MOT 60 -felfcw CRUEL. H ott ,A n y Girl Can Tell W o r th y Ifa r u a a tta r la a • S i*ahM t X i « t a i t e . M tf« An enthusiastic member of the Soci­ ety For the Preveotioa cf Crnettjr to ____________ Animals, whose sh o t sight aud big * heart are io diametrically opposite pro- ‘ porticos. h .J a pe» aliar eipM*ie»*e the * other dny. He waa walking down Pry * A p hysician who m akes th e tania street and noticed whi t seemad tt» be the members of a hunst-uoel aemm f * t e s t a n d is h o p c s t a b o u t i t ! bled around a small bonfire in a yard t e l l y o u t h a t , in m a n y c a s e s ,th e ' adjoining a cottage. They were sppar 1 # . ently deeply engrossed In some r i 8" * ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f c * * ^ * S n u m b e r oF Ted c o rp u s c le s in th e , proceeding, and u very pocnlia , ___ blood is d o u b led a f t e r a c o u rs e black Htuoke was arising from tba Are i r/iiilte ip , non o f the Into John and fta d ie l HcR LOOK. 1 The scene was so idd that the good fc 'h w a r fle n b e rr A i . bxandxh H amiram . of t r e a t m e n t w ith Dr. W illia m s ’ man stopped to look. when, to bis bur- •• ‘There!' said my uncle, passing the Tira« net hb flog»?« tb er«, ; ror. a half grown boy in the crowd sud­ Pink Pills For Pale People. K l< that •ro !l« »u.e»r« w ith minutes to the next station. I shall juries." sly «“Pt and leg« an l abdamea w «ra bloated ao w u at f oaUad b<oua attack« a « t lu < on r r« 'iU riy “ The day bufnro Gem i-al Lee zarren- “ Excnse me. Yon will have to Betti« have time to tell you about it if you I eiiuid B-«t vrearaho«« on n.y fee« and only a I »oaa “ Well." I said, "that is quite a oooa a weak W m told by d lftrra n t physician« dr«««. I Klpana Tabula« a(l," «aid n Confederate officer, "I that for yourselves." raid the clergy­ care to hear it. " yarn." waa caused by !> *d teeth, o f w illed I bad dally paper, troughl »oaie anl. H ava taken them about three weeks a.' J there “ The day after the funeral." the! He sat down beside me. “ If I could (BOks roottnuad. 1 seen advert 1««'m enu la 4«ch aebnn«ars old. h a re no occupation, only m y flie aamo condition it was when I lost nearest town to tbe place where tho daoarl m e » try litam Have t tken but l » u of Uio lioueebubl dutlaa and nara’c f m y sick husband. Danville railroad and empties into the "Is yonr friend a statesman? asked it, it would be worth «50,000 to me.” i book had been lost and walked up and •m a d »cant botes o f tha 1 abide« and bar«« bad Ha baa bad the dropsy aud I sin try in g Klpana •o n a c ’irra .ira • f th a a t t u ik j (Java t.over kiveu a Appomattox river. There was only u one politician Ta^aalat fo r him. Ha feels tomo hatter but It w|U j He paused a moment to note the ef- I down the track for miles looking for U rttim m ia l fu r aoytbln« b e f« « . b. t (he K n a t handful of mv company left, and us I t«<« soma time, ba has been sick ro long To« "Well." answered the other, “ he feet of his words. The commercial trav- ! it. • m a u a t of oaa k a ra dori«, 4 rriiiac 'i. 1 hoard about ToSuJ-. I ani • «d r r i E C -H R O N IC U : hae noesunlon the Paelflo 1 the pns'ipitous side of tin, stream oppo- •be