TJtiiLJ W E S T GARDINER NEWS. BVKXT r«ID%V UUHNKig . -K lomicncs , L ank C ounty . O k kg on ,— - BY • - W .H . iV E A T H E R S O N 4B££WIX1Y Vc'RE B aking P ower *?«* . ret') re a! from grin' Ta j-cor heart -veak? r.-j yeu her* th, S 4 T ‘T ,,S ,uV£‘ **«***’=»• It you iv75' r-1l. i <»«» o'*:' j ’gaii »•»’•cfiiJ. The heart 1» (.it- o f tne bortv It !s Thies U e en rn ir that prop*:» th- rr.urcks ami satuts suntenancff to the net v et arid brain amt to all ;he organ» of the body A •Jaw In Its m echanism is certain to o not delay tco leng. Keiiiember In st dnraer is ’ 1 u h ia d and begtii the use o f H U B - TAN now. I »9 ★ D esirab le I Seit.« .n er LT ’ {> n t on t i - 2l«>. O' ..era still inside. Tha »rtu-ner F,-. j nov a milk j.— T erms : $1.M a year in advance. Repairs o:i the £, *■ *•* • •’ » Ç.a ereamerv. I I finished 1.-J she alt; be w a r he V i l i Salile.,' oi ih- la!:e country was ' 9 ran Entered at tiie pont-oifice nt Florence, .'tig. ; in town on tin: ]3tu aud returned bninv Lane county, Oregon, ua secund-cinsa Dispntplm« from Manila dated May 1 *''* “"me day. wail m atter. 11 «'»ter d Ti.ia H o n c u t 20rh nnnonnee that t!io Filipino Com.; Miss Cornwall n u t a student in the — ------------------------------------------------ |l ^ c n l u i r m e a n[ II0M s arvi ktisivg bates made known ox ap - , 1 ,lr‘:’ 8<'rotal*. Slit rlienm, humors mission any they wsut peace for they uttiveisity ol California will spend tue plication . stomach am] killliey troub, nerV01... a n in., h.c to resist the American», who 1 summer at home are innictlug terrible damage nm n I ,.)('«! notices » I'Piita per line, each tasertton ties«. oom« • • ” nPan , Mrs Hadley of Ro#ehi>i*x i« vioitin# them Ttu* I bo commission say thev are for 1 - - * Captimi Mullet w.ia unable to friends in this suction and is now the- autonomy under American nee, Or. May , 181)3. any sen lions at Hoeeta and Has mptnre Riven A communi .« 7 7 'i ..... 7 " ' H"*« of Mrs A W Reed. , , charges th e f •; a coimnnincatiUH direct from op the attempt. He a . i l n - I -w ...... Aguinaldo Schooners ' Lily. Sadie. Lucy ! to Ids crew an 1 calls 'filihv n h l *°‘p r " ^ ' |,en,lin* tl,e decision I end W E S T L IN G S . mouthed lot. The Yancina Ri’„ v • f tho i’lbptno congress as to w hat ; Louise are still bur bound, tlrare being i D"KE ABE m SY M P T O lS: Publishes an a r t i V Z X ^ b° but 12 feet uf water on Uic bar. l-k T H R O B BIN Q IN T H E TKMP'LXa Maj'ir-Geneial Olis lias declined to! Butler onr post master is W H E N L Y tN il DOW N. rlV D Y A N win And Bllll it R“:itly r.dns. I MulJot aa n liar. tlie roveis rebels to the extent O( i 8K-‘il1 Quite ill. IVa hope for the rpp.-dv ctuiie tiie throbb’n j to disappear. The "D m i I i r ii" i ■ i ! recognize me Notice tlie G aidiner news in fids F-®. K iN G iS G iK T11J2 K A itg -d u e to au to Ani'il ' • , n lflS been 80unde° health of the esiitnahie ciiiaen. axcecslve am ount of b!ov«l in the head issue. at:d brain. H U D Y A N «tops the r'Ljirjr Let' « '1Ugs’.au‘l a ” Kn “ To ' cd the American commanders to refrain ' Mrs Frank Five left tudav (22nd) ft o the r.orin, the ! he««, issued that mail for [he Bret C: ” ! reH'"ne Bold w i t h h‘Ch varrtrs the b.'