T H E W E S T .' TÉN THOUSAND MEN FOR OTIS. WASHINGTON LETTER. Literarv. There are 185 republicans In the next hoc.se, which tta'tea 93 votes iu tbs Faov ore bkodl .'. s CoanespcMPear. Ot*»'»niac: • FrWLieVtSD JTYXBY YÄlP^T UM !»•.<"— canon* nucseexry to noosiaats the next (ouaiNAL aso t bi serre ) Washington, J a se 9 .— The Eolution of ayM-akei. Tho friend1 Of representa­ —XT— tbs problem of how to roinforeo Gen. tive KenJerson that lie fa already W ash . D C, Juno 5, 1809. Wit is a dangerous wesp -n. Ottk wâbeutcaid&g for voluateere or F ’.*sr*r», L ax « Corx?Y,’ O iaoW S tretary Alger left Washington to I* assured of the support of that many The Io7c of glory -un o lly create reducing below tho danger lino the re­ ab:r t i'ic greater part of this monili, members and that he id sme to he the reates a great . . ; hero; the contempt of it eresici •••« ¥ ••• serve force in tho United State», vr s mat 'ter the enb.net decided not to call next speaker, nnd disinterested ob- ¡ 1 man.- reached at a meeting of t'-e ex :„tt for vöTuiiteera for tiie Philippines. servers regard tho claim as valid. It today. Attorney genera'. Griggs an­ In the adversity of *»ur i«*“t friends' There were two reasons for this (fisci- has licea stated that tho administration I nounced his opinion that the army wo often find something •vUji.li does n ot, E JiU ? and Proprietor. cioii . The first, and most important,; had no choice between Col. Henderson, reorganization hill, firing Hie msiinttim displease us. • as that it wnnld be exceeding danger- ' and Mr Sherman, of N Y, and that j strength of the army at 65,000 men. did True wit is nature to advantage oiu to the health of the men to send i either would bo perfectly saliah.w lory lo | ilorcnca. Ore. June 10, 1809. not include the enlisted force at the raw volunteers to the ¡elands until thu it as speaker. This was regarded as a dressed, what oft was thought but no ei '. i - r. • hospital eCrps, and thé regular aimy can J rainy season is over, which will net he practical elimination of the other can-1 so well expressed. . GRAIN OROPS IN INDIA, FRANCE AND bo ipcrciuied by that number, As the until about Sept. 1st, and Gen. Otis j didate*. I t .» so taken by Mr Hypkins , A rich man despises those who flatter AMERIOA. enlisted hospital corps aggregate 2UOO could make no good use of them during , of Ills., who withdrew in favor of Ooh . him loo much aod hates those who do men, the opinion .of the nltorney-geu-1 that season, it they were there. T h e: Henderson, flow Mr Payne of N Y, ! not flatter him at all. I.hroiil.’h-: I t ' . , , - i oral gives that many inoro men to the I other reason was a report received from intend» taking it cannot bo po-itively I Life to young man, is like a new J M W ^ 0 tho Stoek'on Milling regular army for Manila. President Stliurfnan, of the Philippine i said, although ho passed through acquaintance of whom lie grows dis- Company, accompanied by his family, Major-General Shafter has now a* tin- j ! commission, expressing the opinion Wasldngton within tho last forty-eight gusted as lie advances in years. returned Thursday, June 8th, from a Presidio, in California, ready for early j that the Filipinos would surrender be- hours. Tho Mew Yorkers are to decide tour of the world. Mr Welsh made a shipment to Manila, 2400 recruits. I am convinced that we have a degree | , fore t l.o < !ose of tho rainy season, this week, whether they are support j of delight and that no small one, iu the : careful study (tf the crops, market* and Word was received by I,he war depart­ ! making another military campaign un­ Sherman or Payne, and as Payne has real misfortunes and pains of others. milling inteient In India, France and ment today that the Nineteenth infantry he! «■astern wheat-producing districts of the under ordeis to go to the Philippines, I necessary. Military men aro almost ’ gone on a pleasure trip to Alaska, Tlinre are many vices which do not , , unanimous in the belief that more probably considers himself out of it. 'United States. 11c says that India will which eame back from Porto Rico only deprive us of friends; there are many I There ss little interest in officiul circles virtues which prevent our having any. j not be a competitor of this country, as 700strong had today been filled to its volunteers will have to be called for, its yield will be suificient only to supply full quota of 1300 men by recruits en­ before Hie revolt is put down. Mean- over the sale to Germany of Spain’s If yon wish to appear agreeable in j the demand at hams. Fr»r>«o IS ¡ft far listed at Camp Meade. The regiment white, regulars are to be sent to take remaining possessions in the Pacific, society, yon must consent to be taught ' a n d better condition and will have a