4 4 YOUR H O H E P A PE R [ A D V E R T IS E R S > ?' S U P P O R T IT 5 4 SIUSLAW'S ONLY PAPES. O P P O R T U N IT Y '1 FLOKEXCJS, OREGON, FR ID A Y, Apr. 7, 1899. NO. 49. GENERAL DIRECTORY TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. STATE OFFICERS TRAVELERS’ GUIDE S T E A M ER “ M IN X ,” o — W ill make ----- o 1C Pas w What 1« it in the W m r.vr nir tonight T hat brings me d te a m so f dear d a js long ago And m em ories of lienrts that have for year* liven colder than the A lps' eternal snow I Steamer Robarts Will make regular trips from overnor........................ T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S cretary of S ate .. .1-'. I. Dunbar. ----Between —— «usurer........................ F. 8. Moore. o f pt. Public Instruction J. H. Ackennnn Calling at ALSEA, Ami from »to Printer....................... AV. 11. Leeds. torney General D. IL N. Blackburn ( .................R. S. Bean THE STEA M ER pre me Court - ...............E. A. Moore Calling at th e UMPQUA, ( .. .. C . E. Wolverton Sge Second District, .J. W. Hamilton i For passenger anti freight rates Prosecuting A ttorney.. .Geo. M. Brown — APPLY TO — F h g e r ®n V o a p P u ls e Florence to Coos Bo 8 v / E L L V \\ ill carry freight and passengers Meyer &. Kyle, Florence, Or. from Florence to San Francisco. W ill also bring up freight, O -A L E U D IJ S T E IT l ; - COUNTY OFFICERS- 3T A C JE L IN K . For further information inquire .. F. O. Potter. — OF — .. W . T . B a ile y Conjlnissioners H . D . E dw ards A. W. BEADLE & CO. Clerk ..................................... F I . Lee 14 California St Sheriff..............................W. W. Withers San Francisco, California. Judge •Treasurer..........................A. 8. Patterson Assessor............................... I). P. Burton BehoSl Superintendent . . .W. M. Miller Survivor.............................. C. M. Collier N O RTHERN Pacific, Ry. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r,| Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Tlmrs- j days and Saturdays. Connects witli Steamer and Scotts burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with' Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. IN , We stood amid the flowers, dew y, stceet, My hero in hla coat of loyal blue. He kissed m y te a r sa w a y and said: “ Farew ell I ■ My country needs n.e, dear, m ore than do y o u .” • , You feel the blood rushing along. b But what kind cf blood? That is the question. Is it pure blood or impure blood? v If the blood is impure then you are weak and languid; your appetite is poor and your digestion is weak. You can­ not sleep well and the morn­ ing finds you unprepared for the work of the day. Your cheeks are pale and your com- plexion is sailew. You are troubled with pimples, boils, I or some eruption of the skin. Why not purify yaue bicod? W E LEA D T he dew y violet o f henv'nly blue, The fain t breath c f arbutus on the air, Bring tmdiy back those dear dead days And one w ho told me I w as fair. Florence to Yaquina L U T H E BR EA T H O F A R B U T U S . J • • • « « Í « D ry G o o d s T here cam e a day. The sun refused to «blue. H igh heaven tried to w ash aw ay the ataiu. N ight spread her m an tle gen tly o ’er the lie h l— The soiuh w ind m oaned u roquiein for the slain. • • • • • • F a n cy G oods • F u r n is h in g G o o d s Rack lir a corner o f tho garret dark ' T here stands uu oaken cheat, and buried deep Within it lias a package w orn and old. Rut when ’tie ashes s till my heart w ill keep C lo th in g I In Kacivd memory the love that gave To me the sw e e t arbutus, faded, dead, But gave to Ood and country all he had A nd in the southland found a narrow bed. ’T is th is the south w ind w a fts to mo ton ight— Fond in em ’ry is the harp o ’er w hich sho p lays— The penile breath o f aw cet arbutus flowers A nd tender th oughts of un forgotten days. —R. V. B. 8. in Hcranton Republican. TOILERS OF THE AIR. H ow th e W ork on a S u sp e n sio n B r id g e Is D one. .Y IST D Shoes W E DEFY C O M P E T IT IO N . --------------------- ;----------------------------------- Willamette St., RESPECTFULLY Eugene, The workmen ou tho cubles follow