-r-T - TME W EST YOUR HOriK PAPER •) Î '^ 1 D i J, ADVERTISERS P STJSLATTS Olti»T PATES. 4 £ OPPORTUNITY « SUPPORT * '■’ •V I I IT I * , L . . f ' 4- - -Á. A. w. ,4. VOL. IX. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. Apr. 21. 1399. GENERAL NO. 51. directory TRAVELERS' GUIDE. STATE O FFIC E R S S T E A M ER ° — W ill TRAVELERS’ GUIDE AN ESSAY ON SCOOPS M IN K , Steamer Robarts make----- -o Governor .................... . T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A I L Y Secretary of » ‘ate F . I. D u n b a r. -----Bet ween - fremnrer ........................ F. 8. Moore. Snpt. Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman State Printer........................W. II. Leeds. A ttorney G e n e ra l D. K. N. Blackburn T R IP S Will make regular from j th e s t e a m e r Calling at ALSEA. And h im s e l f Perhaps you have had tbe grippe or a hard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly some of the chil­ dren are Jmt getting over the measles or whoeplcg cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should? Has not your old trouble left your blood full of impurities? And isn't this tbe reason you keep so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but ; We call your attention to the following prices. . J i We invite comparison. We want your trade. x : ”" If good goods and low prices count we will get it. on BRAND. A n d G iv e s I o D e t a il th e W a x p o r t e r G o es to W o r k to See • u d W h a t H ap p en « A fte r L u a «fed I t . from Florence to Coos Bay expands NEW SPAPER Florence to Yaquina anfl Head of Tide. I ................... It . 8 . B ean trips I shy | Thera are several kind» of scoops. 1 ’ ' have one in my coat shed. To too it up- ' S uprem e C ourt < ............. F. A. Moore jiears aa bi« as a dredge dipper 1 huu- Calling at the UMPQUA. ( ...C . E. Wolverton t'.le it twice a day, aud tbe way it cuts Guaranteed Fact Black * Judge Second District. J. W. Hamilton j For passenger and freight rates j Latlivn’ Shot« 90et and up into my coal pile is a caution My coal Prosecuting Attorney. .Geo. M. B row n loau also bsa u accnp. It'« exactly like | “ 75c. " “ — APPLY TO — Ladie'b and Men's IIusc Men’s ■ tbe one 1 use. but it auauia to me to I Will carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, Children’s “ 2uc. “ *• Florence, Or. have abont the capacity of u small 10c. per pair. from Florence to San Francisco. Big Suicidimi— Cnn save von m oney louvonir teaspoon. I yroaucae this is ac ' O I COUNTY OFFICERS. « □anted for by the fact that the coal Will also bring up freight t'.ealer'a scoop brings coal to me at so «»* *** *** S T A G S L IN E . much per short tun. while my scoop ! For further information inquire shovels coal oat at so cinch per i.GOo ’ . E. O. P o tte r . .1 udgc. ' pound ton. Scotch Lawn — OF — . W. T. Bailey i Men’s Shirt» 25c. and up L eaves F lorence M ondays, W ednea- i Ootuinia&tonera ' There are other aconpa. The partic­ . H . D. Edwards 1 A. W. BEADLE & CO. Fast Colors ular sort about which I intend to write •lays em l F rid ay s. Boy«’ “ 20c. “ “ Perk........................ ........... E. U. l.eej 14 California St a few lines concerns the newapuper A rriv es a t F lo ren ce T uesdays T h o rs- 1 Pretty Putterns Boys’ Suits 75c. “ “ businces You've heard of these scoop® S h e riff............................... . W. W . W ith e rs I d a y s and S a tu rd ay s. San Francisco, California. no doubt A newspaper «nop is not ..A. 8. Patterson ! 