ff b* va< - iT o b c lw w lU i «u a c d l ofcMrfuUy i •autessiui.ti U iun. i»el lh^ te a m «aU*»cfe4, b u t the at* t^uka cotitlcued I had aoeu adveriU cuw uta of Kt^an« Tam tlea lu a lt itee papa<« but had no fu ith bi them, but about a t* w eek* ataca a frien d la dacad i jb to try tlien i g * , « bth«M b u t tw o o f the • n u l l | cant hose« o f toa Tabulae and have had (toracunw aca <>f the atU cha. Have never «Ivan a t« e tla >»tal fo r anytW ug before, b u t tha great nm otia' o f good w hich 1 better« hue beau »tone ma by fUpaua Tabula# toduuva tue to a h i «ulna to tha •Hany tuaUuaaidais j u u ioubU w M h e re l a your ,'* c * • ""**•»- W m t \ IUkv* ? ’* eB a «v***1 «u/Jorar fro m eo n «tlp aiio * wl r a ’ « yefti-A V o th ln « gave mo any r e W . , * 7* auU Aei* an 4 •W o m e n w are bloated «o I » m id not w ear «hoe* o n m y feet and only a loom , * ? * • 1 **’w Hlpan« Tabula« advartiaed to our o »lly papur. bouuhteom oand took them a« direct­ ed. H ave t&kai. tuam about three weak« and there 1» ******* a e k a n g r! 1 am not constipated any mora aud l ow e It a ll to fUpaa« Tabulae lace th irty - • a r e a year« old, have no occupation, only my hot ohold ¿atlas and aura lag m y sick kuahand. * } • has bad th e dropay and I aiu try in g Kluana Taoulaa fo r him . H o feele some better but tt w ill take aome tim e, he haa keen sick eo long. You may urn my let ter and name ae you lik u S M A R T A T S P E R L I N G .! » u n . shino an ed . tor . | T fc s U w l O M N e U t o d A d o p t e d l a M o o th A o .o c le a c t U o a a t r g . |* ü • & f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LESSON IN ORTHOGRAPHY THAT | WAS DEARLY BOUGHT. & Curious methods of punishing indis­ * creet editors are in vogue in soife coun­ tries. In “South American Sketches" I ’ o tv « C o a p lu o f k h r e t e d M keu-pera Mr. Crawford describes the interesting W on T li o n a a n d a o f D o lla r s by W o r k i n g t h e D i c t i o n a r y F o r G a m e experience of an editor who bad been unfortunate enough to give offense to L 'n til T h e y W e r e D r o a a b t t o G r ie f . Mr». Many O ojuus Cbakkk. the ruling powers by the freedom of his * |Wfc««M'.# auw. A. T. ito W hy . “ How do yon »pell ‘uhoirT’ " uukod a criticism«. I b a r * been «uttering fro m headache« a r« r plan in the bookstore. vlnoe t Wa» a lit tle g ir t J could never rid e In a The editor waa arrested and confined 1 w aat to In fo rm yoa, car or go Into a crowded ‘■What do yon mean—j;ap<-r or mu- in u narrow passage between the cages to word« of hb,h«4t plaoe i vltbout gettlug a p ra lw . o f the kx netit aicT” imjnlred aeiuart young man v.'ho of two jaguars, notorious for their bad headac heedaoha und alok a t my I bav« A e r lr e l frou> a •tom acli. I heard about I pose*» ae an authority on ali topics. tempers and their intense dislike for hu­ Hlpana Tah a laa. l a m a nipan» Tabuloa fro m aa R I PANS profcaal..«At a u .i# and “ Muaia, singing, of course, ” replied man society. aunt of min« who waa In thU pi of et nou a H e ar H O STILITIES AVERTED. taking them for catarrh the man in search of orthographical in- The intervening space was so regulat­ A L I V E I N T H È G R A V E . haa.1 U ai way« needed. ... Of the «¿ontach. Who bad s formation. Ulpun« Tabate« fees it. ed that neither of the ferocious animals found such relief from A fte ro u c o f <»y taaan I J « W ar T alk M ake» T ro u b le B e tw e e n T w « la often a warning that tbo liver ts “ C-h-o-i-r, ” reaponded the smart could get its paws quite to the middle T he m odern stand- thwlr um she advised me j found m j te ir com pletely J i "J to take them too, and I THE CHANCES FOR SUCH A FATE ARE O ld Sea Ou«». torpid or inactive. More serious j young man decisively. ru n down. AtHfckg aa >.fca line between the cages, so that a spare, have been doing to «toco troubles may follow. For a prompt, i a rd F a m ily M e d i­ advice o f U r Q«*a. fiow* “ One of tho liveliest brushes I have EXTREMELY REMOTE. lust October, and w ill “ Q-n-i-r-e, ” chimed in a red lienrded active person, If very careful to follow efficient cure of Headache and nil • r . Ph. O , MS W -w ark aay they have complete­ witnessed since the opening of hostili­ man who waa bn.,y looking at aome the classical advice about the advan­ A re ., fer»ey C ity , 1 took Uver troubles, take cine : C u r e s the * ly cured m y headache«. books. Kt fu n s Tab-ilea w ith ties, ” said oue of the representatives ut I am tw onty ulna years tages of steering a middle course, might In T im a« o f P la g o a And Frati len ca th a «raud reeni;«. a old. You are welcome tho recent