The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, June 23, 1899, Image 2

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.T E S E
E S T .1
Dee. 31st, 18*J8, have been doing
plain talk in g about
— F IR M S H K V g V X R Y
V iti UÀ Y
H u b m s o .—
T he follow ing h» the
■ Oregon a» revised and
gam e
for ì
Iho I
last legislature:
L v \ k C o i’NTV,
i .
• - • CV - • -
W . tiW E A T H E R S O N
E d ito r
P ro p rie to r.
P eer, moose, m ountain alieep,
i 15th to Novem ber 1st.
j Silver grey squirrel,
O ctol«r
lat to
! January lat.
G rouse,
west Cascade m ountains
(O ctober 1st to Decem ber 1st 5 oaet
m ountains,
Novem ber 1st.
F lo re n c e , O f c . J u n e f 3 , 1899.
A ugust
f n on err. uovlab C s « - r s r o « r : .T .
tb s
som e |
situation over
■ - —
there. Or.e of them s a id : “ Tno chief
We saw an account recently la an
draw- back to tho sp eedy im provem ent change w here a lady in attem pting to
W a s h .. D C . Jun e 12, 1899.
of condii ions in Cuba is th e w ant of eave her hat from blow ing off in a su d­
It depends en tirely upon Canada j recognition of the best elem en t of Cuba, den gust of w ind dropped her dog into
wludber a tsm p oiary agreem ent on the j Kv tlic U 8 governm ent. Our «blest
the water and in rcsjainsc to her cries a
A lisk a n boundary sh all he reached, or ' “><”» have stayed in the liaebgrouud and gentlem an who stood near threw off his
w hether the (Maputo sh all
rem ain open
anil a constant source o f danger. Dip-
lomfltic representatives of th e U 8 and
R class w ho are inexperienced and lack- coat and followed th e dog. H e savod
«»'« in «11 the essentials of statesm an- tho dog but cam e near loosing his own 1
j sh ip lias conic to th o front, m ainly j life from exbauston.
Great B ritain have agreed upon a tern- i through loud talk. U n fortu nately this ’ Now this persou with a dog may have
to i porary lam ndary, provided on the part i class has boon accepted as stan ding for j been a lady, but sho could not have !
of th e E nglish diplom ats th at th e j **,e high est interests of the people, 1 been a wom an. A woman would scorn :
C a sca d o ; C anadian governm ent consents. A s I through
lack of a clear conception of the ' to lie seen carrying a dog around when
j m o u n ta in s with ex*(prion of C latsop, | Canada has from the first been th e only j actual needs. W hen things arc seen in
there are so m any hom eless cbildrcu
1 Coos, Curry, Jackson and Josep h in e obstacle to th e reaching of a p e r m a n e n t' their true ligh t and th e local am ateurs
Tin- e liter of the 8 1 Chroniclo in
that would be glad of half tho care given .
counties, October i s t to Decem ber let.
agreem ent, no one fee)« over confident I *fu m ade V» give way to their su|>eriore. by m any votaries of fasinng to then j
sp eak in g of a suoofiug scrape w hich re­
I h esssiite, quail, partridge, October • ti,nt ¡t wiit agree t0 t he temporary the relations betw eeu tho U 8 and
c en tly ftjffnrrcd tetiv eeli lo y s in that
let to D ecem ber 1st.
arrangem ent, un less com pelled by pres- j Cubans w ill lie m ore satisfactory. The
«•itysays: ‘‘It is fortunate and su rp ris­
Snipe, Septem ber 1st to February 1st. J 8Uro froia th e B ritish governm ent to do m ass of our people are docile and easily
in g that m ore harm is not done with
Prairie ch ick en s, S.ptum bcr le t to*
so. Officials are very positive in saying m anaged, if only a little tact is show n.
these ready weapons, th at is to say
! Novem ber 1st.
that the governm ent has gono to th e lim it They do not w ant any more fighting
m ore harm of a physical character. T h e
D ocks, Beptmber 1st to March lo th .
m aking concessions in order to get and only ask a chance to m ake a liv in g .j
m ental and inerrl harm is Ireyond e sti­
this settled .
