W .rUBLHH«» B V««Ï E S T FRIDAY MORNING— GARDINER N EW S. R oyal “* k "< o POWDER B y ▲ S ubscribir . HÎSTÈRFA !* purely i n«rv«ue d'xowtur a r i Bit th» ___ eyicpto.-ss ore of nervoaK o.-tir'a. M acy women «« tm e i. w ith nya’ .r la i-cnttniie u « ¿ S ir beuwtiM Utay th ink ik a t there i» no euro fa r io«m . Ky»-t«r*a car. »»• yu ricctly and r-’ r- la-in -n tty cur«4 no r a itt e r how fv.r au'-m c. use H l.D Y A N an-1 'hen <»t< JullI fr-*oeo what It ha» done fo r you. Three ★ June 12th, 18lO. The schooner Lily is daily expected. n W ¥>i !Y> ■? Mis Lugsbsr l of Long Prairie was u, , . town last week. 5 V .II.W E A T IIE R S O N Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Mrs Chas Perkins and sons of Bandon , Editor and Proprietor. j «O»M ««KIM Www» oo,»i« TOM. are visiting io thia vicinity. Mr \V F Jewett left last Friday for _ _ _ T s W ln: $1.60 a y w »» advance.----- J nit the thing for tliCM warm »lays— ; 9au Francisco on business. -------------------- - “ “ j those shirt waists at A O Funke,*. Messrs. Ilensdale and Seymour mado Entered at the “¿ ^ T id a s s ' ° * in« to 80 ">a»y P‘‘-ce9 of obituary ' a trip to south Tennille Inal Sunday. Stricken With Apoplexy. He Expired Jjuic connty j poetry being sent in about the minin' Mr Ilickethier, tlie Drain photograph- mail matter Monday Morning i person, we shall hereafter be obliged to > er, has pitched his tent here for the | limit the pieces in accordance with time ; summer. mads known ¿D’ vertihiso rates 1 of sending and space required. . PLICATION. . I f i l l r p iS k V M .Tiitruu Marlin mr lor many I T i m m any years a Well Mr Ben Lyster has moved into tlie each Insertion bocal aodees S cents per line, I Marion Sweet who with bis brothers known school teacher died of apoplexy house formerly occupied tno late Seu- Wallace and Cecil have been in Califor- I at his residence on Maple creek., Mon­ > tor A W lteerf. ti ¡a for a few months past, writes that he ! day morning, .Ione 12tli, 1R03, nged C4 Florence, Or. Juno 16, 1899. BLIE AK Y81Y SYMPWMS: The now cannery is now under way. has not seen one inch of territory th a t' years. l - l F I . F T T K M N a O F T l I K K Y S L IC s It will occupy a point immediately will compare with the Sinslaw. They H u hud not been in the best of health A N 1 ) A T lN O l.lN U 41tNaAT»O»J A B O V Q W B S T L IN O S . above the old mill. T11B E V E S . I t r n Y A N Wll. roll«»» te w i have turned northward and are proha-, for a lime hut was not thought seriously o tt tnim odialaly. , Mr Wost Reed and family of Wash­ a lin »-J. T R I t A i n i J M ! O F T U B L t F R -T b ie i bly in Oregon again before this. , ill. Sunday evening Ire re.’red as nenal ' Summer has conic. due tu Iho Btfcv'Ion of fa.-.a. r.tp o a - . ington have arrive I in Gardiner to ¡tiD Y A N wilt rcstcre the norveo to » 4,000 pieces of Tinware, half car of *’itt about ten o’clock he was stricken Ttrawberries ripening- make their permanent home with us. ealthy c o filO o n . and the trem W lnff w ... Stoves, car of Twine, car of nails and with apoplexy. He soon became un- just ttie lime for a sugar lamine. Wo are sorry to chronicle that our in T U B . t h r o a t - tm s wire, car of Iron ami a big supply of all conscious and died about five o ’clock uauaUy prevede« r o n Ing ape I .. | Postmaster Joseph Butler is but little symptom gee Mrs Morgan’s hotel card in this hardware which was bought before t he j nc*t inoruing. ’Ih v feeding la as though ihero wua u b a ll In the llnxiat. T h is .its«; Is n n e r v ju j [ advance in prices, enables me to supply , Tliouta» M Martin was born io Ilamp- inproved in health since our iast writing. » » » p lu m which H U D Y A N wt.l cause to J L P t T S a n d i is tie jlood’s Pill« cure all liver ills. N o n -ir-! „n iir.es at «way down prices. S«e me ' »hire, England, Jnne 12th, 1835. When . Miss Gaddis will teach tiro second d " ' p M A ’ IT A T IO N O F T I1 E H B A R T - ritating. I before you buy. F 1, Chambers. Eugene. 