. a GRAVE OF P A TR IC K R ut of the comfort and s e c u rity a ffo rd e d to them by Or. W illiam s’ Pink Pills fo r P a le People h e a d a c h e s and b ackaches t h a t come e x p e c te d ly o r u n e x p e c te d ly a r e ch arm ed a w a y and th e ric h , red b lood shows i t s e l f in th e p in k c h e e k s a n d b r i g h t e y e s o f th o s e w h o u se th e s e p ills . .T h e y a re not a p u r- d a t i v e ; t h e y dive s t r e n g t h in s t e a d o f t a k i n g i t away. Wise m o th e rs g iv e th e m to g ro w in g g irls . Is b a t la W h i r . Me L ived . HENRY. ^ . ^ « * ^ ^ * J* * * » -s ra w te s u. u 5 a «ra» been b *e ‘ ‘ Oa* li * * * ? * ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ " J C h a r lo tte, Every now aud then tv« woe In floras newspaper the query. " Where is P at­ rick Henry buried?” and tonrist« to Richmond ommtnntly ask to be shown his grave, w ith the mistaken idea that it is iu that oity, where much of his public career was passed. Few people comparatively know that tho man who acquirod the title of “ The Tongue of the R evolution” lies in a quiet grave ou the estate in Charlotte county where he formerly lived. Over it is a marble slab inscribed w ith one line, "H is fame bis best opitaph. " The estate lies on Staunton river, 38 miles from th eto w u o f Lynchburg, near the border line w hich sejiarates Char­ lotte and Campbell counties. It derived its name of Red H ill from the peculiar color of the soil in that vicinity. When Patrick Henry bought the place, It com­ prised about 8,500 acres. The land is rich— thero was a saying iu the neigh­ borhood that poor land and Henry could uever bo mentioned together—oorn grows there as high as a man on horse­ back; there is a general air of sm iling fields and abundant prosperity. Its sit- uar; ¡u in early times was very remote. Neighbors wore few, one of the nearest being the celebrated John Randolph of ttciuxoke, who lived in his ohouou soli­ tude 15 m iles uway. Red H ill is now owned by Henry's grandson, W illiam Wirt Henry, a olever, cultivated gentleman of tho “ old sohool. ” He lias in his possession ■ mo most interesting relics of his cele­ brated grandfather, including the desk he rlw ays used, w nieh still contains his letters from Lafayette, Washington, Madisou and other great men of early d ays, the large, round backed chair in which Patrick Henry died and a portrait ci him by the elder Sully, under w hich kcf.;. s a yellowed slip of paper, signed bv Chief Justico John Marshall and several others of his friends, testifying to the faithfulness of tlio likeness.— Philadelphia Presa ! O 3D 3D © -A .3 S T D E33STD S. | I | * I « ^ ^ ^ * * « * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T E E N Y W E E N Y FELLERS. © rueex of Henttl«, T tist bloom tn June and May. You aru perfect as the pout'a droaiL l a ir as tho golden day: Von acatwr wsvoa of fragrance Ou tbo deeping air of night; Your rainbow palntod petals A re tho glory of the llgn tl l a i r Is N ile'« storied lotu s And tl.o rose of O ulistan, A nd pleasant is tho poppy seed T hat lnlls the soul of man, K*ro nro tho lights and ahaiiowa In the pansy’s purple eyes. B ut the roses of Seattle Are the flower» of paradiaa. O roses o f Seattle, T hat bloom in May and June, D eep heart» of gold and crim son T hat ligh t the summer noon. The cottage of the low ly You paint w ith God's own plan; In the mansion of the lordly You shame the art ot manl 1 hold them fust In m emory Wherever I may roam. These blossoms from the garden © f th e gods, dropped down from home. Tho cruel years take from ua What years cannot restore, B at th e roses of Seattle— They bloom forevermore! —Elira Archard Connor In Seattle Poat-Intel- ligenoer. ___________ _________ A STR A N G E S E N T E N C E . P a n ia h r o e n t F o r a M urder T h at W aa M ore C r u e l T hau l> eath. Teeny Weeny l i t fellers t h r o e t lc F lig h t. * * * , »ILLS1 : e d a i l y B y n u l l , P n a t* « a P a t* , Only $ 6 f 7 0 a t e , The Weekly Chronicle Greatest Weekly in the Country, $ 1 . 5 0 A YEAR (Including pc«ta v are worthy vour confidence. Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or delicate women. Price. 25c. at all medicine dealers or by mail of C. I. H ood .T. that bad been covered with eight luycr3 I Sutherland was sentenced to die upon of papier. i the scaffold. He t ailed In other observers to con­ Then came tho plea of the insnffi- firm this. Tlio letters, however, that 1 ciency of circumstantial evidence and could thus bo deciphered were written the efforts of influential relations. These in dark ink tin one sido of tho paper so worked upon the court that the judge I bar« ba«« a treat suffsror from «oastipation, | have used Btnaas Tab«)»» with eo steeb satis- S P A IN ’8 LO SIN G G A M E. only. If four written sides were folded de’* ycd the sentence of death until the foru/«rfl • years. Noli lag fava mo any ralUf. fh etua that 1 eau ohcertillly reouiuniend them. My f »■ '€ a.Hl legs anil abdoas*« w«i« bloated so Have been troublse to t »bout thro. years with together^ and especially if there had prisoner should bo 99 years old. 1 ooiUd not wear aboM on my foot aad Only a 1 oom what I enlltd bUloaa attacks cumins on regularly T h in s « W h ic h Tluvo S lip p e d F r o m H er been crossing, it was hard to make out dIHH. 1 naw Hipan» Tabula« aivsrUscd In our eeee a week. Waa sold by different physicians It was ordered that the culprit should O roep I n T h r e e H u u d r ed V e a n . dolly paper, bought some and took tbora ns direct­ that IS was caused tv bud teeth, of which I bad tho drift of tlio writing, and there are bo released on his own recognizance, ed. Uaro takoa them aoout tbr. o weeks sad tbsr« M o r a l I had the t..«th extracted, hut the nt- Macaulay drew this picture of the j imino kinds of w riting which, when and that, pending the final execution of latttra acliMujr*! 1 stu not con tlpated ncy roors •aehs oontluuwt. I bud sesa adrurilsemoets .of power of Spain 800 years ago: and 1 ow* it ail to IM m u « Tabula«. Jsia Chlr’y- folded twice or thrice, admit too littio his sentence, h« should keep a hangman's Klpaaa Taliulea In u l the papers but had notaith ssvoa ysars old. ha\e Do occupation, only my le them, but about sla weeks tine. a triced la The niupiro of Philip II was undoubt- i light for tho purpose of decipherment. ItouHPbold duticw ai.d BU.slf g mv sick husband. daead me tu try tksm. U .-* taken but two uf lu . noose about his neck and show himself edly one of tho most powerful ami Us has had ths dropsy and 1 aiu trj log I’.lpans email I cast buses of th . Tabula, sad have bad Iu this way possibly many of the per­ before tho judges of Catskill once a year he recur re"-* (.r tl-e ntbwks. Have nerer nlreu a Tahulst for him. He f*els somo bettor but It will splendid that ever existed in tho world. ' formances of "clairvoyants” m aybe ex­ take some time, he has bet-n sl- k pa long. You teetnaohl.l for anything Iveture. but the great It is no exaggeration to say that during plained. By means of tho egg