The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 14, 1899, Image 2

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    THE W EST/
• '
; the guns-
“ In the fighting which lias
j campaign of Gen. Utis, paid this d<-
■ i.Tecntou T^Agrr
The following tribute to the Isle SeB-l
I taken plpce, tho American troop*,
Tli« latest scheme, qriginating Among
ator Ret-1 appeared in the Posslnirgl
regulars and volunteers, have been do­
j the inhabitants of the British Indies, is
Flaindealer .Monday morning.
W ash , D O, April 3rd, 1899
ing splendidly. The work of the Volun­
(> . ‘ •',!' , ho i «change q( the Philijrpines for '
In the sad death of Senator A W
i U-iUXCB,
J h e events of the past week, in con­ teers has been worthy of the highest
jtlie former British porsersions. The!
nection with our foreign relation«, have commendation; they are fine fighting Reed our county loses one of its l est
- - - PV «- -
( Washington special making this stati-
been calculated to create a feeuling of men and show that they have been citizens and onr state one of it* most
W * IT . VC
i satjsf.ietum in administration circles. aeeustomed to look out for themselves.’’ etllcient legislators. Senator Reed w as '
. b . X » M l u l L M W : m e n ta ,n fa » o rU il.e p m ^ itio n , and Agtlinalllo
hce„ driven Qat o, bif
nnrn in the state oi Maine, and for tpme|
r » ele bum will soon he in the market
after he arrived nt the age of man
E d ito r a m i P ro p rie to r.
so-c.allcd capital tutd his army broken for silver bullion, for tips first time
. United States had nn opportunity to ... ■ ,
, , ..
, : ,
followed the sea. lutt finally
z * , tip into scattered bodies which inns- si,n.e ,i,p repeal of the Sherman act,
1 choose het ween the Philippines and th e ! ,
.,, .. . ,,
at Gardiner, in this county,
■ , horeafter light as guerillas it at nil, and overjvhiqb there was such a fnroie.
E fo ren ce, O re. A pr. I t , 1X1)9,
English possessions, they would prefer
the time of his death he was
’ •
it is confidently
that True, the amount to lie purchased is not
the la tte r Tho correspondent jmli- , , 111!laldo Wl||
of a large creamerv. general
sipve liis carcass by large, only enough to mint the 5 >,000
dally modifies this statement by paving
jettin g out of American jurisdiction at Lafayette souvenir silver dollars ordered merchandise store ami salmon cannery,
: “ this is practically true of the residents- l)ip
oppwtnnity> „
,,a, ,,ot
all of which he personally and success-
T«le>to tite le
by act of congress, to be given to the
if the eastern states.
ready done so. About t ip middle of Lafayette monument ^ t n l t a i o i b lo he : h,ll-v cond,,cte,1 He was about ad ye.V*
I lit- tr o u b le j n Manilla, w hich
It is pointed out that the possessio;! of ,
he week there was much uneasiness ' , oU ,0 ,)elp de(ray
_expellw?J o( tllC of age, and always had the respect an
h a s re s u lte d in th e A m e ric a n anil these islsnds would “ make theUarrih an
because of the new« that American amt , Lafayette monument to be erected in confidence of all classes. During all of
.B ritish w a is h ip s sh e llin g tu e v i l - 1 "l,'a practically an Anieric.ui lake,'' ami
English w arships ha-1 fired on some of Paris ao p present from Americane to his business career he never took nor
iugCb o f th o n a tiv p * partiSHtm Ol 1? 'onld ‘' br‘"8 9." into closer relations
itl. the South American s t a t e ,“
'',e nat.ves of Samoa. w hoar.apparen,ly F„ .
of next
lias asked a mortgage from Ins fellow m a ,.
A lataafit, is d ire c tly U'.ie to th e ! This is all very well for the _
set for the unveiling of the » « was the poor man s friend in deed
«? ‘™ blu ' statue. The Lafayette dollar Is to have
«ell as word. Believing that a man
r u m b iin i“ o rg a n iz a tio n o f tijo I r i - ! the eastern states hut they ar- no 'Mt ,be lni«-uP 8bould
longer the onlv pebble on the teach and ‘*l,,,U er,,m ny: W . «»■««* of t/ouble, i, > , speci:ll design, wb|fsh liaa n?t J;ul
with money should so use it as to give I
p a r tit' jo-Qti’c lo ia te
, seems likely .Illic it will .lead to a M tls-; fullv
determined nnon
employment t<- labor, he was always
Suino:» is u n d e r th e p ro te c tio n there are other people to lie taken into
. . , •
, , ..