meeting of the credit men, “ You are referring to paper," said manage to jiosh withont special injury, Ui«« fiaauM W iaoiua. common every-day w to uae this teetlm o n td . G rantcet D a n g e r o f P r e m a tu ra F u r ia i “ took place in a quiet New England ! the «mart young mun. looking sadly at though the achievement would be both » Mrs. J. BhoogxihA While they roue? the liver, restore E x ista —T h a D e a th T eat T h a t 1« A p p lie d » village of my state. Both participants the interrupter. “ We were speaking exciting and dangerous. ill o f hum anity. Kotticr »«» trocM®4 full, regular action of the bowels, O I n V ienna. with ha a r t b a r p and had passed their threescore years aud j abont m usic.” they do not gripe or pain, do not i Our editorial friend happened to be aleepUavnai.t. caused by lrritnte or inflame the internal organs, ten, but were still vigorous in mind and BJ K y seven yearxffd boy * "I mean mueic, too," said the red stout, and therefore was the more easily lad U -w tlo n . for a good Most of us havo a lingering love of but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. •offered w ith pain« lu m any -e a ia . Cue day X bearded mau calm ly: “ q-u-i-r-e, to sing reached by the occupants of the cages. life, and the thought that there is just body, aud especially vigorous In lan­ hl» head, constipation at all druggists or by mail of aha sa’-r a teeUm oaial guage, for both had been followers of o aud complained of tola in concert.” C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Maas. to the paper lad»r«Jaj Aa if to add insult to injury, he was the barest possibility of being buried etomnoh. He could not X t lp a a a TabuJoa. «toe i the sea. Tbo smart yonng man's expression given a chair on which to sit and at ulive sends a shudder through us. • a t lik e children o f hla datarm lued to give them “ Oue of these old fellows espoused age do and w h a t ha changed from sadness to contempt. the same tim e was furnished w ith a Medical men know that the human a tria l, waa g r e a t l y did out did not agree re lie r«d b j tuwtr u»a “ Yon had better consult your diction­ copy of his own paper, the issue which body in time of illness and at other the cause of Spain, declaring that she w ith him. H e w a a th lu a n d n o w t a k e « th a ary,” ho said with a sneer. and o f a saffron color. I had brought him into trouble, gn order times, too, is liable to assume all the had been jumped on because she was Tabula« regularly, flhakeepa a fe w carton« Hlpan« Reading «oma of the testimonials to favor of Tabule« to the housa and aay« aho w ill not be w ith ­ “ Never m ind,” retorted the red that he m ight meditate upon its con­ outward appearances of death without little and that this country was pluying Itip a n t Tabuleu, 1 tried thee)- lllpans Tabuloa not o u t thorn. Tha heartburn aud alaapiaasn cm have only relieved b u t actu ally cured m y youngster, bearded man. “ My way of spelling may tents. the final separation having actually tho part of a great big bully. After they fUeappcarad w ith the ludlgeattou which was Che keaduche« bav.j ditappeared, bowel« are In be a little old fashioned, but you will fo rm e rly to .g rv n t a buruea fo r her. Q nr whole He tried to sit motionless and bolt taken plaoe. There are the coma, cuta- had exchanged hot shots for a few min­ good aoaJttion and lie uever oom plain« o f hla fa m ily ta b ! tbo T a boln« regularly, ««peclally after •tom acli. Ho is now a rod. uliubby faced boy. Thl» find it correct according to Webeter. upright, feeling those sleepy, cruel eyes leptic and other forms of tho uncon­ utes the champion of the government a hearty m eat t ty toother la fifty year« o f age w onderful chonge I attrib u te to Hlpan« Tabule«, You w ill also find it correct according fixed upon him. A t the slightest move­ scious state, each one bringing in its got things to going his way by shouting and la eajoylng^ho b e tto r health and spirit« ; alto I uin siitlnfled (hat they w ill beneilt any one (from •a ta hearty meals, a a Ucpoealblllty before aha to the Century Dictionary, und if I am ment or the ___________ _ the cradle to old age) I f taken according to dlrao* treud the very simulation of death itself. that the other fellow came honestly by rustle of ___ tho _____ paper ___ uneasy to o k lUpaoa Tabuiaa. A n row H. Itoauki«. Uuua. a. w . H bica not mistaken it in likewise given in the matterings arose from the*ca*ges, and a "Happily, a medical man nowadays, ” | his principles and was bred a traitor. “ ‘ What do you mean, you old Stundurd. Your way is all right too. “ paw would stretch stealthily toward said a physician to a reporter, “ expe­ a *<7l« nankat contalnlu»- rjra luroa« roeuix« packed to a pnp«r carton (wltlioat glam.) U now for aala The smart young man gave a sniff of him. Leaning quickly to the other side, riences no difficulty in declaring his pa- j shrimp?’ said the advocate of Spain. to ooaxa drug «fieiw ran itvk cxxt * Thl« lo».priced sort h Intended for the pour and th® eooaomloat Ona " ‘Durin the war with Great Britain a ®t tko Avr-ev«t cartotu a a tabalr-.) oaa to had by w all by sending forty-eight eenta tu the Her a h « acorn. "Josh Billings und you should he wag sure to bo met by the ugly claws tiont to be dead, as a general rule, but Cuonc al C omtaxt , Ko. i# Cpruo« Htrect. New Yuck—o r a «tonlo carton ( tew tabvebs ) will be «eat for five cents. have collaborated on a phonetic spelling of the second jaguar. It was a case of it may perhaps happen once in his life­ tho British entered the harbor aud M®A>* T x m ra i awy al«w t.e hod of «ome yroeera, general ctorekeepera, new« agcaU at aoma liquor atofaa Heyllu and Charybdis. time that he limy have a doubt, in | burned the town of New London, didn’t r «tope. Tk«y baoiek pain, toduoe «Jeep aad prolong life. One givue relief. “ Look here, ” said tbe red lienrded Every few m inutes the jaguars be- which case conviction either way fo l­ they?’ “ ‘ ’Course they did. What of it?’ man, “ I ’ll bet you fy that W ebster’s came w ildly excited and clawed fiercely low s upon his findings, which are sim­ “ ‘Why, somebody piloted ’em there latest spells it ‘q-u-i-r-e. at the shrinking editor, who, do bis ple and conclusive, and in which he Zirara A m e r ic a n W o m en . “ Make it «8, “ said the smart young best, could not escape those rending cannot be mistaken. aud when he come home his pockets was T H E£ American women are showing In toe nails. H is clothing was torn to c a m man. pulling out a roll. " It is unfortunately true that there fu ll of British gold, paid for his dirty U y illa il, I* o » ta g « V a l« , every way ¡x>s*iblo thoir jiatriotism and o , I don t want to rob yon. Get shreds, but except for a few scratches are thousands of nervous people now work, aud his neighbors, hearing of be cured < tho N dictionary.’’ pluck, and w hile n groat deal of the i he was not really injured. i walking about in fear of being buried what he had done, got ropes and made Only I f you suffer from any o f tha 1 a t e . enthusiasm finds vent in belts and hat­ ills o f men, come to the oldest The money was put up and W ebster’s alive, this morbid conviction coming him au evenin call. He scudded by the Specialist t u the Pacific Coast, j bands thor-2 women who have been call- I International brought out. There it back door and uever stopped till he got | about through reading of an isolated AN EN C H A N TED PITCHER. Off. JORDAN ft CO., «»d upon fw graver proof of their loyalty was, “ q-u-i-r-e, to sing in conceit." I case happening here and there, where to Bermuda, aud he never had the cheek b IOS! Market 8 t Estd I8fl2. ' T h e R e lio o f « F a t a lit y , I t I . P r e - have in most cases given it unhesitat­ “ I didn’t mean a v erb ," sa id the perhaps some oue has had a narrow es­ to como back.' Y o u n g m e n and m i d d l e i ■ er v e d b y S u p e r s titio n . ingly. It takes more courage for a — I»|CO2.«eaftem o f f f l c a . i But American women havo never which you probably never received, and water from a well at Montmorenci and and mo«t complete W eekly N e w sp aper In tho M .rplillla thoroughly eradicated fro m tho ' burial is based depends on tho fact that ness man, could neither read nor write, aysb'in w ith o u t iiBlng N e r e a r r * » been found larking in ¡utriotism, brav­ I spent several months loarning the set the vessel in the hollowed top of a bodies on exhumation have been occa­ but kept a private secretary, who had w orld, prints reg u la rly 112 Colum n«, o r rlx te e u R Y J E A Y M A N applying to ua w ill re* I , celvH our honest opinion o i bin cnm phdnt. ery and capacity for self sucrifloe. Very i different ways to spell that word. Sev­ stone post that some of tbe railroad sionally found distorted, thereby foster­ strict injunctions not to betray tbe se­ pa^es, of News, L ite ra tu re and G eneral In fo r ­ m ation; alsu a m agnificent A g ric u ltu ra l and 0 e w ill U narantee a I'O S J T l V E C E R E i n I few of them have been celebrated, but eral years ago I was on the secret serv­ ' men had moved there. W hilo drawing ing the notion that this or that ocou- cret. One day the manager was dining H o rtic u ltu ra l D e partm en t. T h ia la one uf tfc« , «very