.ycj ’fb la a f s # i i?F'” , c r r .cl -' * beeonilnx dlatendsil. Now is llie time to put in yonr Hay f j teachers in our public school nome time i 1.'i'r< PERSONALS. , forma and Second Oregon volunteer torubbtin? and n u lsa tln s disappear a h e it lj in Scptmuher. Carrier outfit. F L Chambers has After t'i, use o f III OYAN or.vruy i regiments should he rent to San Fran-I r , i l r ' n v A 7 a.'r i;«r.d. it t . Uu, wander- them Katie Eaihardt was in Florence Satur­ cisco. The war department is proceed- . <,;,r',lner is wel1 «"PPl'-d with den­ i r n n h H i'in r A K rhousun.ts buva proceed­ r W eekm ss by its uje. You A ‘ ak in the machinery of Hi line day. ing on the theory that by the ond of tists just now. Strange of Roseburg and shhoU i n ’i YAN w n ? 1'. ,"’u Vou can cured Smith of .M.u'slitield aro both at the v i i r » AN * . Point mill suspended w ork the past ‘ U ie y o u . t roeure H l ' p . Ben Johnson arrived here from Siletz July not a volunteer will bo left JA N from your drugalut. It la -old | n Gardiner hotel. week. d ru gstores for Sfc per p aek n g- T - s Wednesday. Manila. packages for « 58. If your • HUDYAN ios Eugene. Mr and Mrs Wilkes were trading in y o r 'e .t’i f o , ^ 0“„ ? £ S H X \ \ II.LI A.M c Jon.NSON. schooners go to see. Particulars of another of Cupid's i Florence Saturdai be Elven free Mr ar. J Mis Edwards of Banta E ar-' sncecsBltil shots are to ho given •’t in : Chas Russel and family have moved Kiss me wife, kiss yonr darling, liara who have hceu visiting O B Hins- , II,e i.em f ilute. i into the Kobo house, KWYM fifMEDY COMPACT, Lean my head upon your breast, dale, and family for the past week have ■ Hudyan cures sleeplessness, j Mrs F E Fremont leaves next week left for home via Portland. Fold your loving arms around mo Mo. SIB South Broadwajr. dreams and night sweats. Fifty cents , for a visit to New York state. I am weary let me rest. News readied Gardiner on the 22nd I all druggists. Los Anyoioa, tai. Scenes of life are swiftly fading , , Mrs Jason Neely went up the river tiiat tho body of Mr McGuire was found j Cer. Sto, ft t c .n . Markst sa d WBIa S t a . A Decoration day program is being Thursday to spend a few days. Brighter seems the other shore; three-quarters of a mile beiow the scene ____ __ fcJÍ» re sc«. C. U i prepared by the school to be given Mon- m - , ■ ,, , , I am standing by the river of the late accident which proved so , ‘ I Miss Jennie Howe of Map eton is dav afternoon. ' „ , , . , Angels wait to waft inc o’er. disastrous to him and A W Reed. I spending a coupm of weeks with Mrs Spots before tho eyes, despondency, i Powell. I Keep me, brother, in remembrance Clara Earl, daughter of Capt. Fred constant worry. Hudyan cures. All | xr... m .._ x«r-.______ , . .... ... i SUNDAY SERVICES. Eurl, of the Umpqua who had tho mis- Mrs Ohas Wetmore and family will Though the chiding voice lie beard druggists, 50 cents. And while others may speak in ceil sure I f°rtuue t<> break her left arm over a leave next week to join her husband in Sunday school 10 a in. Preaching at Tho Bain is the most durable wagon Wash. Yet breatli no unkindly word. ' week ago is progressing nicely. Her ' physician placed the injured limb in » ¡ ÍS TrU,h ” None who am ongagud in »ay of the mechanical built. See them befoie yon buy. F I, Tell me you’ll think of the past J I, Dahiin arrived at Seaton Saturday Mvor 2t30 p m. Preaching at Alder .'Oliaiubers, Eugene, Or. plaster of paris east last Thursday. (■veiling after spending several days in Think of joyg wo have seen ; Ridge school house 3 p n>. pursuits can succeed without reading and Where is our lug Robarts that left ; Eugeue. I Titis one little promise keep for mo I G K notts , pastor. nearly two months ago with the promise IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE OF studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences John 1 Butterfield and family have i Stte that lny S' “ve’s k‘’pt grcu"- of a visit each month. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN I moved out of the Morris hotel and are j Oh how dark the world is growing and mechanical Arts. Itjis illustrated with A Cr.sient Bicycle to be given away i now livjgg in the Hadsali house. L itti . e C harlie P ottchp . j Hark I hear the angel band If all who wish to tend unsalted free. Wiite F I, Chambers for full , Mrs E E Benedict returned W etlnes-! H°«’ I'o « « to join their mnuber all modern cuts o f latest inventions in all butter to the ereamorv will call at O W p rlirul us, Eugene, Oregon. ' day from Mapleton where she bad been j In tliat iilir anJ happy land. Dearest brother thou has lett ns the branches of mechanism, and its fond of H urd’s ofiiee at Florence ami road tiie The steamer Marguerite is undergoing j »pending a few davs on the ranch. I IIear ?ou n°t that heavenly music Left ns sad slid lonely hoie contract they will find it for their in­ knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ her fiuisidng tooelies and before long John Wl.i»man, John Steear and Geo. i F1T o atin« noar 80 8oft «»<* •<** Left os willioul a son or brotlisr terest to furnish butter for I lie season. aill hike the place of t iie steam er Mink. Saunders made a trip to Upper Smith ' 1 raUst leave J'011 fa,ew,‘11 wii<’’ i And you were to us so dear. ventors and mechanics. Sold with Tun Father, mother, kiss me once before 1 g o .! Tli" dancing club meets at Florence river country the first of tiie week. How we mis9 you, little hroilihr C O N T E ST NOTICE- By a friend, II. A. A. W kst at clubbing rates. cn Saturday evening, June 3rd, for the Witli your bright and smiling face Mr and Mrs Joe filommons came in Cqpiittment of the Interior, Untied Suter la n d purpose of reorganizing. Everybody from Eugene Saturday and are residing Yon wore ever kind and loving Ofilce, Komburg, Oregon, April 25, tun». CAUSED BY A FALL- turn out. A mZlcleut congest aittdnvit having been filed There’s no one can take your place. ! at their ranch on upper Smith river. in this ofltce by L, V, Ktlnyler, enntesunr, W E Phipps the father of Mrs W A J Irvin Coartwright camo in from Hale How we long for von. onr darling age tint the Hoote.etuad Entry So, 7,CIS, mado Alpha, Or. M ir 23r l, 189.1. ,Cox I - ,, Ute leeble and is thought to be Tuesday night bringing the sad news March 17, 1992, for the wV; sw ii, ue-4 swQ, Mo­ Bm ran only wait anil love Charles V»’ Potterf, son of Charles A boakiug down from old age. | to his brother Pearl that their sister tion 17; the uw )i uw‘4. Mc;.on 20, tp 19 south, Strive to live so we egn meet you 1 and Mary Potterf, of Alpha, died very ra.'igc It w, by Marion P. Landis, rontrstee, lr. 1.1’ Tallman lias tiie tim ber out for was dying. In your happy home above’. v,hlrh it is sllrgrsl th&t ha is well acquainted ' d -mg a bridge across the river so be ’ Jo!l„ Yate„ ani, w n Weatherson 'suddenly Tuesday evening, Mav 10th. with the tract iiichidixt in this homestead entry There 1 know wo will tie happy • :• > to any part of his ranch without arrived al home lhe 23l.