rpîîEî W E S T liVKRV rHIPAV MOHNISG— -A T - —— L a s s C ounty , O regon .— 4BsoufnnrÎPvKE . • - BY • • - 5 V .I Í.W E A T H E R S O N Editor and Makes ¿he food more delicious and wholesome/ Proprietor. ___T er M r : »100 a year iu advance.----- Entered at R oyal B aking P owder ^ vl n d S THE RALPH SOLD- PERSONALS. John Morris WM !n town Wednesday. ¡D r.D arrin H as A rrived] I a F lorence. ■A CIK W C MALARIA b itter u.4i< i a.l> froui ordinary chill« J u.;«1 G *i r j * tho reault of repeated acute attack». Th«» liver and spleen are Sam ple S u its at Costw^«. nnt.c.pa > i »■« They act aa «U»*«, houses lor the n.«u«An*l ¡xusen and the blood takes It, from them. The ■ poison must he ; driven out o f th^ ‘ r > stem. H U D • I VAN will eraUl- j ca te every trace f o f It. H UDYAN . w ill destroy the i action of the pol- , gun and eventually lio a .v ilta lie n F are. drive out ths last particle of It from • (Office hours from 9 a. m . to 8 p. in. ; the system In ad ; ditlon to this. There can be no doubt nor question o f ' H U DYAN will re- : store the lost a p ­ the curative properties of electricity, - p etite It WlU tu llil up the weak- ! judging from the extraordinary cases of j ned a y s t a m I IIUDYAN w ill cure performed by I)r. Darrin, now stop- j m ake new b! x>d J and new flesh. ; I>ing at the Morris Hotel, Florence, Or., i The pains In the ; bones will dU appiar. J h c Uetuddlcd to May K lh . brain will liscom.' .tear, j •in i The great advantage of electro-magnet­ lio all th is m il m ake you well. HUDYAH has .-urid others and it will cur« you IV o I the uym plom s. Study them car«- ic treatments is that it brings relief in a describe fully. T hey are .» yours. \ o u r — Do not (le«av lo n _ g ­ U bV A N now and you will but take HUDYAN large number of cases professedly be- ■ er. be cured. F ro o f o f W o n d e r fu l C u res B e ­ i n g P e r fo r m e d b y H im . __ „Sam ple S u its a t Cost April 25th, 1899. The steamer Ralph was sold today for Line cou» >• j Geo Masterson nas seen on-ourstreets m»iluu‘tU _______________ thia week. »G10. There was a large crowd at the auction. Deputy V S Marshal S 1. L M Christensen expects to start for 10V«BTW«SO BAT«» MAPF. KNOWN ON AI- j Morse, of Portland, did the selling, and advebi p u p a t io n . Alaska soon. | a man by the name of Trombly, a can- ,O«1 notice« 8 cen t, per « » » . •»<•’> "” er,1“H neryman from Coos bay, bought her. creek Monday. 1 The sale was protested by tho owner, Florence, Or. May 5, 1899. Capt C G Wilson and wife left for j John Wall. Tho Ralph was tied np yond the reach of the ordinary remeJies ; HEIc ARE YOUJ SYMPTOMS: Eugene Friday. | twice, first, because Capt. Wall did not of the physicians, and Dr. Darrin has > I. CONSTANT HBADAC1IK AND W E S T L IN Q S . have license to run a Imat on the Ump­ W Nichols of Meadow came down on T R O l’U L t u D R A IN . The .uaiar at poi­ enforce.! a belief in the curative powers j son Is circulating In the bralii. H L 'D iA N qua; second, for violating the passenger Tuesday's boat. will drive it out. H U DYAN will • u n i y j - ^ n ^ u i u e r y started May the first, of electricity upon the people by his | Hie bloud and the brain will r e c e iv e I t , B Porsey of Violin river was seen on law. After Capt Wall paid his fine for iu a pure Mta’.e. Your headaches Will dis- : l adies’ fancy belts at A O Funke’s. the first offense, which was »100, he remarkable cures. a» near and your mind will become 1 our streets Friday. a. 2. PALHl