. h e w e st UB..WHEU EVERY YBUfAY WUZ.tMNU- finnr-SCE, Í-AS« CoVEfY, O kecon - ^ B S O L V T E Iv to ltE - - • 11V - • • .II. WEATHERSON Editor and R oyal B aking P owder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome lhuj,victor. so»Ai * a * unq eowotft co., new van*. DROWNED I A W R e e d a n d H 1) M cG u ire P e r is h Boat Upsets in Rapids CJTMRtl OF T 3 : STIMACI chronic aSseRie. Tfcer* u Is »•««» » tin'1 tli« Inner cca tin g O 0 .in ii»H»ni’» i * t n uf f tli< contine A the ftemje uusea util Lti 'IW W T h re e ihliM. ropy m ucus t o .—J the mure pronounewi sym ptom s. It re rnuii'.s In tins stomach ate» ■*; com poses Tln-it ol ecu rse digest :wi cannot be i»rol.«r- ly pel formed The liver also Lecomca Involved ami In a well n ieik cd co.-».: the s> mpturos a l . niost severe. The Si eat vccetabl- reinedy H U D IA I- e w e r ta ils to Si feet a cure. HuLi , v 1 AN can be haa of j 11 druggists I for T jo per pack- Bite. \ \ h our « /»»H ’1«"1 «a. i tiiily from till* churl. IsUicH group numbe of 1 rtfpreeenl* a lym uluiiA o f a .. t'se ! sym ptom « Yin? íí'J’. 'e'tíieV.nintñnis.'l'se ... ,, U l ' l n A N nn»i they Will d.siippeai Don't wait anv loncer. Cancer of the Htoniac i often haa its bealnninic !n a aavere tusa or t atarrh of the dtomach Desirable Rowlock Broke and Two Men Are Lo»t. PERSONALS. Headaches, sallowness, falling sensa­ The Third Reaches Shore. tions, liver troubles, liudyan cures.; Entere»» at th e poet-offy-e tU Florence, All druggists 50 cents. Roy Johnson arrived here Saturday K,;e county, Oregon, aw aecond-clim» A feeling of sadness « as thrown over Florence school now has 52 pupil, i from Washington. util,natter. Mis A F Knowles was visiting in town onr quiet town Tuesday morning w hen enrolled. Mr Emmons is giving very the news arrived that Senator A \\ several days this week. good satisfaction as teacher. Dvritrisiso rater made known os ai - Reed of Onrdiner and State Game and Mr Harrison the Alsea saw m ill man Mr Nighswnnder is clearing the lot in FLIC ATI ON. Fish Commissioner McGuire had been notices 8 cents per lin e, ench Insertion Gleuada which he purchased recontly spent Sunday in Florence. drowned in the Umpqua river. and preparing to build a house. M I) Johnson of Mound was in l ’lor- The accident occurred Saturday after­ Florence, Or. 4 P r- H i 1^99. Jasper Wilkins of Coburg has been : ence on business Saturday. noon on the North Umpqua about six appointed n member of the itate hoard E'.lard Nelson returned Wednesday miles below Roseburg. A party consist­ TBfi SYMPTOMS ARE: of agriculture in place of Senator A W from bis visit to San Francisco. ing of Messrs. Reed, McGuire and U H j 1 BILIO US H RADACH ’i T his Is more | W BSTLXNQS. In ih« mornhì»” »h<”-»ah usutii Reed who declined. _ ttiryujgh _ i , I O Foshak who recently arrived from Fist» Commissioner Hubbard left Rose-1 |ron»uno*d h uccurrln/r at frequent hiicrvul* burg ttiat morning to examine the river I ¡>h(“ ¿¿‘¿ " ¡ u id Y a N ViYl relieve the head- The officers and leading citizens of j Minnesota was in town Saturday. Knud supervisors receipts tor sale nt Eugene have extended a formal invita­ Mrs G A Morril of San Francisco is for the pnr;>ose of selecting a rite for a " k BEP AND W ATflH Y U Y f.H -H t'n - j c lYrju oflice. tion to the National Editorial Associa­ visiting friends at Seaton and Florence. state fist» hatchery at some point on the YAN will rar«o the ledin'»» to illsa p p c.r ami m ake »he e j e s assum e their normal A new invoice of groceries just arrived tion to visit Eugene. V Gurney delivered another raft of North Umpqua near Winchester. W hen ; lieallh v appearance « COATED TO NG UE AND t Meyer A Kyle's. The members of Mrs Behnke’s class logs at the Spruce I',.