M HI3 FIRST APPEARANCE. Th* S o c ie ty Women K w r tlia r a fit» W ,l,u u ,. tb . Yt»h- j*crt«ua »wuttiaru V U ltur. A n d ,in f a c t , n e a r l y &II y w om en w h o u n d erg o a n e r v o u s s tr a in , a r e V \ / co m p elled to r e g r e t ­ fully w a tc h t h e grow ­ in g p a llo T o f t h e i r c h e e k s , t h e c o m in g w r in k le s and. thinness t h a t b e c o m e moYe d i s t r e s s i n g every d ay. E very w o m a n know s t h a t ill-h ea lth is a f a t a l e n e m y t o b e a u ty a n d th a t good X' h e a lth g iv e s t o t h e rt\ r p la in e s t Face an en- ' /A \ d u r in g a ttr a c tiv e n e s s . Pure b lo o d a n d s tr o n g n e r v e s — th e s e aTe th e secret oF h e a lth a n d b e a u ty . D t . W illiam s' P in k Pills f o r P a le P e o p le b u ild up a n d p u r i f y t h e b l o o d a n d str e n g th e n t h e n e r v e s . To th e y o u n g girl th e y are invalu­ a b le , t o th e m o th e r th e y are a n e c e s s it y t t o t h e wom an a p p r o a c h in g Fifty th e y are t h e b e s t r e m e d y t h a t scien ce has d e v ise d For t h is c r i s i s o f h e t l i f e . He cuuiu into town this morning fruuh from Georgia. He smelled of magnolia nod live oak und sweetest hummer. Ho was long and fat, a peculiar cowbina- flou, but iua iu truth. He was light and dark g n e u iu ultim ate stripes, the for­ mer the shade of new grass, the latter that of u bast-bull that hus seen a Sea sun*M usage on the diumond. Ih o pashemby looked at him and v> i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * say, “ See. 1 have come,” and then the A N ew M e n u o f ftte rilix o tlo o . stripes would stretch into a grjp, pocei- A HOME OF ONE’S OWN bly sarcastic. One of the simplest and most thor­ 1 L ittle boys looked at him in awe and ough methods of sterilizing when it can If your liver is out of order, causing nudged each other and said, “ Hnlly lie used is by means of heat. One of the THE VALUE IT POSSESSES FOR THE Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart­ INDIVIDUAL AND THE NATION. gee!” or something else equally express­ difficulties ip the use of this means is ive. burn, or Constipation, take a dose of that the articles may he spoiled, espe­ An old man going by remarked, cially where tho heat is long continued. T h e P eace and H ap p in ess T hat A re P on u d I j “ Pretty early for yon to arrive, but yon Baking or placing articles in dry heat O nly V od er One’s O w n V ine an d FJ< aro looking w e ll,” whereat he simply for uny length of tiuio is not only an T ree - T h e P o ssib ility o f A tta in m e n t to j grinned the broader. A little black unreliable method, but attended with On retiring, and tomorrow your di­ M en o f S m a ll In co m es. newsboy, after inspecting him from all tiie danger of lire if a degree of heat is gestive organs will be regulated and sides, backed away to the curb and said sufficiently thorough to sterilize them. Napoleon said that tho man who had you will be bright, active and read, half to himself, “ Dat um do real sign Boiling or steaming is objectionable a w ife and children had "given hostages for any kind of work. This has : dat summer aiu caiue.” because most things would he rendered been the experience of others: it to fortune." Iu a yet stronger sense Beside him stood a man iu an apron, useless from the contact with moisture. will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are but no one questioned the man concern­ Experiments have proved that liot oil is have the man and woman made a be­ sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts. ing the stranger. “ Ho is none of us, ” a one of the best sterilizers known, espe­ ginning toward permanent «access who have found for themselves a home, for matron said us she whisked by, and a cially for instruments. kindly old gentleman touched him soft­ Ono of our most eminent