" n f TH E W E S T VOUR HOTE PAPER S U P P O R T L . i J t r r ì L — -z—» - A v . a . j L « . * j ’ ) ADVERTISERS J OTSiAWS GNLT fÄzSÄ. 4 OPPORTUNITY j A - S w ^ f W W h ^ /a e VOL. X. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, June 16, 1809. GENERAL NO. 7. directory T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE S T E A M ER ft«M I N K , ” STA TE O F F IC E R S . . . . T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A IL Y . .F. I. Dunbar. ...........................................F. S. Moore. — ■ Between —— 11 Public Instruction J. H . Ackerman ¿ P r in t e r ....................... W . H . Leeds. etary of S ' f t t e .. as yv€S VOBP Steamer Robarts Will make regular trips Head Acne ? from | Florence to Yaquina a il Beal of Tide. Calling at ALSEA. - eneral 1 D. R . N. B lackburn Ittorney G ............ R. S. Bean . F. A. Moore ) Court j • . 0 . E . Wolverton lodge Second D istrict.. J. W . Ham ilton eating A ttorn ey.. Geo. M. Brown T R IP S Are your nerves weak? Can’t you sleep well? Pain in your back? Lack energy? Appetite poor? Digestion bad? Boils or pimples? These are sure signs of poisoning. From wbat poisons? From poisons that are al­ ways found in constipated bowels. if the contents of the bowels are not removed from the body each day, as nature intended, these polsonois substances are sure to be absorbed into the blood, al­ ways causing suffering and frequently causing severe disease. There is a common sense cure. And from Florence to Coos Bay TH E STEA M ER Calling at the UMPQUA. L U E L L A For passenger and freight rates - APPLY TO - COUNTY O F F IC E R S - .E . O. Potter ( ..............W . T. Bailey lommiseionere j ..........H . D . E Edwards W ill carry freight and passengers Meyer &. Kyle, from Florence to San F raueisco. W ill also bring up freight lodge.................. ,.E . U . Lee . W . W . W ithers .A. S. Patterson . . .D . P . Burton îlerk...... Sheriff.. • • treasurer. Lssessor. Ichool Superintendent---- W . M. Miller ...........................................C. M. Collier ................................. AV. P . Cheshire i of P ea ce.................... C. H . Holden ist*ble..............................E . A . Evans CITY O F F IC E R S . »»» *** *** N O RTHERN Pacific, Ry, Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts ■ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with ! Stage Line for Coos O. W . Hurd Win. Kyle J. W. Carman M. Morris Charges | EUGENE-FLORENCE L IN E . E. Bangs, * N Bay. AVER’S reasonable. S T A G E U #rd of Trustees H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, R »resident.................... W . H . Wúatherson Florence, Or. I S T A O S L IN E . For further information inquire — OF — A. W. BEADLE & CO. 14 California St, San Francisco, California. They daily insure an easy si movement and natural the bowels. You will find that the use of Proprietor. Stage leaves Eugene daily ex- ' cept Suudays, at G a. m., arriving i at Florence the day following! at 10 a. in. Retnrning-stage leaves Flor­ ence daily, except Sundays at 2 I p.m., arriving in Eugene the day ! following at 9 p. m. S Pullman P j t t e r â ü ii , M . Gardxticr, Oregon. O -----WU1 m a k e ------- ¡overnor....... ........ A lex. o Ager’s Sarsaparilla At Florence First Sund s y of Each Moath. Special attention to Diseases of; the Eye. T H E FLAG OF STARS. Ob, not «lone l-ha eager *outh— ▲ I odc the stuediAMt uoi Ih— Saw w ith Met eyee beneath «»prinf eklea Our flag of sta r s so forth I Oh, uot aUuu the elder cant. N or the young hearted went, S m iled high w ith pride where aide by eMI Thu nation'* children preased! B ut north and eolith and cnat end The m ountain en d tho plain» T he prairie and th e deeert. Yielded th eir flower again. E ast and w est and sou th and north The flower of th e land. B oaring the m other * call, w ent forth To