,^ » wp u V u u ) i r p THE WEST Y O U R H Ò riE P A R E R ► - c~ VOL. U ■ « X« Î l> S U P P O R T IT ! I uèt -4.— Â.. A. i; NO. 8. T R A V E L E R S ' GUIDE. Patterson, M. T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE Gardiner, Oregon. S T E A M ER " M IN K ,” o — Secretary ol S ate .. F. 8. Moore. Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman fiup d « ................... W. H. Leeds. ÏUte «^ General D. R. N. Blackb urn Attorney Genera Supreme Court W ill m a k e T. T. Geer. REGULAR .F. I. Dunbar. Governor.•- • ■■■■ | — Judge.................................. ,E. O. Potter. Coroner............................. Justiceoi P eace. ......... Constable......................... Calling a t A I.SE A . At F lorence A nd E ach Special a tte n tio n to F o r passenger and freight rates — APPLY TO — S T A Q B lu IN E J . H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, 5 Why let your neighbors know it? 1 And why give them a chance to guess you are even five or ten years more ? Better give them good reasons for guessing the I other way. It is very east ; | for nothing telis of age f-o I quickly as gray hair. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- j — OF — BEADLE days and Fridays. A. W . & CO. Arrives at Florence Tuosdays Thurs- j .A. S. Patterson 14 C alifornia St, days and Saturdays. .. . D. P. Burton San Francisco, California. Connects with Steamer and Scotts j ,W. M. Miller burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with . ,.C. M. Collier | Stage Lino for Coos Bay. Charges W P. Cheshire [ reasonable. C. II. Holden . E. A. Evans N ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. CITY O F F IC E R S . EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. R U N ,W. II. Wc-attierson E. B an gs, * Proprietor. D iseases th e E ve. C alling at th e UMPQUA. ’ **# Ma&th. from Florence to Coos Bay F o r further inform ation inquire .........E. U. Lee Surveyor........................... from Florence to Yaquina Between —— ##* Clerk.................................. W. W. Withers Sheriff......................” " School Superintendent. trips Florence, Or. i W ill carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, from Florence to San Francisco. o - J L R iD in s r E K i W ill also bring up freight . . W. T. Bailey ..................................... D A I L Y T R IP S L U E L L A Coanaiseioners j J ”., H. D. Edwards Aueesor............................ Steam er Robarts W ill m ake regular THE STEAM ER E. Wolverton T Second District. J W. Hamilton Γo.ecuting Attorney.. - Geo. M. Brown COUNTY O F F IC E R S - o Florence aafl Head of Tide. R . 8 . B ean .F . A . M oore ß . ùt-Ât-o..-*' -i&TJ FLORENCE, OREGON. FRIDAY, Jnae 23, 1899. GENERAL directory O F F IC E R S - ¡¡ 4 O P P O R TU N ITY 'î y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ q TA T E ’ -y-Jd-s £ A D V E R T IS E R S & KOTL á W’3 OÎTLT TAPS?.. ; Is a youth-renewer. It hides the age under a luxuriant growth of hair the color of youth. It never falls to restore color to tray hair. It will stop the hair from coming out also. It feeds the hair bulbs. I Thin hair becomes thick hair, I and short hair becomes long ! hair. , It cleanses the scalp; ra- ! moves all dandruff, and i prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which we w ill gladly send you. t _ We call your attention to the following priecs. We invite comparison. We want your trade. 11 good goods and low prices count we will it-. j Ladies’ Shoe« 90c. and np ! Men’s “ 78c. “ “ L ad le’s an d M en’s H ose Children’« “ 20c. ** “ ■ G u ara n te e d Faut B lack * FOR LITTLE FOLKS. * 10c. per pair. Big Selection—Gan save yon money Esafly r t Skirts. Keis ail Boy's C to ttt A JUVENILE GENIUS. t.a a d ie « « K a b tb lt v d l’ l« t « r « a a t th e R a y a i A c a ile a iy W fc e a © a ly 14. Aa perhaps moot American boys know Lautixeer. the English artist, painted deer and dug« aa no one had ever done befcro and as perhnpa no one has done ainca He was said ta hare humuniied their expression His genius I üeveloped very early, so that when only 14 y.