HIS HAST THIMBLE. torvu to.- S a k s I m s «« mk Ua-1* a JU- x - 'V ' t ' * '* s - y . i - * y - * i ( f M i ( f j » * * * * * * * * * * * * f * * * * * * * '* * * * * t a ,.:f F»r- . -1 * ♦ ea a F i o a 11 fttU Y e a r , * 1 There ia n rfc-fc fam ily uann-1 Loft is g iu Eiiq-huid." said a dtul-u iu fancy a rtijes. '‘(be fort in» of whoso huuoa was foucdtid by so spparently indigo.(i * cant a liu lo thing as the ttim blo * “The first thimblea seen iu Ragland were undo iu Loudon I MS than 4J0 i 'f e years ago by a last«] worker earned * V K 3 M 5a , t?<_r John Lofting . [Will “ The usefuinesa of (ho article raroai- i 77 mended it a t ouce to ail who used the noodle, and Loftiog acquired a largo fortune and great fame in the mancfac- T ÏÏE BLACK DEATH. Constipation, 7 ii A SLIGHT MISTAKE. ture of the net» accessory to the uaedle- workcr'e art Headache, Biliousness, Slt«ht a . r< W a g . I I H o la e r e d tke “Tha implement oa» then called the ' T H A T FE «R F U L PLAGUE T H A T c OL­ if a a d w r it in g B x n e rt- thumb bell and was worn ou the thumb 1 Heartburn, LOWS IN T H E W AKE OF WAR. Tbs expert in handwriting had mad« "The clumsy mode of utilisin g it ' a number of very interesting and con­ Indigestion, Dizziness, was soon changed, bat when and why . vincing demonstrations with a piece of I n t h e F o u r t e e n th C e n tu r y I t S w e p t t h e the narna thimble was giver, the article Indicate that yo ur liver cb ilk ou tho blackboard. Ho would W h o l e o f F n r o p e , f U U l o f T w o o t y - flv e do not appear. ia out of o ld er. Tho ' flourish a few lines and then stand back H i l ll O B t o f P e o p le I n T h r e e Y«jare T h e “ L ofting', thimbles, and. in fact, alt best medicine to ¿w sc • I thimbles, were made of either iron or ; and dsneribs them, end the jury was P e s tile n c e I n L o n d o n . tho liv er and cu re/ a!: bra.», and speefmena of them eztant. | profoundly impressed. these ills, is fouad'.’ In ‘‘This," ha said, holding a piece of The plague, or pestilence, that mys­ many of which ore preserved as heir- ' paper out before him in his left hand, terious and fearful visitation which has looms, are crude and clumsy looking he made passes in things compared w ith the commonest while with his right mm • B M as o to ym M moved its hosts in the wake of armies front of the blackboard, so get a thimbles of today, aithongh their coat 25 cents. Bold by all medicine tfeaten. running start, ig^the ’ handwriting of 1' to slay more than war itself, is supposed was many times as much. ' to have first originated among the dense I / “ Today gold, silver, iron, ivory, I a person who is not used to handling a masees of people who crowded togelhor steel, sometimes glass and even pearl I 1 pen—not necessarily an uneducated per­ ar.d rellnloid are utilized in making ‘ son. It might be one who had been so in tbe great cities of Asia and Egypt, or thimblea Since art needlework horame ! I much in the habit of dictating all cor- who formed the encampment of Xerxes, fashionable thimbles of elaborate work- 1 i respondence that his handwriting failed Cyrus and Tamerlane the Tartar. It mangbipand great value, to accompany j 1 to settle into any permanent style or probably sprang from the impurity the rich and costly implements and ma- i bed drifted Into nnsteadiness thioogh which nine* have existed in the midst ■ / . of such vast gatherings and in part also terials wealthy needleworkers affect, 1 lack of practice.” The testimony did not have any par- from leaving the unbufied dead upon have found a large sale. ‘‘Solid gold thimbles, carved and fre- ! 