.T H E W E S T . i CANNED AMERICA AND PACIFIC TRADE. in the City of Mexico, that American rule was adding to the depravity of F k O.M O IK K Ç ù t'I A l. Cor.EESFO.S’ r p V T . Cuba, th e Ambassador laid : “ That is S F l ‘brunirle — C g M .ls ltU > F.'.SRV F a l l u t M O U .M M I. The question of Pacific trade will 1» ' Hv .1 It A m is , Al. 0. a Spanish paper, and the vie«» ex- — AT— the leading topic of debate at the Trann- , pressed arc merely those of the ultra W ash , D C, March 2 1899. We find the following concerning the “ The ever victorious arm y’’ is the Spanish element, hut not those of mississippi Commercial congress, which F l.n ia .X l £ , l.A N S C o r N T V , Ogg.e.S » . > . • X ■ t product of the Florence cannery in the title now given to the nwo of (Jen Otis, I Mexican people. No significance should will U* in session for four (fays at • • • jiy • . . American .Journal of H ealth, a good who are again lighting aud again c y . j bo attached to the nttrance, simply Wichita, Kas., Leginning May 31*1./N o . 1 , . authority on matters of sanitation and rying’ before them. Since the first because they are inndo in Mexico. Only more im|>ortant theme could occupy the .W . I l . W ^ y r u E l i s o r hygiene. We publish the article to give .'dispatches concerning the battle of a small number of our people are pro— minds of tne delegates, as events in the our readers'ail opportunity to ace y list ¡Saturday arrived, the corridors Spanish by reason of ancestry or relit- Philippines and in China are rapidly E ditor and Proprietor. a high place Meyer A Kyle’s canned of the war departm ent have been ' filled , Hoijship. 'The great hulk of the people creating problems of commercial inter- goods hold in the estimation of the host ng t])ev y were during (lie fe#' weeks o í ' treat such m atters with ¡»difference, I course in which the prosperity of the Florence. Ore. Apr. 7, 1899. authorities: the war with Spain, with ofllcvrs nnd j and regard tiic U S a* their nearest nnd whole western world, particularly this Because canned food iroducts have newspaper correspondents, all on tliis part of it, is involved. If the Unit- L a u : k e p . ibt * say tu it ta.; g il i t become almos! inilispeiisahle ’to the ¡ jor t |ie ¡ ed Iitates is Io gain by the Asiatic like to see changes now in progress it is all import­ »aval affairs, ant that it sliould at the outset make no Marian Cockrell, I1 mistakes of economic policy. What Cockrell to christen errors might Is1 made and what meas­ p Missouri, which will he praise, ami which ensures to the con­ fully carry through his plan to destroy ures ought to lie taken to get the best Mr Vaud »rbilt sr. lpn given bin f ' launched at Newport News, next Oc- sumer entire safety and satisfaction. , , Aguinaldo s army before there is any (toker, was a wav of showing it, and at results in tlie new markets are consid­ sou tbe unni of Î 19.000,000 to copi- b u t housekeepers should he certain that i„, „„ ¡„ ft,., n ,1.» .... i ,i' ' , . ' erations to which the coining cominer- ' : • ■ f , let up in the na lit, and neither of them | t | )e same tune paying a deserved coin inenoe bitsiiics.1 with. >V. sh F air tLoy gut these . brands, and tlie vast j cial congress may properly devote its jor .uly serious set back for plHnent to a charming yoiing lady, who hit* ill her ow n right, ' number on the market make'; selection troops. The regretahle feature of our ' collective w isdom. the ; is tkc secretary's personal friend. It is hi id she gives blfgc stfiljS to a m atter of son»; dilliculty. Our pur- j of tlie victories has been the considerable The first question is, how can tlie ! Philippines ho made a paying invest- cathnlic charities. t h e action of P°w iH »'» relieve the housekeeper from number of casual tics among our troops , ment? Their trade is worth from Jiow to Find Out. the miners js-tio (lopCt influenced , ' y 1 ' 15 but they ¿re features of war th a t cannot i i . ' i , . gnoda which arc not reliable. We have he avoided. Tlie lighting probably $30,000,000 to $70,003,099. all told, and j bv the r latter fact and the lady’s . . ...... ..... . • J made investigations into the merits of shortened President McKinley’s vnea- J ill a Isittle or common glass with I our portion of it before tlie war was great woalth. I'ut tliis is xpneh canned goods with results