• . / t THE W EST } t ’ YOUR HOrVE PAPER ► L VOL. . S» snra¿¿.W3 oiïLi ?£psa» OPPORTUNITY SUPPORT IT $ - - __ ____» 4 NO. •». FLOKENCE. OREGON, F R ID A Y , June 2, 1B99. X . • n A V u L trta ’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE STATE OFFICERS- S T E M B E R ‘‘ M I N K , »» S t e a m e r R o b a r ts o Governor.............................. «»*'• R E G U L A R . . 4,'nte ......... F- L Dunbar. Secretar. > ........F. S. Moore J Attorney General .............. D. K. F. K.S. Blackb urn Attoinej Bean 5 . . . ,F. A. Moore j ■ ■ ■ Q E . Wolverton jnJ.e Second D istrict.. J. W. Hamilton prosecuting A ttorn ey.. .Geo. M. Brown W ill u uke —o D A IL Y T R IP S — f lo tw e e n — J Will make regular trips Florence aiS M of THE STEAM ER from ' Suniay o? Each liest i ! CATCHING A THIEF. Calling at the UMPQUA. passenger anil freight rates — APPLY TO — We call your attention to the following priecs. We invite comparison. We want your trade, if good goods and low prices count we will get it.. Special attention to Diseases o f 1 i 1 i the F.ve. And from Florence to Coos Bay j L U E L L A ■ For ______________ Patterson, M . D. At Florence First j Florence to Yaquina I Calling at ALSEA. Alex. ~g^sram ï«sM gyî GENERAL D lR tu T U f.’Y r'.-.i.i-t Supreme Court * ‘ Every morning 1 have a mouth; try tongue is coated; niy tsad ech.s end 1 often feel dizzy. 1 have no apootite for breakfast and whit food I eat distresses me. 1 have a hcavv feeling in my stomach. 1 am cutting eo weak that sometimes 1 tremh.e and my nerves are all ur.atrung. 1 am getting pale and thin. I cm as tired in the morning as at right.” _ VChat does your doctor say f “ You are suffering from im ­ pure blood.” What is his remedy? Hany W»7« D o ln n I t D o lu s I t . ot and of Not Ladies' ¡Shoes 90e. and up Men's “ 7f»c. “ “ Ladie’a and Men’s Hose Children’« “ 20c. “ “ 10c. per pair. Big Selection— Can save you money Guaranteed Fast Black * * “ My first experience u» a thief catch­ er,” said the detective es he smiled Will carry freight and passengers M eyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. softly to himself, “came when I was » voung lad on my father a farm My COUNTY OFFICERS- from Florenco to San Francisco., . _L father kept a large unmber of chickens M is e W ill also bring up freight -L > -L 3 S i I L j -E v . of which he was extremely proud, as E. O. Fotter. I they were high bred and tho only ones Judge. . . . *** . . . *** S T A G S D IN . Men's Shirts 25c. and up in tho neighborhood. i Scotch Lawn ___\V. T. Bailey i “One morning several ot them were For further information inquire Commissioners ’ . R . D. Edwards Boyu 20c. “ ” edssing. a fact which caused my father ! Fast Colors — OF — | Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- j ............. E. V. I,co to say things that he never used in or­ Boys’ Suits 75c. “ “ Clerk ................ dinary conversation. It was plain that Pretty Patterns A. W. BEADLE & CO. day» and Fridays. .. W . W. Withers a two legged thief, and not an uuimal. Sheriff............... Men’s / “ 82.75 ‘‘ Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ .A. 8. Patterson 14 California St, had taken them, as there were a num­ 1 4c. per yard. Preasurer days and Saturdays. ber of footprints aronnd the henhouse. . D. P. Burton San Francisco, California. Assessor “ Several days latei a nnmber of oth­ Connect* with Steamer and Scott s School Superintendent . .W. M. Miller ers disappeared, and then my father burg Stage J-ine for Drain. A!s,. with; C. M. Collier was wild eyed. He bought a savage dog O R T H É R Ñ Surveyor............. J Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges that was warranted to eat a man on Ladies’ Undervests 5c. am tu p AV. P. Cheshire Coroner............... the slightest provocation and turned Uu yds. calico lor 81.00 I reasouable. . .C. H. Holden him loose at night, lie also borrowed a Childrens “ 5c. “ “ Justice of