The reports of disorder and brigandage,
June 21st, 1899.
m ate. The pistol in a b oy’s pocket is 1
Elk for ¡1 period of 10 years.
Ttie adm inistration doutbless has good 1 an^ t ',u
Mre 8ent o u l *° American
Mrs Tom Säubert has a new bicycle.
not only evid en ce of had reading, or ■
other influents«, but of 4 bent of m ind 1 Beaver for a period of 20 y e a r s .
reasons for not m aking public som e of 1 PHP€rf,> are greatly exaggerated, and the , M iss W hitmore visited in Acme Sat­
w hich may easily ‘«ad to crim e. Once i M ongolian pheasants, east *of the the recent disp atch es from the P h i l i p - i ’e Kr‘i3tl'Rt part
tlle 8t° ries that
there it is apt to » tty and becom e a fix - ! cascades, at any tim e.
pines, hut on gen eial principles, the : *PP‘‘i r under a H avana date line are , Chaa Sl.erbondy and w ife left for
lure in t’.e pocket of the m an with a l l ! Mongolian pheasants, Olatsop, Coos, ; policy of secrecy is au unpopular one. I ,nai*8 i r°in ’’• hole c lo th ." W hile it I Eugene Monday.
Curry, Jackson and Joseph in e counties
Mrs M iller of tho lake country is in
w hich that im plies of the hasty shot or
In the present case it is responsible for ' 0,1,81 not be forgotten that th e sp eak er!
Acme dress making.
lor a period of three years.
th e ivanton hom icide.
a thousand and one rum ors, which are ' ^e 'o n88 to the
unrecognised “ best
George HRdsull wus seen on our
W ild turkeys, E nglish partridge for !
Tho case is one for the atten tion not
aggravated by the press reports of m ore elen5*«l t . ” «nd is not clear of prejudice, ■ streets a few days ago.
a period of five years.
on ly of the authorities, but uf parents.
fighting over there. T he public k n ow s I m uch
he s-l>'9 a*reefl w ith opin ion s , Mr nnd Mrs George C ham berlain!
' le g a lly »penning, it ough t to ha as
th at the press reports are correct as far > e x Pressed by clear headed A m ericans ' visited in Acme Sanday.
Deer, m oose, m ountain sheep, nt any aa they go, liecnuae, otherw ise they ! w'10 a ,e fam iliar w ith Cuban affairs.
I Mr Frank K nowles was in
town with ,
accountable to sail a pistol to a m inor
tim e.
as to sell Inm liquor or adroit him to a
would not be allow ed to pass th e m ill-j
strawberrios to sell Saturday.
Hnipe at any tim e.
g.« in bling hell. But in the actual work
K id
lary censor at M anila, and know ing I
n e y trnnhio
trouble preys
up- 1 Frank Johnson and E lm er Johnson
Mongolian pheasant, p h ea ia n t, qu ail, that m uch, it accepts m any wild and !
an<* Wlfe spent Sunday on North Fork.
of reform m ore can probably be done
on the m ind, discourages !
~ r. , ,
partridge, grouse for a period of three
/> / dom estic r egalatiu t than by public
im probable sto n e s A ll th at can b e ,
an‘b i^ “ 1 visiting with llo b o r t VandeTburT a’nd
fttv . B aren ts'are In a position where
had at the war departm ent is th at ( beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon family-
unlawful to s h ip out of th e state .
n o th in g tho sm all boy ow n s or c«rriea
thinga are goin 0 satisfactoiy over there, j disappears w hen the kid neys are ou t of I Eet Fisk left for Eugene a few days
E lk, dear, m oose, M ountain alieep,
can be long concealed from them if they
hut against that is the know ledge that order or diseased. For pleasing results ( a* ° to 8ee bis father w ho has been in
grouse, M ongolian pheasants, pheasants,
w ill only take th e trouble to h u nt Ids
every recruiting station in the U S has I uee Dr K ilm er’s Sw am p-R oot, the great P° ° r bealth ior som e tiul0’
quail, partridge, sn ip e, prairie chick en s,
belongings up."
been instructed to en list as m any m en J kidnoy rem edy,
L ..................
