day since. W e think th e cu re alm ost m iracu­ lous. F rknk T ucksr , Mrs. F . T ucksr . A d oafcroDoraicti] fact now on lurnnT- HIS FIR ST TH IM B L E . In w e n tw r J o h n » .c r u x .* M a d e • F o r - l o u r F t * « a * o i 0 .IO b e a r * A g o . Ij causing no litt’o perplexity to some id that tbu aua’d motion—which uk “Thers is a rich family named Loft questionably and imliaputably is ex- tremejy qui'Jr does Dfbf change the iug in England. " said a dealer in fancy relative co^Hoxi of the solar system to articles, '‘the fortune of whose house the atfrs aud the consteilatjoca was fonn.tod by so apparently lugignifi. mor« *b.an tt ei inally does, a n d th ere cant a little thing as the thimble “The first thimbles seen in England Are feme who eg I bi* account are io- clinch to dent* the actual motion of were made in London lees than 2ud years ago by a inetaJ worker tamed tb e iu o in fpaco. Tbp iBvratijfofioa» of astronomers John Lofting. “Tbe usefulness of the article recom­ hove nrveptbrh w establiebed one thing as certain— namely, that the sun jeovts mended it at once to all who used the tbrongb epiu e nt a great sperrt—esti­ needle, and Lofting acquired a large fari wl o had a mirrorlera home She mated by some scientists at lH miles tt fortune and great fame in the manufac­ W O M A N ’S W O R L D . was an elderly woman, and she wore in ture of the new cc-cestory to tho needie- eecond—carrying all the pinnets, satel­ the first place a large hat. worher’s art. lites and other cosmical bodies along A re prepared from Na. Now. the hat habit among women is “The implement was then called the NEBRASKA W O M A N S T A T E '9 A T T O R ­ with it. but this motion of the Vast turv's mild laxatives, ant,, ; one that require« much consideration luminary, yrhiie ntfecting, of course, thumb bell and was worn on tbe thumb. N E Y FIG H T S JU S T LIKE A MAN. Picture hats are altogether charming. while gentle are reliable “The clttmey mode of utilizing it the real motion of the plant ts in space, and efficient. They does not in even the slightest degree was soon changed, but when and why D a n * e r l a Q n l e k T e m p e r — B I * R a t - but they require the picture woman i under them or they become, like ull ex- aff et tbe relative motion of snn and the name thimble was given the article s o i l S h o r t S k i r l —T h e F a i n n o o l l l l e . ) ¿.¿'¿¿rated pictures, curicaturea Now. do not appear planets Mr. & Mrs. Frank T ucker, being M a e a r t y — W h y M e n D o n ’t M a r r » — A the picture woman is usually a young ousg "Loftiqg’s thimbles, and, in fact, all t ; t n under the supposition of ec d u ly sw orn, sta te that th e fore­ W u n ia a L e R ls la to r . woman There are very few elderly wo­ thimbles, were made of either iron or gri .t a rate as 16 miles in one second, Cure Sick Headache, B i l ­ g o in g is true in every particular. Miss Estelle Mae Davisson, Nebras­ men who can wear large hats, and if this relative position of the sun to the brass, and specimens of them extant, iousness, Sour. Stomach, they do they must—oh, they must H och J ohnson , fixed -tars would, astronomers declare, many of which are preserved as heir­ ka's only woman state's attorney, is and Constipation. Sold Justice o f the Peace. be hardly perceptible in a rw-|tory. on looms, are crude and clumsy looking Just completing a most successful term wear long, trailing «kirts Now, the woman at the breakfast account of the almost lut’ iceivahlo things compared with the commonest ns prosecuting attorney in Brown coun­ everywhere, 25c. per pox. — From the Republican, Versailles, distance of the latter-—tho conclusion thimbles of today, although their cost ty and is now in the pubiic eye to a 1 may have had long skirts at homo, but. