¿ Ç E ÏE hubiishï 1’ w e s t BVKKV I HIDA Y WOBNUtO- HECETA ITEMS* R &AK1NG o y a l P owder B y R afablla . ANAEMIA fa a I’lfio a e m«t w ith arr.or.c younf. uincuoP. » ’iBon principally. I t *s vary coim»«,? aed ,s a forerur.uer c f coturumptlon. K ia a dlasssc of tile blood. There l> aply a rm ai! q u an tity of blood In the s>:iw*ra, laid It Is o f a poor quality. The symp­ toms of the dtseas» are quite ntorercus. Thev »re readily d is c e rn e l i f the r.rog­ re n o f the disease is not checked death from ceniu inpt'iin or some other disease •n loevilable. H U F IT A N w ill check Its yregreaa. H L 'D Y A i-i w ill enrich the blood and m ake the pa­ tient strong HV1>- T A N Is for woroea as w ell aa men. kW DTAN to , n vegetable remedy, and It to harmiesa In Ila eSect. It contains no Iron to cause the teeth to decay. I f you are a u f f e r l n B you should take H U V - V a N now nr.d th e n note • f S ; chasga In condi Una. mi y o u r a: »are fu lly Three ★ May Slat. 1883. YeaterJay waa Decoration Day. ’w Á B S íJ u rr. j LSY rv Y V ï.iu «' ABSCLXJT ü K£ u - The teg Roharta pasael H eceta He S i-d a y nf'e ronn. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome \ • f « - • ' ' ■ E W Cobh hse been at'e.iding ,1 au d P ro p rieto r, •O»AL SAX ISO AOWM« CO NFW YORK. business in Flhrecce (or the last two or three week«. He is expected home j jpi h year in advance.— soon. IktiM»' 11 w lunch will »on i».>'i»ri*> ite to »ha THE STEAMES RALPH AGAIN* Heceta life enving station can boast of l,roi>. se.l new t»l. p> one lim ? -U-.Hhrv i n»rvc-.*\ the neat lumll biiai on ttie coast M- Tin- "»in Finncigco RxiiiiiiK-r mol ,|,e M nrehfiel , O e . Mut 2«. 1899. I Hald '«eight it ol M .1 ett the "stranded A fht -,r >ii,- year 2.5:1 p«i.l m . . Mi Eutroa: l u i - u t u-k» a state- t captain” for ,’40. Vance inent MUu it thè steamer Ra pii. Hhe John and Jesse Hall, John Hartirond sold L*r a tohur lieti uf ¿550 regard- . . . . . -, . , Pale, emaciated, thin, weak ineti «ml wa» .„ „ » I M I KATEH B A D I KNOWN ON AP­ i , , . | , , . and George Xlatliewe. eailura tadooging PLICATION. lc"9 ut material, bnt li • noat eoet the " , . . . ■ won en. Htvlvnu cures. All druggists, to the «ch'Kiner Eultti returned to their «»licei M cento per line. ’*<’»* In iertl». 60 cents. owner »1000. fiutr any man m uht toma. homes at Newport. hli w that the boat was worth more TAN sow nog ' - ivht ' r»»l« in tlic Gnruc- Point wul Alsap- they Mr an » Mis O I. H.insen and sunOtie J u n e 9. 1899. than t500. peer. Floren ee, Or. mill M unlay «ti.,i[if,l work lor a Lw Mr ¿n 1 Mrs H A Salisbury and Rltuan 1st. Ti.» first fine of $.109 re hour*. YCC2 WEAK PiUtifS AM: duced to . 6 2nd. i'he inspvrtor on Hott 'glr, ma ic » trip to 8 -a Lion r »-k L C O N S T A N T H K A D A C U B - T H E frot- W E S T L IN Q S . tt e In .ir that Mrs F J K > « who left September 2lhn reported on the report 1 isr Sunday. Mr Saiisbnry shot a great tn * u aa though i t * totaii w r i ««;»» «• burst frvxu too u$uca p*e«»ur«. HUAJi A?’ * here about t w .v e ir s a«» is suoti to „( Capt. Eriekson. Tide whole hnaioees many of the sca-li< us. by it» uctioa oa in« w ill •q u a **« "O r .d . .»I today- return to Florence Mr Dinnick of Newport is staying at tho cn cu iatlv n of b*ocu fcod ta< was engineered nv Tom H ill, E rickaon as i $ i * K N E TX B A 1JL X A N D D a b s f.,„ HP. I «'*« » ,11,B W‘‘ek Fine s.minier dress go sis—j ,»t what «nd the opposition company. Tom Mr Hald’s staving tea-lions. If Oapt. * K M iN U M H W .S A I1 1 I n k k ,‘ A.iS H U £ we If'!»