The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 28, 1899, Image 2

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    r T íT I S
J );
PCW.iMxoE.TKBT re:oAv mornixo .—
F i . obbncb ,
U s i CoTOTV,
O kkoon
Has Arrived!
In Florence.
ir r in
Hl'OOf Of Womlerftll Cure* IJc-
ing Performed by Him.
t'o n s u lta lln a Frew.
mon interest and pride.”
A rxw of the yullow iounuala of the
East exhibit a woeful lack of patriotism,
and appear about aa grasping M tbs uu-
j "bile on big tour of inspection iu Cuba principled crowd of embalmed beef deal-
and Porto Rico. One oi them is in con- ers. These pajiere keep harping upon
W ash , D o , Aoril 17, 1899.
nection with tlie wholesale vaccination | the exploded statement that an army of
The instructions to the American
that ia now being done in l’orto Rico, l»y 1 100,000 men will he required to whip the
Commissioners to the Czar's disarma­ U. S.
surgeons. Instead of running j Filipinos, when, in fact, 10,000 Ameri-
ment conference have been prepared by ’
... u.a e >DK.o.r,nn aWRyir0mVatt'inMÜOn,aï *U a n y o io ,,r i CR’’ *>'*»«" >>a™ sent the flower of
the administration with the expectation '
produce practi- r" "
*'8Ve t *“ ‘ known lo do> Aguinaldo's boasted army skurrying into
that the conferonce tv ill
n Z „ X a l2 '
"æ recesses of the mountains. The
cal results—probably
« run after the vaccinators, believing that whoIe en-ort ¡9 to try to make it appear
the lines proposed by the Czar, but still | being v;
ing vaccinated makes them American , that the Pliilippines arc not worth keep-
results that will be beneficinl to all the
_____ ...
j ing and ought to be traded off for some
nations which will be represented at the
conference. Tbe text of tho instructions Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and islands on the Atlantic coast, the plain
Know f t
j truth being that some of our covetous '
to our commissioners has not been made
eastern neighbors sec in the building oil
public nnd is not likely to be in advance
(Office hour* from 9 a. ni. to 8 p. m.
E d ito r and Proprietor.
There eau be no doubt nor question of
the curative properties of electricity,
Florence, Ore. A p r. 28, 1899.
judging from tho extraordinary cases oi
cure performed by Dr. Darrin, now stop­
ping at the Morris Hotel, Florence, Or.,
Io May 25th.
Late reports (ay that Thomas B. Iieed
The great advantage of eleuUo-maenet-
still resign bis seat in congress before ic treatments is that it bring» relief in a
long and become n member of a law firm largo number of cnees professedly he- of tho conference, which meets next COUn,r^ ,n’* t dangerous because so d e-1 the Nicaragua canal and the acquisition ,
in N ew Y oik.
>ond the reach of the ordinary remedies month, but it is known that they strong- ! cep,*re’ ^ a,ly sudden death* are caused of the rich Islands of the Pacific the '
l,eart disease, pneumonia, heart development of a wonderful volume of
V\ bile Mr. Keel will be missed very of the physicians, nnd Dr. Darrin has Iv emphasize the position of this govern-
much should ho retire from congress, it enforced a belief in the curative power» ment in favor of internutional nrbitra-I ^**lUre Or apop'exF are often the result trade and commerce, which they desire j
can hardly be said that many people of of electricity upon the people by bis lion; also, that tiicy favor an agreement , ° f k'dney dl”ease- M kidney trouble is to hnve transferred to the Atlantic coast, J
for the further amelioration cf the hor- “"°Wed to a<lv,,nce the kidney poison
but the country can rest assured that I
this country will not be glad to have remarkable cures.
him take this step.
our flag which has been planted in the
The Dr. treats nil chronic disease« rors of
Ho is an able man and during lus successfully.
which havo been secured by the Geneva ‘^ gan8’ orthe k,dneys themselves break Philippines is there to stay.—Herald- •
down and waste away coll by cell. Then : Disseminator,
term ns speaker tins brought about
Red Cross Society at various times.
xcrnKNoae :
clauses in the rules of this bouse which
The military court of inquiry is etill the richness of tbe blood-the albumen
Ex-Judge J, H. Nosier, Coquille Oi y,
T he Pennsylvania legislature having '
li‘e ,ufferer haa Bright's
fea nn n would bare been able to en- Or., partial paralysis and a brenkinc ' tl,king testimony, Although it had hoped . Z ^ 8 ° Ut
adjourned without electing a senator !
