T J E ÏH Î W - J ö 14 TRAINS EACH DAY T t H ¿B L l8U ttD ZVLHY FK IilAY «O R S IN O — R oyal B s B aking P owder C r a H t T ii¡9 is wliat it means. On and after ' March 13th, 1399, the N orthern Pacific j l Railway will start two train s each day P A Y W H E N C U K E J ). ' flying westward from its eastern term in- I lain. At tlie Mine tim e—not exactly the , / ~ E M . A bsolutely 'P ure sam e hours—-two trains will also leave I 02113439 its weslern term inals for th e east. Ti.ere 1 Makes the food more delicious and wholesome In order to reduce m y stock o f good« will then he, each day, moving over tl.e ; ÍI Tho Aldvst and Most Kncressful ffO«Al SAKiMO PO.W. CO., SEW TOSS. Editor st id Proprietor. 2999 miles of main tra -k between St , between h o b and Jan. 1st, 1R»9,1 h s v s S]>e< ia'ists in tlie W orld. Paul, M iiineap dis and D tbilli nt tlie | They guarantee a voinplele cure 1 east, and S eattle, Tacoma and P ortland j ■T bbm s : «-I.50 a y ear in advance .- reduced the price o f ail goods to COST PERSO N A LS. IN CIRCUIT COURT. Y our Own Home, a n l allow you o n t l i e Pacific coa>t, » j C ktex X of runs:: ! : I pay when cured. and a small per cent to cover expenses in both direciioitH—»Korn# at th e J Joseph Sler.imons was in town S atu r­ E ntered at th e post-office at Florence, The grand jury at Eugene made th eir sam e tim e ami tins in a country where fam e county, Oregon, as second-class day. during the sale. final teport Saturday an I were d is­ ’ 20 veer* ago tlie buffalo was ro am in g .' ■nuil m atter. Mias Nellie Rice was visiting in town charged. Tne’e trains will tai known hs N o . 1 the ‘ Tuesday. Judge H am ilton on S aturday excused Puget Sound Lim ited, No. 3 the Oregon AOVKRTISINO KATES MADE KNOWN ON A F- Mr and Mrs K W 0 »fib visited in all tin: juror» hut one from fnrthor i Lim ited going west, un i No. 2 tlie Twii li F l.ltiA T lO N . T housands of prom ising young men la w s ! n o t ic e s 8 c e n t s per lin e , e « c h in sertim i Florence S aturday night. attendance at ttiis term of court. City Mail, No. 4 tlie Twin City Express, î ’ i S F r s F . 'î i have th e ir lives and future usefulness T l i e following cases in which one or Geo. Morris returned home yestefflay, 1 going east, and will c o n t a i n in the aggre­ •w recked by IN DISCRETION AND These good« are mostly new, bought after two weeks of jury duty at Eugene. : Isitti parlies reside in ttiis p atty of ttie gate more th an 100 cars of various sorts, ' PR IV A TE D ISEA SES. Tlie sym ptom » Florence, Or. Mur. 17, ISitit. county were brought u p : j Each train will have a mail car, a bug- i until cured, are portrayed on tlie toun- Alice and Agues W eathergou were for tho Fall and Winter trade, and will O \V H urd vs R obert T Cooper. De­ t gige and express car, tlist and second visiting relatives at M apleton ttiis week. 1 tenance an I in the actions of the vlc- W E S T L IN G S . fault and order for sale of attach ed be suid w ithout reserve. It is the largest 1 class coaches, n Free C olonist Sleeping Jtin i. If neglected or Im pro|.erly treat- M I George Griffith came in from lleueta I properly. ! cur, a Pullm an Sleeping n r , a D inning ! ed, o th er organa liecome affected, and .Saturday to meet w ith liis b reth ren of t «took carried for initiy years thus g iv ­ S t. P atrick 's Day today. M .1 Ilatlsell vs Jarnos A McLeod et car and one or mow Pullm an F irit Ci.isr , aooner or later there are serious results. tlie m ystic league. ing a groat variety to select innu RetneTUber th e dance this evening. al ; foreclosure of lien. R eport of referee. . S |eel,¡!)