1 tlcular bearing on the case, but the jury the field of battle. At any rate tho quently set with diamonds, have been looked at one another, and the specta- germs of this fearful human poison have always been w est active where coudi found none too good for some people I tors nodded their beads significantly, Thimblea made to order. with tho mono- i “ Tho woaknessof the upward strokes i tions similar to those have prevailed. It I especially indicate that thia istheband- j has always been war and the march of grain or initials of the person for whom o r u n e x p e c t e d ly they are intended set in precious stones, 1 w riting of one who is not accustomed . armies that has spread it broadcast over are not by any means unknown.” — ! to clerical lalior, while the intelligence | tho world from time to time, and as a n d re d b lo o d sh o w s it | f t_ _ _ . 1 shown in punctuation”— Philadelphia Press. war became less frequent ami less ‘‘May the court please,” exclaimed a ! worldwide the frequency and extent of D A I L .Y man who had teen on tho witness stand , those ravages have lessened also. HE ATE THE SOAP. l ' o a l a j i ' P a lta , s short time before and who had been The first recorded outbreak of the fumbling through his pockets. G a r l a n d W n n l d H a v e S w a l l o w e d 1« It plague in Europe occurred in tho six ­ Tbs expert paused and everybody teenth century. It came from lower 1« H a d K i l l e d H i m . aw ay. g r o w in g g ir ls ; The late Augustus H. Garland, who turned to look at the man who had Egypt. This was tbe first lapping of the was can neiuruoy attorney general under unaer President tTesident 1 made the .. interruption. . wave tiiat reuchod into tho oast again, Cleveland, was very fond of practical I May it please the court, ho repeat there to stay its movement ao far as the there west was concerned until 544 A D ., jukes and during his term of service in i ?d' w’i h “iuch embarrassment, “ then Is a mistake hero. The export has been when the returning legions of the Em B* sure you get the genuine. the senate frequently turned tho laugh M r,. Am end* R^bbiwu, r ife of IVm. Robinwm, former on bis colleagues. Scnutora Voorhees testifying as to handwriting." Sold only in packages like peror Justinian brought it again into I • n J m i k a » ) near H»w«sviilc, Clay County, Ind., h«s Oroatcst Weekly in the Country, “ Of course," said the expert, “ that the western world from the battlefields and Vest, with whom ho waa very for several year, been in dyrlim ng health and deapond- this,the Wrapper print 2^ is what I am here for." •n t. For three u iu iiih s the w»a no much entsebled a , 1» friendly, finally determined to turn tho of Persia, Constantinople was the first ed in red ink "* be not only uuable 1« stteud to her domertie ag ain but tablca Mr Garland had n habit, like 1 “ Well, the paper he has been talking plaoe it attacked. Here in a single day off white loo sick au.l feeble to be up and »1 .out. To day ,he I , la Voorhees, of munching candy, and Vest about i t not tbe one I meant to band to as many as 10,000 persons are said to (rneludinj; pustm?