CoroRer............................W. P. Cheshire closely after tho builders of the irou of Peace.................C. II. Holden Lane Co., Ore. roadway. Theso iueu are engaged in more perilous employment, if anything, Const,. ble..............................E. A. Evans It than the former. They climb nimbly up to the very summit of the huge tow­ I ers. and then without flinching proceed E. B a n g s , P ro p rieto r. to descend the inclined cables. It makes CITY OFFICERS. & N S h o e s tr in g S t a t u t lc ^ the spectators below tremble for them, — Stage leaves Eugene daily ex- AN UNREPORTED FIGHT. will do it. Take it a few dsys so dangerous is the descent, but tho Tho Philadelphia Record's calculat­ ieept Sundays, at 6 a. ui., arriving and then put your finger on workmen have no fear, else they would 11 I t E v e r r a m . OB’, t l i . S p an iard * M u ,t ing barber says: "I see that your ahoe- F resW en t............. W. TI. Wv»athereon H a r e Su ffered , ycur pulse again. You can be unfitted for tho duty required of striugs are lied iu bowkuota. Did you at Florence *the day following feel the difference. It is ‘ We don’t happen t' see nothin In ever stop to think flow much of tho them. After sliding down the cable a P u llm a n O. W. II u 1(1 at 10 a. m. stronger ar.d your circulation dozen feot, they stop and turn around i H»’ papers from th’ seat o’ war ’bout I string is required to make those useless J W ill. Kyle Boajgof Trusties S le e p in g C a rs better. Send fc-r our book on anil face tho rowers. Tho men working Josiah Wbeelock gettiu killed er wound- ! loops? Probably three iuchoaof eaeheud. j L. Christensen Returning-stago leaves Flor- Impure Blood. the derrick slowly swing out to them i ed er Iosin hisself, dew ye?" asked (Jude Tio the luces in ordinary knots, and you, M. Morris E le g a n t If you are bilious, take cnee daily, except Sundays at 2 the end of a cable about threo iuches in Hiram Haytuft, lounging into Beth , could cut from the pair four pieces, D in in g C ars Ayer’s Pills. They greatly Recorder................. John I. Butterfield diameter. Auotbor man carries out to Parker’s general produce store in Ool- each threo inches loug. There are p, n t . , arriving in Eugene the day aid the Sarsaparilla, They them by means of n small hand pulley j '«8« Point and leaning against the pork i 600,00« people in this city and T r ea S ir er............. .............F. B. Wilson T o u ris t cure constipation also. and rope a redbot band of steel, w h ich barrel. " W liat reg ’m eut? W hy— no 8 0,000,000 iu the U n ited States who- S le e p in g C a rs following at 9 p. iu. M i r r a i................... the cable workers seize with th eir! reg’meut. Wau’t a reg’m eu t’t 'd liev , wear laced shoes. If each of th eso lYir/f« fo CCTJ* pinchers and ulusp around the large cable hlnu Heow 'd he go? Waal, I s’posed 1 bought three pair o f laces a year, th a t 8T. PAUL i . \\ rite them —..... fieely -‘«ly all the partlenlan 1 in your care. Yon v ’ll receive a Single fare - - - - $5.00 ■ ou which they ate resting. Then while ye ull kuew ’bout that. One o’ th’ all would mean DO.btIO, 000 pair, from . JUlY. without Wit prompt _ repiy. jest. M IN N E A P O L IS j the steel is still hot and malleable, the tiredest, dnrndest, curio-is-st things I which could bo snipped 300,000,000 A< ddresA, DH. J. O. AYKR. ECRET SOCIETIES. Round trip - . - - 89.00 Lowell, Musa. DULUTH Entail cable, with its end secured in n ever heerd o’. Josiah’s that big. gawky, ends. Theso pieces, placed end to end, Tickets for sale at E. Bangs' i thick holt of steel, is brought into posi- slabsided, kuockkueed, good fur noth­ would make a continuous shoestring FA R G O i lien, and the cud welded into tho red- in critter’t works on my place. Least­ 17,045 m ilts loug—loug enough to livery barn, Eugene, and at O. IV. Florence Lodge No. 107. TO QRANO FORK8 hot steel baud encircling the main ca- wise, hia wife works fur my wife, au stretch two-thirds of the wuy nrouud jn ^ H e u -nu r c o m m u n ic a tio n on seco.il C R O O KS TO N H urd's office in Florence. i ble. The workmen pound and forge Josiah’s kind enough t ’ let her, au col- the cuiih. t appose that the shoestrings and f q p r t li S a tu rd a y s in each m o n th . , away, hammering, twisting and beud- lecks her wages fur her. When th’ war cost ut retail an average of 8 cents n W IN N IP E G E. W. Conn, W. M. I ing tho metal before it cools off. Tho li-oke out, Josiah wanted t' go th' pair, then the 00,000,000 pair used un- J. I, ■ erri uriEi.i), Secretary. H E L E N A n»U The Fu nk & W agnalls j welding must he dene rapidly, and the wuet way. . ___ Jes’ clean hxiney 'laiut it. uually iu tho United btatea cost 19,- workmen have no time to stop and think ' " anted t ’ kill Spani ards. 