-ara of age his picture of a magnifi­ cent dog chained to its kennel and car­ ried away by a flood attracted consider­ able notice at an exhibition of the Royal academy A gentleman who waa very much struck with ita merit hur­ ried off to the painter to make an offer for it He rang at the door of a small garden When the gate opened, he saw a boy playing with a hoop with some other little fellows He inquired of the children. “ Does Mr Landseer live b e r e t’ i Scotch L aw n Men’s Shirts 26c. and np F a s t Colors Boys’ 20c. “ “ P retty P a tte rn e Boya’ Suita 76c. Meu’a “ 12.76 “ “ “ “ 4c. per yard. “ Hats aai Drasa Shirts Fritti Shirt Waists 30 yds. calico for <1.00 Ladies’ Under vest« 6c. aud n A. F . C. G ingham s 10c. per y a rd . Childrens D uck : 6c. “ “ 8, 10, 12, 15, Men’s Underwear ............. . Suiting a t 2Oc. per y ard “ : : 50c. and up per suit. Send U3your m ail orders; they w ill h awe orompt attention, i . V . K a u ffm a n . “Yes, " replied one of the boys, î -‘When uiay I speak to taintÏ f 0 W. Hurd ‘Now. if yon like. I ant Mr Land­ Win. Kyle 4 J. W. Carman seer ’ Board of Trustees North Willamette Street, ** ■ ’•But, " explained the visitor. "it is M. Morris P u llm a n Eugene. Lane Co., Oragoa. . your father 1 want to see I have called recorder.......................J o ,,n L « - « e r t t c l d about a picture of his at the academy Sleeping C ars HE SAVED THE MILK. ‘•Well, said the child, “ it is 1 who T reasurer................................... W ilson E le g a n t ence daily, except Sundays a t 2 CHECK NEEDED A STAMP. am exhibiting the picture, and he Mtrehal............................... G -C- C u “ 'l ’ton "Talking about oow<” said Andy proceeded to make the sain D in in g C ars p.m ., a r r iv in g in Eugene the day Wrl K<»t K om . hv* C m . OM nendenon. "I really think that 1 had His technical powers were extraor­ T b . A h m d » h . T u . dinary He was once present at a par­ T o u ris t following a t 9 p. m. one of the moat pevxlier experience« If to n do not obtain all the bene- Soeno—A down town bonk. ty when the conversation turned upon Sleeping C ars with tb« auimals in quwtion that ever I fit* you exp eotfd f r e n t h e u ic O too SE C R E T S O C IE T IE S . ‘‘W ill yon cash that. ple.BC?" I Vigor. write tho doctor about it. feats of manual dexterity and a Indy l Probably there 1» loir.* tliflicuny ST. PAUL "CertainIv, but it require, a «tamp.” | befell a ottizea of west Tgaaa It wee Single fare - - - - 15.00 exclaimed. “ Well, there la ono thing with, your keneral tyttom w hich won after 1 went to El PHP, aomu ten ujaY be «»r’.lv removed. AddicM, "A what?” M IN N E A P O L IS nobody has ever done yet. und that la I Dr. J. C. Xyor, Lowell, M m . R ound trip - - - “ 10.00 years ago, and before 1 hud got familiar I F & A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. "A .tamp, a bank check «tamp Up 1 1 to draw two things at once. ” DULUTH T ickets for sale a t E. B an g s’ with the vugartea of the r l Ptwo ell- I, Regular communication on second I “Oh, yen, I think I could do that. ’ hero in the corner.” taatt. mil fourth Saturdays in each month. F A R G O _________ ••Does it?" returned Landseer, and with a pencil livery barn, E ugene, and a t O. W . “ I had settled on a very pretty ranch " Y e s .” E. W . C obb , W. M. grand forks in ench hand he drew rapidly and sim­ TO eome miles ont of tho progrwsiwfmn- "W ell, why don't yon put It on?" H u rd ’s office in Florence. LI. BurraariELD, Secretary. ultaneously the profile of a stag's head, C R O O K 8TO N "W e arc not the ouch to put it on. tier city and was doing nicely antil I with all it» antlers complete, and the W IN N IP E G The person who draw, t he check .tamp. decided to go into the butter has perfect profile of a horae’s head. Both 1 A. K. G en eral L y o n s P o e t, N o. 5 8 I sunt east for a dosen fine Jerwjy The Funk & Wagnalls» drawings were full of energy and spltit IL” H E L E N A »nd !