■ J S S * r . O R O A R R IN OF PO RTLA N D k tU Ï F £ ll ‘* t K'UltXttGI.— t l s N ow a t F lo r e n c e . • C an 1»! j L i o s i n e F a x t C ervT r, Ossnox C o y s u lte d F r e e at th e M o rris H o te l U n til WASHINGTON LETTER. F«UX P’ B RIX ll'B i. I ’OX^CSFCXl-.NT. un* rozne tab. in official vírelas of pro- Mcuiing officers of Ihxt organisât; 3JJ for L U X A ’3 E T A T E tfE X * lircidntiag seditions documents, b o ti! W"“ couvJudtd a «M tr pian ro t to give flllpl.-ica Oeierninod to Surrender and Aguinaldo I t Discouraged. Tbs W ash . D 0 , May 1st. IfcW. them au opportunity of jxrting an End it Near. The practical ending of the Philippine ! martyrs, revolt has given much satisfaction in j Acting Secretary of War Mriklejuiin Colonel Arguelles cornea directly from ; ( W S’ .-ingtou. l a official circles there has had the report of the military court 1 isn’t the slightest douldof the end of the (of inquiry in Hi- pos«sossion for several General Luna, who is commadiug gener . TU ERSO N , Electricity the Itosd to Health and Vigor. , fighting U’ing at hnnd. It is expected, j days, het lie will not make it public al of the insurgent army and is the right , P ro p rie to r. When we consider the inestimable H C° U" \ , 1t‘'" ‘ Ag,‘inK!do's * r a»‘8b J »«til directed by the president, who has a.-ia of the revohitiouary president. “ We know we are whipped,” said h e .!, Mc.isi.ifi of health, a«.l the borers CJ U,‘1 milke huo endeavor to p u t, a copy of it, to do so. It is understood “ I Jo r.it mind admitting that Aguinaldo ( off the inevitable na long as poaeibie, by ' that th e report says tho refrigwnteJ May 12, 1399. wasting disi-nrc and impaired vitality, i is discuraged. More than this, the , submitting new propositions to < lc n .b e e fissu e .lto liie a rm y w iw n o tc h e n d e - wc i. list ncconl to Or Oarrin the distiD troops are determined to surrender and j Otis, l.u. Gen. Otis will stand by h is ; ally treated, and without positively! IN CHINA. i gtiished honor that lielongs only to the ' I T ; B y re,nMl “ ! - ” * " .e in S the canned “roast” ^ ^ heenbaekw ardin submitting; M ay 2 5 th . V V .H . W E A 1. E d ito r a n il Flory-nee, Ore. SITUATION J ___ __ . . . . . . ll.o ie n/taiUn., ’««J. SPECIAL »I it is jp lr nonnced th at England and j tins discovery he sends the life currents j k’O 'crnm int, nnOSltl0“ to tt,e l8a(ier8*" men can a tropical climate, and that too much of j. President Schurmau has advised Pres­ H ussm tia? e signed sn agreement w hich'of that p e at agent through tiie d e b ili-¡ the FHiPlu<* as ÍMt aa ident McKinley of the (entities of the ’* in te s ta i fo put an end tb life conten- tated frame; he allays pain, restores th e 1 cn,vh up " i,b ,beni> UDlil h'is terms of plan of government submitted to Ar­ tin ti over railway and other couc»Mion<* strength and florid bloom of glorious ¡ ' general ernnesty for unconditional sur- number of commissary officers and in th a t country. health, ami the elast.eity and joyousness j rt'n‘' erare:l<'rc*’““' ’ He wiil ” ot « ” • recommends that Homo of them b e . guelles and Bernal, peace , envoys of . . . J.una and Aguinaldo, and he has uprov- Tho prerent arrangement puts an end .fsp i.it that arc lost when suffering I 88,lt to ne«olia,ion8 oi nr'T 8Or‘ i Agui- eourtmarlialed. Evidently, Eagan isn’t ¡ p(j (lmt MJ we)!< to the Anglo-Russian struggle in China, I fiom disease*of the organs or derange-! ‘‘“ldo ,,iust c!,cost> mere one of them, as he has started fori ,, . . . ,. . I It ¡a generally understood the U nited' amt is tantam ount Io a settlement of the j aiL.