glass it to prove that he wore his badge of in ­ amount at good which I bull*-a has been , one la . may n»u my luttsr and name as y hi l!ka by Bipan. Tabnlc. Indaces ma to add m lu. to la . Mrs. M amt ttoaaaa u 'u a u . several yours h is power over Europe Is, as a rule, easier to muko out tho con­ famy and kept bis crime in mind. It many »..rltannlau you dotiat-oeg have la y»ar was greater than oven that of Napoleon. tents of letter or telegram without the was a more cruel decision than the sen­ A. f . UsWrrr. «aw.. I hare been stiffartog from headaches evw In America his dominions extended on slightest tampering w ith tho onvelopo tence of immediate deutli would havo sluoo 1 was a little girl. I could never ride tn a car r g 'luto a crowded both sides of tho equator luto tiie tem­ than it is to detect tho movements of been, but it was uo doubt in burmony I want to Inform yoo, place without getting a , w ith the spirit of the times. la word, uf hlsaatl perate zoue. There is reason to believe the embryo in tho egg. headache and sick ut my ■raise, c l the baarSt Thus Ralph Sutherland lived. lie a l­ stomoob. I heard about that his unnual revenues iiuiouutcd, in .1 bare c-rtvsd fruaa Suppose the writer of a billet, the mpanj Tabulws .'root an Blpaar tsh '.lra I eat a tho season of h is greatest power, to a contents of which aro known ouly to ways lived alone. He seldom spoke. His R I - P A N S aunt of ndne who was peefmeb'i..l rurre and taking them for catarrh cum tuu times as largo as that which himself, lots it out of his hand aud loses rough, imperious manner hud gone. bs this uro férrica * clear of t.io stumaeh. Bhs had Dead Isaiw sy» needed. i England yielded to Elisabeth. H e had u sight of it for five minutes. It may bo Years followed years. At each session foui.d suoh relief (ruin Siialta Tabun, doce l|. IMelr cm she advised me standing army <>t 50,000 troops when readily carried either into the direct of the court the broken man conic be­ S f t.r u a . cf ta y eero rl The m o d e rn stan d ­ to toko thorn too, and I found tajeelr eamplrtely England did not have a singlo battalion sunlight or into electric or magnesium fore the bar of justice aud silently haTo iteen doing eo since u ruadew o Acltugaalhe a rd F a m ily M e d i­ lust O—cber. and wt’4 in constant pay. Ho hold, w hat no oth- light and be reud by tho aid of tho egg showed the noose thut circled his neck. At lost his ninety-ninth year cume, say they hare complete­ or prince in modern timos haH held, tho glass. Tho placing of a piece of car­ ly ( ire ’ fry headaches. cine : C u res the dominion both of the land and tho sen. tridge paper iu the envelope or the col­ , tho tim e when tho court had ordered I era ta iS tr s iu t years old. You ere we looms During the greater part of his reign he oring of it black is a means of defense that tho utmost penalty of tho law to use this testim onial com m o n e v e ry -d a y should bo executed. For tho last time was supreme ou both elements. Ills sol- ¡ at hand. Mrs J. B aodun dB ___________ the man tottered before the jndgo’s diera marchod up to the capital of ill o f h u m a n ity . I bench, but new judges bad arisen iu G ator B lin d . Franco; his shipsninnaoed tho shores of , the land, new laws had been made, old My seven year-old boy England. Spain had what Napoleon de- , N ot long ago I wus in the crowded crimes had been forgotten or forgiven, sunered a lta palas la sired iu vain—ships, colonies and com­ office of a celebrated specialist fur the his hand, ooasupatlon and