etnnd at her righ t hand. We be m any handa in labor. B ut one arm for th e right ; One blood to ehod, one heart till dead. One good sw ord for th e fig h t; We be m any tongued and minded« B ut one m ind and one tongue When onoe w ide eeut through a con tin en t T he n ation 's w ord line rung! Then northern ton gues sin g “ D ixlo’* B eneath th e an cien t flag, A nd th e southerner die« to rebaptiae B is ow n th e “ Yankee rag!" Brother«—to keep for freedom ’« sake T h e flag o f stars unfurled Beneath the «tars of h eaven —to m ake The starligh t o f the world! —G race E llerly Channing in Y outh’s penlon. _____________________ A LESSON IN COOKING. now * Ito b o Served I'p a D ish o f R o ast Clalokea. call your attention to the following prices, invite comparison. We want your trade. If good goods and low prices count we will get it.. Guaranteed Fast Black ♦ * Ladies’ Shoes 90c. and up u 7f,c. “ 11 Ladie’a and Men’s ITose Men's Children's“ 20c. “ “ 10c. per pair. B ig S e le c t io n — Can save you Ready mafle Skirts. money Ken’sjail BofiClottiig Scotch Lawn Men's Shirts 25c. and up Fast Colora Boys’ Pretty Patterns Boys’ Suits 75c. “ “ Men’s “ $2.75 “ “ 4e. per yard. “ : 20c. “ “ Pretiy Shirt Waists 30 yds. calico for $1.00 Ladies’ Undervests 5c. and up A. F. C. Ginghams 10c. per yard. Childrens “ 5c. “ “ Suiting at 8, 10, 12, 15, Men’s U nderw ear................... 20c. per yard : : : 50e. and up per suit. Duck Send us your mail orders; they will ha*o orT J ^ T e± >? J . v - North Willamette Street, ■ K a u ffm a n . “ The first tim e I ran away from Sleeping Cars Lano Co., Oregon ... Eugene. home I learned a trick or two that was with the pills will hasten worth the w h ile,’’ said a well known Elegant recovery. It cleanses the McCoj Rad Eaaagh. basilicas man. “ I started out on several blood from all impurities and Dining Cars m« n«u. unauthorized tonra of adventure before is a great tonic to the nerves. Bore is a story told by Puraoa Davie* The late Mr. Davis, the biggest book­ on Kid McCoy, the pugilist, aa given i* I reached years of discretion, but tbe Tourist WTISo ti ts D o cto r. Our Medical Departm ent In s one first is moat vividly impressed npon my maker of hia tim e iu England, probably the W ilmington Sun: SECRET SOCIETIES. Sleeping Cars of th e m ost em inent phYMtolans in memory. Three of na kids canght a laid the largest bet ever recorded When “ T ill II ‘ the “ United Staten. Tell th e doctor "K id MoCoy attracted the aMentiua Juat how you are aufferliiff. You 8 T . PA U L _______ freight train and got some GO or 70 he wagered $600,000 to $5,000 against of a crowd of sportsmen at the Gila«y w ill receive the best m ed lcalad vlce Single fare - - _ - $5.00 w ithout coat. Address, miles away from home before the first three horses owned by a Mr. Clark and House,'' says Parson, “ and it was de­ M IN N EA P O LIS DR. J. 0. AYF*t. j . t A, M. Florence Lodge No. 107. nightfall. Then we didn't know where entered in the Derby of 1800. $, Lowell, Maia. cided to introduce Isiveaia Chartnion. Bound trip _ - - - $9.00 Regular communication on second DULUTH There is ulao a bet recorded of $460, to spend the night. Several attempts to a trapeze performer and a Tickets for sale a t E. Bangs’ 1 fourth Saturdays in each m onth. qnarter ourselves in empty box cars on °00 to $160,000, the big amount being ; phenomenon, to him as a woman m s FARGO , 1 • S - .. t _ . 11 £.1 I t..