----- u uTiH, n ie ¿ eg J SJ Ali un i (OBIOIhAL AND SELECTED.) adopted uiereiy authorized the president as , DO, March 8, 1898. to appoint a commission oí engineers, to I When tha record' is carefully gone be composed of civilians or officials, in * The time when we most need faith is "agon road within six mouths an ' ovcr, it will b* seen that tb« fifty-fifth i bi.8 d‘8Cre,‘on-*° investigate the Mie. when tilings look Ida k all around us. Keep natural amt confided secrets. Be W . I I . \ V F \ T H P R Q n V ’’"'»er Under the claims of the old con«P*aa> “» » gone to join the great lir:l8”a a,1d Panama canal routes and unwilling to receive them when there is much more that Mi“erta' 11 upon v.hat terms the govern- » ' . , . . * A Oregon Central Military Wagon ar,,,y oi bss-besns, did muc E ditor and Proprietor. Road Company. “ , I . «a» coiumen'dati ’ompntiv — worthy -------’ " ot "“*"™en' d "tio„ than was menl CRn obtain control of either of no obligation to do so, for secrets are oprn> ■* ' 's • ' ' florae weeks made the f I open e - ° to censure. °’nSU" - It« total , « P P r o p r i - j / e q n c s t the president to like redhot plowshares To keep secrets — - - - 1 <■ . ' ago . he ations-—more than u billion and a half recommend legislation, based on the under the cross fire of questions and Florence, Orc. jijar. 1J, lh'til. court a proposition to sell the road of dollars, was at first glance sjsrtling. 0* !**• oonunlssion, to the nest curiosities which harass the world is to tliecountv. The court evident- hut war is eipensive mid river and congress. 1 hie legislation was obtained not easy. A FINE CLIMATE The robin at your door on a fine ly considered hia title shady and harbor and public building appropri- by a united lobby maintained by the morning seems to be expressing himself Poople residing on the coast, when would not entertain the proposi- 8110118 are Ix>Pnl"r. m the neigh bon! jods i ’*na,n* Canal Company and the Mew , »here tbe money is spent; ns well as in \ ? rk »yndieate that claims to have a with lavieli confidence; but, to a patient they read of cxtrenic cold and blizzards : neighborhoods which hope to secure ' «y»<**u'°n for the Nicaragua canal. To listener, his 6ong has something of Ihe in the winter and cyclones in the sum- ?’•*« Register says concerning it: similar ones hereafter. Congress, with I’reven« definite legislation was mutoaily exuberant frankness which is the most m et to which the states ‘east’ of the Those who are acquainted with almost its lust breath, made a play that *’cne|il'i;d to these parties, but from now impenetrable disguise in the world. R o k j Mountains are subject, naturally the eiuly working- o f the Militarv is little short of childish. It is contained 0,1 l*,e-v will be working against each The conciousncss of clean linen is in ' m gm iulate themselves on being fortu- p o a ,l r.( 1 , ' e i i „■<-I» I 1(04,1 P - t W , a *ie Pof!s<>tiHii>ii o f I lie property, b o i s ro B la m e . by providing that no more thsn »3:0 a j has carried many a man through the •« n d Michigan in which a number of r h o lo a d h a s boon sold and resold ton shall he paid for armor, and tiiati emergency, in widen a wrinkle or a rip 1 mca [«rishca. liven from the Wiliam- a n d has flaunted various titles at n., contracts for ships shall be made __ , Kidney trouble has become so p reva- would have defeated him. «tie