„t 0( n ,f nervous centers. A few in - ! ''l’nnil‘Z. II,ore Peking, or unconditional Hawaii, where lie will reside with his ; I States makes no concession to the 1’ili- question of tbe sphere of influence of sl.inces of cure we give as a proof | *urrcn^t r « nn,l all the information from son, wiio owns a coffee plantation. i pinos beyond securing general amnesty the two countries. Under the agree-( tff-c of the siijicrionly of slevtiicity over tbe Pbillp,“ nM indic8t# tbnt (lint he " in I and promising good government an d ' choose the latter very shortly. • w ent,G reat Britain 1ms undertaken n o t; other methods of cure. ! home rule. W iio is to B lam e. to pre»« railway or other concessions in i J W Bottom, Astoria, O r-K id n ey and Nothing but admiratien for the volun­ Some of the insurgents are throwing I Not tti China, while l i m i t agrees to 1 liver compluiat for years; restored to teers in the Philippines is heard in Kidney trouble lias become so preva- ‘ a" uy tl,cir anu8 wbicb tl,e arinY oific‘ rs tiie British demand that no part of the 1 perfect health. Washington. A djutant General Corbin basin of the Ynng-lie-K iang shall he i >S 1 Whitman, Monmouth, Or,—Deaf-I ireeiy expresses the opinion th at every J ent th a tif is not uncommon for a child 3t " a,!‘ingtun say is either from the allotted. Russia also recognizes cxplic- I ness and ringing noises in the ears for j one of them should receive a medal of to be born afflicted with weak kidneys, i !,lck oi ani>nunitioii or a breaking down If the child uiinates too often, if u ,e i 1 heir courage. itly th a t the British commercial inter-f 12 years; restored. honor from this government, because, urine scalds the flash, or if, when th e! Otis predicts that the insurgents will < sts are supreme nt tins Yang-fse-Kiang Miss Mamie McKean, Portland, O r.— by the terms of their enlistments, they basin, width is umleigteoi to extend a Deafness and catarrh, II years' stand­ were entitled to withdraw from the scr- ,! reaches an age when it should be make their last stand at Mount Ararat. j vice as soon as peace between Spain | ab,e toco,1,rQl tbe Pa8BaBe, and it is yet Generals Law ton and MacArthur are considerable distance north and south ing; cured. of tho river, thotigh no attem pt has E E Joslin, The D a II cs , C r,—Dis- and U S was declared, but instead o f j Mflieted with hed-wotting, depend upon apparently converging their forces taking advantage of that tb.ey remained ! *4’ t,ie caU8e o i 1,10 difficulty is kidney : *'‘at place and the two columns should ticeii msde to define tiie region. Every­ charging ear, 21 years; cured. thing recently baa pointed to Russia's A K aii . koad E ivoikkcr J oins the L ong voluntarily pel forming more than was j ,roubl®> and thc fir8t stt’P should fie j u’eet in t!,ree or four days so (list if required of them, and more than the ' t0War,M the treatm ent of these im p o rt-' d'ploinaey fa-.ls there is a strong feeiing «lesiru for a K-t’.lvnient in order to allow I. ist op P atients C ubes :-.y • he HUceeaafwl exploitation of the.' Da D. ibkin . j ordinary duty ef soldiers, giving the i nt organ9’ Tl‘is unpleasant trouble is that the rebellion will end from purely' Kibericn railway, and also with a view ' Portland, Or.— (To the E d ito r;— world an object lesson of flic fighting | due to “ ‘liseased condition of the kid- military reasons within a week or ten to raising money in (Irent Britain for ' Dear S ir: I hold it Io be a duty ns well quality and patriotism of the American I1CJ’S a,lJ bladder and not to a Habit as days. O HATS the development of the industries 'of ' as a pleasure to make known, through volunteers, which is deserving of special ! most Peol'h’ suppose. DON’T SNUB HIM. ll‘e adult lias rheumalism ; pain or UiifHia. The activity of Russian bank- the press, thnt which of all things is recognition. These medals cannot be I ers and »stents of tlio Itiimiad m inistry . most essential, v