¡nt mill Wednes- 'th e party reached Winchester there pro-1 BK EA TIt A N D BAD TAH'l't. IN TH E For Press C utting and Fitting call at in Sunday school H|M-nt last Saturday i posed to take n boat nnd row down to I MOUTH—H O PY A N will clear Ihe longue, day. mult« the breath pure and sw eet and |,c Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. afternoon with their teacher by invita- ! Chas Russell arrived in Florence ; the mouth of the river a distance of cause Ihc- ta d ta ste to rilanppear. S I’AIM AND T E N D E R N E S S IN TH E Tlio San Francisco Exam iner and the tion. All had a pleasant time. O M A C H -T hia ts due lo i ml la esll un ; yesterday froiu hi» trip to San Francis- ' ! vicinitv warned them th at the river was ST IIUDYAN Win cauae Iha food lo beeon.v , I' est for one year $2.50 paid in ad- Marshfield S un: The schooner Ma-' co on the Bella. perfectly digested and the pain and ten- ) boat- very dangerous b tif nil were old S o ld W i t h derrese will disappear. , nila was towed to sea yesterday morn-| P E Jackson, Amos Iladsall, 068 ¡ llien nnd express««: ance. « enlargement o r the i . t v e u I no fear of theii ¡ng. She was unable to secure a full , AND A EEK LJNU OE H E A V IN E SS A vegetable cathartic that can be re­ Martin and James Jackson took a r a f t' ability t^tu k o care of themselves. They . AND W EIG H T IIU D Y A N will lessen iho ed upon to do its \vofk thoroughly— cargo on the hay, taking only 650,000 of logs to »Spruce Point mill .Saturday. seallon. estab lish a free nnd p en eet had gone a considerable distance down , tam now o f bile ar.d reduce the enlarged liver ; feet of lumber. food's 1’ilLa. G uard: Mr and Mrs T M Martin the river and safely passed two or three lo It« normut sise. 1 Heceta Lodge, I O O F of Florence 1 arrived here today from Salem, where ; rapids when an oarlock breke rendering ; HUDYAN aw l relieve you o f the above G uard: County Clerk Lee has issued sym ptom s and m ake you well. Do nut > 1 Martin held a position in the reform | tl)e boat practically unmanaguble. They ; deity i marriage license to Boyd Holder, 24 has elected John A Tates nnd \\ II 'e lty . w ith o n e , You ' will find full and explicit ¡ U i w t l » « | Weatherson as delegates to attend tne lesrs and Mrs Ida Hartley 34. o n e wruppej With each paeUa«« of IIUDYAN. , , attempted to reach the hank next ' A brother of Claude Branton wns a t ; oar hut the boat swamped and UP9et. Go io your drug«i»t at once and procure' P 1 a package of H UDYAN for Me. or B for r Female complaints, pale sallow com- grand lodge which meets at Salem month. 12 54'. Il your ilrogflKt doc« not ! Point Terraco yesterday. He is inter- McGuire and Hubbard struck out for ¿end ilexions, headaches, nervous dyspepsia, direct to thc JHJO YAN KKM ftbY ' The steamer Roharts sailed for Ya- viewing the jurymen before whom shore while Reed clung to the boat.; COMPANY. San F rancisco or bon A n - ’ (hidyan cures. All druggists. gèles, Cal., and they will »end It to y«.iu The annual meeting of the city coun­ quina Sunday. Thence she was to Claude was tried. W W Neely and C B ! Hubbard reached the bank and turned Yon uau eoMvult the great I I liP iA N make a trip to Alsea after a load of Morgan were members of that jury. to look fur bis companioi h but McGuire j DOCTORS F R E E . D o mit forget that. cil occurs next Tuesday evening The Call and see then» if you wish You w a v chitten hark after which she goes to had disappeared while Reed had clim b­ call nnd see them or w rite, a s you desire lewlv elected officers take their seats at AddrcBH SUNDAY SERVICES. Tillamook to tow lumber vessels. She ed onto the upturned lioat. lie ¡hat tipie. will make frequent trips to Florence. soon disappeared from sight aud was HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Anyone desiring to purchase a new There will be preaching at Florence, probably