valley »m e reports that in some its mast to cover ld d»hr„ „ ..a cover ti up n o old debts and tiniil contracts for armor has been made. Ient «bat it is not uncommon for A rusted nail placed under a coinpass, ' a child localities the peach and some varieties freeze the bJI b.ll went went from from tho tho senate to f« * ° K" ---- • afflicted with weak kidneys, will sway it from the truth and lose the 1 out small stottk h o ld e rs. ) When ,T,ien ,,ie be 1 born •d prune trees were killed by the cold weather in February. Here on llm 1 S° 1110 ol »»les w ere m a d e i ’* n',1,,omed the construe-) H «*'• child urinates too often, if the arjosy. Even the small cause of anger W « coast little if any damage was done to ” n , l p r ‘i,,i”’U'f?nnblo methods, 'and fruit last winter though the mercury i ' « W was charged more than ,' ★ IKr * CAPS ° 0 BOvernnie«* *'r‘nor p la n t- » ’’rice scalds the flesh, or if, when the and disgust will break the bonds o f' " r<‘iU''ieS “ •b°°U amity ’mongst friends and wreck their price named, ! a ,‘l” to eontrot the passage, and it is'yet noblest purpose. was tow n to withiii nine degrees of zero onco with having tam pered w ith ''but ’that rls»«. . ... - uno niornimr. At. n,v i__. ii._ •• - ‘ll,1|cted with bed bed-netting, ono morning. At the time of .i._ the coldest tho affair« of tb« ~ I 1 < - 8 «»« struck out in con- affl,cted wetting, depend upon Tln-re is nil Important truth that we ‘ '— '.■'iwknown h.r.. sin'i. tb i, ' J » t , . ? »f » m p , „ y . A, M w * h e , 11,. » W . .„ „ j,,,,th . must hear In mind, ignorance of the was eettled by white people the mercury « “ eC*i" g ° f t h ° I'oar<1 o f <««*«- * othin« c'’nnected with the closing ,roubk>’ and the step should be to- kind of seed sown has nothing to do -I.- . .. . - - III.. ..... I six degrees a . ' zero. . ' ' ' ! !«0r8O{ the > 1 ¡«1' • ■ P o rt- • bou™ ' -------- of * ‘•t’ligress gilvo pleasure "bowed above W’W com Pa " y Deld i to a wards the treatm ent of these important with the harvest. Whether we sow in It 1» true that occasionally there is ,a u d y e a ,'S ngo h c Hto9 d up in th e “'i’* "”’ nu,” ber of Persons than the org“ liS- Tl"s unpleasant trouble is due I ignorance or in full knowledge ol what ««»uidsrable of rain in this country, lmt o f th e m e e tin g a n d w k i| ( ‘'°,,fil',natio11 uf «he naval promotions to a disease.! .ondition of the kidneys we are doing and of what the result ! the impression held by many tluit one i learH •» bis eves plead for r i e c v 1 tllL* RUn!Ue ’Mt 'bly “f tbe ' ' bl# ■ ........... . S - H , ¡ » h i - » , ™ ™ . , . ■ „ « „ ¡ X 5. 1” ' " ’" ' rear I’eol’le 0UPI“Jee. The very fact that we fail on earth to _ If the adult lias rheumatism ; pain 18 wrone The T l i i * , . j ad,,lir!’1. ‘«o numbers ahead of Samp, thirteen months rain reach our ideal is presumptive proof of total precipitation during a year - ° eXi'S tonc‘! o f ^ 0 ^ n , inntead of two numbers behind d“ ,la cbe in the back ; if the water pa greater heii tiian ili ...m e'¿tì.er parts of COrpO''iltioU h a s o ftc » '»«wn q u es- him, as the first promotion' sent in, j °8 *n irrcSu,a«’ quantities; or at irregular our immortality and a future in which to grow not a future of probation— the country and but little more than in fionod, mid for year» it j)(l9 beon which the senate hung tip, would have i 'lllturval8 or bag a bad ordor; if it etn »ins j and our growth in the Christian life ad eb n n . Public opinion sometimes ' ” ^ e l tb . color of rust; if j bere will be marke(1 a many of the states. seemingly dead and Intried, and , gets on the wrong side, but in this cage ! ‘ f 8nel1! ,f ,he|'‘’ nre P uty or dark ■ Ol.risti-u Men ran work out of doors hc.