A Running Fight. " SLICK P E T E ’S W ATCH DEAL, v ------ — »ought I I i . hi Tboaa a t • » . « • C a a ii a u d H alil to 4 w t « d l * e , F o r a t o A g ta r a . T H E COLONEL’S STORY. M o w J tu i A d k li*» tSw at to W a r , O o t B a r l. it a a d W a . M ra a rro o ta d . An old tiin« detwetivn tiia other day "Talking about war times, " said the was discuaslug with (nine alantiu new old oolouel, "did any of you ever hear JB the profession the method« of up to the at.rv of Jim Adkins?" lata swindler». After deprecating the J " N o .” u ig ia a lity of the imxleru crook be told " W ell. I'm surprised. Everybody in I if what he considered the aharpost game the settlem ent knew it. Jim was a uo ue ever saw worked. ! 'oount sort of a follow, and the old ronu ‘‘1 auppoeu you fellow s know ," bo was anxious to get rid of him, so when mid, "thut during Centeuulal yoar Phil- the war broke out and they were look •dolpliiu Was a hot bod of liuukostcsrare tug around for tuen the old man gave ' * * * * * * 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ inil shuriwrs of every description. Well, him aw ay.” I wire detailed to keep an eye on these j "Oave him away!” gentry, nud iu time I becum« acquainted ! for the artist had been dene fr.r Mend- "Yea. Jim waa in the hayloft, Bud SOMEWHERE. with most of the ‘big one., ’ who were they were about to leavn without him I i 1 ship'« sake. The gift of the silk, which » r o m t h t A 'vtm ng .Yeu« AWeud. JfwA. ■teuerully exceedingly bright men. One when the old man winked and pointed must at least have coet 20 francs a yard, gouia»her« Lh« wiad lx ttowtog, Brel’ known aumleve of Detroit, llic iii- H your liver Is out of order. eMsi I thought aa I toiled along In liS i." «aid Comrade Myer«, “ I wan in particular, who was known as ‘Slick . to the barn. j pained them. The present seemed en­ »»n, Bosnl o f Public Pu Work», Joavpli U. ( reading an article in the daily regari Iu the hu ruing h«i»t of the noon114», 1’elu,' 1 took u great liking to, for he Biliousness, Sick Headache, Hfa„ ‘ ‘ That waa enough, and they got him tirely ont of proportion with the sorvioe ''illiu ...« a’ / F '» k ™ l . for Fa « Peopk, i< «« an ‘ !”* , , r ’ W illiam Pink Pills t .r Pi- e P e o p le . ▲ud Lb« fancy wada me a’l-ong— Myrr«. liv in g at i;z r- o,t Street, w r.t U «11 — ..I !- in .1-------, ol((l| at , 1 wot w(u very vp|,y tad an inexhaustible fund of humor and and marched him to the front burn, or Constipation, take u do« t j reudered. Their pride was hurt They . ,, . , , I ----¡...„ » « » interested the account Yea. ao m e w h e re (ho w in d in b lo w in g , important member of • lie (.rand A riay of «kk a. tb *t tim e „ ¡ t |, Toward the "The old man was sorry after JWh T h o u g h bere w h e re I gaap an d sigh — - - ------- s to rn arh an d J iv e r was a good henrted chap decided to return the silk. In a cata­ .V rtrrau », an J recently had a remarkable trouble«, J was nil run dowo and was in a snd of the Centennial exhibition one was gono and his conscience hurt him Not M breath of air u atlrrtng, logue of tho salon they found Monsala’s bad condhiuu. Whnt rem«dies I bad taken day I dropped into a down town auction Not a oloud tu the burning fcky experience. bad. But he hoped for the best, until address, and ono day ou their way to gave me onljr temporary r lief, and when I (lomrade Byers entitled at Edinburg, Mo., room whore some fake jewelry was be­ fiomewbere the thine we long Ow one day he got a message that told him read the urtiela in ih» paper 1 decided to the Halles they stopped iu the Avenue On retiring, and tomorrow your di it ’ IW. ami nerved daring the war iu the give the pill* a trial. E lU ta o n earth’s wine bound, ing acid. A lot of watches were offered, Jim had been killod and boriod on the de Villiers, where the artist lived. flcmcwberc the aua la at.inlag gestive organs will be regulated and “ Tho * * * ? 