, , fully determined upon.
planning some new industry to create
factory straightening out of the whole
of th e ( n ite d S tate«, f ire n t B rita in consideration. The course of empire and kinky Samoan business, as representa-
a demand for labor, and this policy
f t T o ^ a n ie .
e n d G e rm a n y . E ira t th e re its th e of commerce is rapidly taking its way tivey qi .Qçruiqpy, tirent Britain and ¡
uf liis, directly and indirectly gave work I
n a tiv e k in g , w ho is tlinorw ticallv F ' fc , *r'ir'i ’
al-d •*“
t h e U 8, the three parties to the treaty I
to hundreds in tho community where
Kidney trouble has laconic so preva- 1
• | on the sunset aide of die Mississippi will '
whlc|| S;)nl()ft ,ihS bpen
’J’hen th e r e is a 1
lent that it is not uncommon for a child lie lived.
Ti 1890 lie was elected u member o t!
agreed to the a I-
o - i - to
i bp
» born
, ... weak . . kidneys
.w hite p re sid e n t o f th e m t.n iei- 1 ..„e-sided arrangement as that propose,! ’ ior some years, have
• i
- ,iu w
w i i i m afflicted
t t . u n ; jvitl,)
f U H iw v a K K ii j n v v s .
lower house of our state legislature
p a lity to a d v ise th e k in g , an d could lie eo«isuiiim»ted. It is riot Amer­
authorized to make a new arrangemunt
on the republican ticket, and served his
urine scalds the flesh, or if. when the
e n d e a v o r to c o n tro l h is ac tio n ican lakes, but American commerce that
for the government of the Samoan ¡gi­
child,reaches ajp age y.-lien it shyiild b ' term in a manner creditable to the
w hen ni'ciM Sary. T h ia g e n tle m a n the nation needs. It lias been already amis th at will be permanent, and it is »b,e to eontrnl ¡he passage, and it is yet, county and himself, mid in recognition
I shown that by the control of the Rliilip-
is a G e rm a n . F in a lly th e re in a
.< pei , Palis actor) .
afflicted y lth bed-wetting, depend on it, i of his services he was in 1892 nominated
,. .,
. ,
j pines, which wi y be on/ supply station
A new indication of the existence of the cause of tho ilitliculty is kidney for state senator, but failed of election,
i and stepping stone to the trade of sever-
A m eric an , w lio ^ c o m jp e tid H J c g is -, a| hundred million Asiatics, the g r e a t- ! ' e*‘ Lr0‘!,Criy.ieelin!i be,ween A,-*'ri- - trouble, arn^ the first s^ep should be to- and was renominated in 1836 and won
' la tio n to' n n liv o g o v e rn m e n t, ’ est possible advance will lie made in the ! “ V18 nn' ! i-nslislimcn was given by the wards the treatment of these important by a handsome majority. He had a t ;
suggestion, made in the commjttee that organs. This u n p l^ sa ^ t trouble is due t),e date oi 1,18
death M C0‘- :
an d is hcHidea th o t-otirt o f in«t ) expansion of American commerce, Tue
Is arranging the parades wuicli are to be to a diseased condition of the kidneys' pitted his torm as state senator.
ap p e al. T h en Tliej/e a re th e t h r e e ! -'•ss,'ssion
and the
Strong both physically and intel-
Bliilijipini's, 'w ith a half way house at a feature of the big peace jubilee, to lie and bladder and not a habit as most
C oiimii I h , m m from eaej; jin ip in ,
lectuallv, he performed his legislative
held in Washington May 22-26, that a i people suppose,
j Honolulu, gives us advantages in the
w ith
ill-d efin ed h o u in h iries o f
special British feature he provided for ! If the adult has rheumatism ; pain or i duties with the same untiring energy,
I greatest markets in the world, which
I in the parade of the twenjy-fourth, I dull ache in tho hack; i/ the water . industry and care lie brought to his ,
pow er, m a k in g .six h e a d s to fhe , emil.i he gained in no other wny.