iz: Tho way to cure given w ithout the action of congress, i dul1 ael|e the hack; if the water passes Good Housekeeping: of finance in LiOiidotl ha» home ■ teKli- pain and siiknoss. I whs eoiifined to | hut it la probable th at eitcii action will in irr,*X»lar qualities; or at irregular Don’t »nub a boy because he wear» inony ta the financial end that Jtusaia I th, stoppiug at the Gardiner hotel A proposition fo utilize the negro Not only because he may some day out-1 lym lungs were enough to curdle the for two weeks. Mr John P Dorcli of Kails, said of ttie blood of any civilized licing, but how new departure of Mrs Mary Ellen troops to a large extent in future mili- strip von in the race of life, hut also b e -' I.ease, who is widely known outside of ( ta y O,)erilt‘o118 in tbu Philippines is cause it is neither kind nor right. REGISTRATION LAW. a pimple con claim superiority and ex­ her own state, as a politician and lee- a,lrucl‘ng much attention, and it is pect to m aintain it and resort to such PAYMENT OF VOLUN TE ERS. methods of avenging criu.0 is beyond ; l o n "lli' ' Ul,lo”i turer: “ It appears th at Mrs Lease, believed will bo considered by the aduli- «•ompreliensiew. Hueli torturlpg shows j í'n t ulI voters of this county perhaps ; after making a national -reputation on IliRtrat‘on *n the near future. Such a more of the barbarous than it dots of t nre aware tbc fact th at liefore they go political rostrum, lieeaine weary of the j l'obeJ is urged on the theory that cer- Secretary of State Dunbar is somewhat ilie civilized Jiff». Tiie excitement at- ¡ ,0 *be P°h8 ilKa'u to wist their ballots affort to reform existing conditions, and ¡ *a*n rao*a' nff'l'ations may be utilised in hampered in his efforts to pay rejected feuding th u 1 catching and hanging at ’• will bu necessary for them to lie gave up tho job as beyond mortal 18 Way to defeat the rebellious acts on volunteers in accordance with the law CAPS F O R A S H O R T T ÍM E # % FO R CA SH ONLY. 08217289 OF COSÍ, S ee o u r sp e cial c o u n te r- O .W .H U R D CARMAN’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Dry Coods, ★ Croceries * and * Notions. Yew nan, t la, alone is productive of u n - 1 re8*ftcred hi order Io be a qualified I :-tr«iigll>. She became thoroughlv dis- ! lbp P8rt -^B’hnaldo and ins party, and passed at the special session of the iegis- i limited resulta. Lynching aeetna to ; e'oc,or. The Uaraaon registration b ill; guateil with all parties nm| all platforms j to br*ng abou^ l'eH,'e- One-third of the lature, the addresses of but few of those )■«! the first, tuat anil only thing thought inlru,,u« ,d a‘ <>'c Inst legislature became ' and finally concluded th a t the game of I P°P',la,ion of ‘ho Filipinos are negroes, declared entitled 1, in the f-nutlarfl states when a r.egro a law, and it is nev in full force and politics was largely one of greed and “"d’ wbiIe ,lot «»">«««1« about Manila, General Tuttle being z Huspectcd oi any crime. crime. Ttmro Ttmro nro are e" uc‘' As the law ia is interpreted, a ' ambition. She studied spiritualism. con,Pr‘lie ni,“r ly the entire Hire population ; Tlio claims of the following members of ! fiends, bat atath-ticH dt» not show (tfki |'ro3 h ,or*n8 °®co will be in,each precinct and finally lie.caino convinced th a t it of some of the islands. The advorates tbv old National Guard have been a u d it-: they are of any particular sex, sect, at 8 aia't *U,(J Lino to receive the voters would do more. Io regenerate mankind *be ■chemo believe in a short time cd and allowed, but the warrants d ruwn -igr or n.lor or that they are confined t„ na|P‘-’J age, occupation, height, weight, ' than all tlm partisan politicians who ' CrC" ° U d be *8sh»ilation between in payment thereof arc uuriGied