never repeats the gosnip she hears’ K iranr Tabulca from aa R IP A N S aaaSMBt.Okal > , r M aaO «t “ Three yeaira ago I was at a boarding boy. Who asked mo what I was looking It lead, , ; i in ab ility, enterprise Bed aunt of r.dna w uo was (■ tata peuTia l-o. a alaa r j site os, aud evidoutly searching for a li. Mrs. Ricbmoud—She never does. Bho school in Coni:\ticn t. and Uncle Sand- I for. I asked him if he had ever heard Cnaat. ricTK. taking them fo r catarrh kaad la a w ya arw lad. j emosing. u always tells something twice as bad as ham was paying the bills. He wasn't ! of any ono who had found a book near of tho stomach. She bad T !4 ® C H R O N IC L E 'S T e lrx rtp W e R . pert a are Itli-ana C u a It. found such relief from : J T h e m odern stand­ “ At tins moment a long steel tipped what was told hrr. —New York Journal. really my uncle—wasn’t any relation there. Ho said ‘Yes. ‘ he a /ta r ,^ o ut utr « aara I Un la te « ,utd meat reliable. Ite In ,-e l N e w , the thi lr uas tb cud vised ma . . . , ---- — knew a boy ru..e»t and eplcleet. ana Its E d ito ria ls fro m the A «aasdia ,a o ir s o n a la t,l; l idun line of Federal infantry crowned to take thc:n t *o, aud I at all, in fact, worse luck—but ever i who had found ono there early in the nblcht j m 4' ot ,. A e .la a o a ik a Uà pen« in the e o u n tr/ h ero been doing so alaea M l l l t o a a ria » , u , s¡ I the hill above, in full view and within ad .lc o ,,f Mi O -o fmw- since my father and mother died he 1 spring. I gave biin a quarter and mode l o t October, and w ill the C H R O N IC L E h „ „ w a r , bees and , | . fit ard F a m ily M e d i­ a r, r s O.. P J Saw .trk Witner (shortly after thè introdne- i easy range of the horseman. Apparent- ■ay tlicy bare complete, ♦ , h» common every-day ♦ to «aa Mrs J. HaooxMYhfe í It » epidemie!—Bmoblyn Life I breathless with anxiety lest tho signal ill o í hum anity. spent most of his time traveling. I bo(ik that none of them conld read I DO YOD WAN? THZ CHR3MICLE vaw trouUed i of sum-ndor should lie too long delayed, * U h h e a r t b u r n and guess he must have been a kind of asked her if she wouM let me see it. k O T lt r • M a l a r a l t a i e r e a e r taag lasin aat. eauw d I y j ho suddenly wheeled about, put spurs queer chap. He tcld me onco that be fche said she had sold It to a peddler for M r aa»ai j-rar o il b e r ladlg*«tl ago do and w h a t bo ago Uncle Sandhani turned np at my him. The book may have been used up »bawlag the U all.f sta le ,. Da« f e | . . a ULai, was g r e a t l y I tiuieons shout went up from the whole the other. — Chicago Post did eat did not agra« ta U a ra i by tk H r boarding school, told me he was going in some paper mill, or it may potaiblv ! cf Canada and Northern Mjxla* w ith bltn. 11« w M th ia I line— u generons tribute from the brave • n d no«v t a k a s t h e to be in Buston for a few days, and I E X ton?1 d Way‘° ’"nJe our o ir ic « i d e and o f a aa/Tioa color. rakln« (haavra. Tabniaa roguiarly (thekeep« a fr w cnrtooa Klgaaa | to the bravo A moment afterward the Mea lin g soma o . f the teatim.