1 r r a l »bout * roan in a-tti.w eek a.»' xp«. diiajM^ged atfct. Louis, and I saw that they had been made evi­ battlefield. When they arrived in front of the house, When w in t e r alpa the ground. you will bo bright, active ami re»dv Mt., in ISH5. Hu wav a member o f Co. K. Ohio, and I anid, thut i f be lived in Detroit dently for bunko steering purpose«, for "Then ho packed his grip and started Bouse where tho flnweraare springing, 1 would go and »re him. they thought they must have made a for any kind of work. This F ir r t Mitaeari C avalry, 14th A C. Western ■ 2 'X?” 1 L'rew «■<**■ Instead of better, and the work» were good, uud the cates were right off to bring Jim 's body home, if j Bomewhcro the oom la trew n mistake in the numbir. YVaa ttpo«>U>!e been the experience of others, a And ready unto the harveafe army, eommauded by Uetserol Biitntfde, and I ntinily went out iiu l bought a lx»x o f Dr. made to look like solid gold. They were possible, for the grief stricken mother that their young friend lived iu this will be yours. HOOD’S PILLS U ‘ To feed the hungry town- later by (itn . End», lie pirticipzted iu the W illia m s 'P in k Piils for Pule People. The finally knocked down for $2. IS a/iece, would have nothing else and made life beautiful mansion? Then sho was not a sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cu battles of SpringfielJ, U«a'a Ford nod all the firsts bog did not help me apparently, but I and I saw that the buyer waa 'Sliok miserable for him w ith her reproaches Somewhere tho twilight gathera continued using the pills and the aecond ’»ox pour artist. And weary men lay by principal battiea through M ittouri. Fete.’ Jewelry wus out of his line, but | "H e went to Virginia, and was there gave ine much relief. They rang; a liveriedsorvaut openod The burden of the day (lire For montlia the First Mietouri Cavalry “ 1 took live boxes before I was cured but 1 kuew he bud some scheme in view . I informed that it would bo impossible to And, wrapped in aluinber. lie; the door. After taking thoir names he that was a very cheap cure compared with followed the nr.lorioua G uerilla Quautrall Two mouth» paswed before I again saw remove tho body. So he stood over the Borne whore the day U breaking. ushered thorn into a sumptuous drawing whiti I hud spent with physician? and druz« And gloom end darlcneaa flro. and hi« huid of buybn acker«. Suarcely a day gists. Pete, und then I asked him what he had spot where it was buried aud wept for room. Moussia was lying on a conch Though otoruiH our bark are toaeiug. «•Med hit', a bat wen a running fight. ‘ I still m m th-> pills once In a while and dotio with the wutohos. Ho begun to three days. Then he went sadly home. ' There’» aornowhere a placid sea. wrappod in a loose white plush gown. For nearly aix week« Comrade Myer« was can cheerfully and rruthftilly recommend ' luugh and said, ‘Ob, skinnod some "And, lo and behold, the first man ; Fhe was much thinner, very pale. Her them ~ And thu% I thought, *tia alwaya. And somewhere the sin and sorrow fight mid skirmish«* and the men were pros­ Fouud " It was somo timo fcoforo tho old ' Ing herself with difficulty sho gave ; Of earth ore known no more, trated for week» after Qunntreli w u driven works; man could say a word, but when ho j Horaowhvf«« our weary spirits them bor emaciated band. from tin- R u le , Many times the command leper pay eohts. Apply, etc.’ Nearly found it was really Jim — in flesh and i I s a a c M. B a tes , Shall find a peaoeiul shore. rede all "'Kid lo cnt »IT hi» retreat and fought “ I am so happy to see you, ” she said, N o ta ry every crook in town answered the ail. blood— that they had got Jim mixed np , ■ i ’>*‘C l“* n ’ '"Pi and ote in their Somewhere the things that try u» coughing almost nt every word. "You Gommile Myer» I» a prominent mrtcher Pete, who with some other Adkins, and he hadn’t snihllos daring thia caninnlru, sad were glad o f Gen. O. M . Pae P.»t 4h3, O. A . It., m. ' is i aud tin I med the watch. Shall all huvo piuaed away must not feel hurt because I did not j when they were relieved. made up us an old man, seemed a mark, ' been killed at all, tho old man was And doubt and fFar no longer w»l) kD o w u iu lisi.-»h. oome to thank you. I am not allowed to impede tho perfect day. I and the ‘fly’ crook, iu the hurry to de­ I hot! He slow ly divested hinj9elf of his go out. It seems that I worked too hard Oh, brother, though Die durkaosi part, made but u cursory exauiiDation. coat, then rolled up his sleeves and Around thy soul be cast, uu luy lust picture. I took cold standing I Save ass* Hlyoaa Tsbolc» w ith so R-.een »stta- I bare baaa a xraat rafferer fro am m eoaatipatioa't 1 he costs, ’ »10, wero mvariably handed made for him ! It was the liveliest scran Tbe e»i th k rolling sunward. M-cuun io * t I r» n eX c « rfu iij roooium .iul li.ra i. in the grass. I aiu now here for some foe in a r i l , a yeura. Nvtiilr»« i ,°,V7 ; “ m _ ■ .f his stock. 1 hi.udclpbia Kecord. the tw o of ’em w allow ing ing iu the dustl I to u M not w ear »ho«* on m y f e e t « ______ ______ w allow o n e . * weak. W «a told by -n.-tereot pby«l lan» di-e*». I naw Rapana Tabulae a ire rtla e d m our The horticulturist aud his w ife look­ th at tt r e rsaoMl by bait teeth, or «rhtcb I b j l “ It took the old lady and the threo dally paper, bouuht soma and took them asdirecU ed at her iu bewilderment. An expres­ sseerm. I k x l the Xee'lr ««(rected, but U>. »1- T H E CAMPFIRE. •d . flava UUtwu them about three week* and More a t a , girls and tw o stout darkies to pull the biskk w a.ueaed. 1 had s e n m l.c rllM uw uU of sion o t deep pity came over their faces. In »ncM nchance! I am not con tlpate l any more old man off. P-lnank Ta’a d .« ta alt t h . o .tie r . but lt»d Do to lls aud i aw-« it a il to Hl pan a Tnbula«. Ia in th irty- W a r t im e R em in iacen eea o f a V e te r a n o f The gardenpr no longer knew what to 1« them, b v i a b w n «la w e c k i «iaeg * rrte « s In aaeen -years olti, have c o cxcr.patlon, only m y “ U e never did explain w hy he did it, On« evening I noticed by Mooseia’» tb e C K U W a r . Unee.l in . b> try tbam . Save taken but l . « i of the l.ouaeholiA dot tea a:.d nurstn f m y sl.tc hu.haad. and Jim didn’t ask any questions, but photograph, which alwaysetood covered do with the package containing the sai»U a » n < t o f i t of U . T a b id « and b .v o b m l n o ha» had the dropsy ond I am try in g lUpana : “ Men build fires in various place« to silk. He felt that he could not return sorwourrsr.ee ,.f th« attnoH*. H a > . e . v r r K l r . i i a Tai-uie» ft»c him. lie feels some batter but It w lil tho next morning he told his mother with a whito crape veil on a «nisll ta­ «etktiooetal for anythin« before, but iho s r e .t “ We don’t mind it as you were sick taka aomo «ld»a, ho has bo«-« sick so ion<. To» 1 cook their coffee by or to make them* that w h ile h is furlough w asn’t out still ble, three red cheeked apple«. These •m e « n r utf »rod wbloh 1 i-elie' . bo» beau d u o . m . nu»y uao my U tta r and name a« you itke. lelve» warm or for company’« sake,” auswered the wife, "but still we were hy Bt.wi s T a b u !