th e w e s t "VEnY * “” *** MOBSIMO-j R oyal A L P H A CLIPPINGS- B aking P owder ★ YOUR LIVER Three Bv E ven C hange . April 17ih, 1899. ! Is out o f order if jriiu h a v e th e sy m p to m s e n u m era ted on th is clot i t . S tu d y e a c h ' Mine Olga Swanson who lias been sick s> nipt uni c a r e fu lly und y o u w ill II* id th a t th e y a te p ou rs. Veu c a n be cured a lt n - - - - nv • • • for Some lime baa about recovered. uu< th e aid o f C a lo m el. Lttue M ess or i Mrs. E C Pottcrf came up Thursday, Q uinine. T h e y a re m in e r a ls and are a p t , W .n . W E A T IIE R S O N Makes the food more delicious and wholesome and E C on Saturday, returning home Io p oison th e blood. l i o n ot c o n tin u e *.o su ffer w li,n IJ.e r elief ts heUI o u t to you. Iklitor nnd Proprietor. Monday. W hy not udtC you r n a m e to th e a lr e a d y ! ia e list or people r u le d by I IL'UY AN 1 Chas Pope will board with Mr Farmer; la I1V P Y A N h as cured Ml Udi o th e r s uu .l tt ! A new invoice of groceries just received ,’f E8Ms: $1.50 a year in advance.----- and go to school until school begins at w ill c u re you. I1L IIY A N is th e g r e a t- . eel v e g e ia lile re m e d y of th e c en tu r y an d | I nt Meyer & Kyle's. CO UN CIL PROCEEDINGS- Deadwood. ! w ill r elie v e ail th e fo llo w in g sy m p to m s: Hudyan cures sleeplessness, bad Entered at the post-ofliee at Florence, Our school commenced last Monday 1 H U D Y A N can be hud o f all d r u g g is ts . The regular annual meeting of the j under the management of Miss Sybil fo r jd c e n ts per p a ck a g e. W h en you h a v e i U n e county, Oregon, ns second-class ' dreann and night sweats. Fifty cents u sed H l ’DY AA te d your (t le n d s w h a t it ' , city council was licld in the Odd Ft-! Thurston of Eugene. mail matter. j all druggists. h a s don e fur you. ! low s' hall Tuesday evening, The boiler of the Lillian which was A petition is in circulation asking the ! Tiie officers elected for the I ai . vektisiso bates made m o w s on ai - taken out some weeks ago county court to grant a bridge ut tin -1 hna been * plicatiov . year were sworn in and took their scats. m o u th of Deadwood. 1. H I M U U t! notices 8 cen ts per lin e , e n d . Insertion placed under a shed and it will soon Roll call showed all the ollicers present Il £ ABACI l E - t t » - 1 be given some needed repairs. Mr Grandville Lundy who has traded by H l i l ) . except Councilman Morris. VAN At latest report the bodies of A. AA'. Florence, Or. Apr. 21, 1899. 2 -3 . JAL’N W C B Councilman Kyle us chairman of ; pait of his land here has gone to Colom- OF T U B EY ES— lined and If. 1). McGuire had not been the street committee during the past j do to join his family. H U D Y A N w ill taiiB « th o y e l­ I found. Ttie (Kid Fellow and Masonic Miss Elinor Hide who has been visit- year reported the sidewalk and cross­ lo w n e s s to dt»* W E S T L IN G S . Lodges of P.oscburg have been searching a p p ea r und th e walks on Main street in the original ting relatives at Elmira and Hale for iiu r i n « 1 h « mi It by for heed s liody and the AA'oodmen for several weeks will return boute in a co lo r 10 return. town completed and recommended that 4. C O A T K D Koatl supervisors receipts for sale nt MeGuire. Senator lleed’g brother also bill for same be paid. short time. T O N U t K. FO E­ A offers $100 reward for the recovery of the T ID B IIK A T W - tl e W est oflice. The following bills were then allowed Mr Irve AA’yland late of Colorado has HUDYAN wl'J i body. t e a r tt$e ton gu e John Antes building sidewalk and cross­ taken the abandoned claim formerly Get your pump fined up for the sum- i o oiid uiuke the Coos Bay News: J It Hutchins, walks, $68 35; O AA' Hunt for street- held by Fred Peil and is nt work on it. 1 b r e a th p u re and inerat A. 0 . Funke’s. s w e a t. | deputy tisli commissioner, was in town lamps, globes etc, $13 84 ; G C Cumpton Now girls one more chance. 5. TENDER* Born—On Bearcreek April 13th, 1899, N S T 8 O .