t h e w e s t ..re s u e n a s btbbt psisa y mobxinu — L amb C ounty , O r m o n .— i J • • - BY • • • W. II. WEATHERSON I E d ito r and R oyal HERMANN B aking P owder Makes the food more delicious Mid whotosojie P r o p r ie to r . -T erms : 11.50 a year in advance.----- ’ "‘ ¡ for independence day Entercd at thè poat-ciflice at Florence, The San b raneisco Examiner and the; — — j^ne couuty, Oregon, ad aecond-clasa W est for one year t - 50 paid in a d -! . r,or#"c* Wil1 Celebrate. mah metter. ITt.Y.a May 30th, 1893. Fine growing weather but it la “ web- foot" yet. We bad a fine mete of wild straw­ berries on the ?6tb. John I Beers started for Eugene the ?Stl>. He is proving up on hie home­ stead. CONSUMPTION In Its Incipient stage may b - cured. This fact has been rstub'.lehed. I t been proved beyond a doubt by theueatuto o f person« wno have used th e ( i« e t blend. nerve and tissue builder. H U D Y A N . H U D Y A N bee draw n thousands . - _ y from the dutches o f the dreed dises«« There Is no denying the fact. M any pen- pie have been rcslo rtd to perfect health by H U D Y A N a fte r th e ir coses were pro­ nounced hopeless by the best physicians. Ycu can be cured If yuu will. Do not de­ lay. Remember th a t delays ore d a n *s r- Tiiey are especially so In eases ot tuctplent consump­ »plant eoi . _.__ tion n. Look « o tjheee symptoi re W i h im carefully A re they yours? Then you m ustie, ra re fu l You ore w ith in the creep n t consumption. option. H U D Y A N «Ill re- lease ___ you. T o lu H U D Y YAN A N now O I. F T H I'L E L(?H l IV x fi ★ • ! i Three i I [ 1 I I Desirable ★ Some of the people who planted very Committees early garden are complaining of their seed rotting. VRncc- Appeinled to Make all Necessary Mrs .1 C Phelps has a enow-ball bush Just arrived—a full line of tin ware Arrangement«. ADVKKTielKO BATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ which lifts one hundred and ninety PLICATION. and agate ware at O W Hurd’s. Cheap- _____ blossoms on it. J.acat notices 8 cents per line, each inaertion er than ever sold in Florence ! A few day» ago notices were posted np Parties from Hermann, who have The first strawberries and cream that ' calling fur a meeting to tie held IN T H E A At U l'E R I just returned from Eugene, sold their Florence, O r. J u n e 2, 1899. N O O N A N U i l e v i ­ we have heard of around here this sen-; Odd Fallow“’«' b.tUd'to< T u eilay evening ed« NINO-in« b.ec_ Chitteiu for 3 cents cash. It'isb — t h e first son was at Capt. H P Johnson’s on the - to consider the matter of holding suit- by uiptoin of c ju . Several of tlie ineu of Hermann who c ii uintien. 11UD- W E S T L IN Q 8. North Fork. | able celebration on the Foiuth of July. iA f ! w,ll rails« It are working in Wait’s logging camp In d i s a p p e a r Ask Arthur Johnson to tell yon About j Though but short notice was given, H U D Y A N w ill «« A fine aBeortnient of caj es at A 0 his escape from the dangerous Filipinos i th,-re WM I®11’ * rood attendance Rt bare laid off for fair weattier. labllah a perfect It is against the law to kill bine jays circu lation nt the blor.rt urxJ cause tbe Fnnke’e. whom he found lurking near the North 1 ti>e » number from Glenada cheek« to a -sum« a norm al rosy color. in Oregon; well there are a whole lot ot The school at Minerva commenced 1' oik school house a few davs ago. being present. 8 T IC K L IN G IN T U B T H R O A T A N D them op tiers that don't need killing. COUGH At i'.rst ti.e rough Is a slight this week. O W Hurd was elected chairman of The effects of the crip are overcome j tu c k — th at is tiia Drat liid uation . H U D ­ Walton Mead went to Eugene last Y A N w ill atop the ricklln« and the oough See those nice pieces of dress goods by Hood's Sarsaparilla which purifies ' the meeting and W H Weatbereon sec­ week with a load of chittem bark, tie I1 U D Y A N w ill reilzve f t In a few day«. at Meyer i K yle’s. X A S L IG H T P A IN IN O N E O R B O T H I the blood, tonee the stomach, strength­ retary. will load with flour and groceries on