OR Y’KLL.OVV Is»H UOAl-i hired Capt. Erickson to run the boat Rhododendrons are again in »doom. The Pr. treats all chronic diseases FL E X IO N . HUDYAN will estab lish a i W II Weatherson attended the court I free circulation of pare blood and cause , for him and it was he that violated the , Get your your boy a suit at A O house dedication at Eugene. tlio ch eek s to assum e their n»'tural cDior passenger law. The Ralph is nllowed , HUCCl 6 u 5 • M T CHS O F A PBK TITE A N D GNAW I NG IN T H E 8TOM AC H H U W AN will RFFKBaNCF» I Funke's. Mr Yates of Upper North Fork was 12 passengers. One day down at thei d e a r »ho stom ach and restore the appe­ Good Dressera iu the City and Notice the ad of the American Woolen in town the first of the week. F.x-Judge J. H. Nosier, Coquille City, I tite and the digestion of food will become life saving station, near the month of Country wear the American * r 7 'p K F .l.lN a OF W EIG H T OVER THE Mr and Mrs Elmer Johnson of Acme I river, she had an all the passengers Or., partial paralysis and a breaking i Mills- LIV ER . 9 01» 1« <1u« to lb« in lurgrinsiit Screen Poors with Ppr»>'E Hinge“ were trading in Florence Monday. Woolen Mills Company’s made that the law allowed her, Gut still there down of the system, restored five years I • f th« liv e r ? It Is tilled with lb « polaoo of m alaria. H t’DYAN will drive out ibti ILOO at F L Chambers, Eugene. Miss Etta Saunders came down from wete two women (sisters of charity) who poison and caurc the organ to assum e Its to measure Suits at SC to S15 ago. For Pi«“« Cutting and Fitting call at Point Terrace to help Mrs Sutton. were very anxious to cross the river so I " ‘ ' “ h e a v i n e s s in t h e r e g io n o f H-rry II. Baldwin, Bandon, Or., dys- j and Pants at S2 to SC. Sent u . TH E R r i.F E N . The spleen becom es the Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace C B Morgan came up from the life Capt Erickson took them across tin- I ' , greatly cn laiged . H U D Y A N , by its dl- that is how pepsin and neuralgia of the itomach five Hay i rent action on the m w lsiial poison, will anywhere in the U. 8., to bo Now is the time to r « » J ^ 7 ™ saving station on Barrell’s stage Tues I k,10Wn t0 l,i“ employer, snd l lessen the congeMlon and cause the h ea v ­ I Capt Wall and the steamer Ralph | years, cured. iness to disappear. Carrier outfit. F 1- Chambers has day. paid for after examinntion. . . , , I Truman Butler, The Dalles, Or.,citron , ! You arc su ffcrirg front Chronic M aier h o • i o i violated the law. nnd vou can be c c vcd. Tho relict 1 r hc*u Mr and Mrs Severy visited over Sun­ * * thein. l'"t rn v ou " li la III OYAN. l i m Y A N After Erickson had done this, violated ic rnetiiniiHBUi rheumatism uuu and t contracted joints and . your relieve The San Francisco Examiner and the day with their daughter, Mrs Chas every - aym ptom »na ed 1 ' ,e u m .a v .v u j------reHeve every vonr sym ptom the law himself, he went nnd d o i inform informed i i i o r iiK M i . . . . a j I «> au V i > v n i t w r il When you h have ave u nerd well. W est for one year »2.50 paid in ad­ Harwood. hxlpli had ' impoverished blood, all of years stand- h u d y a n tell your friends I the authorities that the R-i ned >y so doing ' ing, given up by all treatments until Dr. I Yrusirliit« for" w e per - pnekege. P E Jackson was in town Saturday ■ on pj passengerg and by ■ - . .or | vance. Fix pa. kaKci for K W. If your <1ru«l»l making final proof on his homestead at