Mrs I*
Sw eet and . children
have moved
All druggists. Sam p le
ducks, geese, wild turkeys, E nglish
Thia taking tlie trouble to look after
for the regular arm y as possible, and as bottle by m ail free, also pam phlet. A d­ to their home on Sw eet creek. Mr
partridge and sago hen.
both hoys and girls, is where so m any
quick as possible. Ou the w hole, it dress, Dr K ilm or & Co., B ingh am ton , Sw eet is working in the m ill. Ask him
how tie likes baching., I.AW.
parents; in aH grades of socien t, shirk
would be better jiolicy for the adm ini­ n y .
Door, m oose, m ountain.alieep, un law ­
•th eir d u ty.
stration to take the people into its con.
ful to kill between one hour after su n set
In saying “ ahirk" wo do not m ean to
and one-half hour before su n rise; u n ­
inclu de pnrentg who are obliged to leave
Much interest was exh ib ited in offlci-
lawful to hunt or pur9uo with dogs;
th eir children to their ow n devices in j
at and diplom atic circles in the cable
Section 1. T hat th e county courts of
uulgwful to kill unless carcass is used
order to oarn the m eans to keep the
June 21st, 1899.
news from London, dealin g w ith Lord the several counties of the state of Ore­
or preserved for food.
Mr Prescott passed through here go
wolf from the door. It is not these
Charles UeresforrFa attack upon tho gon shall levy a tax upon tho assessed
l ’rairie chickens, unlawful to hunt or
ing south oil the 12th.
children who are in the greatest danger
B ritish governm ent, in a speech to the num ber of sh eep in their respective
kill when the ground ia covered with
W N F ields i | again at hom e after an
o f endin g their days behind th e bars
house of com m ons, for its drifting cou n ties w hich are ow ned by resid en ts ■ absence of several weeks
snow aufiicient for tracking.
or disgracing their parents and them«
C hinese policy, and his bold assertion of the counties or being pastured in the
H enry Stonetield of Sam aria made a
M ongolian pheasant, pheasant, quail,
wolves in other w ays. It is the children
that tho oqiy way to save C h in a and counties, th at m ay appear ou th e assess­ flying trip to onr neighborhood la s t!
partridge, unlaw ful to kill a greater
of parents in 'tlie upper walks of life, of
the C h in ese trade from R ussia was m ent rolls ns if m ade on th e first day of week.
num ber than 15.
m others who pride them selves in their
the formation of an alliance by Great March of each y e a r ; and tlie m on ey! ^ ur ° ’d friend, W E Warren of W iser, j
U nlaw ful at any tim e, U> sh oot upon,
w ell-k ep t hom es; of m others who en ter­
B ritain, the U S, G erm any nnd Japan, j arising from said lax sh all ho deposited ; ¡"
" HB bdelt 10
shear- ;
or from a public highw ay.
ed upon th e du ties of m otherhood before
lor tlie pur posse of aiding O liiua to m ain- with the state treasurer, and placed by ;
C' P
U nlaw ful to enter stan ding grain or
there ow n childhood days were over,
tain its place as an indep en dent nation, him in a fund w hich ia hereby to be I h .„
*" ll,er°, anS l)[e Pari"H for j
perm it dogs to do so w hile hunting.
• to
in « ceieo ra tiu n which is to be held at
of mothers' whfi' ip Xhair selfishness
The reply of the governm ent, m ade by j known as tho “ statu scalp
bounty i Florence.
U nlaw ful to hunt any gam o betw een
neglect 1 hair hdm e du ties, eith er to fol­
H on. W 8 Broderick, parliam entary
fun d."
' A wagoi
one-half hour after su nset and h a lf-
low their own social Inclinations, or to
secrotary for the foreign office, was as ! Section 2.
The Baid tax on sh eep , to Maple i
hour before sunrise.
he pointed out as M r s ---------a great
significant in its way as Lord B erea-! shall he on e cen t per head on all sheep ! by Burt Cobb, They bailed from Wald-
leader in society, or a great church
ford’s sjieecli. It sounded the U 8 as 1 appearing on tue assessm ent rolls as ' port.
Open season, April 1st to Novem ber
worker, Ate.
Mr and
well us G erm any, by expressing the be- 1 aforesaid. The countv courts of t lie I ...........