washed off’ the trout a n d , , Frank Lawrence Smith ha9 been lowing machine may find it to his in- tlo. 316 South Broadway. ' Sunday, Mav 16th, 1899, nt. 11 a in. , drowned. anj i sentenced to he hanged at Ashland May crest to call at the W est office The boat was afterward recovered ; 26tli, 1899 for killing Peter Nelson near Endeavor 2.30 p m. The Endeavor will Los Angeles, Cat iscertain what we offer in that line. Central Point in February 1898. The take the place nt the evening service, j about four miles down the river. Reed’s Car. S tcvkton , Market and Etti» S ts., The Columbia River Fishermen’s supreme court denied the motion for a ' and,all are invited. • coat was found about mine miles below finn f r a n ó s e « . Cal 1 G K notts , pastor. ■ the scene of the arcident. ,'nion is making efforts to have several new trial. >i tlue bar buoys removed during the ATTENTION TAXPAYERS- A RIOT AT PANA- We urge our subscribers who are in ; HE HAS GONE- tailing season as they interefere with arrears for the W est to send us all or a ' I let drifting. None who aro ongagoJ In any of tho ««ch an ted part of the amount of your subscriptions. The taxpayers of Florence Prectr.cf1 In loving remembrance of Eddie A deadly riot, the most serious d is­ The south bound freight train was The price of a vest’s subscription is a ' are hereby notified that 1 have nmde . turbance th a t has bceorcd there since pursuits can succeed without reading and W hism an: Icrailed last Thursday morning a few small amount but it is by putting those out and furnished Win Kyle, of M^’?01' i Precious darling thou hast loft us— the union miners instigated the strike idles south of Drain, the engine and small amounts together that we manage I y Hood’s Sarsaparilla which purifies U N IT E D S T A T E S M A R S H A L ’S the brauches of mechanism, and its fund of Since our darling one lias gone be blood, tomes the stomach, strength- wlliel, sold lor |i .y 0 per hundred. His THE BOOTH-KELLEY CO. SALE- But <>b a brighter home than ours, ns the nerves, and ipakes the whole colMm,ssiol> merchants express the o piu-• knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ In heaven is now tliy own. yateni vigorous and healthy. jo[i t[|#t [)Otnteg „.¡n g0 8,j|i higher, hut i —His mother. IN ADMIRALTY. ventors aud mechanics. Sold with T he The Booth-Kelley lumber company Marion Morris received his certificate t)iat tliey 8i,Onld he shipped before they UNITED BTATKH OK AMERICA,» have purchased from the Soul hern ( registration from the state barber's coinlnence to sprout. SANTACRUZ CAPTURED. W est at clubbing rates. DISTRICT OP OREGON. > •nmmission a few days ago and he is p ay News: Word has been Pacific company a large tract of timber land in Lane county the consideration B} virtue of a writ VENDITIONI EXPOSAS iow authorized to shave you or cut receivwj frotl1 t()e c| ty) that Oapt. A dispatch from Manila the 10th says i.isütd out oi the District Court oí the Unitoli lour hair according to law. Ackerman has made all arrangements j being $131,299. The lauds purchased General Lawton has captured Santa States lor the District oí Oregon, test«! the ' are tributary to Mill creek and are about The county court has extended till f„r |„1i|,Fmg a four masted barkentine ! nre ln .” 'lU 7 Cruz and driven the rebel» who were 81« dav of March, I'll», at the «uit oí United ten miles east of Coburg. lay 1st the tim e for payment of taxes. , |ie Marshfield ship yard. He is ex commanded by a Chinaman nama-l 1 o Stales as Libellant against the Steamer Ralph he total am ount of taxes on the roll is pectt.,j here immediately, and work will ' The Guard says the company is mak- Wah into the mountains. The Ameri­ I will expote fot sale ut publie « l-tinii. and an-l operate will w!l to tljo highest and be.