T H E W E ST. — t'V lIl.lSU X l, EVEUV / FROM COPPER RIVER F k OM O ,i K BBOV’I AR CoRTirsVONDF^J. Fli.tllAY UQjtNI.SQ.- -A T - T1 WASHINÇTON LETTER. Cheater Bean W rites About It. His Experience There. PORTO RICAN EMBARRASSMENTS number of deaths in our n riny^out May i 1, 1898, to Foil. 23, 1899. an 5,731 ; pi .lliesc S29 were killed in action, 125 died 8 F ‘-’hronjcle It is not positively known what of wounds, and 5.277 died of diseases etc. W vbii . D (!, March 13 1890. Now that th» president, the vice pres- •started the trouble betweeu the “ When the cut is ¡may | ident and their wives have gone to Porto Ricans and the American The mice will play.’.’ ¡Thomasville, Ga., as tho guests ot Sen- authorities, hut probably a num­ lion Thomas Bracket Rce,f had not tor Haunn, it may be said that the been away fr^m Washington twenty- capital of the V ji has been temporarily ber of causes combined. Many of four hours, before active agitation was removed to Crackerdom. How long the the natives are naturally turbulent I'.d ito r a n d P ro p rie to r. Boomed by transportation Companies. begun by members of his party in an presidential party will remain in Dixie and, being free from the strict, The W inter— Short Day«— effort to prevent his being re-elected will depend upon public affair«. The suppressive rule of Spain, indulgo Indians, Etc. Florence, Ore. Mar. 24, 1X99. ja.ikur of tin liotgtc. This h^a become war department is expecting im portant th e ir lawless impulses. American iron, the Philippine., and its inexperienee in the control of alien A few days 3g9 M /sQ K Beau received 't h e n ? , * / "'t ;Vl," ''i,1KtO" ’f WHAT SHALL BE OOÿE? there appears to be more hie tn tl,.e nature may determine the length pf the p t.Op le a b o , ltts it8 the following letter from her son Chester an ng. The who went to Alaska some tw9 years prepcjit movement than in any one ,of president's vacation, tp r several years the river lias tieen Anglo-Saxon and Latin tempera- its numerous predecessors. It is most since. Through the kindness of Mrs gradually washing av«y the hanks in positively slated by the agitators that incuts never get on well together. Parsnip C/Oinplexion. Bean und family we pre permitted to the upper pa.rt of J> orence, the channel the adm lustration wishes Mr Iieed The English ami French in t'aua- publish tlie le tte r: fiaviug changed so the current strikes defeated, because of the manner in A majority of the ills afflicting people ’’a iu e no M eans friends; th e F 'en ten a diver, Alaska. /g a in st the hank. Some of the people which he treated the administration to-day can he traced to kidney trouble. Americans and Creoles of Louisi- January 31st, 1899. owning property in that |.»rt of towyi measures iu tin* last eonjrreffi. s o m e o f I t . . i «« « . i My Dear Mother; which were entirely hung up and n9ne I » ¡ Z e s ’ J R°Ci‘'‘' y’ SCPa ra te tl b-V iU1 » " ^ ¡ d g e d are very anxious that something lie \ * P ,,^n c , vhniates, regardless of age, sex or e o n d i- social gujf, and there is little co.n- The mail came in yesterday and done ty protect the bank and stop it of which went tlirough -is originally ip -|tio n . washing away. They are willing to hrougld me three letters from you. 1 tended, ntid that if there in any show of The sallow, colorless-looking people °f h*1™ * “ A,“ eri • J I stsnil their share of llie cost of the work was glad to hear from home again and ’ | defeating liiip, it will openly throw its vop often niect .are afflicted with “ kid- ca n s all<’ S p an ish d escen d an ts in hut some of th« lots fronting on the know yon were all yvell, but was a little influence against him. That is a very Betw een river arc owned by non-residents who disappointed for you did not say a word ! big ‘ if.” JTiere are lots oj men in his ney complexion.’’ Their kidneys arc C a lifo rn ia a n d T exas. about the Washington eleetip^, or who turning tp a parsnip color, so is their o u rse lv e s an d th e Spanish-A m eri-1 do not realize the necessity of prevent i party who w99ld do the vpry same was elected U S senator from Oregon I complexion. They m^y suffer from in- ca n s below o u r s o u th e rn fro n tier ■tng further cutting sway and. ¡re wad th/pg, except for that if, hut who do not nt the sjiecial session, or whether they Irid T a v c l ' T * ’ • 8 ,7 ,e8W "-M- * Viu friendship is only a matter of polite ' ing for the authorities to order the care to ol'to Rican affair is known it the coming city election and that a set for the transportation companies and I men in public life, will support Mr poisoned blood, clear the complexion ln ay alsQ appear that there is an of candidate* for cuuonilnien bo nomin­ they are trying huyd t9 h^tpri ¿lie place Reed's candidacy, because, by his elec- and soon help the sufferer t9 better organized conspiracy, centering in j ated adm ary in favor of having the in order to get a cr9wd to come in bew i " on- ll‘cy «1" 1*> «'ire to got the same ! health. .work done. The mild and tlie extraordinary effect J , Cuba, to securo the independence ! again tins spring. If you ever see ¡my | places in tlie next house. No man in Wo think that a better way would he ¡public life h .s a stronger personality J 9f .Swamp-Koot fo s9o„ re a liz e d E lt of the island, contingent upon its to leave it to a direct vole of the citizens I reports from this country given hy a ' than Mr heed; that ia admitted hy hia foa 03686627 _ e of Bruce or Smith,- Stands the highest fo,y its wpnderfu! ,ut,lI'e u,“ on " ‘<1* the t 'tiliaii repub- at that time, with the utiderptiipding you can put them down as false, for f friends and enemies alike. He lost pop- j cure, a ol the most distressing cases, such 1 F*u.' Some jveeks ago General Go- ¿bat if a majority vote against i,t the ! nlurity during the last congress hy get­ they have gone out to boom tlie country < as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, b>ez. declared for the delivery of m ailer will he dropped for the present and will no doubt have sonic great ting on the unpopular side of every i gravel, rheumatism and Bright’s disease , Porto Rico from the ’‘American! so fur as the council js concerned; hut if atQries to tell. There hasn't been a important m atter that came before that ¡.which is ¿lie worst form there is a majority in favor of it, tlie .^‘dQvy and offered his sword for Probably destroyed whatever trouble. At druggists, ' ¿ y h.1 cei>t and j ' yoke, ' dollar’s worth of gold taken out o i(b e ; bo,1-v ’ council will let a contract for necessary ¿service. It was understood ground in tiffs country, a;,d my a d v i c e / '“““ ' 10 '“ a y llKVe ,lHd to ever liecomo dollar sizes. Yon can have a sample * work—the cost of building thy same in — . J i. bottle . . hy mail free, also pamphlet , tell i , ( 4i.„x that his plan jvas to join Cuba,! to anyone thinking of coming here a presidential candidate, but a * much front of private property to lie assessed would lie fur them to stay at liQ.no, for J"Tongcr c<”nl.iiialion than there is now ¡„g an about i Address Dr Kilmer A I’ol'to Rico. Ilayti ¡¿pd Santo Do-j to the lo'S in the vicinity, and that in havo to >>e formed .'Co., Binghauipton, N. Y. tlie Copper river valley ia all alike and any signs of w mipgo under one government. If th e streets to h? pai,jl from the citv ) it is impossible for one tc, get from 1 beforu hii domination of his party in tlie j When writing please mention this so, the violence of tho Porto Rican tr e a s u r y . paper. j Valdig to the Tan'aua with au outfit house can be broken. ! oMtivos toward the American sol-1 in one year and tlie hardships are too j There are wide differences of opinion ' HELP H IM OWN BIS HOME. SUN D A Y SER VIC E S. diers may he the prelude to a gen- much to endure not knowing whether lllllon8 members of his own party, con-| Tacoma Letlger. the country is any better over there or 1 ‘•'t‘rninif statements made hy Represen-1 ¡'pral rebellion such as the natives! and of LllZ0n are Waging. They do some ihinga betfer in Eng- Dot. We hope to find tilings more ! ta.ivo Cannon, of Ills, about the defeat I 7 ..,° “ Su" ,1“}: M ‘°o1’ U a - 30 p m preaching, Endeavor 2:30 p in. laud than liere. J I i . q disp/tcliea for favorable when we get over on tlie oi ,e8‘slation authorizing the cousiruc- It is all very embarrassing, but ______ I G K nott ' s , pastor. inslance, say that on Tuesday next Mr Tanana, but don’t know, for I wouldn’t ,ion of tlie Nicaragua canal. Mr Ciiiinon j ^l(.»U,XNl'ji, I..V,\K C o i'N T r , Q k CCIOM « .41. M EATHKIiSOS N° Gol,) in tJ,at 1 ' ief'tio" IIsT HATS and CAPS FOR A SHORT TIME FOR CASH ONLY TO REDUCE STOCK REGARDLESS OF COST. C IT Y E L E C T IO N N O T IC E , See our special counter. flic temper ol the nation toward ¿.'