.. Mrs *'
■' Cobb, Mrs A 1’ C
1st. Unlaw ful to sell any species at any lief that Lord Beresford was overean- ! several counties of this state
sh all le v y
' ''1
,S“ l‘abur>' “ Gended
T he first cl«s.v drivo their little ones
tim o. U nlaw ful to have in possession
who died last
outsid e or com pel them to »««train tlieir
guin e in h is expectations th a t those I a tax a t tho sam e tim e and in like ! week.
any species of trout under fivo inches in
overflow ing sp irits Io «uch »n e x ten t
tuitions were ready to follow tho lead m anner, nnd to he collacted as other
len gth. U nlaw ful to catch or have in
th at th e hom e is lik e a priaou to them ,
of Groat Britain iu C h in s, and warned taxes, of one-fourth m ill on all personal
possession for a period of three years
jintl th ey gladly seek aintieem cnt find
Russia by saying that British trade with and real property th at may t e returned
c'nnipanlonahfp «Itew herc.
C hina would be fully protected at all on the assessm ent rolls of their respec- I Aftei this the mail which com es from
* .
T heacaond ciaaa are deservin g of
tim es. W hen Lord Beresford was in ; live counties, to be placed in th e “state I Eugene Saturday w ill be brought down !
j the river Sunday and not lay over a t!
aome com p an ion , M in tlie m ajority of
N ervousness,
w eakness, exhausted W ashington, n few weeks ago, he e x - scalp bounty fun d” to be used in pay- ,
cares, and th is >• particularly true her? j qervou. vit< lilyi r |,cunllltiBul.
, i l * M onday aa it docs at
liu d y a n pressed the sam e opinions conUiinedJn
’ .n the wpst. girls of age .1» be atten ding I curM . A1J dniggigtfl f)0 (.cnt8
There w ill lie no mail from
his sp eech, so tioboJy was surprised.
after th e m oney arising from the eaiJ
school, p la y in g W ith do ll«, and learning
— ■
E ugene on M onday’s boat.
W h ile it would not he considered just tax on sh eep is exhausted , and not
the «*em<!i'.tar3’'leaaon« in honaekeeping, j
th e proper thing for the president to ! 0 ,:‘8r" *««; provided, that all m oney
cooking and sew ing, are allw red te
Real superiority docs not conn
order a governm ent com m ission to in- rem aining iu th e “ statu scalp bounty
> u le r society nnd ore long their m inds i F,'*born fouuty Times:
vw tigu te som ething, to com plete its J fun‘l" a t th e end of each fiscal year, th e class to which wo belong but from 1
« r efille d 'w ith 'dresses nnd beaux ami
Tho west has ever l« e n and still ia
moat truly
work iu a given tim e, thu president con- ' ar*»*ug from said one-fourth m ill tax, ourselves. T hat which
they itm ujiaa them selves to bo capable t,“‘
anJ progressive elem en t in
aiders the im portance of getting an »hall he by th e treasurer placed iu the m akes one a gentlem an id repose of
of m anagfag a hom e of their own and lbo P«»I«ts*"»*l life of the nation. H ere
early report of the Isthm ian canal com - ■ K®neral fund of the state; mid provided, character,
real ire their m istake after it i? loo Igto i
, *n,'s arc yot to be draw n. Every
m ission so great that lie has caused it to tl,a t Per8«nal property as stated in th is R em em ber
that the very t e s t office o f '
t o retrace thoir steps There too, arc mfln ** considered the equal of his fcl-
be strongly intim ated to its m em b ers, I " « ’tion sh all not include sh eep as , wit '? o a ly to lighten the serious labors
fb e girls 4» ho in th ^ r childish innocenco 1 *un until he proves him self otherw ise,
th a t lie exp ects a report to be ready ny ! enum erated in the preceding eectiou.
of life; that it ia only a torch, by which '
and !giicr»Bf« of ways of the world, he- ! *fer,! ,nerit determ ines th e rank Iu
the 1st of Decem ber, so th at it m ay go ! Section 3. T here shall be paid, as men may cheer the g'.ootn of a d a ik '
colne the prey of world-wire, designin g
«ud »flairs, not the legacy of
to congress with the presidential recoin- hereinafter provided, tho sum of $2 way. W hen it acts up to be your
m en, w ho have neither respect for them - ‘ «uoeaturs. Here ia truo equality in
apiece for each coyutc, wild cat, rnotiu- counsellor or your guide, it is the fool’s
»elves nor others.