-c much j itH roHurection at this time Ian character. .0 1 .1 lm .ast.n wiili<.iidapp.or'lo „ ¡» “ “ I - " '" ” " " ! °"r the « , time during a« t ,.- the ¡ id iò t i of the senate, a,'° U,e eBase anJ “ «’cd doctoring. 1 >1,1 1 I , I ,. . . - . 1 ' • *. • II I. . serious discomfort, THE PACIFC PRUNE .urn,iter he need loose” b u U in ie ’t'ime m i! aU? tlU ng eItili t(> t b e ' c o u n ty to i «'bid. I.rougbt before tl,e p„ifiic fact. P " ”“ 1 of 8O'»° «'¡«eases may be .«count of rainy weather. People ¿om i ” T ' 1" '0™’* 5 “‘j ’“ ,b r ‘be old t,iat compelled the administration to ' ,ayed wil,out d«"gor. not so with hid­ Register: A dispatch from Salem, ing h ire U n ’drouth stricken sections i ''° ft,lC O m pttny’a clain><' "P ™ ‘ b «> .7™” ?.‘'æ °‘ of ' “ n / “ ’m L . says some orchardists have alresdv Dr Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great i begun grafting new stock onto the) the navy department, which had in- realize tlie'heneflts of the rain aa there rwadbod kidney, liver and bladder rem edy) ! stumps of fruit trees injured by tiie ! j veigled the secretary of the navy into is always enough moisture to mature the ' ARt YOU AhT 'm ik in g recommendations not justified ,,ro,"l’tL' cures the most distressing • Pacific A few are using buds of' tbe ma ■ reps. ' >. • prune a new variety. This J III ODD M O W ? ! by the records. “All’s well that ends CaS‘‘8' It8 ,,,ild a,,d extraordinary effect I prune possesses'some c ,.,. i 'be chnrnc- ; j well” , b.it this case might not h have ” 8° ° n re“lized- a v e ,. ' ™ ‘ ° ° ld by druggists «eristics of both r;.e Peiite and Italian ' TO ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION. ended well if public opinion had not ) in ,n fifty-cent iifty-cent sizes. sizes You ......... may .......... have a ! '«as been often predicted that it’ If so you should take and read Az. 1 .. ____ raised a fog. Everybody also rejoiced 8i‘mpI° b®“ 1®n,,d pampblet telling all < kvl'l " l‘" na,el- v P'ove to be the best, ToJudo Bladn pacific odd fello w when Dewey was made full admiral ! about il 8en‘ by mail. Address Dr ! L ?''„ ' . 7 " . ? rebardist8 nr«-’ 1 A monthly magazine published in From W ashington comes the in- but it should have been done the first : " ‘"»hamion, N Y. When Reli’c nor the Ital’hu/is 'well adanud to ' formnHon th at the propoHition i s !,>orlla,ld’ a,ld oxelusively devoted to hour of tho session of congross. instead j ” n t,n g Ule2 ti0n ,b at you rcad this OreK°n ’ “¡I and climate. At present the . . . ! «be interests of Odd F. Fellowship, both beh» Ü discusseli of settling down the locnI j Italian is the (begun' prune, and has gcnera| ; ! generous offer in the W fst . I of in one of the last. representation in congress’ mid in Fellow publication in V ' 0 ¡been comparatively successful. Yeti regon and is | l b ” litlle versc wl,ic*' w‘>8 incorporat- j RHODES ON EXPANSION. j 1 ‘.?,re ,ls “ de""«»d for some variety that ! the electorial eoilegn of those states in its eighth year.' ’ cd in the farewell speech of Senator i wd yield more surely than even the) which, by conntitutionai am en d - ; have made arrangements wij,h Wilson of Washington, who joined 8 F Chronicle: Italian. It is hoped that Ihe Pacific, or ) a . it is sometimes culled, the Willamette mcnt.