surgeons the possession of which they are both ly w ith reverence and so gently that he has demonstrated the fact that the most w illing unwaveringly and steadfastly to did not feel. cumpleto sterilizing follows the dipping use systematic self denial. When a He sat there on Woodward avenue of surgical instruments into boiling young couple have ceased to roam about for hours gazing nt tho passersby and j olive oil. One may determine the tem­ from one undesirable flat to another aud arTHp » g ’f f i I sm iling, as happy us a bird on a sun­ perature of the oil by a very simple need no longer talk of "when wu lived shiny morning. About 9 o’clock a man process of dropping bread crumbs into in E ast------street or W ost----- street," walked up to him and insolently thump­ the oil. When they turn brown and but can cozily speak of “ our little ed him and said, “ Is he ripe?” whereat crisp, the oil is hot enough for the sur­ place," they have risen 20 per cent iu 1 the fellow iu the apron said, “ Yes, hut geon s use. This is much more con­ their own self esteem and are at least we haven't plugged him y e t.” T h en ' venient than nsing the thermometer, 100 por cent richer in the true joy of the insolent man said, “ How much?” which may not always be at houd. Tho living. Insensibly my illustration takes When ho was told, bo whistled long ' oil may be heated over a spirit lamp, a financial form, since money, the pow­ and low and then went across the and a few spoonfuls w ill bo sufficient er to obtain this blessing, lies at the 1 street to u real estate office and bought I for sterilizing the instruments used in root of the matter. I a corner lot on Woodward avenue iu- I some of tho more simple operations.— Always a strong adherent to the ad­ Etcad. Exchango. vantages of conntry living, it is to me ' v* Mr M m I I , I » o a t» ff« Paia, So the first watermelon of tho season natural to associate the very idea of R u in e d t h e S a le . just eat there and grinned. Aud it ’s homemaking with rural surroundings. A young lady from the city was try­ likely he’ll bo there tomorrow, too, for Mr». Jacob Weaver, of Bushnell, III., is fifty-six years old. She says: When God created onr primal progeni­ a to . no ono feels like investing a w inter’s ing her hand as an amateur saleswoman tors, we are told that he placed them iu O n l y •• 1 suffered for five or six year» with the trouble that comes to women at in a plantation store ono morning last this time of life. I was much weakened, was unable, much of the time, to do my savings iu him, even though every ono a garden as the best, tho happiest, envi­ own work, and suffered beyond my power to describe. I was downhearted ' interested and would like to own week when an old colored woman, gor­ ronment the divine wisdom could devise geously arrayed iu her Sunday clothes, and melancholy. Nothing seemed to do me any good. Then I made up my him .— Detroit Free Press. nnnd to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. 1 bought the first box in entered the store arid, pointing to a bot­ for their development. Amid things March. 1897, and was benefited/rom the start. A box and a half cured me com­ tle of German cologne on ona of tho which have grown with their growth A n E ssay on N erv e. pletely, and I am now rugged and strong— R u sh n ell (III.