IAJNGB, usually near tho tops. Thia i® i On motion of Mr Benedict it was A new lot of m illinery goods just ens the nerves, and makes the whole r.n Indication th at (he consumptive germ his return trip. voted that we proceed to orgauize a la a Invaded the lung tissue. H U D Y A N system vigorous and healthy. arrived at Mrs KsnofTs. w ill eradicate the germ. H U D Y A N w ill It is against tlie law to catch trout restore Fourth ol July celebration. the lung tissue to o h ta lth y cofc- Racine Buggies and Hacks have a The spring term of school in Florence After a few remarks on the subject by that are less than five inches long, but dillon and prevent fu rth e r destruction. twelve years reputation in this country. district closes next Friday. «. W E A K N E S S A R O U N D T H E H H A R T E E Benedict and C II Holden it was how is a fellow to keep the pesky things The heart in becom ln* weak. H U D Y A N Screen Doors with Spring Hinges Another full car load just received direct voted that the committee hereafter from grabbing hit hook? w ill strengthen It and cuuee the wsakr.ee» from the factory. F LChantbers Eugene. to disappear. |1.00 at F L Chambers, Eugene. appointed shall extend an invitation to We have been told that a schooner have the symptoms. Be wise. Twice W H Lincoln president of the Lane Hon E ( I D Holden of Grand Rapids, came into port the 23rd, bat failed to H You U D Y A N before II 1 m ten, late. Do net a l. Small boys will begin to save their low your cane to go on to the incurs Me County \ eteran Association announces Midi, to deliver a Fourth of July ad­ find a notice of it in lust week’s Wxsv. s*age. I f you do there w ill be no help for pennies for fire-crackers now. that tlie annual reunion of tliat society dress. H U D Y A N should be used at once. What is the matter? [There hue l>cen you Our merchants have been taking more I t w ill m ake the lung tlesue strong and which was set for June ha9 been post­ the gervna of the disease w ill be rapidly On motion it was voted that tbe chair no schooner in lately. E d. J exercise since tlie tog came in. draw n from the system. Then you wtFl poned till July. appoint the necessary committees. The your health and strength. H u D Y A N John Bowers anil family of Irving regain For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at ba obtained of a ll druggists for 60c chairman, Mr Hurd, then announced spent a few days lest week visiting rela­ can c a a gen for 62 50. I f per package or 8 pac the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. PERSONALS. your ' druRÏfist d o e s ___ the following committees: tives in Hermann, aud a t bead of tide. « e n d direct I« the H U D , ..__ ___ _ ____ Now is the time to put in your Hay On program—W H Weatherson, F B If the weather ie favorable they propose C O M P A N Y , Ban Francisco or Los An­ geles. Cat A staff of physician« and aur- Carrier outfit. F L Chambers has ! W Nichols of Meadow was In Flornce Wilson, Wm Kyle. to take a look at tbe Pacific ocean be­ geone m ay he consulted free I f you w ilt Wednesday. cnll. You m ay call or w rite 8» you de­ them. Finance—E E Benedict, C H Holden, fore they return home. sire. Consultation 1« lr«a. Advice i t free. Address, Bilious headache, yellow skin, coated John H Morris and family were In town J L Furnish. A union Sunday school w m organized tongue, fevered lips. Hudyan cures. Decoration day. Music—J A Pond, F E Fremont, C R at Hermann on the 2Iat. J C Phelps 50 cents. J A Morris of Linner.n was on our David. superintendent and Miss Bertha Jeans streets Saturday. Arrangements—Rev. I G Knotts, E A secretary. Everybody is invited to at­ Mrs Burns writes from St Paul, Minn, Mo. 8 1 6 South Broadway. Evans, J J Emmons. saying that the spring is cold and late J U Sutherland of Meadow called at tend. We meet at 2:30 p in every Loa Angelas, Cal. On motion J L Furnish was chosen to our office Friday. there. Cor. S to rk te n , M arket and Kills S ts , act as marshal of the day. Full stock of new designs in wall Mesdames Flint and Colvin were in • a n Francisco. C a