« Indaoe» me to add m ine to l h . he knew his country ueedod him and 4| M r». M a m T GOQM a X CAAttklb plebeian fruits seemed out of plaoe in Greatest Weekly in the Country, many t e .f,io n n lilt you doubtlat» h a v . in your i «aid a civil war veteran, “ and nny ftro sorry that you sent us this silk. What he couldn't stand to stay at homo under tbe aristocratic Parisian drawing room, A. T. D lW iw . I liare been »uiTwrlnff irci» hmtdoahe» orer ! is likely to be more or lees a gathering i wo did for you we did williugly. We so ho left his crowded w ith rare knickknacks and UtHH» 1 lYM a lu d « Mu k l i v 411 4 fcvver rtilwln a J point, but I fcnppoMO that the fire to i those circuumtanees, did not want a present for letting you 1 »U i Ut iFíerTMjífM,' blessing for the old man and took the ■ works of art. Aloussia’s mother, observ- L M which the name of campfire properly * IM «o r4a of Uigh«u work on our place. My husband aud I place wr.hout «ettlof a flrst train for the front.’*-— Atlanta Cou- j pjg my queetlouiug glance, said, point M«e, or tfc« MtUfA» tTorludlnir p n a ta ie ) to a n y p a rt of the Ucuttd leadachauud tick at my I belongs, tbe campfire of song aud story, | fca»e troia atouiAch. I heard about ■titntion. _________________ jng t„ B picture at the end of the room, decided to bring tho dress back." ■tales, C anada and M exico. Hlpix*:« T*fci fv-ü I ani a "Oh, you were the one who wished Blpanri TabtUea from aa ■ is the cook’s fire ut tho end of the com- j R I - P A ’N S T H K W B 1 X L Y C ITR O N JC IJC . the pruírMiivAAl uurto M id ! "Tliese fruits were picked on tbe apple to bring it back," interrupted the hus­ a n j most txiinplete W eekly New spaper brlghteet aun t o f ndue who waa ' pauy street, built on the ground, under | In H E WAS A HUM BUG. 2 q ihto profrtM on a rlcar taking thorn for eatarrh 1 tree which you see in this picture, tho band. w orld, p rin t» re tfu h u ly 112 Colum n», or etxteea brad t« a lw u y i raexte j . of the atoniach. She bod , a pole supported at the ends by crotclied T a t o u * 4«a3 I!. last oue painted by Moussin, ” Theu tho potfe». of New s, U t e rtt u re ar.d General In fo r­ j sticks driven in the earth and from Kto W lf. Waa Distrusted When She L catd - found aut b relief from "Yon are both foolish about the mat­ Aflffrufcv f»f » 7 eme» I feht lr m e «headriaed me 1 he modern stand­ | sorrowing woman told me tho story of ter," exclaimed Moussia, laughing as m ation : alao a uiAa'niflcent A g ric u ltu ra l and • d th e A a t h o r o t th e A r t f e le . which the camp kettles are suspended. fou ori to 7 m il n!ala In favor of TaboH» Iu I t o Uvuaa auu i*aya »ho w ill run Ua wifeli man who bad come to light his pipe. Itlpao« Tabule». I tried them. Rlpaa« Tabulr» cot are one c f the funniest men alive. Every i Half way np tho walk, on a background "And the apple tree?" she asked, ab­ w u tQ ia a . l h a heartburn aud alaapiawturta bar« only leUeved but actually cured m y yotingtler, “ But, though r it might _ be deserted, rug and chair and book must bo oxnctlv 1 ot Bray |,,h Rrct‘‘> hushes, with an outline ruptly changing tho subject. “ Is it al­ dlaappoarad w ith U a ln.llre»tP »i which waa the heeducLf« b a re disappeared, bowel» are 1» fo rm e rly »0 k r a a ta bunlua for her. Our whola almost as soft as that of stnoko, stood a I the fire still burned. Sometimes on cold i it» ita place, and a littlo dust seta you good coauitlo» and bo never c«>niplnl»a of hla ways beautiful?” fn /r fly taka feAaTabul«*» regularly, aaporl U ly afte r atoinach. Ue Isnow a t ed, ebuohy-fured hoy. Thia and windy nights tho wind would j *° scolding. You must have a clean robust npple tree, broadly spreading its j “ Oh, no, indeed,” they answered, hearty m eat M y m other 1» « fry year» o f «yn wonderful change I attrib u te to lllpana Tahnlea. flowery branches. The whole scene was and 1» enjoyta< the bostaf health and aplrtta i nluo blow it about and scatter it, and some- | napkin overy meal, and you cannot eat I am aatlsfied that they w ill benefit any one (from “ the blossoms