) ¡The advantages of the control of the which will bo the anniversary of Queen 1)nS8ei, in irregular 'quantities; or at ! personal affairs. His integrity was
g o v e rn m e n t iu rie n d o f one.
j Victoria’s birthday, in honor of that irregular intervals or 'h a s a I,ad odor; if a,’ovu 8USPi'-ion, and among Ins friends
T h e k in g , M a lie to a, tlu il last 1 British West Indies, outside the Amor- !
lay. The suggestion was received with it stains the linen or vessel the eolor of were the best and ablest men of the
, .
filli. T h e G e rm a n cmiHul b ro u g h t ' “:a^ ' :i,,iK proposition, are nothing as ,
I enthusiasm
immediate steps ru s t; if the feet swell; ij.tbeyc are puffy : state. His youth was one of responsi­
; compared with those in tljo west. Ti,«y ' m
M attutlii, th e fo rm e r k in g , from
effect were
or dark circles under tli^ eyes; yuijr bility and toil, his whole life one of
| have not. been a source of wealth or pow , taken
dxile, w ith rhe in te n sio n o f p u s h ­
er to Great Britain, and woqld tie no committee to confer witii Sir Julian kidneys arc the cause ftnd need doctor- ‘ unwearied industry. At the time of his
in g hint nw n p a n ilid a te fop th e ! particular benefit to this country.
ing. Treatment of some diseases may be unlortunatc decease lie was devoting
Panncefotc, the British ambassador, for
V acant th ro n e ,
T h o A m erican
without danger, not so with i his time to the public, in laboring in i
In the future policy of this country, , t|ie purpose of securing his co-operation.
c h ie f jlH tic a r ^ p g n i z j d M v lio tm j the great and growing west will have to j By the wav, Ibis peace jubilee is going
i n , . with
i . Commissioners
, .
, I
T m .u a , th e am. o f th e la te k in g , uaj be *—
more and more as the i ,o be quite a spectacular event, and it ! I)r K“ - " ’8 ««"»-’P-Koot tho great!
- bb<‘rd ta select a suitable site or ,
F lilt A V
U O R N IX Q .—
. i . A. -Í
A «.
i L'tilstxxsr
l . i - . . ____ _ i__ :
Il8 l l IlH tC ilc r y IO
f liiu r
th e legal sucw nH or to th e th ro n e . '* -' rh r "b
^bu l?re,ll‘’st Sr‘’'v,H'and . „¡11 be held when Washington is nt its , j kidney, liver amj bladder remedy
«■ i- i
i a
i i ,1<iv(’loP,n<'nt is i-th isd ire etio n , and the - i ^ t from the siitht-secina .mint of view i
cur‘?i l|ie most, distressing;
T h e E ,.g d ta h .a ndA »Q ont-»m ConpulH !W)|ir^
are more " ’
' <
, cn8M. It9 mikl llnd extr.lordin; n ,
Benator Reel was of the ambitious,
acquit'H ced th is . T h e G ei'iim n con- |argl.,v t() ,,e f()ln)iI in tHo wcg, WJ ,
t did not take Secretary Hay - ’oic ! egeet is Boon rpa,ized- Sold by druggists ,,croi,:’ ri,B»ed’
and aggressive
than aifout two minutes to convince the i in fifty and dollar sizes. You may have
w itli a kind dispo-
m id
hu ,.p o rte d j the development of the trade of tho , lw„ U|jba|1(j se„ t
M atitalk. ero e tin g a pro v in jo n id I o rien t-.,o w in its t.nfancy, but growing i ,0 get
^, rumiw(, throug, ' a sample bottle and pamphlet telling all ; s*t*bM »«<1 « generous heart. “ He wore .
1 about it sent free by mail. Address P r i lbu w.'l' te fio«'(u of a blunielem life,"
g o v e rn m e n t w ith M utuufa a t ¡tH by leaps and bounds—will conic the Gen. Gomez, to the Cuban soldiers, , g illncr & c „ , Bjngllan„ on N y
! while but few roses made glad or mark-
, greatest commercial prosperity this
h ea d .
increased, or the consent of the -----
presi- . wrj,j„g mention that von read this ed Ids pathway oj duly. Stricken down
j country has ever enjoyed. To barter
: dent to an issue of bonds by the Cuban :
M utaufa
a 1 n : d . bin
' follow
ers be-
ir, the prime of manhood, lie left to
generous offer in Tm: W est .