1 rttxmt fifteen years old be came to ttiia . grade in tlie Roseburg public school Tho heart lieroniva wtakencO no tno n«rvvs ano anil beats irregularly A lt- • - Fourth • A few davs ago wc were given a poster i col,ntry' bis >>»re,,t" 9ettlinB at 9t next winter. Thia district will lose an w r ik ly . I ’ r n Y A N w ill htrerfctben t» » Heareely ttireo weeks till • the hoarF muscle and cause tho b tato to Lo­ announcing that Dr Branham has located 1 U ,,lR' 1,1 1M” !,e croMe Y Z * I w ill »treacih en the Screen Doors with Spring Hinges nerve«, and the olntitug feeling w t.l not years, then became a school teacher and ' of the ouly two hotels in town, who formerly resided on Sweet Creek. t recur. _ <2 00 M F L Chambers, Eugene. was engaged in the latter occupation. Mra Hurries of Ash Valiev brou ght her W--men. thia 1» for you. Romomlxn The “ Death Knell’’ lias been sounded most of the time lie lived in Oregon. th a t H U D Y A N cures men unit won-.. :i 1 For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at | ! t„-o-vear.old bov to Gardiuer last week two-year-old boy to Gardiner last w ilt relieve you of all tho above e»i. |- to Apothecaries’ Drugs, and a sign "To and you cun be cured. Doctor-- I i w the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. At different times he taught in the >>i eye treatment. Dr Patterson oper- forded von some relief, but they have Let” will he in many windows of Doc­ ' public schools of Harrisburg, Eugene, | ! for aged" un t(ie (0ft cye Monday morning. cured. 'H U D Y A N w ill effect a i-e,loai.ein Capt. Steear ¡3 preparing to put in a tor offices since tlie A unt J ask Home ¡Florence nnd other places. In the i ,, , cure. T a ke H U D Y A N now. You can get . . . . __. U D Y A N uf yo urdruggloi for S3 coins'x-r line of pipe to bring water to his house. . . ' . . Gardiner was treated to a regular list H Remedy for female troubles lias been package o r < packages U r >2.M. I f jo in spring lait, ho was apptonted to a post- . , . • » . u >m . The San Francisco Examiner and tlie p|B(.eij on u ,e inB(ket. Every '.. . .. , ■ , o , fight one night last week. Tlie nameB •r— “ gist doco not k««p It, ae::J direct la J tU D Y A N fU C M N D Y C O M P A N Y , tion in tho reform school at Salem . . , . , ... . . . ......... .. of tb e p rin cip a ls aro withheld as it was n Francisco or Loo Angolea, C alifornia, W est for one year $2.50 paid in ad- woman, married or single, should send a remaining there till two months ago. . . . , .'«o can consult the doctors of the H U D - , . _ i too dark to make positive iJoatiucntion two-cent stump to our office for a beauti­ Alter a short Y A N R E M E D Y CO M PA N Y F ltltF Call vance. atuy in Eugene, he return- an tho dootora. I f you cannot call, _vaa. Now ia tlie time to put in your lin y fully illustrated circular, free. Address ed to his ranch on Maple creek where he m ay w rite mid advice w ill bo given fro#. Dentist Smith and Ids assistant, Mr Adare»« Carrier outfit. F L Chambers lias The Aunt Jane Medicine Co., rooms 13- | (Ue(, on ,lifl gixt (uurlll birthday. 1 Besidcs'a widiw’he lenves7w7J ’sons to 1 | — ’ ’ h‘' ve - vut,y ' nud J to Marshfield. 