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co. JAwelLMasQ. Ind. considerable extent, owing to the fact being of an economical turn of mind, 1 being, therefore, that many thousands of was many times as much. “Today gold, silver, iron, ivory, that she lias followed the footsteps of sire said to herself, very likely “Now, years must f.ase before the eun’a proper D r. W illism a' Pink Pill» for Pale People motion in space can change tho config­ steel, sometimes glass and even pearl older and wiser politicians in insiitut I will put on my good hat. and I shall OOutaiu, in a condensed form, »11 the ele­ ment* necessary to glee new life and rich- and cellnloid are utilized in making ing »contest to hold the office, of which be sitting down It is a nice big hat. uration of the star groups. neaa to the blood and restore ahatlered thimbles. Siuco art needlework became the has been tho incumbent for two imd I don't believe there will be anoth­ --- — jr nerve«. They are an unfailing specific fur T'J}* Mweheie. tashicnuble thimbles of elaborate work­ years past, for on the face of the re­ er one in front of me as big. so no one aneh disease* aa locomotor ataxia, partial As a defensive v.eapon the value of manship and great value, to accompany turns in the last election she was de­ tan naturally think of any other part paralyeia, St. Vitus’ dance, aelatlca, neural- fik, rheumatism, nervous headache, the of me when that hat is in view, and 1 the niiich e te is .'-until. Even its offensive the rich and costly implements and ma­ feated by one vote. after-effect» o f the grip, palpitation of the effect depend* ! -s on the weapon itself terials wealthy needleworkers affect, 1 Miss Davisson is 27 years of age. She will wear my year before last’s skirt, heart, pale and «allow complexion», and ull than ou tho continual and skillful have found a large sale. was horn in Washington, la., Dec. 14, and not drag my gcod one through tho fttnea of wcaknea* cither In male or femuje. usago made of it hy the Caban peasant “ Solid gold thimbles, carved and fre­ 1871 For six years following I860 she dirty streets." Or. William»' Plak Pills lor Paia People art never This was undoubtedly good logic as from his earlier ago, which imparts a quently set with diamonds, have been was a resident of Sibley. Ia., aDd in • • I t *y the Seien or haatfred, but atwavs 1« pack- peculiar training to the muscles of the found none too good for some people 1886 moved with her parents to Long far as it went, but year before last’s •fl«*. At ah druggists, dr direct Irom th* Dr. Wll i wrist and arm of the operator. The Thimbles made to order, with the mono­ Pine, Neb., her present home. Three skirts are almost humorous now. espe- Haras Msdltlne Company. Schenectady, N. V., SO cahtd par pax, e bexaa »¿.to. I consequence of this skill is that when­ gram or initials of the person for whom years later she graduated from tbe high ' cially if thpy happen to have been out ever a quarrel occurs between two they are intended set in precious stones, school She distinguished herself during in the rain and lost an extra inch or “gunjiros" or “ nionetros” they settle are not by any means unknown.