there was uoue who would accuse and o»mp!alned of hit eye and ear, and I happened to notioe a merce. him or execute sentence. Indeed the stomat h. Hu eould not Hho long monopolized tho trade of man sitting at one of the tables w ith a eat 11 ks o’.iiidrca of his aw ful restriction that had bound his ago do aad w h a t he America and of the Indian ocean. All moat bewildered exproasicn on his face life so intimately to the expiation of did eat did not agree tho gold of the west und nil tlio spices and a pile of bright colored worsteds in with him. Be wed thia of tho oast were retulved and distrihut- ' front of him. After a desperate straggle his crime was now legally reuiovod. an4 of a saffron colar. But tho spirit of self punishment con­ Reading some of the teet.av nlail In favor of ed by her. Even after the defrat of tho ho succeeded iu assorting them. but. Ripaus Tabiues. 1 trisa (hem. hipeas Tabules nos Itebulea la the heaee and eeys eh« will not lie wish tinued, and when Sutherland, after be alas, not according to sh id » or color. armada English statesmen continued ouly relieved bat actually eured my ycua^iter, oat sham. The h sn r w rn nod sleeplessness have hml passed his hundredth year, was dis­ the hou le**; es lf tahea aooordtax to dlrece eats hearty meals, an Uupomlhiiuy befors she three-quarters of a century before.— Una*. R. W. l iuos. h>ok lUpaus Tobulea. drtve U. B laus « . ever w ishes to know how great .states gan h is hopeless taak. There were pink, Youth's Companion. trtky be made feeble and wretched, ( blue, lavender, yellow aad red wnrstnds should study tho history of Spain.—E x­ to be piled, each color by itself. Tho a m s jt>l> putket oeetaiobv air *wa v a sc les paoksd U» a pa*wr cartua ( without glass) Is now for sals suau dru* svvcm ruu r»v« cmstm Tiu» tow piic«d ***t M lutwuJud fur Uu* poor and the eewnotutml. ims man began. Yellow was comparatively change. T h ere I t 1 1 « . ef the u*e«wa| eartouto üdw * * b< had by med by suadlug ^crti utgfct mats to Ike B itas * easy, red not so bad, but pink, bine and — • an. tsaartoeoMrect Xsw York -o r a tlaato cartcf?*** vaani m» will be seat L>r «*» cenia It was rumored that tho relations be­ m a io u it t o In flu x F ain . lavender couveyi'l no idea of difference. crucero, g«aeral etorekoepsto« asws ogeoto aad at asms ht*«ur« The doctor smoked slow ly on his Tho perspiration rolled down th« m an’s tween Stubbs, Sr., and his w ife were op aud prulung Ufa Cue gives rolloi. end hu*er s^rpa. cigar. It was plain that he hud some­ face, his features became fairly distort­ not of the pleasantest, and Jehnnv Btuhbs bod doubtless heard many a thing to say. ed, aud finally w« heard him murmur, "I was thinking of m y early college “ This is a corker!” 1 became desperate fam ily dispute. The father's strongest d ays,” be said, "and of a peculiar in­ myself, aud when ho finally gravely point »gainst Mrs. Stubbs was that she w as a Hicks when ho raised her to her be cured cident that happened very soon after I separated the blue shades, pntliug some began my studies. The professor waa w ith the lavender and others w ith the preterit title. Mrs. Stubbs would then If ypu sufftr faun any o f tbs ills c i men, ccros to th« oldrst instructing tho class one day on the pink, I felt lik s screnming. As soon as collapse aud tenrfnlly rejoin that such a Sf'chirr*. Our fee nut d«« toi< Y o i n g m e n sad m lM d lc | amiuation each student was ordered to "Yes, sympathy is very w ell, but if wont ilown to the stream that raw near tlvercvn 