-i or by Hini]i1e Htiitu'teR, have ' tll° Publisher by which we can club Senator Warren of Wyo., in protesting I Cecil Rhodes mistakes the mo.lern (w.l fin „,e ..,or^ fe(t against the treatm ent appropriations for aP‘rit of American expansion. d isfra n c h ise d a p o rtio n 'o f th eir I Follow’’ with Tine W kbt At the ncific is said to have originated at ' Mount Tabor. citizens. The authority to' do tl.is ' “ r“‘e *® bulievc cvery Odd Follo'v tho west received in tho conference on ' out8ct w«= went in to control barbarians. •nriuns, *1°““ « labor, amt is deecribed as bein', the river and harbor bill, especially that ' '»rgely because wo had to < fc > so " ', ‘ ' . i • * would be glad to accent to pro- of about Hie same color as the ’ Italian is explicit, and is to he found in r! , P larger, sweeter mil n r , ,, ‘ I T“° I,r,ue of T'«* W est i. »1.50 per providing for irrigation, which was ) ,ect ourselves from their inroads and in! but - s heavier , ° i ’ than the Italian, "mi earlier. It n n " ° ¡ d (quires r i ie th e fourteenth am endm ent to th e ; year and the P dropped with oUiers, will not soon be ) ««nite, by a bend of civilization, widely more skd?;, .'"Z, * but ’Ut '.U, price of "Pacific Odd ' , .. «i mi • ! f°rffottvnl "wing to its aptness. Mr g r a t e d parts of this country between | '«• be a good shipper in t ,'e ' eei conKtitaition. H itherto this p a rti-) Fellow’ IS $1,00 “ per year, but we will ai stale, nrren said the westerners were repre- which the barbarians liaj their w ay .; i,n'1 doe» well on cither culur proviso has been a i|on>r“ ‘•»'■«'«ed in t h e - c o n n i? T h e thinketh, a n n o im c n tliinketh.” e n to f Representative N orth b u titj/„ i|. Some weeks ago Branton, the Would radically afle because the house refused lv niteet the repre­ murderer, protease, I religion and last «<•»<•-*. p f ‘‘benevolent M M n X T o t,”^ »»vages are not the brought, ','" 1 ,hc «“ '"o n ly , was dramatic, p ith o t- would be imperialism OF COS?. S ee o u r sp ecial c o u n te r. D rv C o o d s , * G r o c e r i e s * a n d * N o t i o n s . M E A T M A R K F T ie n e fiJ a X s bun.hiy three more of tho inmates were *«' ^ ' ‘»'«ler tbe resolution declaring »ought. bH',li!“,d- The fact that these last l.a.l ,b<> Bua,B ui fua«’ representatires who x «r is Mr Rhodes happy in his proph- bee" <’onviu<*''1 »('crime and sentence,! to ,' nc<;uPto' 1 *r'ny coaimissions, to h ive «’ey that the U -“ 1 " ■ * United States will take *W°’ ll" cc *"ld ,uur >’•««■• in the penU l* v'“ for,‘)i ted, that, owing to his charge of Mexico and Central and South f ho , > c o « lo r c l l voters, an d k „ f it . L’uro- * I ,>cople - P '« «o . m v love e a n at d veneration for the con- Amere-a on the plea of giving , hem tin lo r« i lon‘"»rT. ’t wi ’ ? 11 7 cause to view view thefr their « K' - 1» i and veneration for the con- Amori,-a on the plea of iina is doing the sa„m t h i n - ' Ti . S " > ".'i ’ “T ,0" ’ ‘>’Q d,,ubt l,e 'vo'’,'l “ o longer attem pt to ««»I govern ,n u ts . Such « course ‘ 3 “«f"1 thu act* which FOR CASH ONLY 08217289 F L O R E N C E sentation . from the South. There MisbisHippi, EoiiWnnil and South Cninlinu have, by constitutional provision, practicallv disfraiiobiscd f % Afc O .W .H U R n ’S CHEAP CASH STOHE! 