|{ „ , at t.v,.rylKJ1| y BIIll 3Our New Method T reatm ent will posi- R 1! Mills and J F T an n er returned ' Oou tin ned. G ienada School closes next Friday. 3 —Sg^SS» '■*’ everybody'a pia lcetbonk can f»e iieconi- ’ lively cure these diseases. from Eugene Tuesday w here they have! M IDDLE-AGED M E N -T h e re are I The Vulcan Iron W orks vs The modilted. The Dining cars are a part *TFor Dress Cnttinir and F ittin g call at been serving on the grand jury. j SiiiblaW River Lum her C o; confit m ation. of the solid through traiim «ud no one | j thousands of you who have com m itted ti e I.adies Bazaar at Point Terrace, O w Sutton and fam ily are now oc offences against the laws of your na­ Clara C arnes vs Perry C arnes; divorce need therefore go hungry. 4 - — B ood a pills arc n o n -irritatin g and tlie j.ypyjug th eir house in town, having Train No. 1 will leave St. Paul at 8:55 - ture, and are now paying up for it. only pills,tri .take with Hood’s Saras ; moved in fioin th e ir ranch last Monday. Default. Referred to report first day of a in ; train No. 5 nt 10.15 p in; after ail i Those weak, selling hacks, Loss of Sex­ Ju n e term . p arilla. Fred F unke was released from tlie Em ily Hovey vs The Siuslaw River traius have arrived from the east mid j ual Power, F ailing or Lost V itality, T! ;p firm of Osborn A Delano Eugene ! asylum at Salem last week. He went south, m orning and evening. Train No. j F requent and Painful evacuations of druggists lias dissolved, Mr Osburn j to P ortland to atten d to some business Lum ber Co; to recover money. Default. Jud g m en t for $372.05 and $35 Attorney : "'*»» leave Portland a t 11 :ItO a m ; and , tlie Bladder acconi pan ied by m ore or retiring. i m atters there. train No. 4 at 11.00 p in, arriving a t S i . less sm arting and the escape of p ar­ fees and order of eale of attached prop­ T i e Robarfs went to G ardiner S atu r­ | Paul 2 '.OO p in, and 7:30 a tn, resp ec-, ticles of album en in tho urine with T O C U R E A C O L D IN O N E D A Y . erty . day with a cargo of freight and returned I , i tively, in tim e for all departing tra in sj ropy sedim ent, ail point to th e decline R a n g in g in d o t h fr o a t $ 1.5 0 up. P l u d i oapaa fr o m $ 2 ,5 0 u p . Lucien E John vs Addin K Jolm soi W ednesday. 'e a s t w a r d . One train goes via H elena,! of your m anhood. T here are htindreila Take Laxative Bromo Q uinine T ablets. C o tto n b la n k e t s 5 1 3 ,6 1 3 , 7 »3, «1.0), a n d «1.23 p e r |p a ir . For pure blood Plym outh Rock eggs j All druggists refund money if it fails to divorce. Default. Referred to C 11 M ont., and one via 1$ ,1'e, in each ! who nit* of th is difficulty, ignorant of Holden to lake testim ony an 1 report a t j W o o l “ fr o m 82.00 to «8.00 p e r pair;|maitiy3ui..a1-mi,iafac,UM / o r hatching call a t post office, Point , cure. 25c The genuine lias L 1! Q on j direction. These trains run through j th e cause. T he doctors will guarantee first day of n ext term . Terrace, Oregon. each tab let. tlie most im portant cities of the n o rth -' a perfect cure in ail such cases, and C a lic o e s at}20, 25, a n d 30 y d s ., fo r «1.00.J N e w e s t s t y l e s The following crim inal cases were west mid are hauled by new and ' healthy restoration of tlie G cnito U rin ­ .T lie county officers are preparing t o , FO R SA L E OR T R A D E - h e a rd : enorm ous Schenectady locomotives, ary O rgans. C h ic a g o L . L . m u s lin 5c, C a b o t W . (So, C a b o t A . 