• • •
. #
I our opiwirtunities in this direction for a I
oftino tu r b u le n t, b a c k e d ua th e y , mess of C'arribeun pottage because it assembly, th at they hud wasted the |
mourn his untimely death his wife, a j
money spent on the trip. The sub­
! U'autifal woman, kind, graceful, ml-1
w ere by th e G ern u in eonHUJ. T h e y happens .to be paintable to the narrow
stance of Secretary Hay’s remarks
! lured and refined, of delicate health, an
b a rric a d e d th e ruA'ls le a d in g to «nd selfish people of the eastern slates,
might be thus expressed: “ Not a cent
Stephen .1 Field, for many years jus- affeetlqijate dispoaition, and nervous
\p ia , im d w izeif I iouhi ' h will not he considered fer a moment by | more; not a bond.
lh e delegates, or tice of the United States supreme-court, temperameip. Being blessed w itli no
by B ritish subject«. i'b e y wero ; Iho lirq«d qiinded men at die Ji«ad of wlmlover you might call them started died at his home ill Washington, D C ,: children, she lavished the «ea*lth of
our government, who appreciate that
for homo without having Seen (lie presi- Sunday morning, aged .82 years.
u rd o re d to e v a c u a te by th è A m eri-
atlection upon her hush,tnd, and the
the United States extends as far west- ¡
I dent at nil, having been assured by
He wag one of four brother«* who bo- news oi the lime and manner of his
r a u a n d E n g lw h eotnniainjiei'H, a n d !
ward of the .Mississippi, and that the ! Secretary Hav that it was useless for came very famous In thia country. He death nearly severed the cords of life
u p o n re fu sa l \vere bi»jnbarili»<l, houndary bids fair hi he still further
I them to try.
| whs appointed associate justice of the .She will be comforted with the thought
T h e y mail,) ft n ig h t a tta c k , b u t extended towards the setting sun.
Ti e assistant attorney general for the j supreme court Gy President Lincoln in that he leaves a stainless name and an
w ere d riv e n buck.
Nervousness, weakness, exhausted pu8t ° ir“'e 'h T ifln ie n t’ has decided two , 1803 i,nd held the olllce till his retire- unblemished reputation, and that all
G e rm a n y is j,laced in a d e lic a te
nervous vitality, rheumatism, lludyiiii specific chain-letter schemes,—one offer- ««vnt in 1897 after serving in that posi- 'tic people of this county and man >
Drv Coods, ¡Groceries
an d
N otions.
p o sitio n . Kbe m u s t c ith e r back cures. All druggists 50 cents.
, Ing a trip to the Paris exposition, and tion longer than any other man ever the state «re sharers in her grief
the other an $8 kodak,—to lie illegal, appointed in this country.
tip h e r co n su l, H e r r K ose, a t th e
bling example of devotion to duty he
llie two decisions seem to cover'
was secure in the affections of his fi
d a k o f g ra v e c,im p lica tio n s w ith
Ci HA has never ha.l any real public
i nearly all the schemes of that sort now
th e U n ite d
.States an d G re a t 1,1 hinds and the people own no school
property. All that will ho chang,si j
Bv C
B ritain , o r eh? m u st re c a ll him
A lucroiiT is again iu circulation that
According to Representative Olmsted
witii the least possible delay. In Santi
a n d d isa v o w b is ac tio n in KUpjxH'l-
Alger will resign soon. It is said his
ago Gen. Wood hit” recommended ft I o i l ’11, the “ paramount que.-tiou before
April 11th, 1899
m g th e prelcnw oiiH o f M ataafa. It
Mis J C Phelps visited with friends B',eces9,>r Wl11 hv C.eneral Warren Hast-
system of kindergarten and primary the citizens of tins great country today,
is believ ed sh e w ill do th e la tte r. schoo’s to he sitp|>orted, for the prosent, is the seating of B 11 Roberts, member at Prospect Sunday,
i ing« who was the commander of l’rcsi-
B..rn to the wife of Walton Mead, oa d e llt-deKinley during tho war. At a
elect from Utah, to the next congress.''
A t an y ra ta , Ilie s itu a tio n is one out of the provincial treasury,
conference between the president and
Contiu'ning Mr Olmsted said: “ The April 9th, 1891), a baby hoy.
n o t free from a n x ie ty .