«) to nr.y part of th» United good health au.l able to attend her bouuhold dutica and Voorhees made it up between them the prosecuting attorney. I got the doc havo fallen victims to it. But the plague State», ''an.itia und M exico. She relate, her experience tints: “ I wa, sfflioted with confused somehow, and what a« ho did tj . ,, Constantinople. ,, .. , I t to take advantage of his fo n d le « for j umenta . . . ; . . . , wuu... uuu not stop with It TH E WB&KltaY C H aO N IC L B , th e b rightest trouble, iuci.leul tv to y m x and wa, iu a very delicate has is a letter from an old friend of i 1 i had j , found j a too . • , soil V i • u »» «ui4 m ost cvinplt-Le W eekly NewHpaper in tho sweets to play their trick. They bad 1 “ •o“u v‘ congenial E u - Mate of health. I lost tuy upisitite, dwindled iiway iu some tempting looking chocolate earn- I mme—a mau whom I met long ago rope, which was little else than ono tvor!d, prints reffulurly 1X2 Cfriuxrtiia, or idstnoA fl.-sh. n a l we, greatly dcjgrwed. A fter taking rarion, pastes, of Newa, X Jt«m ture utd Generui Jnioi mels prepared, w ith the interior filled I when I was in tho dime museum busi­ great battlefield at the time. It was mutton: alno a niA rent die, without l-emg !,«n. flted, I was ladnoed to try iniftoant A fftlculiur& i and Or. ■VilhaiD»’ Pink P ill, for Pale People. with brown soap These they took to | ness He writes to me very frequently carried into Gaul, where it followed H ortlcu ltu iai D ep artm en t. T h ia io on e of th» “ E trly iu the »ii'iuner of ISO? I proenred Ave hoxe, the senate chamber and Voorhees placed to let me know how he is getting along close in the wake of the Frankish greatest dep artm en ts in a n y paper on this o f them and began taking the p ill, a, dlraoted. Before Fifty cents per them ou his desk The lid being off He was the arntless phenomenon. armies, and from Gaul it moved into Cutut. E veryth in g w ritten Is haded on e i eoiiniunmg the ess.iul box I ovnl.I very perceptibly foci box. At druggists when Mr Garland sanutered down the ! Jndge. your honor, tb s t s in ’t handwrit­ Italy, with the Lombards, and so devas­ pcrienee m the C oast S ta te s, not on E e s te iu their beneficial effect,. M y appetite returned, eom- men’s know ledge of thoir ow n lo c a litie s ing at all. It’s foot writing ” — Wash or sent postpaid ou re­ aisle he noticed them at once. picxion improv»«!, aurl I had rp'ipwwl strength. A fttr tated tiie country aa to leave it entirely SAM PLE COPY SENT FBEE« Caking th* five boxes I frit belter in every wav ; I w m "W hat havo you there, Danf" he in I ington Star. ceipt of price by at the mercy of the invaders. able to do inynxual dally work and 1 Mepptd taking tbe qnired. I H U L U « UMUKE CO., S«k.McU4|, I.I . Tho various crusades, which extended P ill,— yVoiA tAe DvmeerM. B ra til, /n it. tie S a p p o r t a t h e P r o p o s i t i o n . Voor'iocs locked up carelessly from Mrs. Blickens—The president of our over a space of about 200 years, iu j his w riting und responded “ Caramels. club is going to lecture next Tuesday doubt did much to hoid the pestilence i Help yourself." evening on “ Conversation as a Loat in Europe, for they served to keep open j Garland needed no second invitation A rt." the channels of intercourse between the ' and, picking up tw o or three, placed east and tbe west. Periodic epidemics | S fera? Tefe a! sa w l;h »o «nu.