« Udder, for 150,709 of which nbout $40,000 had eommenceil in the near future. This ln8 P r‘ P' can loss was six wounded. The rebels cn-li, on Tuetday, the 24th day of April, 1S99, new mills and lumber yards. at Two o’clock In the afternoon of «aid day, leen paid the 10th, means employment fur a number ot The company desires a line of railway lost 68 killed and 40 wounded. Santa Cnir. was the Filipino strong­ at Gardiner, where the said Yrw«l now Itos, in The W est has for sale one years’ men, and will help to make business to tap their new mill and connect with Bullirlas County, Oregon, In sal'l District, the hold on Luke Laguna Da Bay nnd it fell Steamer Ralph. «let Tackle. Apparel, Fumi nition in the Holmes Business College lively during the summer. the main line of the S P railroad. into the hands of General Lawton's f Portland. This is one of the leading) w e read that “ In t l x spring young lure, Boilers, Engines and Marblnery. Dated al Portland, in said District, this First expedition after some sharp, quick uisiness colleges on the coast, having . me|,.g fal,cieg lightly turn to thoughts; HOW’S THIS? fighting, forming one of the most iuler- day <>l April, A. D., MW. English, Commercial, Shorthand and of |ove.» if reports are truo the I -------- ZïZTB. nofSER, elegrapliic departm ents and wo offer, noughts of the young men near Maple- -\ve 0(fcr 0 ne Hundred Dollars Re- csting and iiiiporlimt battles of the war. U. P. Mar-dial for Ihe District of Orepon. Thin monthly magazine is one ot the 'very this tuition on easy term s. ton are turning th at way more than wara (or a„ v ca3e of Catarrh th a t can I The plans of the American commander» The Benton county court denied the „8ual this spring, but whatever may be not be cure,| ),y H all’s Catarrh Care. , worked perfectly, with the exception ; best printed in thia country, and ir sold p J Cheney prove } kgislators expect any one to know how : cisco has no cause to regret th at Claus J nally, acting directly upon the blood Farmers have been very busy for tho hlacontinuous reiideacc upon and cultivation ; and mucous surfaces of the system. j Spreckels has made millions in the past few weeks sowing ofttg. ! of said lan t, viz: i big they arc until caught. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all H. II. Colvin, L. F. And «rsne, of Florence. Or __________ _ As we seldom see ijtum from Her­ The “ Death K nell” has been sounded sugar trade. I druggists. Testimonials free. I egon, Charles Mitchell und Oeor^e West of Ada. mann, in your paper, we deeiJod to ! Oregon. to Apothecaries' Prugs, and a sign “ Tu SALE OR TRADE- H all’e Family Pills are the beat. J. T. BainoeJ, ■ write von a few. Let” will be in many windows of Doc- -------- Register. HE CHILKAT WRECKED- Mr Ralph Taylor left this morning tor offices since the A unt J ane Home One 2’a steel ekein Mitchel W agon Remedy for female troubles ha» been with four heavy springs under bed ,; -------- * i for Meadow, where he will teach the placed on the m arket. Every man or ¡spring seat, neck-yoke and doubletrees The steamer Chilknt was capsized spring term of scl.ool. N Ö TIG E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . woman, married or single, should send a rnnnjni, ori|er. Will sell fo r. qn, while crossing the Hnnibolt \v e were were Kwry to note ttio name of two-cent stamp to our office for a heauti- or traj c f„r stock. Price $35.00. ; bar on the coast of California und ten ' Mrg K irly’ Land VAcc ai Koschurg, Oregon. _ s brother, among the wound- Merci» 6. 