P eace. hear trap from one of the neighbors and A. F. C. Ginghams 10c. per yard, .. . E . A. Evans Constable........... E U G E N rY F L O K E N C E set it near tho doorway of the heuhuuso. l uck Suiting at 8, 10, 12, 15, Men’s Underwear.................... But it was all in vain It was only the 50c. and up iter suit. matter of a few nights when a number 20c. per yard : : : S T A G E L IN E . CITY OFFICERS. of more hens disappeared, with no signs of the thief. E. B a n g s , P r o p rie to r . S e n d u s y o u r m a il o rd e rs ; th e y w il l h a » e “ It was then that my detective abil­ £ 1 * W H. Wóathcrson ! ity began to develop by laying plans to President............... I ! m Stage leaves Eugene- daily ex- catch the thief. One Snnday night o ro m p t a t t e n t io n . f O. W. Hill'd I cept Sundays, at 6 a. nt., arriving while my folks were at church I con­ Win. Kyle! MnvtVi Willamette Wiilumatta Streat, • _ North ceived a plan that 1 thought might You must not have const!- Board of Trustees at Florenco the day following I J . W. Carotali 1 E u g en e. work. I secured a pot of red paint from pated bowels if you expect the M. Morris Lane Co., Oregon. at 10 a. m. Sarsaparilla to do its best work. the barn and fixed it over the doorwav But Ayer’s Pills cure constipa­ S le e p in g C a r s of the henhouse in such a rnunner that Recorder.....................John I. Butterfield Returniug-stago leaves Flor­ A Patronew o f Cxxlu»r». tion. ’ it would bo sure to fell on any one The Itowaitso Alphabet. T reasu rer................................ B. Wilson E le g a n t A touching litHe iucidc-t of the ence daily, except Sundays at 2'. V e have ?. book on Paleness opening the dour Then 1 hud figured queen’s jubilee last summer was seou There are hut 13 letters in the Ha­ and Weakness which you may Marshal............................ « • ? . Cuntpton that it would only he nccessury to look D in in g C a r s p.iu., arriving in Eugene the day j have for the asking. . for somo one covered with red paint to waiian alphabet. These, with their pro- by a few people only. } A half dozen years ago the Barone** uunciaticns, aro A (ahh • (a), o (o as T o u r is t . _ i following at 9 p. m. WfrVe t9 w :r U c o /c ra . be sure of the thief. in ho), u (oo), h ihay), k (kay), 1 (la), Eurditt C'outta, while driving cue day J’eih*V4 vea w on!! like U, «onsttlt S le e p in g C a r s ! ° ___ “ But my dream of looking for a man SECRET SO CIETIES. en iroi'® B'uy«icbtf4S r.bou» v«ur Cdllt|‘• covered with red paint was short lived. ra (moo), n (uoo), p(pay). and w (vay). near Govent Garden, where the coster­ ST. PAUL —- ’ Single fare - - - - -.o.QO in V ’HT - * 5e v 8 » My father, returning from church, hap­ The missionaries added a thirteenth, t, mongers of Londofi buy meet of their Mol/. DK. .1. C. ATITd. M IN N E A P O L IS __ pened to go out to the henhouse to see but the natives won't have it, and con­ supplies, noticed the wretched condition I.OWV'1, — i Bound trip - - ~ ~ 3;)'00 ■ F & A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. if everything was all right He opened tinue to prouounce, for instance, the of their donkeys that rare, a* » rule, D U L U T H ___ half starved anil brutaljy beaten. — I Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ ft. Regular "ommnnrcation on second the door to look insida and got the eon- name of the root from whloh poi u The next day *he publicly offered made “ kara, ” although the wis«ion- FARGO and fourth Saturdays in each moiitli. — i livery bant, Eugene, and at O. W. ; tents of the paint pot over his head. G R A N D FO RKS E. W. Conn, W. M. Thia so startled him that he forgot uriis have it “ tara.’ Every vowel tn a prizes to be given yearly to the ooe»*ra TO ' Hurd’s office in Florence. J . I. B c rT E itF iE L D , Secretary. I about the heur trap until he had put hiB word is distinctly sotmded, except that whose horse* or donltoys ware in the C RO O KSTO N condition. ! foot in it and hud it cloued up on him the vowel* “ ai” are sounded “ i , ” as In best Since then an annual inspection of I.uglish. Waikiki, the beach in Hono­ W IN N IP E G ______ TRY with a snap. That Hwoke the dog, and n V it. General Lyons Post, No. 5 3 T h e F u n k & YVagnalls» lulu, is properly pronounced “ Vi- them is held iu Regen* »qtiare. and the H E L E N A >md i he seized the other leg. THE G. meets second and fourth Saturday a keekee. ” There is a great difference in I priv-ea are awarded. j “ His cries brought the household out ci each month at 1:30 p. m. BUTTE Hundred* of costers wearing their i on a run. We managed to get him loose tho speaoh of ttio high and low caste 1 quaint holiday costume, long tailed S. B. C olvin , Commander. natives. The first cull their island - and over to the horse trough, where we J. L. F uksish , Adjutant. j washed oil what we could of tho red group “ Ha-va ee-cc, ’’ and tho latter be- ! coats with huge silver buttons, and ac­ Of The TO by their “ dtjiitjlni a* G »/ ! paint, and I gave up my efforts to catch gin it all right with “ Ha, ” but eon- i companied C H IC A C O tludo with a guttural grunt, and the call thoir sweetheart« orwivt.s—iu h.gh ENGLISH LANGUAGE that iiarticulur thief. ” —Detroit Freo a 0 U W. P crpetua Lodge, No. 131, W A S H IN G T O N word hoard most, “ Aloha,” sounds soft plumed liati, lead their donkey« and ft. mcYts every le t and 3d Tuesdays Press. C O M PLETE and beautiful on the lips of the first, carts around Regent «quarv Ijeiure tho P H IL A D E L P H IA ad. mouth. Members and visiting hut is a lazy, good natured grunt aa the . venerable baroness, who ba* a kind A U W o r k , No P in y . SUCCIEW T lircthreii in good sta.nd.\ngF?’.r® e °M ! word of ad ili» and iiylnpathy for each N E W YORK latter sjieak it. nvitud to atten d . A. O. F t ^ a t , M. Aloha is in their limited vocabnUry ■ one of them. A U T H O R IT A T IV E B O R TO N A N O A L L [. G. K notts , Recorder. During the jahilee, without any at ondea greeting and farewell, a form­ ' P O IN T S E A S T and S O O T H al expression of regard and ot deep warning to the authorities, the same love. In the la» or ease it is increased strange procession formed Ih the Strand 0. O. F. H eceta LodgeNo. j F n r , „ lo n a a tlo n . tim e cards, Uiap» »I*a ticket* 301,86, Vocabulary terms . t -cry Wednesday evening in L o d £ , u or w>Ue in warmth and depth of meaning by and marched np PioosliUy, singing the a , 7 Editors and Specialists full, Oregon. — Brothels in, modifying adjectives annexed instead coster songs, whioh are in a dialect a t 1, Florence, vreguu. R . M C S V IU R F H E Y , S33 Readers lor QuoLitions uud standing invited to attend. of prefixed, as ” Aloha m il,” “ Aloha their own. A suiiew B rush , N. G. G eneral Agent. Rooms 2 an d 4, S helto n B lock, nui loa, ” or evon “ Alohu nni loa keal” They surrounded the palaoe of the R. L. E vans , Sec. KLUKNft, v I over (96o ooo —and then it is tirno to speak to papa. bMcness iu a solid maaa, the donkeys end cart* covered with rlbboua, men and —Now York Herald. a , D CH A R LTO N , Appendix oi 47,468 Entries A ssistant G enem l Passenger Agent, ---------- women joining iu the. chorus with jneaa- 0. O. F. Maple Lodge No., 130r e " ^ n o w Btas W on O»or lli® Jud go. lnu melody aud precision. ^ H o r u X x i ' X o *-’ - i The fu ll number o! words and terms In ■ every Thursday evening m ?eeiy s A woman resident of Detroit relates They called fer their friend, and fall, Seaton, Oregon. Brothers m go ! different d ic tio n a rie s lo r th e e n tire a lp h a b e t is | an interesting tala of Kansas justice would not be content until the white tanuing invited to attend. L folio«»: STonstoNTH, W.ouo; W o n c u B s tm FLORENCE, OR. W illiam B rynd . N.G- years ago. It was altor her weddiug trip haired lady came nut upon the balcony WRITE FOR CIRCULSRS fe re rt ttylc» of J. F. TANNfcR, pnop. , 105,000; W r.ertER (lu te m a tio n n l), C x K -, Sewing Machines we raanu?