'T ff’ -g.., THE W EST A D V E R T IS E S Y O U R H O f lE P A P E R cjtvî ; f S U P P O R T IT - 0 kL- til Attrai Ü*Vw«t4n U 4» A 1 1 ■ " r F f* F* 1¿¿ 1 -.»** -d-»» O P P O R T U N IT Y —A: VOL. r A-.wfcr FLO RENCE, OREGON, F R ID A Y , Apr. 28, 18M. G EN ERA L directory STA TE OFFIC ERS- I TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. S T E A M ER “ M IN K ," o — Governor........................ . . . T. T. Geer. Hecretftry of b 'ate............. .F. I. Diinbnr. T re a s u re r ............. »............... I'. H. Moore. Hupt. Public Instruction J . II. Aekerninn State Printer..................... IV. H. Leeds. Attorney General D. R. N. Blackburn .. . R. 8. Bean . I'. A. Moore Supreme Court E. Wolvoiton Judge Second Diatrict. J . W. Hamilton Prosecuting Attorney .( leo. M. Brown C O U N TY OFFIC ERS- TR A V ELER S' GUIDE W ill m a k e --------o R e g u l a r d a il y — Between —* t r ip s " o la u ib u i IraprnM lona o n HI* F ir s t In- tr o d a c lio o ta» fcaiaklng T ob acco. Steamer Robarts W dl make regular trips from Florence to Yaqnina Florence and Head of Tide. THE ‘BURNING STIC K S.” STEAM ER L U E L L A Calling a t AUSEA. And from Florence to Coos Bay Many persona have their good day and their bad day. Others art about half tick all the time. They have headache, backache, and are restless and nervous. Food does not taste good, and the digestion la poor; the skin is dry and sallow and disfigured with pimples or eruptions; sleep brings no rest and work la a burden. What la tba cause of all this? Impure blood. And the remedy? Calling at the UMPQUA. For passenger and freight rates — APPLY TO — Will carry freight and passenger« Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. from Florence to San Francisco. G L A -P U D IT T E r t W ill also bring up freight S T A O H L IN S . F or further information in q u ire ! H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, — OF — ........ tv. T. Bailey Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Commissioners A. W. BEADLE & CO. j t . . . . H. D. Edward’s days snd Fridays. E. U. Lee 14 California St Clerk ............... Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ Sheriff.............................. W. W. Withers days and Saturdays. San Francisco, California, i F. O. Totter. Judge................. Treasurer..........................A S . Patterson Assessor. ................. ...........D- P- Burton School Superintendent. • W. SI. Miller Surveyor......... ...................... O. M. Collier f oroner............. ............ W. P. Cheshire Justice of Peace................. C. II. Holden Constable.............................. 1-- A. Evans .. W. H. Wifttherson O. W. Hurd Wm. Kyle J. W. Carinan SI. Morris Board of Trustees Pv Recorder.................. .John I. Butterfield Treasurer .......................... F. B- Wilson Marshal............................ G. C. Cnmpton M IN N E A P O L IS S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . DULUTH FA R G O TO ■ F. A A. Sf. Florence Lodge No. 107. A, Rug tbr sommnnicatiou on second and fourth Saturdays in cneli month. E. W. Conn, W. M J. 1. B vttii «FIEL», Secretary. G R A N D FO RKS CROOKSTON A. General Lyons - Post, k. K. I \. UUUCIU« — - , - No.^ 68 __ meets b o u o ih I muí fourth Saturdays ci each month »t 1:30 p. m. h. B. C olvin , Commander. J. L. F venisii , Adjutant. T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls HELENA ! THROUGH TICKETS O. O. F. Ileceta Lodge No. I l l , meets • everv Wednesday evening in Lodge bill, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in jod standing invited to attend. A xiikt - w B k VND, N. O. R. L. E vans , Sec. Of Tlio ALL P O IN T S E A S T su'’ S O U T H Pur I n f.ir m s tio n , tim e cards, m ap s an d tic k e t s joi.Sds Vocabulary Terms e tc ., c a ll on or w iit e R. M c M