\N D * FAI_N , 1 K I »C <»•»-» i yesterday, on his way home to Gardiner city marshal, expenses of marshal’s sale, There will be a U 8 weather signal IN T H E ST O M A C H . D U E T O C N IM O gg- to tlie wife of Win Boren, a son. | from n visit to Rogue rivor. We learn $71.40; John A ates, John Powell and station ea.tblished at Alpha soon; the ¡ The new sidewalk from O AV Hurd’s from him that a hatchery is to be estab- k A Funke judges of election, $2 each ; to m a c h of th e e x c e s s o f till«, roilove th e nparatns which weighs about 80 lbs will s pain coiner to the church is completed. and c u u sc th e food .to be hslicd either on tho Coquille or Coos ! Andrew Brund and John ->I~ Butterfield be on hands in a short time. j d ig e ste d . For Press Cutting and Eitthjp ca ll^ t river, and that a selection will soon be c^rks of election, $2 each : C H Holden ,, .. . • ». E N I.A U G S ’.MKN't' O P THIS I.IV E It The baby born to Mr aud M rs F r a n k ! A N I» A F U E L IN G O l' I tK A V tN E fia A N I» thaJ.adie» Bazaar at Point Terrnce. made. [ J P, for canvassing result of elecllon, $1 ; E IG H T — H l'D Y A N w ill le sso n tho Con- 8 o ld W it h Potterf April 12th waa buried at the g W c stlo ii und red u ce lh a liv e r to It** norrnat Hood's l'ills cure nausea, sick head­ A sensation was developed at Albany Heceta Lodge, I O O F, hall rent for DeaJwood cemetery Thursday at 4 size. ache, biliousness, indigestion. Price 25 the other day in connection with n case one year, $12; G C Ciimptoii three H U D Y A N w ill cu re all th a a b o v e aym p XT»«?«- o'clock. Mrs I’otterf is getting along i lon to m ger. s and H m vn a k iem e y b o tr u w th ell. D not dola at C o ancel' ant! of shoplifting by two girls named ! ,non,'is salary as city marshal, $15. cents. as well as can he expected. A b s c e s s of th e liv e r H ist a p p ea r u s tr iv ia l The Sun FranciHCO Exam iner and tlie Chapel aged 13 and 15 years. Several! The action of the president of council I d iso r d e rs nnd th ro u g h n e g le c t hacorne In- i cu rab le. Go Io »ou r drugkdsta a t one« in for the city certain prop-i I T - H ff N O T IC E . AV est for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ hundred dollars worth of stolen goods ’ *n an d procure u p a c h a a e o f H U D Y A N for M erty sold for delinquent assessments c e n ts or G p a e k u a c s (or Xli.GIl. I f you r j were found in their mother’s house. ' vance. d r u g g is t doi4t not k e e p it, sen d « r e e l to ' Their father was killed at Spokane was ratified. th e H U D Y A N R E M E D Y CO.. S a n F r a n I am directed to collect all unpaid c isc o or L os A n celen . C a lifo rn ia . A flo r ,vhi|e Spots before t lie eyes despondency, severnl year(, attempting to : The president then appointed the Poll Tax according to eection 2835 H ill’s yo u h a v e used It lull you r fr ie n d s a b ou t constant worry. Hudyan cures. All rob a hank. Ila e ffe c t, th a t th ey aleo m ig h t be vureu. the following committees for tho coming I f you are not su tlalled w ith th e e ffe c ts, Code, which reads ns follows: druggists, 50 cents. retu rn ttie em p ty H U D Y A N b ox and w e AA e often hear it said of different per­ w ill retu rn y o u r m on ey. R ntnem lier th a t The assessor shall require every per­ Kyle, Carman Ex-Governor Win. P. I-or.i of Oregon sons that they have plenty of cheek but j Judiciary Hurd, vou can c o n su lt ttie H U D Y A N D D l.T O R fl son to pay his Poll Tax of every kind F R E E . C all »m l se c th o d o c to r s Y ou Streets Kyle, Morris, Hurd has been appointed minister to Persia by j , hcre , re hot m#ny peo,,le a y c a ll an d s e e th em or w r ite , te you r are t o ' at ttie time of assessing the same and in d m esire. Claims Carman, Morris, Kyle A d d r e ss President MtKinlev. I have tlieir cheek developed in the way default ot such payment the assessor Hurd, Kyle, Morris. An attempt was made Sunday night Io ' that Robert Lynch or “ Pinky” as he is Printing I.UDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, The recorder was instructed to adver­ shall immediately give to the sheriff blow open the safe in AV. T. Lewis’s commonly ealled, had cheek en- a list of such poll taxes aud the sheriff tise for bids for tending street lamps fur No. 81« South Broadway. butcher shop in Junction City. j larged this week. While at work in | one year commencing May 1st, 1899, the