* l,pr’“ »•ni « a n t ladies (or your, Fourth ol July ! Ha 1 save tin t Cap’. Erickson made the Mu.iett iluesu’t keep a sharp eve there T A N wUl cauro lbs nuga to Uiroppva. anu lo o k ! the eyes orisht. dr- A 0 F i Ire. i report, fie violated the law m l «aw a won’t tie any sea-lions left for him when S-l PAL.K U H » » » » iron» the poor qual­ Il c l 1 ity e l the bioou. i t te .u < aim uet d«vo,c» A Ci P ici’. O . iv• the cutch» to J -igna to v-vit this p i r t of th e c u e i''.ut the captain of lie boat co i!d report fr-e. W rite F I, Chamber ■s Í ,r tuli U i H J t A K T . T b l. again "dr Dinar, k can sh ov tdin how to W as it was four o’clock in toe morning. super ieors receipts (o r sale at particular», E igeile, Oregon. the most pronounced oyuipioxu. 1 M catch the auimaia by sprinkling salt on is 1 went to the custom ho sc and paid bnart beecmes weuh and thera is | Steamer Lillian which had been pull- „ e W est oflice slant sinkiD * feeung around it. r ft Í their toils. Y X N w ill m aka the heart strong and take in ed ii(ion the wavs for repairs was the fine $41 imposed by the ttnatoin eh interest will von cause it to ocat reg u larly, and tne »tux- H w mm house officers. But the boat was tied lannclied las' Friday evening. cel,*' ’ration ? 8 o ld W i t h tM V iG H T W T 1M llir F •«' June 7th, 1339. S T O M A C H A N D IN D IG E S T IO N . T h is la Are the different e on nitiees, that up after and wioogfully sold. Screen D ors with Sptlng Hinges due to tt»« fact th a t thv food ID th * st«W- J H Wall was made to pull the mall We are ha .dug tolerulde nice weatuer aeh Is not acted upon by tw althy biood. were appointed to make arrangements Ht F L ChatnheiB, Eugene, |100»' doing «gainst a powerful river for a’to itfo u r now. therefor« tt Is not properly digested. This I as for tli- 4'h of J ily c e leb ratio n , leads to h abitual constipation. H V D T A N miles of Point Terrace months in order to oresk him up. He Mr- J R w ill cause the food to be properly digest­ P vthil g vet. E W C ’obb returned from Florence •d ! i.o' ptt! do ed. Im prove the appetite 6nd relieve the h J t o W ’rk 1'i.rd ‘ r ft nap at of others la«n MT' constipation. H V D Y A N w ill relieve ail iu-t Sat r.,«v. , it 'irge Ci a en wn i 1 - ft ere over a rep t ”d the above eymptouis and m ake you w e lt o ■ ■ L 's i t - a 1. », ■” '?’C law per­ Mis Ciri» David H V D Y A N is for you. I t Is for men and ye trago is exp .•tod tic k ».on. A mits a captain of a boat to commit Mi Burt Dinnick left for hie nom in G i e n a d . i . women. A fte r you arc cured tell ether 4 J lit* , ¡il ut n e i l i ó m e home n the Hut-daw is not so easily crime and tlien inform for what there nt Newport laet week. women w h at IIU D T A N has done for you. For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at , (>fier There a re m any other sufferers ana thsy Garden "saes” is a little late on Cape also wish to be cured. H V D Y A N can be is in it. the Ladies Bazaar at Point T errace | ||Rm procured o f d r u o le t» for Wc per package As to the value of the boat, the owners creek this year on account of the mine. or six packages for M 6». I f your drug­ Nrw potatoes not in the market