« 8l‘
■ • last uoek- Although
• Disease, the worst form of kidney trou-
force and many would not have dared to down of the system, restored five years! I.-
to fln*
making four states hnving one vacant1
propose while occupying Reed’s poai-j ago.
prominent officers have been on the ble. Kidney trouble can be detected ! seat in tlie U. S. senate, furnishes an-1
although it he slow and deceptive. First, i
non end knowing that on themselves
Harry II. BulJwin, Bandon, Or., dye- stand, little that was cither new or iiu-
other argument in favor of electing!
analy8‘8 oi tho urint; second, by tho
would fall the burden of enforcing these pepsin and neuralgia of the stomach five portant was brought out. Several acts !
members of both houses of congress by ‘
of the court have served to deepen tho "1,np,e 'e8t ° f 6C“ ‘ng the urine aaid« in » direct vote of the people. This would j
roles should they be adopted.
years, cured.
88 °T b° Ule <0T twenty-four hours,
Some of these changes wero the sub­
Truman Butler, The Dalles, Or.,chron­ impression of tho unprejudiced public, |
remove one cause of much wrangling
ject of much criticism and at first loudly ic rheumatism and contracted Joints and that the court is prejudiced against Gen- j " 'i®” .* d0Udy
from the state legislatures, and give
condemned by bis political opponents : impoverished blood, all of years stand­ eral Miles, especially its flat refusal to
more time for the business of law mak­
It was for just such troubles that in
hut after the next congress assembled ing, given up by all treat man is until Dr. bumtnon six particular witnesses whoso
His infinite power aud goodness tbe ing. It would also prevent members of
the democratic majority set tho seal of Darrin cured.
naniri were furnished by Mile«.
the legislature from cutting down the
their approval on what they had previ­
Representative Packer, of Pa., who has GreRt 1 hycicion caused Swamp-Root to
representation of their own states in tlie
Just returned from a visit to Cuba, said : I *r° W *°r tbe benefit of suffering nun-
ously condemned by adopting a set of
national senate when they cannot elect
"Tt.e impn ssion I got was that our k‘nd' 1<!#Ving U for Hia 8ervant- Dr- KiU
rules very nearly the :same as those in
man they prefer for that office.
tbB great kidney and bladder spee-
force in the preceding congress.
E ditop . W est :—Some of us have an troops will have to stay down there a
W hile many cities and towns are
It ie thought by some (hat Mr. Reed idea that If fnrtners and ranchers of the lutig time. One of our leading generals 'al‘st t0 dl8cover “ and make it known
»eee that be has attained to the zenith Siuslaw were as prosperous ns (hoy talked tbe situation over with me fully j ‘° tb® W° tld' 1,8 wonderful efficacy in arranging to issue bonds to fund their
cl hie fame and that a decline will follow should be, their income would he much and frankly. His idea is that congress I promptly cunn« ‘,1C “ °»t distressing floating debt, tlie people of Florence can
if be remains in politics, that he w a si,rca,er> r « ’bapi double wind it is at made a fearful mistake in adopting the ta8es 18 UulT n,arvel°u»- You may have congratulate themselves on the fact that
disappointed nt bis failure to receive thp P*’Cfe»t, and that they would then buv Teller resolution that disclaiintd any a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- thc city lias no outstanding debts of
j residential nomination in 1890. Be double the amount of merchandise they intention on our part to annex Cuba. Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder any kind though there has been no tax '
that sa it may, the people of tho west­ tin under present rircu instances. If thia The respoctable and educated element— remedy, by mail free. Address Dr. Kil­ levied. The officials enter upon tlie dis-
ern part of tbe country feel that his is correct, then under those improved mostly Spaniards—say they will be glad mer & Co., Binghamptou, N. Y. When charge of tlieir duties for the coming 1
year with enough money in the treasury i
course tn congress lias been such that conditions merchants selling goods nt te see annexation come about speedily, writing mention this paper.
