THE w est ; - A|iin T DEFEAT. T THE DEDICATION. —PI PI ISHtn k'VKKY FBI PA Y VOHKIKO.— : —AT- • F i . okkxc «, L as « C û u s t t , ■ t • i - •» • p . . • ' ' - - - pv - - - O regon * *. W.1,1. W EATITERSON * . Filipinos Sec Their Cause <>f the New Court House at Eugene. Is Lost. a . / General Oth Dictate* Term» of Surrend- er to the Defeated Rebels. Monday, May 1, 1899. • ‘ J J off-red a motion that for « and if will aim to j the county court be requested to place t,e ° i euc' 1 « nHtl rc , '1Mt Parties c ,n io the building a memorial window t o ' ‘" n e d can, without loss of dignity the early pioneers. Tliis was passed . C(,nsent ,0 lir0I’ ’I«* W- O‘L controversy, unanimously. Similar motions for a which many think to I ,av< already window in memory of Eugene Skinner ’ productive of more harm than good. It also one in honor of Charnell Mulligan will soon be known which of these pre i ' dictions is the correct one, ns the) were passed. I, T Harris the last speaker gave some understanding is that the report will le> | very interesting data in connection i mado public as soon as submit!« d. Interesting Addre»»es, Soma Ramini*- with the early county and circuit courts. Senator Stewart of Nevada, whose Three volunteer Americans, I.ieulcti cence» of the Pioneer* of long service in the senate has made He dwelt on the pride of citixenahip, ant-Oolonel Wallace, of the Montana Lane County. pride in the pioneers and pride in our 1 him an authority upon the rules amt regiment, and Brigade surgeons Adiints Florence, Ore. May 5, 1S99. ! and Shields,, who were held by insur­ standing as a county aud our county regulations ot that body, was asked Last Monday was ttio day aet for form- institutions. • what action he thought the senate gents at Santa Tolas, eight mites beyond . , ally dedicating the new court house at AN I. O . O- F- LODGE INST IT U T E D would take if Mr Quay presented his T iie n r t t .D t x o . J , Galumph, as hostages for the sate Eugene. The building was completed appointment to the senate, made by tiie The building is about 103 feet square ; return Of the peace envoys, have hoen Last Saturday nbout ten of the mem- General I.unn’s he!ltI. i by the contractors a 'l« P ' i o ««d , an(1 U o íto r ia itl lligl)t , l(Mt. governor of Pennsylvania, following his bfits of HecetH Lodge, No 111, I C O h released from accepted by the county court. nient and tower. Tiie walls are eo n -, acquittal on a charge of criminal con­ quarters, mid have returned to Manila. went to Seaton for the purpose of help­ The court records have all been moved structed of pressed brick with cut stone spiracy by a Philadelphia jury, and lie They say th a t the rebel army is denior- ing to institute a lodge nt that place. from the old building and from the trimmings and stands on a stone found­ said : “ For the hist century the senate About S n clock D D U M Kyle called I atl<, disintegrated, and th at few . . have . . been made , to resist i rooms nbout town that were temporari- ation. lias been reversing itself on tliat ques­ th© members to order, in Neely's h a ll,' preparstions for the purpose of commencing the , . . . , . . . ,i _ ly used for offices, to the commodious Tiie basement was constructed in the tion, but tiie last four cases have been ’ institution ceicmony of Maple Lodge, the Americans, l.una and the o th er, ’ leaders me discouraged, and admit, that !