7c, w it h h a lf niove th eir offices Io the new court , S tate of Oregon vs Jam es Sm ith for : m aking when necessary, 75 or 80 miles R E A D E R —Are you in trouble? Jiotlse in a few days. One 2ln steel skein M itchel Wagon larceny in taking two guns froip Bark-1 c e n t r e d u c tio n b y t h e b o lt. Have you lieen treated and never cured 7 an hour. Dunean slough district lias engaged with four heavy sptings under bed. er'a store. Ju ry disagreed. You dare not risk a retu rn of tlie dis­ These diurnal trains will am ply acconi- ; M iss \\ lii/m ore to tench there again the Sp rj„g SCat, neck-yoke and doubletrees Chas H alstead and Jam es Kelley ■nodnte the large im m igration and | ease. ft may appear when happy in com ing sum m er. all ir good running order. Wiil sell for plead guilty of burglary in h 'eak iu g into tourist tim id th a t seems probable thia , inmeatic life. O ar New Method Newport lias th e youngest m ayor in casti or trade for stock. Price $35.00. an S I’ R R section house and robbing year. T reatm ent is your refuge. Il diseased, .Oregon in the |ierShn of Mr Jo h n Loomis E n q u ire of E E M ake , Florence, Ore. the section men. They were sentenced During th e Yellow stone P ark season consult, us confidentially. w ho is 22 years of nge, Men’s and Boys’ clothing at prices j to th ree years eaeli in tlie peniten tiary. one train in each d ired io n will carry a NEW C O U R T HOUSE- ■ W R IT E {enclosing stam ps for reply, W e have ju st received sonic tine sam ­ for our interesting hook. “ A W arning Pullm an First Class .Sieejiing Cur, e-jiec | that will astonish yon. Tnis is a n o p - Jo h n H ay and Iv an Kidwell plead ple plows. Call and see them . Voice.” S ent free. All letters kept Roseburg P ltiindetilor: i'lio contract guiRy of larceny in a store. Sentenced tally for Park travel. Meyer A Kvle portuqity to procure your winter sup- Inquiries regarding ttiis new train strictly private and confidential. All for th e erection or rep air of the court ! to two years tach in the p en iten tiary . plies pricticnlly for cost. Remember M rs L T ripp is building a new house house Ims been let to II Snook of Salem, plain sealed envoloja:. Claude M cllargtie plead guilty of fer­ service may lie addressed to am- N orth­ answ ers scu t on Bier ranch a t tiie head of South tile control price for tlie work -being gery and a sentence of four years im pris- ern Pacific agent, to A 1) C harlton , No 0 . G. D. hnsiness. jllongh. A S chulte is doing tlip carp en ­ $20 38(1. Tlie work is to be com pleted j onm ent was given. Asst. G en'l Pass. Agent, P ortland, Ore., the place and csi.Il. te r work. by Oct. 1st nexf, and will probably not 1 Tlie su it of E D H orner vs J II Cole­ or R M c M ukpuv , G en'l Agent, E ugene, O onsultation by Mail Absolutely Free. H arry Boyle is putting the boiler he- lie commenced till May 1st. as ttie con­ man to recover $5.000 on a promissory Oregon. W R I i'E