M ». y ^ ^ INQTON LETTER. A REPLY. it«rt»d fur^fbe Umpqun river; I found RC“ «-Y ifiU R j the Ralph at the n_u gj, of the river r.n i ' ■ — *r„ VSliOeM, Or., M .y 18. ¡339. • bcaroed L< t ,.-i a small hoat When I Ia reftrsnse to the corete nr tra:, on li.ur .»J 1IM ? > t\ ................ . W j -r, r- boarded lb- ï'-aipli I notified Cap*, troni Jarees T Kail, ex-deputy collector h «$♦ " ? .... W a s h . D Ç, May 15, 14W, „ “ •••««’•b«WrsTg>fk Eri, koon of T-. oasvcs, L iWe < Jrr*r», mj mission and I informed of customs, which is puMfahttd in this 0»««C F x tta eeitsfon talk ia reach ÍO1 [lOHl- Mav .-, 13T?, ó,« p„bli.d,e.d an article tu n that T iliculd seize the boat when , ‘tane, we wiil say that we have no in- tiv o th an .it waa a week ago. But this i« b e U tl ’T h e Ralph Sold" in ST • which, she arrived nt the wharf at Gardiner, terest in the steamer Ralph, otber than by the absence :,i o ;'" '*' *Biny ■»r* -»-r v t t it > i ^ f t t I j probably J aereante « »**<7 ! . fur uv uju HUReree '«n*«; . you devoted some < >n the way up ti c river 1 «poke to Capt. s deaire to see everybody treate I fairly v ’ . M .' t V tt!” P a i e n t and the few ecnatora : *PM' " « ’««livo to the actions of Capt. Erickscn about about accenting the position I both in hitt person and ;ua property. . at preaerit in Wash- Erickson, iq ,„quoetfoa with the raid iis watchman; he asked me what the ’ whether he be rich or pour. E d ito r nn«J ÏH Ç K a to r. cgterr, rather than by anv lese ning of 1 ,,ca,u cr' A j I was at the time Mien , compensation would JJ0 and who was Io I ■ J ^ |( |f S î E ï = & “ “ = ^ v v = ïC T the probabilities for an extra cession : thoeti am ir Ralph wag tied up, a ting ¡pay him ; f infoi med bito that Lno gov»; The article we published Mr. 5t i, J ¿ 3 £ S f ? c» O f * A U z -is s u . was written by a man who was present ¿2018 w as wire ought to know say m at as <|sf. ial deputy c o l l a r of customs, em inent would I«- tho paymaster, hut when the Ralph was sul | and 1 — j r.n extra eéiñlñn will depend upon how at the port of Coos bay, and jU1 (j,er3. just what the compensation would be collected ids information in r v i r l U T -U S CELEBRATE. Otis ca» forco to « fore « •00« M Gen. m í i. i7 ,w Aguinaldo „ . » u q , u . ain » j icd with all" J “ ““ " '•* "■* » 10 , i’K,i" !>' •cRF.r «'.-sav ra ro * ? Muratine.— . t uo'-’ ° rB n$3U3-.va OoKRsaroxcsm. EÄTxIRJiSON 5 G i 1 . I ■ 1 t>y the court. Capt, Erickson I versing with many of the peop > 1 Xi»e wbectfi of fava iociistue to M. aioro negotiating. They argue t ,«t rl.o "risaw of the »aid steamer, I can posi- Ba¡j t|,at he wool I think the m atter Gardiner, their ntatemon!« s x - v »g c .'.vc st-H... y and wtk.o sicre h a v e , dresident cannot determine r i.a t to ai'.v that tiie article published in over and let me know when we arrived j *» every point and being confirm ,; ’ -•a-gl.t the Fourth 0 / July nnrr to us ^coreiuend in thn way of coiigres'uona! -vo,:r l,:,per is false 3, far » 1 he did, nmd accepted Deputy U 3 Marshal Morse ten » co . bit*. » r , r » w iaw»! thM w. yat t h c r - { >*i»htw n for tho Philippines until we Eriefcaon D concerned, in other words a ’ , in i „ Gardiner, ., '7 which , might here state that ducted the sale. Although