SPECIAL MO'IMONISM, oí the contributions received by Treas­ urer Rotarla indù alee either apathy on Itx the account of the B W ist conveii- Faon or« BEUVT..U-. C-JÍS/ÚZ'- tlic jut1} •« or a -»nevai belief that so T ie post of SbRtrsh minister to -^P Ü ni lBMF.n JtVCftY PftlpAY >k>R\'ZXO.— .ion at San Frarei-vO fi'-teu in th e ■usfiy i ?u!r,bj:.om bo made Washington which has been vacant ■ that it was useleaa for any eingis iudivi- j Oregonian of Jnne 1st as part of an ad- — V — ujjice ilie hurried departure of 3enor! HY acw . D C, May 23, 1W9 Indications point to i call for voiun- doai to bother about making one. The I dress on the “Aggressive Attitude of F tn s t x ç i, L uxe CoysTY, O p f h o n ( I’olo y Bernab»; on April 20th, 1893. haa bern re-pstalilishnl. The present in- teers in the near future, although offlei- ‘ v*'*do the fund w.ll lie mere in the Mormonism,’’ delivered by Rev. H B - . - ÛY • • entnlient is Duke de Areo» who arrived a]3 evill not iidmil it. (icn Otis jias promptneaa nn<^ spontaneity with Steelman, pastor of the first Bapti«t in New York May 31st accompanied by asknl for more tjroo,« and expressed ' which it is contributed than in its grand church of Salt Lake, Utah. We gij'c W K A T H E R S O î S his wife who was formerly Miss Vir- doubts of jies.-eablc surrender of the total. Thousands remember the dis- tl.e extract below thinking it will be of ginia Woodbury Lowery of Wanlnngton Filipino». All of the regulars that can i mat ass felt at the slownosa with interest to many of our readers: E d ito r and Proprietor. At no time has Mormonism been in and Hetior Joan Risno who will act us poaeibjy be spared arc to be sent to him > which toe money for the Grant tocih tiie prosperous condition it is today, and in New York was collected, and care first s-uretary of the Spanish legation. as fa3t a„ they cr,n t,e transport»’!, but Florence, Ore. J a n e 9, 1899. They left f«,y Washington last Monday. ! ,,nt t|,„y wilf'not increase the total of should ho taken not to allow tire Dewey it i3 growing more and more aggressive. Jbe duke manifested the utmost hope- his army unlese ids project of persuad­ home fund to get into any such condi­ Word has been seat out by the head’ 1 A TELEPHONE LINE. ; fulness iu the results of his mission, and ing the volunteers to re-enlist as orgao- tion. Qnly a little more than $5,000 o< tiie pernicious faith ia Utah that the , spoke reservedly of the outcome of the izaiions, instead ot coming home, can has yet couio into the custody of Mormon church is ataut to put two > 1 traveling missionaries in every countv Eor several years our business men war. “That is past,” he said, "Spain lie successfully carried oat. There is Treasurer Roberts. > 1 Lave felt the need of more speedy com­ | looks only to the future.” He was also »ome anxiety felt over the situation The long-talked about civil service in every state in this country. There munication with some of the larger ! anxious for the latest news of the sitoa- in Cuba. It is known that tire Cuban order lias been issued by the president. are at present 460 missionaries in the > 4 cities on the coast and the project of a tion in the Philippines, and upon being lenders who have persuaded the Cuban Although it is very conservative in its field, and during tiie past year tiiey □ Jclephono lino to Eugene or C mis hay , asked Ids opinion of the outcome of the soldier« to retain their arms rather than exceptions, it pleases neither the spoils- held 71.000 meetings, gave away 167,000 has been discussed at various tunes and ’ campaign there, he said : “ It can have surrender them and get their quota of i men nor the civil reformer. The former tracts, and 143,000 books. In that lime jn dicers places, but no active steps : but one result, This country is ”o j the $3,000,000 now in Havana, awMting 1 object because its exceptions are so few, they have baptized 