large will he sent to General Otis at once. In the place of tty£ returning volunteers, for $£,000,000. Speaking of the matter, many tilings which you know already. and General Otis lias been given author- \ an official said : “ It is not surprising, . . If quantity id wheat for shipment to for­ addition, the Twenty-fourth anil There are two things to which we : ity to enlist as many natives as lie may With its principal colonies gone, Spain eign ports. Twenty-Gftli infantry regiments, ne­ never grow accustomed—the ravages o i ! will be better off without the little Welsh is of the opinion that the wheat groes, .very company recruited to its see fit. 1 islands. We didn’t want those islands, j ‘ imf »«“1 thc injustice of our fellowiuen. Gen. W ool the commander of tiie cast is what is termed “ winter killed,” full strength ar.i under under to go to The reputation of a man is like his which means that there wan not suffici­ the Philippines, which will give Gen. Santiago district seems to have found the , or we should have gotten them witli the shadow—gigantic when it precedes him, ent snow to keep it covered, and the Otis 2800 more fighting men in good | Cuban problem easy to solve. In a re- Philippines. This government has no and pigmy iu its proportions when port to the war department, after toll- j interest whatever, iu who owns them, 'weather was far to? warm for the plant condition. The Fourteenth infantry, ing of the quiet and orderliness of the 1 although wo should have preferred that follows. which has been also badly damaged by also fully recruited, nnd part of the chinch bugs and other insects. He Fourth artillery, are at the Presidio, ; entire district, over which ho had just England take them, if wo l.ad express­ HERMANN ITEMS. found thu same state of affairs in the awaiting orders to sail. Thus wiihnnt I traveled, he says “The whole problem ed any preference.” Canadian wheat districts. Hu believes issuing a call fgr volunteers, the ptesi-1 i today in Cuba is work. Put tho idle SW A M P« 1» not recommended ter i B y C tbs wheat crop of the United states will dent can send general Otis a fore* slight ' . |«ople who are now reading tho ineen- ROOT. everything; but if you ; diary press to work, relegate to a back not bo as large as originally estimated, ly in excess of 10,000 men. June 12th, 1899. scat tiie politicians whose present ini- have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it but wiU probably be up to the average. General Otis has been instructed to : portance rests solely on the attention ' " be found just the remedy you need, Mr Rail ttie book man has been in Welsh oxpocts that tho iinuionse yield organize several skeleton regiments of . this vicinity for a few days delivering they are receiving from our people, and < druggist* in fifty cent and dollar in Argentine this year will keep prices volunteers who may accept the proposi- j You may have a sample liottle of books, FOR A SHORT TIME down. Ho'»ays he would n o t’ be sur­ lion to re-unlist for service until July I they will not have followers enough le ft' W M Casterline and family have I lo give then* the slighest importance or ; tlii* wonderful new discovery by mail prised to sco wheat lots than $1 a cental, moved back to Hermann after a two 1st, 1001. These skeleton organizations $ FOR CASH OiNLY. ! weight in the community. Agitators j free. *1»° pamphlet telling all about it. years’ resilience in Douglas county. as tho Liverpool and London markets are to lie officered by volunteer officers were greatly depressed by tho reports to he selected by General Otis from the ! have tried to stir up the people of this ' Address, Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, I guess tiiat Ex-U S., etc., found that 1 province, hut they cannot do it, simply N Y. the W est could tell the truth and stick front bon th America. 11 volunteer regiment* now with him, to it. Give him another rub when he because wo have given the people some­ THEY ARE REALLY A BIG THING and are to be increased to tho maxi­ needs it. Besiors tub geusral scheme for inter­ thing to do and put them in a condition mum strength by regulars sent from At last we hpve fine weather and you ; national aiTiitration undsr consideration so good that they will not leave it for a .