*'— her school days by an individuality pe- ' two The skirt the elderly woman with the matter with their machetes as cour­ Philadelphia Press. ’ tho big hat wore was a long skirt in that I b a re need lUpaaa Tabalea arttb aoom en M tfc- ageously and tenaciously as two game- | it was never intended for a short skirt, I been ri prest cuffriiar fro m eo a ^ ip atlo a IBeBee tbaa 1 eaa ebeertiu!? ree-ru.arroJ curio. fo ro re rB '-e ferir«. N utuin« gave m e m . j ? relief. j cocks, and generally both parties are ! j but it must have been at least four B y J Ia lt, P o t l a g t P a in , HE A TE T H E SOAP. K a re been creuhtet to r almas caree pears vrrea >(> feet aad legs aad »Udcmca w ere M is te d to *h a » I eaUcd U l l o u attacks eoO laa o a netnlarlp seriously injured for life or me killed i inches shorter than the trailing gowns 1 o o u kiao l Wtotxshoe«on «ny feel uud oaly • loon« oaea a week. W u told h r o t it e r c t phpaiclana I ma I M W 11 Ip»»« Tabulo« adrertU cd I d our on the spot. ■ G a r la n d W n n lil U a ,- e S w a llo w e d I t I f I the well dressed woman now wears. that la was eaaard bp bail teaib. o f which 1 b u t dully pativi*, bo Uuhi m obs « aatj tooJttlicf» tu t direi t- I I H a d K i l le d H im . cerera!. I bad the H u h a x tn e ta d , hot Cka a t­ Owing to this fact and to the nntn- In the anteroom of tbe big ballroom of •d . Hare« lukea U*«¿n aboulYrirc» wee Ics and ib.r.a ta in s c-raejaoed. 1 k»o aeea odvnctiaenieate ad L» io-:o u change I I am n o | eou tlpaUsl tnj mbr» rnl kindly disposition of tho Cuban The late Augustus H Garland, who j the Waldorf-Astoria the people gather Ripana t a i m i * . la a ll i t * papera but bad co f a ll * and I o n - |$ g ii to lupaa« Tabul««.' la m th itty - la tknaa. bet ahaa» U a w eak* alaoa a fricad la | after an entertainment to talk to their M T ea >«ur* old, h»vg t o o cc u p atiti, only n.f 1 peasants, they are not a quarrelsome was attorney general under President daaad a x to t r j IM a c B a re taken but Iw o o f the household dntih« 4, id n u .tln g my glori Mu,b e a i. people and respect everybody, to be Cleveland, was very fond of practical friends and gaze at their enemies There aaaaH S c aal b o *« * of tbe Tabular aad bar« ta d Bo M s t a d tbo luto a em wdi d “ --------- » I K icM at machete is employed to cut down the Voorhees, of munching candy, and Vest yiuco w ithout getting a made her look as if she was on stilts. — (Tncludln« p o ritx e ) to any p a r t 0« t t o U n it»« ad Ib a ta a rO t headaehaaud «lek at :ny thpruy heath of tropical vegetation a and Voorhees made it up between them Elat««. Canada and M exico. New York Times. deelrad from •Con «rio I I X hem <1 «bout ■Spaaa t Tcbulaa. Ttb u lar. I am am a ♦ T H E W E E K L Y C H K O N IC U D . thri brlfflltorit small brunch of speciuJ shape, called Mliaa.» Tributes from an to take advantage of bis fondness for R I-P A N S M doaaaoaai euroa aad ? riuttt o f iidna woo wa» and most complete W riakiy N e w sp aper In Cria sweets to piay their trick. They had the “ garabato, “ is used to hold the T h e F n m o n « 3 U Ie . M n c a r t y . m t a il pritfraolou a idear taking than» fo r catarri» w orld, print» r« r u la r ly 111 Colum n«, or «ixtaaa bead la a-w . pa aeedad. heath and do rapid work without be­ «time tempting looking chocolate cara­ of thu summon. St,o hud Writing of “Social Life In America's po- them on his desk. The lid being off culinrly her own, and after graduating ar, Pb. a , H» O » * * r k say they hura ro:np(< to per trace in the Coaet S tataa, not on B a ate m He waa the eon of a worthy citizen when Mr. Garland