1233 people. They t i s i fowards building a line have ever been powei fill it will soon compel the insorg- ! distribution, are not friendly to the U S only about four thousand places in all, are everywhe/e. In our (alleges, in our -4 r taken. - etyte to surrender. \Ve In Spain !'re i .mil that they woutd willingly make and the latter because it is used at all. universities, all over tiie country. They A few days ago Postmaster Kyle re- j sorry for our soldiers who are piisoners j troub!», if tiiey dared. There are also No exceptions are made in any brunch orc preaching the veiled doctrine, and ceived a letter front the Fonig Instance there, but/re believe that General Otis j mygtPri0US pinis of outside influence of the service tiiat wero not approved when tiie veil is lifted it is found tiiat it Toicphone Co., of Sua Francis :o co l- is doing all in Ids power to obtain their i :U1,j woney being used in Cuba to foment by the mem tier of tiie cabinet at ti;e . is not God, but Adam, they are preacli- a twining a proposition to build a tele- release and carry ont the promise of the I dissatisiaction. And well-informed men head of that branch Tl.e employes of I *“«• What man is, God once was. Adam phone lino from Eugene to Florence if United State? to neni} them home.” j ? re expressing fear that more troops the government printing office arc left i *B t*‘e on'-v father with which the world etifTicient inducements are offered. The j Of the situation in Cuba tho duke did are likely to bo needed iu Cuba na well under tiie civil service rules, notwith­ will have any thing to do. Jesus Christ company asks for subscriptions for , not earc Io speak, saying that he had ' ng ¡n tlie Philippines. standing an opinion by the attorney- was a polygamist and what man ought which coupons will be issued entitling j received no recent information on the ; Co,nnliM:oner General of Immigra- general that tiiey never should have to be. Tiiat is tiie teaching tiiat they are pushing with prodigious energy. the holder to use the line to the value of subject. “Our interest in Cuba is tiou Powderly, is wrestling with a been placed under them. r . • -, jww • « * - . *»• ’’' T “Tl Tiiey make claims of great progress, but À . A X xdL X L i the coupons or in other words tl.e co ended,” he added. “Spain is thinking | knoUy prob)eai„ whether niW;vwt 0/ the KIDNEY » a deceptive disease— no more evidence ol it can be found! pany will pay by use of the line for about other tilings.’ Philippines have a legal right to come thousands have it and ! anywhere than in tiie states adjoinin'» whatever subscriptions are received. to this country without complying with TROUBLE j ou>t fc,iow it. If y you ou ' Utah. yfr Kylo left fur San Francisco just GENERAL NEy/S. the immigration laws. A New York want quick results yon can make no after receiving the letter and took it "I predict that if it makes the same amusement, manager engaged a party mistake by using Dr Kilmer’s Swamp- progress in the next five years af it has One death front yellow fever was re­ with him in the hope of interesting out­ ' of Filipinos said to be actor«, in Manila, Rout, the great kidney remedy. Ail in the past five years, Mornmoniam will side parties in the enterprise so we arc ported in New Orleans, Mr.y 30th, by and brought them to San Francisco, druggists in fifty cent ami dollar sizes, have secured the balance of power in the Loniauna state board of health but: unalde to publish tho letter at present. where ,Le immigration commissioner Sample bottle by mail free, also pam­ these states and become a controlling said there waa no other case there at all ' However we talked son.o months ago refuped to allow them to land on tiie phlet telling you how to find out if you fa(.torin congress. Congress tells suspicious. On hearing this however with parties residing along the road ! ground that they were destitute