«cttue an 1 their P hil . N icolle , Sec. that her husband was called to Kansas and received their greeting. $ § prices befnw you purclia: « »ny other. § § “ Bite i* tiie kindest woman iu Eng on husinaMs aud a real estate dealer, out ! t v by , (six v olum es. com plete,) T m c n e w H o m e srw m a M a c h in e CO- of spite, hud bun arrested. Tbo prisoner bTANDAKDi .V m ^ û O^Î________ was taken liefere a local justice of the ■ OsisaSacxrxlT. . Wears ÇL A «sure For OvWf. CHURCH DIRECTORY r/A sts Saviylc Pages Free........ ¡ * mb S m » 5^ ir•> lieues,. The Incensed bride insisted upon A Chinese of 40 y«ars old, whone attending the trial, and while i t was in inothsr »till fliMMsd him «••Mb ! " ’ _____ progress she so tar torg't herself •* to tears one day in tho company of friend«., IP.ESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, deliberately level hei opera glasses upon “ W ty do yon wespF ’ ashed on« Good dealers wanted m every town. Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath ACF.MT8 W A N TED . tho justice, who dashed endor the tabla thing* are not M they need *o be I’ be; ,-hool, 10 o’clock a. m. Preacblt.g H EV ERY TH IN G FIRST-CLA83. Write fur prices and terms to San Frail and shouted: ’c'.oek a. m. and 7 p. tn. % lamented. "The poor woman’sJ*wn- Mr. Pcck?uiff—«h, my poor man. E . D . Bronson & Co, iseo, Cal. “ Uepeity, disarm that womau!” ,e Lord’s supper on ^ “ o^tober. , grows feebler everyday.” Hooeeh-M'’ 9 __________ - yours is indeed a hard lot I The officer secured tlie glasses and Word« yjillis— Vas, an de hardest part 1i Pacific Coast Agents s p « » . A t , » . . » 1« c » » ™ . ' hahiu ter gib uu old geezer a gania of cautiuorly laid them before the tnagis SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. fe’X . S S L 0 ™ ' i- ,.» 1 * ’ T' ,v " " " - ’ ' — talk fer ten minutas an d.u git cr trat«, who promptly fined the womau Ths fWssr. plugged Canadian dime.—New York ,1,000 tor contempt of court With X. G. K notts , Pastor. , ---------------- 933 Market S t. Many a »»” srtth hh (¡radons dignity slio asked the right to Journal. _____________ wlm le soul immersvd m defend liersclf, and, going np to the # * nod ie',n *y -|I«v O la ,I I I » f a m e . K-ncfl, sh« oxi lamed that the glasses _ lik e the “ I'm here to cloan out the risen,'' were not harmful, aud hud the justice «hnse spring door Shut J. I. B U T T --"ISI,D attorneys - ' “ aim in ittf # announced tho six footer with lung look through them, and after a few . ct M en hair, a slouch hat and a choice Enac­ pret ty words of apology »lie pres, nted * * * j r i o i ’s n 0 ®! O r e ’ o n ' w ork and visv» ***** them to him. He hit the table a mighty siwi wf.ny tion of side arms. IS JUST A. C , W O O D C O C K , “ Ah,” exclaimed the little, editor blow to reconvene cuurt, and lined the MARION MORRIS Pro p. OUR AIM—To furnish the best V 005?S^\ WHAT from the far east, “ Is. a. Tho new jani­ ' prosecuting witness ?«8 "fur ibSultito a tor. Jr.it begin operations in tho l a«i- visltiu lady and gent in contrariety ter THE ? aceonimodationa at rcasono s h a v in g ment, my good man. ’’--Detroit Fiee law nud elcrltot. ’’—New York Tribun«. th » e W ORD Press. ______ __________ O r e g o n pr ices. Hair Cutting i happy, ¡v ig o n o , in a a d e r» In Sana» and I ’ro -m m n ,,» . gold, and llMPLIES. re rath er Ont of III» !/!