cate we undertake, or for/cit O n e T h o u s a n d D o lla r « . «cattertd through our history from early ice. My partner and I had been on the the water a flash of lightning came that pant of the coffin has died from suffo­ at tho hotel when a gold watch was gi-eateat departm ents in a n y paper on th ia Consultation FR EE, and strictly private, coiotuul times down to today thcro aro , trail of a pair of sharpers who had a struck tho chain to which the well cation, a theory which is supported by raffled for. Each of the guests staked 2 Coast. E v e ry th in g w ritte n Is based on e x ­ C U 4 & Q S & V E R Y E K A K U H A B L F .. Treat- lecoxd sn f brave deeds that show the nietit personally or by letter. Send for b«x»k. repertory of 'con' games that would bucket was attached, and the woman the favorable condition of other ex­ shillings, wrote his name on a scrap of perience In the Coast Etatee. not on E a s te rn men’s knowledge of th e ir ow n localltiee. * * T h © F h l l o e o p l i y o f M a r r ia s o ,* * < American spirit of bravery and inde­ have made thooidinary bnnko man look was killed in her tracks. Her remains humed bodies i Tree. ( A valuable book for men.) paper, aud threw it into a hat. Onr pendence to belong ns much to tho wo­ sick. They were mou of far more than SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. i were removed, but the pitcher was left V I « I T D t t . J O R D A N 'S “ But tho idea is altogether wrong, in manager, when his turn came to sign men as to the men.— Now York 3un. G r e a t M iifteum o f A n a to m y < i ordinary intelligence and had the man- just where tho dead girl had set it. To fact and in principle. It is well known his name, pretended to write, rolled up the finest and largest Museum o f its kind in the ■ ners of cultured men of tho world. The ’ this day the pitcher remains in the among those who have made it a study the blank pieoe oi paper and threw it world. Come and learn how wonderfully you | r i u u y H air. 1 w ay wo happened to get them was u same place, and, so far from being re- that the apparent distortions, instead into tho hat along with the rest As are made; how to avoid sickness and duease. W e ore continually adding new specimens. I : pnro accident. “ I'll t ill y o u » socret,” said the girl, i moved, it is said that no living hand of demonstrating a living burial, pure­ chance would have it, this very paper C a iTzlX O »iZJr/V ?feM C a ll OI w rite. “ My partner and I were going down lias ever touched it save its’s owner's, “ and It is one thut is worth while. It is ly depend upon natural euuses brought was drawn. Great was the astonishment £00!_ Marks; Street, 3an Francisco, Cal. i from St. Louis on a Mississippi river although near the eide of the public about by decomposition, tho influence when it was found to be blank. But r discovery I made myself, and is real­ packet. There were about 20 of ns in i road. ly worth knowing. You know how hard ____ of which is sufficiently strong enough B------. the low comedian, who was tho smoking room tulking and trying to | But tho most wonderful th in g is tbe to bulge out, and even burst, leaden present, asked to have it shown to him, it is to keep your huir in curl in sum­ mer snd how it w ill got stringy uud pass the tyjio comfortably. Just as a superstition attached to the pitcher, coffins. This phenomenon does not hap­ and when he had examined it carefullv, lull came in' the hum of conversation a There is an indescribible influence sur- pen in every case, but it dues in a great ha gravely exclaimed: “ That is onr Micky in spi to of everything. You should not give your hood a thorough shampoo young man seated at a tubio w riting rounding it that prevents its touch, many. manager’s handwriting. I should know too oftun, for thut ruins the hair, besides some letters looked up with u troubled Hundreds o f people have gone with the “ No, no! I shall not go so far as to it among a thousand 1”—Nuggets. m aking it unnumugfablo. Still, you air and said, ’Could any of you gentle- Arm determination of lifting the pitch­ say that a premature burial has never Caveat, and T rad . Marks ohfatned and a ll r»t ' men tell me how to spell “ cholrf” I cr, but when they approach it a strange m ast l»ave the hair arouud your fuco taken place, but it has not occurred so ontbunlnrM coailurtoilforM odernte P eea. Ml»«ed A fte r A ll. fluffy. W ell, this is what 1 do: I do my Bond m odel, d ra w in g o rp h o to . W o a .l vlao If am a little puzzled over it. ’ 1 repugnance comes over them, and they often as is thought. I dare say it may The Spanish gunner got himself ; p a te iiK b l. fre e o f charge. O n r fen n o t d o e t ill hair in curl papers. 