14 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. Wuede^ HUDYAN REMEDY COMFAHY, them. David Bradly who was formerly a re- j mourn his death. Carey, the elder an Dentist Strange will remain a lew days ,ret Fisk began putting tlie Marguer- Ho. 816 Sooth Broadway, .st’s machinery in running order yester­ sident of Sweet Cieek but went to Wis- attorney of Salem ami William, i longer when tie will go to Florence, 1 - Los Angeles, Cat consin about two years ago writes th a t! »y ho is employed in the Oregon State! The mill wilt shut down a few days day. Cor. Stockton, M a rket oad S ill» S ta , this week owing to scarcity of wharf Full stock of new designs in wall lie intends to return to the Siuslaw be Journal office in Eugene. News of Baa Frakctaaa. Sck fore long, lie says ttiat a climate is too tlieir father’s death was sent immedi­ room. But it in expected that tlie men paper. Prices low. F L Chambers, cold for him when he has to wear a ately and they arrived just iu time to will tie put to work on the new cannery. Eugene. HE HA8 GONE. heavy overcoat and thick woolen cloth- lie present at the funeral. There ic talk of painting and other­ Tim wages of tl.e principal of Eugene | ‘ gUy hy U((j fire to keep warm. Funeral services were held Wednes­ wise renovation tlie church. This will schools lias been raised from $1.00 to Lines written by Mrs Helen Austin oo day afternoon under direction of the meet the heartieat endorsement of tho I S tatb op Onto, C itv op T oledo ,} $1400 a year. Masonic lodge of Florence of which the ' people of our little city as it presents a tbe death of little Charlie Pottorf anil L ucas C ounty , ) l’ains in loins, puffed eyelids, palpita­ N one who are engaged in any o f th e mechanical Frank J Cheney makes oatti that be deceased was a member and tlie re- very sad appearance both inside and dedicateti to his pareuts. tion of heart. Hudyan cures. Ail drug­ is tlie senior partner of the firm of F J mains interred in tlieir cemetery at out. li e lias gone, lie has gone, his purauitfl can nuccecd w ithout reading and Cheney A Co., doing business in tlie city Acme. Mr Martin was also a member gists, 50 cents. The people of Gardiner are reading Bright spirit tuts ffcJ, of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, of the G A R having served a short time The latest description of an a ssesso r- tlie Steamer Ralph controversy with Ilis form once so love’y, lies studying this standard Magazine o f Scicnoea man with a long nose, a book, and a and that said firm will pay tlie sum o f , ¡n the civil war. intrest, and would like to fathom the Senseless and dead. and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated w ith One Hundred Dollars for each and every real cause of all the trouble if it was not Death has set his dark seal long pencil. CHIDREN’S DAY PROGRAM- On that fair boyish brow, due to violation of the laws governing Tired limbs, aching joints and pains case of catarrh that cannot be cured by all modern cuts o f latest inventions in all A ml that warm, loving heart Bteainboating. in muscles. Hudyan cures. All drug­ the use of Hull’s Catarrli Cure. The following is the program lor the the branches of m echanism , and its fond o f Frank J Cheney. Be ats not for us now. Dr J I, Elwood, formerly of Gardiner gists, 50 cents. Sworn to before me and subscribed in Children’s Day exercises at Point but now of Tygh Valley, Wasco Co., Is A ihob Hadsall of Mapleton told a knowledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­ He has gone, and low lies tlie my presence, this Gtli day of December, Terrace Sunday June lltli. fiieml that lie thought lie should