u rph ey , »47 Editora and SpscloMata G eneral A gen t, lto o m s 2 and 4, S h e lto n B lo c k , EU G EN E, OREGON". A- D CH ARLTO N, A ssista n t G eneral Passenger A gen t, 255 M orrison S t., (.’or., 3d. P o r tla n d , O r. S1J tteoders lor Quotottoiso Sooo Illustrations Coat over $060.000 Appendix ot 47,468 Entries T h e f u ll n u m b er o f w ords and term a In dtflurent d ic tio n a r ie s for t h e e n tir e a lp h a b e t is , § SBYTER1AN CHURCH,Florence, egon. Sabbath service: Babhath- l, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching H k a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament o ,ord's supper on 1st Sabbath of ,ry, April, July «nd October, body is welcome to all the services, r re piests Christians to make (elves know«. I. G. K notts , Pastor. « COM PLETE j S U C C IE N T A U T H O R IT A T IV E | FLORENCE, OR. J. F. TANNhR, pao,. C H U R C H D IR EC TO R Y Dictionary' ENGLISH LANGUAGE Í P H IL A D E L P H IA BOSTON ANO Standard TO O H IC A C O { W A S H IN G T O N i MW_ V«Wt V. W. Terpetua Lodge, No. 131, ;ets every 1st and 3d Tuesdays mouth. Members and visiting ■eii iu good standing are cordially ! to attend. A. O. iv'NKfi, M. >V . ¿surra, Recorder. Single faro - - _ - $5.00 Round trip _ - - - $9.00 Tickets for sale a t E. B angs’ livery barn, Eugene, and a t O. W. H urd’s office in Florence. W IN N IP E G _________ BUTTE ß P r o p rie to r . C a rs 8 T . PAUL » t 4 ♦ TA N N E R HOTEL a s fo llo w s: S v o n x o N T n , 50,WW: W o a c iir .i-ia a j 106,000; W eu sT ea (iu tc r n a tio iia l), 125.OU0; CaM- to » y , (« lx v o lu m e s . co m p le te,) 225,000: 3TAX DA RD, ovor 300,000: .Sam ple P ages Free. A G ENTS W A N T E D . E V E I’.Y T H IN G FIRST-UhAS.’ . E . D . Bronson & Co, Special Attention to Pacific Coast Agents SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Commercial » » Travellers. * * 933 Market S t. MORRIS *’« HOTEL, ATTORNEYS J. I. BUTTEBFIELD, Proprietor A. C . W O O D C O C K , Attorney a t Law u s e n e , fW -iH .a n - O re g o n 7 end 8 snd'pm - 1:1 II lU e iU io n e v e n to c e llo c t lo a « » n u r 0 b in in o.', «e * « » OUR AIM—To furuieh tho beat accommodations a t reasonable prices. Head of Tide Hotel, E . O. P O T T E R W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. . Attornoy-at-La w .. Tables furnished with all the 'delicacies of tho season. W ild E c a c x i, OREOOS, rie s At the Court lluuse. E . E . B E N E D IC T , A . T T O R N K Y - A .T - L A V Z . F lo r en co . : i cxrsriknoc P atents OuataNB •nlcfcly Ad**ertaiT, - w. v.—_-7 game, fish and frait in season. Beet ¡accomodations for the traveling public. renn raicn» SetcMtftc Jh m rk MARION MORRIS Pro’p. Shaving Hair Cutting Razor Honed Scissors around O re g o n . jr io r -» n o e M A D E »n** R E P A IR E D . Charges reasonable. E lk P ra irie H otel. Oreffon. BO Y E A R S * T on sorial P a rlo rs. jP X oren .0® , O r o g c n , : OLE MYRIND, r io r o n o e , O reg o n . J t t i i *• 5 T w e n t v - th r e e Good Work Done at Reasonable Price,. M ile s W e s t of E u g e n e . N O TA RIES. ON EUGENE AND A. R. B U T T O L P H , FLO R ENC E STAGE R O U T E . Notary Public, Surveyor F lo r O r e s o ix . tx o e , M o n e y S aved By P a tr o n iz in g it. FRANK B. WILSON. NOTARY « « •S w íe S M Íí Oeo. H a le Prop. LORENCE. - Beady made Skirls. ÇREOQN It clear« out the channel« through which poisons are carried from the body. When ■11 impurities sre removed from the blood nature takes right told and completes the cure. If there is constipation, take Ayer’a Pills. They awaken the drowsy action of the liver; they cure biliousness. SPECULATING ON SHIPS. C o w U n ,lo r w r lt« r s G n u ,h ie o n O v erd o « VeaM la 1’o .t e .l n t L lo y d s. Ladies’ Shoes 90c. and up Men’s “ 75c. “ “ C hildren’s “ 20c. “ “ B ig S election — Can save you mortsy and Boy’s C lo w e le ft NEW HOME A Tension Indicator W hite Sewing Machine. W S M C . J Men’s Shirts 25c. »ad up Boys’ “ 20c. “ “ Boys’ Suits 75c. Men’s “ $2.75 “ “ “ “ Hale and Dress Slirts Ijftdios’ U ndervests 5c. and op Childrens “ 5c. “ “ Men’s Underwear .......... 