r TT - T " F ’l T T H ß W ß 5 ’f f ■ i A D V E R T IS E R S 1 STCSUWS ,0 » W PAF22. 4 O P P O R T U N IT Y ‘1 V O I R H O H R PA PER I r---» r . S U P P O R T 11 à i- A . S T E A M E R “ M I N K , »» STATE OFFICERS o . — win mu k o G o v e rn o r...................................T. T. Geer. j K B G U L A R S e c re ta ry of b a te ............. F. I - D unbar. I'reaso.r e r ............................... F. S. Moore. p u p t. Public In stru ctio n J . II. A ckerman ta te P rin ter.........................W . II. Leeds. .tto rn ey G eneral P . K. N. B la c k b m n 1 ..................R . 8 . Bean suprem e C ourt - ................ F . A. Moore ( . . . .C . E . Wolve»ton Jpidgo Second D istrict. J . W. H am ilton Prosecuting A tto rn ey . . .Geo. M. Brown from Florence to Yaquina i THE STEAM ER The brown wind of ContumghH When Dei mot cuuim to woo . (Thu brown wind of Connaught}. It hoard hi* a » Ulster.■<, too, Aud while my wheel goes whirring It taps on lay window pane Till I open wide to the dead outside And the sea »all niktij «tin. L I E L L A Calling at the UMPQLA. i For passenger and freight ra te s — APPLY TO — and passengers Meyer à Kyle, from Florence to San Francisco. W Hl bring np fr. igbt O ............K. (). P u tter. Í ........ .. W. T. Bailey | 1 ........ II. I). E dw ards ; trips of TiflS CaUinE at ALSEA- Aud fr0“ Florence to Coos Bay *.» T.,n,.u 0 ............ Will wake regular T B IP S BelWfOU W ill c a rr y fre ig h t COUNTY OFFICERS- TL j brow» wind of Connuugbt Aurora the bo„Hnd blown (Tho broxn wind of CuauaajUO Turn-* my haurt to a »tone. Tor It criui in / ttcuu* ut twilight And erie* it »t tho noon— “ Oa, Mairgrcad Ban! Oh. Mau-gr«»4 B i u ” Ju«t hk«t n fairy tnuo. Steamer Robarts o D A IL Y rHE BROWN WIND OF CONNA’J QHT. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E . GENERAL DIRECTORY I I NO. 47. FL O R E N C E , O REG O N, F R ID A Y , M ar. 2 1 . 1899. VOL. IX . *** ■**' _ J A -R D H S T E IY 9 T A O » L IN E , , H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, For further information inquire — OF — Florence, Or 1 L ea v es F lo r en ce Mondays, Weilnes- And Is It r e t due to nervous exhaustion? T hings always look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when suffer­ ing with headache, nervous prostration and great physical w eakness? V/ouid you not P ie to be rid of this depression cf spirits? H ow ? By removing the cause. By tt'-iag W E LEA D IN l The brown wind of Connaught With women wutieU out» day (Thu brown wind of Connaught) For u wreck lo Galway bay, Aud uuiny the dark fttcvd liahorl Tliat gatburvd their net« in tear, But one sunk straight to the tdioatly gale. Anu t.c w«« uiy Dermot dear —dban Van Vocht. ACTING AFRAID OF DOGS. • J L _ D ry Goods F a n c y Goods F u rn is h in g Goods C lo th in g A N S h o es ID ( t la the Sorest XVay l a th e W orld to P rovoke an A ttack . W E DEFY C O M P E T IT IO N It is curious, to me w onderful, how well dogs unuersw ud people They »w.-ui at it glance or very soon I hereafter ..........E. V. Lee to decide iu th e ir m iuds w hether ur not C le r k .................. it would Un safe to assail cue who ou­ S h e riff................ .......... \V. W. W ith ers San Francisco, California. ters th eir ow ner's prem ises, says Lip- Willamette S t, p in co tt’a Magazine. My ow u opinion is th a t every ouu of them , big or little , of . . . 