aliens. between Florence anil Eugene and the y ! state health officre, Blunt of Texas, plac- The New York manager appealed to have kidney trouble. Aihlress, Dr Kil­ that Mormonism is only a local qiics , mer & Co., Binghamton, N V. were eager to teo the line built ami said , cd guards along the Louisiana ttate line tion. Il is not. It is a qqestjon that Commissioner Powderly, making the FOR ASMORT H AIE fhey wero wilting to contribute towurds establishing a rigid quarantine; he also concerns the entire nation. It is of argument that the Philippines being a WANT TO BECOME COLONISTS. its construction. cent telegrams to all railroads entering vital tmportaueo to our political founda­ part of the United States the natives # FOR CASH ONLY. Dot us see how much can ba raised Texas from Louisiana warning them not tion and the basic principles of our have the same right to travel from one A specjal to the Herald from Manila and have the lino built. Wo have no to sell tickets or bring freight from New j part of the country to another part that constitution. says: Information has been received | doubt it would be used moro and more Orleans to any Texas point till further I is possessed by tiie natives of any of the here that satisfactory results have I “ You ask if jtoiygamy is bnipg taught? ns people came to realize tho advantage orders. This lies up the Southern J states or territories; he also claims that attended tiie movement among mcm- Y’e s , polygamy is being taught today Pacific the same as it lias been h r tho of it. _______________ ni,« i i tip ? i * it i n u i i ] n i the immigration laws do not apply to j bers of the volunteer regiments in , witli as mudi aggressiveness as it was in 1 ltd J 1, ): J u v i d l i j ’j i ) ) J? jJ ) . —z.— ----- • past three summers. before tiie manifesto of 1896; ns it wa« actors who come to the country for tiie Manila for the establishment of a large Bovs abc often reprimanded h r a Representative I^tvid U Henderson of when Utah tagged to lie admitted us a mere ropotitiou of what tiiey itear on Iowa lias received by mail and telegraph purpose of exhibitions. Mr Powderly American colony in the Philippines. state. Tiie president of one of the lead­ has tiie case under consideration and Four thousand of tiie volunteers now our streets every day by men whose pledges that will give him 102 votes for ing Mormon societies made the state- liis decision is expected in a few days. in tho island are reported to liavesigne»i profanity and vulgarity ia enough to tiie speakership which is nine more a petition to the president and secretary i n,ent a few n,ontl,B :i’'° in temple Representative Zenor of Indiana, bring sham» and disgrace upon them than majority of the republican re pre­ S e e o u r s p e c ia l c o u n te r . of war, praying that they receive their ^,at ti,e w0,uen ,,f U,a> * ’ lla ’be rw" 1 occupies a sort of neutral position on and their posterity forever. Wlisn even sentation in tho house and it is thought old men with gray hairs who should be without doubt tiiat he will lie Speaker the general question of expansion, Lut discharges in Manila, instead of at the ° ‘ PO^gamy, wepe «uf-l,eroding fhw, d. of enlistment, and that they be ’in orJer to keep out of prison. I wottM quite certain tiiat we do not want the place < honored and respected, are «till soj Kocd’s successor ’ ».' e . , . ..itiisi' SESE ì ... I Philippines for keeps. He said: “ I allowed travel pay to the places of eu- not make this statement did 1 not be­ hardened by ain nud vice as to be ever Frank Tocht of Hopburn, Iowa died a|1) nut wj,at y0„ Would call an aati- listment. It was explained that tiiey lieve it -a be true. But I must add. ready to utter an oath or express thetn- able to do so, selves disrespectfully of the opposite froin blood poisoning caused from a : eXpangionist. V.’e can hardly get out believed tiiat the