__ ___« I n , law I a f t / ' 1 d 1. a. o»«. ■ ■ 1 1 . . a s •« ■ . - * . - - E. W . Conn, W . M. the aide track of a little village only ! laid by Lord Glasgow aud tbe smaller wished livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. to lcaro boxing. McCoy was i TO ORANO FO R K8 ,1. BcTTERriELD, Secretary. resulted iu our being chased sw ay and hy Lord George Beutinek, who lost, lighted. Hurd’s office in Florence. CROOKSTON threatened w ith arreet. so we went to ; In 1386 a young lordliug bet $16,000 “ The meeting took place, and th» the outskirts of the place and built a $ 150 that St. Sinton, n very eele- Kid told Charmion to take a positrou. W IN N IP E Q A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 5 8 fire on the bank of a little creek. Here hrated race horse, would w in a race in iu which of course she was very aw k­ i meets second and fourth Saturdays H E L E N A et his $16,000 ugaiust a book­ i air whiz, as Ute first attempt atasataslg course we hadn't. meets every 1st and 3d Tuesdays W AS H IN G TO N “ ‘W ell.’ he said, ’if yon fellers'll maker's $160 as coolly us if he Lad missed tho Kid's face. He ionkeA a p ­ month. Members and visiting P H IL A D E L P H IA COM PLETE ¡threu in good standing are cordiall ketch a chicken I'll show yon a trick been accepting cud not laying tre­ prehensive and renarrhud: t o u kaire wy N E W YORK mendous odds. S t Simon wen m a can­ steam enough, bat yoar cxn-utte* •*- ivited 'toattend. A. O. F unkk , M. that'll be nsefnl to y o u .’ S U C C IE N T K notts , Recorder. “ It didn't take ua long to catch tbe ter. faulty Now, hit oat straight aud led BORTON ANO ALIL A U T H O R IT A T IV E chicken and bring it back. The veteran your body go w ith the blow ’ A F in ish e d R e b u k e . PO IN TS EAST »»<1 SOUTH member of the nomudic fraternity “ The fist brought np suddenly eh 0.0. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets Hon. George R ussell, in hia “ R ecol­ wrung its neck, jerked off its bead, lections and Collection«,’’ tells the tnl- about the third button of McCoy's irsl-r fiery Wednesday evening in Lodge For inform ation, tim ecards, m api and tick ets g o t,M g Vocabulary Terms cleaned it and going down to the creek ' low ing story of Jew ett, the famous coat 'That is bvttee, ’ gasped the MIA ‘11, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in etc., c a ll on or write wadded it np, feathers, feet and all. in master of B alliol college: 347 Editors and Specialists ^standing invited to attend. ‘That w ill do for the liras leseau. Cease R. M c M u r ph ey , a big ball of yellow clay. This be rolled | “ The scene w as the master’s own again tomorrow, and wu'U cry t h e b i f A ndrew B rund , N . G. SAJ Readers for Quotations Geueral Agent. Rooms 2 aud 4, Shelton Block, into the fire and scraped the burning R. L. E vans , Sec. 5000 Illustrations I dining room, and tho moment that tbe glove* ’ KUQENK, OREGON. embers np around it. The clay soon ' ladies had left the room one of the “ ’Oh, how uice, ’ saidOburmioa. Coat over Jodo.ooo hardened, and wc cor. Id sre it umong guests began • most outrageous conver­ yon know, I never Lad but oue chuaoe to A- D C H A R L T O N , 0.0. F. Maple Lodge N o., 139, meets Appendix of 4 7 .«58 E ntries tho wood Coalo gradually becoming a sation. Every one sat flabbergasted. box w ith u man. That was wbeu a tal­ Assistant General Passenger Agent, wry Thursday evening in N eely's bright cherry red. When it did so, the Tbe master winced w ith annoyance, and low tried to kiss me. aad 1 knocked bias 255 Morrison SL, Cor., 8d. ‘ I, Seaton, Oregon. Brothere in good P o r tla n d . O r. cook rolled it out again, let it cool a 1 then, bending down the table toward down and broke hia jaw w ith m y book The fu ll number of words and terms in ding invited to attend. little and then broke it open w ith a the offonder, said iu hia shrillest tone, beeL I ’— different dictionaries lor the entire alphabet is j W illiam B rynd , N . G. stone. Tho feathers hud atack to the i ’Shall we continue thia conversation in FLORENCE, OR. “ ‘ Excuse m e,’ interrupted MoOajt 1‘ iiil . N icoli . e , Sec. J. F. TANNER, pro,. os follows: S tormont » , 50.000; WoncMXsTXR FOR CIBCOMRS $ 5 « s d$ baked d a y and n clean, inviting chick­ , the