1). P . B urton 1 A ssesso r............ Eugene, high or low degree, w ould like to bite School S u p e rin te n d e n t. . . W. M. M iller every stranger th a t bo sees. T h eir lovo reasonable. Lane Co., Ore. . ,.C. M. Collier S u rv e y o r......... for tb u ir m aster m akes them jculoua or m akes them pretcud to bo jealous of W. P . C h eshire ■ C o ro n e r.............. ' everybody w ho approaches them , and .C. H . H olden ' J u s tic e of Peace I they dohatc uiom eiilarily w hether or not . . . E . A. E vans ! 1 a comer is afraid of them . If ho is uot, C o n s ta b le .......... they either extend u friendly salute, THE SONG OF THD SEVEN. T h e Rualtah A rosy. It (fives activity to nil parts w hich alw ays is deceitful, or assum e to E. B a n g s , P ro prieto r. In the 40 yenrs that elapsed between u that carry away useless and i be iudififereut. If he is, they give him ••I’ll ep» 7“« • y«rn»’ the battle < f Waterloo aud the fighting Baid the old Jack Tar; Stage leaves Eugene daily e x -. poisonous tnateriais from your C IT Y O F F I C E R S . ! a bite, m ere or less deep, then sliuk iu the Cmmea tlie British army attain­ aid he. N “I’ll spin ymi n yarn.” body. It rem oves the cause of 1 uvvay from possible consequences. ed n maximum of iueftlcienoy. It la “ An it ain't no tale cept Sundays, at 6 a. m., arriving i your suffering, because it re# • .......... F or years aud years 1 have followed Of a acreeokJa gale only now, when the chief actors in the S That yell« fer joy a» it apUtn a sail th e rule, w beu visiting a persou lesid- at Florence the day following' moves all impurities f-om your 11. W eatherdoii ] great dnuna of the struggle w ith Russia P r e s id e n t.......... . . . W An awodhei the briny over the rail; blood. Send for our took on 1 ' iug out of town, unless I know positive- are dead, that the public is beginnirg P u ilm a n It A in't-but, lad, it's a niovln tale; i at 10 a. in. N ervousness. 1 1 y, th a t he keeps no dog of any size, to O. W. H u rd | It's a movin tale,” auid he. to leuru the extent of the incapacity and To keep in good health you S l e e p i n g C a r s Returning-stage leaves F lo r-! Win. Kvle h a lt a t the gate, raise a halloo and inefficiency of the men responsible for m ust have- perfect ection o? the B oard of Trusteed “ One bloom in night,” L. Cliristimsen ' ' a w a it* u o t only my h o st’s invita- the equifuicut and training of the Brit­ Said the old Jank Tar, ; cnee daily, except Sundays at 2 ■ bowels. Ayer’s Pi'.'.# cure ccn- M. Morris ESegant i lion, b u t his approach aud his ac •‘One bloesatn bla«-k night,' aid he. ish army. But for theoourageef the ! «tiiation and ti'.iousness. com panim ent in to his house. 1 could D in in g C a rs pt nU) arriving in Eugene the day 1 “ The Itaitlcahipa lay Br tish privato the Crimean campaign Near the D«go bay. R e c o rd e r............ Hut tell the num ber of tim es w herein I would have been a disastrous failure. tYr//a to o u r C o c iu r a . Ketti the mouth of the cltaaael to Dago bay following at 9 p. ra. . .F . B. Wilson ' have bccu burked nt furiously lr.aa the Perh.tp* you xv.- like to commit T re a su re r ........ Indeed but for the accident of a fog on An eight brave ehapa they swore to belay j « w eminent pli.tieljvn about your S le e p in g C a rs : lu.dde by dogs whose ow ners declared All chance of the tii>aniarda geiun away condition. Then write u* fre.nly &h t.ia the morning «>f tho battle cf Inkerman, ,G . C. C am pton j M a r s h a l.............. From the Hugo bay.’ said be j th a t in a ll th e ir lives they bail never In your eu?«. You will <> - «¡5.00 ! particular« which enabled a handful of British S T . PA U L Ctlveu prompt reply, without c >#t. Single furo - - 1 dene such a th in g before to a man of Addrcca. DR. J. C. AYF.it. troops to impress 40,000 Russian sol­ “ These eight brave chape,* - $ 9 .0 0 i MINNEAPOLIS____ Round trip Lowell. Mint, genteel appearuuce £aiavy J.me« ed upon me m ight have excited seme they really were, tho English army He rattled his bones FARG O livery barn, Ettgeue, and at O. W. g ra titu d e if they had not been w holly would have been driven into tho Black (We listeaed un heard his dlemnl groans) O R A M ) FOR K S TO |F . A. M. F lorence Lodge No. 107 useless. I have been asked so m any ‘I've got ’on),’ aays Dave in deep nch tones— sea aud the subsequent history of Eu- ; Ilurd's office in Florence. kiw’s a kuowin old ouaa to Davy Jones, : tim es th a t it m akes me alm ost sick to L R egular com m unication on second; C RO O K STO N___ i _____________________ ______ I rojie altered boyoud recognition.—lo u ­ to Davy Jonoa, ” said he have th e question repeal ril, “ W hy don’t [d fourth S atu rd ay s in each m o n th . 1 den Standard. W tN N IP E 0 _ _ _ The Fu nk & W agnalli. 1 you ju s t go along w ithout noticing "Dut. the eight sAilwl o n ,” E . W . C onn, W . M. H E L E N A '” ■<* Said the old Jack '.e r, such things, not being or a t least pre- A D eadly G radga. II. B crrE uriE i.o, S ecretary. "Ksilod up lo ilio gun». ” raid lie: Iending uot to 1.« afraid? Not one dog “ You and B riggius d o n ’t Sheui to I jo BU T T E "1'li.jr «uiilod >c welt j in 10,00« w ill try to bite u geutleuiuii very good friends any m o re.” Thai, troth to tell. unless he is provoked or secs th a t he is They sunk their ship m tho ehnQuel's swell "No, he is a w r iilii sherp'sclothing.'’ Of The To loop them Spaniards there s »poll. ■ A. R . G enera! Lyons P o st, N o., 58 j being »voided. ” " Why, what d»u ue «ver do to inaka TO 'T e s s u uighl lu the fose'l «tack of hell. ENGLISH LANGUAGE meehi ae.-on I and fourth S atu rd ay s CHICAGO you ooncclva such an cpiuiuu of bun?” A night in belli' said ho. A Cheap D ecyratlon. c a d i m o u th a t 1 .,?*) p. nt. , u , c h i n c t ON “ M adem e b elleto I ought to taka m y S. B. O olvis , C om m ander. : ’V a s h i n g ru ts COMPLETE ••But «lays have pmwnL’ A prom inent G erm an nctor. relates bicycle sp u rt for tho p u rp o e jo f clean­ tonni lbe old Jack Tur, PH IL A D E L P H IA J . L. F urnish , A d ju tan t. A lbert L. Vanibim in T h e I llu s tr a te d I ing i t . ” —C hicago News. “ An it a different now, «aid he SU C C IE N T undcil Nows, bad fnllilled b all >rf bis “Of tho eight brave chaps N e w YORK Tho atiooktvr «irai»* ••stiii-riiig’’ engagem ent in tho cap ital AUTH ORITATIVE lY U ers lic a r lu c <>a b o s t o n a n o ALL Ho get* attere leave, an la» pucka his IrsjM of a grand dv.chy, and us yet no recog­ Lord R ayleigh, in a lecture, said ths» (The car- n ho oi aw« it ao perkapa), O JT AV. P e rp o tu a Lodge, No. d*ay» 131, P O IN T 3 E M T "U'^SOUTH nition of his talen ts had been forthf'oru- An the givi» ter Uun ihoj «01.