sauntered down the • made up her mind that she would fol- j leader Mile Macarty in Tho Ladies am. Sanat CStp, I look ly curad m y bcadachaa. , cine; £ u r e s the kisana Tabulae w ith Home Journal “She always dressed as iT im 'i knowled«e of th e ir ow n locaiittea. I am t «a iy otra y e a n and had just returned, from college. aisle he noticed them at once. ! low some calling which would place her dpaad aaaulMv old. You aro wplcoma j they did in the time of Louis XIV. and His father was a brusque, matter of “ i Wn common every-day lo usa U ita tcstlasonluJd “ What have you there, Dan?' he in ­ on an equal footing in tho world's bat- : even in her old age never, either in SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. fact m a il, who had no liking for any- quired Mr«. J. firiooKMTrifi, j tie with those of the opposite sex. Her ill of humanity. I thing pronounced, aud he noticed with father, J 8. Davisson, was a prominent , winter or summer, covered her arms, \ oorhepg looked up carelessly from i U a r t b i n »ori ; which were very beautiful Her most sorrow that bis son returned with the attorney, and in 1892 she entered her his writing and responded “ Caramels. MS» ««M«Xl b f intimate friend was Mine, de Bore, nnd lip M T M yprir a M tor latest thing in collar* and various oth- Help yourself. " a . (a * a good father's office ns a student From Oc- •arr«te<1 w ith puiun la trri Oo« tf« f i the two made life interesting for New qr insignia of fashion. The old gentle­ hl* tend. c<>aBUp«ti< n i tober. 1894, until the spring of 1890 Garland needed no second invitution •to «ri\r a tesitmoreiM and o <111 plriJarid of hi« man sirveyed him critically when he and. picking up two or three, plan ] [ she was a member of tbe law depart­ ; Orleans. Mila Macarty owned a chaise Ml Ito pBMT twiorstaf linm ai'b. He could not * l» r ir i« TU müm . Bb« appeared in his office qnd tbtn blurted one in his month Htesdily he chawed ment of the State university of Ne­ which had a closed front of glass and •«€ Ilk« «IiUdrea of h l* toucMtoad to f i ’ «<*«■ I I KAHa »tri do rind W h » » hri out: 1 which was unique in the colony. She a t o t , va« t r e a t l j away, hia face betraying no sign of the braska. und graduated therefrom with did «at l*»»«oM bars oriiy relieved tnjt acu ially oufr i n-y yoauctlrir* reply, a friend walked in. j | "He's eating them. Vest 1 What shall was a Republican stronghold, but she down tho plantation roads with all the w tis t k * l»iU aM tlo a » k ic k w u th « head ^ ee huvu d'«appear« .1, bowel« r.re to “ Why, hello, Billy! Dave you return­ we do? The »tuff will kill him anrel” was elected over htr opponent by eight grandeur of a queen's. Dtessed as Mme * r o « l a b u M a fo r Iw r. O ur whole fo o d ooBdllloB ar.il lie av er O"Btpl«.n« 0 / hl« I Sake U.a Tekolea ro m la rl» , eepeeDiitj a f tee ed?” he asked. “ Dear me, how much i Senator Vest replied that it conld do votes. •loDiat-h. Be 1« now a red, chul»by-f;4.*« u-prlcM a»’rt la l^riuded f « Ib * «our and U a ueoocale»ü. oda his son. T U K C 2 IR O N IC I.B h«« no «ffual «a fto taettte - ^ ^ra 1 an,o m k .. _ .s. B T rifituem ay a t o »• ha« atf arito fTri«eVa.fferirinU «lo re lte e m . aewa a*e«ie aa« e*«ea news. procession came through the great | tbe election, npheld by tho belie, that Pri tto y baaiah pala, ladririe «tea? «x4 «r¿¿cof Ufe t t o f l r e a relie«. The Fifth Avenue National batik of T H E C H R O N IC L E ’ S Teleffrap hte l U t o r t e S l r r n * t h « n l i i K W n k IS y rs . ! when a woman can overcome a major­ recan trees of tho neighboring planta­ lh* u te s t and moet rellririte, It« Docril N ew » the New York has 6,000 women depositors. tion the little postilion, who looked fuileht end spiciest, end Its EdHertete fra* tto Wha, is said to lie an excellent lotion ity o, 116 votes in a total vote of 671 ; It is situated at the corner of Forty- more like a monkey than a man. gal­ »blrgt pen« In the oountry. H I6 TALKING M ACHINE. 