shall Immediately collect the same. Loa Angeles, Cal. Guard : AA'e understand that the : the Spruce Point mill lie was struck by a lamps not to he lit for five days before Also see eection 2834: And if he cannot relatives of Claude Branton are working gHff hook that had come in contact with C or. S ta r k to n , M arket a n d Riti» B ta,, find |>ersonal property out of which of nnd five days after full moon. S an F r a n c isc o . C at mi a petition for the commutation of bis a saw in motion and received quite a make the same, shall demand such tax The council then adjourned. large cut on one cheek. He has been ' of death to imprisonment for life. from any person who may he indebted ] ANNUAL SCH O O L REPO RT. to such tax payer and shall collect th e' A’011 know that tired feeling is exceed laid up since but will be all right In a J FOR S A L E OR T R A D E - same. ingly disagreeable. AVhat is better, yon short time. IL P. I’VBTON, Asturian: It is understood that n . The annual report of County Super­ may know, by a fair trial, that Hood’s One 2*.u steel ekeln Mitchel Wagon Koue who are eugftgod in auy of the tnochnntcnl x Co., assessor. 1 with four heavy springs tinder bed, large number of fishermen are to organ- J intendent Miller giver the following Sarsaparilla entirely cures it. purauitH can succeed without reading: ami > spring sent, neck-yoke und doubletrees During 1898 the insurance companies ize a society ior the puqiose of compell­ statistics concerning the public schools H O W 'S THIS? ing fishermen to Becure licenses. It is of Lane county: studying this standard Magazine of Sciences nil ii; good running order. Will sell for doing business in Oregon received in cash or trade for stock. Price $35.00. premiums $1,203,008.15 and paid losses said to tie the intention of these fisher­ No persons between the rge and mechanical Arts. It,is illustrated with of 4 and 20 years............... 7,110 AVe offer One Hundred Dollars Ra- Enquire of E E M afu , Florence, Orc. I amounting to $425,148.56 nnd returned men to watch carefully for fishermen who have not secured the necessary So pupils enrolled in public wnnl for any case of Catarrh that can premiums amounting Io $231,076.79. all modern cuts ¡of latest inventions in all permits, nnd to report all such cases to between the ages of 4 A 20 5,376 not he cured by H all’s Catarrh Cure. UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S Guard: There are four cases of diph­ the branches of mechanism, and its fund of tiie office of the fish commissioner. The Average daily attendance... 3,808] F J Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo, O. SALE. theria in Floyd Vaughan's fam ily just fishermen of the city are a unit in up­ No teachers employed i-t AVe tho undersigned, have known F J knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ west of this city. Three of them are public schools..................... holding tiie license law, realizing the 273 Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and lielieve getting better, and the other is very I S ADMIRALTY. great benefit which will result to them, No organized districts.......... 163 him perfectly honorable in all business ventors and mechanics. Sold with T u b UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. malignant. Dr Brown is attending and they propose that all who engage in Estimated value of school nnd financially able to 88. upon them. W o t at clubbing rates. DISTRICT OF OREGON. ' and grounds ....... $ 100,000.001 carry out any obligations made by their the industry shall pay the license. By virtue of a w rit VEND ITIO N I KKPON AS ' The Guard published a call for a mass Nothing definite ns to the proposed o r-] Estimated value of school firm. iiaut'd out of the D istrict Court of the U nited j meeting of the citizens of Eugene nnd gauization has been learned, but it is furniture............................... 