-fi «ntU* Mr. B lick cn (yaw ning)—That sot I bave IM. a u ,iu r« ra r fro m cêuntlpatloa VEGETABLE GEMS. cue in his mouth Steadily he chewod 1 au «tvxtrtau r xw m uaM uij U ah ». t o r o . a r a a y a a .,. N u l l a , , . . n u.o a » / ralla Mrs. Blickons—Well, why don't you were common during their continuance, «t.Wbta lv< Uu-IM WIM» nwny. his face betraying no sign of the My fe.’t a . J t.-,a a n , amino.« 4 w e ia bl .a l.d , 0 and these seem to havo culminated in ! t la a ib r o O p a l, r n tl C o c ra n b t r , a i l a r o u n d N il t-lUb >9 4.J t*A L» ta U) 4 c u MlfttÀJMlV I anuid n.»i w u ir EbrJWk ou u.y ion« auid ou / u lo >.«« conflict w ithin him. This alarmed go on nnd make some sarcastic com­ the fourteenth century with what la . Vbu« (old h f «Uilriwit piijelt ,'tuu« Io I I I » I ’ l il ll p p l n e e , T h o u g h I t , r o ly . ment about the impossibility of conver- ! dcau. I »aw I ’ h a s . Tab.,lea a Iv o illa I In . i t Vcarjieee, who w en’ to V e sts desk and u f —wú bad tvriíi vf nhkth 1 hmi * d i* i a p - i , bolt 1.1 »(.ma an I le n t l. i m i,a dir. n sation being a loot art while women re- : known in history ks the black death. 1 Among other qnoor thinga found in said k I t a l ib« Uz-Ui •xitw .-tru , 1.^1 u, a.t Ila»» te»an II,»n. about tnr. a wavlra a 11... , Tbe Mack death was more fatal to hu-1 i fl-ti « «tuff, although be was When only one side can be heard, it is ' i-wept tho whole of Europe, leaving iu taka aoma la in , ba baa haen ,1 ■'< »n tolia t n , * « w K wtUrh 1 ballava k a , baaa. oka ma j its I»*111 HIC»* misery and destitution us auKl u a a u y lattar pad ban.e ,a y „1 h , , Hut once In a m illion times or more nc- foaming at the month from the soap­ merely talk .—Chicago News k y M p a a , T a k a lM uuluoea m e ad« mir.» to tl.a 'tahi. ¡LkET Ooaanv .-'.a u x ,. — ----------- ----- — | the world had never known. It killed in ---------- 1 y e a a I» , . . a r i ci dent brings to light in the bamboo suds He related the incident afterward I !»« , ;tir*at& «.4« R a l U h t i . a r. uawnr. three years some 25,000,000 of people. A F<*TelbI* Sataatltwie, item a gvm Nature has molded into a with great gusto and said be would THt?: «^lU O A nnU t: « r v u i «ILA th« qi. 1 H>*a. d abo.tl th ’ narrve t' offer me a niaiily quart her rope is estimated to have been about ance of an opal, and several c)tecimeus Takalaa. I aa. a T H E C H R O N IC L E 'S •SuleFra^hlo Itop ort« ere » lr « a « lh » a ln * W e a k H re a . R ipua, Ta'iUlvn ininj ua r i pans krefaaatoaal a a rm an« 100,000,000— kept dovrà as it was by the latest and raotti reliab le. I U Ixto ai N » « « Uw a im or i-4u« w.,o w * t are iu (he tnitsetims wbioh reproduce j What is said to be an excellent lotion fer his ch’icel ta tata ta 'ita a il .ita c U a r fii.ieat and sp iciest, aim Us KdiUrttaU» fro4 '. 'h i M p l t i «af th« IM M myaalt aomplat a!y der and a pint of boiling water. Put t >. aftti ( Skk«aarm A o ttaso a .b a chi miool and mineralogical exam in a-I the powder in • jug nnd pour the water th' shovel OI hod no pick in me haudal where it camo in the track of the war I pc, pis, »s F.sali-St «.Grohinutiooff, »lU|*>a«. ffffr' h*' <> L 1U0 M »«, o¡ « ,< * » mx» ard Family Medi­ luci (> . r, . al ft rag "Yon don't say sot Was hs caught V Jorcnoo Also suffotol severely, wlnl^» ' • lin‘taiM.1 W.t , pu.lUI I is Idled with a white spongy mass, rich 100,000 of the inhabitants of Venice I Shewlnj (he Uallad $ ’a«o», Bemlalea by the drop in wheat ?” kis coaMipail* »» or fine aponge for tho purpose.