TODAY. ionging to the C ushm an pile-driver in tracto r w ill require th a t length of tim e I note was dism issed. H orner and Geo C O U N T E R FE IT MONEY. good order Io be ready to drive piles for to get ttie m aterial on th e ground. W eber, a barber of E ugene, were then Address tlie new saw-m ill. Rduiotnber wc carry a goueral assort- nrrested on a charge of forging the note, i W ATCH HIM- G uard : A very dangerous counterfeit Dr- S a u n d e rs & C o . W A Offield has sold Ids ranch op- At tiie trial W eber pleaded g u ilty ; the incut of Dry Good«, Clothing, Boots nnd 69 Sproat ttt., D etroit, M idi. 'i o s i t e Dr K ennedy's to a Mr Tionson jury disagreed S aturday n ig h t in tlie | coin is in general circulation. It is a l W hile Florence lias some peculiar ! 50-eent piece of the date of 18US. A i Who recently arrived from Okluhoina, ease of H orner and were dism issed. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gout’s, Ladies’ young people. G ienada is never behind C onsideration fiiCU. A nother jury was secured Monday and . num ber oi ttie coins have been detect- ! tlie tim es. One G ienada young man and Children’« Underwear, Hosiery and ■ i eil mid m arked tiy tlie Eugene hanks, i NOTICE FOR P U 3 U G A T I3 N ' B urglars broke into J W Stew arts has lately developed a propensity for j the case tried ti e second tim e. Tuesday » re, - ! The counterfeit is a trifle lighter in ! ' afternoon a verdict of "g u ilty ” was acral m erchandise store at Springfield biting—girls preferred. Papas should Notions all reduced. This sale for Land Oitte nt R osebu rg. O regon. I color th an the genuine, h iving an j anday night, Ii is not known exactly forthw ith provide a muzzle for this I derod. M arch 10, H9C. CASH only. alum inum tinge. It is lacking in that j T uesday'8 G uard say s: I t is likely much was stolen I N lic e is h ere b y g iv e n th a t thn fo U n w iiig - cannihalistic.iily inclined young m an. money " rin g ,” sounding Hat mid dead. ' iiu m c 1 . e t h e r h a s tiled u n ti -e o f h is in te n tio n O bserver . i th a t the present term of c n cu it court 1! Eakin and E Schw aizchild were E xam ine your ni mey carefully, for a 10 m a k e fin a l p ro o f In » u p p er’ o f h ts < in lin , and ! will adjourn som etim e tom orrow to H ►ctcd directors in the E ugene school t large num ber of these pieces are s u p - 1 mi. 8-ii’l p roof w ilt bo in ailo Ix’foro C. It. H ol- T O W E D THIS EVEN ING . ! date early in .April. At th a t linn; it ia rtioii last M onday and Geo 1'" Craw posed to lie in circulation m th is ! I d m , V . a. C o m m issio n e r nt La!:« P r e c in c t. ! likely B ranton will be sentenced. ! U itu g la s c o u n ty , O regon o il A p ril 22, ISSA viz: (lerk. T here was no opposing ticket. vicinitv. j i i s e n r L. B rew ster o n If. K. No. SI4S. for th o NW T here is to he a wedding I n Odd PO IN T TERRACE SC H O O L. H N i's '. SK'- y N W 'i, b o l s i , 6 A 7, S ec. 1, Tp. Anvor.e desiring to purchase a new Fellows’ building this evening tlie con- SURVEYED ORDERED. I 2il 8 ., R 12 w est. sewi: g m achine may find it to I,is in- tra d in g parties being W arren A m lrews ■ l i e n s nos th e f o llo w in g w it n - is e i to p ro v e fere ’ „ call at th e W est office mid and M is H attie Howe. P oint Terrace, O re, Miircli 0, 1899. I 1.1s c o n tin