The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 21, 1899, Image 2

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    w e s t
a military government that will he as
much of a despotism as Spain ever
maintained over the Island. Of Torto
Rico he says that the people are dis­
posed to be contented, hnt that the
serious draw-hacks to industry, owing
to the closing of the markets of Spain
for Porto Rican product!) and the failure
to open our own to them, have already
resulted in distress and an alarming
increase of brigandage, and tlist things
will soon grow worse if means are not
found to provide employment for the
islanders. The president is powerless
to act in this matter. It will require
action of congress to open our markets !
to Porto Rican products. The president
is deeply impressed by tien. Brecken
ridge’s information, and ha. had several
fiv (
A number of t'u. new projects for
— AT—
April 18th, ¡890.
I carrying on tlie work of improvement ,i
— \ » ••
• m
i i
and farinera busy
Fic r r v c r ,
L. o ’ r C ofvty ,
O rcgox
.p r
; the provisions of Die river and harbor *,K' ^,aT*P5‘
Darrin is Coming
• • ey •
Tlie Miss Bertha, Stella and Be«s!o
' hill passed just before the adjournment
Florence, Dr.
¡Jeans visited with Miss May Phelps
chief of engineers for approval, and
Taylor of E!k Paine is working
W ill be Here April 25 to among the number arc three sent tent in j fur Chas
j, E Milledge on the ranch while
. Editor and Proprietor.
May 15, Stopping at , 1» Cantain Hurts for Oregon improve-' Luther is teaching school at Fhnira.
— I
ments. The projects so far approved
A bridge across Indian ervok at this
the Morris Hotel-
Florence, Ore. Apr. 21, 1 biffi.
arc those for the entrance of C. xjs hay place is an absolute necessity, a fact ol
The Celebrated and Best Known Spe-> and harbor, Tillamook bay aud bttr and which the county court should take
A lmost rvKRV town whether it 1«;
cialist Can be S-e at the Morris j Siuslaw river.
Ir.rge or small has two classes of citi-
Born to the wife of John I Beers on
Hole*. Electro Vital Magnetism
For the Siuslaw there has been upjiro-
x.-ns. Tin- first and too often tho larger
. ■ APr*' M t, a ----- well John says it is
as a Curative Agent.
priated »30,000. Toe project at Dus ju, t | iUe , lie other. anJ ,j,e othcr ¡9 a
class is made itp of people who are un­
point provides for the confining the out- , girl
The mother is getting along all
willing io unfierlAko anything in the
Through the urgent request of many going nnd incoming waters at the mouth ' r*8ht and John will g«t over it in time
extended conferences with him to talk
'■. ay of work or business unless they can
Mr 1 raster of this place who has rent-
' in this vicinity, Dr. Darrin lias been of tlie stream in the Paoille ocean be-
tlie matter over.
t e speedy returns for themselves in
i prevailed upon to visit Florence. Those tween two high-tide, r nhble-Btoiie jot-; e*J ,t,e °'‘* Anthony place live inilesahove
wages and profits on their investment.
Several oiruretices during tlie last ,
i wishing to consult the doctor will find ties, converging until they arc 600 feet
‘ family there and will run that and the three or four days have been calculated
Home of thi- class spend much of their
j it to their advantage to call on him ' apart nt the crest of the bar. Tlie north , home ranch this summer.
time loafing around, grumbling at their
to convince the public that our author!-1
I while here, as this will he his last visit* jetty is to he 4500 feet long, witli a
The people of the west fork of Indian
luck, and finding fault with their more <
liefore returning to tlie head ollice in tramway 3000 feet long. The south creek have made three inilea of road ties hotli in Manila and in Washington,
prosperous lieighbdrg. These are the*
, jetty will Ire 3200 feet in length, with a the last winter; when you consider the . 4,0 not coniider ll,e Phili I’r ’,ne
•>eopte who never accomplish much in i
He comes to ns laden with teatimou-! 2400-foot tramway. Each jetty is to be fact that it is all mountain road you will waB taken out of the critical field by the
life and when gone are hardly missed.
admit tli«.» they have done well.