-haintierlain will introduce a bill cm-I believe a person on oath ip this country. ! tb*l>l(a *be bouse deserves credit for likely to b be c a al b ! , i f frortQ w t Q h Rico i c e w is n not u t lik e ly to We have put in tho w inter all right knot:king out that legislation and pro- ' „ N otice powering local nifftioriiies to advance is hereby given that d ie Agnua! i . ,i , Kleciion of the Town of Florence w ill he held * OJ' tbo attitude O f its people,' ■ money to eunlde occupiers to acquire I »ow, and might as well ga on and sec '''ding fur spending a million dolars on ! ownership of small iiouscg o . ii the p rin - ; h’T ourselves, although I dread the :uiotber engineer commission, before gov pulls w ill be opened A M, and clo.sed eiple of the jr '" 1' 1/wJ acts apd tbegmalf - mosquitoes of next summer more than j llie ,!'st commission has even completed «1 at 9 9 o o clock dock A M, aad closed at at 5 S o'clock o'clock e p M if. ment m e n tis beirun will w ill tuivo is begun have no just ~ Tht« election » 111 be held for th e purpose of holding nets. ; J did the ¡winter. | its full report ia favor of the Nicaragua electin g a President, Kecorder, Vnral.al and g r i e v a n c e s , As for our abandon-' j Big the islands to such feuds anti J o n s I HiTTBnriBLD, liecnnjer, , strifes as mark the history oftjjp th a t j t failed to pqss a hill QQiteting a long and is of a whito clay formation, ( ia anot,|er point upon which others do ! ¡Central American republics, it is ; first class building apd loan c.Bsociatfon : covered with a heavy growth of scrub I not »tfree with Mr Gannon. "The V S A L P H A CLIPPIN G S- law, such a one as hii.u becQ tested l.y ' pines atxmt like the sand hills back of cannot afford to enter upon this great- out of tile questiou. We \yon the By E ven C iianok . years of exporionec in Minnesota and Florence. You enn hardly find a tree work, until it has acquired island fairly; it is a part of our l ’unnsylviuiia tlie home of building '»ore than six inches in diameter and ' by n treaty a zone of territory | March 20, 1899. .indemnity; the ownership of it and loan »Wuciatiops. finch a law B would he oil), of tho question to get "hereon to construct tho same.’’ ! Mr Ed Haight is at C A I’otteif gives us a strategic {xisition in the ' woulif have ficen north piorc to thp one ten feet long without limbs on it. .awvers of reputation have stated on helping him to make over a large patcl! West Indies we have long desired ! Drv lie floor of tlie senate and tho house ! of bi nah. One of the most serious crimes to lie The Oopper river valley is about 50 , roll,e. Others do not, and among those f,,ur^Tvustc‘'s charged up to tlie recent legislature miles wide and about 150 or 200 miles 'dbers is said to be the president. Here I Uy order/f th e boomTf r r u ^ ,, ■ m _ W B B I I I I ! I V V . r i LJ ____________ I J C A R M A N ’S slate tliau tlie bringing in of »111,000,000 In places the river cuts tlirough banks ’ j e! eastern capital io lean. I of d ay five or six hundred feet deep that no such treaty was necessary. Th We are going to build a new school a n '^ " bieii >ve cslQllQt qljtaiu other ' n° on«'known how much further i t 1 lobbyists who actually did prevent u s e -' l,O"8e l,ure a locatiou Tlie home owner is always a gW,| is .1,,« „ .. |„,|-,„ck. In one • place near i —• fu| »••••»•• calla, |egislatlo„ ar„ doubtless W » » e w i i h o u t k , , -p ¡,. g c t o o r b , , , . . citizen. He tski s an intelligent interest w, , sv^ialation are i ing the Danish island of St. Timm- rim m - ! Mount Drum there are some men sink* , * , Mr \\ hetder of Nelson creek lias he­ in municipal affairs and is always on ing a shaft ami are down «0 feet no» P ‘ Mr 8 to relieve come (piite a