1999’ J Enquire of E E M ask , Florence, O re .. pcrgong drowned. ! e<| in the late fight at Manila. fully illustrated circular, free Nutioc is hereby given that the following- The Aunt Jane Medicine Co., rooms 13- j She had started from Eureka and was j, |c,t very nnexpertu-l, named settler has fifed i»«»tl««t <>f hia inlentiou | JFe do not U \ s posiszston of onr idexs but ire posssssed by Untnf 14 I^wia Building, Portland, Oregon. GARDINER NEWS. j almost over the liar w hen a tug sea Weijnesday morning, owing to the ill- to muUe final proof in support of hi« claim nnd , They nxster ui xol force us into the arena, struck her carrying away , »'e ,vliecl' , I)etg 0( |,ia father who lives at Comstock that said proti will be m ule bef »ft C. H. llo l ( The bicyclists ot Eugene have d ccided t dvn IL H. i ’i»mmissio’.wr at Florence. Oracoli, I house Rn»l wheel ami disRhiing lief We lnq e Mr Tucker will soon recover. Where like yUHHors, we must fight for them.'* to do all that is possible to better the (From the Roseburg Review.) on April 21. MW» vie: John F hick on H. K. No. i steering genr. Attempts wero made to condition ot Lane county roads in lieu 7OT2f,.r the h’i SK’.. « c i»; N'; NK’5 «cc. M; ; ;iucjJ js exaltCve,. K g, f.Mlowtus w»'.t»^«,tv rn.v.- water poured down below and put out entire contents of thia monthly luignzhi« the idea is to get a voluntary subscrip­ up,., . , l4 ..„m.Miou . . . p .ltl„ ! the fires. The .h ip waa entirely help- the past winter, have returned to Ih etr „ * tion jruni the wheelmen anJ employ a present. home at Hermann. W«?aro very g!a«z are upon a piano and in keeping with it« , ,M nn,, tl|f brcakers eoon turned her good man to remove largo rooks, till ° P 1 The many friends of Mr .1 u lo v.elcoioe our neighbor aggiti. ' ivXrrt H«>, of Idnneui, Or , Jaraea E Bay. soft holts and make a gncl, continuous tO ' X r e lie upside down. continuous j j our our pos.masre«, postmaster " " ii Ijtfivcfte Ackc-flV and Ft»ak C.jn.ljn of Mi I motto. The Arena’« gallery of ¿eminent of directions very sick at Santa Rosa, Lai., There were 19 persons on board t h e , Willie Giheon, the two-year-year , , old , I ner\a, <»r»gnn. bicycling rqad iu a number He was Bnitoir, vessel, 6 being passengers. 6 of the ( .on ot Mr an 1 Mrs A A. Qilo.,.11, had _ from the city. I t is estimated t'<»1 .X \ T c c o u n t . thinker* if» a group 01 intere.sting wen and R.pisttT. captain were I wt and narrow «»»cope. while ot Wit there are 809 bicycles in the con n ty .! slowly at last account. crew ■c . unprov.ng 1 I L *I V •• inrhjfhntf f women, nnd their thought* are wotfGar.liner’»successlui!cuon» ve««;..- . conttiilera!ion ot a.l people. The Arena in NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ! ,.rs c c h commenced a term of school on ,, aaMher vess.fi, and 3 duft- the cork hi bis Fortiinanfiy Astorian: The fishing season com- ' g.Jlith river, the former nt Otter Slough na,i()rt W) wreckaiie. Kirbey were eummone.L aold with Tirr W ebt .J Lind 03»' ' . »•’ R-i-jIrirg. OrvfiWI. »aeticgi on April 15th nnd the fishermen * and “ ■ the latter at S _ ilphur Springs. • — .«• Unown in lie iuon recovered mid is now all rif(iit. T»»c Chilkst was quite well « • n il 17, IS» » 1 avc nbunt finished the work of placing Notte? is hereby .men that >b- following-1 The private school unfier the manage- Florem* having m nle several tripe here their gear in condition. While present TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY. nniu -d i-rlilrr li«u> Sl.-d r ..* l« of hi« tutnrtf-rti | about two year» ago. ent of Mis» Clara Ekblom. Is progrees- indications arc th a t many will not ment t.» make final pre- t f . «upport of LI« «tato». ; Tiiere are 31 scholars en- It H ot-j IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE. nicely. Take Laxative Bromo Q-littlne Tablets. th«: -mid proof wd’.l r ’.su4e before immediately begin fishing, th e prospect ing ------ _ . „„„«v w««x for an early run is good ami the fl«her- - roHeJ an J more entering eve > Ail druggist, refund ......... y if it fails to ' men anticipate a lively year. Conditions; 51, Frank Rogers is « ’-ten di ng the {(< tUe y , » / a i ' . ‘ W. * ’« Tp. j Effective Feb. 12th, the Northern cure. 2ve rrohable that the gill-nettcrs will reap ; [oruia , ___ _ vice between Portland and all points ' hit cnutmuatMOntfeue« utioa end altlvation the greatest harvest this year. . , make ea«t Trains will leave Portland at 11 30 said land, viz: Ti c committee on license of the Al- , W hat boots it at _n th t fo#. , a m . and l i p m daily. These train , N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N of W H Weatheraon of vtJKW» », tr.Ub-'-Ijfflwr, ¡ F. C. Bean of Mapl«b,u. Or., .uw» L. Harts,» X will both lx- first class ami fully equipped bauv city p'etel the jefenae, defense, and an at anot »c « itv council has com completed as with friciul». in every res pm t, heated by steam, lan d out»-- at Roaelmro, Or««'’n. ; M«»d -w, Orajon. Draft ot the new business fa s ordinance I t is with flowers March 25, LW*. J. TMMWS, and j Ncrtt«Dhrrcbj.-Kivratttatthof»ltowln»-naro«d "hu h 11 causing so much diaeuwtiou. j j * ,nay l«e loved but lew much loved. vestibule»!, standard Pullman Ì togMer. tourist sleepers, dining cars and colonist ))|U , fii-d ,,(t,-« miration to m»ke f-very store carrying two or mow »’’ids ibing in the world ef ri cks ot goods taxed .hall be cousi I- There is only one tl.in sleeping -ar«, with through sleeping »n»! pr-M i»» .»» pix > u of lit» vl»lm, »»»«1 that v. are, U. 8. «•xtvc solicit , at w t-ffro avKR/'T’tzita to Missouri River paints via Bill- «*1 prjuf will U. » * 1 « tre i a ¿enornl iiHwehnndise ftore which reems to me to •Mi M at 27. V for “The St -ry '-f IL-- Plilltpol'»«.” bv Mirei» Halst.ad, e-iniml-it'-ned by the OoveriiatenS« taic ! <20 ..here m e sales do r-ot J morc than misfortune; it is h.appm . inga, winch render» tho sc ur>. vk: J.,i»u I. turra on II. K. No, W14 for Official IIDPirlan to tho W w Departiomit. The »13,(P-,, between $10,000 a,el $»>,0W »»'• I „ _ oulll of jU rarity aud above all its offered by the Northern l’acittc nn- the’HW,. sr»«.*«, sw •<.*«»•. I; *Rl4 NF.'i. book wa, ivrttt-a In array .ramp« at Sc 1 rr -»> viaco. on 11.« Pr-ciltc with <»» »era! Marrttl, l.i tsx - . be A4O. ar.fi over »20,000 $60 on accou ..„„„lied l>v any "titer transcontinental Tp, 1-, s.. It tow .-i, the hospltala a» rtr-ooialo. In llonx Kouff, In ao |d fi, ar.fi I I Tl ' ulV line to tl»W Buffulw It- nau»«. th« (,»llowl.»< -ritn«.«« to prove the American tr-uebaa»» 'faiitl-. lii the hieur e only one tax penshabUnvs-- ’’»¡eli there can . tb g t ? < nr , 1( kctg ,.011tin»»on« red -l««« upon and vultbatlon «ci»-, -•»rap’ with A.-utual to, on the deck »>f the G.xl should las tnore4 hoc. Ti e No gift c-vinpla with I>-wev, and In th» ic -r i-t the ig'w Uusine««. Every business' recognised than a nat'ire v orti„.(„ Pacific to «1» '* [ M.iicdec, Wiittam M. Kirb- and haul« at the tall of Manila b .nanta fot airent». frum «ó to »I • gratefully Brim ful'.f nr»Tlii«l picture, take-, by rw ern-| ■ led. N ehspapers tjwnrd enjoyment, fio I ,f e( ,,r For further tufvr- , 1. Turk-r -k- j $10. ____ _ c s lly tending Iz-a |>ri"ea. Bta i-t >#t». r.-vi-rht P-rid- Vre-ttt T H E W E S T . - ; u “ ‘ “ " s >»- >».. . . . . " ”■ ' » b e« Drop aM tm-hr unofficial war boot« . FL O R E N C E . that of da own accord, it I D-i’fl- Ire«. Addie«a. F T Barber, »tec y., Star V O U M U S T h»ve pu re blood for and discerns i n ’‘very*»».ng i Be»!-'«t bunsauee Bida .-.'hkaco. ’ tDmdhc .lt»,. Hood’s Sor-i-perill» of annoyRN*® I GiL-*r:d Agvut, Eugene. Ur. l urifie, (|ie bltx»(l. Tpke HoofT* “ st - ..vcc -.«}• of brighine •'i^rilla if u-H » n n ld t»L■ L_T eb M» : W-6° n y®** *° advance.----- Stars in And The A R T S a n d S O IE 3 S T O E S T H E ‘W E S T - Scientific American. THE EHSMaPHLITAH, T ok W bbt for THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS CROUP MAKE YOUR SELECTION. OR. BE WC