J L Taylor and Andrew Gibson made *>is advisers it is said this cliai|-e was
; way I happened to know something of
B u - vaik tiiickk ia little disorder here
decided upon.
the drift of public sentim ent arises from a trip to In-ad of tide Friday.
there in Cuba is no reason to sup­
Now tiivt tiie season for working the
Squill' Gibson was at Hermann on i
my service on the committee ou privi­
roads is approaching the people on the pose that things are not getting better leges and elections. T hat committee, official business Friday evening.
Tin * ”> » n s tax rate of 2U nn
t he farmers of Hermann are busy
lqwer river are again nnxioualy discus on the island all the time. The surpris- i of the next lionet, may have
s tnoy
to re|aiit
hut there »re only
A svem high liut
sing the question of what is to lie done mg thing to those « ho know the elinr- on Roberts anil I suppose th at is the thus« days putting in their crops.
three J- W . C A R M A N -
over there is
Pcacti and cherry trees are in full iu the state having a lower tax
this year toward opening llie road be­ I.. ncter of the , population
reason why tho goml people all over Idoum and bid fair to yield a large crop.
than Lane this year, „hile four pay the
j, ¡s
lias been so litllp turbulenee Uns
. . . . broad , , land , deluge
, ,
tween Mapleton aud Florence
i luirpve »f,
.s . that there
me with , letters.
Mrs \V [, Phelps g|»ent Sunday with same and twenty-four pay more. Yam­
»tie opinion of a large part of our citixens i
American, took charge
j Every day brings me nearly a bushel ol Mrs Mary Tucker on east fork of
hill has the lowest lax being hut 10 6-in
•list tlie county court should contribute
A ' t F \i¿ > I F *
i letters, all protesting against seating Indiati creek.
while Linn and Multnomah pay
from the county fnnds more hhcrally
Now is a good time to clean tip lots the (’tali innn on the score of his alleg-
J C Phelps returned fron»
*’ highest in '
t tiKU I.a* heretofore been done to open and alleys and remove all rubbish that ed practice of polygamy. Bulky peti- Friday walking from Ilale in two
»¿e run ! for travel. Last mitnuivr and has accumulated during the winter lions witii htindreils of signatures of Hu says he would rather walk than l ific ' l'llst,T u'oun,.v hving J', 2-|0 uni i and
• p F & G T I( A t
on the stage, though he sjwaks iu the
" ' U ln 'hiil.vur.
fjtl there wa» considerable tsik about l&onihr.
; ebtireb people come to me from nurtii
ù R c s ft f ff e
'highest terms of praise of the care taken
«fie court letting a contract for the
and south, from east and west. Minis- by the drivers to make passengers com
blasting but action was postponed till j
write long
coiiupunieations, (or l able.
spring. Tho people here would like to 1
advising that (he seating of Roberts
Mrs Charles Hartley who has been
-ce the m atter taken up again aud n.canu
would be a reproach and a shame to the visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs
t irnislied (or blasting out the rock*
nation. Hundreds of women corres- Harkicroad will return to iler home ou
{[ so von should take ami rend
Sweet creek this week.
A large amount of grading hae been j
pondent, write in the same vein, and
A doctor's e x a m in a tio n
Sqme of our weather prophets have
done, much of it by subscription and PACIFIC QDD FELLOW the seriousness ot the writers cannot lie
sh o w . that kidneys.
------x —
A monthly inngaziuo published in questioned. 1 have no idea what the been prophesying a spell of bad weath- . .
lhe ranchers are willing to make further
• ; nations to open the read. They would Portland, and exclusively devoted to
bouse grill do 111 the matter, but judging i "'ey were not fata' prophets, as it is b'jt the doctor Cannot an z /o a L
Idle to see the rocks removed soon as the interest« of Odd Fellowship, both
from the powerful stir the case lias ‘* rh»inly bad enough just now.
L [ ..j
, .
until that is done the road will be iin le a l and general. It is tlie only Odd
P I. Tucker C.iuie in from Comstock t lC
UP°” tilhtch these
created, it w ill he dillieult, it seems to
passable tor travellers and vonteqnentlv Fellow publication in Oregon and is
organs depend.
me for the house to ignore the m atter Sunday where he was called to see his
• V ¥
father, I M Tucker, who is dangerously
ui little benefit to anybody even if the nmv in its eighth year.