■•i Wichita Eagle: will soon hear people worrying for fear ' here. lawless life, unless absolutely forced to. by the peace conference at the Hague, Those Philippines grow upon us, ami we will have a drouth, something never ; there arc ioveral plane fa r mediation. Tiie people who arc creating a disturb­ in many ways and directions. We known in western Oregon, RAILROAD TO MOHAWK. T b it presented by secretary Hollis, of ance today in Cuba, do not represent whipped Spain while she waited fora There were no regular decoration of tho American delegation, is most two per cent of the population.” It good ready, but the war entailed in lt,„ services here, but the graves of tiie The Eugono Guard of tho 9th says favorably received. It provides that scorns a pity that Gen. Wood could not purchase of her Pacific archipelago is veterans who lie at rest in our eemetery that the Booth, Kelly Lumber Co., were reinemheied by loving friends and whenever a difference shall arise be­ l.e put in charge of tho whole of Culm, liable to last for months yet. Tiiere are beautifully decked with the clioicest which some time ago secured tho right tween two powers each shall choose and ho allowed to govern it in ii is own more natives in the Piiilippines than flowers. of Lane ceuqty to improve the Mohawk another jiower to act as its second. The way, ho lias been so successful in his tnvre are natives nnd Bpainnrds in ths Jesece Phelps had a little experience! and its tributaries and since then lias powers thus selects I shall do all they district. West Indies two or three times over. hiving bees under difficulties the other ! purchased large tracts of timber lands can to reconcile the disputants, even The official who can please everybody | And now ex-Minister Barrett of Siam, day. The bees settled up in a fir tree; i in that vicinity, from residents and the tie first tried to get them down by shoot- 1 niter war hue been declared. While thu .Southern Pacific railroad company, and having business with his office hasn’t ‘ who has recently returned from a visit ing the limb off; about half of them j severing of diplomatic relations at the loascd tho Coburg saw mill, have con­ been born yet, but U S Commissioner to the Philippines, says: “Tiiere are camo to the ground anfi the balance I outbreak of hsatllities lauvos no official of Patents Duoll comes very near doing j ,,Vcr 1,000 separate islands, having an flew before they reached the ground cluded that it would lie impossible to ehnnelof communication, Mr Hollis’ it, to judge by the talk of those who J Hrv.i of 100,003 to 115,000 square miles, and went back to the tree. Ho finally ! turn out the lumber demanded. I lan furnishes a plain road to peace if eliuihed the tree ami sawed the limb off | When this conclu-ion was reached s practico before the patent office. O A J nearly equal to l hat of Great Britain ami let it down with a rope and hived th« belligerents desire it, through the railroad was talked of and negotiations Snow A Co., Washington’s leading firm • and Ireland; a population of 8,000,000, them all right, mediation of friendly nations.— Taeuma of patent lawyers, who has been getting ! an annual foreign trade of $60,000,000, to that end began with tiie S I* R It L e d e tr. with tho result that that company patents for twenty-five years for clients , Qr one-fifth that of the Japanese empire, ALPHA CLIPPINGS- in all parts of the country—more than and controlling the approaches of $500,- T ub abtic M printed in ‘the Guard agreed to build a line from Henderson 30.000 patents have been secured by 000,000 of foreign trade with 500,000,000 B y E ven C ii . ikub . which wo n|entiou In another column station, three miles aliovo Eugene, to tiiis firm—say that Commissioner Duell Asiatics. To acquire control over such an tavs the benefit* ths settlers will derive Isabel on the upper Mohawk and run a has ao improved tlio working machinery important archipelago means a mighty June 13tli, 1899. frear tho mills railroad a n d ' that daily train over the same to Eugeno a of the office that applications for pat­ stride in advance for the United States Will Austin and family returned from “ every land owner in the Mohawk valley distance of about fourteen miles, if the D rv G o o d s , ★ C r o c e r i e s ^ a n d * 2 M o tio n s , the valley June tith. ents receive more intelligent considera­ and an expansion of pur trade which should hunt up the committees and I Booth, Kelly Lumber Company would Mr Albert Gibson and family loavc tender r.ghi of way*." This would he ' fluaranteu to said railroad company tion and are more promptly actsd upon can not tie well measured in dollars nnd for the valley this week. than at any time to their knowledge,! cents at this oarly day «,300 car loads ot lumber over their upprveiatsi by tl.c lumber cciqpauy no patents being granted in from four to I ‘ doubt, hut history doen not *how that linos to points outside of the state, to received a severe cut on tlio r:g GENERAL NEWS ten weeks from date of application. This either lumber or railroad companies (iirnieh tho ties for tho road nnd the Mr Pope ot Michigan anil James Horn will he good news to inventors aver gave the residents anything for right o( way freo of cost. Reports