are all gone; but tho fruit aata hearty maul«, ao knjxw albi’ tty before aha •ho cradle to old age) If take» aooordlng to dlreo> tinica, when it was no longer attended, if thero is n tiny spot on the tablecloth, flllcd with tender, fresh, stirring har­ is beginning to show. Apples w ill be tuok Blpaaa Tabula». A stom H . B l a c b a m . B. W . l*a icH tbe rain would put it out black, but and everything must bo served just ex- mony, w ith spring itself. Moussia was plentiful. You must come ont aud eat there was usually a living fire thero by aotly so or yon gut grumpy. Now, is moved. Khe felt that this was tho look­ T h « C h ro is lc A A Z S u llB ia -« A aaw rt?»» ptMikmt ooutaiuiatf row (OFaMa t u i u u r ankad In a pApeacarton (w iu c » t < i w ) 1« a«w fa r »»1» ed for spot. Opening the gate, sho walk­ somo in September. The good air of TTTi? C H R O JilC Iafc ran ks w ith th» rr»ata»t day and a bed of embers by night, and not that truo?" «1 aacaa Ara» at«raa-»oa r i f l cwir». TW* I«»-pnaad aurt la lataadad for U m poor aad tto» ««onornJoaL Ona Sevres will restore you to health, made­ newspapers In th» U n ited States. bore waa the soldier's hearthstone. ”__ • oX feka Bra-— et cort»-iis (110 takuk», g » ii ba bad b j mall hjr atadia< («Hy-akrlit aent« fea U m Otfaaa "A man likes to see things In order ed toward tho house, which was sepa­ moiselle." T H E C H R O N T C D E has n o » q u a l» n U m PaalA« r u n e » ! . O o t o a c t K o . lOftpruiw« Straet. Saw Y o rk -o r a »ia»l» earU a(TW raaruM ) will hr m d ( for caul» rated from the orchard by a garden fill­ N ew York Sun. in his own house, ” sail] Scribbler. CwvUit. i t lead» a ll Iu a b ility , »ntarprl»» attd She shook her head nnil let it fall H x r« n T a a u i m b »« j alao ba bad of mitoo antorr», f«a»r«l afeorataapers, aawa a<*nta aad afe aoaaa “ »nar afearaa “ Of course he does, and I try to koop ed with beehives. The proprietor hap­ back on the cushions, tireil and exhaust­ nt-ws. TA«/ baakd pain, ladoaa alaap and p«ol»ti< Ufa. Ona glraa railai. P a rv o ta A r e N e v e r O r ,( I n a l. T H R C H R O N IC L E * 3 T e l» < ra p h lc Reports ar» things in order, but I defy any woman pened to bo cue of those hulf bourgeois, I I havo read of a father who would to maintain tbe degree of nrdor yon ex- half peasant horticulturists who provide ed by liaving spokeu so much. the latest and most reliab le, its Local N»w» th» When the horticulturist and liis wife fu iest and spieleat, and Its EditortaU» f r a « th» I not let his children tell their dreams poet w ith four or five children u t t h e i ^ Parisian markets with flowers and Seoliad Hi« Baaoaa, pvnn iu th» country. because there ia in anch narrative too house. Now, this article refers to just fruits. Tho rrquost made by tbe enthu­ departed, Moussia closed her eyes anil ablest T H E C H R O N IC L E has a lw a y s been, and al- Major Tom W illiam s «ome time ago cani great temptation to wander from the suoh unreasonable, fussy men os you siastic looking young girl with the ex­ thought of tho apple tree. It" was iu •vxfi's w ill be. the frien d ar.d ohamplun of th» told me the sfory of one of Colonel Gil> troth. Parrot stories are too often like are, and It is not one bit too severe even pressive blue eyes flattered him. He I !’Ofx' health. Tho sap wasrunninR from p*<-ple, a» a< a ln a t ctunblnallon», Mi»»«», »»r- i be cured i W right’s adventure« iu South Curolina I t you ntffer trcin »ny of lira I dream stories—one-half true, and they when it aays that they are small spirit­ loved his trees, and the admiration of a j its roots to its branches, It spread its put aliens, nr oppraastoht any kip d . I t w ill b» in the cloiiu g months of the war. Mi» of itw n , O DD' 10 Ilia Ud»« hro xnmetimes; plainly to any who ed and lacking