■ incets second a n d f o u r th S a tu rd a y s and began operatione W»ll, the cowe “ Whnt’s it for?" (each uionth a t 1 i30 p. in. BUTTE' eatne on, end I bustled tho butter hurt- " It’» a war tax." l a «he V ic e P rc c ld e n « ’« O rte e . S. B. C olvin , Commander. "How funny I Doe. the government ti,»« from the Jump Things progressed Somehow wo rnrely hear of the vice J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. president of the United States Ha is expect to carry on the war with my Cicely for a month, when the weather TO grow very worm and the auntuipheui usually a quiet gentleman who serves poor little 8 oeut»?” C H IC A G O very dry The Rio < ¡ruude dwindled ENGLISH LANGUAGE "Yee, with yours nnd others." as president of the senate and who oc­ I 0. U. W. Perpetna Lodge, No. 131, W A S H IN G T O N until a roach cculd have waded acron. "But 1 havon’t any etamp. I’ve bean casionally becomes president of the na­ li meets ev ery 1st and 3o Tuesdays ' COM PLETE tion by accident The room of the vice out of town and didn't know about the Every bit of mol.tore disappeared. b«S acn m onth. M e m b ers a n d v l®‘tilJfe P H IL A D E L P H IA tilt, did not «fleet mo. kKunM 1 hud U president is one of the most interesting law. ” S U C C IE N T rvthreii in good standing are c0™111“/ N E W V O R K "It waui't neoemary to know It until fine arte«iau well on the much and apartments in the national capitoL iivital to a tte n d . A. 0 . I unkk , M . W . plenty of w;«er 1 nbuenend, hawuver, A U T H O R IT A T IV E BO STO N A N D * L L _ however. Its handsome dealt bears the yon drew the check. ” . G. K notts , Recorder. that niy cow* kaiiug milk day by "How rldicnlon.1 i And yon won’t let la.ia* I1U Y ? imiuuiuun w« were --- most expensive inkstand ever taken to P O IN T S E A S T m » 1 SOUTHS they were perfectly Washington. This elaborate utensil me have my money until 1 put a stamp day, until at lust it (tie. 0.0. F. Ileceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets For in fo r m a tio n , tim e cards, m ap« an d tic k e ts astounded, for they_ had j dry. J— * 1 .... .......... ... combines beauty aud value with utili­ in the corner?” 3 0 1 .8 6 5 V ocab ulary l’erm a I every W ednesday e v e n in g in Lodge e tc ., c a ll on or w rite "We are obliged to insist that the tax piuiity of feed aud lot« of tmUCt tronv ty, for it cost the government <1,000 » 4 7 E d ito rs and S p ecia lista lall, Florence, O regon. B ro th e rs in the well 1 coiildn t understand it an* and ta a miniature In silver of the cap­ he paid." R. M c MURPHEY, S3J R ead ers 1er Q u o ta tio n s • lodstanding invited to attend. determined to uiveetigatei "Supposing I give you 8 cents?" itol building The small domes of the A ndrew B rund , N . tx. G eneral A gent. R o o m s 2 and 4, S h e lto n B lock, 5 0 0 0 Illu stra tio n s "I gut up an hoar befomdayllght and “ That will do.” senate chamber and house of represent- E U G EN E, ORKGON, R. L. E vans , Sec. examined tbs cowx. and, to toy aaton» Coat o v er $ 9 6 0 ,0 0 0 “ But I haven’t 9 cents.” ativos form the tope of the ink wells, A ppendix oí 4 7 ,4 6 b E n tr ie s "Perhaps yon could borrow it oi lahmeut, I found the adders of the oowe A. D CH ARLTO N, and trays for pons Are place-1 on either A ssista n t G eneral I’aiweMger A gent, heavy with m ilk 1 did not t i i h the 0. 