1 b " " 61' S““ ” “ “Ot "?ekine out non' MAPLETON NOTES. ! barbarians, as are the English', upon | which to impose its sovereigntv X.»-!« B t a CoKitEseo.suE\T. ! H Hkely t0 da •«>• Thqt p d ic y '¡ miJ,ie3 pilicy implies imperialism and colonies; while th e ! Snow covered •be ground Tuesdu spreading of our borders means, as the morning. POR a SHORT TIME Wise Phelps returned from F iP" d" - ' " « ‘n’1 went t„ |,is ' '/ e n e a home , fn han creek. I A pleasant party wss given by Miss i/u m b ^ d n ^ X X r i m i a select The directors o, Pulnt T J u s t O pened. Goods as Reoresented. in its baldest tri*A !,avv «‘ .gigul Mi-s t , , " 8’ S° n '° ,ea*'fl *"•’ "mer term’ ,.f «■!*" Í Her Pr«’>'«’nt term , i. •>aea m that district closes April 7lh. Mis-es O.ive K ,„H.Ie, x ice returned horn- from E : gene last Week, where in,., |,avf, |^,cn al lending — school. T.iei - >c principles upon which the «■— = Amori- I « f H«vcu rcprcscutativcs, "'ron«-dui'i« it ¡s “ self l,ec,‘ votisl upon, it upon, •pHHCUtHtlves, as ut Itt pre- tl“'ir ........... .wcauue it «»cause ¡s wrong, would Ic*” government was founded. it would I1'11«1 government was founded. This '««'I adopted without question, country sometimes finds itself in sent, Souti I Carolina Would Olllv Or beC*"*e ll,ej* “U” t , "®!r '" ‘I,r‘*°'i passe j- co,,,,wl«>enec of it? if they ^ « n » « -M r Bailey’s contention th at the «¡on of alien lands by proce-s of i indem- have three , and „ tile r s tu te - «¡h i i . l i t . ax it li were easu I fr,»,,» lull now ........ , , they const iiultnn prohibits ..........., ... as in tl.ecsse of Cuba, it tries 'ere re released from jail wool,I co;‘St'tutioi. a member of - con- »'«y. , bgt, H im ilar eonstilutioiiH ivould he cut strive to live ' as lie. toes good ciiizens or , ktrc" •'"■‘••ng an other o lice under the down in proportion T h e repre-, " u‘il.l they continue' their ol.l course? j «'"•eminent is conceded to be sound. Hcntalion in lh 11) electoral college " e ca,,not "«o Into the future to know I'11« h | xiii a vote as to whether th at w o u ld u n d erg o ii corresponding ' ' bal u “'v will do or whether or not l’'8ol,i«ion should be considered, the professions are ‘ S81»»»«’. genuine But the r ° l’"biniy o f ’ ’Fighting Joe” Wheeler reduction, anil the ’‘solid S outh’’ 1,n’;',’8"',1!' a" B R would go’ „Ut of business uM I, ' P o r",M ,,0,,oi‘’v«'noi.oef the crimina! “ "•»«^ »•'« a-tdes against taking it ,,P. b u sin e ss an . 1 i ass may >o the means of cringing bringing ""lien the senate, senate, b, by a vote vote o of i K 47 t to o o 8,1*tvsn,an looks , forward to a a policy •Intel n.it,in ,- ” nun inc ““ ” j r "'a r ' «0 policy I.tu n u n tu g f a ito r p r r a ije ,,, great good to the World; n ,e students H adopted Senator J..rak er’s that wo dd take them by t |ie t |,rOiltt '»«•'>« «'• «be army bill, deci ,rir - tll‘ Uke ti,eT r“'*s- ’»«king- ' I have a gu »1 field for labor ami we wish »lent to the army bill, , ....................' .........-_____ >.... . .. . ’ “ ' b“‘ “ '"T*1 t0 vd'„e i„. T h e re is no injitMtoc tu this, tl.cm .