I sen tim en t and practice, tho boldest in-
N otices of con tests have been tiled ,ain lion’ J»a n ,l|vr o r cougar or grey or ' ,ire> A cting irregularly, and leading y
Tbr third nnd last class receives a ! dependence, tho strongest patriotism ,
w ith the clerk of the house, from eleven tiraber woUo seall’-
j i “ ’° Wlu qua*>’ or “ or*88-
great deal of ondeacrvsd s y m p a th y 1
unsullied by the consideration
congtesHlonsl d istricts, all in thu sou th , i Bv'-’tion 4. Every person or p ersons' T here is one serviceable, safo, certain,
when one of thsit1 Iwys couriniiR a crim e nni' car”
m illion s, of stocks and
on e In Alaham », three in K entucky, one 1,aviuii >n his or their possession any I rem unerative,
(uality in
as the hoy m entioned above did, or ous tahd e, is a truo feeling of good-fullow-
is thu
v f their girls, abut out from a m dtlier’s »hip, of p h ilsn th rop h y and hnuianitv,
anim als nam ed, ahall take the sam e to q u ality of a tten tion . My own invention
'sym pathy end guidance, is led fcatray. ! *" flt l *ng therefore, that tho greatest 2 in 8outli Carolina and two iu V irginia.
T hecoiitvats are all tiled l.y m em bers of 1,10 nCHre8t notary public or m agistrate or im agination such aa it is, I can moat
influence in th e govern m en t,
T b s child should have the surplus of m an
one party, and they are all practically iu tho county in which the anim al or ! truthfully assure you would never have
sym p ath y not the parents, R ight h e r e j c í c ''Pl c n <¡ « h o u lj com« from and be of
m ade on thu sam e ground—suppression anim als were k illed , and shall m ake an , servod m e aa it lisa but for the habit oi
is where ttis U tlw rv can, and ough t to the weal. In (ie n . D avid UcuderKon ol i
affidavit th at tlw anim al or a n io in ls 1 com m onplace, bum ble, patient,
of votes.
d aily,
«’is r t their intluefice. The first fetv tofca, the nation will find for the first
(roin wlnoli tlie scalp or realps were ; toiling, drudging, atten tion.
M em liers <d a com nnltee ol prom inent
years of a child 's life ¡a more directly tim o a speaker for the house of repro-
taken were killed il l sai l c o u n ’y ,
■ittilsr th e m other's guidattes and after aentatlvea from w est of th e M ississippi Ì C ubans, w ho are in W ashington for the
ejection 6. A scalp shall con sist o i i
th at th e fatlioc's principles and e x - river. IB' is a true w esterner, n type PurP°so of trying Io get a revocation of
Imtli cars of the anim al w ith u strip o l ' * The Thom Cornea Forth
or'l,*r of the war department, sus-
nropio have a greater >>r lee.i influence of which Jackson, L in coln ,C lay, Benton
J sk in that grew betw een them at least)
«Bil Rtaii are the ideals. Eough per- . l K,ud¡,1K a11 !«’««• proceedinga in C ubs,
>Mi tho ch ild .
W iin Point F o rw a rd .”
, tw o inches (ride, all w hole and intact.
hut sincere, resolute perhaps but cl>
"f ’k ’hts incut red prior to
U ow can m others noglect to gai n their
M ongolian pheasants,
w est
★ iisr
WOMEN a,,d leB8eDB
See our special counter.
O .W .H U R D
C A R M A N ’S
D r v C o o d s , * C r o c e r ie s D r ia n d « T N o tio .is .
........ Just Ooened.
Goods as Represented.