—N ew end tyf 1 g orn lifo fw a llv tlfirwwl «4» the 4’ _ t face of a the n . . . J . ... • » w in the finest oil which tho nut produces. York Tribune. were literally wiped off “ Well, yes. something like th at A W of Canada aad Northern ttsgltaa l ’ .>cnavh. Ha c>uld ii- < This spouge is expobed to the hot sun barrel of flour fell on him. “ —New earth. From Italy it moved into France, | •e t l«ke «hUdrc 1 oT t ■« o n ow n: hi k ■ M (ivatkaa O' « , • «Jo A l 4 » : . a t . » for two or three days in a wooden York Weekly. whero the mortality was almost ag f I f l ia e e t N o t « « . UI4 r « 414 B«-t M< « fe i trough nutii thoroughly pnlped. The of great; in Pans alone 50,000 people died M a p w ith Min. n » wa> 1 a The slow flapping of a butterfly’s • ■ < » • * t r k a t ib» _ nn t o f e eaitroa ç :©r. last of the oil is then extriotcd by wing produces oo sound. When tho ••N O’ H R O T I - U e n B lO I f l . T ile R a ro e t C a re . from it. Ono of the worct features pre. ' • M g r la r i , S ta k a e s a r fa ff « n o n t u p a a , »**4Xh< ««m« cf the test ro n'e'e ia f«-. r ,f ■ la a k a haata and n o n abv anu r o t ba w a r « 'U 8 £ u n d O S', i l t a -Jae sata squeezing the aoft sponge in the bauds. inovemsnta are rapid, a noise ia produc­ M.^t» fghtt..- I irte»« «:♦, ^ Rip«.»« T„hu. « i.f.« “They say that Nell Oadleigh has «enter! by tha history of the blue* death 1 oì-.<, T k a b u m bava aod ataaMaaaaaaa bava ' r » i r u n * aaad^ W7 r»:14**4 I mu act ti id 1/ çwrv 1 » y >. a u «lei, \ cry rarely this careful handling has ed which incrcaess with the number of broken off her engagement with Harrv was the cruel persecution it aroused R ct^ ^ c pr< yefta ou JA 4r>ir4 ^ayax» « W tta U n ladtaaataoa Wolak avu IM Maa.^iee hit*., ci »appeared, b w t a ir e .« _ • W a a l , baktaa to r bar. Our «rt. da d n eloped the presence c f email spheres «o,»4 a, ani iti«»« ai 4 l e ue r r « n>j laiaa of . « sgai&st the Jews. They were supposed I * U D U E H « vibrations Thus the house fly. which Hippleeca. ” foM U y tataff ta k T ak alta v e ru rrty . aapa. i Uly a f . av •toinarh. Ha le pus* a y+4. « ha 4, f vati |wjr. t •.« which huvo innch c f the luster of tbe produce« the sound of F, vibrates its “ Y es: she says he was so affectionate to have infected the »¡r in eomo mys • ‘ m o tk .r I , OUT » t a r . o f M . M . i l . a» v o in v q , v .tnriarful rhaa^a I • tribù a to itlpnae T«buine. aata ta M i a t t a , »ka baalaC k arttk a o , apl Mn. Maa pearl Eight or ten of these ooocannt wings 31.130 tim es a m inute or tffi that be wwaied her.” tenyaa manner, end they were accused Firpr-jitor 3 >. 1 am «Aittafled that they hat a *l any oae (Anun ta ta kaa rty naaala, k k laa»w athlllly bat .ta aina ih * - radia ta old a««) U taka» aacor la< «o <1 ir vu- se i va i Muuna. est. pearls, all discovered in the P hilip­ times a second and the bee, which “ Oh if that was all, why didn t she of having poisoned the wells a n d ! 1- W »‘c ic a pines, are treasured iu European mnse- makes a sound of A . as many ae 8®, 400 Jr.st marry him and have done with the springs. In Btrussburg 2,000 of them to illtfoWrt : ftiVrViPI fWfo«Vi. ftViinïta, uma. They range from the aizeof a pin­ times or 440 times a second A tired wearisome pert of it?