1 don’t like to, hut “ ‘W hat kind of a one do you moan?’ hurriedly depart w ithout carrying out occur in times of plagues and pesti­ within the barn, shut the door and bolt­ p o to n tla n e rn ro d . A P a m p h le t " H o w to Ob­ that is Die host way, 1 find, and tho asked several. j the object of their visit. tain Patents," w ith coat . f s.-.uie In th e U. B. lences, where tho presumed dead are ed it. aud foreign couutrtoa aunt free. Address. T h e C h r o n i c l e ¿Suit41«l% » quickest. W ell, when I put my hair up “ ‘Choir, to sing in concert, ’ chirped i O,ie night a bully in the neighbor- buried within a few hours of doath. Putting his rifle to his shoulder, he : T H B C H R O N IC L E ranks w ith tli« g reatest the young man, wrinkling his lirow" us hood, w hile under the influence of That is where much mischief lies. But Rt night, I just dissolve a little borux took careful aim, aud, shutting his eyes, nf-wppaperH la the U n ited 6tatcs. in tbe wator, wot tho hair that 1 am go-1 R stikt O -rics. W a.HinaTON, D . C if to recall the proper orthography. whisky, made a bet w ith Home friends when panic prevails whero does thought fired. T H E C H R O N IC L E haa no equal on the P a.ilfio “ ‘C-h-o-i-r,’ said a scholarly looking that he would go und bring back tho como in? lu g to put up, tukiug cure not to have it i Coast. I t leads &U in a b ility , enterprise and “ Ha, ” said he, “ who said I could not llv’VB. man with glasses on, too wet, and the result is light, dry | pitcher. Ho left to do so, bnt soon re­ “ In plagues, such as cholera, the T H E C H R O N IC L E ’ S Teleg rap h ic Rsporte «re flufflness that w ill warrant tho curl ' j " ‘Q-u-i-r-e, ’ sang out a big, well fed turned as pale ns a sheet and empty state of collapse is so profound that it h it the sido of a barn?’’ 8TANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. But when ho went to look for the Lht latest and most reliable, it« L oaal N ew « th» i old man off in tho corner, ataytug in longer tbnu by any other handed. “ B oys,” he remarked, “ no may perfectly simulate death itself, but fullest and Mplcleat, and its E d ito ria ls fro m the method. Just try it andsee if you don't A M u u n ta ln e e r W h o H ig h ly A p p r e c ia te d “ ‘C-h-o-i-r,’ repeated the first man person alive can lay hands on that the custom of burying tho dead on the mark of tho bullet ho found that he •bleat pens In the country. had fired through a knot hole. T H E C H R O N IC L E has alw ay s been, and a l ­ think s o .- E x c h a n g e . with some em phasis ’I thought every pitcher, and I wouldn’t attempt it day of death is fortunately on tho wano, M eal 1 j G ood (lo o k 1 ng. “ Caramha!” he muttered.—Indian­ ways w ill be, the friend «r.d chain pion of tha fool knew thut. ’ again for the whole of Aiken county.” even during advanced epidemics. It is As u rul« the mouutniueer of Kon- petplo, &« against coiubtnatious, eltguc«, cor- apolis Journal. W tb . E i d . w a »j r d lle lla m r . ’’ ’T hat’s all rig h t,’ said tho old man He refused to tell bis experience and probable that in the absence of medical porattone, nr oppression« < < ny U u d . i t w ill bn iv n «i,„i „ i looky 1« not a gastronomic connoisseur, l a r t h d ¿ iT l Mrs. Lxlward Bella- auij the visitor at his table is quite us off in the corner. ’Money talks. I ’ll bet said he would not talk about it. Other aid in panic times in country places Indepeudtani in averyUaing, n e u tra l in u vth ln «. C ondoleccc«, i you $50 thut Webster spells it parties have gone to see it, but mot abroad it has led to living burial—in­ n Z u-l lik8ly to f hM *r dr‘,,,1 »PPio- la d arm jg stocking«, ih e Bellamys I , ftli **frni H H h„ ia to fllld referred oth to r ! “ q-u-i-r-e” too." Member of tho Firm—Jamoel with the samo repulsive feelin gs.— deed it must have done. But the last 33 YOU WA54T THE CH33HJ0LE Office Boy— Yes, sir. “ T i l raise you 5 0 ,’ said the first Cleveland Pluin Dealer. have spent their summers at Noyos kind of fruit on tbe table. Occasionally end of all under such conditions is mer­ Beach for asvcfal years, and Mrs. Bel however, one of them is snttlcioutly for man, who w as a cotton buyer at Mem­ Member of the Firm—James, I am ciful, for it must not bo forgotten that ir O F Q ih k T if f o n ? laniy devotes much timo to gathering tuiialu to gut away from his fastnesses, phis. C l e a n C o a l M in c e . I if you are ‘unconscious’ only whilo bo- very glad to learn, upon investigation, and arr.iagtng sen shells. A bosket of snd living