Philippine islands un U t.iank < m I I am tiiat there are pure mid n dole worn n . « ottnd received accidently while being ! oj t|ie Philippines without first giving “offered rare opportunities for industri sec, upon every occasion, wo do not Women, living in puhg- initiate«) in a lodge of Modern Wood-, t|icnl H lesson ia civilization. That ous ami enterprising Americans to make | ■n,onii Umm wonder that the railing generation of auiv v vftrrivri carried nwav ami swayed oy by tlieir men. The degree team was using « ¡ w ean, that wc must go on until wc for tlicmselvcs honte«,” and til'lt tllCV uu,- tiwnv m i».. iswiijE««i mankind are oftic.ios brought to bear a spanking board supplied with blank i can compel them to look at the matter desire to remain “ fur the purjiose of ,eelin*-’’ ll>e hidden poison ip vl.eir punishment which, in many cases are cartri'lges which were «opposed to ex-1 in tho j do3-t be-i taking part in tho development of directly due to -be evil influences of the men around thorn. Men, if such they plodo and terrify the camlidate, but the j lioyo lhat ¡„ t|1Q el|,j we want the { mining, agricultural and industrial re-, “ As to the fight againsj B II R o ' mti wrong end was applied and a paper wad : ¡g|lHiag .f l,e orienu, chara,.ter is #J|,rcM of thu iu;nnJe. i to prevent liitu ftoui being seated in . on- pi ay bo callud, who persistently continue entered Tocht h thigh which was not . wnlething that we, a« Caucasians, have Tlie petition stated that in the event firess, I want to say Hint it is not a re- in this habit, seldom, if ever, make a removed for several days. no conception of. It is bemuse it would of favorable action by the government, ligious fight. It is a fight against a «min V IIE A I’ C A SH S T O K E ! success iu life. Imaglno, if you will, our Tiie snerotary oi war has issued an be impossible for us to gage tl.o char­ those signing it pledged tlieir united , wjlo ¡g living publicly an a polygamist; laeroes and great men of tho nation, •tabling around on streot corners, order that no persons dying on bourd acter of tiie inhabitants tiiat the islands support in upholding tl.e laws ami pro- ,,ving jn open viola(io„ tl|e ,„w t|)p »peaking disrespectfully of somebody's transports either going to or coming would make dangerous possessions fo? tecting tiie interests of tiie United country. He lots no right to dehnudi States, ami would, if so desired, become mother, sister or wife. The thought of from tho United Htatcs to Mauila shall us G > ) } 5 , * O r :»□ a r i3 3 * a i d Ar N o t n • n s i * women, to seduce women, to min the C. V it would put to shame tho heads ol our ho buried aj sea. Paper money cannot Be safely used members of a national guard or such , . . ' queen of our homes. All the neon •» of 1 1 The .8 F Chronicle of Jnne 2nd, gives in tho Pliilippnes. U nde earn has re» other organization as might be necessary 1 most respocted families aud every man , fer the beet protection cf American , this country ahon Id arise as one and in­ in- an account of tiie robbery of tiie Union ! cently gained this information and it F u )H with true manly principles. Take sist upon him being tiirnod out. warning boys I Are the men you imi­ Pacific passenger train just west of j came near coeting bint a million do'.- j tcresta tit the Philippines. prejudice the tate making the success in life that yon Wilcox, Wyo. The train was held u p t|BM. Knowing the VALUABLE FLOW OF WATER, wish to attain? Do they have the re­ by six masked men. They blew up tiie aVtrage American has to carrying JUST SO. O o ô 4» spect of the entire community that you uxpreescar with dyuamit^ severely i around lot of coin, the war depart-! S F Chronicle i ; ---------- wisli to merit? You will need to think WDttndlng the engineer and escaping ! nicnt shipped $1,000,000 in paper money , Kan Bernardino, June 2.