in truo manliness. I do painter for them pleased him oxtTemely. j foliage in the sun, laughing at rain and Indtpeitd^nt in eve ry !h iu y . n e u tra l (■ no th in g Sp»cr«li»i uu l ie P ac S ic C oom , | It seem* that General Kilpatrick, the knows tbe truo talking power of these w ish that you would rend tho article. ” Moussin was readily given permission ; wind, nt cold nights aud hot noons, DO you wahtth ! chronicle __ 0«. gWCSfi * co, Federal cavalry commander, bad cap­ • while she, imprisoned iu a room, at- ' IN I M ir im lS t E ll'll I m t. birds—mado up entirely or greatly ex­ “ I dou’t need to ,” replied Scribbler, to work in tho iuclcsure, and .ho Ugan ! tended by the wisest Paris doctors, was tured a nninher of Confederate*, and Young u r n , ,. i » u l d d l * . , aggerated. W hile thu parrot 1ms a cer­ sittin g np to stretua and groan. «he very next day. Wright wusunxious to reecue them. He — _ a v e » | u i e n who «re -uttonnf tain unmiatakahlo sense of humor, and Early in the morning sho arrived on I slowly dying. Oh, misery of human lifel ' ir»cB tba rtlacl» tK y»urkf>«l inidUaratiuna or ex* “ I'd like to know why you do not ealled for volunteers to go w ith him ia correspondingly wise, none of tho need to read it, George Scribbler?" tbe tramway, with her model, who She was young, beantifnl, rich, beloved I Into tho enemy’s camp at night anil various species is or ever was capable ja a ll Ita rcTO^toTAtiom; Mpern»«t<»rrhwiahr-f»laraM«a er Men. o r c T u rn o x ’« * ; n b i i > k . — nc M ltiu a » n < S 2 a n d t a e l t k e M»» ia < country, sho worked not aa an ama- I p * wopt for the lo’ ely girl who during cently stated ujxui reliable authority i hahl to explain, but «hortly after mid- : •Ci.'a.I'J” '’’ A • N ‘‘i* a p " p '« « r ., ln O« Will « .'( a r a a l e le f a r O w e T e a r , j But, judging from parrots' clover use •b V E R V M lp fiiK (o I night Gib Wright, at the head of a few of wbat they learn to say, it ia almost that nearly two-thirds of French school teur, but as nu artist anxious to win 0,10 m°nth bud been tbe life and bright- p e a t a g e r r « r e U < v w a ; o a 4 * o > e e . I cr,X* «//»in/oo of MacrtiinlNlut. fame. Her work showed the melancholy “"!s 0,Lthcir modest conutry dwelling »ra w in C, aa, an^Y a ItxvTl V K C V iiK in obildren are addicted to the habit. men. r.xloat ugentlo juice into the camp. certain that they oome to kuow in * Aiwazas Even for grown jjeople there is hard­ fire and poetry which bcloug to those ' In , * ,,lad whirl of large cities u hu- Tbo drowsy Federal« b«>k them for a M- H . <1s Y O U N O , meamro the meaning of the phrases ly any habit, aside from the confirmed born iu L ittle Russia. The sketch of Wttn . e *uded lnakM little more ini- ! rroprtal®« a Ckronl*, party of their own men returning from they learn.—Charlotte Bouer iu St. her painting absorbed her entirely. She pret8f',on/ han »be felting of a dead leaf, M S rHA.NClOOO. C M . abuse of narcotic*, more difficult to y.ww panmitSy m try U i m t . S . k I (.„k , a scour, and p*>(1 no attoutiou to them. Nicholas. w as trying to put on the canvas some of days of painful astonish- ' T h e Phltiw uphy « f Murrlaae,'1 overoome than the habit of biting the Everything was working smoothly until fr«». ( A «»Ivkbi» U xj « toe men. I finger nails. It requires a strong mental the effervescent spring about her. She “ L“ ‘ **?