11,125.001 AV eat & Truax, wholesale druggists, States for the D istrict of O regon, tested th e I vicinity to be held at the court house likely the matter will he under the Estimated value of school I Toledo, O. Waldiug, Kiniinn A Marvin, Elst day of March, 1S99, nt th e su it o f U nited I Tuesday the 18th to discuss measures to direction of the fishermen's uniou. Blates as Litjellnnt against th e stenm or R a lp h , a p p a ra tu s..................... ,940.00 | wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. ill expose for i*ulv nt public auction, nnd , bring about an early return of the Ore­ Average amount of salary Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intor- I w w ill aell to th e high est aud bo«t bidder, for i PERSONALS. gon volunteers from Manila. per mouth paid male | nally, acting directly u,a»n the blood cash, ou Tueaday. th e 25th dny of April, ls99, j teachers....................... 37.05, and mucous surfaces of the system. nt Two o’clock in the aiturnoon of Mild day, j Some coirespondenee signed “ Hop Will Neely returned Tuesday from a Average amount of salary Price 75c. per bottle. Sold hy all at Gardiner, w here the said Vea*et now lies, in Louse” was icoeived this week hut is Doutrla.s County, Oregon, in said Divtrlct, th e per month paid fomnle druggists. Testimonials free. not published as the writer failed to trip to Eugene. Steamer Ralph. Her Tiwkle, Appurel, F u rn i­ A P AA'alker of Mapleton was in Flor­ t e a c h e r s . ................. 33.82 Hall's Family Pills »re the best. send liis true name. All articles in­ ture, Boiler», E ngine« and Machinery. Raised hy districts by tax Dated nt Portland, in said D istrict, th is First tended for publication must he accom­ ence Saturday. dny of April, A. D., 1SW. MARRIED. during year........................ 9,024.87 , Jliss Jennie Howe has been vir'in g in panied hy the real name of the writer Z oktii . Houwtw, Money sp|x>rtinned to school whether it is signed to the article or not. town lor a day or two. U. 8. M nrshul for th e D istric t of O ie b*-V tl.A tbe rxoot Pa8t ia * tnlf»r iDter I I e I ¡an. In another column will be arrived in Florence Saturday on L and Oific « u t ItO fehnrc, O pcr ’ o ii . announcement of Dr D anin that lie will M rs. II. J. Tuber, late of Alpha, is nt O E P U T Y A 88E 8S O R S . Barrett's stage. MATTalS. M » lie in Florence next Tuesday to remain Eugene under treatment for a cancer, Wniioe I* hereby given thnt the foltfw lu c* VVm Sherhondy *nd wife arrivod in till April 15tli. He is well known i The rest of the family are at their new ' nam» ;nmh«I<»n* c nt FI.»reiica. Oregon, J U Sutherland—Gluulenn, Lake «¡th complaints of long HtnuJing will do his ¡»»relit» on 9ontli Slough. ' fined to his bed under a doctor's care, i on A|»ril 21. viz: John F Dick o»* il. E. No. Whera like gladiators, we must fight for them.” 8UNDAY 8ERVICE8. and Miss Glarahad the care of the house- j ’ al,e " niton. well to consult him . I 7072 for the H ’, 8 E?4 . »cc 21; N’t xNK’ ;, m e. 2'; W H Weatherson—Florence, Maple- j Tp 17 H., It. 11 wr»t. Such in the exalted »»otto of the Areau, and the ----- hold on her shonldcr. W R McCormick boa milled a separator i ton nnd ileceta. l ie nam es tho follow ing witue««e» to prove Bunday school at 10 a m. Preaching] to lug dairy plant thia season. By it» j W S Mende—Hermann. entire oontentd of thia monthly magazine h is C ontinnom re«i(letioe npuu au.l c u ld v o tio u BIDS W A N T E D . at 11 a III and 7:30 p m. Endeavor 2:30. 'He he keeps the new milk at homo to W B Hawley—Sioslaw, Spencer, ut, unid land, viz: ♦ * * * KvU'rt H a), of Linne»»«. Or., Ja:n<*w F Buy, are upon a. piano and in keeping with its feed to the calves aud pigs and can send received bv the I Coyote, Mound and Eugene. The Executive committee of tho E n­ Sealed bids will lie | I nfayette Ackerly an J F lank CotiAon of Mt the cream to the creamery or manu­ W M Pitnev—Junction anJ Richazd- ' liei ia . Oregon. molt!). Tin- Arena’« gnllery of^einincnt recorder of the town of Florence, Lane facture it into butter at home, which­ deavor society, met with the pastor J T. BBIlMiF.S. Tuesday evening, and arranged to give county, Oregon till May l»t, 18«t‘, f o r j so^' K -gi»ur. ever is preferred. We have received thinkers i: a group oi in teres ting men and L A Bond—Irving. a Cuban Social at the Manse. May 9th. tending five street lamps for one year] some of the butter made hy use of the Il F Keeney—Goa ben and Eugene. commencing May 1st, 1899. wei:i'»n, and their thoughts are worthy