() from their ■ Deatli resulted from injuries caused by and knows the present condition of same; that With the Saviour, God and thee while A,as playing the said Landla hui wholly abandoned .aid h r trouble of using a boat. ! trip to Salem to attend the Grand Lodge a fall CharIie „ bri at llt school. manly boy of [ An,l our m;iher having it rented out for over three working in tiie Spruce Point mill left J by friends and schoolmates, On the golden streets alxive, by notified to appear, respond aud offer evi- years past. hurriedly for bis home near Hale Tnes-1 The bereavod parents wish to thank Thin monthly magazine ia one ot the viry den'ie t'inching ««id allegation at 10 o'clock a. Ever praising our dear Saviour Anyone desiring to purchase a Dew ! day evening on receiving a message t h a t 1 tiie neighbors for their sympathy and Ever telling of God's love. m. on June 15, ism , before U. If. Holden, Untied beet printed in this country, and i* sold aiatev Coiwui '.itmer, at Plorcure, Oickou, and ■‘ewing mseliine may find it to his in- liis sister was at the point of deal li. and kindness in this their sad bereave­ that final lienilng will ho held ut 10 o’clock a. m Do thou watch anil welt for loved ones, .teresttocallat ilia W est office and | Wm Bailey loft this week for a visit ment. VV F P ottickx . to all Hubscribere at rates within th e on Juno 28, IK'S, before the Tteglstcr and Receiv­ ; Still in this world below, MterUin What we offer in th a t line. J witll re|;Uivea at Lorane, Creswell and , er at the United Stales Land offlee In Roseburg, ability ot all to pay. I t ¡a gne|y |jjM To welcome ns up yonder Oregon. Die Register says the business of tiie I various other places and to obtain Charlie, dear was taken from ns Whore we, too, all liopo to go. The said contestant bavins, in a proper a#tda steamer City of Eugene is increasing so ! medical treatment. It uncertain | j>y |,;g j ( aker, from a'jove trated and presents the names o f fanxma t i t . fill'd A p r i t 8 ,19s», »e; forth fact« which show To time, we have Imd to say fnreweit, thnt after dun personal service of this rapidly that another boat will soon have whether lie will return here to reside I ^ nj (|C always did his duty authors as contributors. !'■« notice cannot to made. U It hereby ordered and Ami von we never more can see to be placed in Hie service to accoin- or not. | And liis iieart was fui! of love. direcl.-l that sncli notice he given by due and Till we eroe» ttie mystic river niodatc tiie Gallic. ; j g Cushman left Monday on a busi- ( And the Cosmopolitan are eold at iw« proper cubllcalloii. Preeiou» darling, we will miss you Tnen we’il clasp gTsd bunds with time. t l l M r i J ^ ' ' 1'" bft' been 1T i0U3Jy " e8S ‘"P 10 S“ n FMind8C0- KeP“rt I In our fair and bright J. T. B R IfX in , It evil ter. duced rates at this offioe. H is S ister . J. H. BOOTH, Receiver. b 'w e i. P p • -r* " J KS J u > y8tlli,tftn » » ^ s ta n d in g has been; Alld the g,00!11 wlli(;h h,jver# it moved to Poiut Terrace Saturday nod reached betweeu bun and the insurance , . $10O REWARD « 1 0 0 . •her friend® are gln<| to learn th a t her i company by which he will be paid the- ' v ‘ • NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. health is steadily improving. ! insurance on the saw mill which burned i TJiou bast left it® for «a better homo Land Ofilce, Roseburg, Oregon The renders of tills paper will l e Racine Buggies and Hacks have a ' last winter. 1 Ami while we mourn for April 26,1W . pleased to '.earn Hint there in nt least ’«elveyears reputation in this country. 