for: any io, alitv, therelorc ire cannot belie«! I , o,or ,d bair an,J p-” '8> Previous oscupa- have ever lived. Her future mission thu oi tbe Philippines and their Elmer M Anderson W HW ynkorp th a t the crimes committed ill tho south , Pl4co of birth, whether a naturalized will bo to taik others into Ixjlievi ng tiie kindred from tho United States, and . K t Body coat Herman Itryur should fcs lain to tiie-cciored race alone. ' l'hirvn or not, and a few other little same w sy." Mr Dorcli d id n ’t say bo , ; ,b#t lbere would follow for the colored O C C-iiini m F Grampton l or thia reason if no other t |lwM ( «»‘ht« opnreirniug Bjiperance and cl.ar- hut it is taken lor granted that Mrs , ‘,PP‘>r l '«n»»ies to get homes and Wm Fernbaclier Samuel Feldman lynchings should reave and the accused 8c*cr> i,,9t to make rure he is entitled to Lease will exact the usual pric ncc per possibilities of careers they could n o t'O F , Miller James Miles given an Impartial trial; for where *h« b>" riuht of Hi.flrage in this big tulk. hope for iu this country. Daniel Reynolds Win I’urington . , , , . . . ' ‘’’ “ »'ry of ours, said official to lie s per-I Frank P Taylor J If H inenon prejin.iee in»tead of reason and jnstne eon authorized to administer oath, m id 1 A m long an the president of the I 'S Win Burnham G W Waters INNOCENT MAN WAS CONVICTED. reign the while U ute has an excellent if the voter fails to present himself for and the eo q sro r oi Germany continue F Carter J. W . CAR?,1AN j chance to save hl* neck at tlio expense r#fiin<*r lie will probably not lie idluwed Jas V, Brown io east his iiiucli-prixeit ballot. Voters Io exchange illicit cordial persons! ruble- P n C P .I i i T f i H - We consider tbe following from the J “8 Doolittle of his colored brother. S F Fonts shrink! beware of tills law, should itis i grains hs liave followed th e grantine i - • . i - . . . ._ i r l i Johnson ni F Marshall h » Ledger a strong plea for life imprtson- themselves A h LONii na we Itwve not a board of onfc’rcod, amt couduet Byron Miller permission by President McKmlev for nient a guinst capital punishm ent, F F Peterson . I pardons and that power lies only ‘with I-icior,hngly & ’ W i < 5 * . * Frank Richards John blernlierg. the landing of the new German cubic “ The state board of pardons, May fltli,. . , tho governor, ought we to cunsure him j in New Yoik, the yellow journals are pardoncl H arry Hayes, who is n o w ' ' , ' ”'1 '“r 'voa,d S1 “ I - r u e e i v e B R A N IO N for acting in accordance with what hu | wasting space in lry,ng to make i t ' "ervi,‘* » “ •* Utah peni- ; ßy f believes to bu right In the rase of Olbcr- Will hang to-day unless the goveinor tentiary. In April 1?95, the bodies o f i ‘ ‘ ‘ ” t,ereahoa.s of the vohm- appear that there is even the slighte d luau? It ia iron th at Ulberinnu flow- iliterbw-is which is not likely n u n ,g to te e n ñame,!. i Albert Hayes, Alfred Neilson and inittcd mnrdur, but lUtpriAonmcul fur Ihn elrenmsunees em neete.l with tiiv probability oi a break between the two Andrew Johnson, three young u c u who crime and Rriu Lm’s conduct toward the life allows the conscience to work, >nd countries. Publications in both eoun- ' 1,.. 