Mr J M re boetvoo i.rraags*r«3ls reado for have peace»,da control of th.c isiHnd», f''B‘u 1 and lihcluus at that. I the qui-etion of watchman was discussed seein.s very much worked up in i ic i '. Iwldiag a |*vh:;aedatiraticu 03 th a t day ’ and th at bs will not call congress into The steamer Ralph was tied up hut between the collector and myself beforo j ¡nt? his friend Erickson and po 11 C.l in this vieiajty. j extra sc isjon snfiess ho sees his way clear on' e, and not twice as you stated. The r ; I left Coos bay and my instructions were declare« that article a lie, ll.S O A II Th?re are several rereons why tho | r i g such recommendation. Rut flret time th at the Ralph was i in trouble , t0 p,lt u app L J Erickson in charge of j stalcmonts would more wtt , r rsc.i la rf a ll-u rts aLtba United States without considaring the Philippine« at i3 ’ • >'°>.* ........ e auy part thereof, the 1 passenger law, then says Erickson in- greatly iacrcM ingour ttuvy, in showing scarcely do. if ft d03H nQt ge, a 0WB to governing steam vessela. I did notifiy [.erson who says be did tolls a laitlieioiiti formed the tuipectoiH a n j that a tine to them lb« benefits to b« gsjned by bosiness before tho 1st of January. j Mr Wall, tho then acting njanag- OM lie. was imposed for the offense. ' r k fe « m budding the Nicaragua canal, a war er of the steamer, th at a similar fine No .dor. has been received so eut hu­ M hen Mie Ralph was tied up to iny As for the value of the boat cycry- t u t Lao b roie» rfowa die evotional «iardiraljy in Wasldngtci», for a long " nt1,1 ,H! if I'»* continued to 1 positive knowledge, it was necessary to 1 body knows that an article uf a n y kind fooling lotwecu the north and tue south ' time, as that fur the p ,rc.,aee .4 a bom. run the boat without a licensed fi î^ # Mr Wall, i,¡mself tied the boat P' , ^ ’ b'u l o u t twice at‘Wiee a w b - ”b« was tied t^SaSBia—---- men*. is were stai tn.mtlre, ho will probable havo pvr- sailing up ns Mr Hall states, bow was it that the wharf at Auiithor reason for holding a celebra-: formed his last Bea dm ottehurg, when the 1 for the Urn' From t tint npqua, nt uhoriff’s sale for Captain E'rickson, while in charge o f' tiou is the iitcresMd prosperity ot all thno, until hi« death, bis duty as the Hte*'“ er F O R A S H O .? T T I M E arrive I; they counted ' only a little over $ W , then at the U 8 ; the boat, could be at Coos bay a week P’t i l of tho tonutry as i«a»p«rcd with rankiq** «'Beer of the navy will be per- the Pi' Mt'h2«'8 «> board and found that m arshal’s sale, at Gardiner, she brought ! or longer at a time? prbeeding years. Tlw laborur, w hat­ formed in Washington. He has „0 8,,e your Now in conclusion let me say tha), had weeks remain yot till July 4th will be i gold question. I want a man who is in fa P!' P*r‘ h* * “ **" ° " l’° iir'1 ife ° T * ° ilS,C' 3 Mr J a in e s " “** ftttenJod to in« businessi I t is not w h a t Pzure of the vessel, tiie collec tor ^ O:isan^s ° f testunonlals are oUier ncrer.iary arrangements made. : favor of plating qur battles dps with j time the two “sisters” were taken on customs was directed to notify to notify the Ali fokO time and six weeks will roll j Krupp armor, regardless of coast, as I ¡board, the