1 fifth street and Fifth avenue, in the for strengthening weak eyes is as fol­ she ought to have been defeated fairly loped his horses furiously ahead and ex­ T H E C H R O N IC L E has « Iw o j« been, r ito ril- midst of the residences of wealthy lows: Four teaspoonfiilMof boracicpow­ by legal electors, which she claims she citedly shouted. ‘Mila Macarty is com­ reay« w ill be. tbe friend and ebaunpte« o / t t o o«rB »k by * a y der and a pint of boiling water Pot was not The contest is creating con­ pi’cple. as riffrilnst cocnblnailoas. ettqve«. •««- tlusnee, aDd is almost exclusively pat­ b as T k s a - ing!' The outriders would twirl their ronized by rich women, who keep their tho powder in a jug nnd pour the water siderable interest nil through the state horses into the greut avenue of trees: roratlons, or oppression» any kin d . I t w tl! t o tidepeiuient In eve rything, ire n tm l tri i “ " 8IM*a« te tilo antig back parlor of tho household accounts and pin money over It. Stir until quite dissolved, then —Special in Chicago Tribune the colored children would get out of ntffra-lri Mark«obtained and all Pai put the solution into a bottle and keep ÏÎ \ Bkarry tuere. The receiving tellers are very ) oondnr ted for Modem to Pee«. the way as speedily as possible, each re­ DO VJU WAH1 THS ÇHRMIUE D s n a e r In th e Q u ic k T e m p e r . Too landlord, beaidoa supplying 1*1. draw in g o r p ho to. W r ir id r la e if busy during the first few days of every well corked until required. When re­ freqartpt. Mc*e«ry tefroaftmant. re rio f ch-irrMs 4>nr fee n o t d u e t< !li quired, add a little boiling water to nn There is a wife who loses her temper peating tbe call of the little postilion in month, when tho putrons of the bank p-ktcctleaeetire.l. A Pamphlet “How to< h f the lead. With a glorious and skillful laid ok a new diveraion for hia miu käteni«,*' with eo«t e f a.im« in the U. t . ‘ bring in the allowances they have re­ eggcnpful. with or without the addi­ and proceeds to tell her husband what turn the horses would be hronght up aadferetgnoriunul«« mnt free. Audrvaa. tion of two teaspeonfu’s of laurel or she thinks of him—thnt is. what rhe ceived from their husband* or fathers. , beside the spacious piazza cf tho ante­ A phoaograph stood on th« tabb. and elder flower water, aud bathe the eyes thinks of him when she is mad a, him hut the rest of the time they have com­ A. 3N O W & CO. bellum plantation, the master of the I» waa •mittiuff acumi» «rf rovetry by _O» C. f y.TO N T n . r i o , , V /s a M tR O T e n . D . C paratively few depositor* to take care frequently with this, using a soft rug To express her opinion at this time takes house would come out to assist the lady Shewing the Ual'fiü Stale«. D*m,«Ug ■igM. 4U Wm Islwt ucw and popolar of, aud have plenty of time to asaist the or fine sponge for the pnrpuec.