soon Cherished oue’s head. Song The Banner of the Cross School in town on business. He will remain ventors and mechanics. Sold w ith T h b A D, 1890. about two weeks. The doctor has in ­ Tlie roseate bloom from liis Reading by Superintendent. be out of Led again. vested quite heavily in real eatate them I------ A W Gleason, Smooth cheek has fled, Rcc. Consider the Lillies The Mink brougtit down a fine band W kht at clubbing rates. - seal » „ Notary Public. Willie and Rudolph Brood and speaks highly of hi» new field wnern Ilis eye that sparkled with ol about 20 goats yesterday for Will (—— » lie enjoys a large practice. Laughter and light Jesus Loves us Hall’s Catarrli Cure is taken Internal- Song Boren of Fiddle creek. Forever is cloied in ilio darkness Bessie aud Eminn Brund wagon ly and Acts directly upon the blood and ’ ACME ITEM !. 'flic Bain is tlie most durable Ree, Mary Hadsall Of night. built. See them before you buy. F I. mucous surfaces of the system. Send “ Children’s Day Seven Children ; for testimonials free. Oil I why was be taken from B y a C osuesponpent . .Chambers, Eugene, Or. Lillie fcrund F J Cheney Co., Toledo, O. Song Earth in his bloom, Ladies, tlie latest name of sleeveless. Roe. Little Pilgrim Three Girls wraps is regalia. If yon doubt it Hsk ! Sold by all druggists ,5c. And his bright mind is shadowed Mr. Lewis returned from Engone last •• Gifts Walter Brund Hall’s Family Pills are the best. With death's silent gl'xun, the young Masonic brethren. Song Children do you Know who I w eek' ’Tivaa the will of his Heavenly A Crescent Bicycle to be given nwny Loves you Infant Class PERSONALS. Mrs. George Chamberlin wns iu Acme Father to call, free. Write F L Chambers for full Rec. What do the Lillies say H eknoweth full well what | Friday. Eiglit Children particulars, Eugene, Oregon. Is good for its all. | Relatives of Mr. Fisk oro visiting in Died at Heceta June 14th. W F l Joe Slemmon. .came down from Ord L 8 Ogden Song I G K notu ! Acme t,,h week’ He has gone, God has taken Thia m onthly magazine is one ot th e very Phipps, agod 84 years. The deceased is Wednesday, Remarks School ! Mt. Schulte and family will start to Our own darling tioy, Jesse Bounds came in yesterday from Song Jesus is Calling the father of of Mrs 'V A Cox. best printed in th is country, and is sold Our bossom's own treasure, I G Knotts Gardiner Monday. Benediction Guard: Marriage license was issue! the valley. Our pride and our joy. E. P. Waite came down from thn log­ Mrs Fmnk Sweet of Acme visited in to all subscribers at rates w ithin tha nt Eugene June 13tl>, to Harry Boyle, SUNDAY SERVICES. i He is reaping tho sweets of his ging camp Monday. Florence Saturday. 21 years and May A Mill», 17 years. Savior’s domain. ability ot all to pay. I t is finely illon The Saubert mill is sawing ft large Roy Johnson expects to leave next Carl Miller will lie in Florence tbe Sunday school 10 a m. Endeavor order of luintier for C G Wilson. ! Be calm bleeding hearts trated and prescuita the names o f Aunona 2 p m. No preaching as the pastor will I ' For our loss is his gain. Fourth with a fruit stand ready to sell week for Aberdeen, Wash. Mr and Mrs W T Carle of Alene were , alavnt ia 'ort]er to attend a meeting! Mr. an I Mrs Slicrbomiy anil Mr. Lew­ you the best fruit, note, candy, etc. authors as contributors. T a n W nw r is vmite-l with Mr. and Mrs. Schulte for conference on the home mission work FOR SALE- Among the list of circuit court jurors trading in Florence Saturday. and the Cosmopolitan are sold a t re­ Mrs T J Stitt left here Monday to join in tho Presbytery, to