F» A
id. It is thought lie is improving a
,- 3 h c r fh a n d i
gtailing was coniplelvd.
YVe have made arrangements with
» X i a « V w r ' A Ä keri<”i" y
Gen. Miles, speaking of the succvssfui little MissAiiua Tucker is also at : « -------
>w-r k A p n iS ñ ^ b ÍD i
the publisher by which we can club
served compliment Io (lie men lietund Comstock and will remain with the old
“’S * » ;
g) y a -
C e tc js r a p h y
hc W xst
folks awhile. If thc old gentlem an’s
Tm; Kl ine»»: R koirtvw bmìu I b A i « that
— ................. ,
n e n e u s sn l « „ b ] Î A
jk ,J
health will permit they will soon return had ulcerous
at a rate we believe every O Id Fellow
P c,:fl.3 b.,.h
iiv >
,» i iriT ni»« « tu v a n a rr.iiY w a K a v
a<i election along party Iines is to be
».«M« liras. Porta««, l’a.
'• •• T
to r - T h e Si.ivy »( th e I’ h ilip p lo .
by M uru to Hermann.
. . .
i would I k glad to accept
lead. <■»!: i)ii- - i» i» '( t i.v th e lio v e r i n n m l „<
ja-eferred even In city mattvrs amt
o u h i nor r a t rQr . » m ,
This country has supc-j ir advantage« n io I n id d h i » g e o n s t i » o . n . m in t I n r (<
Tne price of Tax YVr.-r is il 50 tier i'i!|>'’ iH i> i"ra» y iav » » r h s T in n ii rhr
ll« tn -< s and indim ?.
r n fc ii i t i arm« ra u ip ., at Sun Fran
results can he ob-
« ÏE ;
year and (lie prive of “ Pacific Old ,l«e<>. »II th e f u r l S r w ith G rin ra l X fr r r tn . In ,
h -... eat and «le.«,
MavÀ V G, ¿V
i h r h m ,,H a lu at n » n » iu lii. m l|»n» gong, m locations on government land which are
T a y lo r a n d Waiffm st«., Wf.mtarin. r i t
l in Ira n«« «1 M a n ila , m Hi,. In - a r
Fellow" is | per year, but we will
A house and W J G|,
gent ra iii|-a « u h A g u tn a lit» . nn th e 4<■ k »I the
,,n‘ ’»'lUCd, there ai« also several
, send both to subscriber« who nav a vear UI' imi * *t»h l>w„sv. «mt n ihe rowr »t ih. niesi • of dred* I hi land which can tie
* •
t a i l . .. th e t a l l . w M u iU to . I t o , S..M I'nr a s u i t . '
b<" ^ ''l« '-h y 2 4 fe e tan. l M„ , Vjrv ?
hare made arranrem er»« hy
mad atrii-tlv in advance for ,2 00.
arimt u »f »rtgt««l pb-oirv- t»kr, hv g»wrn bought on reasonab
able terms. We have
, IU -1 ’ b 'l'g ia e b c r m i th
_ e P
» |«o
i - t t, __
_ tam ii
i - - i
half in height Also « » » h
Miu v r u tit-
F n fig h i iia td . i n dH
will furnish (be Wee’ ly
otso a gond w-uvt.i «a
« >■
U p a ll trs s b v u in lB e iu l .« r la - .» .
what more can be
O n tu i I c
I d d , » « ) T ll.trbv-r. a ,» '.
a fa r and goo I land
nu» rwr»
» • J H,«! t. t< .„J °B premises ’ For ¡i î tt ! *. Í f fcf e. ^ " h _ e d
f :an w ith the W’r.vr for one ysa,
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- hv»r m« ; t|H
tiu iu u tiv v U ld g ., Cht.-ag»
qw antaJ?
îaax«?*git?» «*» w » » w « .
l n ''i’* i ' « at'tbis office •
' ' C -rl f<> any adir. e?? for the scita of t».n fini
'ajs, payable cash in advapee.
S ee o u r sp ecial c o u n te r .
O .W .H U R D
•Just O p e n e d .
Goods as Represented.
“Every Well Man
Hath His III Day."
» ß iir lir
cffocdA SaUtìfMùffn