60c. and up per suit. Send us your mail orders; they will ha*e orompt attention. J . V . K u ffm a n . Nonh Willamotte Street, Lartî Oo., Oregon Eugene. When a ship is overdae, an opportu­ nity is sometimes afforded for a gainblo G e tU n * V ». at Lloyds. It can bo readily understood WILLING EXILE9. Th. Duke of Wellington slept on an that uinlorwriteis who nre intorostod in iron camp bedstead 18 inches wide und tho “ overdoes” nro only too willing to T h e Kngltsh and Amsrleona A r« argued tliat “ when a man wants to torn l« n t Vaotoxs tu Pavla L lis , Mfofow fa aaa OocföF. get rid of the risk by paying a premium We bave the excluais e «errile« of “ On and after this date," wrote over it is time to turn out. ” Edward on the insured rate to those who are ft-xne oi the most em inent physician* in - - “ W ■ rite ‘ s ire e l ail rite tba “ CulUMl • Ftatea. Napoleon I to Fouclie, "see that the Everett Hale quote, this remark of th . willing, ou t-hoir terms to relieve them LEjTlealiarj in fo u r case. You w itl ro- duke in tho “ Ten Times Oue Rocord” of their responsibilities. Tho premium English ara expcllfd from Piiris. •’ uud takes issuo with him. “ The prin­ Such an edict would seem a very varies with the oharces of the vessel • L o w .ll, M u .. turning up; the smaller tho chances tho large order at Die present day, but it ciple is well enough. ” says Dr. Hale, wm by uo means a small one in Napo­ "but 1 think the detail is wroog. Bleep higher the premium und vice versa. Tho rat-os paying ou "ovordues” servo leon’s time. What would tho Paris of is far tea important to be made uncom­ as acearnto barometers of the probabili­ today bo without its English eolouyi fortable. ” Dr. Halo goes on to toll of ties or otherwise of the ship ever being From Sir Edmund Mouson, oar embas­ various ingenious devices for automat­ heard of again. These underwriters who sador, to the pale boy who tiles the ically waking u sleeper. A friend of bis speoulnto on “ overdues” are genoraliy English journals nt Neal’s library in fixed his alarm so that at the foreordain­ kuown by the significant name of “ doe- tho Rne Castiglione tho English are ed momeut tho bedclothes wore dragged tors.” The insnranee ou an “ overdue” very important factors in Parisiou lifo. from the bed. T h. same gentleman There has been on English colony in found another contrlvnnee which Work­ may pass through many c-hauuels before the ship is, on the one band, “ posted" the French capital for mouy centuries, ed better. "Tho alarm struck a match, at Lloyds as “ missing, ” or, ou the yet one might search in vain for a s im ­ which lighted the lamp which boiled ilar French colony in London. The tlio water for Rossiter's shaving. If other hand, ahe arrives in safety. A ship is never “ posted” until the Leicester aud Boho square districts, al­ Koseiter staid in bad too long, the wa­ commitleo is thoroughly satisfied that though owning to a large French popu­ ter boiled over upon his tutor and «lean her case is hopelrsa, and nntil the own­ lation, possess hardly a trace of the shirt aud the prayer book his mother er is of the same opinion. Before “ post­ flavor or mien that distinguishes the gavo hint and Coleridge’s untograpfl and ing” a notice is put up for a week in­ quarter the English frequent in Paris, his open pocketbook And all the other precious things he could put iu a basin viting any information ooncorning the and it is not a fifth the size. 1 vessel. If 1 his elicits uo news, the com- To sjieak broadly, Paris has within underneath when ho