theî w e s t ^ ru s û td s » « n m * riiiBAY mounihu — —F lobxncs , L am « C o cntv , O ksoon .— . . . B7 . . . W . H . W EATÍIERSON í Editor and R oyal ^Bsowncr I ure G E ..¿ S A L NEW S B aking P owder Ex-Governor Oglesby of Illinois died Monday. Tho Examiner reports that Governor Gage of California said he has appointed Dan Burns V . S. senator to succeed Sen­ ator Whito. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ___ T erm « : >1.50 s year in Advance.------j David Beers, a 12 year old boy living I near Hermann, killed a cougar last Entered at the post-office at Florence, week. Lune county, Oregon, as second-claw! The schooner Albion is expected to mail matter. nail from San Francisco for the Siuslatv next week. A D V E B I‘SIN 0 BATES M A I)« KNOWN ON A P­ PLICATION. From the Philippines- W ill Bay’s Experience As a Soldier. Eugene is making efforts to raise a I,nc»l notice» 8 cent* per line, each tnicrtion bonus of $1000 to secure the location of • n excelsior m ill. The plant is valued Florence, Or. Apr. 28, ÎSOT. at $10,000. I t will use 2,500 cords of wood annually and employ from 8 to 12 I n men. W E S T L IN G 3 , A N IG H T ATTACK. Three F ig h ts — P ursuing th e N a tiv es. Desirable ★ O r Chrenlc inflam m ation o f tbs K id n e y » ¡ is a very common ailm ent. N u m b e r at our best cltlaeus have »uccuinbed to I l i I elisela, even though uniter Ih r most shill | — fut medical treat- Ex-Governor Lor i has declined the merit. L ik e all Yjb tender of the mission to Persia. Gov­ Chronic dt **««•». the • y m p tom> ernor Lord was an applicant for the come or* tnMidlous- iy. If p r o p e r Peruvian mission. treatm ent le ob­ tained in Ita early Several rasos of yellow fever are rc- Ftaa**. B r t< n t’r» Disease may he tepnrted at Havaua. cured nVDTAN w ill cure It If It Is 9 he Pennsylvania legislature adjourn- i taken In time. It ! D Y A N w ill re­ ed lust week without electing a U . 8. lieve you of all the symptoms. Do senator. The governor has appointed not delay too Senator Quay to fill the vacancy. Io n*, lx itt t wait until your cate At the trial of Senator Quay, who was br-t.omea in cura­ ble You win then accused of conspiring to nee for his own th ro w your money O uw .iy on doctors unlawful profit funds of the state depos­ Proprietor. ited in the People’s Bank in Philadel phia, the jury returned a verdict of “ not i guilty.’’ ★ BRIGHT’S Three DISEASE _ _ V and Beffin the utc of H U D Y A N you may be cured. Stars in ★ m edicine«. now, white THE EAtLY SYMPTOMS A IE : A party of four men left Seaside, near H R O M IC S IC K O n N A U S E O U S Astoria, April 7th, on a timber cruise. The American, a newspaper published, U I. ^ A C IV A C H E -H U D V A N taken as ill- Three of them have been found dead and B antona , Feb 17, 1899. : at Manilla, telle of a soldier in the Mon­ ite te d w ill relieve the hood ache In otantly. search is being made for the fourth. D ear B isteb :—Iw ill now write a few tana regiment who discover»! gold in a W P V F F T N E 8 8 O F T H E S K IN I! N - Some think the men were poisoned from lines to let you know that I am all right small creek in the islands and with three D E H T11E E Y K F . due to o collection 0? ltul«l~ln ether words. D R O P S Y . H U D ­ eating canned meats. and that I have gone through a couple companions washed out several dollars Y A N w ill cautte the ex tra «m ount of fluid to be tr.kc-n up by tbe blood and be elim i­ Hood’s Pills are prompt and efficient, We acknowledge the receipt this week ol weeks of fighting without a scratch, north of the precious metal liefore the nated by the Kidneys. easy to take, easy to operate. 25 cents. 