W E S T . T K t LINNEUS MAIL R b u r e ? '- - . I ! ciane tti.: Marylacd wi was now a doubt- BffANTGi 3 CONFESSION. iJ e t a -e , and that t i e pa party to which The poet olti-e vt L i.i'.eui seetae to ► ?»au *»w n rt «* t rginzT Moaxtwa — rnoy c~z r.»r.'i.4> Vi-aa.-i/T::;r-; ’ * ' * * * l T », 'tt«i3n;c K»» ffita *e* cf /*<♦,. to A a O railroad was fa« B ba suar: a M d carrier. .TUs does not 9h. Wiy before Claud?, Brenton was im ply that anybody' has disappeared tok^a wggid elect the next state go», executed he heeded a sealed islU r to W ash , P ()., May 22nd, U W erncaeat, and the general acceptance F iomwc «, Cotrs-TT, Or.snos from that vicinity uite'y, neither is The rotar» of th* »resident has oTEKatsitatament by nil present. It Sheriff Withers to be d«|i*ered t o ’ Rev. j there any mystory connected w dh the i brought n swarm of politicians to Wash- E M Patterson. The letter was a c a- ' ■ T • does stem a little o-tl. And it seems fession of the crime for which he m e t) affair. ■tigton, aa4| Btfxiuat an extra session the po.iry r,f the B A O railroad will be I i tie made public in ten daye or two wrecks * / . informed, are tt.<*«c. eome year and a «4 congress aw «nain tw std in lo t t i Related by M* James J H i E d ito r and P ro p rie to r. ill, who Í alter his death. In it Branton ac-1 half ago a contract was t warded-to R corridors and other pheec, where men doeen't live within a thousand miles o f ! knowledged firing tho Hardin of Kentucky for cvfryiog the fat.a! shot thus i 'congregate There u also uin-h talk Mie state oi Maryland. No wonder comfirmlng the testimony of Courtland * mail between IlaB cus and Florence for F lo re n c e , O re . J u n o 2 , 18f>9. .»bout the uneRúeíwtoey condition in foreigner» fail to andcistand our politic- ! Green while on the witness stand. * * >mBNÎcin< -n,ry Cub;l- ” *»*« h» »be delay in disbanding al methods. 1st, 18 VS. About May 1st, 1898 an agent I1 he Coban In the confession Branton g.ves a ntrny, and about Aguinaldo T ut attempt made by of Hardin arrived and made a short sketch of itia life and points out contract [persisting in »ending commissioners to tho G A It poet at almost tba last niin- with Joseph Morris by whicl W H O IS W omen as well as men are how betook the step in the wrong road. Morris negotiate for a r.reea’ion cl hostilities, made miserable by kidney •ite to »franse foè the observMtioa of fggreed to carry the mail for the four TO and bladder trouble. Dc He speaks too of how his conscience s - 1 I iti r the c face j j e of the a r repeated u i i i refusale of Memorial day in Florence, shows the years lor »33 per year, the service called MJCri. O tis-th e last refusal Kilmer’s ffwamp-Root tue reproached him so that he was always has just necessity of commencing i a-time to pre­ for, being one round trip each week; a joeeurud. B L A A 1E . Kr*at kidney remedy uneasy after taking the life of his There is little that is new in pare fur publie exereita etii aay Kind if bond being given for the performance , a n . « f ,»-------------- promptly cures. A t drng- fellowman. h e , im p le r(, M on performance j any of the talk for . the g.sts in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You it is desired to mah« them success. of the contract. The paper shows one redeeming trait The distance between . that the situation not changed may have a »ample bottle by mail free, Had steps hewn taken in tima to have the offices U about eight miles, „ „ k in g materially in either of has the cases men- also pamphlet telling all alout it. Ad in him io have been a desire that his prepared a j u dable progran for Memori­ a round frip about six teen miles. This d r w .D r Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, relatives should not suffer for his crime. j tioned, during the past week. al day thia year, without doubt there is ly s than half of what it is actually I weald have been a large attendance 'at worth but the agent was a smooth toil- i Washington is in a gala attire, in SIUSLAW IMPROVEMENTS. honor gi the peace jubilee, which opens t he cxef’cisee. There w ire many inqui­ EDed fellow and no doubt IM PROVED TRAIN SERVICE. persuaded . iolnorrow ttnJ conti„ue5 ior thrfe day| M'y . lip the following form Monday’s ries as to wbttt exertises would be held Mort is tnat he could earn that money Effective Feb. 12th, the Northern Guard': A Washington dispatch of May -on the river that day and nearly every­ easily. The agent alsó told the bonds­ ; While the decorations are not ae nnraer- Pacific will inaugurate double train ser­ 27th says; Specifications for work on body felt that it should be observer! hero man that all the bond Was for' was to I oue ,.i at an inauguration, some of them vice between Portland and all points the Hiuslaw river bar, under the new 'tine Jder ae most of the member» of the insure the mall being carried if Morris , aro handsomer than wo have had at east. Trams will leave Portland at II :39 appropriation, were prepared and for­ poet went to Gardiner lis t year and no stioafd be sick and unahld to Attend to ftny ihfttigiiration, and more* expensive, a m, a n d l l p ra daily. These trains warded to the chief of engineers last and ttie attraction» offered to visitors will both be first clase and fully equipped month for approval, and if they are re­ ¿* »'phblic exercises were held lief». But ae it fora week o, two,' ■' are doci.ledly better than those at in­ In every respect, heated by steam, turned approved rn May advertisements nothing Was dune' by the poet in the After carrying the mail for several and for carrying on the work will he pub­ augurations, butside of tlie inauguration vestzhuled, standard Pullman way of arrangement* till Inst Saturday months Morris became fired of thb con­ tourist sleepers, dining ears and colonist lished. There is »31,$27 on hand for this ceremonies which are of themselves the many people did not know that there steeping ears, with through sleeping work. tract and gave it up, Tiie man w ho greatest (if all attractions to the average cars to Missouri River points via Bill­ were to bs any Memorial day services signed the bond to accommodate a GREENLEAF ÍTEMS. I Au‘w ican- F'rorn present indications, ings, which renders the service now in Florence. The rainy weather „ .. . v, I “ "te “ "C,in8 n* out-of-town attendance will not he offered by the Northern Pacific nn- psgvenud sCuie from coming who dir! B ï A W s s r C o «2ESPOND£XT. carrier. He has decided however that as largo as those who planned the affair equalied by any other transcontinental Khew, so when the tim e arrived there he prefers to forfeit the amount of tho i had a right to expect hne. The only line to the Boffalo w ere Vet few people in town and the ex- May 22ml, 1899. Hump terrifoiy. See that your tickets bond rather than complete the contract ! vreieee were grewn up. We hope that The president has, by rather plain read via the Northern Pacific to all F .irtin g is becom ing a popular am use­ and declinaeto cw'ry it any longer. n ext year preparations will be com- intimation, given Great Britain to points east or eonth. P ot further infor­ m en t on L ake creek. Ui-til eome other arrangements are Mrs Roy Eaggleshaim is living on her m enred in »eaten and Memorial day not understand lime, while a supporter of mation call on address, made there ie no regular carrier for that place again. People are talk in g un­ R M c M cxphv , be permitted ta pa** un°bservecL by our (he policy of international arbitration, mail rofite. • ' •' ' » General Agent, Eugene, Or. pleasantly of the absent Rov. people. Our rlwldrgn should bo t&pght on general principles, he will not agree This incident serves to show how nn- Some corn has rotted in the ground do respect and honor the old soldiers to submit the claims made by Great and that which didn’t wae planted so •crupulous are eome cf the men specu­ LANE CO. S. 3. ASSOCIATION. and one way to do thia ie by decorating Britain in connection with the Alaskan late that it is not likely to all get ripe. lating in mezl contract» and the means their resting piste* with flowers; it boundary, to arbitration. In view of II anybody doubts that this region is they employ to heat others—when they FO R The tenth annua! convention of the however belongs to the G A R poet to tiie fact that American and British