t The young people of Hermann plan­ Moved that E E Benedict be chosen paper. Prices low. F L Chambers, Florence May 30th. ned and executed a complete surprise to act as president of tlie day. Carried. Eugene. for Squire Gibson’s family on the 29th Guard the 29th: Miss Ida Noffsittger The meeting then adjourned. by calling enmass, just as they were CITY OF EUGENE WINS. A vegetable cathartic that ran be arrived home today. DR. J. W- 8T R A N G E . preparing to retire for tbe night, that relied upon to do its work thoroughly— Wm Karnowsky and son were trading ceremony had to be poet poued until Hood’s pills. Judge Hamilton bae rendered a deci­ in Florence Saturday. Tbe popular and sueceestul dentist of | after twelve o'clock, and in tbe mean sion in the case of J E Davis et al. vs. Pimples, eruptions, sweaty hands and Joe Morris jr, postmaster at Linneus Roseburg, lias consented to upend a few time ttiey all proceeded to have a good the City of Eugene. The suit w as None who w e engaged in any of the mechanical feet are cured by H udyan. All drug­ was in town Tuesday. days at Florence, and will be here at a time. brought to compel the city to vacate the gists, 50 cents. pursuit« can aucceed without reading and Miss Davis of North Fork visited with date to be named later on. We are streets passing throngh the public Albert Karnowsky has given up his Mrs Kanoff Saturday. pleased to be able to make this an­ TO IMPROVE ROADS. square, which is located on the comerá studying thia standard Magazine of Sciences position as mate on the Robarts. He is Mrs F Fox of Mapleton visited on nouncement for the reason that we have of four adjoining blocks. These streets succeeded by N E Eerkrem. and mechanical Art«. I t is illuatrated.with North Fork the first of the week. every reason to know that Dr Strange Gurad: The board of commiseionere bave been open and in use since 1869, Elegant line of boys, misses and Mr Mitchell of Tsiltcoos lake returned will he able to do for our citizens work, for Lane county has purchased another and the court held that by such use for all modern cuts [of latest Inventions in all children’s hats and caps, latest style— yesterday from a trip to Eugene. tlie character of which is vastly superior rock crusher, an exact duplicate of one that lenght of time the right t.o main­ just received at O W Hurd's. to that usually offered. the branches of mechanism, and it* fund of now in use by them. The cost of the tain su it is extinguished. The case will Elsie Underwood went up to Heeeta Dr Strange is known throughout this mine is (1000 on car, Ohleago. The probably be appealed to the supreme The Bain is the most durable wagon lust week to work at Capt. Cox’s. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ state, and in fact the entire northwest, capacity nf the crasher is from 8 to 15 court. built. 8ee them before you buy. F L Deputy Assessor Weatlierson is asses­ as an expert workman, which is tone per hour. They also purchased a Chambere, Eugene, Or. ventors and mechanioa. Sold with Tv» sing on the main rived this week. 0 0 N T E 8 T N OTICE- atteated by the fact that the longer he 15 horse-power J I Case traction engine A Crescent Bicycle to be given away L P Tallman Meadow’s postmaster is at a place the more work lie Secures, to use with the «ante, paying fer it (1,250 Department of the Interior, United atates Land W mbt at clubbing rates. free. Write F L Chambers for full was calling on friends in Florence Fri­ and tbe further fact that lie it at all luid down. Ofllce, Koeeburx. Orocon, A pril 28,1888. particulars, Eugene, Oregon. saMelent content afidavit having been died day. times preeed with calls for his services. Bath enteher and engine will be de­ in A thia office by L. V. 8tin(ley, contestant, ft E Lowe of Lake precinct has been His specialty is said to be gold crown Mr« John Powell went to the logging livered at Cottage Grove end will be exalnetthe Hometteod Entry No. 7,018, made drawn as juryman for the June term of camp Monday expecting to remniu some and bridge work and all kinds of fine used on the roads in the southern end March 17,1852, for the wj< »w>i, ne’ ( sw}(, etc circuit court to be held nt Roseburg. gold work. We hope to be aide to state of the county during tlie season. The tionl7: the ewJi nw>4 section 20, tp 18 south, weeks. 