—Another Brmvt Axr oarnestly and seriously over this mat ter, witli their booty to the mountains, j of small denominations to Manila, to lug “gushor” artesian well, was struck rutfrepanlicai) papers wilt now quit bsforv the habit lias cliacltod itself up­ dpain has ceded to Germany her be used in paying off the troops. By near t bis city today. Tiie well is 578 making fun of Senator Peffer's whiskers, . on you in such a manner as to leave you remaining Pacific possessions—the ! I good luck tiie money was saved from feet deep and ten inches in diameter, He lias announced tb it hereafter lie entirely void of charity and generosity, latdronos, Carolines and I’elius. These ldMlruction hv the myriad of ants which and flows between jX) and 5u0 miners' will lie a republican and not play with two things which are necessary for your islands are of.no imjmrtance ootnmer- attacked it where it wits stored after its inches of water. Some time ago a the populists any longer.—Eugene happiness and tru« maulineM. — Drain ! einlly but Germany intends to use thorn arrival at Manila, and if lin y liad not, gusher was struck about a mile east of Guard. ffiatekman. for naval purposes. i at once been discovered, would have town that flowed aiswit 4W inches at To w hich we nny add that S-n.itor Tiie monument to Thomas Paine cab'11 th* note» up pntirely. flio in- T ub L incxilm County leader says that: once. Well are lieguti on all si les, aqd Peffer lias not lost ids whiskers. He • T h e E u n e iie U B a r r lp u b lia h o .H a r w o o d 6 3 / • » « a«° Xcw Rochelle '»nuntion was g,it to Washington in LpPR.PT« ” tr.day a second well, equally as good as left them in tho ranks of the pomlisi was completed by the placing of tho limo to stop .mother lug shipment of eatirn falsehood adout Ysquina hay hnr the first, was struck. When tl.e tools p/rty.—Eugene Register. 1 paper money. Tiie troops in tiie Piitltp- bor without comment when it knows! bnaL«3 U>eabaft May JOth. were pulled out of the pipe tljq water j Not so, Brother Regi-ier. pine» will hereafter !>« paid exclusively whatever will injure Lincoln county ' President Tyler is the only otio of our spurt? I out nearly three feet abovo tl.e sl(11|er ,uiiej. ,|aH se .llrt. , )(J . * ) ((k in gold or silver. will also injure Lane. Six week» ago, [ presidents who lias neither stone nor top of too pipe, while rocks weight»« .ind hvlleu tl|c Gjar., ifl rU, „ _ w Up ^o this time, the valions tumis too, it wUi he remembered, Eugene sent : monument to mark los resting place, ov. r ten po tn ls were thrown up hv tho th..ln wjn |1emci.,r.h dally with Senator tiiat are to be usivi (or brass-band and towral of her most influential men witli ■ ■■■■ (•trettiu. The value of the two wells *» Peffer’s wliiskers. carefully prepared statistics, to wo?k for , June 2nd, according to previous orders hurrah welvomes to Admiral I*» » ’ i , almost beyond estimation, reaching up , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the completion of the Yaquina liay har-, the festuratas rented from the iu various places, are many, man; into tiie thousands of dollar«. bor. Cuaic boys, gel out of that nar- railroad company along tiie Southern thousands I.trper than the fttfid that * I F t ’ZZ row rut and take a liroader view of all i Pncifice railroad ceased to sell liquor, living collected for the purchase of a ISHERMCS TO StCURt LICENSES. T H S W E S T .I RE-ESTASI tSHEO. WASHINGTON LETTER. W. H. T m q - w .c l C A P S O .W . H U R D M A N ’S Or ' JU S ; J .3 oj J s a s K e ö r e s e n t e d , 5 V a JAR.VI » tauttors pertaining to the improvement I Tho purpose is to prevent the railroad home fur Admiral IYwcy in Washtn; of this portion oi Oregon." The above , men from drinking while on duty. For ton. Tiie comparatively smsll total Tiahill< (Wuuttft: It is understood that a large number article a lio » » that the editor of ffie ! many this will be a kind act, for it wjll •J fishermen are to organize a society. Leader does not know what he ia talk-1 put a large amount ol temptation out IMPROVED TWAIN SERVICL •or the purp. ee of compelling fishermen irg about. It is a rery easy thing for! of the way. Those n ho are reeponsible to secure licenses. Il is said to bo tiie tho Leador to say tiiat Mr Harwood's 1 (or the welfare of so iu any of their fel- Effective I'cb. L-'lli, the 'rtber.i urtiele is false, lint proring it will he a low beings, as railroad men are, should Fsciflc will iu tuguralu «I«. uble f a.a « .