successful campaign of Gen Otis against ,
iais from throughout tlie whole north- built from a pile tramway, extending
A town having a large projmrtiou of
Aguinaldo. Among them was a cable­
west, and tlie authenticated reports o f ' along tlie line of tlie [irojjosed jetty, and
called out all hands to work on the road gram from Admiral Dewey, asking that
this class of inhabitants will seldom or
between here and tlie Siuslaw road, It . .
never build up rapidly nò uiatter what I
'"onth8 unBine«ri"S supplies for bis
i miraculous. There are few ills to high tide. They art designed to secure is not very bad at present and a couple
its natural advantages are. Tim other
8ent *° Manila at once, nn.l
I which human flesh is heir, which ean- a depth on the bar of eiglit feet at low of days’ work should put it good shape. * deet
class in ruade up of pushing, enterpris­
Some of the young people of Hermann i ‘S ewe,ary Dong's reply, in the name of
, not be relieved and permanently cured tide. This work complete, will cost
ing, industrious citizens who helievo in | ,|y [>r
Darrin's Electrical treatment, »700,(XX). So far ojierations have been gave a surprise party to Miss Maria! tl* president, to a request fro m h
'making the most of their opportunities.
! and eases that have resisted the efforts confined to the construction of the north Uasterline, tlie adopted daughter of Mr Washington committee, that Dewey he
and Mrs Wjn Ferris on last Saturday j ordered home
They prefer to work for low wag. s
in time to partieijiate in
of ordinary physicians have yielded to jetty and the north-jetty apj.roach has
evening. They report the very heat the peace jubilee, to he held May 22-26
rather than lie idle, and are nlwayi
i ilia power.
been built throughout its entire length, of a time.
ready io take advantage of anything to
Cal Bracy who has been at home for ' nt “ 'e natio,,al caPiu l- Secretary Long
These casos embrace almost every i lie north jetty itself being built up to
iuiprovg their situation. When at
; kind of disease, and as said before, no ' high tide for a distance of (111 feet. Tlie a while, passed through here Monday irankl-v ,ol(1 t,ie committee Hint the |
work tliev labor for tlie interest of their !
, • . ,
man, woman or child need dee pair of jetty lias not been extended out to sea a morning; lie savs he may work in the president considered affairs in the
employer, not sintpiy to put in the tim er . . .
logging camp again thia summer.
Philijipines to be in too critical a stage
| relief and cure while Dr. Darrin offers ! sufficient distance to cause any appreci­
'so they . an collect n day’s wages If ’
While coming from Eugene lately weI to i order Dowev 1 home,
liis invaluable services.
able increase in tlie depth of tlie wutcr
were told that the county court iiad
' they engage in business for tiieinselves
Dr Darrin makes a specialty of die- on tho bar, hut it has been instrumental decided not to let tlie contract for blast­
The [»resident ami Secretary Long
the same trails of character lead them
eases of the eve, ear, nose, and throat, in holding tlie channel in one jdace.
ing the rock on the Siuslaw road between have chosen Die following names for
to strive to enlarge their business, to be
catarrli, deafness, bronchitis, la gripjie,
With Dio new appropriation it is pro- Mapleton and Florence. I wonder if the warships authorized by tlie last
always ready to embark in new ven-
consumption, dyspepsia, contraction, posed to make minor rejiairs to the any of onr county dads would conde­ congress;
battleships—Pennsylvania, ;
tures. They labor to make two blades ol I.
scend to travel the road if we should fix
. ,
J heart, liver and kidney diseases.
wharf at the shore end of the north
New Jersey and Georgia; nrmored
it up at our own expense.
grass gro-v where but ono grew before.
cruisers—West Virginia, Nebraska and j
He permanently cures all diseases of ' jetty tramway, and to tlie tramway
There is some talk about organizing a
True Die successful m itn often engages
a private or nervous character in man j itself, which repairs were rendered Bunday school at Hermann. If iniuis- California;
iu enter,irises from Which he receives or woman.