temporarily down in the " ‘All right, ’ said the big old man Tho Chilean coal mines, opened in : ing hermetically scaled in your coffin that yonr grandmother is really dead ■ --------- h a t you •h ells aud a tsa>- holding brushes uud i bluo grass has au opportunity to acquire coolly. Then the others joined in und 1865, seem to be nice places to work in. you w ill uever again experience volun­ and id t that are --- therefore not lying to ! ce . .u , e In order to go to the baseball game Show,n3 tb« Unilod S tn i l n , D o m i n i s i mucilage, with R|ionge, cup and scissors some virtues not otherwise obtainable. bet him to u standstill. They put up The souro of coal runs from the shore tary motion or sensation. U| mxi the table beforo her, aro tho tools It was such a oue I caught up w ith one about $500. Then they got the diction­ nnder tho waters of the Pacific ocean, of Canada and Northern M jx I oo “ However, whero the doctor can be this afternoon.—Detroit Journal. O N O T T h i s S ID J ii. w ith which she works, aud a nuturai morning in Juno along tho ridge of tho ary, and, as jnst now. tho man who bet and the tunnels are sc clean that you oousnlted, living burial is impossible history is alw ays within reach. Thus Cunilmrlnnds. U iia e d th e D e n ia l. on ’q u-i-r-e’ won. could walk through them in a dress even in a cholera panic, for thcro aro many hours aro iiappily sjx*ut in classi­ “ H ’m !” said the man who had, “ My partner and I waited till the su it w ithout making yourself dirty. certain bodily movements whioh gener­ " I ’m looking for a p la c e ," I said O N T J I K O T H K I 1 S I D ie . fying, isboltug uud arranging ran1 after a few preliminaries, “ where I can money hud changed handH, and then I They Hre lighted by electricity, and you ally occur after death from cholera, in bought an extra. “ 1 must have missed n n < « 2 a n d G et (b e U a a u n d . shells. Mrs. Bellamy is an accomplish-1 stop for a week or so w h ile I look up said, ’Come on. Si. ’ can have a ride for a mile under the tho absence of which u modical man an issue. ” » -h r .. n i e l e f e r 0 , 1 « ï t j t r , cd housewife, looking w ell to the ways “ 1 walked np to the yonng man and ocean on an electric car nt a speed of 20 would hesitate to certify for burial. why?” asked the mau who was p « .« ta « e v r e p x t o « n i n a j t i u i » a y « » »ome timber I have in this neighbor­ of her horn ehold. She is 1C years her I hood. Ik) you know of any?” AUBKSS9 suid- ‘Como w ith me; I want you. I ’ll miles an hour. The mines form quit« "In ages gone by and in uncivilized looking over his shoulder. late huslis id ’s junior uud is com puis- k i. n . ,i„ Y o in r e » , “ It confirms the news in the extra I : “ Thoru a in ’t much nv that sort show you hew to spell choir. Si col­ a catacomb of well lighted passages countries still it is possible that nncon- Vlüprl.Mor M ». Olin, niele, • ivoly a yonng wuiuao, not being 85 years eronmi here,” ho replied, “ excoptin lared the big old man and we waltzed nnder the water. Tha output o f co«i is •ciouscataleptics, or persons drugged to bought awhiie ago instead of denying «AN jrUA/lüiaCU. C A I. old yet. Her two children ure -Miuiun yon go to Mount Pleasant, au I reekou them down below. You never saw two now 1,000 tons a day, and 750 miners apparent death, may have been and it. Cincinnati Enquirer. and Paul. perhaps still are occasionally buriod' that’s too fur. Hut hoi’ o n ,” ho broke j fellows look quite so cheap. They had ure employed in them. MVW.WWA___ _ W is e I n H la G e n e r a tio n . clivo, bnt I do not lielieva thut in our ! in w ith a sudden thought, “ thar’s the ) cleaned up over $15.000 on t h < one 1 F o r fU b o v l W uparlutaudant. C T Y L I5 M . R E LIA B LE ! C r r ll n K a n d A l c o h o l . trick, but they got four years and a half ; own country or in any civilized land ! “ A great many years ago. when I Miss Mary N e stit o f Charlaaton, Ills., Wldder Tackett. She axed me yistidy apiece. Thut is one «ladling school I “ Remember,” says an experienced such events aro possible. ARTISTIC-te. . , i was a little girl, ” began Miss Candida | has just beau nominated for superiu- to see some uv you folks nt the mill and New York physician, "that alcohol “ In Vienna tho custom prevails of Yon mean a number of mouths ago, ’ in d e n t of schools by the Ikunoomts of tell ’em she had a (dace to sleep and eat i have attended that not every man goes to. Thut game is one which w ill catch stim ulates tho heart and circulation in taking a Ixidy to tho mortuary ou the don t you?” said Softly. T h .y A tw e y , J Joles ccuntyr—the first woiuuu uver two er threo men ef they wuzn’t too I nine educated men out of ten. You are much the sume way as excicise dees It was no wonder she said Mr. Softly . perticklor.’’ nominated for ihepositlou in that c o u u - j " Is it a pretty good place?" I in all right, but you may still have sonw- and that if you use it in auy form eve of burial, whero it is ’tested.’ Thimbles aro placed ou the fingers o f ! * as is exceedingly nice me., when ------ - soinobodv I y. She was a Coles county girl, her fa i thing to learn. ’’ w hile wheeling the reuction is speedy the dead, to which are attached wires e1*® « U e d him stupid — Tit-Bits her having been for uniuy years a quinxl thoughtlesiily. n bazar Then the smart yonng man offered and furreaching." connected with tho tnortaury bella ' ------- ----- - The young man’s face flushed. »romiueut teacher in tho public hu I kmi I s In the same w ay a long rida should “ Have the helis ever rung? Yes, once, i Commencement. “ Weli, 1 reckon," lie said w ith some the usual invitation in payment for the here. Miss Nenbit’s whole life bus been never be undertaken im mediately after information. — Washington Post. “ It is impossible for a doctor to mis- “ Why do they call it commencement levute-d to school Turk, though her ac- emphasis. “ She’s goin to tie my moth-1 a plentiful meal, this alao tending to take unconsciousness in its varied forms y he“ folks get through goinc to achnntv er-iu-law come next September." ual e.Y7r’,‘. um it tvuchoi* oovem only Q u i t e E r a c r a o H l« « , interfere w ith tho heart's action and for death. | It seems to me that’s a misnomer. ” our yvarti A fter lcuving the public I "Oh, I beg your pardon,” I huatened Cl ippie Creek is great on etiquette. respiration "¡dome tin:o ago it waa suggested that “ Ob, no. They just commence cbouls in the village of Hardin d ie be­ to oxpluiu. “ I only asked to knew if A man ont there met a little girl with a law should be passed making it com- realize, after they get through, what7 A F o r p l j j n W r i t e r ’« B u r d e n . anie u jiupll in the Uuklund high she hud good eating. Some of Ihut we wbuso fam ily ho is very intim ate and pulsory for a medical man to test bodies «oft suap^they’ve bt»>n having.’’—chi- ohool ¡she w as ufterward graduated get in private honaes even in tho cities, sa id : “ I find your political terms very puz­ before givin g a certificate of death. I THE McCALL COMPANY 5 ¿ i roni tho Indiana stute normal achonfi you know, is not the best in the w orld." zling. “ remarked the foreignor who "Hello, Edith I How aro you?" Testing by elcetrieity was thought of, n a to 146W . IBlhSUeat. f .r i ï ,j, i! 7 "C ities bo denied, ” ho said w ith a ud titeu stnihud at the Illinois nulver- The little misa drew herself up and was trying to gather material for a bnt It Is an open question yet whether j CooincM 1 b Danger. flue feeling. "Yer a in ’t uever tried the 1 1 .s» ntm a w ° 7 ¿ , : : . - ____ t j tty book on American institutions. “ For electricity k ills or ouly stuns. At all replied: Wldder Tackett’s pie yet, mister, an not g o ^ * ”'1 a y “ “ whcre 1 «OSI Mark«« s ______ t . , Han i-r»nc>>co. S i example, to rotate mean« to move in a 1 b e M crepbooba, yer want to keep still till yer do. { •T ’ao very well, but I a in ’t no tele­ circle. A ring also means a ciiel».«. Now events, we ia this country are net co n -: fac-toryor evidence of ^ ^ h ^ w ^ c o i ^ ^ d e r 11? viuoed that afford such a Gufficiout test wduld be satis-1 Wltut a tim e fig srrapbo* A n th is isl A in ’t nothin like it nowlicre, no matter phone. “■—Boston Globe. I am told that when a lin g controls »any ladies havo shirted books with what kind uv a pie she sets afore yer ! your offices they don't rotate auy death, although it has its value. Ou the i * • York and stood o n X f " ° “ ie first war uews and picture« and are I t’s all ne plusibiiH uuum, au no m is­ The first British recognition of Besse­ more. "—Chicago Tribune other baud, I don’t think legislation of j bridge of his ship outward bound from impiling illustrated works of histtuy take. Why, I’m tellln yon that I sot mer s work came from the Institute of this kind is necessary. It would cer- ono of tho ports of the A ttw Î c * « ^ down to one uv her pies lust week, deru Civil Engineers, which awarded him a >ct w ill be valuable in the future. A European statistician has discover­ huuly refllct upcu tha medical profes­ board. , Tbo uew.papcrs ure i-arefully clipped (,f * rocoinomlsvr w hst kind it wux, ef gold Telford nuxlal for a paper on his ------- » i*i n« le a minutes before a badly ed that only 35 