4-5. P A L E D O l’O H T C O M PLKX- from A. \ \ . Beadle A Co. of San Fran­ but we have been worked very hard and other soldiers found out anything about !O N , due to the Imperfec t circulation of For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at cisco of a handsome photograph showing I am completely worn out and sunburn­ it. tho blood. IIV D Y A N w ill restore the cir­ culation to its norma! condition and c < u it I the Ladies Baiaar at Point Terrace. the I.uella on her trial trip. Everybody ed till my face is all peeled off, hut I am The forecast of the beef iuquiry report the cheeks Io heroine red and tony. W E A K N E S S O F T H E H l'lA K T —On« t inili, rates that the charges of General o f fc the Bilious headache, yellow akin, coated on the Siuslaw feels a special pride in not diaconraged. first symptoms aud the one (hat eventually cause« death. H U D Y A N will \ e were expecting to be attacked for Miles will not bo suRtfdned, although tongue, fevered lips. Hudyan cores. this boat as she was constructed at Flor­ strengthen the nerves and muscle« of the heart and niuke it s.rung and regular hi a long time but the officers kept it dow n1 t |10ra ■, BUch „ mass of testimony to ence and is considered one of the finest 60 cents. its beating«. >-«. W E A K N E S S A N D P A IN I N T H K Unless the go vernor commutes the vessels of her lir e on the coast. Messrs. as long as they could aud we were g e t-! at,Ow that bad beef waa distributed to E G IO N O r T H F . K IU N N Y S - H H D Y A N sentence, J. M . Olberman is to be h an g-: Beadle and Co. will please accept our ting disgusted by being called out to tbe the army. The reason for this will he R w ill cause the kidneys to perform th eir functions properly, thereby relieving the , front night after night. We began to technical. Milea showed nothing in his p« in and weak ed at Roseburg today for the murder of thanks. nee«. j think tlie officers were afraid of the nig- charge against canned beef, but nsed the Get H U D Y A N at once and tako It re»u J, N. Casteel. PERSONALS. lona SB rly . F u ll and explicit direction« ■ gers but about 8 o’clock of tbe night of j i ernl “ emlialmed beef.” On this tecti- la w ith each packnffc. lU T p Y A N ia sold Born—In Florence, Oregon, April 24, lira ar _ 8 1 i the 4th of February the commander told , ideality it may be ahow n that the hy all druffctots for We per pnckair« packages for IL59. I f your d n ia a is t doaa 1899, to the wife of O. \V. Sutton, a Grace Fisk lias been ill for several us we were pretty sure to 1« called out »lot keep 14, send direct to the H U P Y A N chargea were not sustained. daughter. A ll doing well. days at Capt. Steear’a. K E N E D Y C O M P A N Y . Ban Francisco or and to sleep with our clothes no and of Los Angetee, C alifornia. Remember that course we did. About 9: 39 we heard a I A letter from Ono Phelps brings infor­ yon can call and consult the H U D Y A N H O W -8 TWIST Delia Morris commences school on DO CTO R« F R E E . Call and see them. mation Hint be suffered a stroke of par­ Smith River next Monday. I f you cannot call, w rit« to the doctors few shots fired at the extreme north of I ar.a tell them all about your case and alysis at M anilla hut had recovered The advice w ill Mrs. John Tanner tins been somewhat tlie city ; we were called to arms amt in , We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ they w ill advlee you. encugh to be able to write. less tiian five minutes we were on the' ward for any case of Catarrh that can be Riven fret*. Audrcss. indisposed for a day or two. road lor Block House No. 11 which waa i not lie cured by H a ll’s Catarrh Cure. Cattle buyers are now offering $15 per Mrs. Bronson who lives near the on tlie lino about half a mile from our head for good yearling Bteers. Quito n F J Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo, O. Spruce Point mill is quite sick. No. »10 South Broadway» quarters. We bit tbe road on tlie double number of the stockmen ami farmers arc We the undersigned, have known F J E . A. Evans has a lame foot caused by qUjek and when we got to the intrench- Los Angelos, Cat selling at this price.— Guard. Cheney for tbe last 16 years, and believe a crowbar striking it across the instep. ments we formed a tiring line, got tie Oar. Gtscktan, M arket anS F ills M a , him perfectly honorable in all business The Mink was benched Saturday for b a a F rancises. Cal. Messrs. Butterfield and McLeod re­ hind the breastworks and waited for transactio.iB and financially able to repairs. The mail was taken to Maple­ turned Sunday from their trip to Gar­ them to commence firing; hut they were carry out any obligations made by their ton that afternoon in a rowboat and the diner. not ready aud we had to wait there from firm . steamer wont up the river Sunday. FOR S A L E OR T R A D E - Jason Neely and family have moved to 10 to 3: 30 iu the morning, when all