Druggists, in lifty-cent or dollar sises. to meet current expenses for several i
they have not been given tt.e considera­ one-half the profits charged nt present but the general was not suro bow far
months. There I irs never been any city '
tion lo which they are entitled, that lie would make just as much as they do tbeae people could be depended upon to
Heartburn, coated tonge, bad breath,
lias favored the east at tho ekpeiiie of under present conditions. Taking this make good their talk. If au election constipation. Hudyan cures. All drug­ tax levied here since Florence was incur- '
tlie won, and that he lias used his posi­ view of thc case, the merchants should were held at au early day, they might gists, SO cents.
tion as speaker to prevent measures to adopt a policy which will build up thc vote contrary to their declarations,
W. C. C onner has sold thc Myrtle'
which hej was opposed from being consuming public, for in so doing tliey about tlie desirability of annexation.
Point Enterprise to Attorney G. M. '
brought beforo congress.
would most successfully build up their All the Americans over there are of the
Short of Marshfield ami J. C. Roberts, i
B y R epokteb .
In tho hope of a change by which tlie own business. If the merchants of the opinion that Oulra must, eoonor or later,
who will coutinue its publication. Mr. I
west will receive moro consideration Hiueiaw do this I atn very much mis­ be annexed to tlie U. 8., but how soon
Conner goes to Roseburg where lie will i
John Furnish is on the sick list.
many will be glad if the report proves taken; on tho contrary, they put up or under what circumstances they do
Eva Pepper is staying a few days at become rssociated with E. D. Stratford ‘
their prices just as much above Eugene not pretend to predict.”
0 . H. Holden's.
in tho publication of the Plaindcnler.
prices as they possibly can and sell their
Mis. Colli» and son Frank spent Sun­
The disposition at the German embas­
- -----
goods. It is very evident that they have sy to consider tho Samoan question dis­ day up the river.
but little thought as to legitimate prices posed of, now that it hag been arranged
Nellie I.owe is suffering from a very
I am directed to collect all unpaid
The craze for trusts is great and grow- and people are beginning to find it out
painful carbuncle.
that commissioners representing the U.
ing. Their own future as'well as their and are applying a rem edy-they are ' 8., Great Britain and Germany shall eail
aa follows:
rents on Fiddle creek.
effect upon tbs industrial and commer­ •upplying themselves to quite an extent
| The asst-is ir shall require every per-!
from Han Francisco on the 35lh inst,
W. II. Weatherson and wife
cial world is something which cannot elsewhere. Look nt the great number of
were , eon to pay his Poll Tax of every kind '
with authority to make temporary Glenada visitors Hundav.
yet be foreseen with anything like cer­ people throughout the country who send
at tlie time of assessing tlie same and
changes in tho government oi Samoa,
Rebecca Hendarson of Maple creek is 1 default ot such payment the assessor
ta in ty .|'J f tliey shall prove to be ns bad to Boston, Chicago, Hacramento and Han pending the ooiwideratiou of their re
| shall immediately give to tlie sheriff'
in fact as they are in the anticipations I rancisco for goods, even as heavy as l»rt# by their respective governments, ia visiting w ith friends here this week.
Mrs. Yates and Mrs. Kennedy visited * ''u
8“Cl‘ po11 ,ales alld l)ic sheriff
of many persons, and in popular opinion «mots and shoes and have thorn sent by , not shared by many Americans. Amer-
with friends in Glenada last Sunday.