-ntala In favor of might havo a week's and * * bora« « m 4 «ays she w ill not b« w ith , . , vacation . --------------------- - k u C ”ever Pfle» » secondhand Itipatia Tabula«, I tried them K lp aa i TabuJea not Confederate whs in the midst of tie and Th<> heartburn aud alespUanui aa hare np with him. I had been tp?tting very [’'»•'store without going in to ask if only ralieved but eetually cured u.y youngster, ad w ith tk« ln>l|ge«ti«ot which v n we recognized in him General Janies A •h« bead a c t.« hnv» disappeared, bowels are In low marks in my studies for * mine"time they have an old copy of Virgil a«rly «a g re a ts burd«u f »r her Our who-!« a ner complain« of bis Walker, the commander of the old » • « a T .k a l.a m au larlz.B ap» « fia r and the principal of tho school made it w.'lL Heeh»dn'ih"m1 hsd *eft ,,noth’ r stomach. Ha Is a<»w a red. chul»by farad boy. This • BaoatJ » . » I M r orato.-» ia »ny yao r. o f »««’ ~ n s iis T o n T ir r r l to tV n r k . M. H. -rorjTgra tain number of pages of Virgil during fro p n e to r S E. CbtaaltaSi hB? a? U0‘ Se,’n for -Vri»F’ Malaganiaus do uot want to be both­ the week B“ * - ~ “ ala ,a .-:a a u r .a a ..a re a s r - M in a sap», rarraa . .i t k r a j ( r a m mot r « rala •AW rRANC'laOU. CAL The brakemau who bad witnessed ered or improved They want to ho let T k M U . p t r r a » -, i. raecu-ral for I k . poor as.U a. «ssraralceL Ora ! Well, coming np In tbe train. Un­ L l ií L T r : “ T “ “ ' Í “ O O arsjlaa t r a ,, . , ( k l c e , U . R irraa alone They neither welcome you when cle Bandham talked with lae f r awhile « r a v '»»V-OTk r a . l n I . » a -v .a itta i . r tra i r i i ra ra», tra «ra raera you come nor speed yon when you go. m «« « »o I * h a d « .f ». a»«* « m o e r a . «a > r r k e « |ta r a . « • « • a«r< n ta | «« « and then went Into the smoking car I Jnst then the train stopped at a sta > bq««v 1 They «re indifferent which you do Yon HELIABLIÌ IS « / «Mark pasa. I«due» ala»? aad pr->lcT< |!fa Us» *iv«a raU»C got out my Virgil and begun to work non. and a number of X n g e r . £ t „ artistic -%. | ®»y P«.V yonr bill to the day if you like at i t I hnd promised to do a rertain ^ Ä ^ ^ L e a d in , 1 or leave it if yon had rather wait. No number of pages, and I knew that mv g° ‘,h/ OTRh th" Ct"' ««»in ' ora»—— ia-,guaira body '»m will umcn touch net a coin or a valuable if ?!»>- Als.ZiPl,, , *w ra * nncle would insist on my doing it. so I mid the boy. He picked up his pile nf you lenve it on you ^ yr>ur table, but if yon thought I'd get onnio of it done on the magazines and went off. "New ,„„„,h lose a pencil or an eyeglass 1 no one will cured < train and so have more time to myself « " ■ » “ i“ " T b t a .„ k . Í ever find it. It is s too much trouble, li tuÄ* r ^rcxn «ny o f the I in Boston. After half an hour or so I JU «f M , coma to iha olita« i Never hope to have have letters forwarded, bpactAl.M un the F**.iac Coast« | got tired of It and went into the smok­ M a ainiot »« no more, and few T » .’ » (s a s I T n !» M a rk s rM liu s t and an I aliK a!! Ta* ii ’ ,(,r ’ nu w111 » * “ hem 0* X)RUAN A CO-, ing car to find my uncle He was sw ap­ not h i i. l- 1 - .. f v i In, i. .1 f ,r SI » d e ra te I cca. registered parcels .«cape the punt entire. 