'D rather 700,000. Ouc-flfthof llieir length could BUTTE of the dangerous position in which they kill a Spanyard any day, he said, ’n bo dune a wuy with Ly cutting off tbo arc placed. Probably the only support Bit a now plug terhaoker. Jes' looney, useless cuds, and the value of them ends General Lyons Post, No. 58 TO they have comes from their legs, which Barndest case o’ flro vatio I ever sen. is therefore one-fifth of their net cost. ts second and fourth Saturdays C H IC A C O Of The they wind tightly around tho cable, as I Tried t ’ enlist, but th’ recrootin off’cer |540,OC0. This sum would buy upward -n .iu tli a t 1 -.30 p . m . ENGLISH LANGUAGE they swing their arms and upper part i wouldn't hear o ’ lL Told Josiah he’s of 10,000,000 pocket handkerchiefs fur 8. B. C olvin , Commander. ! W A S H IN G TO N of tho body wifls violent, exertion. ; chuck full o’ all sorts o’ moth holes, tha iMmthvu of Airiua. Vv itch houd or J. L. Et'P.stsii, Adjutant. P H IL A D E L P H IA COM PLETE When this cable is forged into its mid wouldn’t be wuth shucks iu th' bay rum?” N E W YO R K place, the workmen take a few moments army, nohow. But Josiuh ho pussisted. S U C C IE N T T h . lia r lis t I o f N o n i . o . . V .r m a of rest, and then slide down to the next ' al> Anally th' recrootin off’cer says; BO S TO N A N O A L L O iU . W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, joint, where the samo operation is re- I ‘Got, a wife? Whut'd she dew without ! I should like to know whether there A U T H O R IT A T IV E ^ | t s e v e ry 1st a n d 3d T uesdays PO IN TS E A S T and SO U T H peated. Gable nfter cable is attached in y®'1" say H he. ‘Ob, she’ll dew fust rate.* is anything earlier iu this way than the a n tli. M e m b e rs a n d v is itin g Fnr in form ation , tim e card ., maps and tick ets this way until there is a regular tangle (iay!’ Josiah, says he. ‘She’ll be tickled 1 •History of bixtucu Wonderful Old in good s ta n d in g are c o rd ia lly etc,, cull on or w r it. of stool work und dangling cubles, look- t' death t ’ only hov t* support herself, Women, Illustrated Lyas Many Engrav­ 301,865 Vocabulary Terms o attend. A. O. I vnke , M. W. ing for ull the world like« spider’s web. nu L0V Uncle Sam support m e,' says he. ings, Exhibiting Their Principal Ecocn- 347 E ditors and Sp ecialists t o n s , R e c o rd e r. M c M urphey , But there is order in this colossal spider An at that, th’ recrootin off'cer said ef i tricitns und Amuscmcuts. Loudon, General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, 533 Readers for Q uotations web sneh us uevor existed iu the home , Josiuh showed his ugly mug roun th' ' Printed For Hurria & Eon, Corner o f 5000 Illustrations EUGENE, OREGON. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets I of the inaeot that v8avua the webs iu office agin he’d take the responsibility 8t. Paul a Churchyard, 1331," which Cost over $ 9 6 0 ,0 0 0 Wednesday e v e n in g ill Lo d ge ! our homes and wood:-. Gradually one o’ giviu Josiah au iinytatiou o’ a Span­ forma No. 16 of Harris’ "Cabinet cf A- D C H A R L T O N , gorenee, O regon. B ro th e rs i n i Appendix of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E ntries p a rt of the bridge after another is fin­ ish shell bustiu in th’ rear ranks with Amusement und Instruction, ” 30 iu the AMsistaiit General Passenger Agent, id in g in v ite d to a tte n d . si t. This little hook, putlished by New­ 255 Morrison St., Cor., 8d. ished. and when the "false work” of th’ toe o’ his boot. A nuhew B ucni », N. G. berry 's successor«, is au exceedingly rare P o r tla n d , O r. scaffolds is removed tin-structure stand: ‘‘ But Josiah won’t cured—not a bit. The fe ll number o( words mid terms in M arion M orris , Sec. oat m all tile beauty of its finished state. An his wife wanted him t’ go th’ wtast' one. with colored illustrations of the dilTerent d^-tionnries for the en tire aiphnbct is i Tl ? bridge Luildeia must not only be way, jos’ ez Josiah said. Th’ local drollest. Perhaps space may be spared J. F. T A N N tR , p„OPi -FLORENCE, OR. ns follow s: S-oM -j.