T H E W E S T : srey.Y »x;aar O fcA T H *3L A S r CAÏJ mobkimo — GRFTH SICKNESS O* Clit i j -U n ¿Ivrlvcta h » nama from th«? « e t tìtut II»«* «Air» JHn'iKji a - great vegetable le m e ly far and n«sZkArt H U b Y A N wMl en rich the bio» -d and Kt vc it back Ha lidMlthy. red colo*. IITJÛYAN win re lieve a!| the »ynip- tornrt if i t i uà« u c^ullnued T b g wy m p t o m s ara marked. The blood b efhf In u poor condition, notre of the u i g v u o( the body are properly nourUhod. lltJD m N Will CAUdd tbu bto*>d to be* cor-^ pure. HUD* Y a I will restore (he organ« 'o a h ealthy condition H U D Y A N wll* bring back the Li «Him to Ahe citaeUa and cause the greeti tin ge to disappear, it you havo the ryme* toma. take lit D Y A N now, und they wilt louve you. Three ★ Lap f i r : P j i L i ha« igaiu «¡sited this ooinin :iu ly an d 1 tought a .rrow to many and iliisp-skaldegrief to a desoiai „ F lorin « , L axe C ounty , O ueoon .— c-t boost hold. Charlee W Sinclair w.... token over to the great cud silent ma Jority Tunrsday afternoon, April 27.h. M akes tu e food m o re delicious an d w holesom e ,y .H . W FA TTI E lìS O N Cliarley, as he was familiarly known Editor and Proprietor. mill m.iverwdly loved, had not lieen . wo*»t bakinq r in robust health for years, but his lust iilue-a was ouiy of short duration. Less ' T erms : M - M * y e u r i n « » » v a n e e .-------- QUENADA N EW S. than two weeks ago In: was taken down i VutfrPa a t the post-office ut Florence. ! ¡with what a temporary illness, nnd j •/ I made arrangements to go to Cook's By R eroute «. county, Oregon. as second-elu»« - (or.ioiXAi, asu a n kctfd ., siring« t j recuiw rate; but the inroad»; mail matter. 1 n t tho diseaso which he had lung bee u - "Don’t we need isin ?” aillieti-d had been too great nud nature Never cast nsido your friends if by any rnTISISU KATES MADE KNOWN O S A P- Mrs Colies and sou Frank spent Sun­ gave way ai'.d hi; never arose from his . Al>V PLICATION. j possibility you can retain them. We are day at Acme. ,«.«1 notices', ceni« F « tin«'. each Inserti».. bod. Death cn u ie painlessly and was I I the weakest of spendthrifts if we let one H H Fi-lt of Smith liv ir was a Gieos- due to Bright's disease. friend drop off through inattention, or da visitor last week. Charles William Sinclair was * tin Florence, Or. May 12, 1393. _ ■ let one push away another, or if we hold Arthur Johnson and family returned live of California, having been bron in I aloof from one for petty jealousy or heed­ to their home on Sweet creek last week. 1 Solano county, Dtcemhcr 1, 1SC4. lie ; W E S T L IN G S . Mr Lowe returned Sunday from a spent his boyhood days on the ranch, I TUÎÎ PfilNCfPAL SYMPlOdS ARE: ! less slight or roughness. Would you visit with tiis son Robert on Fiddle hut when Ins father died moved to 1. C O NSTAN T H BADA CH IO -Due to Several more hogs wanted at the throw away a diamond because it prick­ creek. Dixon with his mother, where he the Inipaiicd quality or hloodl that raachaa the brain. lltJ D Y A N will vr.ake the biooii . ed you ? One good friend is not to be worked as a clerk for a number of years H ire and nutritious and the h^adaohti wL! f L'reaii’OH- L B Johnson has been making some diuappeoi*. with John Dugan. Iu 1869 Mr Dugan , I,a,lies and children's l.ata just arrived weighed against the jewels of all the improvements iu the interior of his started a store in Winters, and placed'! S. O R B K N I 8 H OH YKUEOtVrSH I n itK E N COM PLEXION. H UDYAN will | ,t Min Runoff’s. earth. If there is coolness or unkindness residence. ake (he com plesiou red and rosy, by re­ ; Mr Sinclair in charge, where he rem ain­ m Taint Terrace school is having a vaca­ between us, let us come face to face and Mr and Mrs Sherbondy of Sonth ed until 1892, when the store was sold, storin g the blood to a healthy condition. 3. PULSATIO N IN TH E NEC K . This tion of two weeks. have it out. Quick, before the love slough were the guests of J L Furnish lfis health not being good, Mr Sinclair ' !□ due a n d to the oratory condition of the blood, and a lii dlvuppear ehortly a lte r the C |I David is framing a building for grows cold 1 Liio is too short to quar­ and family. Concluded to take up an out-door oc­ uae of IIU D Y A N is com menced iu. j A Pond this week. Chas David snd family came down cupation, and fur several years has hceu . 4 W E A K N B 39 A N D PALPITATIO N rel in, or carry black thoughts of friends. O P T H E H EART. H U D Y A N wUl Cal! and see the new stock of Millinery strengthen the heurt and m ake the beats It is easy to lose a friend, but a new one from Point Terrace last Saturday. They doing general teaming. full, stron g and regular. goods at Mie Kanoff’s. will live in Gler.ada during the summer. I On July 6. 