1011 Markal SL E t f d IMI. I y°n ""UP’™» it « » •' I i.i . I I , . ’ - . . B „rp> . w »« ,! » i, i ping yarns with two drummer» Prettv true? "I asked A year ago— for we wintered there n « i . - n i , i . i » r - ...f, ..... i i l r r „ , , , ( 4 „ , l l .|, a i r n «tul « I 4 4 l e , soon they began to talk of a great will Give it up, •• bn replied “ If i r .« , .i» n t la » » r - I . A I ’a m n '. lr t !l„ w to O b - twice— I wanted to send a telegram and - ' ' -i 1 ” ■ ' ' ■ ' v -h r >-t » f m u » l a th o f . a case that was in the papers that day went to the principal office Malaga is d i 1 1 r< igu co u io rlra arn» fera. A ilan a». i home disappointed heirs of a million­ fourth or fifth in importance among tbem. " Thenhe t ^ n M ''- °‘ H-" ing The Bride's Father I can't give vuu C. A. SNOW & CO. Bpa 11 iah towus. The office was only • positive answer Imlay. I n>u»t flrat aire had contested hi« will, an 1 it had »» P.riO TT O r n a i . W an m a c ro » D . C I his book and been »et aside. buried hiuiself in its epen twice a day for an hour or two at make inquiries abont you in the mer­ **--■ ' * - -»a» »-av»-» THE A lettu. COMl’.iW t :’ P a g « .-I. Ken i r ’ iT ii'* '’ " -< t’.-a ruralira - " ‘I tell you. ' said my nncle. puffing nirton in Owl a time Not a clerk could s|a-ak any­ '33;»u sw i m , . , , . . , .? ? ; . ?• S ofa M w l ; aff,»4 *n‘*«''1 kb Ueaira».,! cantile agency at his cigar, ‘there isn’t much use now • k > t fc ua-raCu.1. , » l r ( hra , thing but Bpxnish. »0 I had to go buck A TlnriuMc krhraol. J *“ " “ — ra». t k r |ln»l-OT d . . . I The Saltar—Well, we might go there adays in a man s making his will If :5 ' ’ a f i i i h t i j ' î : 1 - , U, „ to the hotel fer the interpreter to trana- r. u Wntae, ^ . :S ’ " i l M a r k e t .s f " V l J “ " ?: ? • PH\ .to a a and era rmtaem j The uproar was like that of a run lata my niessogo When I returned with together, for I want to make sorao in any of his relatives or step relatives ■ e . . .n i r a a ti* ;» . - “ » ■»«aenaras o f M e n . ' away engiii» teanug through it tunnel it, I wanted a note for 23 pew ta* qniriea about y<>n:~Fliegri»d« Blatter. are dissatisfied with their shire, si! in*? ’ * ‘* ‘<” ^ ¿ 1 crttaMraito Iru m tb« ’ Tlie (limr was littered with youngsters they have to do is to hreak tho will 2 uiL'‘^ »»■ vess r». changed All the clerks at all MemMlee». ”. * * •' In » • OTIII ro- 1 lying on their »totnueha, and «11 bawl (francs) Any respectable lawyer onght to be able tbs pigeonholes were very kind and signed hi« n:tmo (Wit rr — fiere, you cMi't in the ing with an energy indicative that civil and smoked eigarettei whilo they to draw up a will that no one eonld on different park “Shabpears- Homebody was hurting them Ixsig. looked for change But tho whole office break. ‘ and “Sbakespc r*.M L quldtione baiV b e - n ^ t f e n T ' 1 d'* The Bleeper—Where’ll I go? My wife •Iim. scratched upon «lips of palm leaf, could not muster it. so I wus left to pay “ My nncle went an smoking ‘1 — h^n written the equivalant of books iu Burma' next time It i* aa a life apurt alto Is cleaning boose - New York Journal never made a will, he eaid— there s a »■!