1 1^ ... — officials since his rapture. “ * had been avmg on a ranch at Poliuui a ® who can say that It is not very often u * ^ ;i? T Z io m Conics Forth < í? ' y »how that each has a share of 1» , Thu, is the first ease of eapitul puuish- Inca , , , , . Point, l tab, were found on the b k e great or punishm ent than hunginy, n.ei.t /er I ane county, 1 ihl itfcrcct hot*iicnu». but tbev are i » in iy ars Bhorc Investigation showed th at th e! W ith Point Forward, )>csklos it does away with the evil , fleets powerless to make serious trouble as 1 . , , , . «non “ ad been murdered and their FOH SALE. which attend a hsngiuy. What w the president and eut|Kror are on such, m i ,, ....................... F h e thorn point o f disease 0i'<6l , , bodies thrown into tho lake. H arry! need to ecu about is that iinprisunmeot cordial personal terms. .... s: T O „tore • Hayes, who lived 111 Eureka, was VOM* , is an ache or pain. B u t the - - A small gtneral merchandise fur life means just (list and no lesu. It any 11101? anti-American liteiature vieted of tiie m urder and ectcnee, d to b o ' blood is th e feeder o f the i' .ud a butcher simp iu connection with 1 ------' >•. Impure at this etlice or of .1 W ¡oes from the I 8 to the I'hilippinos, hauged. In January, 1887, tho .,1 0 8 U ,‘'j w h o le body. Purify it xotth M oxozi'» Guard prints a letter from <..11111:111, Florence, Ore. it will have to be smuggled into the is- board of pardons commuted the scntenc- ffQO J ’ L, -if * j Fat win Btoue, manager of thu <. oravlhs Palpitation oil!:,, h e a r ., m d . . . . . . . . . “ ' ” ': c : m o,’ c o o .u tm cn t has ed to life „npri-om nent, giving as a Kl<][1X i, •; 18 i I i A Eastern K R Com party dechmug to Hudyaii j lbl’"ed an onler forbidding the reason th a t it apitearod th at others once respond? sleepless new, nrelanrliolia. ad 7 No thorn in this n at. tr> A • E i^ K k i’f p i n b » allow the steaioor Eugene to laud at carrying of pamphlets issued by the were implicated in tho murders. A b o u t' Blood P o Msonk-.g iso n in g cures. All druggists, 50 cents. The su’«wn «.,d O ljO r l h a i l t i » | th eir wharves, claiming that the boat ¡ in i.M S iv n . inti im,unl'**<* k e u t t h e l rsM Shsll r to tiv r t !a ! \ _ ..1 st S in Juan Rill two w eek . I eferr. - X l r L i J r r S mails to the Philippines. There filed an application for his parJon, has-, tine II wo'lid hare («'Fonod „¡r ,f It ba.’ , , \ j curry ing freight chea|trr than they did. itig the application on evidence recently 1 *',i7"..b,'w 1 1 »"'1 b in it w w o L — ---- -rfx Hood's Hars.)>sr!IU liiat »ne*-It p-i-.. The owners of tbe Kagcns sav they, The nnvy department at \\ uehinglnn Gsosoc F. I'ooFKa, f o, G. -¿',th (j, ¡4 r.T’ iT W a i m v i obtained from the wife of one George U eiross X iiiikci K ,, r.\ irn rse \ mr •• I I’c -i-'ii o, lb • enoipi-ina-c »v v Ae. ■ TtCVlAMSeW'ji- Washington RarracSs. V astijnein.i. j \ c. ' will land at th e river ta n k s and uBrry received a dispatch iroiu Dewey saiuig » ", ‘,1. .1 ..... . i.| tua criinn-.u », H Wright, wlio notified (lie chief of Whextrtwvtftm - "MT-sir a,.-t •, frp»,d iMrchiJ Ii 1 < 1 1 • 1 h 1 1 (p the Wrr l>' |dATtitivuL the friugtit at reasonable rates. We think tlial ihe gunUsit Benuiiialon gremuWd ■s ■" •r « ? S h « «-W'lcn M a m . r«,n |o xt r tnl. police at Biiualo, N Y. th at W right was both MiBrr.-l (rum se ien - s l t a i k - i .f rhrii- FORCSALE OR EX C H A N C E . iwatlsiii. Hood's a a rss|« rtlla r ir-1 l-.ih Ith« -qhrstiuti «Hl I« raÍM( hands weak limbs and necMIBty io dis k tlw vi-ssel. No blame Hrtariwl-< «rtatiMl p.cmr». i«i,»i. rhich we V »11 fa rris t tb« Weekly m -ul |.li-iugrMi.lixr ■>» tin- tan;.- h.-,» Pk’licnn Point at tbe time the murders » half m 1,eig:,,. Alan « woM„hwI Alt law Ill« pnittts tn-Urbi iwt.l, ciedil unttsady 'g a it. Huslyatt was mtkctied to a iiy o u t as tlm shoal sown lir- p nit irx.tiv > ».»WS.-iwl .,nr ° ,<‘POT>>xn with tbe W evr for o„e vM , were cnminittsd. H it whcrc;d»>- # .. —“ ist», W itu ls . W lx Hot oil tlm , hurt, . unknown ” liinuv 1C» g'J- , vhhSKO. I 8ny ,d d ™ 8 fl>r the sum M-ISft' ‘ < inquire at this office 'ars, payable cash in ad vani*« market . J u s t O p en ed . X X i ! X iFL0RENCE MEAT Coods as Reoresented. TPVIAR í ■ practica k. SÜRSâÇôl'Æ S C ór-1 u rUPT<üfakoa S a lú ifu i\ :ffn ? n,0 Jol