drawing room?' aud roue from hia 'come to think o f it, 1 have on e ^ ^ e - 105,000; WKBSTsn (iutcruational), 125,000; C e n ­ Saw in g M achines w o m o n a fse tr r e and their § i i § en was ready to be served. A ll the ; ohalr. It w as really a stroke of geuiua ment for tomorrow. Ah, ysa, I leaea prices before yon purchase a n y o iler. tury , (six volum es. com plete,) 225,000: moisture that in croiiisry baking is lost thus both to terminate aud to relink« towu Bunday, bat— but 1'U see y e* T he nkw Hotexjpjrunwa m ac h in e co , STANDARD, over 300,000; CHURCH D IR E C T O R Y bad been kept in by the brickllke in- the impropriety w ithout violating tho a g a i n . " _________________ Jg.^teog.ifc duanre. and the ir.org; 1 that fell to my decorum dne from host to gneat." Cbslalse». .Sample Pagea Free. lot was the juiciest and sweetest I have BYTEBIA N CHURCH, Florence, Yabsluy—Think you'U get a -« a »*-- ever eaten .” —Cincinnati Enquirer. O laditeo« M d Irstaad. Oregon inn. Sabbath service: Sabbuth- Only n stern zenao of duty induced ,10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 Madge— If I do, it w ill lie at the coat Good dealers wanted in every tow n A G E N T S W A N T E D . IIX«s A b s e n t C o m p a n i o n s . EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Mr. Gladstone in h is seventy-seventh »• in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of ; Write for prices and terms to San Fran A t a bunquet given in Rochester tw o year to endeavor to bring abont the pa of wearing a watchleae ahaia. — la d ltu i- Lord supper on 1st Sabbath of wry, April, July and October. of the expected guests were unable to oifleotion of Ireland. “ I sbaU win. ’’ be ap.-dia -Journal. E. D. B ronson & Q q cisco, Cal. bo present. Tbe order of crating hap­ •aid when he appealed to the country, O°dy is welcome to all the services. Pacific Coast A gen ts requests Christians to make Special Attention to Commercial pened to bo such that u particularly "or bo hunted out of public life .” Misa Elderly— How coa I onte myaelf »Ives known. jovial and compeuiounbin gentleman “ What do yon think <>f Mr Gladstone SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' 6 Travellers. I. G. K notts , Pastor. 1 sat w ith one o t tbe vacant chairs on now?” asked a Liberal Pl F <>t Mr of constantly blushing? Miss Pert— Did you ever try eoapand 933 Market S t. each side of him. Tho empty chairs Healy at tbe close of Mr UL-dstoae'e water?— N ew York Journal. and first course of oystirs were left iu speech introducing home rale “1 l place for eome tim e in case the expected tlii.A ,’’ replied Mr. Healy, “ that be ATTO RNEYS guests arrived. Tbo solitary gentleman has elected to be crucified for Ireland. ’’ M B 3. E. A . K O G AN, Proprietor therefore could move neither to the — Birmingham (Euglauil) h o st • * F lo r o n o e , O r e g o n . right nor to the left, but amiably A- C. W O O D C O C K , A ♦♦♦♦♦ beamed throughout the repast, seem ­ T h e A ga ot H la x a ra . » * ingly none the worse for his enforced The truth of tho udngu about constaut , IS J U S T Tables furnished with all the M A RIO N MORRIS Pro’p. isolation. After the banquet some one dripping wearing away a stiMie is strik- I WHAT innocently srkod him delicacies of the season. Git o us iugiy illustrated Iu the fset that tho ' Shaving . . • *5 cen ts “ How did yon enjoy yourself, old Niagara rivor has boon 8«,000 year« , 8®no, . O re g o n THE a call. chap?” cutting Its channel too feet donp, 2,000 Hair Cutting . • 3J “ 'E m "» 7 and ft M cLaren’» B uild ing. “ First rate,” ho replied briskly feet w ide and 7 miles long through aolid W ORD Mnr"tlon s iv e ‘l to c o lle ctfo u a and pro- Razor Honed • • 35 “ enough. "I aat n<-xt to a coup!