« their capa Oipiriwents had shown that a vibration »m eets every 1st an d 3d Tlfe»«!'” ’# T)*vj nota their cuir ».' «aid ho ing in the shape of u d e l i o n . Oili- , of sound having on amplitude ot less Il m o n th . ’ M e m b e rs a n d v is itin g p,„ infunanti»««, timecard«, iiin|>»,int ticket« 301,86s Vocabulary Term, gusted, the player anufa....... I his in te n ­ th ren ill good sta n d in g Hie cordially etc., c.ah • on “f wiite — -- ■ than ono-twclve-millioiith of s centi­ 2 47 - Editor.» and -------------- " —, E e j , wined nn dinod,” tion of departing th e follow ing m orning. | vinsi to a tte n d . A. O. F u n k e , M . W Bn id the old Jnek Tar meter could still affect the sense of R. M c M u r p h e y , 533 Reailar.» for Quotations “ But what of th« aovon V Mid hs. E arly on th a t tiny tho th eater intend- K xovts , R ecorder. hearing. '•Now a pretty miaa — : General M e.,I. Ua .m . 2 and 1, Shelton Bhyrk, soon lllu.tratlon» unt acquainted bis grand ducal m uster I Such a vibration would 1m so short A n a lougflhoro kiss, EUGENE, OREGON. C ostover $960,000 w ith wfcut had happened. The corner- ' that it would havo to he enlarged IU0 A rotudn «mack of a «uuwttn kiaa, a () O. F- Ilc c e ta Lodge No. I l l .m eets ration took pluce in the g u rdtu of t ho To a plain young Jack ain't none aiutrt. A D - CHARLTON, Appendix ol 47.468 Entries times befi.ro the most powerful micro­ everv W ednesday evening in L o w e But tho aeveu don’t «com to be 1 1 1 on thia, schluss, eitnuted on iho re td to the sta ­ scope could render it visible, supposing Assistant i..pnerol Pi a “ PL’cr 4 g**nl, t L ll, Florence, O regon. B rothers m A in’t in on thia,'’ «aid ho. tion. und suddiiily tin op« u «arriugc * 266 M'-rrison 81» «’or., 3d. ! ; that it were Susceptible of b e tw e e n at The full numlier of words and terms in _ ^ J o d s ta n d in g in v ite d to atten d . w itli the aotor in it hove iu sight. “ Who beaclfed the «oven?' F c r t l a n c l , Ox*. uinuri'Mi A.xmiEW B b i ’. s d , N . G. different dictionaries for «nu tha entire alphabet — is I »11- ni' 1 1'ii m i»* l i m i l i i v i * vihxjvmi »»»*» lerenx ferent *tv1es «xvirx ui ot Bald the old Jack Tar; “ Be q u ic k !” 6«» l a Mawaoa. I r E S BYTE RIA N C H U RC11, Florem-o, ; W rite fur prices mid len n s to Sm» I riin- so m e th in g lo renn m l ' r me by “ Up nt OavvMMi City." said a return­ I O reg o n . S i b b a th s e r v ic e . S a b b a th - ; ! <•’«< n, ( ’nl. Tlie nctor to w n ! low, aud w ent bis O rerraalnc SjmpathT. ed KhMidikcr. “ the people ««m strauga OUR A lii -T o fui’iiinh the bent A C E N T 3 W A N T E D . ¿lw o l, ID o’clock a. m. B reaching U way. In another liioiucut, hewever, ins H itto de Khodm— p c hit« « new# in to you Now. while I wan M u hotel ap 1’ -lock a m a n 'l 7 p- ui. S acram en t oi conveyance n-app. t.n-il Lt tlie gutes. dis p a jx r w arb# o# «tat wo m ust t'tn k at leasouable Ye L ord’s suoper on 1st S ab b ath of ¡ic c o u n n ix llltio n s them bni-glM» witered and swiped near­ “ T here orc liv u i- n s s s, your highness, “ np a D*-w dodge. ¿ n u a r y , A pril, Ju ly » " J Ocbd-cr. ly fdlMI.IKiO in gold nuggets" E. D. BRONSON & CO, he excIaimeiL Iv e ry b ifly is welcome to all th e se r v ic e s, p i le t s . , W alk er B outt— W a t ’s de m atter will “ What dtd the txiurders «io during “ N ever inliiil,” rep lifd lb«'prince. Factor ro p ie sts C h ristian s to m a k e , ------- di# C uhiati innorgcnt «chemo wc ba» ; A Pacific Coast A gents al! tins cxettemciit?’’ aadiuil the clerk. « “ G ive th e other to ibn conclnucu. " been workin? Iteuiselves known Ksorrs, Pastor. “ Kept perfecily cool,' w as Uw q u ie t SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. U itte «le Rhode«»— PH plan o' de pe­ reply — Dmivnr Times. Tlt-tat-to. 933 .Market S t. W. W. NEELY, Prop'r. liti, #1 h e m # t' unfit refi«« li.ai# on de li the C entury I)letiouary rh" d o r iv i,- in iu rg rn t# Is # w¡ rkin. an we • got ter Mankind seed» Tables fuinn lie'l with all the s herald, tike tiun ti* g .ven from til. tut, to, "rb n .o he m ighty careful. 1 gaie«# do beet t'iu g attorneys the herald» of IS JUST meuiiiiigleM, w o rd ." u*. it iu couiitiug wo |,i , do is t ' hl giu t Hill lint wc w as l a d t a d « « t ««.e , « « » » . iv u a old. t« pro­ However, the Hast K neais nam e u c e wi«l C trr c ry .—P nai a W trid -i.erald . claim to that W HAT game, lisli tmtl fruit in season B est, K oolm an’a “ L. l ’r. D ie t.“ , t a t i k tik - _ . ui»y hear, the * ♦ * * A. C. WOODCOCK, vital importance of THE tuk, evidently n m era orig in al t.riu . lu Ni l tlie W h a le T roth. * health. The aver­ aeoomcilationB for tho traveling tbi-i nam « th e word Ilk has tho »»mo Tho Bpim im citizen who was encer age man of to-day WORD MARION M 0R R I3 Pro p. k u»<« as K, tick, t» m ark, in nlluriou t-J (or a litlle genuiuu new s dism ounted thinks it beneath I public. Charges reasonable. lenity to bother 11MPLIES. the m arl; made fry il.o |.l.;y tr un tlia from h is bicycle and approached lha b h health until 15 cents Shaving te, while t.ik. tuk, are variauts ■< pres» censor O r o g o x x is gone. Evin then S u s o x ie , i san o them e, m ade un ,h c principle “ U b a t'# th e is a i’ .T v i t 'i tho«" naval only txke, rr.ez»urea «JÍ Hair Cutting 35 “ I f g r a o o m i 7 and * M elere i - Buildi.»". iilti.-r'ng tho vowel, r s m G enua ic r.accra w ho WCBt aw 17 fr« ni 1.« I- »(«me t«> rei'tore it in an in- iS p ’ T i l «t:r -Gi’i.m given lo collection* aud pro- Razor Honed 25 duieri nt, oontemptu- ■to, of the th ird str in« « ' njiiiÿitio.i. | U u ie a g tif h«» 1 nqnireu bluntly 'A n -n 'i It I b«;»» b d sh iei. 00. 1 ort of way. Scissors Ground eue! h as slug, saug, sung '5 T w e n tv -th re e they com m a bin k t“ Men caono*. leant indicates fiu-u'o tho nam e in by no tic.ui« i “ Oh, v« .., “ w as sit-wiT ‘Tb«’y too «-con tisst health M ile s W e s t “ m oa..high s.«, " but ha.« uu cbviou.. n t I the state i, the m e t import- r.rc all r'g iit. A'ei'-iy «i-'isv -«t by a f n« O regon . E. O. PO TTER K ’. o r c n o o aut thing ia life—in < rcuce to the tic k s, «a mura.1,, made *y P'lnct'sr«■», th at'., a i l .’’ - V.aiiliujficn of E u g e n e . of the tension at a gJanee. fact, is life Without ....... Attorncj’-at-Law th e player««, n-ad th e werd is thrcG dhl i i-tur. it the moat brilliant Its use means lime saving iiKtoad of reduplican d, nevaum th e oh 111.10 will be a failure, EVG£KE, ORÏGOS W rite Mal e , VIIgM. and «he mwd robtrat J« «'t of the gam e is to niuk« t! ree lick.