„ c e s s in then , I'Wtsto improve I’r-periy franchises or concessions of 1«'» by the force of utiractioa th at however, tb present statua is un- tbe condition of their fellow-m.i mi . «ny kind should bu grjiitud in Cuba «*'«-’ United States will take neighborin g during F s occupation of the island, 8ta««’s, if it gets any at all, not by fair. F nd 1er it states w hieb deny t Ti\ I » ;i iroR> « „ fore, J- w. C A R M XN * PROPR-'FTnp é-à . oft« t(\¡ó * * WVIARî p F ^ \G T I (A h Û R E J ilV E Cantes Forth W ith Point Forward. _ T h e thorn point o f disease t-v .m ache cr pain. B u t the blood is the feeder o f the ^ h o le body. Pbrify it w ith Mood s Sarsaparilla. Kidneys, liver and stomach will at ci,-,, m.., b .L '1? ,r *«’:h' «*'•' ensin M t> »I« a,l|onrn sn„ 1 u . u i . iiu « Sia : . C h i,aun. M »iter. Sv *•1 w Ithoilt electing i ».-nator, th a tsla te a til b ale t , w ,.rr. .dong « 'tb Imt',me Die s,,,, i , 4 , Ex,.||„¡ncr and senator, but tlivi^tbvy have a represeut- ti e " 't ar for otic year rear «■ »;• ' 's) ,,;l. | III lid •tivn w it Ii iliiee « tves. v.ime. I nk I tam leg rlatu re having f rin , , ti.-sT r,mr of iMentj notes given by the Central PMcilli irt the settlvnieut of tbe governm ent's claim mu,uniting to «♦early twelve m i,hon was paid the sub- ro sn trv a t Vcv, Votk the lOih in»t. Tin, Wx I t,:,. . ,,,r *•!«’ ’' ,ue «odion in th e H ,lines BnHness t O p V I — . ”/ ¡’l’r« ,«,d - This is one of the leading having en-hte« on the « o .ist T I nglish, , , C , -m.,,, cial. stm rtband and lelegraphn d,-psr-„!»nt,a,„l , v offe,- tins Million on easy term ,. i .un ...... " '»«:-»««y »greet to in c, nfe rencc, " id h>ave the m ilter at the beginning of the next -ession of congress just ah mt where it was at the In-gmn ng „I the session iust endisl. The (rien Is uf the ■anal fought hard for legislation that would at least authorize the lay-inning '2iÜÜL"'r k. exiwcssing willin;>ni-»a to <”» L A '-;^ ld ' N° ,h"rn iu Point Wood Poisonbvg Tbs s-..,«,,; X ¡S>t: ,,c v the union will im no aliout, except «In“ 't will n.rt l* by c o ip ie s t of an When be ton» ,« ,» th e b r a s, «holt w e rtv sd in arrogant imixrialisni, wo do not att- opt wound a, San Juan Hilt tw ., n r c k . h e fn « t h . l it srenid h a v e , ,e „ ' -, ^ 4 1 « * # ,o "W i but if Xlr llho b s will considor '« ”'1 it n him n * Wss Hl,Hl , sarsspsrlll» that mud« u n , l , e '««’»" m I atii'u le of the l»».nin,on to- hsoa«» I- A'.s-rcs, Co. G. ¿ J H - 'T T * : * a’d » kindred country u p,,, w llkh ¡, »nsfcmsMm llarra, ks Washington' i> i •rf” Rhmimatis-n „ , , «••I’vnds for almost svsry dollar of its N‘th frnm S *err»> « « « .m Hood’s s r w i r -»ttj»« ’t H ? frw ; ^ i Li ^ h 4 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE prn’perity and »>.««, magnetic- au ra a t - w ould n o, b e srhh" '* lr'‘winK ,b« » * » < o fiisy v u ih a o l H I s w( l r>» I , . — • > 1 . l u » A house and lot in " ,“ l,U' k '>i ¡t immigration away, lie llenada. Tbe «'• use is 1« 2i fevl b»’e mads arrangements by Î * * " i:l that the n o rth « ar I • x,Mnsion a "d o„e ,t orv B„,, a half in height Ab X £ ? . 7 ÏP i, M"l"lhl'» Á m of the l'n .ted s u iv i e W iW V y jg & BBX " »KuarmdwonH I - , o.L'"“ •re * «iti " 1 far»»i», fornivi, the Wck'y an be only n <;,ies- » tion of „ue « to n a .M l,.. .,,, ih. , . „ n i i . i i , * ^ - ....... .. r " r f ’ r tb -r f ir t f e .,1 "’* O nian * 'U » 0 » R M > t»T fur on» veil -¿îk A y m -J' ..yds.«sr .«sin it tM’" lre «' «lii* , T ee.; ’ "T - H r e s , fo> „ »1 of two ivi I i «ars. n ^ [¿ble . m . __. cash . ia¡ vanee. WKriMiftOft dCocd’^ SaUGti)a\ifi^