1. A Pam pM rt “ How to ob | r^ZCtl m en who msauffmog tie a rug around his foreflng.ir aud strike C U a M Fate'fx • wi»b ca st er s a ia e ln th o P B. cru^n oottuuh s sunt free AdlreeR tho top of the Huger suddenly with a wonk! like to bo snrfi that the t. C. rrw *cw c«y 1’r lM itlln g , e i o . Py a W x ., , know there w asn’t a mau in the clave qualified to ussuino a responsible posi­ his mother's voice calling loudly fcr i * v if r b iu s f e M im a r <1 w», Jt grsat cumuwgvw- , sr, lbs LXxtut ha» an mgs«! hi» tr*ain»*»»4 that did it at tho first attempt.. It wsa tion, but ho lisa this svnons defect in him to come iu. 11 tai it u iM net oalv »ft« rd imiasdiatu but "There it I»"’ Mid the disgusted funny to watch Romo of those embryo evosight." — L ouisville Gmrier-Jour­ pet nuaotot cure. Ths Doctor dor«»*iasat Stnbbse« begin to fish the Hickses begin A naval oflk-ur thus ilosoribes the L— — . . . ■ mined air and launch it In w ith iu a in hit t|w-. tai(« I^e>n»e««| o f M e n . ( to boiler. ”— New York Sunday World. " A il hands ubauil.iu ship” ! My p h 11 Is Ihor aighi v cnedicaind from th« l ife l a C olorado, hair space of tiie flesh aud there stop ' tyvto n without ufung jtfurxmrve drill ’. "Two minute« allnr tlio word liar dead. Others tried to force the needle M V rM V .MAW applyln« sp|..... * to us will ro- A person In in is country m snenrr F »tab1'«hm g a S ly la . cvlvo titir konof m»nt*m r«!“«*! ever; ship’s boat has swung T iW iïO T k y » iu slowly, but paused very shortly, gets through ulioveliug coal and o*rry- M e ««Ki Uaaraafre a J --------- "So you ttunk yon nuderstaod ths from if» davits into tho water, and n sorry ca»r wr «.ukrtorr, or /ot/rM w ith an expression of paiu oom men­ ing cut the ashes th«o ha baa to spnukie Tli«u»*ai»f ba hind la the stock of everything that is the exxet -fcr hv iiis »hip's Btuuber, aud then the this peculisvity, us I have u n ce found w>«kl. t'es* »u4 Ivatn how «mmtsrRilly you oppeeite ol It." romniand 'Sheer off!' is given. The ,t t » t i »> ' • kne « u I v «■ V. I,«S «*« Was Itolnfl- by |isr«>ual test Almost evetylxsly ex­ W« are CgnttittonUy ad>lu< trw • peoutstu. l>f conrsc be was cugsgtd without *mnts are hauled uway a coo pie o i bun hibited tita same rapugnatico to InQiot- "You ana, P h yllii Lad to to lit ftulor write. further parley as a man who cadent¿c4 .Inul fret (Tf »i the dt«erted vcsoel. and ing psiu iu that manner. Try it your- her h ois" — I0BI Market Strsvt. San FraftctoM. C«t the sex.— Chicago Post. h I k rides w ithout a human soul uleiurtl s e if" "Ariaage. obild; net fix. F ix meaiia her often, when the drill is gone Tiie other nun tri< d and sue-ceded on to nvika fast " W ill C ur« K im K vtrotually. Ihrc.igb tn mldocoan. In * sen that the Cow» pUmruftary. she fourth tris!.— N«w \o r k Bulk "W ell, thnt'sw hst »ha waa doing It landsman wet'.ld account torriflo. ” 1 foci considerably sucouragvd aiiout was coming lo o s e .I n d ia n a p o lis Jonr- Browu—-Ak» Stoiiih, let m# iolnxlafft ‘'Then the word 'BoardI' is tswse.1, B lusher." P o t » W a y to D o cal. yon to Ur. Cayley G ott 1 in euro you ve "W hy, I thought you told uiu he was and w ithiu eigbi nunutos at the moat rtotd hie fatuous books. "Yon see. it's this w ay," he Mid id According to the authority of au *11 band* arc cot only <» Is-ard again. incurable— that ho sniokid tho uasiy axplstn ag th a situation "Thera's no S ou th —N-n-ne, I'm afraid I haven’t Imt »»trr bout has bora relaaheu to Uie little things luiMNsaUtly. und they had Fpsuisrti dsrm> hur.l