« , IlMlt *• I and easier sewing. mar. «rill rapidly be- Th« «1« fl a rc i pnglltst f . . 1 lv wrote in 1, row .—N o tte und Çuerle- —« »rrtc« At the Court House. It’s our own invention phySeal wreck The man who tb r f ’’ living ml ■i-'r-«iii tu hi# li'ionds. M A D E and R E P A IR E D . «K iv . « i th ■ litlle headache«, the low of and is found only on tlie “ i »Lviini.« «lay for u i Luu l««l solat ii M erely F reía o b s ,r « e tico . appetite and sleep, nervousness, hot Lash­ ------1’. Y------- Ml»# Bltnkini. 'It ii. tu et’ aslo.d plexus blow iiret round. « ippoueui ing». vol«l chilla, heavy head, lax m.nwlfs, E. E. BENEDICT, ,in«l the multitude of bail ft«’.-.«»»• t int a««« h rs u ’t reg»iued cot-.ai iotia- Mr. ha.aiders of the Irish g irl tvho an- k«io-k(d unt the hciald# pi approaching .« » w w «««• a»"» y d i r.c u itc d u» injr.rif-s what awered bis ring at the «lour diaeMS, must pay a tremendous y taallj rT O R N F Y A -T - L A V Z ave». ” For men who suffer in thia w*y ih«»« « F lo re n o c . O re g o n . “ Y««, I b ’laVO ebe la, sir M o ney Saved n-j medicine eqnal to Dr. Pierce’s nuidea If., t„«I bren in fp s in d u rin g tho war “ Is she eugagedi" kb ilieal Discovery lt sharpens she ap O re g o n . R ln r e n n c . “ An is it engaged you say? Falx, an m il lourred how victories sro Bun. nclite, corrects all «li'ordera of the u«ic» Goo«! W ork Itone s t R ensonn'.lc Prices. lion, invigorate# itie liver, makes the a* I can ’t tell you sir. to t '.lie ki#«*-e<. dream ing of Hic k u thing. ( hu-ago Aotrera—Nc-o, hut I’d do Honest dealer# will not urge • .alwlitu»» H or—I ’ll WMger you were Hot Y01 hite ewing oine o «or the «,te « Httl«.- ev’ra proht alw ays wer.« w ide aw uk* when kissiu. b eau tifu lly a.' one of ttin ciitera whom A. R. 8UTTOLPH, Cleveland, Ohio. Cinder« lla'a «heca wonldn t fit.—New coT!’? r ’^ , ^ ’r ’.of^ r " vra, iu sig h t.—< iin -.imati F.tgjOirir fur n o >rar» won _ X"’’'"**“ «'«»■ U « , ’ f» i ■.,•■■■ ■ ■ !rf- n ; re.ig u atlt.ti, “ I am not afraid t«r stay itlpaiiou. One little ” P« lle t’’ _>« • thief, i-r a liar, amt he w ill .silv grin w _ r: l. » . C b . i f . - - - - A l l,y 'ft ' • -T I “ WILSON- liix.Uivr. and tv/o a niil.l catharuc The FRANK B Foopl« who think Grey are mlsnm.tr- bere aud m e t the A pencan», but 1 a t yon. but e-.- ry | s m aut ( lumtders limi i uJi Fp“” • ■ ” ä r - « f r*:oa l i V. » n» ver ffrtF All food deal«»* f ca J fonlt:» ccjaatñ» ; "c t frc«. A^drc-», h If a gì -«I -. hi and d c-in « to 1 a rood often am n-ally under«tt-d too u s’i 't f i ’-o tfciit tyt# w riter joke any w 1 1 —t hl JI’ J Rc.crU. kilit* ti:- i • oho V.uo i'Li. u-..' C om m issioners A. W. BEADLE & CO. ORTHERN «lavs »ad Fridays. A rrives nt Florence T uesdays T hurs- : days and S aturdays. C onnects with S team er and Sc. lt s Inirg Static Line for D rain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges RESPECTFULLY J. V. KAUFFMAN. P a c if ic , R y . ëugene - floresce ! STAGE LINE. * ■ THROUGH TICKETS Standard Dictionary Ili. WRITE FOR CIRCOHRS T mc homi siivin « machine co . MORRIS *"» HOTEL, Tension Indicator Head of Tide Hotel, T o n so ria l P a rlo rs . Attorney at LaW, E lk P ra irie Hotel. ON E U G E N E AND FL O R E N C E S TA G E RO UTE. OLE MY1HNO, oy Sewing Machine. P atents ' T ra m M «R s » DCtK.HU W Notary FJ»l ¡e, Surveyor Scktilffic BMfDcaii. ir* W hite C. A. SHOW & co. S M C .