' necessary by storms. Tlie north jetty ters whose business it is to preach „ ,e J Moines, Chattanooga, Galveston, Taco-
no direct profit for a tiipe, hut lie
All iwcullnr female troubles are ronti- tramway is to be extended for a distance gospel won’t visit us, we must try t o , ma and Cleveland.
realizes that a small per cent, of profit
| dentially treated, as well as acute cliron- 1 of about 500 feet, and tlie north jetty for work our own salvation.
Gen. Joseph Wheeler has not been
on a large amount of huliness will yield j ¡c am, I10rv0UH
of whatever an equal distance, by dumping rubhle-
pleased in a long time than he !
more act gxin during a year tlinii wilt a nature, if curable.
I stone from tlie tramway. This work
' was when he left the White House with ;
larger percent', of profit on X small | Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 P .in.,
during the coming fiscal year will cost
a committee of ladies he hail escorted !
F ko . m P at ,
amount of business. A town made up | SlIIldavg 10 a>
,0 2 p
about »30,000, and will he done by con­
I there, for the purpose of extending an
energetic man who arc satisfied to do , ,„ quiriM ail8weretl> and cireulllrfl and tract. .Specifications are now being
Gardening is the order of the day in ‘ invitation to president McKinley to
business for a small profit when ‘M question blanks free,
prepared, and will soon he submitted to this locality this line weather.
1 attend the encampment of ex-confcd- ;
cannot get a larger, and who prefer to
Reference8 without nillnbcr
his to Die chief of enginturt for approval,
erates to
a* Falls church, Va.,
'increase the amount of li'usineas D*ana- oq-||.(,
the project itself having already been teacher, commenced his school here' practically a suburb of Washington,
acted rather than their per cent, ol gain ; Thu
tren(ed frce exf#pt medieino
I June 7 and 8 next. Tlie president'
will build up more rapidly nnd he more ;
! It is expected that further jirojects for ' Messrs. Warren Nichols and James promised to attend the encampment
piosperous and be bei ter for ¡ill con-'
j improvements in Oregon and Washing- Buy passed today enroute to tlie valley and to deliver an address, unless some­
with a drove of young cattle.
ton will be received at tlie department
thing should occur to prevent hie doing
I lie state s attorney-general seems to ,
. .
Mr Frasier formerly of Indian creek
J b
'rot” time to lime, and when received
Tiir relatives of Claudo Brantou arc
He also took occasion to thank tlie
be no respecter of persons. He writes
will be acted u jio n Those that are j year and lias lately moved on Die same. women of tlie southern societies for do- i
circulating a [u tilion asking the gover­
an opinion to lop »300 per year off the Hpproved wl|,
followed up by spcci-
nor to eoinfr.ute the sentence o f death to
George Thurman played Die violin i ng so much toward emphasizing the'
perquisites ol the governor as prison
Heal ions, and when the latter are ap- : for tliedub dance last Saturday night at good feeling existing between the north
that of imprisonment for life. When a
ins|iector, witii tlie suuie unconcern
proved the new work will merely await Mr Neely's, He reports a pleasant time ami the south, Gen.
'jiersoii is asked to nigti such a petition
heeler lias been '
that lie saves »il00 a year to Die state on
tlie first ol July, when tlio money be­ to all.
two conflating emotions are apt to
it were pos­
the salary of prison warden. He
Frank Fox ami family and John sible, lie ndjnires Die president more'
comes available, except in cases where
struggle for the tnaste-y in determining
promptly says that the statuto is not I
tliere is a sufficient surplus now on Dahlin our illustrious Seaton merchant than ever.
tlie course for him to pursue. On tlie:
amended or rejioided by mention of a
made tlie Wells’s a pleasant visit lust
hand. The larger projects for the north­ Sunday.
one band a feeling of syiiijisthy for'tlie !
The military cou.-t of inquiry, after
larger rate of pay in an appropriation
west have not yet been submitted, hut
condemned and his relatives would in­
Several lively games of croquet took j deliberating over it for two or three!
hill than is contained in the law.— *
it is expected that they, as well as the
fluence people to show mercy even to '
place here Sunday. Time was surely n o ; »lavs, decided to accede to the request*
, smaller ones, will follow out the plans , object as it took only four hou rs to play | of Gen. Miles, that the official reports
one who has taken Die life of his fellow-1
Evidently the uttorncv-gencral is tlie
......... . . . .