steamer had her full number | owners of tli. Ralph to apply . tnrihn eXdmP!eS ° f ^ t H ood's around, aad the Fourth bo hero alm o st' don’t want our sailors sent to sea in u o passengers, these two women making relief of tho boat; » a copy of tiie letter has done for others, and before wa tr e aware of it. J dry (¡oMp box, to ho sunk I want a two addith.nal. T, • , . , ; (which was from tho secretary of the w h a t it y neighbors. Medical Íív 1 c*Ír ' í ‘:' '• A n ! a " ' ' ' "n È d me to bat these facts would he reported to Coos bay and remained in uratiouj will bo begun at o:teo for the j God has banded over to us. Us, without and about ! mnn’th ^ .1. hH:'f“ par,Jla- r ,‘‘l "u »nd In few the insiicctoi's. Capt. Erickson know e l a .«v . u r e T » C O J U t'I tllP r M i ñ VUC u u s / 'ír ' ,™ I; '*,|y healed." Mns. tho grandest colohration ever held on fear or favor; one who is in faVor of | ing of th ese tbr.>>i. >1 i . i. , . tho cust0,I' s for a period of three 1 x Etna, N. H the Biusiaw. wiping out Aguinaldo and his triendu in to c x n ia ii tl ' 1 , 8 * H Pr"re n t ¡days an,‘ thon returned to the Umpqua. 1 a t i ^ ' u f ^ A / 3' R h e u m a tism "Two H X±] m Example is Better ^h a n Precept.” the PhiiippitMs and wiping out thoso on ............... ms and l - ean HMep'reimcxe, melancboila, stomach tliia continent who sympathize with inspectors bimself liefore .1» climb s.utrs mi,, wnik anvwhcre ” r fz.vt I was called to tliolr attention from other ta x n . 373 Fargo Ave., Buffalo' N. V pulao, heart trouble,. Hudyau cures, thorn. When I find a man with all plain tlmn I can. cu Ail drug»,ir.s. fO cents. these qualifications, and who is above sources; while be admitted that lie bad Respectively vours | technically violated the law tho matter all elec a red-hot adininistrationisl, and J am es T H a l l , AV THE ASYLUM. eno who will not contend against the ' <' ‘18 H° f‘ivolous tllst an expfonation, lie x-Dcpnty Collerlor of Customs. administration desires, then I «hall ! 'lee,“ *xI’ Wl,s o,,l-v necessary to straight- MnoiV. r I. »„relive, ¡„, ,b. , , 7 , ~ Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and »Oy . mi„ml,, to „Ite win,-Ho.~..r. s ,-r Paisa jMisral: Support th at u>ah,” Mr Snlfowav de- e” " ‘attcr up’ a,ul k »owing that a Don't Know It. v st -a« tl t 1 ___ I I I . It is a pocnllar fact th a t only a vory dines lo say who bo will vote for, or | complaint would probably be made and There is a disease prevailing in this ' t a il! per emit the patieat, in our tho m atter to be placed before the whether any ot the avowed candidates L i t e r a l 'V . country most dnngvroqe because so de­ I csptiet lor the insane are American have the qualifications be requires. One ! ‘n a * r,>ng ligl,t 1,0 did expiai.. ceptive. Many sudden deaths arc caused ■ j 11 ifi .n e l. rt. ä I. - . i hern'. Msnv of thein belong to the - •/ of the New England representatives i the facts us above stated, hard working clan who camo to this Jokingly said : “ Why, Bullowav • be has T ,trei,fu’r tbe '« ’ P ^tor» themselves B.v it»—heart disease, pneumonia, h e a r t! ORIGINAL a n d SELECTED.) G ..noway, h a s , made compiaint against tbe steamer failure or apoplexy are often the result 1 country from the old country and tho tried to doscrihe his own qualification.' Ralph, for the violation cf the passenger of kidney disease, if kidney troublo is toil *»1 worry to gain a foot hold in this ¡ 3 dr.»wctu out tho threat I of Ins In aeco.danco with a call issued by I ,a"’« nnd n°t Capt. Erickson evuatry and often want of projier poison in , 'erlsw ity -■ finer than the staple of his - . . ----------, as stated allowed to advance 11 i f kidney --------------- *f»-a Kt..