winch enable tion,'as lie sent word as soon as the first i .v<”,r water and let it stand tw enty-four merely nominal. We are now burdened like honoring her merely l>e- us to mention with confidence those dispatches of Gen. Otis were forwarded . hours; a sediment or settling indicates with the military care and picification cause of th e circumstance* in which are the best. In ' line with our to him that ho would return to Wash- ) nn unhealthy condition of the kidneys; ' o i the group and may have to maintain if it stains your linen it is evidence of , :l considerable force lliere for a period which lie wins pjaoed and with I usual policy wherti questions which eou- ingtigj at once. .ern the health of the family are con- •ars. We must of course make The military court of Inquiry ha8 ' k‘‘liiey trouble; too'(rcqlient desire to , of yea which she had hut little to do. ; cerned, wo have devoted tlie best expert can- enough out of the Philippines to balance pass it or pain in tiio b jck is also ¡She inherited the money from her skill lo secure tho information upon returned to Washington, where the vincing proof th at tlm kidneys and this expense, to say nothing of a profit, i last witnesses will be heard. Nobody father who made his fortune 111 ; which these report* are based. but it is apparent that we cannot hope j has any authority to say w hat the re- bladder arc out of order. California, lining wealthy she is The manufacture of canned goods the to Jo so if access to tho island markets WHAT +O DO. i port of Ihe court will he, but the There is comfort in tlie1 knowledge so is to be on equal terms to all, as was able to give largt sains in clj'.'.rity ' three chief requirement* are th a t' the ........................ . impression ¡8 general among those who materials which are put up should i , , , . ,, .......... often expressed, that Dr Kilmer’s j the case under the rule of Spain. The and not fool if. Tin nows that a raw . . . , | have closely followed all the testimony, be of the best quality; ' liiat ijwamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Filipinos Nut buy a great deal of what thousand dujlnrs has boon d o n a tod I that it will lustily every charge made bv I ie process of packing and sealing the . . fulfill* every wish in curing rheumatism, t they want cheaper elsewhere than in , - I Gen. Miles about bad beef being fur- to sortie charitable object is apt lo cans should lie skillfully done; that the pain in the back, kindeys, liver, bladder I the American markets. They willaloso l>o heralded throughout the coun­ factory should he absolutely clean. As I Dished the army, and that it will and every prirt of Ihe urinary passage. if given the privilege. Are they to have .•ecominend one or more courl-martials i it? If so what will lie the commercial try: blit Mis* Fair tan ^ive tlia.f an instabile of a brami u liose martufac- Ti corrects inability lo hold water and of l « army officers responsible i .. • ' . . . ' • 1 • • • 1 i II I ; U I I II J V » I u v e i •» who n 11V were n L it IL BPI value of I lie islands to us? Assuming a m o u n t euhier th a n m a n y peo p le turerà comply with all diete conditions , scalding pain in passtiig it, or bad elfcis that the group would Le made a terri­ J .1 ; - , ‘° r t ‘,e purchase and acceptance « of the I can give ouo dollar Iliiii.lrOd s "»»* « 10 Koo<1" ; beef. Should this imPrc**ion bo « correct, following use of liquor, wine and beer, tory of tlie Union and that it would I FOR A SHORT TIME I and overcomes that unpleasant necessity impose the Ante)ican tariff duty and I offered by Meyer & Kyle, of Florence, And thousand* whose UHiHt-8 arc tion. Eagan will certainly y catch i it, for : , t •* j » ' Oregon. of being compelled to go often during! enjoy free trade with this mainland, •Li • i ;»•' as commissary general, lie tl u n k n o w n h a v e giv en to charity ie is the man ; . . . • . •!: » „ ° . then the questions arise of the possible * FOR CASH ONLY. A very thorough c amination of sever- who must he held responsible isihle, although ' . , . ,. . • tanfi retaliation in the spheres of oilr ’ email suiiw, which coat th e m rj samples of these good* which belonged to to ' ' ng t,,U n 'g ht- ?''