come dated June 9th, that the j of Hale, arrived on the creek last week. who have in the past often had t o : which they did not roeoivo pay. It is I hig landslide on Tillamook bay is still in i Italian prunes will he a short crop ! worry over the tardiness of the patent ■ well known that tho right of way lor a progress and there seems to be no end this vear, but .French prunes will be ARPLE JEU.Y WITHOUT SUCAR. office. to it. All supplies for the lighthouse plentiful. railroad through a ranch means not : 1 The war department is preparing to have to bo sent by the way of Netarts as | Misses Limb and Thurston were visit­ only giving up tho land hut oftau elid­ A most excellent spplo jolly can be ing on upper Deadwood Saturday and spend a iislf million dollars for the ! the slide has cut off the road. ios • lecouvsnianccs to tho owner, and mnde in the following manner: Sunday, this should be taken into consideration Suleet woll ripened apples, free from erection of a quartermaster and eom- I l is claimed at Astoria that this is Elder Norton fell from a foot-log near In flxiug the. value of property, as well rot, end make into cider, removing the isaary depot at Manila, which w ill con- t]l0 season in rears for gillnolters. .Mr Lamb's residence, injuring, his right as tho bousfits to be derived from ths small particles of punimice by filtering tain a big refrigerating plant. A New Several of the fishermen having already arm qufte severiv, uillis and railroad. Services were held at the school | through muslin. The cider is then York company has just been awarded as high us five and six tons each of fish placed in a granite kettle and allowed the contract for putting in the refriger­ to their credit which is an unusual house Sunday, Elder Norton vi Green­ rsxrABATioxs ASX being made in the leaf eouductiug them. to boil very slowly without ceasing, ating plant, its hid being the lowest occurance so early in the year. citits all around us to celebrate the Marion and James McVey returned J.: W.l CARMAN b iîÜ P R iF 'û Ç until it hocomes thick enough to jelly submitted. Thomas Owens was killed about 3')' I June 5th from a yi*it to the beach. Fourth on a grander scale than ever when Chid; this may ho easily deter­ Acccrding to a report made by a com -' miles from Sta'buck V< ash., Juno 9th, [ Marion leaves shortly for Kansas. before. What are our connnitfece d*>- mined by placing a small quantity in a mittee ap pointed by the secretary of the ' “ l:irgu r”’ k loosened by the j yir Marion Wheeler, our mail carrier, l.igf The eouuuittso on finance ought saucer to cool. Pour the syrup into , . , wind and falling on him while drilling a ! returned Monday from a trip to Lake to ho making »nine mo.-a ae tho work ol treasury, to examine new devices sub- 1 . , . i hole for a blast. Nothing was known t creek to look after Ids interests there, jelly glasses or other suitable recept- the ether committees, especially tiie milted for tho use of tho U S life-saving ! ' aelee, allow it to set firmly and then of tlm mans relatives or wheic he was i Mr Rietiman of Nebraska was here committee on program, drpende upon j last week looking up a homestead but ' pour over the top s small quantity ot serveo, the hair of the reindeer is its: from. thu fund» raised, Let us not wait till J was not favorably impressed and re­ hot puratinc, spreading it up the shies buoyant as cork, and more durable. - I turned to Eugene. t te last minute and than expect tuucees NEW DRESS MATERIAL FROM FINE-1 of ihs g,sss w.ileh will protect the jelly The committee wss so lavorably im -i w crown our efforte. APPLE FI8RE. Troin moulding, and prevent any con­ . Y pressed with the life saying buoy, made aobnt * w aw rrc-roR “ t u b lifb and taminating germs from entering. with reindeer hair, that it bus ordered achievement* «4 A dm ral th« world’* “ I had almost forgotten to tell you oil anrui uf naval tiara U> Klurut HalataaU. the There is sufficient sugar nnd gelatin­ itfe-lonr frU:.d and admlrur cf ttus uatioa't that it be practically tested on lake the hraml-iicw material which all th e , Idcl. 2; v $ j U u iJ LeWt book; OPwuitn Captain F H Fouine, ol thv army re­ cruiting slalom in t tiicauo received inetrui ti-'t! ft*-« in» war depart »ent, June 9ih, to enlist an unlimited liuinlwr id tuen tor ser«iue« iu the Philippine HodM s !*«*• ewrw M’»; tlM na-1 rriutlr^ islands. ♦»U U' U-k • »Ah t*-r4'e WtwAcTecvws-' - 1 - . .j.»------- jvsex FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. - ~ x-Rïuumc* TO OUR P A T rO N i- J *■ A liouse and l°t in Glenada. The Ms have made tirraugemcnts nv bouse is If, by 2-1 feet end nns story an i which we will furnish the Wackl» a half in height. Alan to any address for the sum of »» .« inquire at thia I