per cent of the blonds sion. frightened man had J C ü n l . i n » « .» U llm l ( . , ’n f r l p ¡ , . „ =; icJh day, aud (ho volumes aro rapidly I ever knowed, an I wnz oatin right alcel process reud before it in 1809. nm up to him, call- I .. u .l r * - » , I j ,.. ,¡ j . i- -S marry, while 79 per cent of their bru­ “ Tbo Vienncso custom is a wiso one, Ing ont led, Tbv)»e w ho have friends among ' into it like a hot shove! goin into a , Ion«. Fancy VV„rk R nette sifters engage in matrimony. and 1 should like to seo it more gaaer- ¡2*?,',’, '"•»” '«»'■«— » 5; J J i a X l ” ’ th 0 i« magazine snow pile, an B ill H igers acrost tho ■a volnuteerv ure especially Interested \ esscls of 2.000 tons carry seven Ä a lly adopted."— Fenrson's AYsekly. tbie work One lady niiUfM notes of table truni me called mo a liar, an I anehora. four of a maximum weight of Forty ton» of rust have lx>en taken «aMaSI«! a t ltptì : ,**• < «J •r own and friend«' opinion as to the uever sail) a deni word to him tell I ! 18 tons, with abont 300 fathom , of ca­ « 3 T j “ ont of t*ie Meitai iron tubular bridge at T h a F oot E ditar» _________________ itccnw of the various anticipated: had plum e't my pie and got my teeth ble. T H E M îf At I co ë sfl one cleaning. A s iu i« , ov« ¡Rents ef the fit ut» unit uruiy ou thu J pieki’d, Deru my buttuus of I did, colo­ I U » t o M 6 V . , 4 «h s i . N e w Y e , « “ î B ill—Did you read abont that fellow A W W ? A 1, W ' . ,B ,*, » » *« » (:* fj» * .^ » |» ,i0 j c? *'.\uniuy Du late/.** mptxxik jiugteG uud this adds in nth to' n el." Writing a poem on a $60 bi)J? "Tom, that old sway backed mewl o' 4rll, In Ids "H ighw ays aud Byways In I did not like to Inquire further into youru ain’t no good uuihr a saddle, is « novt Ity. * J ill— No. The editcr kept it, of r.o i« ly n n l m i , ! tho mystery of what happened to Mr. lie?" m .n tlator l ommanded the f - ■ ‘ Devon and Cornwall" Arthur II Nor conrao. A R e a e r a l r ro p o a K ln « . he magazine. Both ordeng a part of 1 Bogers after the last taste of the pie way tells of a fragment of antiquity "Not IIa returned it. ” “ Nope; too slew an eln n i.y .'• a part of W’K'kwire Hooking ut board with was safely honaed >»y luv informant, but that ►till “ lingers iu the neighborbocd , "W hat, an oriitor return n {50 bill?” tho daily routine on every American “ Ner in lh ' buggy er wuggin?" *Wy tbe liiiad " ou it)— You uro uo 1 made a fair guess und went o u to n-e of Redruth, whero tbe country puiplo, "Y es. Ha didn't know wb«t it w a s . ! warship, were “ N opal teo awkward for that." . Promptly carried out but it b iiu i. .« mm : I a iu the Widow Tackett concerning board when they «co a ghost, say, ’Nnuiny — Ycakcrs Statesman. «k-, “£! BntU al> ^ » « e r was past “ Ner at pnllin ov the plow?” ,fh5 üftlcers “ 'I men o b tn iX ln»«iu. Luir«'xi — W ell, what'« K tu aud lodging for one man for oue week. dumnyl* " c u d he adds, "I leuvu the “ Noini; wants ter graze too much ” i W h^ k Hge af-a,hp froe stnte of affairs — W uhiD gtch Star. riddle to he solved by any oue who is “ Wliut you koeptn him fer, then?" asT*¡HIV " ^ r~ ' j-,» w u ta r ir e w r l One of the tallest (tacl-s in Great W«ok«rtrB— W hat business have y nB I «i^a or « i r . ~ .-" t ’ .'?'- '«•.’ ■ « ■ » i " Waal, you «ee, we ain t got no curious enough to undertake a useful Britaiu is situated at Llanelly. From Ä Rrnn Wuraa. "AMI •OCK r ir x ariug th a t card? w at their ca,itain bad U rn stiudiug , l«M-k at onr house, au that o!« mvwl pteoA i f practice in uurareling the cor­ tho base of the foundation U» the ex- tho time jnst over tho taagaxiue.8^ “ Wiiy, ho aliured me like—Ilk« ’— oreta V ** o v » irB « rerj« t l Jiainal Dawson—JI nt as much right bmvs at dinuertiuie jest ex shem ex tho ruption of language." treme sum mit is to o feci high. The - 1 . - . , « ... ” 1 * —X" <■( " L ik eu pickpocket?" anybody i don t say I in Mind This i rv x z r niv Hi«a'uvnciA 1 Tim phrato is (rubab'y a corruption xxxii rt yeailh tourus over. Ysssar, I've been cap of the top weighs 87 ion*, aud 720,- down from the bridge aud let k i m ^ ! -re,.-, u. 1 “ Worse than that. More like a juuduu T it iitts In the ksm e of the Lord, " a phrase so tiou. It is circular ia form, and la a made the remark quoted above, tu«quirur familiar m the devotion of tho mtJdis gal-,i bends extremely. ¿duiu on Huis. "— Atlanta ,’yuiual lyn Eagle. ** — L U W .,,^ w A S ^ Ñ f t T ^ a ,. D M e* * * » » » « « PSUs » : !LÎÂ»Ê paper MENZV0U D A IL Y $ 6 ? 7 0 The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 PATENTS C. A. SNOW & CO. b Map of the World MS CALL , I flffKRNs' H I He * * * *