I *ba »"mediately collect the same.
generally, there is no doubt that the mail, paying sixteen cents a pound post- ¡can officers and men were killed in am-
C. II. David ami family nre expected i Also eee section 28M: And if he cannot I
A in ori can people will find a remedy for age, and still save money over Hiuslaw bush near Apia, and the cliargo made
' find personal property out of which of j
to move back to their home in Glena la
make the same, sliall demand such tax 1
them. But the man who knows that prices. Just think of
paying sixteen , that tlie ambush was the result of Ger-
j from any person who may be indebted ;
there are more trusts without protection doliate a bundled
Mrs. Lowe tins beon suffering for sev
for freight—three man treachery. If investigation sliall
siicli tax payer and shall collect tlie *
of tbeir products in thé tariff law than hundred and twenty dollars a ton in ad- ■how that chargo to be untrue.Ameri- eral weeks with a felon and is still una­ | to
there are with such protection, and who dition to the cost of tho goods—and still cans will rejoice; it not. they will de­ ble to use her hand.
itili contends that the reined, for trusts beat Siuslaw prices I There is sonic- mand full reparation
T\ ill Johnson was slowly recovering
Co., assessor.
from Germany, from his recent illness but was taken
1» to take away the protective tariff, is a thing wrong somewhere. Many of us «»d they will refuse
to consider the worse a few days ago and is now quite [
demagogue, whihi the man who believes are of the opinion that these exorbitant matter closed until the result
of tlie iu- low.
that any political party is responsible for prices are not confined to boota and vestigaticn is known. Americana do not
Rev. Buckner of Gardiner preached a
the system or has a ready-made remedy shoos and articles of light weight, hut regard the appointment and departure very interesting sermon here last Sun­
<«r ifs evil. , houW begin his work oi that they cover nearly every line of oi lbs commission aa settling the matter, day. He thinks be will be with us once '
reform at the primaries in voting for goods sold by Hiuslaw merchants.
hut as starling in die proper way to get each month until conference, when lie
Tlie web of our life is
tangled yarn. '
thinks lie will have a permanent mission
wen whom he ia sure are wiser than
Since mi at of our merchants ship in at tho bottom of it. If there has been tiere.
i good and ill to.-cthcr.
Iiimsslf.—Milwaukee Eentixicl. ‘ ’
wheat and oats, it is natural to think wrong doing, wliethcr by Americans,
Twas the saying of an ancient sage,,
Sick headache, inline«« of stomach, that humor
T ub best way toTuTld up a town ia to they would encourrge tho raising of such Germane or Englishmen, it nmat be not
the only test of gravity;
pain in bowels. Hudyan cures, AH ; and gravity « of as humor.
For a subject
stand by all the men in (he place who crop8; u“ior,unH,c|y il ,iCenia»uch ia not onlJ «hown up, but punished.
druggists, 50 cents.
•re trying to do right and shotv a public *beCM,iC' "
becl1 impossible
Secretary Alger, who has returned
that would not hear raillery was suspi-'
fendency to promote thc business and
th° ,an“#r8 of U,c Willamette valley fron* a trip to Cuba nnd Porto Rico, aud
Tlie San Francisco Examiner and the cions; and a jest which would not bear
financial interests ]B the town, says an ' 0 -1*1 8,1Uy
a bu"liel
‘heir ’■«■«med his position at thc head of the W est for one year Î2.Ô0 paid in l(j. a serious
examination was certainly
i false wit.
•«change. Wherever a man ia doing i
t,,e m erd,,n‘8 of <>'» fJiuslaw * ar d«Pa»-t«'cn‘, doesn't talk like a man vanee.
well do not try to tear him down if his va’ley l,l"'e beun 8elli,1K ¡‘ «H the time who lias any idea of resigning; in fact
I U t crery one bewai*
‘he insensible i ,
ia rMn«»»>i.i. 2_.i ■__ ,
. .. I Df they tiad any) at ono dollar and he
* '
mess Is
very distinctly
says that ho has no
respectable and legal. All
T ab!.,., i lies, so that base coin may pas, : thov
rssidenu should he for the best ¡
* U,8‘‘al’ or lwo
» such idea. On the contrary, he talks of Take U „ tire Bromo ....... .