11 w, by Marion D. Landis, coutestee, in At the Dalles W G Magers has again , Elwood Lloyd ol Point Terrace a date for bis coming next week. other crueller ie now working west of range which it Is alleged that he is well acquainted been convicted of murder in the first j Eugene. brought some nice radishes down form with tho tract included in this homestead entry GENERAL NEWS. degroe for killing Ray Sm ith. Thia is The freight on the rock crusher to and knows the present condition of same: that his ranch. the second conviction for that crime. the said Landis has wholly sbandoued said Cottage Grove was (360.02. Philip Berkshire camo down the tiact, and changed his residence therefrom h r May 29th tho Froaidcnt issued the A separator for the W hite Clover more than tlx months since making said entry: river yesterday to look alter his ranch amendment to the civil service rules Dsiry came up by Barrett's stage yester­ that the said tract is not settled upon and c u lti­ in this vicinity. ( t o o REW ARD (to o . vated as required by law, said parties are here­ day. Mr George Morris was down to whicti he has had under consideration E P Waite returned to the logging by nottded to appear, respond and oflhr evi­ meet the stage and took the separator dence touching said sllogatlon at 10 o’clock a. camp Wednesday after spending a few for about a year. It releases from the Thia monthly magazine ie one ot home. The readers of this paper will bo m. on June 18,1SS9, before O. H . Holden, United operation of civil service rules about days at Acme. pleased to learn that there is at least Ktatee Commissioner, at Florence, Oregon, and Harry and John Anderson, brothers, beet printed in thia country, gad is sold Lily Brynd came down from Point 4000 office«. one dreaded disease that science has that final healing w ill bo held at M o ’clock s. m were drowned in Young's bay Sunday Terrace Monday for n short visit with to all snbeeriban a t rates During the lost two weeks a series of been able to cure in all its stages, and on June K , is»», before the Rexleterand Receiv­ by their boat upsetting. They were er at the United States Land Ofilce in Rossburg, her friends hero. and that is Catarrh. H all’s Catarrh less than 50 yards from shore and in tho moat violent storms known in year«, Oregon. ability ot all to pay. I t to H Salisbury t i e new second assistant water but little over their depth. passed through the middle western Care ie the only positive cure kuown to The raid contestant having, in a proper afllda at Heeeta light bouse paid a visit to ( trated and presents the 1 the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a . vit. filed A pril 8,1999, set forth facts which show Some of tlie citizens of Linneus got itates causing several death« and much c,in sti,u.ionul disease, requires a consti- ¡ ‘M Florence Monday. I not Ice cannot b* mode. It la hereby order*! and together and cleared off their school authors as contributor*. T u Warn tutional treatment. H all’s Catarrh directed that such notice be given by due aud Mesdames Yates and Ready visited damage to crops. grounds a few days ago. School in that proper onbUcatlon. Owing to the gravity of the situation ¡Cure is taken internally, acting directly end tbe Cosmopolitan district is progressing nicely undar the the I O O F cemetery in spite of the J. T. BRIDOKR, Register. in the Philippines, the feeling of | « I* » the blood end mucous aurfacesof able management of Mies Gladys rain Memorial day. J. U. BOOTH, Receiver. dnoed rates at thto i Mine Nellie Furnish went - to Point preoie confidence has given away to ap­ ¡th e system, thereby destroying the Adams. foundation of the disease, and giving The tug Robarts camo in from Tilla- Terrace Wednesday for a visit with prehension. The volunteers have been tbe patient strength by building up the NOTiOE FOR PUBUO ATiO N. aook Saturday with a full load of friends at that place. saked to re-cuiist as their witlidrawal constitution and aesistiug nature in do­ la n d Oficc, Rossburx, Oreeon Sea Martin and Spangler Morford s-typliet for our merchants on board. would weaken Gen. Otis’ command ing its work. Tho proprietors have so April 28, U88. 