—New sneer, invective, accusation, blind nn- from her carriage, and then wonhj | of Canada «ad Narthara «¿xlaa 1 Maga Cf thè day W»re ou tap. or, reason. reproach und goading abuse. paying tellers in cashing checks that York Tribune. o w g m p . s i n e , _ *k ascr» by thè hook, calne tip lo Nothing ean turn her from tho madness walk Ht arm s length with a minuet have l«een drawn to meet grocery cr Insect Note«. tbe aerate«. step through the hall, where each would of her mood until she is left mistress of dressmakers' hills OM ailBderr waa extreineiy inUreet- The slow flapping of a butterfly * the situation for a long enough time to drop the lowest courtesy to the other o n T IT F ! O T I I C I l B I D « , e i He «ad aeeu notbiug like it in «ia wing produces do sound. When the cool her vexation Then gradually she and then pass into the drawing room ' ft n J -iz u n 4 < .« t t n « A H a n k o f H a ir . G e s lx ly C h r c u t c l» f u r O n * T o « * » Chirken« are «old by the piece in movements are rapid, a noise is produc­ repents, swings the pendulum of dispo­ p o s t * - « v z e im le n a g t a g i ----------’ W h y M e n D o n 't M a r r y . “ What alight I be able to get one of ed which increases with the number nt sition the other way. greets him who Bueno* Ayrea They are dressed before ADDKZax t«Ma thing* for r" be asked a uirlaB- vibrations Thus tho house fly which vacated in dismay with smiles on his The extravagant theory of the young being offered for sule, the only feather» M. h . a* Y o m r » , » chaiy pemonngo. a stranger to him pnidncee the sound o , F . v ib ra te » its return, coaxes, “ makes up” and is people as to the necessity for keeping left upon them being those o , the tail Vrop rielor S If. inllT». “ About a fiver." wings 21,129 times a minuta or 835 "quick over i t ’ up a certain etyle is the reason why sc S S N V H A .xC IB O O .O V fc. The same custom prevails in Chinn “ ’Tain t deer at (hat Very exlraor- There is a inan who wakes up cross I many of them put off u nrriage year as to dogs, where a bit til the dog’s hair times a second, and the bee, which aoM S i» « - .a r o , M r . . N c / kiuo ond Bi> dlnary thing*! Kind of talking ma ta always left on the end of the tail, makes a sound of A, as many as 30.409 mid on the first occasion rears his fetl- after year and finally drift into the ir 'WiWri\V,WrVfÄtWWAVWV_____ , In o liiu ..« n i4 , ,iio o i, MvegMMnrrhwa, cbinm. ain t thryf" FraoSaSao-rBwa, D.hni rtao, ulaas, , even when the animal is cooked. Bnt times or 440 times a second. A tired iegs at his wife with brutal disregard remediable stage of celibacy. Girls C T Y L IS H . R E L IA B L E ! “ Talking machine*? That’* what rr»* pi,»,e. iated by his c< n«nre aad cowed by his after tnurriago. The annual com of meh body of tbe eater. n I» . ' < • , MF.il Ire. bul U wiU lmowB io V» « fnir i T h e W h a le C a r e F r .r R h e s m a t la is . “Oot 0 what?' stonu of scurrility He bangs off down a girl s maintenance is more than the •a d f ' h y a i w t Sturfftou, ire-tiniu»nt ' ut Fut tnricinhy- O lM c n n r R o f J l c n . It is said that in Australia there is n town, leaving those he has injured to income of a young mannnlesshe be ex­ “ A talking machine. ” A ilw al» That K b « re RoaAa. kl.ri t l h l ll » tborottfC t r »mtltcated frtuu Ui» hotel where rheumatic imtieuts ecus re- , tbe unhappiness of memory But he ceptionally fortunate The fault H ps “ Have you. now) What did It coot •r»iz>? ) «rtthoGi »tth)« I k r r n r . T s The Welsh monutaiu sheep have ob gate Whenever a wit' le has hceh taken R V P K Y WAN uitfftlvb i: in nn win IW- ft BAZAR. I you. if ao be aa it a in » a rudo qnee- tained legal recognition of their nbilitv the patients are rowed over