vet gist does not keep it nnnd direct to tbs rain in the northern ami central | or- or the public should not leave it to thu Henry Stonefield passed through th is H ud yan Rem edy C P . Ban F r a n c iic n u r old ones sear e a t il.OO per Imshel. Angeles. Cal. Call upon the H b O - turns of the slate than was good for informers or tbeir accomplices. The neigh onrhoisl last week ou his way Los Y A N doctors. Consultation Is free. Tou Now i» the time to tmt in y*'«r Day r me af the crops. may call un»n the doctors e r w rite, as yen ; boat «an in goo-1 order and now tho home to Samaria. desire Address (Wrier ••'«’«> E L Chant» er- ba« T 'ere re 31 ife-tprm prisoners in »he wl o e ' ueine-s i* a blot on the steam* I Mrs Ira Bray uf Minnie was visiting O U H HEtlEBT CSMFASr, g iu, of |.,8| luuntii. them p-niten'i-rv, one 1» a woman and out laws and American public. It was |1(>re Consider« .le sand on so n e ",r two are Chinese. All except three a ccnepiracy to rob me of my prntarrty Ko. S IS South B.'OU v W aj . Burton E Cobb went to Fioreuce the «¡.le-walks. W ooes d tty is it to shovel were sentenced for murder. J ohn W all , Loa A ngeles. C at other day to attend a dance. Owner cl the Steamer Ralph. The Second Oregon boys arc expected j ¡t nffi Ccv. iterate«. Market end ElVa S t*, The first Iwar kl'.l ed hear this season Full stock of new designs in wall to leave Manila the last of this week. y,-e» Fr -ec'seo, C L • « * # » » » * « • * * waa killed up Cape creek last week. p,,,ier. Pl ices low. F L Chambers, They will come directly to Portland THE FOURTH OF JULY * Everybody who owns a garden are GREENLEAF IT E M 8 . ami t e muster,-d out there. Eugene. making tho hoe-handles fly this nice, —D A N C E - Last Saturday Peter Earliardt brought Anvono desiring to purchase a new sunsiiiney woatner. * W ill be held in the I 0 O F hall B y a W kst C orrespondent . the first strawberries eeeii in the market #HW¡n¡j inselline may find it to his in­ I wonder what beenree of the laet * T uesday evening J uly 4 tii . * terest to call at the W est office and t'uie season. * —MUSIC BY— » bach of items I eont the W est ? They The hay crop will bo immeneo. Racking headache, bleary eye«, weak- a» ertain what we offer in that line. N o n e w ho arc engaged in a n y o f th e m echan ical * O U D EN, DlLLINGER AND WOODCOCK « must liave l»een oashfnl for they did not Otir 8unday school is flourishing. n i -es in head. Hildyall cures. All A circular «bowing the resources o f $ .76 „ show themselves. [ They appear above, H upi ’ er , T anner H otel , purauite can su cceed w ith ou t rea d in g and Much chlttem hark is l«eing peeled. southwest Alaska was «ent to us from druggie », 50 -ents. arrived too late for publication last $ 60 D ancr .......................... Tlir mail wits taken up in •» row-boa» Miller A Divtson mining brokers, stu d y in g th is standard M agazine o f S cien ces A Christian Endwtvir society has $ .26 ’ w«ek. Ed.) S pectators . . . . ÿitlirdav. The Mink was put on the Juneau, Ala«ka. Mr Miller was form- ♦ F loor mous . E ahhardt been organic,*<» here. F isk • SI-ARCH FOR SENATOR REED’S and m echan ical A rts. I t is illu stra ted w ith erlv engaged in the real estate business • M anagers : B bund & W oodcock . * hcia li to calk a leak. 8traw»»erry »ines are full ol green fruit BODY ABANDONED. in Eugene and F.orence. A