5he went to Yaqnina Sunday and re- brought a raft of logs down for Spruce much faith in its curative powers, that Notice Is hereby given that the following* 15,000 while the fightiug force w ill be turned Monday with another load of | Point mill Wednesday. Denied settler has filed notluo of his lutentlen thay offer One Hnndred Dollars for any Guard the 29th: Oommieeioner W T lera than 39,000 including the regulars case that it fails to eure. Send for list to make final proof id support ol his claim, and good«. She left again for Tillamook that said proof w ill 1» msdo Oalore C. H. Hol­ Tuesday. Bailey went to Cottage Grove today to jujt arrived. tnatimonials. den U. R. CommUsiouer at Lake Precinct, Address, F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. Dongles Co., Oregon, uu Juns 2, 188» vis: 4,000 pieces of Tinware, half car of start the new rock crusher. T O T A X PAVERS. Stephen J Shrum, on II. X. No. 7818, for the a e ^ Stoves, car of Twine, car of nail« and Hold by druggists. 75c. Miss Minnie Saunders made a trip to seti, s*i a t f i, aw>^ ne'i, sec 1», 1 19 a, r 11 w H all’s Family Pills aro tlie best. wire, tar of Iron and a big supply of all Point Terrace for ft short visit with her He names the following whites ss to prove Notice is hereby given, tliat the Tax hardware which was bought before the parents the first of tlie sresk. his continuous realdeucs upon and c-jf’.lvatiun Rolls for the veyr ISf«3, will be closed “We de net take pessessiea ef ear Meat tort are of sold land, vis: advance in prices, enables mo to supply N E Berkrcm came up from the on the lath day of June 1898. All per­ A L P H A CLIPPIN G S- X. B Miller, A. A. Miner, W. T. Carl aud O. A. all lii.es at away down prices. Het me Umpqua a week sgo to eee bis little They mseter as and fere* as tote Ike areas, Olover, all of Lake Precinct, Oregon. sons who desire to avoid costs and before yon buy. F L Chambers, Eugene. I dRliahter who a , ¡ng with her grand B y E ven C ha . vok . Where like glsiUtoru, we most t*M for tk ea .1 J. T. Baibuae, expences, should pay hnfor that dale. " olf A Zwicker of Portland have ee parents, Mr and Mra Jason Neely. Register. Dated at Eugene, Ore. May 29, 1896. 8uch is the exaltod motto of the Arena, and the cured a contract from the Alaska John W Grceu the Deadwood nursery , W W WiTiiKr.s, sheriff and Tax May 39th, 1899. f’ackera Association for building a big man passed through Florence Wednee- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. entire contents of this monthly magazine Collector, of Lone Cofcatv, Oregon, Theodore Saannon hae been quite > tied vessel costing (176,000. Her dav on hie way home from Gardiner , ^ ifcD ? sick. are npon a plane and ia keeping'with Ha 'ength is to bo 217 feet, beam 31 feet, where he has been to work lor tbe past Land Cffl:« sf B.os«bnrg, Oregon Siratvbcrriee are ii,ieukog fast in thia depth 16 feet, capacity 15'dO tons. The Morel» 2b. IMS motto. The Arena's gallery of eminrnt tlirce months. ' Kotiet Is ferraby gjvrn that the following names vessel must lie floated on or before A young lady by the name si Frasier sunny weather. Mrs Wm Bernhardt sod children rt- ■March 10th of next year. Mr J C Farmer left last week on a ' settler has fll«U nolle« nf bis intention to mak* died Munday at the old Antlwnv place thinkers ie a group or interesting men and turned from Tillamook on the Robarts | > final p n o f In support of bis claim, »n4, Ben. 4-, B B 4 N B 4, Her parent» have resided on Indian tor offices since the A unt J anb Home Fellow’s h,Hiding- Tbe grounds for the new school house Bee. 8; Tp, 1* B., R. 10 Wert. Bold with T m » Wear. C G Wilson and wife '»<■-» ps»eet'ge»« creek fov severs' yoars past, coming Remedy for fem tle troubles hnfi been | He names tb« f -Unwine witnesses to prove are txing clear« I and burnt. t:(’al They placed ou m e m aiket. Every man ot ' for P e rt land by Tuesdi} s there from the vicinity of E igcue. 