down the dug wa English tnagaxinu Great Britain <"u- had tho piesstore. wols f t out (J e*«Ty It'D sqn»ro mile« davits, »11 of the provisions, wator. in- given biin a coiratuut cough. ” Frown— t4j. of courte yon h»vi\ my have put up ovtr the Philippine», so ( "T hat's why I am oncournged. Tb<> thry'ra going to try to cisivince u« that ' of lha earth's surface and 21 out of dear fellow but ycu'vu forg'VttoB— »iru m rtfe sad other gear bure been re over) IPO square m iles of territory in moved, and the sh ip ’s company is iu u rough is gettlug n o w " —Chicago u e ought to iV it cuirclv*«. th at's it .— Pouch. Chicago ' **»»»♦****♦♦*♦♦»»»♦♦♦<*«•* * COPY SENT FREE. T h . r iir o n lc i« M uil*l«»». TITE CHRON1CUB r a n k , w ith U>* rreatM t new spoi^ra In tb s U nited S ta tes. T H E CHRONICLE has no equal f»n th s Pacin i Cco»t. It lead» a ll In a b ility , enterprise and n<”.-». THR CnRONlCS*B*3 T elegrap h ic Reports ars the latest and m ost reliab le. Its I vocal N ew s th« fu tlsst and spiciest, and It© E d ito ria ls from the ablest pens In th« country. THE CHRONICIsE ba* alw ays been, and a l­ w ays w ill be. the friend ar.d cham pion of ths people, os a g a in st cosnb*nations, cliques, cor­ porations, or oppressions «*, an y kind. It will b« Independent In everyth in g, n eu tral in nothing. DO YOU WANT THE MMOLE Reversible Map? 8ha*ing the United State«, Domini#« of Cxaada aad Northern M ixioj ON T h e T u m p ' » I te v e n ic a . O NE H II> K . Map of the World Sour Faced Woman—Yon got right ont of here or I'll call my husband I O N T U K O TH TK R S IO K . R -«< «3 a n d (set €l»o M a* a n d Tramp—Y'r husband ain't at home. ^ »oskly C hrw uiole fa r 'e a r , Sour Faced Woman—How do you p o sta g e f r e p s i s o n m a ? a n d >ap«r» know he ain't? AUDBEH.Î Tramp—I ’ve allers noticed, mum, AX. TT. da T O U K O , thut w ’en a man is married to a wom­ Proprietor M F. Chntulal«. BAN FRANCISCO. C U » an wot looks like you, he never is at i home except at mealtime.—New York AYA’.W.YfJWWWYWiWiY...... Weekly IS H , R E L IA B L E S T A Y R L TISTIC-w . A r g u i n g b y A n a lo g y . Teacher—Who can tell me what use- ful article we get from the whale? Johnny? Scholar—Whalebone. Teacher—Right I Now. what little boy or girl knows what we get from the seal? Tommy? Scholar—Sealing wax —Harlem Life. ( i Recommend,# by Leading 1 Dreiimal'.re. * Í They A l w » y P le t» e -W- £ MSCALL/ffto fA T O K s W l D ills to D n rn . NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE ; W Th«»< H*tt«r*i Mr. Fourtbfloor—My room is very ■ cold, Mrs. Hashleigh. Mrs. Hashleigh—There is a grate in year room. Mr. Fourthfloor—Y’es, but co fuel. Mrs. Hashleigh—Y'on might burn some of your unpaid board bills. — New \ ork Journal. taU in ' | I ti*rr c,,y ars® ,0,ti«n nr.!v r ,» * J , J in tlu d lr g x fe i'K E R F u »*-7 i . •°*w A n o t h e r U lt at Boston. “ I called to ?ay goedby,” t«aid Mr. Bootong to Mr P iu "So you intend to shake the dust of onr city off your fe e t do you?” “ Not exactly. I w ill .scrap- the mnd off .beer —Pittebur- Chronlcle-Tile- graph. ./Uc. p iaddnn THCMuCALL CO«, K S -j • ij# to i,A W. i , t b S t.. New Y tWAW.WAM’.V.VW? ’AV W f t W K W |,T e « r | . “ Millicent speut half the night mak­ in g paper fl,,wnw. Why is ,h e in sncli a hurry to finish them t” ' On she i bought if »ha h onied hard «he could get »U Ul0 p . ^ c r , her ¡hears g n daiL Chicago N .w * » • lM ta n a llM . " What • h!*>» cel r Mis« Qbimmv Q»tfffc:r f v iiftl V3»4 m DO a OBTAllfKD. ft«»d p. »•’, g? j‘