4c. per yard. ; Men’s “ 82.75 “ “ I’reasurer.............. ..... C onnects w ith S te am e r a n d Scott* used to shovel into coffers tbe pennies . . . D. P. I in r to n : Assessor........................ paid over the counting room desk by burg Stage L ine for D rain . A lso w ith ! newsboys. Newspaper scoops are not School S u p e rin te n d e n t . AV. M. Miller j Stage L ine for Coos Buy. C h a rg e « ! utensils. s .. ..C. M. Collier u rv e y o r.......... ............. ‘ re aso n a b le. To be brief, a scoop is a scoop Any 'o ro n e r............................. . W. P. Cheshire newspaper man knows that Togo into 30 yds. calico for SI.DO Ladie«’ UiulcrveatH 5o. anti up detail, a scoop is a news item that you « . C. II. Holden Ju s tic e of P e a c e ........... get in your paper which does not tied A. F. C. Ginglrnms 10c. per yard. Childrens “ 5c. “ “ Jonstable...................... .. . E. A. Evans its wuy into u competing paper Fcr R Duck Suiting at i instance, if some other paper sayu 8, 10, 12, IS, iMen’a Uuderwenr.................... STA G E L IN E . John Smith is dead, and he is not : j 5Oc. and tip per suit. dead, that is not a scoop, even if it 20c. per yard : : E. Bangs, Proprietor. CITY OFFICERS. doesn't get into Tbe Elude. But if Tbe N Stage leaves Eugene dailj- e x -' Blade says John Smith is dead, aud 7; Ti" remsva s’d Imruri- be is dead, aud The Bee does not print tiw irosa jrerr fcicod. It 1» cept Sundays, at 6 a. m., arriving S that news item, then it is a scoop. also s tor.it Of t.-;a W . 11. W én th erso n P resid en t ¡at Florence the day following ▼slue. G irt Baturi c Bute Jnnt ask the fellows on any of the pa- t t W 7 i t t t n a ° ? ‘ I help at this tints. Aid her O. W. Hurd Pullman per« wlint b scoop isn't. They can tell D , T North at 10 a. m. Willamette Street, ■ tv removing sli tits produen, W m . K yle I you it is far ouster to get scooped than Sleeping Cars Board of T ru ste e s cr disease from youi blood L rm Co., Oregon . Eugene. I. . C h riste n s e n Returning -stage leaves F lo r-1 to get a scoop. A f i » it is better to be tbs If your ho* els a-e not M. Morris Elegant ! scooper than tho aeoepsd. I Just right, Ayer's Pills will lence daily, except Sundays at 2 Juet tho other day I was sent ont to make them so. Send for Dining Cars R ecorder....................... John I. B u tte rfield Gyp«r D ancioc G irl» ot Sevilla. p. til., arriving in Eugene the day get a scoop The city editor informed « ur book ¿3 Diet in Const!• T a la s s f Tass l a W a lk in g . In Tho Century Mr. Stephen Bonsai T reasurer .......................... F. B. Wilson Tourist pa.lon. me that he «as going to make a tirst The idea that the iesseT toes are neces­ lollowing at 9 p. m. writes of "Holy Week In Seville." page, doable leaded story out of that Sleeping Cars Marshal............................G. C. Cnmpton Mfafts to ««r Oootax«. sary in walking is generally entertain­ i scoop Perhaps you do not understand He says: On returning homeward ed. and it has been a surprise to Euro­ W e have th e exclu d e ««rvt.'M 8T . PAUL of »ome c t th e mosteca'.nKnt rbYxl. ; we outer a gypsy garden, where, in that. Well, he mi-aot that he was go­ ———a ------------------------------------ - clan» la the U nited Htate*. w ii t o pean physicians to learn that amputa­ Single fare - - - - $5.00I fre ely a nil roceivo a atuiapt rap;«, ing to put that story on tbe hrst page 1 bowers of jasmine aud honeysuckle, the tion of all the lesser toes of both feet M IN N E A P O L IS w ithout COet. . Gaditau dancing girls disport them Hound trip . . - - $9.00 j 3ECRET SO CIETIES. aud put loadH between tbe slugs May­ AiiUre»». DP.. J C. AYER, D u l u t h h*M beo“ by complete recovery Lowed, hu»< be you do not understand it yet He selves as they did iu the days of the I aud Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ the restoration to usefnlueaa of botis FARGO meant that be was going to have the ! poet Martial Penthelnsa is a» graceful the feet operated upou. Thwfeet healmi livery barn, Eugene, and at O. AV. TO story, or news item, printed on the first | and as lissom toduy as when, in the slowly after tiie operation, but may G R A N D FO RK S F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. ¡ page of the paper, nnd be was going uges gone, she captured Pouipey with . steadily nud without anplcaaant com­ Regular communication on secondi CROOKSTON llu rtl’s office in Florence. I - to havo the lines appear far apart, so her subtle dunce —as when Martial rie- I plications The operation was perform­ and fourth S a tu rd a y s in eac h m o n th . I_________ _____________ _ scanted upou her lieauties uud graces in ; W IN N IP E G that the article won Id strike the eye E. W. C o b b , W. M. ed, and iu a little more than a year and I went after that scoop Wbcu you've classic words centuries ago. H E L E N A «'»t J. 1. IkrriitriKi.n, Secretary. T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls n half tbu jaitient danced all night aud The hotel keepers in Sevillo are gen­ got a scocp in tow. you must go around cx|>erieiiced no inconvenience whatever BUTTE with rubber shoes ou your feet and your erally very careful to introduce their ou account of having only one toe on patrons only to gardens where the Bow­ linger over your mouth in u sort of T H R O U G H T IC K E T S each toot .She rides a wheel, plays ten­ "Hist!" fashiou Aftei you lasso your dlerized editions of tho dauce ure per­ nis anri enjoys every sport that girls of A. R. G e n e ra l L y o n s P o s t, No. 58 T O Of The ■ meets second n o d f o u rth S a tu rd a y s C _ H IC A G O scoop yon in,nt hurry it back to the formed, hut I oom mend to these who hur age are tend of The cause of the |et each m o n th a t 1 :30 p . m . office and get it iu tho piper Then think they can "sit it ont” the archaic trouble wan originally chilblains, which ENGLISH LANGUAGE S . It. O o i . v i s , C o m m a n d e r. WASHINGTON w lieu tbe paper is printed look on the ' ver8’on>’ which are danced naturally to- was ueglected until it produced tou- J . L. F l ' c x is h , Adjutant. PHILADELPHIA . first page for it You’ll find it standing 1 day, as they were in the days of the triM-tion of (he lunscles with the must C O M PL E T E ______ j N E W Y O R K out like a factory chimney on a cottage Ciesars, by light limbed cncbainers of intense pain, which was at times so S U C C IE 2 ÌT i Curl your lips iu a satisfied manner, bcarLs and fiuinunca girls with brown severe that she could not enjoy tha BOSTON AND ALL put your hands in your pockets and skins aud chucks that are soft like tbe ueoensaiy amouutof sleep. Hurgeuus ora A U T H O R IT A T IV E " • V W . P e r p e tn a L o d g e, N m 181, P O IN T S e a s t 8O U TH stroll ont into tb« street an if you bud side of tbe peach which is turned to the of the opinion tuut a great deal of need­ ripening sun, and iu their dark, lus­ »I« meets e v e ry 1st a n d 3d In e sd a y « ( .------------ - —.... ......... a corner ou the rolling hoop market raei, m onth. M e m b ers a n d v isitin g For inforinallnu.tiiac cards, maps and tickets trous eyes you read as plain as print the less suffering is endured winch might Just buy a copy of the aftermxm con- brethren ill good s ta n d in g a r e c o rd ia lly etc., cal, on or unite 301,865 Vocabulary I'erms story of the sorrows aud the joys cf a 1 be relieved l»y extremely simple opera­ temporary to see bow badly you boat tions ou tile feet. —New York laalger. invited to a tte n d . A . O . F v xk b , M . W . thousand years of living. 