All druggists refund money if it fails to ■ that which
inUrsats of the community, ,ud not J pound. Gals were selling last fall at the work in Cuba and Porto Rico as cur»
j _. has
.. .
, »nai winch is grossly wrong, wit may
cure. 2fie Ti...
The ™_..
L B Q on_ . ,
though lie expected to he connected with each tablet.
opponents. Every business man who!
make fascinating; when no argument
»rests his customer honestly, courteously | ll“uct,'’ ’ a,,ey. while the standing price “ for a long time. He says the greatest
~u ld persuade you, tbe coruscation» o f ,
• 'd fairly w I get his el a-e. „„d the ' *"**
b‘*" lwo e'},’,8 * P°md. Many eed of Cuba is education for the masses;
wit may dasxie and blind you; when
and the
mors business that can l,0 »,-cured by of our people thought to raise their own that there is comparatively little dis-
dnty prese-s you tbe threatoning« of thi.
»ultcJ.effort the better it will be for all. oats this season. They wens assured
Effective Feb. 12th, t|ie Nort|,em homan ligl.tning might rnnks you
,,ow on the island, among men,
^ ’ben a town ceases to grow .................„
it begins to ,hat lher« w'»«*J be plenty of seed; soma ««d that the condition oi the indigent Pacific will inaugurate donhic train ser­ to do right.
dis aud the more people try to kill each f l>i8*{cd “ "pcc'^c quantity while others, widows and children ia being steadily vice between Portland an-i nil points
xlher in business the more rapidly will ”Ot knowin“ Ju*‘ l,ow n,“ch ground tin y impioveil, nnd he paid this compliment east. Trains will leave Portland at 11 ..10
u ni, and II p m daily. These trains
Uiler ruin eoiuc to all. stand together! W° U*d ** *bl#
did not «"«•«• to our boys in blue: “I never maw will holh he first class ami full» equipped
for t U advataomient of every deserving any. What is the result 7 Those who anywhere, a finer body of men than the Iin evcr7 respect, heated by »team,
< iUssB. If a nian shows ability to pres­ had a special quantity engaged got half -^mirican poW:crs now- in Cuba.” H vestihuled, standard Pullman
* „ I to u rist sle e p e r s, d in in g ca rs a n d c o lo n ist
t a r do no» pull hint bM-k through joal-
A doctor’s ex »m in i t ion
♦ usy. or weight him down through 'cold ! * "
? ,,era 8,,ouW ‘,a’re l*»n mo" »''«n »«tisfieil. Of course. I re«l,zc ’.rare’ Mferenri’lt iv e r '^ n u ’ v U * » " *
Don t
★ ★
-See our special counter.
C A R M A N ’S
G o o d s, * C r o c e r ie s ★ ’ a n d j * N o t io n s .
■Just Opened.
Goods as Reoresented.
P R O P R I p Tr»
•K is * #
'F & G T I(A I
h R£S5IÛ.
« Every
— ’i-
Well Man
Hath His III Day.
itijigcreocc. - McMinnvdfs ’Prajscrii.t. I enou«h to •* k‘“ ‘ • “PPlj those that
were engaged. W lint is tlie reason there
E dits « W kstwibson of the Florence
not enough 7 Were there no oats
" MI Las been elected mayor of fòibe
•t Eugene, Albany or Corvallis 7 W».
that there is a great d«al yet to be done.
«fid liiat perfection is a plant of slow
growth. I return, however, with
questioning faith in the future. I return.
’"«■- wl.i.-b renders
•he service
1,®'',*d by tlie Northern Paciftc >»n-
equalled t.y any oil,or transcontinental
H u m p l ' n ^ ^ Srethat vonr rickêt ’
your tirkets
too, a better American, if rudi a thing read via thé Northern
Paeitic to all
Iw |xissiiilv, than when
went away. Points east or south. For further infor-
"’hen I realize liow great a work the V 1 ma,fon «»Il on addir»»,
H has undertaken, sud how magnifi­
R McMi r.rnr,
cently that work is being accomplished, . ^ _ _ _ G r " < >ral Agen'. E -rene. Or.