Ire held in Salem Sunday. we notice tlie names of J I Butterfield of The new mill is steadily growing, her husband at Tattoosli. Wash. ! tin 20tb. D C L Tltuntpkun of No* Florence and J U Sutherland of Glen- 3 good miltli cows with cnlves. duced rates at this office. tbe new smoke stack w»s put in place a A P Knowles of Mapleton starts for ! York secretary of tho board of home j W m H afi . bv . tann. few days ago. One Bol einln miner writes back that pjugene next Monday on a business missions, will meet the home mission­ Mr. and Mrs. Cha». Sberbondy will FOR SALE- aries at tlie above date. be iaso lonesome that he would give $10 , j r(p. leave here next Monday for their now I G K nott ». to hear a child cry five minutes, l i e j j j r3 Windsor Wells and daughter of ¡ bout« near Eugene. Small pigs for «ale «t W 8 Brewer'» SERIOUSLY INJUREO. neaver heard of anyone longing for that , n,ado a visit to Florence I ues- Mr. Pratt camo in from Eugene last farm. W F M ite». kind of music before. | jg y . week. He intends to move liH family Anyone desiring to purcltase a new i McCornack and son Kenneth While falling limiter yesterday after­ down tbe firsf of July. NOTICE FOR PU BLIC A TIO N . sewing machine may find it to his iu- were passengers out on Tuesday stage noon a 14-yca,-old son uf C A Dressier, Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt visited Mr and reeiding 6 mites north of Eugeoe, was tcreat to call at the W m t office and from Mapleton. bead by a large lim b .' Mrs Bam Seymour at the mouth of tlie ' lan d Office at poxebnr-;, Oregon. ■scertain what we offer in that liue. Wni Brynd «ml daughter Mattie went struck on tlie 5iuv 12, 1*0. Ilis skull was fractured and concuas ion river Saturday and Bunday. Win Brynd has added to the conveni­ to Eugene tlie first of the week to be ab­ I Notice is Iieroby give« that the liiHowInc- of tlie brain resulted. Dr Brown, who i OR. J W. STRANGE. named settler has «led notice of h i. Intention ence of his residence by constructing » sent a short time. -------- “ Vo 4o not U k e possession of our itUae but are pasastMefi by tfcoa? to make floai proef t-. support of Ids claim, amt I sytem of water works by which an abun­ Mr Fox of Gray’» Harbor arrive,I l.ere was called lo attend young D ressier,' : that said pmof w ill be uiiwle befnn» re;uii, on J.i te 24, l»»», vU ; brothor of this piare- getlier enenura einp.—Friday’» Guard. ! of time a» tbe work to 1») done ' (ieerec A. Gentry on II. t . Mo,40.13, fur tho 1 to came Racine Buggies and Hacks have a John Taylor of Hermann The injure! boy t» a ,-r:iud»on of -5l r8 ’ wr | j « » Compton sit of iA»kcl’r w l’.et. 1 2 '-|»;r |»;r pound pound for iinsalted butter for!^^ ' stetem of gold crown and bridge work l ........ tin. B a il,,« ,, thinkers is a gronp oi fatew eting men and } T. Notice is hereby given, that the Tax the entire season, but he cannot pay Phil Nicolle left Mapleton Monday Roils for the yeyr 1098, will bo nosed is especially euccessfol and satisfactory , ItegMes women, And their thonguta are worthy tho ever 10 cent« to those who send butter evening lo r K -^ n e to carry the new» of t to hia patients. In tlie making of false - f„ William on the 16* h day of J one 1898. All per­ teeth he ia more than ordinarily succe««- only during tlie hot season. ARE YOU AN the death of T M Marita sons who desire to avoid costs aud rouijderation ot ail people, T he Arena ia 1 nr (he sake of fun, mischief is done. Martin of lliat place. ful. All his work lie fully guarantees O D D expcncee, «h-uiid pay oef ‘V that dale. left lierc A vakl amount ol mischief