wont to bed; no bo ! m it tee nt its next meeting votes the ship its walled borders a little Loudon of had to get op before that moment , ns “ missing, ” and a notice is posted ae- many thousand persons—not squalid came.” ' cordiugly. Tho loss is then settlod and and impoverished, hut boasting splen­ A (teaaraoe Adnrtsslea. paid for. It may be incidentally ro- did mansions, fine shops, hotels, The Loudon Grnpliio tells the follow­ ; marked that "posting” at Lloyds con- churches, hospitals aud libraries, and , ------------ stitntes a ---------------------------------- legal death oertifioate for any . all these to such an extent that it is ing »tory about Huns Richter inauarti- cue da hoard the missing ships.—Good I difficult to believe one is not in the cla ou conductors: Dr. Riohtor’s popularity with his Words. British capital itself. man is easily intelligible, for wbila The inhabitants of this colony might Smallest end Oddest Republics. roughly be catalogued as follows: Re­ nothing cecnpoe h i, argue eyed vigilant» C o n s t Is the smallest republic as to tired people and gentlefolk who have he alwaye recognixee end acknowledge« are«, hut Tnvolaru is the m .alle.t re­ seen lietter days, those who desire to good work. ▲ few y « r e sgo. while he WRITE FOR CIRCULARS tccent Stylos ol public as to population. Gunst is only have their children educated in the lan­ wm conducting—f rum memory, fiananal fi.w t .lt M wklnes wo n u m ofictu ro und thelv one mile in area. It is located on the —0110 cf Erahin’e overtures at St. guage, business people, authors, artists, prices bcf.,re yo u purchase any oilier. fiat top of a mountain in the Pyrenees, students, jourusHhts aud professional Jatnea* hall, “ a etn a«* thing happen­ T H < MEW H O M S S KW INO M A C H IK S CO. between Franca aud Spain, and is recog men. those who have tho bert of privute ed ,” a , Mr. Haggard neod la say. Band nisted by both of those countries. It is for living out of England _ and and conductor lost taaeii tor eeaqral ““a I franks,*which"teraTïnèlude. certain in­ bare, and when the piece waa ended Dr. | 1*3. It w as es tab lish ed iu 1G-JS ioi«l lias dividuals who for some cause or other Richter (dgnaled to the arnhertre to play I .1 __«,«.1 . . r . y . to w n . 189 , inhabitants. Tho have developed a fueling 0/ hatred for tho overture again from the beginning. Good dealers w an iiH l in . e . ie . . president is . tax ... ... . . , . collector, assessor and judge, tfocst has the land of th.tr birth. Nearly alt are This time everything went wlthoet a \\ rite for prices and terms to Nan 1 ran- I(a4eac». colonists of Louisiana and tho Indian«, A New Utetevt». Fifty yenr» ago tbu elhwvauca ot with whom they bargained to fight out Th e old otetsste« th a t used to prevent their battles with hostile ludinun fur paint Iu tbc British navy tu» very the ui«nkege of lo ving couple» ais out of It them, varied with clrrnmstunc.es. At small, and sometimes the officer« bad date The blood and-thunfler v tllia a is a indicates I the time tho FYcuuh were at war with to pay large sains iu act In the French qaerrtce of At Tri phon «tom: is sawwl with rte.-l wire oehles not obliterate tbu objeetiouablo letters allays inflaturontlon. heal- r.teeratl»», stop» * and »ooahea pain. It W e have other striking moistcind with wot »and and pssaiufl tiulrss he was glvou mere paint and eshansting for drain natural, healthy motherhood. pnp"'e* signed himself in turn, “ Yonr affec­ in so piallees fope over a verb-« of pal- _ _ _ 1 m atcruitv caay and sole and al- improvements that appeal to I t m aaei aternity ea moet nalnteaa. It inaurea a new comer ■ley«. The wire, which ru»« frmn LOGO tio n a te filci’d John Phlilimore.’’ the careful buyer. Send for The uavy b-.