tho Wparator and find it of the beet quality. Personal invitations will be sent out. It D Haw ley—Creswell. The person receiving the contract NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION H E C E TA ITEM S- E M Sharp—East and West Cottage eoiisideration ot a.I people. Tlifc Arena io The “ Death K nell” has lieen sounded must furnish oil for the lam p,. The Grove. Apothecaries’ Drugs, and a sign “ To lamps are to be lit every night except sold with T m W m t .J B y R afamxa . I.r.nd i»ffi*'e. m R oe bur?, Oregon Let" will be iu many windows of Doc­ five nights before nnd five nights after] E C Martin—W illam ette, Mohawk March 17, and Springfield. tor offices since the A ust J ane Home each full moon. N otice ia hereby flv e n th at th e folluw in?- April 1811», 1899 Remedy for female troutdes has been The right 1» reserveJ to reject any and j G N Riggs—Mabel, Gale creek, Mc­ nnuied aettler I n »« Aied notice *»f hi« inten tion Everybody is bosy making garden K e n z ie and Camp creek. t to make final proof in wipfaurt of hi« cla im , aud placed on the ma: ket. Every man or all bids, thnt «ni -bt.1, of Newport passed through Florence n sore eyes hut is able to be about again. Take f ^ x l tive Bromo Quinine Tablets., F. <’■ Bean o f M npletou. t»r., and I,. B »j? *•( few days ago on their wav to Coquille , Ijind OflU'v at R.neburv, Oregon. M imdow, orefoiL 1 to engage in mining on Snyder’» claim j Mrs T J Stitt and children of Florence A), ,|r„w igi( refund money if it fails to Man L 25, tW. J. T Wf.iTMies, are visfting Mr and Mrs O L Hansen cure. 15c The genuine has L B l f o n N otice <» hereby given that tbr follow ing u«m<»4 R. 'Ir Slone has a machine of Ids own _____ will ___ save all Mr Salisbury the eeomd essistand »t each tablet. ■Ptrlrr ha» fllwl n od e« of bi« in u n tio n to make hivcntiou which lie asserts final prrtrvf tn support of hi» c la iio , and that •he platinum and ninety-five per («ut. of I ti,0 fight boose was joined by his wi e Mtb) t< .o f w ill be made belur«* Joel Ware, U. H c n r t nouciT»m- xytko r v m v w iu r a i I A T T E N T IO N TA XPAYER S- for -T h e Mt‘* y o f the Philippine»*' b> >l»tf it •he gold Ir.iin lb« black sand found on ' (be other day. CrrtnmDaionrr at Knireue. Orejcon. nn May 27, Hrtldca.L coniinwloiM ’ti by th e tfuVcfhJttC’Ut «1* Ira Bray post mister of Minnie and 1W?, rir : John I. Beer» m i H. K. No. M14 for <>db*tal •he lieadi. He informed 'O»r reporter Hiatnrian ts> th e War Dr paftmetrt. The »H NW Her 4; ‘•F‘< NKJ4, I mj 'I i wr » written bi armv entap» at Mau Fru»i- that they mined on the beurli near New- W. N. Fields of liseeta made a trip •r> , T h eiasp aye.a of Florence tb ellW ’f e l v o , on the fisudfle * ith G«*«crul Merritt, in He«-. A; Tp, H IU R 10 Wert. lH>rt and made good wages wording over F orn ice to haul in some freighr. are hereby notified that I have made 1 He name» tb e fo llo w in g w ttn e w » to prr-re th<- ho« pi tai« at If nnfM'tlti. In Hoinr Kong, in the American french»» nt M anila, in th e ln«iir M ,.t R «^ »ray wa, a v is ito r at Hc- out and fnrni-hed Wm. Kyle, of Meyer hi« e o a tln o o a a reriflenee upon and cu ltivation «cu t camp» with AtftTlnairtn, mi the drek <*f the “and that other |iart*ea had worked a o lr ia p ia w ith Itow ei, and h l ttw rm r td th e of, »«hl land, r tf: A Kyle, a li»t«( 1898 taxaa. All per- »ear nr tw o a g o . «t th e f a llo f Manila B onauta f j f ac« nt». Luther K M illedaa. WttliRm M. Kit by and battle ^ B i g C r ea k is a h e a d o f C a p e C reek in <-on» ran get the amonnt of tlieir taxes Brirnfiit of (»rikiMal picture« taken by «or**., ' Pke ant I Tucker nt Hermann, Ore., und m ent phntorrapheraoM the *p:»t. tp n. LAnre Large mwi«. t«w*t , Low price*. Bur paoAta, Frri " ‘ * T A X I O NLY the la-»t when yon garlen making; one yoeng man ha» lite hr railing at tiie »tore of Meyer A Kyiv. t the he-t blood p i l l i l i ' I . n e i » ' ’ eiu-igid to c'jok •' f ' <>r him. _ F w » w stb ’ k '* * Cov!,!'r’r’ O b k io s .— ^•sommar fcuRE ★ D esirable S tars in POINTS OF WEAKNESS. ★ And T h o A R T S a n d . S O IE 3 2 S T O E S - Scientific American. THE EnSMIIPDLITAN, THE ARENA OVER THIS CROUP. V MAKE YOUR SELECTION. S THE WEST. FLORENCE. Oft.