of a West A Truax, wholesale druggists, The Guard of the 19th says that in the sudden the crack of a rifle sounded about Toledo, O. Welding, Kinnan A Marvin, Florence and are living in the Robinson ten days preceding E . J. Frasier, the One 2 b.' steel skein Mitchel W..g*n 100 yards in front of us. This was fol­ wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. house, real estate dealer, had sold over $18,000 with four heavy springs under bed, lowed by about 100 more aud of H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ A M r. Allen and two other men from worth of real estate lying near Eugene. course the bullets began to sing all nally, acting directly upon tlie blood spring seat, neck-yoke ami doubletrees northeastern Oregon arrived in Fioreuce A lotter from D r. Darrin brings the around us and we began to look for and mucous surfaces of the system. nil in good running order. W ill sell for a few days ago. information that he was delayed by rainy something to shoot at. A t last we got Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all cash or trade for stock. Price $35.00. Rev. J. S. Douglas of Ord was iti Flor­ Enquire of E E M amx , Florence, Ore. weather and having a few more patients tlie fire located and our major gave ns druggists. Testimonials free. to treat, but w ill be here today or to­ ence Saturday. He resided in Glenada tlie order to fire by volleys. Of course H a ll’s Family Pills are the best. CO NTEST N O TIQ c. several years ago. morrow. we did a lot of firing but we were not Dick Thurman of Elmira came in a sure of anything till daylight, then we Department of the Interior, United State» Land Guard: Goodpasture Bros.arrived here Ottce, Roaeburg, Oregon, April 28,18M. H E R M A N N IT E M 8 . today at noon witli C5 bead of yearling few days ago for a visit with relatives did some good work. Soon we received A sutBeient conteat nflldavlt having been filed orders to movo forward about 100 feet, cattlo which they purchased near Flor­ and in search of employment. in this office by L. V. Sttnrley, contestant, Bv G Miss Edith Whitmore arrived from which we did and came to a creok about ugainvt the ¡lomentead Entry No. 7.048, made ence. I t took five days to drive them March 17,1892, for the > *Q , neQ nwt<, sec­ Eugene Saturday and hns taken charge 100 feet wide. As we were in mud knee out here. tion 17; the nwQ nsrli. »eclion 20, tp 18 south, deep and no protection wo did not wait Sweet, refreshing sleep is given bv of the school on Duncan slough. April 25, 1899. range 11 u , by Marlon U. LHiidls, conteetec, In Fred Wells was on Indian creek Sat­ which it ia alleged that he i . well acquainted Hood's Sarsaparilla, which strengthens J. U. Hutlierland of Glentena has been for orders but jumped into tlie creek with the tract iucluded in tliia homestead entry the nerves, tones the stomach and over­ on tidewater for several days delivering which was atiout up to our arms and urday buying stock hogs. and knnwa the prevent condltiou of same; that waded across. When we reached tlie comes all dyspeptic symptoms. You his logs at the Spruce point mill W . L. t’holps lias moved back to the the asid Laudia has wholly abandoned said here about two ,’link on the otl,er side the natives were , D j^ a y place in tlie forks of the creek, should try it. tract, end changed hl» residence therefrom ft r Ed Ogden, who left only fifty yards distant and pouriug vol We urge our subscribers who are in years ago, returned from Eastern Oregon J. L. Rail spent Sunday with Squire more than six mouths »luce making aaid entry; that the said traot la not settled upon and cniil- arrears for the W kst to send us all or a the first of the week aud intends to re­ ! ley after volley into us. We weie or- Gibson. lie is soliciting orders fur vated as roquired by law, said parlies are here . dered to lie down and fire but then we purt of the amonnt of your subscriptions. main here. books. hy notified to appear, respond and offer evi- .'could not see anything to shoot. Of The price of a yeai's subscription is a Gen. Beers went down Saturday to dencu touching »vid allegation at 10 o'clock a. Andrew Brund ha* been spending a i course we were anxious to get some of m. an June 15,1899, before 0. II. Holden, United small amount hut it is by