1 his contiiuon t restdeac« upon u id cultl ration werke. M r Albert Gibenn who left for Alaska I of,acid lend, viz: thr- married or single, should send ■ expect to be gone about AT rL O R tifC fc BCHOOL. ni Mrs three mouth) ago, returned May lfitb. I Lntber X. MtHefige. W llltam M. Kirby «ud Their children and * * • two cent stamp to our ofllce for a baaoti- The youngest child of Howard Pope ) P'.«rraiit L. Tucker of Hermann, Ore , and fully illustrated circular, free. Address Wilson are fo return with t?»'x. Meutjri.il day exercieet were helJ has ’reeit quite ill the lost week but ie Spencer D Lyons of E-jgrae, Oregon. Welter Bailey s"d Herrington J T Bkin-ies, The Aunt Jane Medicine Co., rooms 13- brought a raft of luge down North F«rk Mondar by Florence echool at thè Iwl ter. Register 14 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon «chuol house. They eoniieted of rad- Roseburg Plaindealer: On Ttrciday , for v u„ruey and delixcred them at the Frank Po'terf hs» liie mill in running of this week, the S P offlctale at this Hprow Pomt mill the first of the week tati odi , readiogg and eiuging bv thè order and '< sawing the lumber for tbe NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Place moved into the fine new passenger . Bj(| | ia knows tbe water m >• pupile. Qnite a nnmber of visitor« D eadsoad m hord home. were preaent and some uf (boni mede a depot building. Tho bitildiog is of a North Fork is wet as lie tried it. Mr 94 m Anatin left for Eugene last fnwrumarks. At thè elee« eouveneir Land Office st Rorabarg. Oregon. Mr. Knotts and children came home modern design, it very conveniently week to meet hi« wi‘e and children who May 12, u s * car i» were distributed by thè teacher to Notier is hereby gfvsn tbe« lbs fotlowir^ srranged and is finished up in n«»t at- the first of the week from Euge.m where (hc piipils and visitor» in honor of thè have lrrvn yM ling there. named j-rt.ter M s filed uoUi-e of bis Intentio., fractive style (ftrooghouf. The f » ihcchiklren have be co .llet.d in g ochool, , ■*erinniiently improving their ground« t P l.iu d e.lcr: Mrs H A MtOlertn and | Emsll pigs for «ale at W H Brewer'« at this place, which when fully complct- | D i*I, Msy 2Ath, 1899, at her homo on MX>4. fcec. 9; »VK P W‘ i.8 » r. 19; Tp U «., R H W F M il ««. Uttle son Ralph, returned home Katur- farm. Deadwood, Mrs McVey, aged forty- wist. *d will p mt pare furoreM*. in attractive- ■ Jay from en eftie«.l Admiral Dswey.” tbs world's seven years. fli>e leaves a hiMlmud aud bis e-ndinuuws resldenos apna s a t ealtivM lou grvsMkt Iisval btro By Horst HsioMod, Uw tb ieeeo n eo o e of whom bat just arrived of raid land, vtx l’r pvrty id the corn pa ay i® the et*f* Mexico, Kansas and Iowa. Mr» Mc- life lone friend e irl admirer ef the natiea's Joseph Austin, Henrr Ltoderkln, Tbossae Idol Ri-gvrt and host konk; over SS8 Boees. from the east. Tbe funeral w m iiuld 'iilaidc Portland. w ___ I Clarun «..pnirae, bereelf a . »*•’ ' * * 8,10 Burka and fleorga Compte,, sil ef Leka Preai net, m-l.es, nearly lm pasa. najfUMi« lllustre May 28th, 2 p ■ at Deedannd cemetery. lions. Oely U Se Kn.iresoas dressn< Rig Orsffeu. I W K O U T for the «rat «¡g»« ol i e n r ) able trip, but «aye ‘h4t '-etamisaiene. » n t* t free C kaur* et a H ie J. T. BBtUUU*. i...i. ir bkwd— H ood’filwrtapfiDllA ; ntrer greo any country that «be .ike tue«, write qnic.v Tbr Demintou Coeageay, T h i, makes the third dentil her» within never i two month«. 2>d Fluor ( axtoa Bldg., CLteaee •» yuur ».ail guuyd. Il ▼iü pwriff» better than Oregon. Stars in ★ And The e tn a . S O I E N C E S ^ 8oW With HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Scientific firaerican. THE EnSMnPDLITAN, THE arena : LOOK OVER THI3 CROUP. MAKE YOUR 8 E L E 0T IQ R , THE WEST. •uri4i aud yik(U¿e yocr BLÛOD» FLORENCE. OR.