j ba(1 vlojate<| the passenger law and con- Full etock of new designs in wall docs not k* ”P It. send direct to the H UD- ( Darrin cured. YAN REM EDY COMPANY. Sun Fran da- , sequently she was tied up the second paper. Prices low. F L Chambers, Mapleton. co or I.os A uko I or . V.B,,TT.v'r?3*nnCTOR8 M Noflfslnger and family moved to | ti|ne o apt Wall not seeing fit to pay GENERAL NEWS. vou car corsuTt the H l’DYAN DOCTORS Eugene. FREE Coll nnd »oe the dorlota. You | the Rogers plnce on North Fork a few I tll(J fine tbat Gnpt Erickson had im- m ay call and nee them or w rite, a s you 1 Rale, emaciated, thin, weak men and desire. Address A terrible cyclone passed through ; posed on the Ralph, by neglecting his women, lludyan cures. All druggists, days ago. northern Missouri killing about one Mr J A Levage's family came in from j duty as master, she was sold, HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, 60 cents. spend a , The reason that Erickson informed : hundred pernons and injuring about ten Hood’s pills are non-irritating nnd their farm on Mercer lake to No. S tfl Sou th B ro a d w a y , ! on the Ralph was that the informant I times that many. More than 403 build- the only pill» t° Uku witb Hqod’8 few days in Florence. Los A n g eles. Cal. i receives half of the fine. Capt Erickson ings were blown down at Kirkville. Miss Ella Safley went up the North Farsaparilla. 1 is a man who very iicldom has any On April 27tli the bodies of 350 U S C»r. Stackton. Market n n i eitle Sts., Fork Wednesday for a weeh’s visit with Mrs. J J Emmons bought a “ Pacific ban Pr-ne'eco. Cjl. _______ ; money, and when lie d ! Sweet communion with thine Frank Sweet’s mother is very ill. Yesterday was Mrs E A Morgan’s 03 few days with his family. j g rjc|jSOp neglected his duty as master Amos Haring was in Acme Saturday. ' For we feel that tbou art near birthday and she still has living that Misses Bessie and Emma Brynd came i tbe Ralph while running her, and And wherever we may lie most precious of frieuds—a mother. Miss Earnest Whitmore visited J. D. FRENCH, down from Point Terrace Saturday for H : tbon again as watchman, after she was i That God’s spirit of love Mrs Sarah Smith received the sad short visit with friends here. Keeps a watch over thee. tjeJ up The gCDtiment of tho Gardiner friends in Acme Saturday. Agent news this week of the death of her only 1’ hom A FniE M I. Arthur Johnson of North Foil: was t I, C Ackerly has been suffering from atmngly against ids receiving child, Charles Sinclair, at Winters, " I an inflamed eye and CRtne from Minerva any compensation whatever for hia ser­ seen on our streets Monday. CO NTEST NOTICE- California. i Tueej ay t0 consult Pr Darrin. vices as watchman. A man who will­ School is progressing nicely under Department nt the Interior, Vnited Htates Land Anyone desiring to purchase a new Q w nurd returlietf home Tuesday fully neglects his duties, and his em ­ the management of Miss Eavens. Office, Rttwbiirg, Orvson, April 25, lsilS. hundreds of sewing machine may find it to his after an ab6Cnce of two weeks at Port- ployer thereby loses Mr Frank Alexander nnd family spent A aufficieut contort affidavit having been filed doliars, ought to be made to suffer for terest to call at the W est office and IallJ( AgtOria and other points, Sunday visiting with E P Waite on the iu this office by L. V. gllu«l«y, contestant, it just the same as though he ha J stolen farm. against the Homestead Entry So. ",01«, made ascertain wliet we offer in that line. John Lawson and daughter came up March 17, I*!