•- intention of these fishermen to watch vice between T\>itland nud all röte?- •Arefully for fishermen who have not task tbnt tlio Lea«ler W*B ** unable n«ve clear brains and steady nerves, east. Trains will leave Portland ai 11 SO seen ivd the necessary p»‘n»iia, am ito to porform. ' ------------------------ ja tu, and l i p in daily. These trams rejurt all such eases to the office of the A f l t ’. i f j W a N T S U -r o R “TH E U F K ANP u l || both bo first class uml fully equipped fish const;.'inicnw. The finLermeu of T ub r.ntTOB of a country paper inter­ achievement' of Admiral liewev. the wurlq ■ . , , iirctttv-i naval hero. By Murn« llalstrw t. the in every respect, hpatvd by steam, the rqy are a unit .□ upholding tiie viewed the inhabitants of his town llff-b w « friend *n<1 admirer «»( th* natlon’t itiol. a n i boata ’*'»r MOW» watih»ilv«l. HtAivUrtJ r^llNMUl Mb n I recently, and ho Hndl all the »ucrettiu), Hxie(crhc<. uwarlv lofl pRKt"' halUonv illu«tra I tourist • lee per« « fining cars and celoniM lievnee law, realising the great henoflt dona Onlv H Enotmou« demand. HI« . • . » , . tinSiUUM men were freely tlirsahral when rommU'tona outftt frve. fUatve ol a life eirapma care, wiitli Umnigh alec|»n»it which a»H ivhii t to llietn, and tl.ey f hov wore young, while among the si reel ^ ‘rtoo* C a X ,.‘'m.t«T7 r b t e ,4°“ Cu“““ ,,r’ ears to Missouri River Pdole via But- pnqioae that al who eiuagr in the in­ __________ ings, will.*ti renders the service now dustry shall pay the li.-euse. Nolliing loafers twenty-seven were mamma's .»Hcird by the Norluern P.unfle nn- darlings, and tiie reel were raised by AoeovxTS cow» from «11 over tiie equade.1 by any .»iher tranaouiiinmutsl definite us to the proposed o’eaniMtiqa t heir grandmoil.ers. This is very en- ....„„try that the prepaislion • for Inde line. The ^ Dav are Iwing made on a lluitiv tvrritoty. See tha, yonr Itekets ma er u il| l«e ninler the d rec'ion of the nightly trimmings In •' O woo. ataxia, paralysis. Hudyan euros. Ail . B ’ ts. i s lia ty aa **• y s i­ v so e.a l o .e-.t, E »a< ue, O J' enM’ Ifar t JiisO Hath His H Day. ft A doctor's exam ination , , , , k id n e y liver and stomach are normal, but the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon vohtch these oryrns depend. llood s Sm pupari Un puno*t, vita!iz*e -èild Vii' Svi»** » thè hlosìd. Ix CITTA VOU ftheu “ a «t.t eff” or wheu reriou.v’y ùfH.ctcd. li nfaty _ - ann KarA..par:lla raved him Our 1’ttlc boy was tisrvou» au t (tie baby hail uH-eroui aurea. It careo bv«b'. ' Mss Kea« H kbr . Vortag». V» indlgostkjn “ I eould not eg, ter •■vne ai«With- <>o SLivoint ot (ti'trv'A ar.., ImRgvt- tton. ll.x'.t'» SarvaparlUn cu rv i ni», -u that vr» T aylo r a r .j Waln»it S tj., W U m lrgt.-», bel. ^ W o fc k r r p in ^ ; - a o h c r f L i n d ’ 3 ’J c n R ia ib h ip ; A L dcprapby. 'ORINALE OT EXCHANGE TO OUT » A r ^ 0 N 3 . I ran cai and slei% well." Ma.. O. A. tu sìCcodA SqUafm uffa Never Dfsdo iati O., nm o,;.»« r . . r I ,r |b ; X» ft.-. Irrll.-ift, „Ä ’nqui-eat thia , »e»., -«U »ib« <» >»X, .m., *u»~j , .'»««jft,. _ Ho— • r e i. t»T». OK A h o - c Rn., u in RUn(iiU ThJ ho!.e i, Jfi ft., » • '.K in t a in TL. Z ’" " " '’ ~ s -rar gemer wi,l f,.n,Wl H.e ‘ , ° » * v m b .n W l'h thft. W a s r fo r ” V on- ’ ’ s l l-e « for »he »»»m of »s . j '»n oayahle ca«h in a»lranr«