«. 1«T^! _l . . . . . . nourishm ent rotabiue to weaken the u r s May Wrigl.t Bewail, chairman o f , 111 yoilr paper. Two complaints were U,e bl? ixl is ,iab,e lo atti,ck the vital argument, is American branch of tho interna- | Biixl, one the inspectors made — ... <’r‘?an’ - o r tb e kidneys themselves break •fcrs'o. ’ ------- There is a tide in the •.« drs of , from t.oaai womens committee, a mass 'h e.r own knowledge of the facts, and *,own nml n ;« 'e " * ay cull by cell. Then which, lake., But t..e most iu p d rta n t lamer is nt Die HnoJ, k-,.|s un moeting waa held in Wanhington yes- ! »hi'ftbcr iro n the facts as stated to them tbe richness of thp hiiw.d—tbe •Ibnm ea! greatness. Omitted, all the voyage of dri»ktng wide!, they have aimost umvvr- leaks oul and tue sufferer has Brlght'e aaily tiufclgcd in. The eight principal tenlay for the pur(>ose of adopting a | bY Capt. Erickson. For these two their life is bound in shallows and in resolution of sympathy for tue .inibiate ! ‘»«»'«•nsen the collector of customs imposed Disease, the worst form of kidney trou- miseries, ■•a:.»e, of Insanity havo I.Mu tabulated j ble. Kidney trouble can be detected I and the results p ra c n te d to tho London succo« of tho object of the Czar's di.- « fins on the vessel for the sum of 18 nOt uu,,«ra‘«nJing that creates i armaniv.it conference wbicli meets at the same being $10 for each ndjitinnal aitbuHgl, it be slow and d eiep ta,.. Fiisl, ' v dent iitc society. Drink accounts for the Hague this week. C:,pv of the !>a.,R.mger carried and the (.mount of by annlysis of the urine; eecond, by tiie i ork9 of art But feeling; it i« to feeling i about enc-lhird wliilo one-third more resolution adopted was cabled to the tare bad tbe regular fare lieen collected. wotple test of sotting tbe urine asido i„ 0 t ' !‘nW e0 W u a,,l!,ai’ iB b«s! in us. N,’, is dac fodouicetic troubles and mental American delega.ion to toe couforence. Mr \\ all eppliud to tbe secretary of the «lass or bottle fur twei.t.-.-mr hours . 1’:” ’,’w l,5'er h«» yet solved wb’it tl.e | anxiety. Lire affairs are responsible r*"i!y Beautiful D. Senator Fairbank«, w l.o is chi-irman ,reaHury for relief, and tbe tine, save »3, when a cloudy c f bhck j Ut, for a iittio wore than ono in a hundred indicates it. ' ; " e Inve heroes a,„| heroes, but the re,n>tted. l ater the collector of caeee. Thirteou in a hundred are sot of tbe Joint Itigli commission for D was for just such trouble», th at in 1 o,’,y rM 'B ern is the unassuming modest received a letter from the I fc down to aid age, financial enibarrnsx- «ettiumont of qucHtiuns in li.spnte |n.. ! His infinite power and goodnv,s the " 'an wl,0M m’‘’ * wbe‘>'er for patriotUu, m eat mid puvorty. Four in n hundred tween the U S and Canada say« there attorney at