putting those few days in Gardiner and vicinity. Phil those niggers so we jumped up and let a look after his logs which arc in tiie Sius- Status CoinniLaioner, at Plorwnue, Oregon, and small amounts together that we manage Nicolle takes his place in T he W est law boom. that final hearing w ill be held at lo o'clock a. nt | yell out of us »that was enough to raise to pay our bills. office meantime. Robert Paeschkc’s family now consists on June 26, 1899, before tho Register and Receiv­ I the dead and charged tlie enemy. W ell er at the United btates Laud ofitre in Koeelairg, The new court house at Eugene is to Last Monday was O. W . Sutton’s fif- they were not looking for that and began of himself and wife, two boys and two Oregon. he dedicated next Monday. I t is alioiit lieth birthday and in honor of the day to jump up irom tlie grass and behind girls; the last addition is a girl. The said contestant having, in a projter affida­ forty years since tlie old house waa dedi­ Mrs. Sutton presented her husband with breast works and started to ru n ; we Miss Addie M offitt of Jnuction came vit. filed April 8,1899, set forth facta which ahow cated and it has lieen suggested that all a fine young daughter. began dropping them by the dozens and lo Hermann Saturday. She is visiting that after duo diligence personal service of thia nnttuu cannot be made, it ta hereby ordered and attending the present exercises who T . A. North, tlie creamery man, ar­ chased them about a mile, killing more w ith her sister, Mrs. Cora Paesclike, and directed that sueh notice be given l>>- rine and were at the former dedication Bhould proper uubllcatiun. rived Monday from Tillamook and is in that distance than were killed all to­ will probably stay nil summer. register their names. J. T. IIR ID tll» , Register putting O. W . H urd’s creamery in order gether while our troops were fighting Onr mail contractor thinks it is abont J. H. B O O fll, Receiver. Tlie W est has for sale one years' for tlie season’ s business. tlie Spanieh. time (or some one to send in a set ol tuition in the Holmes Business College Marcli 1st, 1899.—I was called out on dighee and a cook stove. He has brought NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Capt. C. G. Wilson is preparing to of Portland. This is one of tlie leading erect a comfortable and commodious res the firing line before finishing your let­ bats, ribbons, underwear, shoes, stock- business colleges on the coast, having ideuce on Tsiltcooe lake. L. R. Johnson ter and have not had a chain* to write I ings, a broom, and a young lady. The Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon April 20,1«H. English, Commercial, Shorthand and any since. Was in the hospital several , stove ami dishea would complete the expects to do the carpenter work. Notice Is hereby given that Hie followring- Telegraphic departments and we offer days and have just got out. I itad a i outfit he is needing. named arttler haw filed notice of hi* Intention E . A. Evans’ little boy, about a year this tuition on easy terms. B*. L. Phelps met with quite an acci­ to make final proof t i support of lib claim, and old. bad his hands and arms burned touch of fever caused by a loss of sleep and constant work but think I will be dent yesterday. He was splitting stove- that said proof w ill be made before C. If. Hoi« Reports from Washington say that the quite severely Tuesday by falling over a den U. 8. CommiMinner at Jake Fiwinct, volunteers now in the Philippines will hot pie plate that had been dropped on all right now. wood with a doable-hit ax. Tiie ax Douglas Co., Oregon, ou June S, vis I received a letter from you dated struck a beam over his herd and bound­ soon begin to embark for home, their Stephen J Shrum, on II. Ik. No. 7915, for the tbe floor. Jan. 12th and was sorry to bear about ed back, striking him on the top of the •c !i, place being taken by regulars. Tlie Ore­ nc1^, ne1 ¿, sec 19,1 19 a, r 11 w. Rev. H . H . Bnckner of Gardiner spent poor------, bnt when our time comes we He names the ioHuwing witnebses to prove gon regiment w ill be among the first to head and inflicting a severe flesh woui.d. tlie latter part of laat week on the Siue- his continuous residence upou aud culUvatiag will all have to go. leave. They w ill probably start