GOOD TIME ASSURED » all m odern cu te o f la test in v e n tio n s in a ll Awai'ing sunshine to riper» it. The Bain is the mo«t «Inrable wagon « » , , « » ♦ » » » » » It is reperted that George B--ss who, built. Bw them before you buy. F L Miss Annie Alamasi cauio homo from th e branches o f m echanism , and it s ftmd o f A brother of the late II D McGuire 1 went to Alu-ka some months ago had ,Cham'era, Eugene, Or. Elmira suffering from malarial trouble. NOTICE- has received a letter from a friend at had nearly all his fingers fretett so ha I- . k n ow led ge is inseparably con n ected w ith in ­ The street lamp« were lit Weilnesilav Euler Norton baptized Thomas Wilbur, Douglas co m tv, informing him l-y as to require amputation and that hi« ■ night, the first tim e i l l t w o weeks »«*■<» . Senator A Ketisler while ho wag here, making that search for the ho Iv of ven tors aud m echanics. S old w ith T u b Al* th» mem'Yi's uf Heceta Lodge, No. latter with our eiiy ,imls? J wife is going to dispose of her stock to four baptiems during hie visit. What i« the matter with our ct»y ( ( r | im I l l , I 0 0 F are hereby respectfully re- W Reed had been abandoned. Bays the Z ':« n , i - . t r ' . h: ' ' l e."'“,.’ ., . \ o : T i ’ ':: W dbt a t clubbing rates. whs thought Elder Norton went back to Cbicka- ........... - L f in o a m n - held on Wednesday evening, July 6tb, that Mr Reed’s body could I* found liondtiy on the last day of May and will idy to take tin- M ink’s place in a sh -ri j , I arr & S l ( fl ,. v wjh Hei| f0 1839. and luring well-fl'led luin-lt baskets ! noar where Hint of M r - O u t r e had preach at thnl place the ll t l i and ut resi y 1Hid „gb retlu en .r e a l,o cordially In -1 come to the surface, and tho locality Alpha the 18th. time. v have MrC imp onlhO seres of and nea iHviwion wil, tlie il(8telll. ,VHH cl, ^ ly Wttt,.hcd for many davs. Oi s-rver Fugue says we may C O N T E S T N O T IC E . weal or Mercer lake and re. eive pavn., ■ ati„n ,,f „ffleers and the conferring of | Boxes were constructed with glass hot- some iiire ilavs hut no settle,! ,ys ¿r »everal degree. L otus have a good toms, and t l .e e enabled tho searchers Department of the Interior, United States Land till »Iter ti e 10th ins». He say property are to be signed in a day or oalce, Roseburg, Oregon. April 25, 119». turn out and enj •»' a sociable evening. ! to sec dear to the river bottom where is liln t 1. e spring of ’MO. A «uAeieut contort uflidnvlt having been Died tw °. ti e water was 29 'e,-t deep. They c a d I B . o' der of . . . . . . , la this office by L. V. R titi»lvy, q o u tesM n t, Rseine B ggiei and H '»kg have a T in :‘■’Dnulli K iied" bai bef.'i • p aury the »P'lt W here M r M c G u ire a BRM||)st tll„ Homestead Entry No. 7,(M«, made ndu . v B uund , N G . f.-.el'.eye • « rep talion Li th:s to Apothecaries’ Drng-i, and a sign tody had iixtg, d, whlrh was not over ItO March 17, M92, for the w«4 awM, «•'-« ” »■,(, sec- Au .’