I feel
. . thatjour country has taken another ! A 1T ? ' IctT»a» «AiiTZn sv a a w a a a K
2* ,rhT
u( l1"' •'»ihefMne»" bv Manu
8!nde ,crwanl >n the noble task Of uolp. i h i ’J’
l l o
ibg GnvaniBieiH a.
ile.,-.»I llHt-wian t<> ih- w sr besefftawi-t. ''
‘n< to civilize and uplift humanity. The N"el woa «ritira m armi cwnipa ai s<u
„ “¿ « T T 1
if so why
, I lorepoc «re to be congratulated upon is it that ' » tlie
««V era
s St
Roberts g-w-s to
k',0*».F wl’W» to look for gooi, material I Tillamook to find something to do 7
o bead tlieir city rounuil. It is quits ; Don't •«■■WWIPH
we kndw that there were thousands
■»« UJ {irsdiet that Tffx
ot won't ds- upon thousands <jf bushels of oats for
vuU much apnos during the municipal sale at the places name J 7 If die R ..b-
le r n 1« roasting ttiu city dads.—Anbmh- aria would not bring them in, why not 7
i» Sugg*. A a n k s for the compliment, Ho we end with the game (jweetioii with
7‘ro. Howard, but Florence has gener­ Whieli we began, "Is it husinete 7 ”
llaruiann, Or., April 12.
lime ls not far distant—if, indeed, it is
ally «tocteil < city council whose mem- (
g ■
-__ -
° ‘ ‘ lr*ady
<»• Pi'ople of
I w e e s competent and ronscisutions I Any°°n desiring to purriiase
enough to attohil to the dutiis of llieirj * * • « « «hnvbins may find it to hi» iu-
and Porto Rivo will rise up and
»■flic* Without much roasting fro u a n y -'
io ckll at il-s M gar office aud «H “» bisserei. In thè l.zstcìing of
' Adesrtaii» what we offer in that line
M«i day. ave y L-_erivax hai a rem-
I cltt». .Iti die l-M-ia,. ,1 ,}, Gvn-r»l M
oliti.’ In
.he h-vp-rel. ai H.m..lulu. m Hrai* K.ais.
U » ABirrli-an uen.-hr. al Manila ni thè Inaur
lauiuaM-', un thr -hvk nf ih .
and In ih« n a r ni ihe
tAKle «I lb*» f«il ■«er.
n. Manila, Hunanin tur ast uta
’- i l >
might sh o w thxt kidneys,
liver andstorm ck ir e normal
doctor Cannot analyse
organs depend.
- a
■ r-A », , »
■" - / -
H o o fs San-apanlla purifies, vitalises
/ « w X d ^ X ? , . 8* 1^
•Nir Uttia
m x
B o m b s on acremnt ot dislreaa — 1 -ns
t'on. ««»<>• • e r s e io r n ia , - » « - L m A?,'
JC ccd ò
‘ “7 J Wra. j K -
had a k v ro ct sores, l t c u r e l b c n -
E mm . ma*. Por.,,.. Va
S a ^
Hr.- «ui ui -rtmuai V r tu ^ m k
7 ,;''b 7 ^ ^
»l-H. I*i»TbSui
H■« pp'fita. trvurbl iwjrt Credit
Don» ali ira.hi i:i«.dl--tal war t»»ks.
1 T p«fbr», fie?'»., sm» _brea'.
Pin. rara tirar 1.0 1. -r- ,1,
lustraaev »;d<..vbiraae,
fijjC afepgT» Wk; r e , B s X
l/f $
0 ¿ Voi-Jn 1 5 !
A ho
and lot ._ ...
We I » o made Arrangements hy
• * »SH furnish the Weekly
» food woodahed Oreg,-
I premises. For furtiior
with the Wiarr for on« cea»
— “• m ««-
P*’,'iculars m
• qQ,f’ al lI,i* o®(*.
address fcr
, nn)
ta a-ltx-cg.
* h .ll i . height
h .i,M
n“ -,on .u l which