«*•. Room» 7 sad 8 ------- n t p l RaI° r H°'U‘d I suppose all c iti'pcsera have bad » ! c h e e r f u l . an tr e a t Bhe—If it were necessary. an«l I were laugh over tho oxtracrdiuaty mietakos to lie cito», ■ m la tte n tio n g iv e n to Wtlh- HCelCi O f T lO C H O l C l , Scissors UrounJ t il th ey lM-ar riche», un- te b u sin e« your wife, would yon g:> t’erongli fire 01 a p p- - doer o f dietore w hith Mtrotime« occur la tho firrt the the t t r r a W .W .N E E L Y .F ro p r. . O re g o n . I acd water for me? r z o K L /^ y it proof., of tboirsong:, lremen.hor, ycius spring to and abut them oft from a ll th e Ho— Do you think it would I» neces­ ago, writing a very sjutimental love briaht hopes tli»v I *’ <"«d rer Tables furnished with aB t m E . O. P O T T E R A sick to o» cannot l e h a p p y . be cannot sary Î indicAtei ; song In which tho liao ouoorrud: »ci-omplish the work he has to do W this Y\ lid i She —It m ight ............. A ttorney-at-L aw w orld ; he lo ws Ih * very «ueeug.be » »IB»-- delicacies of the season. on«.- regretted U j vow 1 a>*d» ibat _ th e tt* te He—Then 1 think you had better !'»c nover i ’lir for , his am bition defeats lt*cif. Any day. game, fish and fruit iu season. Best man who discovers that b«» w renft.h »nd E V U E N F . OREGON- marry a fireman. Go.si ovccicg; xlt- cf the tension at a glance. My feelings tony fc* i.-uaginxl w lien 1 • neigv arc giving w»y h»s so »“ 'fa ilin g M A D E and R E P A IR E D . Bita. accomodations for the traveling I means nf regaining h\a phvsicm heelre ane found they had printod Its use meama time saving; r-O rru x A t the Court House. stamina in the aimple yet all t'vs never uoc» ro jre tt« ! the row 1 mails til»» Metrer«*. -----BY— • and easier tewing;. a t i v power of th at wooc-irfiiT GoloeB public. Charges reasonable._____ day. Handout Harry—Dot filler ain't no M edical Discovery "or'glMfcWd by Dr R V. I t ’s our own invention And once tho following amuMug mis E . E . B E N E D IC T . Pierce, o f Buffalo. N. \ . )he worid feereu« hobo. He'S a detective or »!<>•' sum« col­ ! rako occurred In tint program me cf one specialist iu disea»cu o f the n u tritiv e o.- and is found only on the lega I« riesser w et’s wfttin > . >’<7 cf my own concert». A well known gauiaoi ' » > ft; ■ .TTORNB' ì ’ - 2AT - I j AVZ. jpioi" 3iK 3® ’ O r e g o n , Tiepusa Teddy—How kin r-r tc.il Anamw ihe thoufalula wb- fijs * coyruhed h.m Handout Harry—Don't ver s.e be cinder and very goixl friend of mine by mall llw rare »T N r. ttewiou a. M nk« ,ere t » t 5 { 1 J Oregon. rippob Co J*», «. rfioyn J ' ■» carries atomarer ,-an jest h kods t it nps w jiduv.n to s i : m y two song», "To Tlpien-vil.e. F lo r en ce. _ letter Mi «•racy T w e n tv -th r c c llaw.ag ic lttr redSciAM i _____________ I Good Work Done st Reasonable Prie«.. in da cumie paper*I—Mow Y.,rx Joar- | Mary" aud “ Cralhc.t Ago end Y'ooth. ’ fol MTJÜ'trestreeñl '• 1.» !>««»“!» »*S ltnt the newspais-r aunouned »on:*- M ile s W e s t 1 irteJ ’ neh thing verv dlflerAlt. Not ccntent with medLdnrear.J ii.e - v r e 1 too* »h* <»?w th td ' BO YEAR»' of E u g e n e . jM tir.sble Ha .ahilar»«. eaae grew Flaallv w »neb • • • ’» J 1 Tj» , NOTARIES. draw mg up * prognmnm cf my concert, with Ihe farm work my , experie - nc E treahh got so b»«l »•' ' Archie—What has lihpi.eu'-d to Alii" it drew rip a programme of my fuiaic, C M,id oot hold an l u w k beoarae short nnd I w . wwli ”"""1,. , j Wiasingtont He actUnliy i"'i* < u a» fur l tu. I a» tallows: W.t lutve other striking; ofteniimea would «mi I uianv aihs as if :•« h*d InheWited a work I teied re 1 “ She e-Hd I ought lomako it • ’ nl« kpwkJ nrfu«, wttV t.- wii. 5 ih* M«A* p a t r o n iz in g it. and bowels. N n substitute SZ —Philadelphia F o rth Feriale by White. Sewing Machine cheaper bcca.us she hud to ;>■» r ’ ill ccusry dealers is k* gto«L ' tls toy to taka it." — New Y i V. rid. Am.. OREGON C « ’»'“ ’*. 8“ F«« k U co . » íLnnll T«5 îi ,ÎL _____ Ta a s .' T r o p FLORENCE. - - * rslattap «t *iídW •” w t H .H . Barrett, P iop’r, « ¡ m H Boy’s Pretty Shirt Waists Pacific, By, J V. Kauffman. THROUGHTICKETS jtitan(l»1'(l Dictionary j ■ I((i)glrotlon, TANNER HOTEL " S „ Tonsorial Parlors. Tension Indicator ★ Attorney at Law BOOTS > 5Bi Elk Prairie Hotel. OLE MY RIND, W hite Sewing Machine* ON EUCENE AND Notaiy Public,Siirvcyor notary Silttttllic Geo. H a le v .L public . b«ga* •» »n. t