.her fa I eat lo r just r-.e l •' ■ dins' Let” will I* iu many windows of Doc­ TO fAX PAYcRB. ft. alxjvc where the remains were found, tlonl7; the nw*4 nw*4 section 20, tp to eoath, from the fact, ry. F L G h am b ersE gene. tor o f f i r e a since the A unt J anb Home ”* • t t w > hy M»riou D. landis, contenu», in in a «landing position, against some I ’* which it I» alloged that ho 1.1 well Hfil- fur tlm y-vr 1898, «ili he <»io»ed .»greed that Senator Reed’s ho.lv is a„a know» the preeent condition of »arae; that fi .e weather. A whole week of snn- w. m in, married or single, should »en ' a ,m th el5 !!i d ty oiJu n e 1898 A,l per- »till at th« river 'jo tIo n l, p erliap« tho »aid handle has wholly abandoned »«Id best printed in th is co u n try, an d in so ld «liin' »eems to cripple must of i.ttf two nentatiimp to our office for a hen .ti- „„na who destra to avoiJ «oste and taelened t h e « by gathering salt, I «ml tree«, and changed hto reatdence therefrom f. r _____ mare than * ix month» »ince making »aid entry, to a ll subscribers a t rates w ith in fully illOhtrated cireular, Dee. Ad bass . # pay *,e(,,r Hmt data. enrr »|i"U,leiitB river debris. ' that the »aid trout 1» uot »ettiud upon end cultt- Register: A special train c a f vii g i p ie Aunt Jam* Medicine C» . room 13- ■ vnted a» required by tow, »*td pnrtiei *re here- Baled at Eugene, Ore. May 29, 1899. a b ility o l a ll to p ay. I t is finely ilia « 8UNDAY SERVICES. 1 by nntiflcvl to arpenr. respond and offer evl- W \V W1THKR8, sherilF and Tax liverai earioads of so'ulieiS from Poit- 14 I. wis Building, Portland. Greg n. donee-touching «aid »llegstiou at 10 o’clock a. trated and presen ts th e n am es o f fem ooa C lector, of lame County, Oregon. isnd to Ran Frcnei«**» pa«HeJ tl'io :gh Suuilav school 10 a m. N o prea ch in g in. on June 15, n«>, beforeC. H. Holden, United Eugene iast week They were regclats ,, . ! „ • . » ..-Ui u t i.n .l sta’ es Commbudouer, at Florence, Oregon, and a u th o rs as contributors. T hr 1’ mrence, as the pastor wtil «ttend . b r M w n .c, a w PERSONALS FOB bAL£. on their nay to the Philippines. th n C h iH r e n •* H iv exew tees at t o in t j une * / 6 . b i t i t t r v tho Kefistor and Hecelv- an d tho C osm opolitan are so ld a t Y’.ii may I,end the «api ng, but not Terrace ut 10:30 a III. l’rencldiig a t «r the United State» Laud Office in Roseburg, ;o d uideh row- with cu'v-s. those dee pi 'ce* of Iress good» at the tree. When di«eas<‘ had berouie Mapleton 7.46 p m . ' Oregon. d u ced rates a t th is office. W M S.tPL K Y . ’ I The » i d contestant having, in a proper ndldn ychronic and deep «e tte-i it is often dif- Mev- r A K Ic’s * * ’ vit. Bind April », IS * , »vt forth facto which rhow firi.lt to cure it. That is the reawn why A Schulte of Ai'ine moves his family CLENAOA NEW«. I Children’s Dav exercises will be held that after due diligence rcroona! » tv Ic e of th i. .it is best to take Hood’s 8 r»aparil..t to Gardiner next week. • w. »».. K .n .d av in J m e n Hica cannot be made, it to hi rebyordered and | ;n TlorvULC the lost • directed rtfrected th „ , Uch notice be given by due aud when di-ease fir-t shows itself. that Bes-ie Martin of Mapleton was in B y P eportep . the program being made op from (itona- proper oublicatiou. ■The teachers of the E igeue schools town the first of the week. J. T. BRID<»RM, R oister. ' da ami Florence achonls. have ail heen re elected but one, w ho J. M. BOOTH, Rscsfevr. Cspt. Cox came down from Heceta I .Tames Mitchell returned from Coos did not put in an application. Tt e with a load of wool Sat trdav. The E i leavor oxeo itive comm ittee F O R P U B L iC A T IO N . hay tide w«ck soperiiitenpent of sell,ads, T D Rev»! r John Yates, wife and daughter visited ____ _ Mr» W H I’epvr is working nt tho met nt the pa-tor's M at lay e ening receives (133.3.3 per m onth, tne primi- ,„'er Sunday at Dr 0 F K .une.