-iTn, 53,(M3; W oiii - iikstkr skilled in their work, but they must Daughters o ’ Somethin er Nother was for u verse, tuking oue back to the day» § § 105,000; W kbstkk (in tern ational), 12.-,0n0: C sa - , WRITE FOR CIRCDURS § 4 have tho hardihood and daring of the sendin boxes o’ fanny grub t ’ th' sol i when lotteries were not illegal: IURCH DIRECTORY ; tiirv , (Six volum es. com plete,) 225,030: S e w in g Machine« w e m annisctnro aril thUr sailor, for most cf their work is jier- diers in Cuby, an Josiah, unbeknownst, TI icim wuh an Old Woman o f E aling price« before yo u purchase any ether. p <1 till her head tou ch 'd U m celling. ■ STANDARD, over 300,000; formeJ at an altltmk) higher th-.iu the got into an empty pnekin case, with a, Who jum When «¿104 T h s N ew H o m e S ' w in c M a c h in e C c . TERIAN CHURCH, Florence,! topmaat at any sailing vessel. They la­ peck o’ ham saugwiches an a jug o’ W uh announc'd at her door .S-' »pie Pages Free.. . Sabbath service: Sabbath-' bor in all kinds of weather—when tho hard cider, au his wife nailed him A m a prize to ih* Old Woman o f t-jillag. i i § i } ,0 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 son is pouring down its torrid rays in ! deown, an ho went off t’ Cuby tiiu t1 — Notes and (faeries. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of midsummer or wl.eu tho raerenry regia- v'ay. s supper on 1st Sabbath o f G ood dealers w a u le d in every town. B . l r . . J -A ir. tors zero in winter. A C E N TS W A N T E D . Th' boat got in rough water off Cu- j EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. April, July and October, j Write for prices ami terms to San Frau- To them their dizzy height is uo more by, an they bed t' throw overboard a A baldhoadcil professor recently de­ p y is welcome to all the services. i»i-o, Cal. than the 15 or '¿0 feet ure to the ordi­ lot o’ cases. Thing that's pnzzlin me is ' livered a lecture entitled "The Air We e piusls C h ris tia n s to m ake E. D. BRoNSoN & CO, nary carpenter or house painter. They did Joaiab’s case git kept aboard, or Breathe" before an East Loudon audl- es k n o w n . Special Attention to Commercial seldom use- ladders. They would lie con­ was it pitched ont an washed ashore? enco. Iu the course of bis remarks he * I. G. K notts , Pastor. P acific C oast A g e n t s stantly in tho way. If they want to Ef it got ashore, it landed on a coast said, “ It is quite impossible for any * * Travellers. * * S A N FRAN CISCO , CA L. reach a highi r li.unewnrk, they climb when- they’g a passel o’ tbree-qunrtei person to live without nir. ” 933 Market S t. nimbly np the steel works or jump starved Spanynrds. An cf those fellers At thi« u small hoy culled out, “ ’Ow ATTORNEYS lightly acre.-» from 1 no truss to another. ripped < /i ill cover tliinkiu they was I about yersclf, guv’ucr?"—Tit-Bits. A jump ef three feet from girder to gittin a hex foil o’ fust class Yankee J. I . BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor girder is a co mu :ou place recurrence to grub an didn't find nothin on’y th a tl C. W O ODCO CK, them.—Georgo E Walsh iu Godey’s huirldy cuss Josiah, nn ef Josiah, ; F lo r a n o e , O r e g o n . Magazine. tbirstiu fer Ppani- h gore, come up like ] a jiimpiu jack an seo hisself in th’ mid- , [to m e )’ F r e e S h o w s In P a ris. die o ' a drove o’ ypanyards with black The thentci'M of Paris have popular OUR AIM—To furnish the best whiskers— gentlemen," impreasivrly . M A R I O N M O R R IS P ro p. IS J U S T rcprei-entatii-.is cu certain days, whc.u conrlnded Uncle Hiram, "ye kin talk i O regon IQ . , accommodations a t reasonable the scats «cat only a quarter or half W HAT o' .Sampson an Schley an Shafter an 1 hu ! 