‘l i t e r s in the now building. fall of 189“ by I, N Roney and the con­ decided against the appointee, and if No 130. The ceremony being completed Though the weather was threatening tract for the main building was awarded tiiis precedent is maintained, Mr Quay the following offieers were nominateli, they are beaten. Luna cannot say elected and installed: W in Brynd, N G ; i enough for the prowess of Funston and and several showers fell during tiie day I to the same gentleman in tiie spring of will not be sealed. But I do not he- • ieo B Camp, V Ci ; I hil ‘NicoHe, Sec; | tiie other Americans in mossing the there was a large number of people from 1898. The work has just been finished lieve the senate will be called on to ■ E C Bean. l'reas; T J Neely, W ; F C thè surrounding country who attended and the building was accepted by the decide tliis matter, as it is my opinion J’eil, Con; J YV JaekaAn.'E S N G , and 1 Rio Grande. It ¡3 clear tliat tiie most the dedicatory exercises. All tiie fore­ tliat the Pennsylvania legislature will county court but a few days ago. j brilliant coup’d ’force was the thing J N Wisdohi,' R S Y G. noon there was a constant stream of vis- Tiie furnace and other apparatus for he called in extra session before the j Three candidates were than introduc-I which brought the rebels up short. ed and instructed in the mysteries of the The refusal of Otis and Dewey to tors at tiie court house to see tiie various heating the bailding are in the base­ next meeting of congress, and that Mr j • initiatory degree.' SupfteC, which was ! accept anything short of unconditional , offices aud rooms in tiie building. Tiie ment. The offices of the clerk, slierill', Quay will lie regularly elected." Mr] prepared at th e Seaton hotel; w a s t i i e n , , , . ... i couli tv - officials were all on their , good asaessor, treasurer, county judge and Stewart, who is Mr Quay’s political i announced, and Mrs Neely deserves surrender is commended in Manila by | behavior tliat day ( if indeed they are county court rooms are on the first opponent, said of the result of his tria h i . great praise for the rplendid repast that the best element, and by all foreigners. The following dispatch received April i ever di(r‘;rent > and * ith the “id oi floor. The second contains the offices o t ' “I regard the verdict ot the jury in | was furnished on that occasion. After several assistants, showed the people tiie school snperintandent and surveyor, Senator Quay’s trial as a just one, and «pending an hour in social enjoyment 29 from General Otis : and eacl‘ ex!>,lline<' , circuit court room and several jury [ the only one that could have been lodge was called to order by N G Brynd | “ Manila, April 29.—The conference ! ’I,rolll!l1 l' ,e a id four more eandidates wero initiated i thfc'Arruiignient of his quarters and the rooms. The handsome clock, which , honestly rendered on the evidence sub- with insurgent representatives term i­ into the mysteries of Odd Fellowship. tells the hour of the day, to the pepole raitted. Senator Q lay is infinitely nated tliis morning. Their request was convenience of the furnishing. " Three Crst degrees were then con- Many h I ho visited the enclosure in the of Eugene, is placed in the tower. ; better than his opponents.” fcred and liy tliat time it was six a m. for a cessation of hostilities for three Lodge then closed and tiie members weeks to enable them to call their con­ jail yard and inspected tho gallows late­ The entire cost of the building includ­ The fact that tho contest for the retired once more to the dining rusiu gress to decide whether to continue tiie ly constructed there, Sheriff Withers ing basement, clock and furniture is a speakership of the house, a position where breakfast was waiting for fliCin, showing them how it is worked. little less than $75,000. I t is said to tie second onlv to the presidency in im­ th e refresh meats hying Over witli the prosecution of the war or prepare terms About 2 p. ni. the band played several the best court house in the state. portance, and made by Mr Reed second Flore:«cites boarded tiie steamer Mink of peace. The proposition was declined l ;r Florence and a short time after j nnJ iu|| „ „ „ e sty promised on surrender. Holoc,io,,B in 11,0 ° ’’en air be,ore en,ering in power over legislation to none, which ! How to Fiuti Out. arriving at their destination, they wore -g |^ |i„ ved ,]10 insurgents are tired of i the building and taking their places in has been precipitated by the announce- ! wrapped in oblivion, in which state the ment that Mr Reed hns become a , I war, but seek to securd terms of peace the court room which was already filled FOR A SHORT TIME most of them remained all day. ' tvhal denominate their representa-1 to overflowing. Standing room was at a | Fill a bottle or common glass with member of a New York law firm and The members of Hecota Lodge, No 111 premium and many were unable to gain your wnter and let it stand twenty-four would retire from public life, promises are a unit in wishing tfleir brethren tive congress. % FOR CASH ONLY. admission. hours: a sediment or settling indicates! to be between the east and the west is “ O tis " •of Maple Lodge, No 189, n long and After another selection by the hand ! an unhealthy coudition of I,ho kidneys; prosperous career. War departm ent officials are gratified not surprising. Of the thirty-two; the opening address was delivered by j jf ¡t stains your linen it is evidence of speakers of the house, only four—Keifer witli the tone of Hie reply of Otis to the TEA C H ER 'S E X A M IN A T IO N — - ’ j ' Filipino delegation. It is considered as Prof. Condon, president of tiie examination i od next Tuesday, } B ‘ _ I there is no certainty about the section ing the night. The mild and exu aordi-1 ty. Mr Sweet apologized to the court u n d er tlm old law. that the next speaker wilj conic from. H E R M A N N IT E M S . next day nnd the fine was remitted. nary effect of Swamp-Root is soon , It is believed in Washington tliat tiie i Dated fills :’9th day of .» pril, 1899. | W Jf M i i i f . r , This was followed by another song by realized. It stands tiie highest for its I candidate who gets the support of the By C {¡opt. Lime Co. ; wonderful cures of the most distressing I tiie choir. administration will get the speakership, A J Zumwalt of Irving then spoke of | cases. If you need a medicine you j regardless of «vtiat state lie comes from. 1 NOTICE. | May 2nd, 1899. tiie meeting of Delazon Smith and E D should have tiie best. Sold by alt drug- But it is a natural failing for those in ; Born nt Herm ann, Oregon on April 1 a m d i r e c t e d to collect all unpaid 26th, 1809 to tiie wife of W.n Kirby a ! n “ker ®ccureJ nl K,‘«cne in 18U° gists in fifty cent and one dollar alios. Washington to always exaggerate ofli- ! Pòli Tax nurording to section 2820 Hall’s You tnny have a sample bottle of this and asked nil present who attended on girl. All doing well. cial power and to assume that the admi­ < ‘orsotial property ont of which of get them cashed. its original size and tiie south part Sciatica, de»pondency, 'orf>'n<‘,or ' uhling him to choose a man fur the I ninke the same, shall demand such tax Some of our people are beginning to for a pa rk ataxia, paralysis. Hudyan cures A ll, administration candidate who can wit), from any person who may he indebted boast how high their garden is; well druggists, 50 cents. If C Yeateli gave some reniiniscenreu < i and the chances are decidedly in favor ■to aneti tax payer and shall collect the „uis is nearly all up stairs yet ; tint you of pioneer day». Thu audience then ; of his doing that very tiling. Represen­ SSUIC will hear from us when peas and beans D. I’. RraTox, joined in Hinging America. are largo enottgii to use. tative Payne of New York, who was WASHINGTON LETTER. Co., assessor. Ben Jeans was down tiie other day to i Prof. F S Dutiit a native of the county chairman of the ways and means com­ ADDITIONAL LOCAL get me prophesy on the west her, hut ’ culled i'tteulion to the «lifferetico be- mittee of tiie last house, nnd floor F kom o ra rkoclah CoRitESPoxnMNT over a week ago I prophesied fair I leader of the majority, spent Sunday in tween the conditions surrounding the weather nnd it has rained every day j \ copy of “ Freedom" a