u o u s r e s i d e n c e u p o n a n d c u lt iv a t io n A com m unication was receive 1 by ^ K e r ta in w hat we offer in th a t line. The ceremony will be performed by To tlie editor of t l i e W est , S ir; i c f sa lii h in d , v iz : The following article appeared in some of the settlers 011 upper .Smith t s . II.C o lv in ,J ,. E. Anderson, of Flnrviioe, Or­ Board ; \Ve understand th a t th e Mon- C H Holden. rivor a few days ago from Binger H er­ e g o n , C h a r les M itc n e ll a n il (te o r ie W eal o f A da, tiie W est of February 24th. y0<-colonv w ants a bonus of ¡$109,090' T l i e W est extends congratuiations. ! O reg o n . " T l i e following » a s s e n t to us from mann commissioner of the gcuural laud J. T. IIKIUGK», from our citizens to build th eir electric ’ ADVERTISED LET TERS. office saying th a t tlie interior depart P oint Terrace with a request th a t it R e g i -Ter. I? i n b v d to E ugene. They will probably i m eat had ordered the survey of two The following letters rem ained un- 1 be published. gat fooled. NOTICE FOR P J3L IC A T IO N . “ A m eeting of tlie school lioard was townships iu the vicinity of Gr.l |a»st R F h ire u c e school reopens M onday. Mr , claimed in th e Florence postoffice for held M onday noon Io consider th e office, viz : tow nship 19 soutli in ranges Land Office at Itisebnr«, O-^gnn. hJEimnons having given good eatisluction ; tlie week ending M arch l l tl i, 1899: i question of expelling Jo h n B rynd from j 9 and 10 west. Mi»r; h 6 , laPP. Mauil Brow n. |M t term baa been engaged for th e coin- These tow nships were surveyed about N o tic e i» h ereb y th a t th e fo llo w h itf- school for knocking off a h at. A fter an Any person calling for th e above wiil three m onths w ith an increase in investigation it was th o u g h t by tho di - ! four years ago but tlie survey waa r e - ' iinm ed ««‘tiitfr b a - f i l e I n o tic e o f bin J u totiliou please ask lor advertised. j to ru:;ke Haul pr »of in «ntppnrt o f M« c lu im and salary. : rectors tlint tlie teacher had been ra th e r jecled by tiie depnrtinsur. I th a t «aid |»ro.»f w ill la* o v u le !>efore C , H. H o b W m . K yi . k , postm aster. hasty and th a t expulsion would lie too I d en V. S. C tH n iaissloiier a t K L uance. O regon , inetv per cent, of $iie people have T H E M A R G U ER IT E . on April 21, isw, vi»; John F Dick on H. K Ko. j severe a punishm ent for th e offense.; CATA RRH CANNOT BE CURED* jiie kind of Ii inner in tlie blood, and ' 7v72 for the S»48E%, 24; NE\¿, . 25. ! He was allow ed.to rem ain in school.” causes m any diseases. H ood’s ^Tp. 1»’ S., IL 11 w o-t. Chas David lias been a t work this ! We tlie directors th in k it our duty to I W ith local epplicnttoup, ns they t an* Irsaparilla cures these diseases by H e u«»e.M th e f d lo w in g w itnoN W ato prove Mono who are engaged in any o f tho much tnic:>l week fixing np th e boiler mid engines of make th is statem ent amt give th e tru e j not reach th e neat of the»i?ioape. C nlarrli h is c o iitfittio iis re j ! le.icc upon a n d c u lt iv a t io n Ipelling tlie hum or. facts iu th e 1 use. pumuitH can succeed w ithout reading and o f, said la n d , vi« : 1 tlie M arguerite which weie dam aged by Jo h n Brynd was suspended by ttie ' jri 4 bino t or conatiitiojihl (liMeiwe, mid ■ .ast Suiwlay was Mrs R