“ —ChioagoNewe were buried alive in their own burial ’ C T V L IS M . R r iL I A B L ß j an-foire veaviia packed la a paper cartea (w-th-nj« «taa») la a o * far aala head to that e f » very smalt pea.— New bee hums on K, and. therefore, accord ground. i c u v a Thta law^ nnad avrt u iatmw.'c4 fur 14,0 p ,o< » .4 in« , «jonon., © mí . t»ae York bum ■ A R T IS T IC A t i taarat lb® erdor cf the FlagcKunto arose nt f l ** •bfc’flh'* * * n fe* h«4 tu laaU ».y «aediaff fori j cu’Ut nts lio '.he TìVa.*« ing to theory, vibrates its w ings only R s i » « i o i, » je« by U u s in e st _ . * New T • «Ilola carf.»ar*keapt«< aewe ac e u aju) at T “ »* M « « ataa^i ! '«« y A i » « / , F u a „ ^ta dear I” she pleaded by way of aefteuing “ naof world had at lust brcncht UMafivea rWi«f England's naticual (lag bar breu T U e W h a t , C a r e F a r U ta e a M to te M . down the Wrath of heaven. It was the the harshness of ber retassi called "a triplet of crosses, ” for it is It is eaid that in Australia there is a “ Bure thingl" said be. “ Yon know i to-A-iuniug of tbe so called Hundred composed of th« cr,ws of b l George, the ta m rieyta. Do Yiwrs war that carried the black death cross of b l Andrew and tho prosg of hotel where rheumatic patients congre­ I'd do anything to pisase you Dunwl-di, Mori it on buy. Quornphyid, into England, whero ia Loudon its vie- ' St Patrick. Thus: Tho flag of “ S i gate Whenever a whale has been taken troit Free Presa cooeleu of about 1.000 tuhabitana. In lima uuoibqrod id J, 000 When at Is« George for mernuEngland, “ a red ernes the patients are rowed over to the works Iv lL lIiib e cured« ou a white ground, the red lines drawn in which the animal Is out up. the ' Frlratar. four years them have only been two tbs plague had worked it , ravages It I f WSI «uffw from any o f t h , I turlfan and tw o deaths. Miss W inger—What is the let,»: doubled back over its course, to dissp. , straight from top to koitom ami from whalers dig a narrow grave in the body, i ll, of men, com , io i h , ol«Hta , ' EX A r AA'Y PKltï! Tb»»ro are no str»« ts, no omnibuses or peer in the cast. In 1345 it eppearod hawialim vi< ih , r*o ilic C u u t, ( side to side; the flag of St. Andrew for and in this the prifient lies for two Wanda!» traiua, no soldiers, uo police, no shops Mine Prodder—I haven't heard any UR. j o r a a g t o . »gsi» ia England, first among tho sol­ Scotland, a w hite cross ou a blue hoar*, as in a Turkish bath, thedecnm Ï , J i I» i»n Unit« ’ test Hutu* St CI S IRS«. I There 1» a lieanliful thiater, ami evary l i t i , W inger—But what have yci dier’ of Richmond after the battle ,J I tS • «” » ground: the (lag of St. I’etrlck for Ire­ posing blubber of the whale closing \ e e a g nuru and M iddle 1 t o l d t - -Town Topics one le admitned free Clothe, are Iri-e, Bosworth Fleld, and when the victo , ï ' ’û ............. land. a red cross on a white ground, tbe round his hotly and acting as a huge a ae ta m e n wh.. ,r» n iu l« u n , T und ao are food ami lodging Very few , of y.MHh 'tl irdincTolionr or u - I 1 HE McCAl.l COMPANY. noua army marched to Loudon tlw narrow red lines drawn trom coru « to poultice This is known e» the whale A m bl|aaua «to any work, a»d there are no hot< la .5 13a,‘» '» a * t e r n j !5 p.ague wont with them to work it* corner By pluciug tho ChW of S I cure for rheumatism Very little money i , required, au - t e d t h s ! George on that of S t Andrew w» have ta B i l l a D r r v r . tori an, im « emiutnt library.