1„ response to an invitation from Thou art dwelling with the Saviour Notice ¡a hereby given that the follow ing, une dreaded disease thnt Rcicuco lia-j Another full C!lr load ju st received direct .'Gardiner Lodge A F A A M several, *»g ■ uinber and tiie mill at Saginaw is »|-1 Sunday after a pleasant v vative nienthsr of parliament for the - cor.aiitutional disense, requires a <-ou»ti-' «*> ;. ne?.;, nwy; n»>4, welj, t n j, r it w rw“iy at work on-it. The tim ber is to be Cobb, Morgan, Butterfield, Fiwke, , central division of Sheffield mid colonel liitional trentnivnt. H ail’s Catarrh I He iiamca :!» following witnesses to »Rive F- inches thick ______ and of _______ the best —........... possible i Stecar, Jackson, Bean, Camp, Gilbert * of the queen’s WentniinlRtpr volnntecrs, Cure in taken internally, acting iliiectly tils f'otinuou.r rest-J-jncu upon and c -jlil/a iiin Ws do not taka possession of onr ideas but are possessed by (bam, fi-ality. It is wanted for deck building. T J Neely, were tneinhers <’ t i e p n y 1 Rt ruck a popular nut« in inviting a upon ttie blood and mucous surfaces o f . of raid land, vis: E. It MllJ-c, A. A. Ml-iar, W. T. Carl aud O. A They master ns and force ns Into the arena, Boseburg Review: A petition is ' Capt. Cox wan in town from tiie cape ,imputation fru:n the Seventh New York (lie eyatom, thereby ilesiroyir.g the Gloier. ail ol Lako Precinct, Oregon. Whero like r la Haters, we an st fight for thorn.** lie in­ I*'i‘Jiiig from the people of Lako pre-1 Wednesday. III In conversation he i " ' : reai,nent to visit England. He says ' foundation of the disease, and giving J. T. B upoe ■, is not I Register. Such in the exulted motto o f the Arena, and the the invitation tlio igh noTniiiallylroui the patient strength by building tip tlm j ’ i-i't, between the Umpqua and tiie fotined us that lie think« there fiiusl uw rivers, for a bridge across Fiddio much doubt thftt the schooner Edith 'B , i,js eorp» Kiri limited io (he New York consiiiniion and nMistir.g n atu re in do- - entire content« of this monthly tnag&zino not regiment, is from the na'ion and timt ing it» work. Tiie proprietor» have so NOTICE FOR PU3LIOATION rrp<'k, H stream in it bail inarsh that lost. He says Capi, Gideon was i much of a sailor and the boat was n o t, »tumid like for America to send h much fault in its rnrativn powers, t h a t ! "ill require considerable planking. are iijpon a plane and in kecping'with itn Lanh Ofuc« at Roseburg, O w n . suited to ride a rough sea. Some lU!n' sip,wing from ail he regiments. : they offer One Hundred Do infs fur any • 4,000 March 29,1*«». motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent her lias washed upon the beaub which it. A fif0 dc«h.,lVet| the ,„H;n port|on of ' eaae th at ir fnilo to cure. Bend for ¡i« t. fitov «9, car of Twine, car of nails and I NoUcclaherebyrlmn that iha follow lug-nameU is thought the Edith had on board v.neu i £U .VJ/in v Anril h mamnni» < In«»« ni test in»« »nlal«. Mitlca bon fll jfi notice of Lis InlcnUor. to rnaks noil city April lfiih causing a loss of thinkers in a group oi interesting men and ‘ "he, car ol Iron and a liig eupply of ail Addreis, F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. final pr.xii in siip|x>-t of his claim, and that i $4,000,00J. Iu all 111 builJiniii were -sriianre which was bought before tiie | she sailed. said proof will lot n ad e bct0-., War", U. a. Hold by di uggists. 76c. women, and their thoughts ara worthy the ; burned. in price», enahlen me to «npply I ' Coiajntwtimerat Kaacne. Oregon, on May S7, ACME ITEMS. Hull'd Family Fill« «re tiie best. ' J*J9, vis: John t. been on R. K. No. (< 1 1 1 4 for j"1 hi es nt away down prices. See me j A Imiral Dewey «ailed from Manila , consideration ot ad people. The A feoa in th. S W ,M 0 4 . h 'i NW too. 4; RKM NK*4, for Hong Kong the 2J*h iiilt. on bis '’■"ire you buy, F I, Ghuuiherr, Eugene. B r A CoBRlRPOSDtST. 