to the work* ceinue home with good nature ami per­ with parents. I uless they aro prepared tioaT' haps a peace offering. He is received as to give a fortune with »daughter when to distinguish tKiundariesand their c u t in which the animal ia m t up, the ' la “ > / vrP lt O"® “ A mint of money— hundred* cf > 4 H a lla r e . t u di through their pastures Gue flock whalers dig s narrow gra'D in the brvly if nothing had happened. Every one is she marries they have do moral right pound» " ico TBE|£ and M riHy ; iX o thunkfu) it is through with once more, to make her unfit for the po,,tiou"of I’f i t r J u rx .v u ffs jiz.t’ pf nheep foagbt a trespassing flock and p r t r XXAXOtrAVLÍ amt in thia the patient lies for iwo «E BETTER AT AXYTRICBl “ Hondredaof pound* tor ■ talking niewi p«renn«nv ut by letter. («« ] (br bonk. the court decided that the sheep were hour*, as in a Turkrii bath, thedacooi- nnd all seem to think there is a specinl wife iq the home of a young man who KMebiaer' “ T k i Phll««e|>hy o f M A n ioco/ grace in a moan ebullition that is quick *«>V Oh, O „ J t . , , I has his fortune to make. And this s worth a half crown mors than other» I««iing blubber o, the whsle closing U h . (A va I«»U« bXl. Lrnrea.) 5 , — • " f “ * " * U" P ••n t 1 “Sir. " returned the other, “ that wa* not a trivial mistake, for it is fl great because they knew their roads and round hi* body and acting as a huge i over TI«rr »■- JOBDAWM a *£1.> ? < > * O n ' , , , S |'■ « - • iv .J ASS.,I. yo-jr pji-,, what I aahl I have a wife I" is it all over when i? is “quickover?' and increasing source of personal un G r e a t M o n eti in o f A n a t o m y i bumnlariee. poultice. This is known as the whale Nqt by any means. Somebody has been b«Pl"nesa and it inevitably promote, Then everybody knew why be waa ao tkri lùi««t anti Lnrtrèt k! uwumcf Ufi LB»d U tec THE McCALL company , enre for rhemnntisni *W- Ccm« «ri k A Fr ke» m \Jly yr 4 B x p lo a lr « . meUbcholy. —Ally Slnper J 1331» 146W. U lh t i r i t i . -, r t burf.-ud insulted Reproof has been immorality Instead of thousands of k au« hen io .tvdim na luMn« tu 4 fU«-*»«. í ■ o Y *x rc tî Ac ambitious young writer having \s i *-« mrtiiitfiaUv ati A1«r»«t 3t., Sen FriacisCri f C t f t a r i « I t o t i . San F r tre fw a CM. Grim snnbeak—C govern meut *1- tboukl have escaped Tears have been other cities^ there should be thousands Oce of U| a DHwt uiuuainff tiMtimctri the higheet poaitiug quickent?” »11 of mluoodentandiag a word in told by tnld. “A powder magazine, if you colt ways H.-crns to do ,h« l ight thing at the »bed in secret by the sensitivo. And the of modest homes, in which von ng mar­ right time aa old chunhwatden of Wallingford. tribute a fiery article. ” selfish iadulger in temper igos added to ried e-ouples would be helping sR,-h oth- Ho W **B 't L « n . Yeast—What has tt done now? England his list of preventable trnnsgrew-ions. Tbl° T o'® dreau,s cf tbpjr youth Bigg*—(Jane a rivalry betwseu Tow “ Why. it has issued the new series At one time the bishop of Oxford aent The ol.lv»t medical recipe is said by u The sudden anger that is quick over 11.»