successful angler lor the as or St. Croix. Our title to Porto the side of law and order. The city and theye don't seem to lie nny more 'bem of the resi«>nsil.lity and place it wily salmon. Rico is perfect. I, uder these eir- wherein the greater number of its in­ iied-roek tliero than where they sta rted ; "l«m his parly, hut other members of Mrs Sibyl Thurston will teach a three eumstanees any effort t.o wrest the habitants own their own homes is al- B” K<’*‘ " l'°»’r man couldn't do any- his party are vigorously objecting. mouth s term of school liere commenc­ thing in thia country even if there was ing April 10th. ways a progressive and enterprising city. property from us will be speedih An official of the navy departm ent plenty of gold, for bed-rock is too deep. Hard times have little effect ujxin it. .at the new hateh of yellow yarns ar« '»’'¡«bly informed that the crushed, a fact which, if impressed ! >Ve are living four miles from the mourn said that Encouragement in home ownipg ' tains at the Ji.ead ot Klentena rapids 25 About the ‘Terrible’’ condition of Ad- U u s 'i r i n g 'd 'u i e ^ ^ f e enough ' UlM’n U,‘' if* ‘n ,,‘‘re as G ov should be fostered in every legitimate *>"•*'« from Cop|>er river. Tlie moan- miral De I ewey s health. Idle it is not assessment work. ernor-General Hcttry mnv fw ■ way. If you know of a mnu who ip tains of thia country are not much like likely that a man of Dewey’s age— Several dealers have been here buring trusted to impress it, may incline the mountains around Mapleton, Imt struggling under a burden and is arc much higher and are nothing hut almost 62— and physique could remain cattle and paying» good price. There them to coniine tluir surplus e u cr-' endeavoring to save enough m9ney fo large piles 9f lava and not a tree grow­ I in tropical waters as long as ho lias are more left vet. pay for his home, help him. It is a ing on them. As tor tho game the 1 been there without showing signs of Mr II .1 I'atiur and family will leave gies to tlie work of securing lerri- •*» CHEAP CASH STORE! Goods, ★ Groceries < a n d * Notions. ’FLORENCE " M A l EAT un 1 m arrtt 1 . IVIA Just Opened. QOOCIS as Reoresented. W. CARMAN j papers speak of, it is like the gold, there i the effects of the climate, not tom ention ll,iH ,or Waitsburg, Wash, torial autonomy under tile flag of PROPPIFTDB is mine here except salmon and they tlie nervous strain lie has lx'en under to reside in the future. the I uited States. IN IE REST AROUSED nre so poor n dog wouldn't eat them on The Misses Katie and Juliette Mann tlie S iiis I hw , but we smoked about KW since Hie fitft of last May, I havo no arrived on Deadwood to spend several »«st summer and must pay they lasted k‘!,r 011,18 remaining in Manila l>ay i days visiting relatives and friends re- Muite a iiQiuliey of pupe-a copici p a r t, Hue once in a while. I , ' ^ rea^ H aste is N ot until he breaks down. He is there now turning next Thursday. or all of our article tw, weeks ago There are no Indians to speak of here simplo la-cause lie wishes to 1«, ns for Frank f’otlvrf lias returned from Ifule A lw a y s Good S p e e d .” descriptive of the fiiislaw valley. The possibly three bundled in the whole months he ha. had offlciul permission where lie went to get the saw und preguntan ut the ' f i l l | i.blislied the Copper river country and I atn surpris- to start for home at any time de desired ■moke-staek for his mill. ¿Many people trust to luck article in full. delivered an able ed tl.at there are so many, for I don't Io do so. He is too level headed t o » . „ Rev I (» . . . Knotts . to pull them through, and are Already one effect of it is seen in the , see how they ever livod liefore the strain his strength too for. Yon can ""»'nl i ; " ,u morning and often disappointed. Do not numvron, letter, nacivcf by I'ostm a.ter J whites came up here; they are the most set it down as certain that his *“ alter" 0<)n physical dilly-dally in matters o f The recent write up in tlie W est K vie and others iu the p si few days honest set I ever saw. Of course they condition is not as bad as tho yellows nlsjut the Siustaw’a resources was a health. W ith it you can