«»’». torar* »• ,n i Iiaraed «eitler ho« Bled notice «f lile intention Etta Saunders who has l*en staving Mrs L U Jonns-m and family visited church I to make linai proof i-. -upp.>et of hl» claim, and arrears for the W est to send us «11 or » 1 We do n oi take postossion of our ideas but are possessed by th en ! with Mr- S .»ton w nt home T-csd. y. COMING. ! that «aid proof w ill be made before C. H Hol­ P»rt of the amount of vo tr snhscriptions. friends in Florence We tues'iay. They master us aud force ns into th e arena, den. V. 8. fffimmisvioner at Like Precinct, E i Ba-'g- "'"d* * trin frnn1 Eocene Tin price of a v e st’s subs ription is a Tito S'll'«!«.* w-’luol is progressing Dougtoa Co., Oregon, on June 24. 1».’. vie: Where lik e gladiators, w e must fight for them .” and I "irh the first < > f H>* Dr «tr.vnge the Rortjhirg dentist, will 11,-orge ____________ _________ a ' in. n t h o t ii is b v p tting those M c p t e ’ o ll fineiv and wiii join the Florence S .neen next weoM, to reinem a few davs. If west. He namss tho following witnesses prove en tire co n ten ts o f thin m on th ly m agazin e work by a his continuous rcffideiiee upon and caH iralhm L M t. Daidin of Mercer lake ha? «? ing with Mrs G-o ChamtYrlain of put iug i'i rear pi ing “>> • H her wide the W but reader* n«nt go«rl . n a i —_, m» v u »AinAi' lío iv » m . dentist of a wide reputation as arsl-clast o{ >bM ,all(, y)f. are upon a piano and in k eep in g w ith ite geo I a pier, of rye as wo have eve s-en. Floret«*. mending up the hmg whaif. workman, they will consult iheir inter- Jo»tph Aurtln. Henry Land.rkln, Thornes The gr.iin is nearly seven feet I''*-'1 The little ion of J.imes Miteholl has J ..nn Neejv <’« fP down from ’ I" m otto. T he A rena’s g a llery o f ¿em inent Owing to nrgent stork» and GeorgeComptou ail ol Lake Precinct, lieing considerable higher than the top ranch >Vedito«d«y. intiking the entire l«en quite sick for some time with a b«t bv calling demand» upon his time a» other pin.»«, Orsooa. Bam«»s, of a tail matt’s bead when he is standing trip in one day. thinkera is a group o i in terestin g m en and white swelling, hot is improving now he will »e compelled to cut «hurt his kaelrter W E Warren arrived here Taesdav among-» it. after state or O hio . C ity or T olxdo ,! gg w om en, and th eir th o u g h ts aro w orthy 'tho vieit tliis time. The W’ ert has for sale one years fr„„, Wiser, Wsebing'nn Io look L uca * C ounty ARE YOU AN Dr Slrsnge'e visit next week will he tuition in the Holmes Business C«U«ge business interests. consideration ot a il peop le. T h e Arona .ia Frank J Cheney uiakee oath that he of Portland. This is »00 of the leading M s Lndvid Christensen came down is the eenim partner of roe firm of F J the first of n eeriee of regular stnte-l so ld w ith T u r W • mt . work first-elaas and w«r- business colleges on the coast, having „..d from the ranci. Tors lav to make I lor- Cheney A Co., dmng b u s in g in «boiei«y rtsite. AH MatWneti,m o r no pay. English, Conimereial, Shorthand »n<: Toleiio, county and B' X , Gold crowns, bridge work, the finest offer enee a few ''«mrs’ »>«'»• If eo you s'ooutd take »»id read ■Telcgraphie departniente and wo and that said firm w.’I pay the enm J