>2, lor tha w S • vAó ne' . BWl«' 8eP' The next quarterly teacher’s esam i- from the Life Saving Station, Tuesday I it directly. Robert Vanderburg and family have tionl7: the n»!< nwti. sactl’”1 I». l P •o ,ll*h DIED- nation will commence May 10th. After , , 0 consult Dr. P a n in . They remained I moved to the Offield place. Mr Vand- range 11 w, by Marion D. lamdla. contest«:, in which it Is nliegisl that be is well aeqwnlnted erburg is logaing. this examinations will be held semi- several days. with tbe tract Included in this homestead entry April 29th, nt the residence of his annually. ! Mrs Albert Karnowsky returned last and knows the present condition of same; that father in Glonada, William Christopher $1O O R E W A R D $1OO. tho said Laudi» has wholly abandoned snld None who aro engaged in any of the mechanical Racine Buggies and Hacks h»ve a | Friday from a y k it to het^parents Johnson, aged 27 years and 14 days. tract, and changed hia residence thcrel.oin fir North Fork, She was accompanied by twelve years reputation in this country. pursuitii can succeed without reading and , , more than six months ainer making aald entry; ’ The deceased is a son of L R Johnson The renders of this paper w ill ll<' j 1)in, (|1PS, , , j tr(lcti» n o l« is tie d o p o n a n d c iilil- Another full car load just received direct Miss Angie Abbot. from ' and wife and was born in Ontario, Nor­ studying this standard Magazine of Sciences plcased to leurn that there is at least I vu,ca M requ|red by law, said parties are here- Frank Knowles came down from the factcry. F L Chambers Eugene. folk On., Canada, H e went with his one dreaded disease that science lia s by noilfled to ip iw it, respond aud offer evi- Mapleton Monday morning to get Ninety per cent, of the people have ; Mapieton m uu u « / " ... ' parent9 to Kansas, then to Michigan been able to cu re in all its stages, and I dei.oe touching »aid allegation at to o'clock - and mechanical Arts. It,is illustrated with some kind of humor in the blood, and doctor for Grace Fisk who q ; and about eight years ago he came to in. on June 13, UD9, bciora ( . H. Holden, United and that is Catarrh. H all’s Catarrh all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions iu all Htntes CominBkioner, at FJowicr, Oregon, und this causes many diseaees. Hood's Sar- (jRpt Steear s place. », le i tlie Siuslaw and purchased some prop- saparilla cures these diseases by expell-1 Mre Geo Buea nnd son from M8P'e ! nrty i(1 GlenaJa and in time was joined Cure is tlie only |«>sitive cure known to |hBl film, h,,Rlill|t wln he held at 10 o’clock a. ra the branches of mechanism, and its fund of tlie medical fraternity. Catarrh being a ! j Un.lK. 1**. before the Kepi, tor and Receiv- ing the humor. . creek were in town Wedne« ay- J* parentrt anfj four brother«, Lucl- constitutional disease, requires a consti- ' < J toe United Siete» Laud ufflee iu Roseburg- ■ knowledge is inseparably connected with in ­ Those who did not have their potatoes Buss is one oi the men who were carrie £ G ArU nr ftntl R(jy Ho marrie m 1 tutional treatment. Ila h ’a Catarrh / ^ b e wid contort«»»! having. t„ « proper affida-j housed last winter had a good many ^off by the gold fever this spring. , , MiB8 Lily Beaver, of Sloan, Iowa, in Cure is taken internally, acting directly „ fllPoat. A rnsh of profession- j G|enflda tbey 111Oved to low 1 > » directed that such ffidlce be given h> due aud 1 «I business at Hale detained fcim a t Hnmraer be „ , 0 ^ to Portland ,O r. with M,e cents per bushel. king in a ' foundation of the duease, and B'*'."