Manila paper Washington, am* took occasion to pub since; so I am going out of (lie business people now aud the pioneers. Music by of Man ti "Sn« was receive 1 at this office Wash. April 21th, 1899 licTy announce his candidacy for the the bund concluded tliu afternoon Some of o ur old Oregonians say the ; .yesterday. Secretary Long is very anxious to ! speakership He is the first in th e ! , . , , __ , cold rains have hurt the fruit blossoms. program. Suiue correspondence from l.recnleaf • •. » , j . w . CARMAN learn something definite of the fate of ; lield> but there ¡, „„ d -,11£er of ||ig - i. i . . / . ..i.i - . . .. ... Now look out for n large Held of fruit. PROPRI F T n n I.X THE K VBSIXO . | was received to late for puhlcalijn in 1 Lieut. Gilmore and the boat's crew ot ! com ing lonesome. Sunday was a lively dap among the shia i*sne. People to assumbte in the court ! tourteen , . . .. , . , i * began “ men from the Yorktown, wlio voting ladies of Hermann, everybody Mrs. Bean is getting lumber to build room quite early and when the hour are supposed to have either been killed i Friends of Vice President Hobs»t, I called on everyhiwlv else. n large ham at Mapleton. John 1 But­ arrived for the evening exercises to be­ or captured by the Filipinos last week, ' whose health continues Uhl, deny the terfield will superintend th e work, report that he had decided not to be gin the room was crondeil. A L P H A CLIPPINGS- and he has cabled Admiral Dewey fori Tho separator for tho skimming sta ­ , a eanqidate ,'or rgnomination. They tion on Maplocreek ¡«expected in a lew The hand played a iiumlMir ol piece» a|| the information he has; alao for in -' 11« E V K X C lIA M iK . say that lie has not decided either to be «lays. D will be liritlcd in will« team* while the people were assembling and furtul,iion as to what ste(>s have been or not to be a candidate. from Eugene. also at intervals during the evening. taken to ascertain tiie fate of the men, May 1st, 1890. Sevrral pteees of new road have been F, P Coleman delivered the first ad- ,>r to secure their release if they an> April lias made a record for bad, opened lislweeu Glunuda and Walton on dress of Ihe evening, lie s|»ike o, what prisoners in the hands of the F ilip in o « .'// «lie stag» route to Etigons in tiie past nasty, cold weather. llald mountain was covered with snow strong characters the pioneers uere and Kei-ent news from the Philippines has tew weeks. • Invitations to attend tlic execution of si-verat times last week. thought the present inhabituuts ate t,,eti considered in official circle« to la? We hear tlmtc ate several elk ranging inferior to them. ( laud P.ranton at E«ig«ne n»xt Fiklav dc« rledly favorable, and to indb-ate were is»u«>l from the slienff'» wtfiuothis on the head waters of the left fork of E K Skipworth relcrrml to the eiii lion that tiie backbone of the revolt is h ro k -' You ¿¡'C master o f your week. A number of the black txinlered 1‘eadw oi»l. of the court house as an aKwdtile net «' • en, notwithstanding senuntional pabli- health, drtj i f you do' not tiards ware aeul to eitiiens of till* part of Rev. 1 G Knotts of of Florence to duty, the bldtne is .the county«. . . • • i preached nt Alpha Sunday, owing to •ity from a business standpoint. It is a cations to tiie contrary both in Europe ! With tin« issue the W est start* on it» bad weather people living at ut distance pleasure he said to note the desire of and in tins country. Officials charged edsily located. I f your blood tenth year; hope to eeenro Several eould not attend, all the people to erect a new and tu«Mlerti that to an organize«! effort to create a is out o f order, Hood's Sar­ Mr Ed Haight was down tiie creek building. sentim ent against our retaining the tnore correepohdents during the coining Sunday. He savs lie came after the saparilla w ill purify it. S I, Moorhead was the next speaker. Philippines, is responsible for most of year nnd in other ways mako the Wear V S mail. E«l is one of the few baelie- It is the specific remedy for troubles more interesting witli each succeeding |l>rw |,.