I'urtiand, Gregou, directing Great Physician caused bwamp-Ront to Philanthropy or religion, fire him lo seize tbs Uacuier R dpi., a« be is not a word of truth it, the publication u*c attributed to religious cxcitoine.it and they havo a weak brain and if they ' 1,141 inaBility to agree upon the Alaskan i ” anted to lilad ber in the U 8 court ut grow for tbe lienefit of sm.criug m m - not selfisii, but are for the coiunion ,eavinH il *°r H 'M »»'rvant, l»r. K .l-' good of all mankind. had not taken Op the religion« excite- b,iun'*ar>’ Bad resulted in tbe abandon. I iortbuiil. Under These instructions, ment would havo become insano on c e n t of (be commission. He says tiie t fimn the I s attorney, I ¡mmedi itilv ■ • » ,urn other subject. I t might as well 1 ,G"in,1N*'°" »ill rvassvml’le August iutli IM P R O V c D T R A IN S E R V IC E . be added here th at if tho consolations ° " “ wa’ ia with tin. EIT,attive and habit« of religion were suddenly j •'’■•h.tion ndopted previous to adjourn- .......... Eeb. 12th, the Northern I mihe will inaugurate double tram ner* w ilbdraa n thousands would boeewne ment, soveral month« ago, anti that lie vice Iwtween Pmtlnni! an,f «11 points fneane under airvuntaUto-ea of m ental ¡ confldent it will reach an agrueineat, east. I rains will leave Portland at 11.30 anxiety, bereavement and other a ni, and U p m daily. The«,. f l ' O l . l o ranging InHucnecs. n th<’ h'r*'at knlm v mid Id.idde.- s;».,. ia list to discover it and make it known to the world. Its wonderful oliicai v in promptly curing the most d i-trev in ^ ; tres:,in cases is truly ma;vwloqe. You may have “ «»“’P1” M H e of D ,. K.liner s w'.mip Roof, the great k iilney, liver an I blarf zs. 1 .. 1 . *• » S ee o u r sp e cial c o u n te r. ( NEAP CASH SToj{|i]j Drv FLOH a id *• Noti ns. MU M ¿ AT J-liSÎ m a r r. < >'p3 3 3 i, «"»°o J s a s R e ö r e s e n t e d . w 30A k 3-*» QPR ► •*019 PVlARi 'P R A C T I C A L Fhe foolish and obtuse are often «(«'''eive.I by others; f|,c , iin.w,, #I) «re often deceived bv selves. M itbonl th a t boet ,,f »11 Oltsliin*« of the mind. earn aion avnre, there is little to choose betw the *’ A few momenta »•«eeoted hu bande RbcnlF Witbora to tersen after tho exeeutic I e Bi an tin ’« confession < .....'•'■•’•"«•«lu coast, having ».III». The only p.i'J.iacd In full in today*« Guard. tA LS CR EXCHANQS. J different ub in t!»c tit atomeilta uiiilv to the R.ifial, English, Commercial, Bliortliand and Hump terri,oi V . . W• orge lurranttnoiber« Who Hre . t ■ ■ «U T *ATROq*. issatim i yi.iir tickets T',|‘ «.»pldc departments and we iniert»fi'vd p u n itio n both «Me»« ' cm , I via m e N, a ruada arrangement« r>y i Hif» »hiTVftd't L»»w lid« m lite uow—ago*! .nation rail ..u «d.l,,. .n I i , nei ico Exam iner and tbe The price iW a rv à i’e •nUcriptH « b „ * Bali in |,eiirl,, t»liirfi A " drtSfM»»ta, W cent«. .m a» „„ .m ,,, ¡, , , , , ■ *•* will fumisti tbe Werkls to d ’g cUput. l> Mv M v r p iiv , " r" for une yeiT t s N 0 1 v»»l wood-bed ^ ' ' 7 / b b ^ w « „ , ............. r j ; B3 paid in nti- •mad aniwuntw r .^ i h e , °o ponin «N j mft fi Ge»:»»# Ayrqt, E .gree, Or. vane ' Ip sn fo u l.,,, , to pay our bìlia. tins Mr" ' a | BeW f „ r ,|,l. . , , in tlo , j flp« .*yab’« ra, i , i lRdr), aw of