fast filling up with people let him go to see that arrangement» for it are 'teguu have a chance. They take contracts delegates are, «t this time, attending L ane Co. Sunday School Association meeting at the school house ami count from the government at low rate» hop­ and carried oat. ' the czar's peace conference and jointly convened at Pleasant Hill May 18th and the babies there and he will cease to doubt. ing to find somebody whom ’ they can advocating the entablishment of inter­ 19th. Was called Io order by the pre­ That notorious weather liar, the oldest persuade to do the work for a lesa sident, Mrs Clara J Bond of Irving. I t bin not take China long to decide national courts of arbitration to settle inhabitant says we never had so back­ price at>d thus leave them a profit, Too that the polite'refusal of M de - Qiert to all disputes between nations, it may Mrs Ella Benham being absent on! ward a spring before. But grass is! many of the contractors like ¡t all the take s o for an «newer 1» the matter of teem a little queer that the president account of sickness, Mr Wm Pitney was growing with unprecedented vigor and ' better if they can beat the carrier out the reqneet for the ceaeesklon permit­ sliouM practically refuse Great Britain’s appointed secretary protem. A good all kinds of fruit promise to break all ' of part or all hie pay. . subtantial program was rendered. Most records. ting Ruesia to boild a road from Man­ reqneet to subm it the A’aek&n boundary Tire fact that a mar) has made a bad Me may have a school yet. Sttli of the officers, and 33 delegates were churia to Peking niuat be heeded. question, which the joint high cominis- Simmons, Almon Rowe. Thomas R eb el- bargain does not release hini from ful Yeeterday tbe Ut Peicreburg corree- »¡on failed to eettle, to arbitration, but present, ten being from Cottage Grove. er and J A Burnett, for various reasons, filling h»k paft of an agreement. H e Lane county is divided into six dis­ por.deftt of. the Londorf Daily Maili it isn ’t. Prom the American point of talked of sending their children to telegraphed “ that Obirt* e o ' far from | elionld even bo more careful to do hie view, the president's attitude ie logical. tricts as follows: Junction City, Eu- other districts and it was proposed to part when failure to do eo Will bkuse a retueing to yield to tb e Rueeian demand In fact, from the American point of gene, Springfield, Creswell, Cottage skip a tenn, but that would leave Chas. los» to one who has assisted him or Sinnnonp, Ernest Arno» and Fred Ron e la ea g ro e d that the terms of the con view, there in little or nothing to arbi­ Grove and Binelaw. Statements from who has amrumed res|*onaibilities for the presidents of these districts were receV repiot’ Ev“n ,> Kleinbauer ceeeion are already settled.” The trate. Great Britain has put forth a purpose of helping him. At the eame prediction m aybe freely made that no lot of claims, not with the expectation tim e all men should be careful abiut and showed the work to be in a p r o s - exception will be taken to' the action of that they would he allowed by arbitra­ making agreements with stranger«, perous condition. C h in e by Great Britain, altiiough there tion or by any other method, but with May 29th, 1899. especially when a large uurount of time Notwithstanding the inclemency of ban been eome vaporing in the Britleh the hope that if tbe matter should lie Fred Rowe made a trip to Elmira last or mopey j* Involved. the weather and t>«d condition of the week. preee on the enhject England recog- submitted to arbitration, it m ight get roads the convention was well attended Miss Annie Alamasi is doing nisee that Retain ie determined to con allowed tné port of 3kaguay, which is housc- and a great deal of zeal and enthusias m work near Eluiira. AN ANTI-TRUST CONFRENCE. trol the epproachee to the Chinese believed to be its real object, in place of for the work was manifested and every- Ernest Rowe is building thc capita). If the facte were ell known it it» other claims. Owing to the immense band­ one felt strengthened and encouraged to ! houe,‘ in the8e diggings" Toledo Blade it is a ■would