* W Parisian world which had The n a w boo O a a . WriW.WAMVWIWWAYAl one of tho prisoners caught a glimpse of visit u u . j e R n i S '« j effort and constant vigilance to do this, painted rapidly, as if afraid not to be re admired and feted Moussia returned c t y l is m the newcomer«. The fellow loat. his head The native« in tbe Bucherganj d is­ G r e a t M n »en n i o f A n a to m y ( its business and its pleasures. Alone A R D T T IS K T l IC it« hatnynS Urx«u Mumumcl it . lumi i-ithe uud ruliMil the whole husinees. He leap­ trict of Bengal have been deprived of for once a person has become thorough­ able to finish the task she hail under­ to A in mourning to •sV 1*1 ■ C m «« « d U i « m , u h >w w im larliillv y tu | ' she camo back, rirnee women . , Every . ,r momiug . i.. n continued to h«com m end«4 b y L ed to his feet anil looked into the face« their guns, and since then they have re­ ly addicted to tbo habit ho doea it uu- taken. »e» o n fitt h,.»/ io aviid «tule»«»» and Si*««.«. D '» » » w ik « rs . roiMciously, and ia ouly reminded that sp te llie APr k « r A lw a ys Pl,««, VATÄLöh&HtHJS* C a a o rw rH o . he ia marring him self wlien he gets oue p"ru‘'88 wr ” ■ '*, , , r • • • « • » • < •««!»•» iT w I- e ta 'iln t r - iM if eh ut -«. O ne i'«m n o t ilo » t m i biting habit, probably bocaua« tbe Darning that soma young trees interfer­ r e t « T lllnOt let ,his ‘i - ef the «ieliverailue Several were killed and sary.—Loudon Tit Bits laM aS llanam iM . A Pamnhie» - iio.v i„ i" , ed w ith the perspective, had not host- vjear go by without letting vou k the .M c C all company . Americans, a« a whole, are an exceed­ I I.iln Patent«. • « -h r o i l o f «»nin In ih » U. S.J Wounded, hut tho leader aud the ma trat we often « » » 1 K ? m ow 138 •• >4« W. l»tk «tas»!, nsa Y. rt I »'Oil fio rig li o o .b tr lr » «ent fro r. Aildn-ar, Cuatonterik ingly nervous people. A man who ac­ toted to cut them down. It was touch­ brtv jority of the jiurty inunsged to get Vr w i / 1 Ì r lho young careful •c .« orvo »• ; aw ay.— Atlanta Constitution. L ittle Boy— Pirare, I want the doc­ complishes hla determination to knoek ing to see tins mau, usually I C. A. SNOW & CO. ¡ ¡ l i f e 5 hLb ? P * CMc»otton» friun tho prisoner.’ fiouenra ’‘A bhurt Help to Literaiure, by Ld The latter looked at them and said: a flax! areor and bid niv awtamer good- package a m red containing a dre» a u iid Ut took away their halts ami k n e w w e liu d I "Yea, It ia a pretty stnue I have a by ' I t a v s r y s r e r y you r e goin g,' lie U n i of haudavme black tflk. A let»*, CTx raz cea i r a i s r ,rr“r •hem Their hands were busy after mactoipisnu mode a t it in the weal said. *U«re. Jake'* calling ro a clerk. accempantrei the present Montala told Ila« l T h e m All« ? " í 1*1“ e.4.1. «Utah er r-'" " '.» thu(, aud fast running was out o t the, room ’’ Ruu out and g--t Mr Ksana a g-xx! her fri gid» that » «» tct » co W »AWD-aocg rite», c,»».)«, ; “ Arthur, 1 e«unot stand this city air. f«w»t province«of theam n *** queetiou. We made the march safely, Indoor«, and abe begged the bmtsewU, to or»«*4i? * STr» ro» cerr t r ova ¡ x- ’ « unit of k-mrth tlu* rb'b. orrix. IU»ts»s«i;c4 si«»ras..:*»Wí ;•< "T Nature baa given as two ear«, two quarter of « dollar cigar «tod I do not believe that even Yuui.ce I must bave the foliage of the foreat. I most have birila, I mart"— " A s Jake started my eo«re~e» w his­ ■crept toe d ren ut reaiMubreunr of the inch«* in rfifferent uww.?“* ffQfc # •¿^•“» • » y « « » ,s o l h i v i s í - a VJ ie a rea and tw,» -ma tettgoe. to rite end Hint Ingenuity could biive invented a «ini I» tahi« airtrtat “ But my dlr »o » mile «nd ib i? ’ “ Eu«' •docratea I ------- - > » i the», gerat prop!» What »h-y had dcu, • « » « ( t o g to th e pn-’T ^ e lo r io ts . HOW A NOTORIOUS GUERILLA ’ _ _ _ BAND WAS FOUGHT. A Veteran Gf the First Missouri Cavalry Relates Incidents of Skir­ mishes with Quantrell's Bushwackers. Tonight ’M* H o od 's PHis 1XAIHHCMF THE D A I L -V TH E APPLE TREE. Only $ 6 ? 7 0 The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 r A Yoo Reversible M ap? Mdp of the World F Jk MS CALL PATENTS fiW T O N s’ mscalls magazine H.B.W!LLS0«4CÜ.i