a th ’s 38fh fire last fall. He luis p u t a brick found­ teacher for p asitively refusing to obey ( in order to cure it you tnuat i.tke in t e r - ' Itobert B u y, o f L in n e u s, Or., J a m es E B ay, studying thia standard Mngazine of Sciences Id ifa y cite A ck erly and F rank C o n d o n o f Hlbdny and in honor of tlie event tier ation under tlie boiler for g reater p r o - ’ tlie teach er's reasonable order to carry , n.d reniu lie«. H - i H’. h C ttarrh Cure is j uerta, Oregon. biily planned a surprise party for her and mochanical Arts. It is illiiHtrated with lection against fire. J T. R Rina 2«, in some wood for use iu the scliool room taken internally, and sets directly on gnday evening. Q uite a num ber spent H»r i ■ ‘ter. Geo. H Colter comm enced w ork on! during the afternoon. the blood and mucous surfaces. H all's i evening th ere and all had a goixl all modern Jcttte o f latest in volitions in all th e cabin of th e boat Tuesday. Tlie j W hen he refused to obey th e le a d er C atarrh Cure is not a qu ick medicine. gie. new cabin will be extended forward some words followed, wliicli it is not It was prescribed by one of (tie host NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the branches o f mechanism, and Its fund o f A le tte r was received a few days ago so as to give an o th er room for passeng­ physicians in this country for years, and at tlie necessary to repeat here, and L an d O ffice, K'Hcburr. knowlcdgo’is inseparably connected withjin- tun Mr H araldson who visited the ers in front, of tlie engine room . By close ot scliool in tlie evening tlie : teseti- and is a regular prescription, it is com­ X.*hT’>«r- 2. P . » . inslaw with Mesaers. Beck and Tylnen (Ids change th e l>oat will have accom­ posed of 'I * h ist tonics know n, comliin N o tic e i« hereby u r . f n th « i thn fo lic w ine« ventors and mechanics. Sold with T u s m odations for q u ite a num ber moro er suspended him from school, On the ist w inter sajdng th at lie inten d s to of people. purifiers, name«! « 'tiler b a r fil»<1 n o tic e o f hi« in te n tio n | following Monday wo m et and lèi re- e i with tlie liest blood W est at clubbing rates.’ j to in ik e fln a J pro >f in «iipp^rt o f h i« c .l« in i, m id j ite m tiere ttiis spring IM PRO V ED TRAIN S E R V IC E . instate him on him promise to be acting directly on the uiitcoilS surfaces, ’ that «aid proof will '« c made»«’« re H H«»l- J flie perfect com bination of ttie two , d e n U. H. , , jrlougli shall I * im m ediately discluirg- Pacific will inau g u rate double train ser­ J G W isdom ! N W '.a n d lo t I a m i 7 , -^* f4. I p. 19 H., K. 12' for testim onials, free. d bem use tiieir service is no longer vice between P ortland and all points ; T A S tekar . ' W vr L F J Cheney A Co Pro|is. Toledo, O. •quired.” T his affects about 2.^ men. Directors of scliool d istrict nuinlmr 28. H»- m im e* ♦he f«ir»*viiv? w il' ic •(.« to prove east. T rains will leave Portland at 11.30 j ldn cn iH i’v w i , rH m leu cc npnu n d « jJtivu U /n Sold by Druggists, price 7oc. The boiler was removed from the a in, and 11 p m daily. These tr a in s ' G O A T BREEDERS ORGANIZE. ! o f w ild la n d , viz* , j H all's Family Pills are the best. Lillian a few days ago. AAhi'e it was will both lie .