probably be eeen that there i t no commercial interesta of the U 8 in the enter into the work with more entl.mn- i il.,a-''-"'i,‘J 0''ed affair and I The governor and legialaturu of Texas dispoeitioa on the pert of Great Britain Pacific, the president is not inclined to asm than ever. j «»^ d s on a flue eite. to interfere with the program of her are together working upon the trust take any chances. Tlw protest filed by The president appointed the following I Sunday meeting a^the'scL™? h ‘’æ rival. She ie deubtleae reedy to make problem. The Uttar is elaborating the British Government against the committees, on credentials : D Read, ! “» noon spread a free tablé? 'lîmre are th e best of the situation, ee etiown by stringent law to crush out trusts in the intended sending of three companies of h«r receut ngreenMiit with Russia Lone Star state. When the hill is en U 8 troops, to patrol the border for the Evelyn L Barton, L N Peck, who re- ! »«rv“æs twice on Sunday, followed bv ported 3 6 delegates present. On finance i S ""Jay ’cbool rasper tin* tpberee of ¡uftaence. Evi­ acted, then the governor propose« to purpose of preventing trouble between A J Zumwalt, " ‘ litt,e Win M Pitney, W 1J ’ 1 . A °f Mr Swanson of Alpha take a hand. He will invite the gover dently Great Britain will confine herself American and Canadian miners, wae 41.....__ _ 1 ‘ reported (lan iF ta P A Ila l» « I ill. II rn. dangerously The fath er1 Wheeler, they reported no money on nor» and the attorneys general of all the to the beeia of the Yen-tee, and from good-natured, and the troops will not ■• workmg on the Southern Pacific , hand and recommended that all schools states to meet in Texas in Junetodiscnse present appearances Rueeia w ill look !•» sent, althongh they will be kept (Oregon and California) railroad near ' after the territory watered by the Yal- the feasibility of uniform legislation by where they will be available, if needed. in the county be urged to pay tlie two Cow creek canyon. all the states against the trusts J red Rowe had a logging bee May Otli. j •w river.—fi FChroniclt. It ie stated with much positivenese, cent» per capita of tlie averago attend­ ance for state, county and district work, 11 I w 'Tr”,c o" *hout The plan is certainly a good one. It is _» maifej niv l rote •w vnu oHn-i» it and that Great Britain doesn’t wish the Bt tlie 1,081 °® co °» »•*« lltli but now clearly understood that, under the boundary question settled upon any and also that a collection be taken up to 1 - A oaxar manofacturing ' concern oi .1 ...... ________ . . 1 it seems . . . . . MAtrtiv ___ . ’ 8CCI»3 to tO ham llave ÍJOI10 constitution congress has not the power basis that will not give it an Alaskan defray the expenses of the ' « It eon- j - " ' » n . „ -.j; Dayton, O., has notihed ite employee needed to »weep trusts out of existance ' which was »4. Carried. Collection »2.21 ; was a succès«. [The letter was nít° that henaefoeth preference will 1« given port, and it ig very certain that no such Committee on nomination reported the (venod at this'offi“ ¿ j u n° ‘ re That power i» one of thnae reserved to settlement c»3 be reached with the con­ young applicant» for employment following, whicli was adopted: the etatee, and can be exercised hy them I Ona of the travelers over the moun- sent of this government. who had a hindergarten (raining, and Bres. Mrs Clara Bond through their state legislatures. But Irving after 1*1& no applications fur employ- The commission to investigate the Vice pres. Will Bristow there ere forty-live etatee, and it will re­ Creswell moth 311 ‘ Í ’ T’ * fM!" «•‘“^ ’to iee’hìs ¿.'ent will be considered unices the several isthmian canal route», in ac- Sec. quire action by all of them to make Wm M Pitney Junction City applicant Lae bad a kindergarten train- eordauco with the act of congress, will Trcas. mother, uho h i had not *ki?R for him legislation effuctiva against the trust». J S Kelley Bleasaut Hill years and who lay la g . The company has conducted be composed of seven uiembcra, two iH l,. I 1 .. > ' 0,1 l‘or 'kMli bed. Dis. pres. Mrs Mitchell A conference of the governor», and of Eugene , -l«d the day aftur hie arrival and hiadergartens for the benefit uf children army officers, ono navy officer and tho legal advitars, of all the states, ought " “ J I Jones Cottage Grove ’ bB the trip of 63 ,u i!eg p of their eap.'syce for a number of years four civil engineer», whose reputation to result in the laying down of eome Fpringfield ; i1^ ' " 11!? get “ coir,Q' Another son J. W .