[t on Deadwood. There are new He is included in the list of those wtio these stories. of the bhmd, kidneys, bowels or liver. K idneys - "M y tatneys trctit.|.nj me, have veine to Oregon in the last fow attractions down here. volume. Everything has an end. The beef and ini advice took Hood s Saisanarllls years. He «■ongratulated the people on ■low ti which «.-aw prompt relist, totter appetite. Miss Olga Swanson who came «HVtiCJTiHix »w alK ii. A v e * '» u n i r inquiry it over, and the conrt is now . n r i u n i «.«unJToav \ ¡i,r - T he Sl'iry of the l'lilllpplne« t>) Murat to attend church w hile going hom e was ||, e M|i,l and »nbctnntial appearance of work¡ng upon its report, wliiubie looked ! mL.*IC ’fiicHr¿rSÜsi«, u?* * ’ _ ' . . ax.. •«... 1 1.» ...a-«, ■ •» ..,. I ». «««Ulead. v. m u ib slo « i« t t.v tic G o v ern m en t »• .. — ----------- S tre e t, . «»cial Misturimi tu «he W «r P sp srtin sn t. I lie thrown from her horse into Disadwuod tiie buildgìng, . Pittshure. Pa. ,.u,i, tee- wrltn-n lit arnie «»«ups nl »nti im u for this week. Some very radical pre­ S cro fu lo u s H um or T was tn terrtbts . ^ 7 . .. 1 the I ’ncitt«.' With Generili M. r im . II« h a v in g to w»de ont and come d«aek to 8 M Y oran spoke of the progress .«tam m ptlain nt lluiinlulu. in llonx Let,«, in Mr Potterl's ami get dry rbdlies. dictions are being made as to the nature condii« 4« from the it, hin« und burniti« of th e viuertcnn trench«-» a t Manila. Ill ttie l'j»vn scrofulous hunter. Grew worse under mankind and the eommonwcalth tin dccknf tin of the report, such as tliat it will white­ treatu-snt of several d-x-torj. Took Hood's cen t camp* i with A guinaldo.on the Deadwooditèn »re j ist rolling in roar oí of th«' ulTBinta WMA in-wcr. and tn In thè ronr i TO OUR PATRONS- fiarsapsrltla and llood'j PIÙ* Th- se cured * -----nl*. tüfiVnttU» fall «f Muniiu. w«*»nnm for W" wash the war departm ent o f f ic i a ls and me thoroughly.'' J. .1 L im i, lultou a «alili. M rJo« Fm geson uf Monroe Oregon and of Lane county being N Y, ’tri’uinl »»rtvlual piuturiM wUn by A house and lot in .¿ .“ T.butvgrnTht-r e» <*• »J»". lÌ ',lì,' . ^ u Inxiiiht. wliils ' here, ”' rv' about 50 fiend of study worthy of recognition ceitiure Gen. Miles nnd other otfieers Glenada. The i,,» |.r ..c But proti’« bZÎÏi! rattle leaving quite an aim« him of casti, " e have made arrangement« 6.’ Robert Clow o( Junction made a few wlm (ouml fault with tiie heei, but con- boose is 16 by 24 («d ilt. - i. I n III a lt f n - i i y «m o lti- is t »«r iK n-i,» 1 . and one story and ««oui fun' addrc.s, y Pmh'r. »«c’y., «ter The people of Deadwood lia ve limi iti , remarks concerning present institutions ^ r v ^ . r e men Iwl.cve that the report which we will furnish the Yie«k!* » half in height kt»,.- . In /U b tiica B id e ■ t hieng«» n om L Al' (‘ a8<*xi d w .^lshcl O1T. lime past rather a hard time of it, hifi woodshed and western hbereiity and ¡«lea» of gonian with ti,e W e m for r oe v««i be a different sort ot docum ent; _ n .--t« in>».-«u» on premise,. For forti«, 1 Iludysn is now »old at 50 cents per are getting m l-rltci v>««hii»ii to take progrese ootv r a th a r V v to l * ' : t inquire at tl.iscffice. to any address for the eeni of two dol » *• «»*=« «'«*■ >■« «£• t that it will deal very lightly with cen-, —9 life in the future. package by all druggist». Get Hudyan. i -ars, payable cash iu advance. ' 1 . ‘ E d ito r j anil P ro p rie to r. TO REDOCH STOCK REGARDLESS OF COST. See our special counter. O .W .H U R D C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Coods, ★ Croceries ★ and * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. Goods as Reoresented. i No Eye Like the Master's Eye," We T