1 “sc. It: Tp, 16 8., R to W nt. sold with T ht W«4 st . OFFICERS E'.ECTED. way boniu. Sidney Waite started one of bis teams ‘ : R s cem -s the follow ing wltn-vics to prove Ms oor.tlnuvua reslifeaoo upon and eu'tivatloa Discard luiB liecu nrouned in the peace | n hauling I uhs tins week. Ho is pre- : iTrir.p t,. ruu | wo teams with four yoke j Fot Fisk rides In» new b ic y lelo work. confcrenee now in session by the refusal j Ttie grand io-bio of Odd Fellow« in ' of, s-ld lao«l, viz: Luther It. Milled»», William M. Kirby and I B Cushman left for Ban b ra n c h o of Ktlssia’s delegates to consider tiie «cssioii at Hale:n lost week e le rte j ■ ' en m e n:li team and expects to put I- Tucker of Hermann, Ore., ami officers us follows: J K IVo itlierfnrd propo Lyon« of Rug« 1., Oregon. j of Affinity, grar.d m ister; J W Weleli J T ItatiMi»», i ' 'luiuier. Uncle Sid understands ' Sam Seymour was upfront tiie mouth property at 3e« 1.1 time of war, t. 1 » aud i u Mrs . . \ f McKinley o v ; „ i .. returned hi Aftorm, «lepnty u n til inaMor; J , n It'sgtsvar " .'-ng I'Unimss as well as any of of the river Monday. Presnkut ... , . * the23tn » «»«5 u s Inst. a *ri.« w o.« ot M cn iitu lie, . gian I war«tun. i tlicni. tie to VIafhwfftofl The pre- Mr E P Wail* returned , t , • E E Siuron of l'«uli*ui1 preeWeut, Mrft Ifohuan, tír e president; n*ÂÎt* *’• of hi olain», ar.4 . bum « bil l» I-« arc damaged but little tliOR far tekin« ont r eka. IL-lore long the r"»d lumber f«»r th ' Mm t i — Qaatin, — i n ; vr »lm n Couper, »ec- » thftt «Aid ornnf bc tea»ie b»fi«re K. . Ilol- . I . i wjr-i. , u i,--. - . V 4cra coin netted j r»i»rv. nocrtiu Co.. Oresou. on Juna 24, IRW, v!r; ■*i> n,ike the the trip witli com paratile Oc-meo A. um try .»n if L. Nu »a. for th« Z A j It -.v.ts vote 1 to fi'iij tluj r»st grand r t lie NMI « and tout loft Acme AI »v .- !■ wntUir itv IkUftr h rp. IurJ iflinc Court-1 endort. JtE'-i, See. »; -,v.i X *• i . Sec. 10; tp. 1» 8., R. II j lodge at Astoria. l.oigimr; camp on Like creek. Mis U d t i w « I m - *»ren €«•» Hi« • W Mt. In ,» ¡ Tuts grand t»n*-4inpuinnt of 0 1 1 F sl-' iieuau«>ith« followln* irltneMH« tn prove •»P'te of »tm fact that there are VVa.tin»m l9to,-.»'kf,-rti.rcaH.p. BHntpnce-« iriveo, au ) n > execution« until | *t“" i 3 000 liiiiir« ,,f an,. i lows elected A W B iv -r s it of A lntuv, hiw c<»utiiau*mn rfc’ti'tetkcss upou aod culUvatioa Idne in a year John«:.n and wife have mwv~l lluat »»f Brimtun. . * •“ I gi ir. I p itria rc li; TO Birktsr, t) H P ; of tn Oreg,, n. more thuii in 1! wtun nnd «aM laud, vir: infirm i to E P W tile's fsrnt. C n Attwtin, Henry Laixterkin, Thomaa t J T F Evan, G H W ; E E N larnn, G K ; >"H"y o|| ,-astern ritie-, the follow ing «ro m ver» OOD’S Sarsaparilla ia the On»' XarXa a <.4 GeorgeCti all of Laka Precinct, w * »kJf U . s ' b . t l lie doe« no» ' n u n 'run i j - f i , , , r u t i l s ; “ tVhv Fine liiuoti l>itrifr-r,Gie»th>rtre •’ » K Miller, G fr»«-: P W M»e««.d, Oregon. hR ittH iiu w in iiiie hot ili»' h>- will«»kc w* J 'V; I' »V liiclie«, G R; F G Mice, i, lik,. Q.„VI, Vl.-t.iris?» B«- J. T. Barftoaa, WdtH-M a m i r e b u r» h ft Tonic, Moma-Jt Ihgtilatzsr- To tloM- ’«ft rau-« «1,» reign, and reigns and tunda iM L'f®*1 merit !s KNOWN« - G O S. Regis tar • — “ uus ride e m t ? i üb» jm t fut I « son a chance. Editor and Proprietor. A S ta rs i n o And The A R T S an d S C IE N C E S . λ) S c ie n tific A m erican. THE EH SM nPnLITflN s THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTION. H ¡THE WEST. * a*Pw a* •» was •-» 4 FLORENCE. OR.