J :»V.aûARM ÀîM
ch ild ren 's confklonce tind allow
• run th e streets going any
thorn tb
dem ocratic— H enderson is a big Atneri- !
lw •
can, a m an whom M innesota, W isconsin,
and ' and M assseliuretts, M ichigan, Indiana,
d au gh ters to b - holiest and upright m en ,
• *
) O hio, Illin ioe, K ansas and M aryland
and »«m etiT
H n w c a u fatl.ere stand on th è Street j 1,o,,or 'hvm selves and tiro A m erica n
wriure, aud th en expcM their sous
coruvrs « ith Idood-shot eyes, nud lieads
’lucireled in su iok e, Indulging
rem arks abo il wom en and
exp ect th eir
m others, w ives, sisters or
daughters to
n s respected, or th eir vons exam ple« of
m orality and tiprigtitueas?
Not th e less» am ong (h e influences to
be coutrudvd « ith iu the su ppression of
r .sr .-is
'ufily, «entlnientwi »ml v cion i r 'nd-na.
>t >. a 'O'Bi of iu' m pe ance th e
c.I n t .‘h
Vfc • .« > e .
, e lh t e d by par-
PR O P R IFT--«»
* K
i A
Í t
- P R £ G T I( A E
cTke thorn point o f disease
is an ache or pain. B u t the
blood is the feeder o f the
- ,
Ü W ith
Hood s^Sarsaparilla.
. 1 eb ’ 12,h> U'u
O A 8now A Co., one of the o ld e s t,
I Hucilk will inaiigupaltMlouMe tram
niest i-uccea dul firms of p aten t
I vice twitwren I'oitland and all p . oin
T ren i» w ill b a v e i ’ortb im l al 1J .30
otljccs aro op p sita U m
K idneys, fiver aud stom ach will c t
a m , and U p in d aily, llie .u I ram s U n ited S ta les patent office in W ash
pvoplv iu aupporting. H e !s a gres ter
resp on d ? No thorn in tin« point.
will both be first clai» and fully equipped tngtoii, P C ., i.n I w ho have procured
Btood P otaorlnc— T
„ . siJ
m an Ihan Keed in lieart ii not in brain, in every reap ed , heated by .te a m , ,w ieate i«.r m ore than 17.01X3
inventors, w hen he took out the brass «hrII r-,«iTeU | n
Pullm an
anJ he w ill continue lo bè in th e future, v tstib u led , standard
Ju»° H**» '» u week* beton.
) say that, ow in g to the im prored con- I wl>unJ
tourist sleepers, din in g ears and colonist
1 U » t « w o n lj har« polsuned me it It bad
just what he ha» i>een in th e past, lovai
blood. -------------
1 tol.l him
sleep in g ears, w ith through sleep in g dirions in tbo I uited M ates - p aten t . ¡ n.u been h>r nr- pure ----------
------ It
curs to M issouri Itlver points via BiJ|. '
p atents may now be m ore rapidly o ” «j»''" ».\\i!“ a^Ca.1
!*V “t T l S
to the cuunlry and all its poopie.
----------------------- —
■ in«», which renders th e service now procured than at any previous tun c in ■
Marrscks. Waahtn ’ ou. P. c .
“ MyseM sn<t a trietni
R inging in rare, n oises in head, tw itch - "dared by th e Northern I'.willc uu their experien ce of tw en ty-five year.
bett* autJerud irvm revere mt nek« of rb»u-
in g of eyelid«. Ilu d í su cures. F itly ■ qualied by anv ullier tia u tco n tin cn ta l
m e ism. Hood « S anaparitta cured butt,.
W e would not be without U." W m H
line. The only line to th e B effalo
erb t« . All druggists.
waxtkiv - fok t i h live aso I n r e t t , 85 f.eonard St.. F ail iu-,«r. jiass.
tln m p territoiy. 8 r e that y n r ta k e ts
RcfcirtvRicui« of Admiral Pew*»t the at>rklav .
read via the K oitbern Piirille to all erteti ti nt v«, b«*rv\ llv Mural Halv.tad. lite
T he 1b ke people are busy preparing t»<ints ea»t or «••■itti
,OV* fricrt*'
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for 11 F n ilh o í Ju l? iT**l«¡tMi Mt Ib eir ination i «il on address,
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on Fremire». f ur > n l . v . S v . , lic u la r í t c a n } ai)(i^
. the H u ; Joy r a g |« a t
Inquire at this iffiv e.;
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