} Record. and perfected under their care, men and highest shelves, asked: Greatest Weekly la the Cm try, "Say, pa, what is nerve?" said i “ What dat?" women still find a peculiar peacefulness T h« w o n d e r f u l s u c c e s s o f t h i s r e m e d y Johnnie. le d to that no one ran define aud a happiness "T hat’s cologne, nnutie. ” “ There are several kinks of nerve, impossible elsewhere. “ W ell, I ’ll take i t . ” m any a t t e m p t s a t im ita tio n a n d s u b s t it u t io n . Be my son ,’’ answered Mr. Johnson. “ If Delighted nt having made a sale in I That heart ownership which comes (Inc lud ing i>u«ta«e) to any p a rt o í the U a lU d yon eat candy w ith sensitive teeth, you such u short time the young lady busifsi only to tho man aud wife who have s u T t t h a t t h e f u l l n a m e is on a and Mexico. w ill discover what uervo is. I call it herself in getting down tho bottlo aud j won and made their home is oftenest R a T te H a E , ('añad W E E K L Y C H B O M IC L U the b rl Lawrence Telegram. part and parcel of their lives, aud the porlence In the Coast States, not on Eastern P r ic e f i f t y c e n ts p e r b o x . manufactured” — men's knowledge of th eir own localities. buWtUv anú M itv » Tonit She was brought to a sudden pause, falling of a leaf aud the fading of a bud SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. W h e n A ll M en A re E q u al, are a sorrow. It is quite a different for tho old negress had thrown up both homecoming to a man who sees his ch il­ The teacher of a juvenile Sunday ; bunds in horrified protest. school class had been talking to her I “ Stop right dar! Youse dono gib dren standing at his pretty gate ready pupils about death aud finished by ask­ yonself away. Fust you said cologne, to run down the safe aud quiet street A H ill iM u t F r a u d . used R ip e a , T a b u in n a b m muon « b u s - I fcnrn haaa a Mwai «ulT.rrr fro m co n itln atloa ínoUun Ü I.1 i ...11 rh M irtu ily raa .ii.m. u j U irn i. ing: fn ro v e rfl a yru ia. N u lh ln . . . . . m « . a y railaf. but now you done let out dat i t ’s puf- and finds his wife at the open door than A small weekly magazine waa starts«) beea troubled fo r «bout three year« w ith aly fm -l and | v. . and alxlo n i.n w a r . bloalaS ao “ Now, who can toll me when all ! fuine, an I don’t want it, for puffume when he is lifted by a creaking elevator What 1 caUod Nlioua attack« coming on regularly I could »1.« w aar ahnaa na aiy fact aud on ly a I oom i here 11 years ngu by tw o hustling young oac« a W u (old by dlfTcrrnt ph> «I c I mbr I wanted co- to some unknown height, where danger Sraaa. 1 .a w Kipaaa T ab u la, a ii.artiacd In our i luen. Ono w aeeditor, the other "writer men are equal aud there is absolutely : nebber holds its scent. that It wu tan« cd by I hu I tra t« , of which I hud dally paper, bouuht aouiaand to o . them a , direct­ ••r e r a l. I had the tra tti « tr a tfta d , but the a t ­ I and pastor." They clipped, extracted no distinction between tho rich man log-io.”_ N e w Orleans Tirues-Denio- threatens the young lives if the door is ed. I l , , , (akan iham about threa w eek, and llie ia tack« contini)««]. I had ic * u adrcrMn-manta of aud the poor man?” but left ajar, and ho lias to look for a lu n r b a c h o n .. I 1 am not ro n -llp ated any mora i and rewrote. An advertising agent was JJpaua Tabut»« In ad ih«|i4(w iN but liad n o fn lih aud I otv i It . I to H lpan , T a b u ln . Ia in ih lrty - ----------—— j number to tell whether ho is on his own “ I can," replied one littlo fellow, lu tfcam. bol 0ut ata w« eka olnca a rrlaod la : employed on a commission of 25 per, k e e n yoora old, Lava no orcuputlon, only m y V a lu a b le W a r e . ’ (rented) floor. From the hour a man and Uttced utr te try IU«m. Hava taken but tw o of the “ When is it, Freddie?” she asked. ■ cent, and it was a caution the way he houarhold dutlaa am i nuralug m y kick h u ib jn d . •m a il I cent boss« nf tha Tabula« and tiara* bod At thoSaveton sale, in London, a few own their individual, personal “ When they go sw irem in," was tho Ha hn. had tha dropay aud 1 aui try in g HI pa us filled up the pages w ith black type and! ho racnriaoca « f t tie attack«. Have never giran a Tab ula, fo r him . lie faela some batter hut It w ill firs ago, n service of old Sevres ware Lome a thousand new interests enrich teatin o m a i for a n y th in ' Isefnre. but tha e rra t Borne contracts were inndo fora unexpected answer.