—Loudon TU-Bite "Why. It has issued the new eetira Uitua M M U n ih y -lftiB rn fte .n c f N e« , rsroep over the rest of England , placing that c f b l George over both, p k i l i a ihornr , • ' v «rniHcnted from Ito» In Scotland the plogun of 156g circa -" J .ì l i ? •'«<»•*" Irr e tir* . wo bare "the union jack,’’ as borne of fll bills just as tbe first sen them B ln SfiM eaa. » Y l« Y MARI arpivlnar to «a will re- * ?e Brigate»« m»Kd I îjee »•ubPsfccj •; iinmedistely after the battle of Lang- since tbs union with Ireland in 1600.— strawberries have reached our mar- I e e ,*î* A'***•’< ‘’»»«»I « o i h.’» c. ni|>i»lnt. air,« 0 ■fluiii j l < j itota “ — Yonkers Statesman. Shippea Clark (to ble employer, lee» tJu iranU* a tU S /T Ì i H C U 1K in Boston Tranaoript. bat*n?hW 1 Mary W IW darhron >i, ' JJJTV w « Wff g, fi,,/'* <>»• Ing (lie office i — O h . Mr byMem. haven't but no records of tbe mortality it ceca- ThAaiMMUtl P ollnr* Htahteta. O a r VoMrlony. ffon fr rgottuu your uiubrvllar II « nun- «cued seem to have txsin proserv^ FRFK ,md «triailr primi«. K» C llA M U a yEH V i:K A SO N A lir i f . T \ ^ ì ’ Fnsry—J bear your minister is a my- General Robert K. la v was iu »lie cars mont uertcnal! lly or by le c tr S«n.t ( > took, , n is /'I * 1” 1 Lo"<,on >n i «18 crlogist f e t . : ’ing to Kicliinond one day and «vita t help it I have • t ^«, i i ? 61 ait9r th# c‘’ '1 w i- whi-h W uxxy—Well yoa have heard wrong ! t«*a. (A valu; ■Muted at tL-eend furthest from tbedocr. ■Staff» • HtaotMArtaR to bave noe here and m ^ J ,th “W ° f Oharlos n - but bb . 1 ) Ti lie iHucr seati- were tilled with officers Be (s a Calvinist — New York Tribune ptauvidi- tar all t-iiit-r ' ( I n a t M u s e u m o f A p a to m y , u,tnrT T,M ' h;,t “ and soldier* An old woman, p o.c’y Kow, If I tuke this eoe. they'll P o^ b le to trace suy oounootiou betwoon tb sa s s ta I »1 : .r ,. .. M a , a c A l . S in J is tbs II« Karev. winiJ. C»'n» ar*vl to le r a}i| ,ct. »ia.u Ho- I Patent« Wt’h oo«t o t «al»«' la tbff L. m aid love M l ' spot near haitiilo, Mexico. Piente»«. unothi-r got o a t of (he ear 1 lie -tutis brew (ktae«ta Torrvy , g , L. * Jnwtn< I f r r t t f i ) c o u atrica »«cal f r» a "I don » know Jim m ie You arw (on meit to be loo het fin tlirnj, und (os Ttakt— _ _ __ .H ottiiran. Ski«« jrtTr, the progeny id a pan geie ral and ib« idd J«uy *»oa had the 1 bùi ar •> to be i never M W yo« with yer tace washed ™ M‘ • • wfta the «ML,. of rat», uinhi tavurabk cuMdittoas, w ill nor to themselvea fncivlMM in l.ii - - N e w York Joaru.1 nota gM there! number l.ooo. _ PtaVRSIT L A v ,t s , -taitoa N« wb O D T J 9 ________ A N D iB W D S . '", 4 X- H ood’s -Pinks ies O th e r of the comfort and security afforded to them by Or. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People Headaches and backaches th a t come ex are charmed away ■ta$lf io the pink cheeks and b rig h t eyes of those who use these pills. They are not a pur« d a tiv e ; they give s tre n g th instead of ta k in g it Wise mothers give them to Only $ 6 " 7 0 a Its, The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 . 5 0 AM M. « r Ä W« IS JUpaa, tM : - - t Map? O , y íif ’a'i the World I I R I M S C A tL m BAZAR, I P atierns M i w i Ycu can« a 5 M S C Ä U 'ä Air. fly*»»—C«o rm vmv riaiT paeat bona, to joanis* |04l PATENTS I “D . la •vhr H.B.WILL