‘irsi class and fully equipped Isaac R TInfvo',ci J. F lin t, J. Sf. Y o n » " This m onthly magazine is ono o f the 'v ery liukc I’rv e in ct, O regon. ! a m i F. 2 . K root o u t a 1 mspended in the air eome of th e ap;mr- in every respect, heated by «tenni, P ursua nt to a call quite a num ber of M A R SH A L’S SALE* J. T. H riiofs , nnd ritns gave awav and tlie boiler «Iropped vestilm ied, stan d ard P ullm an citizeus residing ic. (lie vicinity who are best, printed ¡n this country, and ir sold lictçi s u r ieveral feet striking on th e ground. tourist sleepers, dining cars and colonist interested in goat ruitring, m et Saturday sleeping cars, w ith through sleeping B y v ir tu e c f « w.»rr«nt 1.“ vued b y th e R ecord er i !Eortc.nately no dam age was done. to all subscribers at rales w ithin thu at 11 o'clock at th e office of C II llu ld en 1 o f ti»” T‘» w np f F lo rtiio ” , > m ty o í Ln:ie a n d , NOTICE l - o n PU BLIC A TIO N . . , , , , , cars to Missouri R iver poi nts via Bill- Tl.e governor lias appointed D , th ho e service now for th e purpose of organizing a goat Ftute if O rejjan, to m e dlr« *; (»*•!. Fehriicry 27ih , I ability oi all to pay. It is finely illu s breeders association. 14W. rom iN R iidiug io«* to le y y <»n th e real « Tx’e of Portland superin ten d en t of tlie L^nd Office fit Rowebnrg. Oregon, offered by th e N orthern Pacific un- G Dowell was called to tlie chair anil efltut«» of th e d e lin q u e n t property o w n er* nninert trsted anti presents the nnmes o f famous Fehruary u, 1W?. l>enitenti:iry, L B G e e r of Marion conn- equalled by any o th er tran sco n tin en tal on th e d e lin q u e n t «•«•»‘flu en t ro ll o f th e M id N o tic e 1» h ereb y g h e n th a t th o /o lle w in g F II Rogers was clioten secretary. | ly , state land agent. J W Bailey of T ow n o f F lo ren ce i >r averf^m enfd m a d e o n the r n m e d s e ttle r I um D ied n o tic e o f In ’..«tonilo fine. The only line to the Buffalo authors as contributors. 1118 W « » On motion it was voted th a t a cum- P ortland, dairy and fool comm issioner, fo r c le a r in g !•» m a lto fiunl p r o c i I’ su p p o rt o f hl« ( ¡a im , a r-i H um p territo iy . S ta th a t your tickets m ittee of five lie Uppoinred to prepare a 24lh d ay o f Februnry, Front, L in co ln and H am H n str e e ts tu L P W Quim by of P o rtlan d , gam e and read via the N orthern Pacific to all anti the Cosmopolitan are sold »t re-, fhA t « a id p to n f w ill b e ma«Ic b efore € if. il e i A d d itio n tn F lo ren ce. f«er»»ther w ith t h e <•©«♦•, forestry w arden. Ross E Moores of pointe east of soutli. F o r further info:- constitution and by-laws. The chair in terest and cR p etn eg o i c »llectl >n, I ftaet d e n , V fl. C o m m i ««loner o t L «k e P r ecin ct, duct'd rates at this oCficeJJ V cur.laa C o., O regon , nn March W, I v o , viz. appointed Messrs. Dale, F rem ont, Isen- ffialem, printing expert. rjkrt .1 d u ly le v ie d on th e io llo w ln g p iece» or m ation call on addreaa, for tre» rifc1, lioot, Coi ein and F lin t as sucfi com­ o f lau d a« *et forth hi M*id d elirt juu it ««« f««* F ra n k E G oudc on H F. Wo. N W ’ i a n d lo ts 2 ,3 A I. »ec. ?.l, T p. 10 11. 