* old fashioned virtu«, thrift do- Bad Fred. cf 11 bills just as the first southern round to tbe churchwarden* tnqulrle* Griggs— Yee, 1 understand they are French medical jonrnal to be thut of a strawberries bav* reached otir mar­ m»y do a deed th it r.o repentance «yi mestlc economy, saving „p fjr „ rai among which waa atone for Murders are often the result , fizy. needs a revival, not especially , je (Srlghtest Mtgiil.i« ' Pobn.bod both seeking the baud of Mist Tnffett hair tonic for an Egyptiau queen It ia kets. ‘—Yonkers Statesman. “ Doee your officiating clergyman PI»(S» dated 409 B C . aud direct* that dogs t-f haMy ire Iu the fury af a moment u tbe homes oi the very poor, bnt in - a Co"?,'n* n M * ’ b .il < . Billga— Thij both cb IK w I at her bouse . » l,h ,„ r a u a k. e«. Vautrai. I a.* yreacb the gospel, aad aw hi* convert* paw* and asses' hoefa be boiled wit?- the lov* of a lifetime may be lost and those who have fair inconii, sn-1 whose F* 2 « . 2 - I t llty V , ; r ; g« a R ta h to A . tho other evening aud ut once began tian and carriage cineiatent there dates in oil Fnzxy—I hc.«r yettr minister is a niy- the sinnor prepare for himself »n in the etcitiug gouie of trying to qutait » S - f with ?" effaceabie ragret to adopt (he babtt* and ape the ways of cdo-rist Yegr,Brians (insert thnt m e scro of To thia the rhnrrhward-n of W»1 each other Tmu had to g i v e it up final But. whether great HVd (-.-vi.apieaous the very nch - \Va.h;M?„ n p t W uzj y—Well you have heard wrong. [ g ÀY ' - the M c C all co .. I land will conifortahly support four par- lingford replied. “ He preachsa tbe go* ly and left Fred in possessi.n results come about or not. tqs quick ’ He is a Calvinist —New York Tritcna Griggs—J8o f’rvd |u t tho belt c , it? tout co a vegetahie diet. pel. but he does not keep M arriage.'' S U À lo 14« W . I 4 tfi f t , t W » V M k = t temper work* woe without excRM It ' F i g g a - l e n t fi A U’nui.xu Legiaiator. «eesti'Vi (, w e* a ................. .. . .-S —O t c n n ^kg ^n <»« 'f.WtMv'AM.VY.M/.'fi’iVi-fiPS * is no doubt better to got over if than to ' Mra. H G R. Wrtght «.f th*Coli»ad(j r a i r r o ig id . n n d rota di t m i take N o t 1 .1 .1 « » C n io I II » t * r t a e l|H e * . I I u to r e t h e P la y . sulk in »urly wrath The poutur i< legislature lataiy mMo , n cta „ )rtUv awnyriie pifiriAt hwiCreilh wh»n h» Ufi “»> you are rh nctiexiisooioniet,' never so geuenm, ms tlw apitfl.A Bat speech The t>cnv.v >'<■*» u v , ..»fri D t e e » * e t a S w e a t. I They wrre giving "!8he Steeps ty thn boom — B-wt.in 'J'ranscript tai.l the little man tbe mere fact that tli* irj». io ., utvim II O n Wrighi. r e p r e s e n t “ It strange. ‘ resuarked Aguinaldo Uouqocr ' iu a »mail provinci«! town “ I «ui air." rvpIM the trig rush their own e-i raniuiity quickly U uo ex- Arapaho* ccunty -rf-.-e ,T can-ed C a r r i * . H I * ■ a t s h » « I » I li o H ,. « l I r * . •a be signed a receipt for another rnn A penniless tudiriJual, anxious to so; ' Well. sir. returned tho little tarn, ciise for givij-g way io the unfeeling membi-rs of the h,„M ,o p), „ , aotn, “ bow aeldom a man realise* tbe lu some placo, meu carrv boni* the play, ataiked past ta* ti.-kct offix dcareet ambitious of hi* heart. " knives sud gnu» in tbt Ir bn>t ieq. One m » .vtrel-aM, ludapaudeat sort ,-f w ,y “ all I w a «ay is ,h«t for a ccm«i»,e»t exhibition of mg«.— Mrs George Arclti « tu n a ,, on ,1.. ,bii«Ucs lif , hp w, X n “ You here gut ou very wail. '' iuiu , Liay meet in Fidton tlah inuikst in liu- When «topped and aiksd by wnvt right sn ti4 < New Yuik entertainment* with, ut see "Ah. beg (-etdou, sir, 'said the check’ pent, when it ha* always oeen my belief log up 1? ile» an i barrai* tu wln.-h ?iih coi-.ui m to * frw «entcccva rrent rittrm t Uicn ' Ing the ne.al o? it *ud :Le lack > > f it tak -r. waklug a bow that nature intended me for a pottticai I sm pseked. and *he i mtt.