□<* nmt '“ÏJJiJlî ba pa were spread before the scholar*. Making get her —Spectator. plenty of time for that yet—but when ipe w .. more amusing t» n Gt U a e I ' s l . i rat m g e r e n a « , I fcaa. ( A valuable book for m«a ) the lads shout is the approved methral WFntber rearen given in , e5, t V f . TI»iT BB. J«l 4IHWW Yesst—Marriaee is ( let like a lottery I do I think I shall be able to do it with­ C o r n H ro n A . ' f elementary instruction When tba out calling in any fool of a iswyer. It J G re a t M im euni o f A n a t o m y ( master discuvers nny logging m lung Criuttainbeak—Oh. I dot. t kaow. A There is no more wholesome, palata­ I tk« faaat sod lorgv«t U u r m a J M a ktad ta tba man i K otmu t have to keep a kdttry tick­ wxm t take long to write my will. 1 ’ arorM. Come and |r »m b»>w «v. «jarfullv >< mj | 1 exercise, a long switch la-gins to smg ble and strengthening article of food iu mean to leave ali I have to that boy a M a n U a i h o u la avoid ascknaM \ et.—Yufiker» Btatesmaa u» e ave M ra«;».. there. ' nodding at me; 'that in— if ho W cant ¡a _ .r)y addin« »«.* *avr-i«»rm, | 1 thnnigh the air Quiet, aeri<uBg physician «-,« Archtr y«r »sUdiv a hon the pocket ‘Let me have your he» k. Ban- th ■ * ,h* '"«“ fed wernon xnd »Ta gsntlemsn who h,,¡ ' ,n ratioos oousist of one peck a t coriiuioat. the »uuogtM y >OM mau glared ut him Tffif WX7- " M m Jaw»««. mother fe-few Äftvr . ‘ » 'k live {»mu'ls cf I s on and a pint o( ino -O ucuw aM Enquirer. 1 “ Well, an 'owdgcr knon w b n . way 1 hand,.! over the Viitfil and roy “ W hy," naked the lay figure ‘do ls»n-» per wwek. Theou urtioJea caisti- ‘ « T ^ u r t h e voung M to gotu. eh.’" —Pe--. «ta le, turning over to one of tbe hack yon call it a Jimmy" Q-CrS-r - j <»Ila-d I rh»\i!t;-> tuts pretty usaily If not qaHe their t; 'i w-n» r.rik tl ru -i-t ?h- gentleman atud» and Iu 1870 Japan w<* Hatted bv terri fly leave* wrote n few linen trat US r -a rix The burglar eh,« h h>» brad »adlv There is an . ,.t l. ini on. | 1 «ebole bill of fa,,, during the ttom tb» y b>a epuleaitc of anmiipr.,. which alta « tt.a I R a sii «oox r» bn said T thiak that will wunU stand " W ill," be ausw»n-d a«id In« Mo Rico. It ia called ibe t.rund It i are in tbe woo-ia cutting » chipping deciutaisni »ouuam » Varetuar,,« „^a I He read it aloud As m-arly an 1 rn- •»tal yocr moth,/ ,„.u c , , ■r« r-a filmate ’•* ■ u «riue« • T er j-.-» rtaon pirra act iu theisiral r.tfw lu r | gTr,' wae appan-ul. "I *wpp •» I am le u . ©e dipping u t,. uti K. yet Jhev taada eompaiswy m l*>M Th- Jarem-m It. it wae nutd-d like Uu* aoaleaa uprav fn.m the nearby a. rf r | rather tnnre familiar with it than I i are always well c »MlltiOU “d hard , t are ra.i.t t„ tare !*»-« raro. « with the > -» i», ; « -V ar'aU ought to I* Yre Detroit Joernal mn».-le gad iu gv.«i • p i t It*. -Gdiuiruh (oca that pjckiuetked loreiguera were «tl i»uitxj,v tint* in tire aa-I ¿al I tarra, r « , a v ri. ta,m -.» “ < ( >< i N « * h : n« r f w I l M M I d t a p a w i . , g t a l k miratala C*«iin«d rarely w-«-o m Ja|ran S O M £0. can 1 1LEÏDINC PAFEK CHRONICLE Only $6?70 a Year- The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 I YOU) altb « Reversible Map? Map of the World t ST*Vrel5M‘ HEMS- mscal T PATENTS MSCALLS i . magazine ’ a *»<•5