—Nuggets. lake aoma «lir e, ho h a , hero aide to Iona. You I cuts. •m o u n t 0 / good which I bailata haa bean óonr ma ------------------------ w,™ sold for $5,000. The genuineness their lives, and the dwelling a u d its luay naa m y lu ttsr and name ns you l l . a mouth, son io for throe uroliths, some j by At pan a Tabula« Induce« mo f«> udii mine tn tha Mra. Many uonava C btaxs. W is d o m . : 6et waa proved by certificates is- «urroandiugs are so apart of themselves m a *y trattm oiJ«:« ju u duuidlo«« h at« in v<»tr j for a year. The only cash in advauce ( now. A. f . D i Wirr. “ Clement« seems verv foud c f his S°'‘rl ,O thu owucrs l*y »be French gov- I tb“‘ » I « » «bingle or a «tain on tho was half of tho commission, which was I h n . been tu lT a rln . fro m hrndaehrs a re r w ife." ; ernm ent,write«F. Vizeteily inG odey’g. ' ' doorstep klnco I w»« a llttla g in . | could never ride In a Godey*«. doorstep i is of serious importance, paid as soon us tho coutruct was lurucil I w aot to Infern i you, But by far the most valuable service i However extreme tho theories of gome car or g »lin o a erowded j iu. l a word« o f hlxhont "Does he?” piano w ith o u t ta ttin g a V h e C h r o o l c i f l M u I IM I m t « turned out at the ¡Sevres pottery (iu praiao. o f (ha l» a«*flt the "land for the people’’ philan- hcadacheaud alck nt my I Prosperity peeped from its puges. The "Yes, alwuy« carries a lock of h«r 1778) wan made T T IE CH RO M IC TJB rank« w ith I bava d arlred fr«»iu R I-P -A -N S | | •t'>mach. I heard about I magazino rapidly grew fat lu tho sec­ hair with him. ” for the Czarina Cuth- ibropist« may be there is a deep integral newspapers In the U nited State®. Alpanv Tabule». I uni a Itipan i Tabu I*-« from an p ro fta ilo a a l n it r ii uU7 elevated, are bettor citizens, for own- T H E C H R O N IC I.E -S Tele»rapW e Reports ara A fte r noe o f iny « tu»»« I T h e m odern stand­ th eir use Ahaadri»o com m on every-day li.depcndm « In e v e m M n c . n < u m l la i torial panels on w hite ground, sur­ home, well built, und set iu a lot large Mr« J. D m o o k u t b i . such businesses, no such addresses as you lost your rabbit foot? ill o f hum anity. H<,«luir W M tmuISxS * rounded by frames of gilt scrollwork. enough to insure privacy and a garden. tho ugeut brought in for publication Brook«— No. 1 haven’t lent the foot These, as «veil a« the tableware, are with b . a r i b t t r n b ii .J J W hile watching the long drawn out- 00 YOU WANT THE CHHJHICLE alw pl,M i..i> 3. ,-u.i. z .l by *• He happened to have an engagement tu or any other part of a rabbit. With 1 a ■ a.ll«n.tli ravularly. O lic » M r ,B f .» i'B r i„ u ,U lp .B S I t ailing m ii 't o f tha testimonial« tn favor of OTV O W E S 1 D K , T a b u li, la IM . I n i'. a a.,,1 w ill Mat Iw w its Kthi*l the lioii'n shui» of that orange. heat. They were buoyant, heartily lupau« Tebule«». 1 t r ic i them. R lpaat Tabu'.ce not Sir Charles Gordon’s "Recollections u u t l b . a T X . k i an lu w n aud alaa p la u u ru h a i . B le w earrd. b >wel« era In “ I was once speaking at a temperance Inugh _ with sincere „ merriment. Ethel— Mamma, he hasn't given me rn n a r r ly . a e r r a l a l.tuilau f.u- bar. Onr whola ow t h e o t h k r contains this auecdote: "Iu iNtlt), nt They food ouBdltloa end h«» n e 'e r com plaint o f hla to w , « a o lly V . V i b r i, a . i'ä til.ily . a.pa. i . l i , ^ r . r uny. i L r wU, " *a)“ ex O° v- ! Politics, town improvement^ •tomach. He la b ow a red. chubby farad boy. Tbl» « * * «**< teet the lieil-tsin , tiie two Gordons, when seek a haar«, i i ii m I. Jiy nu>tkrr la ilfly y r a r . nf . . . Cfcreaitrle | er wonderful change I attrib u te to Itlpana Tabuiee. enior I e, k of Milwaukee, "and in the »b o o l taxes and general conditions of Johnny— Well, that’s all right. Lione and la r a j.,y ,a s «tx b , . t a f h M lih ani) . p i r i t i , « la , ing for hospital sites, earn« across a I ant »atUfled that they w tll benefit any one (from »•.ta«, » w^¿7¿ ¿s ¿ V , ¿2? » U 2 : M ia b a a rir « m i «, aa Itapuiaalhiliiy hrtnn a h . course of my remarks 1 looked about for ‘be country; they had enthusiasm aud t h e « m rtie to old a4ong i.i« «i*«« Ples.e”^ . • ( h l . staiv to m antice o u r lio n iiu s» lu ili.