is done, too, eold w ith T u r W w . and hi» charge« are very reaeonablo. D aicl at Eageuu, Orc. May 29, 1899. Mrs Wetmore and faintly join her lcrau-c (ample neglect to keep their METEOR FOUNO- Sunday to go *•» Eugene to W W WfTutRs, sheriff and Tax if a.i you should take and read blood (-urc. This mischief, fortunately husband in Washington, fhetr many Collcctur. of Lane C-oonty, Oregon. yc - t he undone by the faithful use cf friends here regretted tl.eir ,ie, arture. I am I Satnrdsy If H Barrett, who has pacific odd fellow ti: I j Sarsaparilla’ driven the siege for about thirty years A monthly magatine pnbli»lie>i in for sale or rent . v r ir.; our su W rib ers who are in THE FOURTH OF JULY aud become a» familiar with the Portland, and exclusively devoted to »Heavy fur the Wgsy to send us all or a * -D A N O E - objects along the Ijoacli as we are a- »■sit r,( (i,e amount of your sniisci ipt»ons. The M-»rris Hotel at round our home», discovered a little the interests of Odd i ’elluivehij», l» lh * W i n , BC ttXLD IN TUB I O O F HALL Hie (>rice of a yeat'a auhscriptinn is a For parlicnlar« inquire * TUKfDAY tVSNINO JULY tv n . i North of Ttireo Mile creek wliat np|>car- «mall amount but it is by putting those M orga n. ed to b« a large rock wliidi lie bad not _ . -M U S IC B Y - »•nail amount» together t ’.:.t v. e manage seen in liie path lasfore. Investigation » Oon«N. D ittfrff«« and W oopcocx F A R M F O « S A «-E to pay our bill». proved it to be a uteleor weighing 250 brri-K«, T annkh II otbi ., $ 75 W h were aakc.l some tim e ago .'>« pounds or m -ve which Mr Barrett w e nave ms-ir ........ D a N C R . . ............. $ (,0 I o ffu r lo r s x le « n y t« m o flW ‘ ‘ ^ n following q leation: “ If a titan 's m in d thooglit inuet have falien when the tide ) the publisher by which wc ran club .....................................................$ .25 . reck 1’- mi1®* irû’" Poi 1 T . til lie lias any) becomes so p->llute l that bweet ___ (.ree» ».s ....... A —which when ful! covert the spot about I p j,) i> |].,w " with T hu W s Fteun x o « s. E abhahdt A F l» « lie will surmise anything »ml hetiev® It Mos'ly bottom Rrjw $<300. five f e e t - w s v in a . it made only a com - a r-te we believe every O-I.I Fellow MAFAGOta: Eueyt* A W ooocccx. rattier tb iu helievo Hie statements of roaJ (roin place to rn ' , puraflvely »light indenture in the sand. , A GOOD TIME ASSURED. truthful witnuszc«. w hxt is best to ( w il) j-p p v t or all aj Mr Barrett anil psssengcre rolled ’. C u * " meteor hat k ns far aa they could and , The price of be dune witli l.itn?” Our interrogator. LEM JNADE 8TAND. brought a piece to the W est office which and the th'.uglit a mild tunic would be good, THE JE TT Y A but w , think the proper use of a goed I rliali have a stand oo the piente ils!» would be more effective. ground at Fhrrem* J"'T *»'» »'»h • 0,,p Copie, of the U f R A b g aoksts w t s r r D - m » - tue of csndv, peanuts, lemonade, schú-veoicnts ->f A l«r!r.«t 118« t> .’ thi rc *S 4 ’ - — r* 1 ”' CTi-stMt nsvst h-r.1. Hy Muret Ila trtw o . » L ane C ocmty , O rìoon .— , * V»£ 3UJTF T M MARTIN GONE Desirable ★ Stars in ★ And Thé S Sold With A T H E W E S T - ScÎEntifin American.- THE EnSMnPnLITAN,' THE ÄREHÄ LOOK OV£R THIS CROUP. life tour frien t and s-lmfrur r f *h’ ™ »‘loi. Rirrert nnd best lu rk ; oyer u<» ^xio Inches, ueerly I«! («««• Í"uí" ',e.2 s bíc tim,,. Only »t.M. Iiu>na«.ii< dein»»«- ____ ‘• imn i » , on*. Outfit fra». C h » " p or s _ till Ja!v t a r Writ« quick. The PumlnloB C « l» f» » /, P ortlaD d U u v “ . 1:1 rijo: Vex.u.1 £!£»., tfctcs^». 26th,