« prol,„ XjUl,h,.ltil>1, lialf car of wevu longer than be expected to remsiu j hig wj(e flr(1 yonn(< B0:j( working in ,t. T. BHIDUES Regirter. 4,000 pieces of Tinware, failed, tlie patient strongtli by building up tlie | nails an U* n c8me “ titl tbe I ing its work. Tlie proprietors h a v es« ' hardware which was bought before ti.e down froln tbeir ho.ne on Sweet tree weeks »g0 where 1.» « . ( ‘ ■ u ith -n jts cl)riUve powers, ---------- that - I ' * * Look out for th© $ Agent May 6th at £ M O R R IS H O T E L * Florence. The first five su its ordered ® ® W ILL GO AT COST ® to advertise the C om pany. Scientific American- NOTICE they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list all liLes at away down prices, ¡'ec ■ goon as ! his stay here, but it was not to be and before you buy. F I. Chambers, Eugene. well , be neRt day. testimonials. We urge our subscribers who are in j Guard: Benj. Laster and »¡fo, o f ! he passed peacefully away to join bis Address, F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. i ii .1 n p nr. here viaitingG W , Maker last Saturday at 10p ui. Sold by druggists 75c. arrears for tlie W est to send ns all or , Vancouver, B C, « « ,r js en : nia rebltivcs have the sympathy of a H all’s Family Pills are tlie best. part of the am ountof your subscription . (k co tt and family. . I nulIlber irieuda iu Ibis their hour The price of a yeai ’. subscription is a | foute Doug|M county to Uke charge , ly g e «ww i of trouble. small amount but it is by putting those of tb0 lale SenatorR e e d s ^ u te - OFFICIAL ITINERARY. FOR PUBLICATION. I Land Office, Kofc huir, (»regen j Ayiit J » . f-W. THE EnSMDPnUTAlU Nolic* 1, hereby given th-il *Iie Inllnwins- ] , named «.-tiler hat til'-l noli»-* >1 IH» >'>'» ml'-P to make final proof inmpix-rt oi hl claim, end ! timi Mid proof will I* made Det'-ri « H. Il-d- I dm ». Commissioni r u* lak e rrcclm-i, Douglas Co., Oregon, tut Jutiu 3, iS » viz Stephen J Bliniin, on If. L. No. 71>l’>, (or 'In- ne», TLi» monthly magazine ia one ot ike wety best printed in thia country, find ir sold, to all subacriberB nt rates within th e I « • ' »'j lieti, nw'« ‘•f’ 1 1 * 4- r 11 u small amount, together that we manage (M pR0VED TRAIN SERVICE. m )Uwr of Frank Sweet ¡ I He name« the following wlttsivi-« to prove Mrs L M N Stevens, national presi­ h i, roiittnuoua sealdm ct upon and e attiratimi ability ot all to pay. It is finely Ulna to pay our bills. -------- J Rt the residence of her .o n in A cm . . Harry Klein was taken to Salem to­ Effective Feb. 12th, the Nortl,ern UedBeeday afternoon, May 3rd, 18W dent of the Woman’s Christian Tompor- of »«id land, viz: (rated and present-.» the names of fainou» E. It. Miller. A. A. Miner. W. T. Ceri «od '< A an ceU n ion , and Miss Anna Gordon, day by Sheriff Withers for commitment Pacific will inaugurate doable train ae - ag#d about »y year«. (Hover, all of Lake ITwInct. Or.-s - i the insane. -------- veral j vice president, to be in Eugene, Satur- and all points (eeb)c (or gc authors as contributor«. T hk W sst . in tlie Oregon hospital for J. T. Iti 16‘ir.«. county jail ! vice between Portland erc held day and Sunday, May 27, ami 28. ltegiiter. east. Trains will leave Portland at II :30 The flllH)ra, gen-ir« Klein was doing time in the and tho Coamopo’Han are sold at r e ­ Mra L M N Steven», national presi­ awaiting tlie grand jury on tlie charge a in, and U p m daily. These trains ' n ,ay ahero«on and the remains of stealing three coatR from tlie store o will botli be .