, . of the projects heretofore approved, hut J uue game
u ia n . On the other luinil is the thought
of 14) otlieers, from brigadier geqprals
light man in the right place and is
as yet uncompleted.
that a murderer should suffei the just i
» Giles Fowler our generous hearted, to lieutenants, on the beef issued
, 1 . 1 altjeiiduig to the duties of Ins ollice. He
I genial stage driver still makes Ids regu­
psnaltv of his »•rime. In the case of
soldiers in Cuba and Porto Rico
was elected to attend to Die interests of I
lar daily trips over Die lumi. Rainer
Brantou be was given an imiiartnd trial
* tlie state not to the interest of tlie office
«bine, day or night, Giles is always the admitted as testimony, but adhered to'
by a jury of twelve men who *',ifhout ' ||0|dere
his first decision, not to summon
hesitation pronounced him guilty of
A majority of the ills afflicting people, John Powell and
the 131 witnesses Gen
partners who at
murder in the first degree The crime'
today eon he traced to kidney trouble, j dresent are cutting logs for Sidney!eub,ni,,c*1 »»ipse testimony would inerc-
was a most cold-blooded one, unaccoui-t
Effective Feb. 12lh, the Northern I It jiervadc» all classes of society, in all i Waite on the Barger place near Lake ly corroborate that already given bv
panini by any extenuating circumstan­ Pacific will inaugurate double train ser- *’'61111168, regardless of nge, sex or con ereek bridge are progressing finely with 1 others. This is taken to
indicate that
their work. They report the best
ces. Every technical joint that bis vice between Portland and all points dition.
of bad beef,
quality of timber they ever sawed.
attorneys can think if has been used as east. Trains will leave Portland at II ;30
Tlie sallow, colorless-looking people 1
both canned and refrigerated, has been
an excuse lor delay. 1’roiection to soci­ a in, and 11 p in daily. These trains you often meet are afflicted with “kid­
fully proven, and that it only desires
Anyone desiring to purchase a new
ety rtnd the cause of justice hath de • ill both he first class and fully equipped ney complexion.” Their kidneys are
on other phases of the ease as
, , ; .
. . .
. •
1 ln ever* «»pect, heated by steam,
sewing machine may find it to bis in­
tnand that he sutler the extreme jisnalty | vestilmled, standard Pullman and , turning to a parsnip color, so is their
convening the court makes it
terest to call at the W frt office and
of tho law. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tourist sleepers, dining ears and colonist! complexion They may suffer from <
j a part of its duty to ¡dace the responsi-
Tiir com ..nomi appear favorable for
"A“ ’
1,l*‘*‘la ''« i indigestion, hloaling, sleeplessness, ur.c ascertain what we offer in that line.
11 ility for any wtong doing found, and it
4HX coMiinoNH appear i.ivoraoic lor ears to Missouri River points via Hill­
rheumatism, 1
is inconceivable that eo much had beef
a rontinuanee of tlie high price of cattle. ings. which renders the service now acid, gravel, drojisy,
The targe reduction in the number of offered by the Northern Paeitle mi- catarrh of the bladder, or irregular
1 could have been bought by the govern-
J. W . C A R M A N
I ment without some guilt among the
cattle in the I'nlteil States in ¡898 was eqnnlied by any other transcontinental heart. You may depend upon it, the
' line. The only
tie to Die Buffalo 1 cause is weak, unhealthy kidneys.
I nog ora nsori. in UoRiixaroxpcxT.
(■»Unwed by material losses on the range
purchasing or inspecting officials. Of
( Hump territoi v. See that your tickets
Women ns well as men arc made mis.