0. F . M aple Lodge N o., 139, m eets somebody." side of a ztnmp box nt the front of the 265 M orrison S t., Cor., 80. the anitunls, but simply wuteto.il and i every T h u rsd a y e v e n in g in N eely s "Perhaps I could—of you.” T h e fu ll n u m b er o f w ord., an d term s lu building. The dimensions of this unique P o rtla .iT .cl, O r . all, Seaton, O regon. B ro th e rs in good "A. a banker 1 oouidn’t oonntenanoe waited dovolopmontn Day dawned and inkstand are 94 by 36 inches. the cow. latily meandered into the pa»- andiug invited to a tte n d . While the Inkstand, a magnificent any snch transaction." W illiam B rynd , h - G- ¡ W ■M RITE il. F ru O n R C v IR in C b U u Ì, b in □ (« e u Y t,!« i • ~ “ “L , nl i • ‘ Dear, dear. How ri dicnlonsly actions turo. and 1 followed. The mn came up, FLORENCE, OR. I TANNER, ««on. Sewing Machines wa r'nnnfacture «nd their hic^h clock and other adornments of the P hil . N icolle , bee. J-F 105,000; W K S ,T F .R (in ter n a tio n a l), 125,000; CSH- prices before you pafehaa® ar.y cth « r. vice president’s room Are now national It la Here, I have a car ticket. You and with the *na came tho terrible dry- § $ TUitv, ( s ix v o lu m e s . co m p leto .) 225,000. § $ TMl HEW Hoses SrvviNa W ashins CO , ,,r(,pcrty. Mr. Hobart will probably r.- take it for 6 ccntrf and give me 3 oents o«u. but it didn’t fease me in the lea*. Wliat knocked me ont was t h e dgtotof STA N D AR D , o v er 300,000; ______ «nmoomr«-. 3tvCIU, “ --i'-T‘. reive them from congreM whes he n - 1 change. Will you?” my cows' ndtiera They were giitiwtoig “ Yes. ** CH U RCH D IR E C T O R Y tires from office. This courtesy has been ............ Saiuple Pages F re e ............. Then she went away with a bright smaller aud smaller aa i extended to retiring v ie. pt'Midenta for emile. She bad clean'd a fraction of a they were aa flaccid as a pnnetnred tit*, many y e a r . ________ RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, cent by calling the value of the ticket ft ibeii I tumbled. The drynem d the at- t G ixeldeH lera w a n te d in e v ery to w n lo 'w puere simply evaporated the milk W b le h la h That mopped it. "—New (Jrh*nu Special «tor reiueats Christians to make SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Times IXnuocrat. it 1« really uot »o By cutting ont uua , preaching . » T ravellers, cmaclves known. Psmpeon— Ensign Smith, take a yawl 933 Maeket 5 t - I. G. K notts , Tastor. B eery woman »boold k » *w and eight men nnddeatroy those voawia president.............. Stage loaves Engono daily ex ­ cept Sundays, a t 6 a. m., arriv in g a t Florence th e day following a t 10 a. m. R etu rn in g -stag e leaves F lor­ S I NEW HOME THROUGH ’ tickets ■ ¡Standard ^Dictionary T A N N E R HOTEL Wbe4 I* AmeoaU T* MORRIS HOTEL, MRS B. A. MCROAN. Proprietor ATTORNEYS T n 5 0 r ia ) p a r lo r s . I Tension Indicator; F i o r e n o e . O r -o g o n . A. C. WOODCOCK, Tables furnished w ith all the Attorney a t Law, delicacies of th e season. i? e n e , a call. - O ragon Give us ____________ r - R o i m . 7 a n d S M c L e r » « ’» ¡ _ i»d A tten tion g iv e n t o c o l le c t i o n s » n a p -> | b u s in e s, » Head of Tide Hotel, W. VZ. NEELY, Prop’r. T ables furnished w ith all th< delicacies of th e season. W ild ....... Attorney-at-Law................... game, fish and fru it in season. Best E U G E N E , O R EG O N. Shaving • • Heir Cutting . Razor Hotted . Scissors Ground . • • • • *5 * 23 J5 *5 O regon . y io r e n o o E . O. P O T T E R -,'F F tc i At the Court Iîouse. accom odations for th e trav elin g , public. Charges reasonable._____ I E . E . B E N E D IC T . T O R . N B Y - A .T - LaA-NAT. F lorence. : Oregon. BO YK*<**‘ EXFk - - It indicates the state cf the tension i t a giauefik It« ml * means time saving sr«i eavief sew ing. It*« « u r ow n invention an-1 is found only on the W hite Sewing Machine« ON E U C E N E AND a . R BUTTOLPH, S T AC E R ER C u T E . Nolary EiWie^Snn cyor jr-cr n o e , AÍB2-» tAKTB IS JUST W HAT TH E W O RD JlKBLIES. MAPJON MORRIS Pro’p. W« haw. other striking’ improvements that appeal to the careful buyer. Send for our elegant H . T . catalog. W site Siwrc« ’f h e a c is O . QevehiuL Ohio. For *> e hv White 8*. U R E 0 G N Company, 8aa Franciaco. ON LANIX I Scout—General. 