* preHeiu Chinese trade by by tht that time ' the real fault may have e belonged greater eflorl ttuin ih e la rg s domi- pureliaged from retail dealers was made i ordinary effects of Swamp-Root is soon pattly under the control of nations that ; some of bis subordinates tion* of1 Mi*« l air. But according i hi our own laliorutory. Wo found that realized, It stands the highest for its 'profited formerly by l’iiilippine coin- As most men approve of a man r e -' , the contents of tho enhs were not only won,ierful cures of the most distressing ,,lerce> !lnJ injury (0 ol„. n.uive gl)g,|rj to C h r is t1* teach in g * th e ¡until] 08217289 i I , -I. iu the best possible condition, but th a t ; turning a blow for a blow, tliero is little i uses. If you need a medicine >’6u i m i d tobacco interests by the un- « k i u „. K, , « t < . , r t to \0 W x l» , ................. .. put a p w>< P| 1|1O h |g ta it .............. ... )lr rebu„ 1|— 1 tbe Sold by drug- taxed admission of the island products. it find givoit iii’tTic right flpírií| | m quality. This demonstrated thut the and arraignment of Belmont of New | gists in fifty cent and one dollar sizes. These are all matters upon which a th e g re a te r gift, And now the consumer will find in Meyer & Kyle’s York, in connection witli tlie initcli- You may have a sample bottle of this , variety of opinions are held and which { . \\ I Í »■ tnitier« a re to donate this large products a first-class article wliicl talked-about tcn-dcllars-a-plate Jeffer- wonderful I discovery an I a book that ti e TrnlisiniSsissippi congress will be sum of mopey to ¿mike a sta tile of reaches him freo frotn the sligl.lost 80,1 dinner’ but ,nany "ie" w!l° «»PPort- j le„ 8 ,„ore about it> g(jnt „bsoiulely free , able, it is hoped, lo reduce to a con-' deterioration. Tim factory where j e ¡ *»a,,d *00<’ show of election. to secure a portion of the new-comers develops into the workshopbl the world? IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE ’hound for Oregon^ Eugène tiie county <*‘’rompli»hed so that neither time nor Tiie abler politicians realize this fact, ft lias eoai, iron, copper, marble, pre- ami are quiet’y placing Ids merits be­ seuL should be'sllve to this issue, lind distance can effect their contents, fn ! Effective Feb. 12th, tlie Nortliern ' cions metals, lumber (iii Northern Man- fore tlie men who will have tlio voting Pacific will inaugurate douhlo train ser- ehuria, where vast forests exist) and wake up the rest <5f tn o ’ i nuntv, Why fact tlie highest praise we can bestow is to do in convention, although they vice between Portland and all points not more than Meyer A Kyle’s product Would't it be a good idea for each town wool, and is near the cotton preserves realise fully tliat if tlie convention was east. Trains will leave Portland n't 11 ;3i) in the county to appoint a delegate to , folly deserves. of India. Labor is cheaper than nnv- a in, ami 11 p m daily. These trains Formerly canned food products were to be held now, Mr Bryan would meet and concur witli delegates from will both be first class mid fully equipped *'bcre else, save in India, and it is certainly he nominated. neighboring towns, ilist they th iy de­ ill most cases lookefi upon with suspic­ in every respect, heated by steam, ingenious ami adaptable. Its extra , According to an official statement vestihuled, standard Pul loan " ," i »"Pl’lics of cereal food will, when tlie' cide upon tho Is'st jiosslhle way in ion, and this was the result, chiefly, of , . . , , , which Lane county and her tnanv valu­ unskilled methods. It was such n made by tlie U S treasurer, there is no tourist sleepers, dining cars and colonist •> Manchurian railroad ami its branches sleeping cars, with through sleeping scarcity of money in tliis country. O n , able resources can la* pr«*senled to these common happening to find that on cars to Missouri River points via Bill '[ are built, come from Silieria, If China naw buincsockcrs? ft isn't for Eugene opening a tin the contents were unfit tlie contrary, lie says tlie per capita j ings, which renders the service now **•<> be instructed and built up in tliis nor Cottage Grove n¿r.Iuuction City nor for use, tliat confidence in these goods circulation was $20.51 on tlie first of the offered by the Northern Pacillc nil- way what becomes of our anticipated Floren,e ; hut it is for Lum, county and w as shaken. But there woro too ninny present month, against $23.83 one year ; equalled by any other