from (leople who read that article and will come around and beg something to have pain led it, suci css. Now it tlie editor will ju st give are .uixiuus to learn moie about this eat, and 1 don’t blame them for tiicy accomplish miracles. W ith­ Gen. l'itz Lee's withdrawal of his us from time to time a detailed account I art ot pregni). of all the vessels as they arrive or de­ out it you are " no good. " me nearly starved all the time. One name as a candidate for the senate, was part, what the mills, booms or steam- Indian camo here one day when f Keen the liver, kidneys, bowels and no «uprise tQ the Virginia politicians IsM taaie doing, the readers of the blood KrroiiT« vug being math bythepost- healthy by the use of Hood*« Sar­ was alone and 1 gave him his dinner q M'nshington. They say ix it , M e . t up --- bore can nrnt hear >C verv uiMters and patrons of the various T ho fiequeiit , ,r — ...wj «in - whole we »>v ».in TT saparilla. the faultless blood purifier. D y s p e p s ia -" I know a p o s itiv e relief mi goo» to sco iiin eat. He has Iven ovidvnt for some time t h a t 1 w*iat is going on at our seaport office, along the Glsiiada-Gardiner route fO r d y sp tp sia alM| th at Is H ood ’s S a r s » ~ - ate tliree plates of lieans, drank six cii|is ¡city, would be very thankful. rula. It cured m e. My n eu ralgia sl.«v Gen. I ce would cut no figure in the in have the mail on that linn increased " B. B vi n w is, 1M Oak Str«et, of coffee, and went to the rice, fouit and f-ako creek is the lover of new sens»- Bih. granted bv tiu* (iqpt-Qtficedcpaitineitt. war department gyves tlie the total T®8!8 after trying in vain to get tier ne** " MR-' -’sssts A. Mc.ta.vs, Clay ton. Del. fo his wife over the Tonsina, 30 mites _________ ____ *° »'<'« » deed for eighty aereg 9t land Toe roqie should also tai extetulc I from from here, s9 w hen he »tarte», home I \ r - i 8nd «‘•«'•“ 'n» ¿»tenada to Florchce thus making gave him a whole ouc, lie wanted me tu ,,".l,,'«d. oMnnHsstoned io the AlovenniiMit a» " " ’'red to sell their little girl for »26 N ever DisappeftHt (Ifn II l«(oriA)i to th<* nr Pcrmriiutuit. I f c ' t M i r i The th .. I L «t___ iiltli v itll till lll-tortan the U War th e n __ .» . a . i— l tlardinvr and Florence the ends of thy leave It on the pan so he could pack it '-a>E a s . written tn a m i. , « i u |>. at Suu Frau , e '"ell arose Rt s o clock one moriimu — elw m the Faciar » it. General Menu», u. telling lit« w ile that he Was going u n to llo-aC. lilla ear» « ve r l i l t , the a™ iT r lt .u n . --------- route. ____________ ________ and I thought ho w as just coiné to h's the Ike hi hcplmh s» H .m _____ W» T _«■ ÎÎ*»n'y..’eja^« with llwi'. Sa-waarii¡.. olntu, tn lio n s ___ Kun«. . In the I.X. » ...., i . * 1 TO OUR PATRO NS- ** * the AiuvrivMii tl rene h e - . i M a n ila , in tlie 'i ’ i'.u r the lake to atteud church, lie was last Bilious headache, y»lli»w skin. c9atcd • amp with i¿, but lie didn't show ii| : e n i, an i|n » its A sm uald's on the de, k of the was going to O li M p t a e i l h Pewev. and m th e M a r o f ih e seen io Junction and hottsp and lot i„ Glena,la. The fengue, feveri-d Jijis. Huilynu eures. again that day, so I thought I w a s looser nr s " 1’' 41 f t ul Manila, Bonanza for agen t. Alaska * *XT»:n- Her parents moved her fiumy. We hat TBI -TW 'BTnV PKtNOR« | \ lirtini'd ot orndnal pleluN a isk e e by «oveni t h l* Miti«* |< n w w e » onr M i M imw in th e i/o w u house is 1« b v - 24 1 "■H feet u • t 'e maile arrangements by W c e l l is . ' n pan hut about two wick* late I , ei"iit ehotearaeb er eu the apee Ierre laa.lt .B ». SI.J one Story «ml which »n . star > « it « * «re •« * c c u r e d b y llud.van. All df dggist} » I« m «*lAr\ M.»».fhh 9 Rrf, -,», er*. Kn- on premises. Fw farther cue yrn ' Ini Bide, chiesero (Continued next mvk Ì _ .I * n iiw d a r s t w ithout electing a senator. ** mo H «d«!rv*w'l «miniai S O ctntr. '»!*» Iî»rbrrt V .. , ■ny address for the , Uin of two dtjj inquire a lib is nffi.-e H ms . F R it ttovt. M I L ìceva à I» rw » payaf.le cuti, ♦„ advance. good mvestment in good citizenship. PVIARj SPRAGTKAE 9trt?e$dfVC; i “30' JfcçdSSaUafM^iSh A j