11 R M1M1 BPiiv, C aptain S te ta r informed us a few days m ittee. They im m ediately retired to in cu t roll ly in g * ” d l«ci’c< in « n d T o w n c f W vat G eneral Agent, Eugene, Or. ago th a t eome of Iii3 early apple trees prepare th eir report w hich was present­ F lo ren ce, C o u n ty o f I am * «ud *rn te of i»rei., Oregon 1 eginnii.g O Dowell was elected president »ltd M"«*»*'« A d d iti’ffi to F lo r e n c e $7.26. cT tvfl eoLACiTon« w intra r. » bryt ’ ie «»' ’ “ Ih e H to r y c f th è p n h ip td u o * '' by if u m t They m utar us and forca us into the are: » , Lots N o K and 17 in B lock N o 4 in The “ Death K n e ll" lias l>een sound«! Out. 31st, 1898 and ciowing M arch 3rd, F H Rogers secretary and treasurer. A 4 o < or IJaK tead. ” ,' ì » oì * ì » »ned bv ‘. h e t to v e r itn e n t a.» Mona • A d d itio n to F l o p . . . >1 v>. to A pothecaries’ Drug*, ami a sign ” Tu 1890. Whore like gladiator«, we must fight for them " PROM OTED- O fficiai U h lo r i'iii io tb a ,Var l)vpart'i»»-,,(. f h ? . LnU No. 15, 19 a n d W in M o k N o. 4 In 81 b cj» wa . ripe»» in arm y en icn « n» da'. Fr«n- I-et” will 1« in m any wimiows of Doc­ Days taught MoTz“ * A-lrtiti » n to Flor Uf C f 4 00. t . •<», « t i tu e P n e it o * « 3 hcta I A fo m tt, in Such 1.« the exalted.m otto o f the Arena, and, tho 531 to r nffiiT» si nee th e ArxT J axe Home W hole attendance th è hnMphal» ut 11 »itolulu, Li II >ng K o n g , in , L de No. Ii, 7 e n d « in B lo ck No. 3 la T J b ritt who hss been second M ilit­ t l.e Ami riran t r n e h « a l .'Jaitilv, i.t th è iu ru r ' 193 Remedy lor ieuiwfe trouble* lie« been W hole num ber of days absence Morse*« A d d itio n to F lo ren ce |7.2X entire* contents of th is m onthly m agazine ire ut cani,»« w irti A g ù ln s H n , on th*v d'X?'« <«f lu e 1 a n t keeper a t H eeeta lig h t house for A nd on SatH idav th e d a y o f A pril. 1*29, O h w p « a 'M iib l> ew ev , a n eli« , th è ror.r vf t h è I p!a<-ed no tlie u.oket. Every m an o r |F is ito r a batti«* at (h ¡a d f M en ila , lto n a n a a i >t aa«.»u. - over a year |>ast, l«ft k^ouday for Tat- • t th e hw t e ». D rop a'.l tr ia h y n « officiu w»u b u o i« . fully illn«trated circu lar, free. Address Average daily atten d an ce B*a»eof Oreffoti, 1 e i l ! w ll th e a b o v e »Ic-critc’d A Idre-«, r T Uwr'x-’r, S e e ’y , & U t keeper nt tbnt place His friends liere r m l caw *» e t p u b lic e c te ilo a tn th e M gb e«t O utfit K xsinination was lield s t tlie clo-e of thinkers is a group o t Interesting men and T he A nnt J a n e Medicine Go , 'oom * 13- Itisur nee Bid;'. Chicago. tlie t e r m with grgsl results. H ighest are glad ’ > se* him advance i and as tiie bid d er for ca eh aubjeet to re L o n p ti >n to la tlsfy 14 Lewis R nilding, P o rtlan d , Oregon. WAKTRt»- VkVr.MAt TRV4T79R71IV F’tBaoil« IK th e «aid a a rr a it , L ’o«t«, ititeriM t a n d a c c r u in g wom en, and their thoughts nre worthy tho average, risa* «d O tho HansOii 9 4 ', per position brings with ir q u ite an inergnse th<« *>tn»e to m a n a g e o'M bn h u r a In t h e ir o w n CcrU. a n d nearby co u n ti« « . it i« m a ln lv ot&ee jv o r« cent. T h e p iite given tn tt.e one » b o in salary it is tlie m ote welcome.t<> Mr Dated at H -» r* O re fo n tbit 27th day of co n d o c te 't a t h o m e. d a U rr a tra lg b t a consiflerution oi a,l people. The Arena rheumatism by taking held th e n o-t h ead-niaiks « as aw arded S titt. y ea r a n d HXpen«e»—d c iln it« , bow a/kte, n o m o re r tk rw y . i w». rv> le«N »aiurv. M on th ly |