transcontinental trade? What becomes ut our present these low ns should get a liitstleon them- advantages, both for canncr and con- ago. He says the seeming scarcity of hue- Ebe only line to the Buffalo' trade, save tliat in which we appear as territory. See u.ai that your u, tickets brought about by a Hump ’« n .o .y , nee sets n ..... - selves and I,ring iu at least 630 lióme- . sinner, in the idea which the canning of money has la-en . , , • read via the Northern Pacific to all 1 *' l,l,.'tr b - And iii view of those possi- eekers »Its year. Some will come foo.1 represents, to permit its being large increase in tho volume of^business |H)illls east or soull,. For further infer- bi lilies what should I * the attitude of without an effort on the pari cf the abandoned. In time skill and ingenuity done, and hv a disinclination in bank- mation cull on address, 1 manufacturing and food-producing na­ Vitlkens of Crcgon but when one comes triumphed over imperfection. Tlie pro- ing and commercial circles, except on K Mc.Mrnfiiv, tions toward tlie development of China? General Agent, Eugene, Or. of liis own aironi two cuti lm persnnded liesses were improved until it became tlie Paciric coast, to pusii into active To search into the general problem to come if the right method in ndoptisl. possihie in produce an article w liieh left circulation tlie enormous quality of gold and lind tlie course which the 1 United ALPHA CLIPPINGS. nothing to lie desired, and today we lind voin tliat lias accumulated iu govern- — iiohem iu Xiigriil. Stales sliould take so as to enable it to —— — — ——— guilds in tliis line placed upon tlie mar- ment vaults, and in tlie hands of Bv E ven C ii . vngk . expand its commerce and increase its T n r sxw game law passed by tho Met, by manufacturers of the highest hankers. wealth is the first duty of our economic slate legislature tnak#« the close season reputation, which the severest critic can I Senor Don Manuel Azpirox, the new April 3rd, 1899. thinkers. Many of these will take part for deer, from Nov 1, tu Jn iy |5 ; beaver do naught save praise. Tliis journal, I Mexican ambassador to the V 8 lias i Mr laivi Berkshire was up tlie creek in tlie debates at Wichita, and they will W. CARMAN arc wholly protected for 20 veare; wliosc endorsement can be secured only just arrived in Washington. He sjicaks Sunday. PROPRI F T n » approach tlie subject from every angle pheasants, grouse, prairie v'lickenu ami hv established merit, cheerfully bestow English and keeps up with tlie news- Mr Win Austin and family spen'. of political preference. Doubtless they ; ipiai. are to* he killed d u rin g 'th e mouth iton Mever A jvyle s product because, 1 papers, as may be judged by Ids having Easter Sunday w ilii Mr Achcrson at w ill add to tlie general sum „1 mtelli- ; Alpha. i t November only; moilgolhin pheasants »» we have stated above, this I,rand re- 1 said, in an interview : “ Naturally my gent discussion; |>ossibly tl,ev will We hear there is liable to be a wed arc wholly proiene.1 iu JacK-on,' dose- presents what is truly the highest grade main pur,a)se in coming lo Washington ding on Like creek soon iielweeu Miss devise a workable piau which vongress pldiie, Coos, Gurry, an I thatrop con li­ >f Cannud food products. is to strengthen (he good relations be­ Annie Alimasi snd Fred It«». ' and the president in their future deal- lies (nr a pi'ri id h f tlffec years. Tlie tween tiie V 8 and Mexico in every way i Mr Marion W licder went to Nelson ings witli far eastern questions may lind Eennlty for violation of this law is a ARE YOU AN possible, and iu particular to develop ‘’f e k Saturday evening to visit it desirable to adopt. tiK.niilbi ...-.I».- « «..I,. ...«II a --- fine > f from fl5 io $200, togetlito tilth the trade and commerce which two parents uliin to makf a side call to sec! Casts oi Hie prosecution. 