ÎCARW AM “ R g Cullison and has ohesrved the results. The is international. In addition to Admiral C resw ell I t Ml"nego»=*. was expected. “ " Mr Burton general line oi procedure, to be subm it­ educational d u e e e aod other enterprise» Walker, Col. lluinB, and Prof. Haupt, ted to the legislatures fur thuir con­ *' " O Bennet Junction City .«B lab have been carried on for the who composed the commission which sideration. K E Fremont " A Fair Outside Is tpaett of the employee has resulted, in I h«e jus, completed the final report on : Committee on resolutions sub, Siuslaw The governor of Texns ought to mako III'ted th e i • f t year», is completely transforming a sure that the governor of New Jersey tlle « « « b o r s are Maj. J following •j_ Poor Substitute reso lu tio n s w hich were ; poor factory eehurb into a pretty reei- will be pre.cn: «. the conference. That A,(re'1 Nobk’ oi Chicago, and adopted, Resolved, .'denl diatrict. If corporatises would ' etate is the mother of trnste, simply be- v For Inw ard W o rth .’’ v b 1 *’' » , u ,e Old comm,ta,ou on Nicaragua pioneers (d th i. Vicinity, and eem m tiv iti'» r»,nie» a ,« 1 ! . . . . ! large eunae into the treasury, and n a - cured at the root by propvrly educating trnally redueed the rate of taxation. th e Ues fortunate citizen».—ffei « r W -’’ , !•» our motto len t hoye who make up ln» romtuaad.— i bueiiuwa mllcgee on tlie eo»»t, haviag w.»s prerent at a . litt.e gathering of "LaneCounty for Curest,' and Mtaeburg ^fozadsafir*. ■ English, C mi m erdai, Shorthand and politicians who happened to be dis- thanks of this conveutioa is Telegrapliu- dcyartaieiita and wo offer cnee:.-.; the political future of the state Clara Bond for her seal and thia tuition or vaay terms. 0» Masglawd. What surprised him was Hick headache, futfiieeê 'in »tornarli, tor tho enceoea of the Sunday W A f MtNRTON l ETTEN SPECIAL .w . IT. W EA TIIEK SO N W HATS TO « Ë and CAPS A S H O R T T IM E % % FO R G ASH O N L Y . STOCK REGARDLESS Of Oi See our special counter. OiW.HURD CHEAP CASH STOIiE! Qrv Goods, * Groceries * and " — — ★ Notions. - - * r FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just O oened. Goods ss Represented pain in li»«ele. Hudyan curte. A li h> ‘,Ul> ul ,ho P01'" i tìnr end that these proceedin«« We urge our ! ibscribers who are in ^ruggiate, Off cen s. be sent to our county papers fur pubi»- arreare for tlie Wear to »end ue all or n .yiKMiH w axTKp-.vuR ra s u r s a s n Huu an l.fe ia hke a game of ebete— Au«!?»* »w— - - part of the amount of your eubscriptiona. frrtatftfft iinv «! hen» Mj U urat HnIst«*aU, (tir cation. c e d i p ic e e h e id a (rt< *t»«I end ’ Any one deeiring to purebtfee >t* pia» e upon the purebaee n new Tlie lire price uf ,d a yn«, y e . , *» ’, eubecriptinn »„taenption j ia . B Mol “ ~ - »•w ing machine may finzl it to Ida in- email amount hut it is lie putting tboae cheae-twar.l-king, q lazi It «»¡WuiwiiAX. Heartburn, o c e d ie > bishop and te»ngue, bad breath, i to cal) at if,« W« bt office e»al e ta » ile.a o .n » .t.w | h , r u , . t i t a t a e . a g e i' ^ » « . i ^ a n i a z e t ^ T U t ^ , 1ÍÍf constipen«», n d , w c pawn. Death eotuea. tl.e «»mo is Bp r in t h a t lt n e . J to p a , «ar billa. . / • ’* “> g .d e .M u n u .•urea. Ali dnm> e rta la whet we offer and aii arc tl rown without diciztvtioa je.i-uw lì into ut pAIUt F R O P R i lP Y íY Jl ï P R A C T IC A L MBjsnte ■ a- •*~T>A\ò.tc FO!< 8A Le On exchanq T TO O (J « P A T R O N « . A honte nr.t ,u‘ ¡n Glensda W an i one The We made »vraneemaota ».y tv nu l whii'h ■» I ah in beig! n e * ‘li i,,rnisb Mee*:» nd Wortd»l.«d Ore. m prend«*' F ‘»r f lrttrw w ,.h tb, WR„ , ............. P*H Ict,lare "»TiP-eei ti,.. » fio . ” ” nv 1,,rere Mr fh esn m of ts.o do, • *nm t .*»«hle cash ia ad van hor-e „