J course nobody knows whnt action the
ilnritig the past winter. Tliere has been read via Die Northern Pacific to all
W ash , DC, April 10, 1399. ! court will finally take, but tlie opinion
n in e than tiié usual amount of snow in . points east or south. For further infer­ erable w ith kidney and bladder trouble
and both need the same remedy. Dr
tile range districts of the United States matron call on address,
lns|i«ctor General Breckenridge, who >• growing stronger that it will recoin-
Kilmer •> .'»wamp-Koot, Die great kidney, has Itcen in Cuba and Porto Rico for mend court-mat tin's for Gen. Eagan
If McMt rciiv ,
which will mean good pasturage this
fieneral Agent, Eugene, tir.
nn.l bladder remedy will buildup three months, brought the president and several other officers, if it docs not
summer and this will tend to keep '
SUHL 41--------H>
Strengthen weak ami unhealthy much valuable information obtained by ! express a positive opinion of tlieir guilt.
cattle front being sent to market. As
Klcepleesness, melancholia, stomach
purify Die diseased, kidney bis close observation of existing condi­
long as cattle bring a good price sheep paina, heart trouble, lludynn cures.
h ' * v i c a r the complexion tions on the islands, and not a little of
will also sell well Even Die price r.f All itrugg.ats. M rents.
and soon help Die sufferer to better it is widely different from Diat which
poultry ami egg" fa mail ¡ally improved
bus been obtained from other sources,
by tlie high priie of lieef.— Or got .ig r i- , Ir is time to begin making arrange­ healllifc.
The miiil I ami vxlraordmarv effect of Gen. Breckenridge is strongly of the ’
ments for tlie observation of Ifecoration
ritllm 'itl.
bay if anything is to lie done in Flor- Swnmp-koot is soon rcaliztsl. fi stands opinion that (ionics is not to be trusted,
Tur Mirti musi of Die yacht Shamrock li*
You arc master o f your
enee tins year. May 30th will lie hen- tlie highest for us worderiul cures of tlie He think Gomes is the most dan-
« hi<h is leing bullt in Iroland (or thè 1
in lens than six week« and ns have not nioet *>'«>r*»!!i"i-’ cases, such as weak g,-rotis enemy the V S has in C ilia; that health, and if you do not
purposc of competing willi Amsrica’s
heard a word yet about any stc|>a la>ing kidneys, catarrli of Die blailder, gravel, his turbulent nature fits him for attend to duty, the blame is
crack vaclit next fall, is of^’Oregon
taken to prepare any program for that rhciimatisin and Bright's Diseaac, which participation in revolutions, hut nofto
easily located. I f your blood
pure,’1 alias Douglas flr, and was cut ón
day. Last year the G A R post went to is the wor-t form of kidney trouble. At assist in Die establishment of a pcace-
thè Washington side of Die (Viluinhia
out o f order. Hood's Sar­
Gardiner and took |<art in the exercise, druggisls, fitly cent ami dollar sizes. You fill government, and has warned the
J fn a lis h .
river. The slick is over 1<X> fret long
urill purify it.
anit no service, were held here. We may have a aaiiipl. U ttle by mail free, |>rcwtlei>t of Die danger of allowing him
and frac fronr «lefecls.
is the specific remedy for troubles
think something .hould he done before
Pa,’>phlet telling all about it. Ad- j to get control in Cuba. He also told of It
the blood, kidneys, bowel« or liver.
V-4 vo h o r l h a n d .
kidneys troubled nie 1 \ a *» V n m a n s b ip «
Oi n
eoi respondent hing if Decoration Day is to he olMerved dress Dr Kdoicr A co, Bingliamlon, N ! the president that thing, were not being
.HI advice too k U.»«J , S a rs a p a rilla ‘
AJl C r lc g r a p h y .j
lieu w ruing i'leasc mention Dus conducted under our military govern­ and
S|ieaka of a petition to Die county court by any puldic exercise» here this year. 5 .
W h l.h «M ie p ro m p t relief, b e tte r a n p e tite I
Wauhln’ ton Currecpuiulcurt» tli the Oregonian.
V O R X IV O .—
L 'f
.X. X ..
See our special counter.
O .W .H U R D
C A R M Â N ’S
„¡Drv G oods,* Groceries * 'a n d '* Notions.
Parsnip Complexion.
’J ust Opened.
Goods as Represented.
No Eye Like the
Master’s Eye.