1 have Fio horn» to report a Sptcisb force of about IF.utFk rapidly approaching Bbaf'er—Corporal Brown, tako 90 renu and disperse the ettoiny'a force. — ? New Urlsaii» Timo.-DotaocTat T h * Ir a * » of Fsto. that Ih cie ia «great home medical book thai teila all ahoat the repro- dnetive i>ny«K>to 't 700 L- I ’vBtrttion.«. t* is colled Dr. Fietee'a Corn- m an S ense A tramp, one of tho great nawante-d, i fell into a river. IIo wxa wnahcoi away and drowned. I believe that is not quite an accurate iiatemea* inasmuch aa u> M ed ica l Ad. viser. It used much of him wea wuslted av. ty that Oeer ».veil hundred iwu- thou- (•a cost fl.Jrt ««ven ncjuc-,, there waa not left endeph to drown people tm eassed li at that phcc am i A boy placed a bent pm on n chair sand ovar t,roo.rsn pcopH a c ’» own c”i*« » o f A. of the segments aud plai.-ing it on the where he expected bia h iv tb v r to .it. For » lim iM d t ia c co yua wito b . giv«« top of the other tb« rrader muy deter He also expected to laugh nite, his awi7 free. This gient book cctilaina t'*c name*, ad. mine which in the larger brother's seeiion The toy's father mt dress*«, photo^sspha end expt.'ivaces o f Thi. trick i« uot a Vest for the eyes It down In that ohxtr. and than till, boy h-in d icd * -V w,«ueu who w e r . cu re hop*- ia as certain to deceive a perfect pair wept «piously, with iuoicient r«a»x» loss invoibla. but u bo bays ta> to itrton-d m robjKt •roeia’dr health ?»» the UM of Dr. of eye. as it i. to luuileml any other for bis tear*.—Judy. Plcrcs's “ i r u - . t * Vie 'erlotion. Tb»« iai» j kind There ia. therefore, no reaaou vcltUM ;a .'d k i* c arts d;rert»v on the d rtt Frof««5loo»1 IM«*jr.fc*. why the reader «honld consult a physi­ cate organs distinctly fem.titi»«. I t m ates cian after having solved tb . trick. Dr PoH»*-Excited, who w.mldn’t be them strung, healthy, vigoruui, visile and excited? I’m to« most onfortouate dou- ehuttic. I l fits tor wifehe.od and m-MSer- hood. I t banlah«« the u -a a l a u ftio e « -« . flew Metere Brlrtae« »e4** ja from AJaska to Aaie The gr*«t Vnkou I gave him the v.long uiiituie, and— one-ceiit «tanspa to rover roti e< e»«f (Wl/r. to W o rU N D is p M ary Medical .'-•«< • river is anpp- aed to b» the active «sent ewe,I bltn right off - Ally blcpsar ciatiors, Prffalo. H V l-os e > g « n l fre *" . x in cotnrtracting th . natu.-tl pathway riitls btr.ding, yi »tx-ttp« ’T .*■• » e r H«». ae-rnaa the sen. bat tiw Ahutiau lataud* M w Jiiiith C ain, oi ctlnu-m AT->’•ys"? C'k, Several toon acre talking ala-nt how Pa., w ell«»: " a ftn two »cam o» as» -ng. I and a aenea of Uueeiau islands toruoug f w e .n la k m s » r Fwrce « e x » » « !« cr- riy icm part o f tba same ielaiel ayrtaui outline they happened to marry ».,* » in n o te « iH r e ty ssw—1 I > »d '«■ n »TtsMSUd th* course Prufivm.r II,-I lue u*>.-it« I “ I tnnrric i my ift> «-.t! on« after «m il fetual- ,»«S «K «« to, «ooir !!•»» »»<> M Sj w o n » t iw h lt it n a e ,lr>ln an t h . e>>t.-w. txfl ‘ In# that th« water twtwecn the l«laml- H the other« |'l ail ‘col to uom I .a> h sp p e a u d - « ..I » ..o niu u • d iflt te n t rapidly growing «hallow from the ac canwi eh. In case » o f cnantitati.-w and to,-.>id U'-er. no rnnedv in equal tr> Pr PUioe’e Plea« mt cnmolation of soil carried neuwani o» I ever n P e lle t. T h e ; rex,slat* anil in vig m -te r» others "1 V ■ it' the Yukon river In time, he ear» the etomneh. liver a»« bowels. They aewrr ton. 1 1 , Yi*r m o t One little " P e lle t” I" a ge'11** l«xo»ive and island» will term part of a bow 4 Ian i » : it ÁO waa h two a m ild ea tliaU c along the aontheru end of tbo lieriua They "t'** gripe. A n hoaei.i dealer mill not urge a tababrog) ma aud connecting A*ia a H l , , aou» Ton. —Chicago Record.