mo, t . rti.tlc oud M roLRJ..hnxon and Mi.s Laura » O ic II .»dreil Dollsrs fur each ami every • of gold flllltus, tho most «r ist P A C IF IC O D D F E L L O W this tuition on easy term«. I x / ’ T /lv Jnl'.nroo and son visited with cu e I caiaTrl. that cannot he cured by bcactifully finiei,»! artifictsl teeth. The Guard of the S'd published a . ----- w We.lne««l»y. —lnrwtav. A monthly tnagaein. publi.hed in Weatliwa”" nie Use ,J H ah’» Catarrn Cure. j > xtrac.H.n p»lt.lemL_No cottam. statement pre|>ared by W K Sarborongb rs Win Bernhardt and children Portland, and excht.ively devoted to ct Comimny which Mr« 01 t.,e Eugene Alo-ract ^ r' on p m e n slnngb Frank J Cheney. OFFICERS ELECTEO. tha intereeta of O.L1 Fellow.bip, both shows that during the last five months vto.sed w.U. Me, ,, guh .rrit.od iu lor«! and general. It ie the only'Y.bl the rcloec-s file,! exceeds the mortgage» and at Pmn • • Msn'e- ,ay presence, thie fllb day o( Docemlier, H eceU Lodge, No. IH . I O O F bw by over $16 000. This is the first time , Wit, Kyle left '«we 6-.nd«» f , hcrc A D> 189C. elec ed the following officers for tho Fellow publication in Oregon and is i ton to start on »be fr^"’ , it I irr nccired for tan year«. anaiwing term, wlm will •* install*! on now ¡„ its eighth year. A W G eason, te > 4,000 pircea of T inw ire, half car of nefore roe H Salisbury ,» »„iface. of the system. Send , Win. Chamberlin, I .nan*ml tto«., and “ Pacific Odd rellow ’’ with T m W m « vr etin and wife arrived neve ,uuno advance in prices, enables me to supply st a rote wa beiievw cvory Old F.llow Win. Kyly, re-etoeted Trees. g.tncdny and after visiting friends here foT ^ tim n n i.la jree, all lit es at awa* .town price.. mo F J Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. i would 1* flad to accrpt. FOR 8ALE- their ranch on Maple erect. »«fore yon ta»y. F L Char,d*rs, Euge"«- ¡ »en t out »0 t" «r - nf E „ggnc 1 g„|(, by „11 druggists 76-. Tue prive of T hk Wmrr ie |t.5 0 per W K Hullen»--“^snd wd Kami.y p i|„ . r , tin» best, Gnanl: Over in Renton county a yetu and the price ol “ Pacific O ld Smal! nigs for eale at W 8 ItieweT’» kind of fakir has appeared with a new i n t a k e cl',«ri’ -d O W A O r N T S W tliT M JL ^ Â urriv Feliow" i . »1.00 per year, Imt we «III ,IFK AND farm. w F M ilk ». swindling gam e. The sharper cai a cents» Borni hotli to euliecriber» who pay a year with a at.a-k o f s | * c » a r lt * and tri«» them ,lr.,g .«ore p.*nt upon the victim. He ti en ' tf-f« 1,1 fl» p.^er» o' A’enf « ’ * "P ,n P’> i V O U M U S T have pu re blood for ' etrivtlv in a-tvance for »2 00. C" > iUu«ir* them »0 the ete«, but ' demands »» « TeereceT " - ue*lnvb.ree».er her c id - c * - . - Or Ca|| „ o,ir ..ffi.u and eee a eam p'e, T I J C gtxxl Iralth lic.ilth. . Hot H ‘«od's Sarsapuril'.e : » ■ good tim • o f ’ I’aáflttÜ ddFeH ow .’’ ¡ C 1 • dnilar a« a guarantee of rfO go.»t fatt*'- Tne -t l fanh. , Hen ill f.»r •».«! (inifli to I haucv .»( « Hie parirte* th<* blow f. Ti ^ d m ir o / . b - M, X u - » » - e ....... ’ «’» - ' » p e r il,, if you would s w ill.H e r t-1 en .li«»p|>e! »¡«•tin1 ni,„„.!t either tlied o i , covery now. kpkvLuiies, pUtk '»• L an » i '. ounti O mku *>> Desirable ★ Stars in ★ And The T H E “W E S T - Scientific American. THE EnSMnPDLITAH, the Wan re­ THE ARENA ODD FELLOW? LOOK OVER THIS CROUP. MAKE YOUR 8ELECTIOM . FLORENCE. OR.