« of fol- ' rook. Evidence is ccuclnzive that the IM F L IE S . lows who weren t there. Rucbcjter falls were formerly at i all ‘the square love her. Bah I That amounts to the The treatnwM that cu e s Wkay o k s tia a te I t ’s our own invention - A T - j thing.' Many a woman nndorrtsuds some thing oe each of yon being in love chronic diseaaes ewnciaVs o f pore afc. good and is found only on the F lo r e n o « , O r s 3 o n . food, raliostal exercise, and lbs use of a . 'managing a bnsband better than she with yourse If. — Boston Transcript. F,°Eence. ; • Oregon. rentedv that w ill strengthen the weak ! does doing the square thin« by him. t J I I t t » stom ach.--------- - 1 • ! and many a man nnderatands and prac­ inviga Twentv-three Good Work Done at Reasonable Priceg aimitaUM tices doing the square thing b> other " I get tired w riting jokes day after the food, Miles West YEARS* men who would be admitted if he Were day, ” sdid the siu sle tr humorist. ery ’’ a< to be told tbst. judged by hlnow u btud- of Eugene. "D on't you care,“ repaid his friend, ” k vowag aas« NOTARIES. nesa stand»ids. be hubttnalfy dealt un­ | consolingly. "Think how tired tin) poo- ( w i n ucUTthost va. " fairly w ith his own w ife.” j.Io sro wuo read them l Philadelphia o fllw ta n i were t t e ’iSr _ Ift'crth Amcrivun. W e have other striking wder............... .John I. Butterfield reasurer..............................F , B. AV i Ison ...........................G. C. Cumpton «» Standard NEW HOME Dictionary ‘De IWI8 TANNER HOTEL MORRIS »»» HOTEL, Totisorial Parlors. Á Tension Indicator Attorney a t Law, Head of Tide Hotel, X A"W. Elk Prairie Hotel. W hite P atents :n*cau(Ks — Dentane _____ C yW IB W » AC. Î’ T ' »i-tout fría warn ù u n . m the Mtiiic Jtafrtom. Sewing M achine. ON EUGENE AND FLO R ENC E S TA G E R O U TE. A. R. B U T T O L P H , Notary Public, Surveyor F lo r Money Saved By Patronizing it. ¿5*lr tlhMHaaed wenkly. larvas» Hr- „ x . 7 . f ^ ? í “ í h-arusl. Turms. ** a riijrth j. IL «Md broli niumlralars. Geo. H ale O regon. no® , F R A N K B. W IL S O N . NOTARY Trop FLO RENCE. PUBLIC. - - improvements that appeal to the careful buyer. Send for our elegant I L T . catalog. W hite M achine C o . ClevrliBd, Ohio. F orzale by W hite Sew ing M achin O R E G O N Company, San Francisco, H r * . W a t k i n s * C la l* l a b a r l t a u t a . "I don't eoeX* Laid Mi. Mulberry, "why yon wonun have tout Mrs. Wat kins in yonr lit«r»ry cl” b The rest of you are bright enongb. but die's ss dull aa dull can tie." “ It's this w ay." scftwered Mrs. Mnl- berry. “ Mrs. Watkins great-grand­ mother's half sist; r's second by marriage could true* h r descent from Chancer. So. yon see. after alt. with ani b literary claims, we conldn't very well leave Mis. W atkins ont. ' —Har­ per a Barer T h o I lo T h a t llln d t. “ W hat h a hitch In the narrative, Unelo John?" “ It is when the imin and tvouiau in a dovei get married, of coursa. De­ troit Freo Fresa. RlKher Fdiratlaa. "Let me aeo; thia I» yonr sen'« last year in college, isn't it?" "O rllnntU y it wonld be, but he bnt decided to take a pwteradnatocoaraa in shot putting “ —Chicago New». origiMors said, as* care te die ' he ewoi. _________ í m y dear wife and Hule «ii3.l hat I hi must die.* A brntlwr had nretf th r-e boS-.las o f raedkie», L .l S. ' a si-M medlrtues bai. s A n i (m en Mm a« ms»* en d be bad hop? o f sanasi-ry hr seid ta h is * I s m e o la g io A t t hwe c a s tar » o bea U k ir g that meorriav I m i' hreta »are? Hr did b ig i» «a aar ir s a « grcw worce, tmt « —> th .e s cease •M. wly hut . o n l y be g ot belter. 1 * 4 * » a n is stroo* snd h< Ub> sad b- owes his ia thst reediciur. W c u -vas ihr aiadbdive was Or Pieir» s Col leu McdLal K u w a e y . I. I.ulbrr Martta, un ra- .«rad rea» __ Flrrv- I thank ya* e-na ihr sss* drpsb af mv heai',. for resculá* me from t i e f r i « '' T b | fort-aiing isfr.ru Lurhr, Mattia, fi-n - V" '-n- aent d d ts u o í wood co ., w V*.