‘¡ret cla»» and fully eq'upf 1 ]abj | 0 rest in tho Masonic cemetery at dent ol the W O T U and Miss Anna NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION duced rates at this r.' .e. Gordon, vice president, who left Chi­ steam, F E Puun. respect, heated by in every cago cm Friday, April 14 on their Pullman and Acme. The W est has for sale one years' SUNDAY 8ERVICES. vretihuled, standard I «Il J Llffii-e B» Kne-bure, Oregon. western trip, will lie iu Eugene on the tuition in tlie Holmes Business College . IC H IV 3 « » W -WOO«—W - I . - gle^perB> dining cars and colonist ■ Marcii 29, IS"9. | - i t . i n « Breaching above dates, at which tim e tiiuy will through sleeping j __ Km lesi« hereby given th«t the full,.winK-nsur-A | of Portland This is one of the leading having , sleeping cars with ¿ ’ l'a in " k » '1 7 U |> m Endeavor 3:30 ¡hold a W C T U conference, with a View nialne (.„cnUun m mnk.: , , : cars to Missouri River points via Bill- business colleges on tlie coast, at 11 a m , •„ Glca.'da at 2 p in. to promol ing the highest possible in- j fljB, pTrl), ,ftppnr, Of hl« .l»lm , eu, via: John I. Bcer» tm H. *• No K U for tbiz tuition on easy term s. ... - any . other tr..nsco tlieBW’^N E Jí. S»j KW 5<. « c . <: • » ’-« NR<- Mark Hartley writes :s fro™ PaUfr line. The. only *ine t0 f k tB , G KyoTTM, paetor. Eugene is very fortunate iu being «••e. t: Tp. ta s., f. to Wss4 Valley, Cal saying: ’ We are ‘ < Hump Urritory. See that your th » - sc-rxices. I Ho ¡» n e » the lollowin« w l ' n r « « «o pr-vc ________________ »«drctitl as owe of (he three. moderately well here with goat»»"’ 10r' re#,l via tlie Nort ’crn U1(,jr- •’We do not take povue»Blon of our ideas btrt w e poseus- i » ? then» CARD OF THANKS- j | rs Stevens ami M*» Gordon aro not hl« «uiilnnouarr-.titffli-e i'l»»n »uJ culttvattor. kejs but could do better with "’ore - infg east or south. For fu of, FR id l«n«l, v iz — - on]« exis-rienced t\ 4’ T L workers in T h ey maater us and force ue into the arerut, Lnlhi-r g. Htllffilev Wllilrtn M KlrtiT mi-l means to go on. Wo like the country roation cau on addicts. We desire to tender our thanks t> Al„crics, but in England and Canada ns Pl.-B«»nl L. Tucker of Hermann, O te, «uJ R Ml Mt KtHV, Where like gladiator», n a s i light Lr the»." tine hut would not advir»-- any one „ai.v fr:e.-..ls ulm so kindly assisted „ e| b Both are able and iHatcsinnn- Spencer D L|o»S <» A s f ii« , Oregon. the m General Agent Eugene, Or. 1 T Parix.r», I me on tlie (jiuslaw to quit 9 f°r | Such is the exalted motto o i the Arena, and the II iil A of our sot».1 like women an ig. I'l All druggist» refund m«ney if it fails to Mitch el Wagon the Amuricen trstnrmn at Yar.Ha. hi the m .u r tor offices since tho A unt J an * Home . , . gent 1-ampi with AguinsUo, 0,1 the ffiy-« th** each tablet. _______________ wifi, font The final p »l*r h.uhletrees nattiertfce feHof Msni!« Bommantotarenja ptacad on tlie iu»;kct. Every ,n'*n or Ti; m ^ fiaiisfort'l U - , _____________ ______ ' spring seat, nsck-yoae «ml l^( vVtomt yonr Iicullh. I)o not R|| ¡R ge -J«d H Lewis CuilJing, ru rtlacd , Oreg"«>- T WELL. I motto. The Arena’s gallery of ’eminent thinkers in a gronp ot interesting men au»l w-nacn, and their thoughts are worthy the cenaideratioa ol ad poople. »old w ith T a r W w . The Aron*