-.ird then celled his nttvn I b> 1,300 feet per minute, is ulierytd as our elegant TL T . catalog. j it enters the cut wnh a j't of water eu,l tion to Ute impropriety of the signature, g re a t,-- „ 1 eiiicoous semi, which forms tho c’.tliog to which Htr John replied, ackaowltdg- M edicine dealers seit « ’ material. A running cgblo of -vCi) fact ing the letter, stating that he regretted dealer w ilt 00« arge s wrbetitnte ug |'wT rite eww achine o ' con make a cut 100 feet if ng. • alter »u*»ri-w «nHrid »mratre.” t h a t l b « paint bad not boon rent and I F r» suvin, nf F >s ry. Uoegts« V c.ottfc- “ 1 eta no longer your affection­ Cleveland, Ohio. Ce . U m U o I**. « il>“ i ■<»i ‘ f eure Io Dt. riete« • Kavortte P.t k r r e e « B e a n ie * . ate friend, John Phillininre. ” The prndt ’ 'de o f lifo is health. The I Hie frigate «rat allow- d to retain ’ A boy of 15 thinks b« is loo rid to an * 1 mfi » in the rirh , rsdr. and p erita th e i ' run errand«, hot after I:. i« 3A ami tn«r- original i r r t « » iffenssnt hcnltff. LH Mneliine For «ale by White Sewing I.Jiwid 1 ru n is fi ^dg.tt • •niistipAtum an i-’. rh-rt he lagins again.—Atchison (Kan.) tioard pu rv. They a c v tr gr tly lirtt.îS'” «- ' » Corn pani n f'oinpany, tan Yraneisi-o. i Globa. PUBLIC.' - It was on the island of Cuba, In the lutumu of 1193. that the use of tobacco .van lenrued by Europeans. Uolum'-oa inokos the first mention o f tho vroed in *iis diary under date of OoL 15. When ao and his men loaded on Cuban shores, die kindly natives, who mistook thorn for mossongors from heaven, brought :bem numerous offerings. Among tln-se, V stated ty the admiral in his diary, 1 cere some ‘ dry leaves, which must bo G uaranteed Fast Black * | >umetbir.g much prized by them ttho I mtives), for they had already brought * Ladiu'd and Men’s Hose 1 me some in San Salvador asn present.” Little heed was paid to these leaves 10c. per pair. ' iu tlio beginning by tho Spaniards. They I were iu search of gold and saw no pos- nbility of converting miserable weeds j into that precious commodity. In the : ;ourse of time they began to notice thus ■ it tlie natives went to and from their ' villages and the shore smoke escaped from their mouths, “ in a truly diabol­ Scotch letwn ical manner.” Soon they discovered F ast Colors that these unclad children of the wilus • I isrried in their hands n “ burning : P retty Patterns stick,” which every now and then they ! would put luto their months and blow 4c. per yard. : out a eload of smoke. This had u most bealbeuish look, as it is recorded. to the Spaniards, and they inquired, as well as , they could by signs, mto the custom. They learned that the burning Bticks were composed of Die dried li-aves so .10 yds. oaliofi for $1.00 treasured by the natives, and that tho custom of smoking the fragiaut weed A. F. C. Giughtuns 10c. per y ard . was supposed to lessen fatigue on long 10, 12, 15, I journeys. They tried it for themselves Duck Suiting a t i cud found this actually to be the case, 20c. per yard : : : i On many a troublesome jaunt thereafter I they were refreshed ns tho pleasant per­ fume curled upward from their own “ burning sticks.”— Detroit Journal. 8, Stago leaves Eugene daily ex- cept Sundays, at G a. m., arriving at Florence the day following at 10 n. m. S le e p in g C a r s Returniug-stago leaves F lo r­ E le g a n t ence daily, except Sundays a t 2 D in in g C a rs p, m., arriving in Eugene the day T o u r is t following at 9 p. ra. S le e p in g We call vonr attention to the following prices. We invite comparison. We want your trade. II good goods and low prices count we will get it. Pretty Slirt Waists EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. E. B a n g s , & CITY O F F IC E R S . President.. O R TH E R N Pacific, Ry. Connects with Steamer and Scotts burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Buy. Charges reasonable. NO. 52, ; : *