1892, he was united in will not come for calling, nor make up H U D Y A N is the rem edy that you want. Sold With Screen Drors with Spring Hinges The “ twins" Elmer and Wilimer marriage with Miss Bessie 1. Morris of i H ave your blood puriiiad. Your friends for the old one when he comes. will soon tell you you are looking Winters, aiiC to them three girls have 11.00 ¡.t F L Chambers, Eugene. Low returned Sunday from a long visit more h ealthy. Tlie color will return to Sunday school at tileuada nt 2 p m When a gorgeous sunset is coloring the witli frieuds and relatives on Fiddle ; t«*eii horn, otic of w hom is dea l. Besides ' your cheeks. Your headache w ill dlsap- I ia wifa nerf t u n »iris d e c e iv e d leave« a «**r “it you will appear tus w ile ni.il tw o g irls, ueteureu n a v i s a U1,d m “ uarabl< H U no D Y longer A N will r .- t o r weak . tho Chas R David, Supt. whole sky, do we think of the dull rain creek. mother and an aunt who reside iu l'lor functions of nature. A fter you have used Win Bailey came in from the lake H l'U Y A N tell other sutTerars n h a i It hen For Press Cutting and F itting call at in the morning ? No; it seems to us as cnee, Oregm and uncle, Jacob Holver- done for you. itenieinber that H U D Y A N • country last Saturday where ho lias the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. Is for men aud won*.»o. Go to your drua- if the whole day had been beautiful and etolt, and grandmother, Mrs lfolverstoit Siat unit < et U U D V A N and follow the ■*. « 4 HW Bee. «; MKj.. NK»„ Wis tuition ou easy terms. will both hr first class and fully equipped he was in tlie country. George did this Bee. 8; Tp, l i B «9 West. NOTICE file "Death K nell” has been sounded He usmee the fotlowin« wltneetDcdy foj female troubles has been Code, which reads as follows: cars to Missouri River points via Bill­ The W l it w ishes the young couple Hponcer l>. Lyon« of Kufroa, Or»c»n. i 1 BniMic», Tho assessor shall require every per- ings, which renders the service now lisppiner. I '«ced on the ma-ket. Every man or Register "Oman, married or single, should send a ' eon to pay his Poll Tax of every kind offered by the Northern Pacific un­ FOR SALE OR T R A D E - & at the lime of assessing the ssme an. in equalled by any other transcontinental ce,|t stamp to our office for a bewuti- faliy iilurtrated etrcular, free. Adilrew d e f.u lto t.u c b p .y « en t the Hue. The only lino to the Buffalo I will »ell, o r trade for t ’oek, 1 spun ' Æ fo r "The «t- rj of the Fhillppf-iM" bv Mural f “« Aunt Jane Me-hcinc Ou., room« 13- shall immediately giro to » « Hmnp territory, See th at vour tickets of Morgan mures—null matched— HaJ-i--«4 euinmlwIooeU by the Uowrnoienl ,« . list of such pull taxes and the shenf. I Lrwis Baild.ng, Portland, Oregon. read via the Northern Pacific to »11 Olticlal HMortan to the W.r Dep-irtivo-ut. Tho H H F isk , tha same. points east or south. For further iufot- w eigtit 1050 each. btx-W ir«« wrlt’e-i tu »rmv comp* iC San Vr»n- ck-'O, mithB Facili'-, with Urnrrnt Merrill. In Ord, Oregcn. I'e tin, g letter recently from • shall immediately collect And if tic cannot luatlou call on address, the bo-ipitaln at Honolulu, in Hoax Kong, iu displaced S . 1 Abo eee tcetioo 2S31: •’•caeo r-iottih r wb-.ch tiie American trenebra at Manila, in the lruur ,4 which of R M cM tarav; T O CU RE A COLO IN O NE D A Y. getti c .iu p , with Attuinal In. nn tb« deck ot tha eri^in, e'.ter head. The mtch tax O lim pia v i'h Dewey, nnd In »he roar ot t h . General Agent. Eugene, Or. W ur, : w i-a »iih-boac inserted near make the same, battle at lúe HU of Manila. Bnnaftza fot agent». who tn»y Ve indebted I Take lax ativ e Bromo Quinine Tablet». Sri lulu I ol original ptawr«« -akan by xo,«r I- 'I* he ■ 1 of the letter with theso words froto any pe«on | rheumatism by taking t.i c i « i t pn -togmpher.on the «fot. l-urg» book. ! Htaxl'e Sarsaparilla, which by nen- 1 All d rn eti-ta lefimd ciouey if it fail« to I..W prl-ea. Hlg |>r iflta. Fr»l»l.t nald. Credit printed 'etw een the prongs “ Shall tve to auch tax pe/cr »nJ cars. 28c Thu genuine h ai h B Q o ii be-i. Drop all Iraahr unomciil war book. i*t oar v ,e J O not cliit k- same. -ilttl ft««. Addrevw V T Barber, keS*y.. »tat trallzing tho acid in the blood jwrmh- p . P. lit aros, ‘ each t«Llet. Iw-rain« U'.lg.. Chicago. noa’Jy relieve» aches aud that pl-utp her». W« m ight use Co., assessor. cl*ni toell. ,l.....^i. Literal-rv. Desirable ★ Stars in ★ And The A R T S S O IE 3 S T O E S . Scientific American. THE EDSMnPnLITflM; i TflE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTION. PAINS. i THE' WEST. FLORENCE. OR