147 Edliors an J SpecialUtA them—and you'll find the elusive scoop I. G. K notts , Recorder. R .M C M U R P H E Y , Now they dunce about with tbe grace ' 533 Render» for Quotations ou tbe first page of that sheet, double ..... ..... ................' General Agent. Rooms 2 nnd 4, Shelton Black, laxlstna a Shot. of bouris, tbe abandon of mwnads or of ' 5000 Illustrations leudtsl aud in the northeast ccrner. E U O E X B , OREGON. When Dewey was hrst lieutenant of nymphs before Acteou peeped, aud I O. O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I ll .meets j That's the way with scoops. You'll Cost over $>760,000 one of the guntHssU which Farragut A- D C H A R L T O N , Is 1 every W ed n e sd a y e v e n in g in Lodge get after them, nud you’ll land them, now, when tbe dance is over, the mo­ used as a dispatch boat the admiral Appendix of 47,468 Entries Hall, F lorence, O re g o n . B ro th e rs in A ssistant Genera, Passenger Agent, ment of madness past, ti£ y cover their but yon are sure to find them in tbe used often to couie aboard and steam up 2S5 Morrison St., Cor., Cd. j ¡aw' sta n d in g in v ite d to a tte n d . other paper. No waiter how you figure feet with shawls, that yon may not see near the levee to reoouooiter. The A ndrew B bu nu , N . G . P o r tla n d , O r, how dainty they ure, aud withdraw fc The full number of word* end tenua in it, somebody else will have it. M a rion M o r r is , See a?v“’ rMbln«afleld different dictjo mrl«* for the entire nlpbabet ia j Even if yon do get a scoop, your con­ datelyaud sad from the merry circle picoe to tbe biwl aud sit for hours under the banana trees. J ** * top of tbe high bank, firing F lorence , or . J. F. TANNER. pHOe. temporary will not Hcknowicdge it. as follow»: S OnMOSTH, 59,000; WOKCHJCMTEB j WRITE FOR CIRCULARS ferer.t *stvle > of crooning softly some mournful cuplet in point blank at the gunboat and tbau 105,000; W eb .’« tkf . (ititeriiatlm ial), 125,000; C en - fiewinj* M achines w e m an nfactrre e r I their Supposing, now just suppoaiug. you get § § § 4 : backing down ngatu. Upon one such oo- an exclusive story of a big thing. The the crooked gyfisy tongue. prices before y o u purchase any other. CHURCH DIRECTORY TORY, («ix volum es. Complete,) 225,000: cusiou Farragut saw Dewey dod^F • T n c New H o m e $ rwiNO M a c h i n e c o i next time yon meet one of the duhs ■hot ST A >' D A K l \ over 300,000; Too M a rti F o r W atsua. that grind out copy on a conijs-tiug "Why don't you stand Item, lieuten- »RESBYTERI AN CHURCH, Florence Only once did Watson, when a captain, sheet you’ll twit him abont it. .S a rin lc P a g e s F re e . . . . . . . j i nut?" said he "Dim t you know you • A I Oregon. S.ibbatb service; Sabbath never fail to punish u man for intosica- ♦ V "Scoopl Ho. 1 should say not!" he’ll • i Í j can t jump quick enough?" rhool, io o'clock a. m. l'reacliiug 11 Wby. we had ; tion. This was iu tire summer of 18X3 make answer to you A day or ao after tbe admiral dodged I’eloek ,i. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament oi Good deniers wanted in every town" that snugly stored iu an out of the way at Boston, when t ie San Francisco a ahot The lieotenaiil sullied and held AGENTS W A N T E D . he Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath el EVERYTHING FlftST-CI.AiiS. Write for prices and terms to Suu Fntn corner. It was not worth playing op." took tlic Massachusetts naval militia on ; his touguc. but the admiral bad a guilty anuarv, April, July and October. That is one way bo will p,c had. Wlieu the naval militiumen j human uuture, and there a an end to ----------- ---------------------- — varicating—only that isn't the word came ou board a witty bcutewam’x I it." 0.13 Market St. mate, whilo uo officer wes near, sang newspaper men nse. * * * The fellow you twit about th e neoep out iu an authoritative tone. ATTORNEYS "All you men having whisky oa may be ou to bis job aud if he is be J. I. BUTTEBTIELD. Proprietor board lay below and turn it in to tbe will make reply. " S c o o p l 1 should sny not W hy. you sailmaki-r's mate for sate keeping. " A C. WOODCOCK, F lo re n o a , O ro g o n . Many amateur sailors tui:lrm, up for an exclusive " OUR AIM—To furnihlt the best MARION MORRIS Pro p. WHAT There is another side to thisansip was surprised to have a vast collection h agen e. - Ò i - o g o n I accommodations at reasonable qnestion You think yon have s aenop of flasks passed to him. He receives! all THE Shaving . . t5 cer and yon haven’t. T'ne-j you go through these as gifts with many thanks He 7 m d s McLaren'» IlnilJtnc. 1 ‘ c iv e h to .c jlliB .tio u , and pro­ price«. wns f< uud a day after sound uaieep in all papers—report«!» niv/ay* do t h a t Hair Cutting . . 3.« “ W O R D le basine«- . e aud you learn that your opponent did bis sailnxmi, literally cover d with Razor Honed . . as “ IIMPLIES. not get n certain item. You covered it empty imttles of every size and shape Scissors Ground . . «5 “ —that 1». you got if Thea yon wondtr Ho was tiually taken before the captain, EL O. P O T T E R W. W. NEELY. Prop r. ut to whom whs toid tin- circumstances why you didn’t play it up for a scoop. "Parker," said he sternly, "1 have no P lo r a r .o e : O regon. Scoop! ff I were asked t<> g ir o a d e fin i­ ......... Attorney-at-Law ............... Tables furnished with all tlic It A man must n a p an he son« I f be sown, tio n of the word. I d call it an evanca- words with which to discuss your case. ill health be w ill reap ill Lei'.th i f hn Go forward.” —New York Times. E f G E X E , O llE G O N . cent, vatiiftbing. e p h em era l n o th in g . — ¡ndicAtes delicacies of the season. V ild nt alerts his hesirh the w e .il« nf di. .«we l ’ oleilo Blade wii'. prow iib and - ho kr it the state I I I I r K 1? I I I 1 A H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, M OBTHERN P a c ific , By. Tako Eiaßy ffl?ße f » . M a i l Boy’s M in g fretiy Sfrirt Waists Cats aofl Dress suris EUGENE-FLORENCE u Send us your mail orders; they will ha*e J . V- K u ffm a n . A. Standard Dictionary NEW HOME G I MeUnnnuev TA N NER HO TEL HOTEL Tonsorial P arlors. A Tension Indicator; Attorney a t Law, Head of Tide Hotel, •'rn< k . At the Court House. E. E. B E N E D IC T . AT •~ O R N H : y Florence. : : Oregon. SO YEARS’ P atents - I accomodations for the traveling public. Charges reasonable. - I j A -V V . L e x p e r ie n c e R. ■ game, fish aud fruit in season. Best T raoc M ar * » O ebions C oeV R IO H T » A c . E lk P ra irie Hotel. Twenty-three Miles West of Eugene. ,Sii««HTtc flnterka«. c f i . « - , - . ------------------- -- ’s » ra r at.. WMuaxtcm. OLE MY RIND, F lc r e n c e , O reg o n . G ood W ork Doric a t R easonable Priee^ W hite Sewing Machine. NOTARIES. O re g o n . W hite S e w M achine C o . Money Saved By Patronizing it. J t*ews»»w«iti w Y o rk g. N „„„ R E P A IR E D . We have other striking improvements that appeal to the careful buyer. Send for our elegant H. T . catalog. Tems.f' «-r í-l-n jrtr loarwú. . T « 1 » . I - « "SNU < Co and -----BY------ ON EUGENE ANO A. R. BUTTOLPH, FLORENCE STACE ROUTE. Xofarv r.iblic. Surveyor "r»’? .’ •*'’* ’ « • »ketch »ud a«,-n«ilnn -¿.'¡ZL 1 rvnh|.*Jy;i'yV4. (Ynwu.tc«- '•.bpJOB-l.niiit. n.n.lbho* An e.tWJ “fu—., '»*« . « ti 'J fT.«nninr I'.'cab*. 'k-vuaa Mann * ' ■>. r c S -e - withvat rata-re. rhvr«. inin« In tfi. MADE of the tension at a glance. Its use means time saving and easier sewing. It's our own invention and is found only on the G eo. H a le FTor n o o . Cleveland, Ohio. FRANK B. WILSON. NOTARY p ro p . » I.ORENCF-. - - PUBLIC. «• CJREOON fctnpacy, ban I ram lato. Fur sale f-y Wh t» ’• .mg Madure A »k»i most found it in her power to do a great deal evety man's pnw rr to ljv - in a green old for the Confedera»« soldiers cnufined sge. I f a ruaa woulil o n l, u . l -■ I b r ««me n f h im e rlf tbm he do«« of hit buexe.oe in prisco e t Washiugtcu. Young, beau care cow. or Jog. he would enjoy j o -d health. tiful, cultured, popular, <4 a wealthy W hen a man owa« a huarteert deiG« Vor«e, and promiuent family, she was ire- and it gets eick. be dee« not waste c iv lim e doctoring him up. W heu hi« garden qu-.utlv allowed admissiou to tbe pris­ aboni get« ta ll o f weeds, he doe-n t d .j» y about on, whither she always took her maid rooting them ont, f>tr be kn-o«- they w ill with a well stocked basket of gtsxl choke nut hm vegetables. W h e n he »« out f sorts, sick, neivoua, headache*, ba» no things for the peer boys la-hind the bars o appetite and is re « tle u aud slre.piaas at < hie day us she was inssing through a night, he pays little attention t j •: The group of men ia fhc common prisen she 1 result is ron-umptioo, aervnus nr'-'t-’t on slo t perl m id said to tbeui: I °T *om* series»« blond or «km è - «--- D». ••I» il,-,-. 1« . . . . . o ; . . ___i i in. . Pieree’s Ooldeu Mrdwal rtiwo- .-. is the If here is u lythiug yen weald like | bert at all tn r u tr in o for hsrrt w -rlii-H . is n fn have that Icau bring you. wcu’t you It gives edge io ihe appetite httilita'.ea the flow o f digestive Jnicea. invigorates the I nt me knew? 1 shall ha very glad." e r and purities and enriches the blood. t)w bis ii itcppwl for want promptly liv It ia tbe g rra t btooo m aker him ! flesh- Dewing mcLt ccnrteenaly. ha mid: builder. I t enres 08 per cent of all eases "It y< u will be so kind, I ahonld tike o f lingering ennghs bronchia) and throat affection« weak lung«, bleeding from lur.ge very n nr h to huvr a chan rhirt " and kindred affections. Do not wait n n til He w«s a young iieuteusnt from the laug« ate too far wasted to ad m it o f Ixiniiiuca, eno of the bumlactiivrt aud being cured. Ai t I "Be u.iae. U8d I cao promise A« yon kav« live year« ago th* doctor, had thee wimlth nud riches end g.,id and moat ah pant men I ever met. aud wlieo etveo me tin to J i. with mnsompiion ' writes that yonng lady looked up into bis Mr K O McKOioey of Ifc-rpwatrr Favetts Co. d lu lim n d ring» and carriage« nud font W Vs. *' I look irrslmeoi iron. Dr g V limb and er -rr I ve brought y«o a browo eyes she found it iu her heart to Pierce aud sin entirely well now I had take.I -lesdily, as directed hi« ' Out-leu Igedieat D i» give him mnch n o te than a clean sbirt, pana orth of cbucotal»- d.opa an i" — e »very.* Ait 11 "Ueary I am yours Pick fur aba mairied him us soon as tbe war Dr Fierce'« Pleasant M t e t s core con. was o w r — Philadelphia Times. atipalioo. One little " F c lle t ' i t a »us«, Ms Up 11#» yv Hr Uo'i Ilcr.