8 McLaren'* RuiM lnç. S h a v in g . , . i5 c the usnal price. There are alau days Teddy tli’ Terror all y e’re a-inind t ’, £iveu to c o lle ctio n s aud pro- prices. T H E H air C u ttin g . . as like the national holiday (Jnly 10) but I’ll het a crooked shillin t’ a sugar when n;c-' i f the theaters give grata» cooky Unit Josiah VVlieeluk liez bin in WORD R azor H on ed . . 35 itous spuctaolca, Theso occasions are th' fiercest inilitcry ecgngiment ever S c is s o r » O io u n d . . it I IM P L IE S . E . O. P O T T E R characterized <,nly by tho best pieces, fit on Gubiuu soil, b’gosli!” —New York W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. and actors dispute among theinseivea for Journal. , A tto r n e y - a t-L a w F lc r e r .c a the advantage of playing before tins O r s g o n . Tables furnished with all the Gfret Notice. special public. No other audience is EUGENE, OKKOON. It more grateful or more impressionable. d e lic a c ie s of the season. Wild "Tho war’s over, Isn’t it?" inquired i irt Hous UE » They rarely have the pleasure of Iwiug the rigorous nud aggri s-ivo partisan. indicates gam?, fish and fruit in season. Best present al the play They are not blast s, “ It may bo considered so, ” n plied the state Pee die ® th e Fire. m r ure they familiar with the wings j ins friend. T h e m oat p o w e r fu l e u x iu c m o a t Mop i f aeeomo Lit ions for tho traveling of the tension st a glance. M A D E and R E P A I R E D . Having gamed their places by long B E N E D IC T - " I ’ve Isen pretty quiet alniut n y the fires ure n o t fed M an is th e m u*l w o n ­ d erfu l p ie c e o f m a c h in er y in th e wot Id, y K w a i l i n g ut the door, Ihey occupy them political view«, haven't I?" public. Charges reasonable. Its use means time saving — BY----- oa ooiiqmwts, they listen in silence, np- "Yes. 1 had hoped yon had modified j n o m a tter h o w stron g and w e ll m ade h i > luA 'V 'Z. tó K -N E Y - A " and easier sewing. b o d ily fram e m ay be, if th e fire <»f lit pland with rnthuaiaan, weep ull to­ some of your opinions.” w ith in h im ia n o t c o n sta n tly fed h is liu th* I t ’s our own invention gether, the pn-y of simple and oout*- "No, sir. Wht u the war commenced and m u sc le s b e c o m e p o w e r le s s a n d u se less. iron. T h e rea so n m en b e c o m e h e lp ie s s aud gious eu ctiou. —Gnllor k. F l c r e n o e O -.-a jo n . I anuonneed that niy sympathies were and is found only on the is b e c a u se th e food th ey eat. enlisted w ith the administration And diseaMcd w h ic h is th e fu el o f life , is not p ic p e tf y T h e F lo w o f llld. T w e n tv -th re e now that the war is over I give notice d ig e s te d an d ap p ro p ria ted by th e a’onr.icii Prefesto-r iion o, the lialiali , hvsiolo that ib«y vc been i.,axtrred ont. ” — and n u tr itiv e organs. It is n o t co m rd etely BO YEARS* GoxI Work Done at Reasonable Price®. M ile s W e s t tra n sfo rm ed in to th e str en g th and w orking gi t. ei i;-Irin tcil a couch so arruuged Muihiugton Etar E X P E R IE N C E p o w e r w h ic h »3 to tuan w h at steam is to that it ii uld be acrorctcly bnluitocd in of E u g e n e . th e e n g in e . Il marsa, tl»- niiddio when thesiighteat change of NOTARIES. T hat w o n d e r fu l p o w er-m a k in g ‘ G old en weight xhncld make either ou u* . the careful buyer. Send for that the blood k it the head in the one Alfred doc® mu ue taken tF r o a n Munn 4 Co. reealm riage is not allowed to tie sol:-ior.ii«d WhiTE S ew ing M achine in reply waitld «av that mine was a t» J < w- .F clmir w.irth 60 ce«its ar.d the higiicut ’Yfbeut rbnrva. t»tfca v kidney nn-l liver trouble B’ h I thai six ‘»vulenof till both parties produce otrtiBccHe at- lid hut $10.— Detroit J o C s U jh I. Dr. Pter. e r Hr«weiy .owl four Cleveland, Ohio. F A*¡K »i V,ILSON- 1 tcatiug that they hear gruoiro vaccina i notttesof little Pellet* rdected u ortupleb-cur» P jt r o .ik in j; it. It ♦« w« l! lasiw n t ’»*t aim* st «*-< e iwi :*e» ?» tion Diarlu. 2«i» UaMntaa a. «1*. U .m t 4r- b e w a re ot th e tu .u i w h o nm ilea w h e n troubled »no;eor lesa with kiduey UuuVt rapeci- ' tawtiae K«ra»l Te«i. |3 • all'B n our feat eaprc«s train«. I ran no* hun- >s