about Had it been tbe other bit, which wet of said land, viz: law. He held services at the church in Well, I have be i in two more fights eery sharp, the chances are he would May 6th and be home by the middle of E. B Miller, A. A. Miner, W. T. Carl and O. A. Glenada Sunday morning aud on Maple since I started to write this letter and June. have Iwen killed. He knows u here that 1 o lover, all of Lake Frectnet, Oregon. j J. T. BaiDoee, one of our toys was shot and killed by beam ia now. Tlie new pilot honse on the steamer creek in the afternoon. KrgiWSt. Leonard Christensen arrived at Flor- my side bnt we kill at least 50 niggers Marguerite ia nearly finished. As now M r. Harkleroad had a lively experi- ---------------- constructed with another cahin in fro n t! ence Monday after an absence of over a for ea6ry „( Our boys they get. of the engine room and the pilot house : year. He spent ten months of the time . We(1 r wil, have lo c(ose aa are ence with a hog the other day. He ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- directly above tlie cabin, the boat p re -' at his old home in Norway. He is look-, e a tin g ont at the line and my piece ie wanted to move a sow and pige lrom tlio ! Clarno place to tiie Bristow place where Lami Offtca at KoMburg. Orajnn. sents a more trim appearance and will ind w ell and says be has enjoyed his ¡mere, e0 good bye for this time, lie is tiring. The sow objected and tried March 2», ISS». W . W. B a t . have more room for passengers than in visit very much. to eat the old man. They had a lively Kotter In hereby given that the iûllowin<-t,aanrA Misses Augusta Patterson and Bessie the way she was first built. V IS IT E D T A Q U IN A BAT. rough end tumble l o t a while but the old aettlar lia» filed notice ot bl» tntrnilo:'. to naks final pronf tn aupport »f hl« claim, aud 'hat Much feeling has been aroueed at Dal­ Coleman made a trip to tlie beach Sat­ man was too much for her—lie took her aeld proof w ill ba made before Josl W an, U. H. The board of United Slates engineers (jown, pnt a backimo on her jaw and Cnmmlaahmcr at Futtsua. Oregon, on May 27, las, Or., against a Mormon preacher urday for a sight of tlie rolling deep. who has '.been holding meetings there The lower river was pretty rough that appointed to i nance t Yaq iina harbor to tied it to h ii horse’s tall. Then they 1899, v ie John I. Brera on It. I . Ko. 9814 toe and gained some converts, and there is day, and while they enjoyed watching determine tbe advisability of further ita- ; hgd ¿ „ e lnore fon. First she would go thertW1! NE’4 .« H NW $$. Hen. 4; Hg>-( fttf-i, See. 5; Tp, IS S., R 10 Weet. rome talk oi giving him a coat of tar the waves thay preferred to view them provement arrived at Yaquina last i spiking along stiff legged; tlien alio He name, the followinx wltneite» tn prore «ad feathers. The women are indig­ from the solid land rather than from a Thursday. Tlie board consists of ! would He down and wouldn’t go at all; hl« continuel,» realdeue« upon and cultivation ; onci Mansfield of San Francisco, d ivis- then »lie would get tangled in the horse’s of, said land, viz; nant, believing hint to be a liypnotixcr boat toesing aliout on the water. | tonai engineer ami chairman of tlie Luther E. Milled«». W illiam M. Klrhy and of weak women and ignorant men. O- O. F- ANNIVERSARY. leg«. But the man who knows io well !• board ; Captain Harry Taylor oi Svatlle, bow to scatter olijeetionalde enitnr« for Pleaaaut L. Tucker ol Hermann, Ore., and Tiie “ Death K n e ll” lias been sounded Hpeueer I» Lyon« uf Lugune, Oregon. Wednesday wo» ths eightieth anniver- jn charge of government work in the I i I b daughter’s band wasn’t to be Iwaten J T «albos», to Apothecaries’ Drugs, and a sign "To it - r ii t - f Let” will be in many windows of Doc­ gary of tbe fonuding ol Odd Fellowship at« te ol Waabington, and Captain W . W by a m raily Img; the had to go. ... — . — of pja rt| portUnd, in charge of tlipgov tor offices since the A unt J ask Home and in accordance with the custom NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. enraient works on tlio Oulutnbia river Remedy for female troubles has been that order, the lodge in Florence pre B IO 8 W A N T E D . pared for a celebration worthy the occa- M d the coast of