A ' t h ' s *
'F ^ C T I (A h
O llin i
KMneya - - My
¿ A'"*
asking for » dridge «cerosa Dwlwoo.1
creek. Tbte bridge is vary much needed
tu “Th e SU»ry «»I (he PhinppliivN” b> Muru»
KfkMir«*!. U<>Ufrnil'>»D>W«sl b) Ils« < vru in«-it t
'.«there I« considerable travel over t h a t H ' ___
A y m I lli*V » n *ii tv the W at Iw ______
im rtuivut
I In
. k
i J
I >»«•« w m »rh1.11 in «nur v«in|.» «i ««li In, I,
nn«i it Í® «»nirKlOtl® lording t i l t , ri«eu, <»u lb*
«lût O»n«rMi Mrnllt, in
r ,
11 ndlM
■ ,
- . ^ . *
1 . 1 1 l|*
» 10
tb « r * UIRI'IIH
t.»«ru«t« » M
«I « IVilhUtllU,
•«••¡«'•hUu1 1
H.,,,» K
John AUiIiion Porter, secretary to
Aa»«*ri(-Mu tmich«» nt M ah II h . tn n»«* tn»ur
in — h»
Hrriifvt »nor.h of th* * « inter fRprcmliy ,
, e t e -a« »• J tfviit vAUipe «Uh A m M iiia UI v . Oti lliedvvbnf Hu rreoidrtil M« Kiulejr. baa piawd hie res­
b h n i p u With
Add in O h - HMM* •»( IU«
daring the rainy wiantl it*r.
ai U m * full «»I M r »»H r , IJ*'”«»»»« for tt(<- k * u u ignation ri 11 i m i . » of Ute pTMideat.
* JUimfui
Bruuiui »d "rigiisai
"rmiH p»< turv> in Urn by *..»«
»■*» u>
Pi»ir tea
thF life . I I. will be
i m-ul
» - n pM«
t « ' < « r> v 44»<
1"* -•'<
t«“ ->
Severe nervous spejls, i. tearing
I ear .ng «town . , 14»#
Bl« . iHTnflta F Tv I M ht M id . .. . Civdlt
. l*F”p «:l
u i i «»N» I r I war
e u c v tv d c d , 1( iS BAld
by B. B. Cortelou,
leas appetite. Hm ly.n eures. All » Mhru
outflt int1 ÄdtlrvM. F T Harber. Hw'y.. «tut I
i iMMiraiM?« Hid« . CfcbMfl»
ment 111 Cuba, in a manner to accustom
the Vo I mus to a free government; that
it was a serious mistake to allow dis­
tasteful Spanish laws to remain in force
over tliere, in addition to our military
law.. He dou'.ts wbetlicr Culm .an
haw a free govern.... .. of ite own, be-
cause he believe, that as soon as our
military government is withdrawn,'
t .ouii r and Ins follow «is will establish
¿ I. t
M y Sleep Is rrfrcshiiMr. I t cuie.1 m e w ife
a l^ c ’
M k - wau . K ovls , H73 lie u i> ’ tu rre t ’ !
P t t t .b u n - P a .
arr.tAilous huiuor. Grew wora» under
treatn en. of several doctor«. T»* 11 oo <1 b
i ir s a o a rllla an d H ood '» P i l l i . Tiwae cured
w e Ih o ru o g lh y ."
PG k Î
Sgvvrv y.
S crofutou. Humor •• I w a . In te rrib le
e o n d iiio o from tbe Itc h in g and b u rn in g of
p ATftON3
J. J Ir r r i .z . P u lt.m . X Y .
A house and lot
_ Meed • m i , eure liver U h l the new
«n» e n b a .ru n m , w ih n . „ . ta rw re n lia .
>tt Glenada. The
1,,' ‘
arrangemer.fs by
* c «di fum i,h the Wecklv
™ ~
■ *'•" • ’ »“l
¡ a , ,
<»n with tl.e WrKT (or one vewt
nn prem ia. plW ft)rUM)i
particular« ’»any wd.lrees for the smn
inquire at this nffice.
of tr o Joi
List! t m