-u , w u tar ta*H "«* T th»’ TOrfac0 ot fho !:i ,every •’«'PCtion where the large land O r e . i l > O ll i K e g g a r . tvitbin adopted male costume as an in ­ lim i I.m ih v v o u u lic s . I t i» l im it i li o l i l i e u You cam I'l'O 'lu i'Irtl nr hintit, s a la ry H tia lu h t w orn dication that they not only renounced “ Why call for a toothpick, guv'nor. h r in thnt mug I onw him os I lifted holders left half an aero to «pare Tbev f» « i a 11 a r m ui i 'X |af hues—ill'll 1111,'. In ,n a ti,I, uo inori' ■ be cured < im the world, hut witli it the emblems ol when you haven't a tooth iu your bead?" , if. and I did fho most natural aud hu- * 1 b P ‘ under their own roofs thev Is. I c . . salHl i M i.n lh l, »..i Kt it rem e. En imnm thing 1 eeuld think of— blew him down proudly, sure that wife and rhib I f yoM o i f l . , f i-m Buy vf l h . ( II'.,' Si'll H tltlrew t-tl slolit,.«'! Sr I ¡ n u ll.I. N w r ia .lo r r k ir « , C orrp rteil In R h ym a. re ,n incredible that I t d o e s n 't n lw a y « hold. I r r . . l » l . r r U o . n U o . o , r h ir a u l e . 1 . . wus thu uglitwt mail, in fact, I ever they had been able to buy laud in such THF M cC A l.l. COM PANY, fi Tli»' w a r w o u ld long ago h a re raj'.w d r r M U B B e r » t k rlBBilu«, sir. I I , a A R e e l O e n lls H e r e .. Thackeray w h s much pestered by f l i t I com fcinatiL n n w « ) M ,.r ,i» a l m rntiv« pow saw A general suw him and off.Tcd a autograph hunter, says ILxtder in hit • town and improve it. still less rre¿,. H a d • tt n t r g in t « d if r la r o U I want a gentle herse for my wife cr, tno IXx-t» arranged h it treatment Tfcr > w iit pre« tp ita lto n 'o f prize for the ugliest m a i l in the army "R ecollections." He disliked above all I that it will n«»t poly aff> «\J in.mediatr irkiei but to drive, ” said the prospective parckao- We that they could build aud furnish m . » • * n » a r V i f « ' T li« >«»•» ■ lig h t brig ad e. to encourage competition. A rival regi- things to write in an autograph album, periiMDeut cure. 1 he Ih x to r d*»en not detm to such cottages as they lived iu. Thev ,'r-.. 'l ’an y ° n recommend this one?" tí i perfv rm mtra< lea, but ie well-known to be a fair i men« luzd its ugly man. The two were W bat th o u g h t h e ir H im **—th a t 1« te s«y. and often refnaed those who asked him ***7 t aiwi ‘ .rqci ti, pre-emutoot ^ lf^. 'fdeed, replied the owner. were more than ready to explain their n» i« n u * t r r « a n d »uch — | brought together. The genera) was to do so aud « ’met imee rather brnsquely I i a h . n y , laJiy. Illasanr« or Mrs, , •ysrem of F3Tilig through the various There is not a safer liorso for a lady p o l l la Ih iiru lK h lv m u H m W 4 Iro u i I I I . 1 i I here to net as referee. My ecusiu rxme A iy Mkdl> b re k t n here nnd ‘ h r t r l Cn one occasion the owner of an al T h e y u« v« r tn ln d tft m uch. •n it“ "'““’ "•1 '«"< W ercor.. to l>e found suywhere, and there U but co-operative and building schemes ,d C .V t.R V . tie * .iwcitneiiv SM ’ t s W . c, ; S’ French bill of fare C«r«AO N . bi I .«. "I can alw ays tell when my husband Aft tl»o »«bow l riwnLv Free Press. A writer in a Germau periodical ecmpreheusioa 0/ ,h e respoiw.WUty and Shortly before h is death, which oc is going to be near with tits money Lady Helper «to sm all hoy I—W ill you curred iu Ituw. Massimo d ’Aregliu, Wlieu I ask hint f w of m e 1 nurd States S r& Ä T iü s r -w s t Victor Emiuauuei. was talking to g pooitively ike? C ertainly! W ill y,