1 gpod uegihora alioqld have witli each liis Easter Lilly. f Mrs Lundy writes th at on the 2oth of Fair Outside h ' other. I notice that your papers re- March there was two feet of snow and If so yen should take and read Twi r tiie«»- ol an appropriation for produve Mexican press comments on tlie thermometer was down to 40 bciow 3 Poor Substitute the continued iniprovemwnt of Yaqmna PACIFIC ODD FELLOW ! tlie recent utterances of Cecil Rhodes, zero at Evans, Colorado. A monthly magazine published in harbor is to be Yegrelteil liv ' tbe iVholè Mr Chas Aeherson returned from prophesying the absorption by the U 8 For Im v ^ rd W o rth ." U 'illsuiette viBley, ami again emplia- IW tlsnd, aud exclusively devoted to '. of kX'titral and South American cotin- Eugene last week and reports tlie ai- sires the fart th a ï our own Riúsláw liar- the interest« of t»JJ l ellow sliip, both , Good health. Inwardly, o f , tries; hut tliis press comment is purely rival on one train of 700 emigrants ut tliat place. , .nr sbool.r be pushed to ll,e front. This lb. nl and general. It is the only Odd lllu, #nJ „ 0 w (y n>|,wt# the kidneys, liver and bowels, in no way relfects the Mr 5Vnt Harris went to Blackley last ran be done by building a railroad to Eellow publication iu Oregon and is view of tlie government. Mr Rhodes is week trading, receiving 8 rents for eggs is sure to come i f H ood’s Sar- now m its eighth year. I loreuee. —F 'i y i i f K ig irlti'. an interesting character and ttie papeis and $3.80 for chickens; getting 15 Ihe of Saparilli is prom ”'[\i u ^ d Wv have made arrangement gements j with arc quick to seise upon his uttrance and granulntej sugar for $1.00. This secures a fa i/ ^iisi'.L an l Poor old California, the capital boom- fon’,*e, has had a little of caurrh which t Rmbfei me f,»r ft$ y ¡u i¡b f* ! ¿ i « ainf^ Toe pnce of T iiv W ist is $1,80 per A business meeting of thè invìi.»ers i what Oregon could spare lots of (rain Hood s Sarsaparilla cured me " Mearix. Uasblngton si . .X l » t .h . r". x y. i LICIT»!.« W»nr»l> K.rKVWHK«»' i.f III» ITeenvterisn ehnreli was hsld year and tlie price et ‘ Pacific O ld . \ ' *'V livàï •r> of tlie l»ltlh|»|>ìit'*s” tv M ural and good tones arv assured. „ « DyspepstU» - • Goiuplicate.I With liver H u l«leu.I, CGiumiw.wii.nvtI by U h * <»»»%v n ito rn t n , T iu u lav foreiMxwi. Win Kcle was leltow "is »1.00 jier year, hut wc will < iì A im I IlhbirtM u to the ur Popart invi» t Ih r Me have very flattering prospects far •>>« \u'»ey trouble, I s-iflerej r,,r —’ J " 1 ____- I h m i I« « a * u H» Arm* at j*<»n Fn*u J l ÍÍ?.P*’*- *i*b ssvsre pains. Heed's r v n s a l e OK EXCHANGE. e ’t-cted a liustee. Theie was eonsidvi sen I laitli to suliscrllters who pay a year ciM'it, .»n tbr Puctttt with Vv.iivraì Mortili» in a large fruit mt Deadwooif,- (leaclier. u barsapirtHs made me -inme and Iwartv T o ' o u R PATRONS tin iu »»pit a i.-» at il.»n«»lufu. pi Koiur, pniina mihi uherrivi arc tH bloom—by a i. B. k.Mxaivx. Main Plrsei Auburn. Me/ sirhdlv ili Silvane« for $2 00. -1 al.fu diaci««! >n m regwi.l lo reparing firn Ih r Ituoricrtii tm tviiv « at M anila, in th r in *ur campa w ith .M uthabb*. <»u t lir deck ..f d ir careful exaininati.in ill kinds of trees Cult at our office and ace a sample goni , A house . ; and lot *" GI*n»da. Tlie loe repairs are much nee. sled o H in p in filth lH 'n r r, and In tl$o r»»ar ihv We have mode nrrsrjrem en’« hy - - ’. « by 24 feet and one . torv J »«Hiv ai Iho fall of M aiiì I m , H .m an/a for Agent' ko far are not inJnrvU in the feast, and peily Die d e i e of i early copy ol “ Payilic Odd Fellow,*' Itrim fu l of origina I picture*« takn - bv only a tew ot lb* cherry hloasoms. The "Ilici I ** will furnish th s Weekly m -nt phob'graphrr nti thv »w»l. 1-atKv »«opk. - b s lf m heigh,. A lso , g « ,, ............. .. Ura- n ti e w rk ' e done I.«»w prie» •* H it |>rcft U Fiviwht paid I ’rvtlit Mu«law valley is about the only piare The heart cannot wholly petrify with, ' ’’’•‘genian with the W x « t foe on» g n r n |>r«tp oil irawhx uuoftlctal war bsM»k« in tue V 8 alierà the cold weather did ( t e n d « . « I« pr.’Vi.l- ° n .......... Ouiftt fb Addo T B.irbt r. ïKv’y . M ar ' r .lh ' » ' r» i, j . | * O 1 j ‘ , ,1, H, 4-, out soine honest revulsions. H uffuran. HMtu, vhivajru , not injure tbe fruit. ' any address for th» suin of two dvt inquire aftbU c i A c » . » -------------- FOOD PRODUCTS AS W t FINO THEM TODAY WASHINGTON LETTER. ★ HATS ★ IN - and TO BEDÎJDE S T O ” CAPS __ _ _ OF COST. S e e ou r sp ecia l c o u n te r . O .W .H U R D CA R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! D rvG o o d s,* Groceries * and *:N otions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ............Just O p en ed . Copds as Reoresented. ODD FELLOW? "A P pcnrääCiCK. ; 1r*> payable cash in advance.