Oregon. Delegations placed on the market. Every roan or 1 from several towns of the W illamette Land Office, at tL.»eburc, Ore von. woman, married or single, should send a sion. March 17, 1899. Sealed bids will fie received by the The day was windy and rainy sad I valley aueostpanled them. two-cent stamp to our office for a beauti­ Notice 1» hereby »lean that the follow-lnf recorder of the town of Florence, Lane many were prevented by tlw storm from named «elder ba, fil-d notice of h i. Intention 8C A F FQ L D C O M P L E TE D . fully illu-trated circ u lv , free. Address county, Grogon till May le t, 18W9, for attending. The Mink arrived from head --------- to make Anal proof tn anpp.>rt of lit« claim, and Tlie Aunt Jane Medicine Co., rooms 13- 1 tending five street Ism pa lor oue year that «aid proof w ill be ntado before (;. H. H o l­ of tide abont seven o'clock p. m., bring j Mgt Friday’s Guard says: The slock-1 v, , * to,«-. 14 Lewis Building, Portland, Oregon. den U. 8. <'omnila-loner, a: Floret,c-J, Oregon ou ing most of the brethren residing along scaffold, trap, etc., to be used io tlie commencing May let, J8ff9. Roseburg Review, April 24: Mr. Peter The person receiving the contract Aprll 29,109» viz: Philip F. Jack»on, on H F hanging of Claude Branton hava Imen Ko. 7112 for the Nty MKW, «®A NK>i ace. 7, Tp Nelson, a prominent citisen of Gardiner, the main river, o'clock acting Noble must furnish oil for tlie lamp«. The M S., R. 9 Weat. completed, and the same was examined About eight Harry Brant, one of tbe keepers of tbe lamps are to be lit every night except He name« the followinx wltnezaea in prbvs Grand Alexander announced tbe open- many carinualy inclined persons to- 1 mpqna lighthouse, and W. P. Reed iiig part of the exercises of the evening. I day. Branton slept two or three hours five nights before and five n ig lill after hi« contlnanu» rcaldeucs upon unit eoltl vat»o p ol M id land, vl»: came up Saturday end joined in tlie An interesting programme of inu»w, ! yesterday while tlie reoffold was being each full moon. W H. Wealbvrem of Ploreuee, Or, Ole Myrlu 1, •earth for the body of the late Senator The right is reserved to reject any aud and a dis­ F. C. Kean of Mapletou, Or., und L. H«rln« ol erected only a few yards away. reading, add prayer, all bids, . Reed . v t . , yesterday. v m tp rn a y . Deputy u e p tity Pish n a n Coinmis. v o u u u r-- - • ,t w r; ami V . Ö. was Meadow, Oregon. •inner Hnb-hinga ia still unremitting »» , 1'« u0 Tiuiples, eruptiona, sweaty hands awd J. T Batnt»it>, Dated at Florence, Oregon this lfftb fcllowed by a Keplstt». h i. effort, to .uocemfullv priwernte the al t ‘ a „f Od.1 Fellow. feet are eared by Hudyan. All drug­ day of A pril, A I), 180». gists. M ewitts. J ohn I BcTTr.xrtxtn. •eart-h. A note book which know bow to prepare. Tbe tablra were tTivs sotKivua« wawrxn zy»»v«s»«z Ree«l carried in bia pocket whs found at I errange.1 by Mrs. Ystra and it is needle«« Recorder. for - The Story "f the Phillpptlio» ' by Murat MARRIEOh H r I 4ti:«4. roMMfffirtfHied by the C»*fTnni«nt n> the Crow rapids, several mile» below the OI® r i a l H lut irlftif to th e War ftepffirtment. The ! hj say everything wee neat and pieeitug book wan written in army rMi.p« at tt*n Prat». scene of the ervbtent. I t bed lodged in A t tiie home of the bride, near P o in t: T O LO Q O ER 8 AN D M IL L M EN Haro, on the Parlflc with (»encrol Merritt, In ta tlio eye a* well a« the taste. tb * bokpltal« at Honolulu, In H amm K*ng, lu the brnah, and falling water hod left it. Terrace, Oregon, on Wednesday, A p ril! Much inter,untio,» on the enb|ect of the American Irene hen a* Manila, In the lubur- •everal feet from the e-tge of tho stream Odd Fellowship, «t» history ami object« Iff, 1800, M r. Boyd Holler and Mr». Id a ’ I bava appointe'l J. A. M clstxideputy fent ramp* with Aguinaldn. on the deck t>l the ¡ Ing oraler for tire « „ .te w country « n i be I *• it is now. A portion of the leather could be gained Hom the different f4»rte Hartley, Rev. H . Marwh officiating. baiti* at tb« fall of « ««WM« ------- . rflrer had worn off and i t is thought that ncx-y M e n a r e . a - bs. sccPfffPd. Tfm«w drairing Ih» official Prhafnl of firiffinal pirltiraa taken by tfu rtw Tim evening passed «H U » 9 “* * * .o ,or r, , phot<