G EN ER A L S T E A M ER OFFICERS- Steamer Robarts •— Will make apWvt-HHir ................... T . 'f. Geer. fie jre ta ry of S a y ............. ,F . I. D unbar. REGULAR Will make regular D A IL Y T R IP S —— Between---- trips from Florence to Yaquina , ttud. hut many persons uovor attempt | o sing. So it is with birds. Thu eagla icreams. tho owl hoots, the wild goose : honks, the crow caws, but none of these liscordant sounds can be called sin jir* . Do not think for a single , ......... R. S. Bean TH E S T E A M E R With the poet the singing of birds moment that consumption will S uprem e C ourt -j.......... . F. A. Moore Calling at the UMl’QUA. ‘ »leans merry, light hearted joyoustiess, ever strike you a sudden blow. ___ i’olveiton j md most cf us ure poetic enough to Il does not come that way. For passenger and freight rates J tllg t. Second D istrict. J . W. H am ilton j riew it in the same way Birds sing It creeps its way along.' fcecuting A ttorney Geo, M. Brown most in the spring and the early nun- First, you think it is a little — AITLY TO — uier, those happiest seasons of the year, cold; nothing but a little back­ ing cough ; then a little loss ia I while employed in Dost building and iu S Will carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. weight; then a harder cough; i tearing their youug Many of cur most . from Florence to San Francisco. then the fever and the ni"ht musical singers ure silent all the rest of C O U N T Y OFFICERS- sweats. the year; at least they utter only low G L A -R lD IlT E n W ill also bring up freight The suddenness com es when ¡chirpings It is natural, therefore, that you have a hemorrhage. S T A C I E X j I N B J . * » * * * * »»» * * * j lovers of birds should regard their sing­ Better stop the disease while ing as purely an expreasiou of joy iu it is yet creeping. For further information inquire Judge . E. O. Potter. You can do it with the returning spring and iu their hap- — OF — ( ....... . W. T. Bailey I 1 py occupations Leaves Florence M ondays, W ednes- i C om m issioners , Outside of what ore properly classed H . D. E dw ards 1 A. W. BEADLE & CO. days and Fridays. ( ...... ■ is song birds there are many species Clerk ............. .............. ........... E . U. I.ee ; 14 California St A rrives nt Florence Tuesdays T liurs- j that never pretend to sing—in fact, S heriff ..................... W. W . W ith ers ! these far outnumber the musicians. days and S aturdays. San Francisco, California. -------------- — I They iucludo tho water birds of every T re a su re r...........................A. S. P atterson Connects with Steamer and Scott s I I , kind, both swimmers anil waders; all Assessor........... . . D. P. Burton burg Stage Lino for D rain. Also with , tho birds of prey, eagles, hawks, owls Willamette S t. and vultures, anil all tho gallinaceous School Superintendent W. M. Miller Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges tribes,comprising pheasants, partridges, Surveyor........................ . ,C. M. Collier reasonable. turkeys and chickens The gobble of C o r o n e r .............................. W. P. C h eshire the turkey cock, tho defiant crow of the L e X o e e . i E L G E N E -F L O IiE N C E rooster auil oven the musical cull of the Justice of Peace............. . .C . II. H olden “ bobwhito” aro none of them truo Constable............. .......... .. E . A. E vans singing, yet it is quite probable that all You first notice that you S T A G E L IN E . I of these eouuds are uttered with pre­ cough less. The pressure cn cisely similar motives to those that in­ u the chest is lifted. T hatfeeling E. Bangs, Proprietor. spire the sweet warbling of tho song of suffocation is removed. A B lr E dw ard J. Forntar'. R»atlfal Art. C IT Y O FFIC ER S. A n U p S ta in U laokam ltli Shop. sparrow, the clcur whistle of tha robin , Stage leaves Eugene daily ex- i cure is hastened by plscingone of If there is one element ¡tredomluan» As is well known, the Baldwin Lo­ or the thrilling music of the wood eept Sundays, at 0 a. w., arriving comotive works are located iu the heart in all his work, it is the intellectual thrush. S Dr. A yer's Cherry But naturalists have sot apart a very the oity of Philadelphia, whero real d ea r, seroue, well ordered, the art of President W. H . W eatherson i at Florence the day following: largo group as seng birds, uud even estate is valuable. This condition of Kir Edward Poyuter stands out with Pullman I O. W. H urd at 10 a. m. Pectoral Ph ;sier among these there are many species things leads to a great many details in sumo distinction uinoiig the leas consid­ Win. K yle Sleeping Cars that never sing at all. Birds are group­ the construction of the works which ered auil less complete workmanship Board of Trustees Returning-stage leaves Flor­ over the Ches ;st. L. Christensen - ed according to their anatomical char­ would not be thought of under different with which it is so often surrounded. M. Morris Elegant ence daily, except Sundays at 2 acteristics, tho structure of their boues, i circumstanocs, although, as very often Although he himself has been among I / I B anff F re e . bills, feet and wings. And thus wo hsppcus ufter one has accommodated the reformers of his day, the later move Dining Cars ................... Jo h n I. B utterfield p. m., arriving in Eugene the day have the sougloss song birds, looking at himself to circumstances in this way, inents in the direction of personal in i* It is on the Diseases cf the ............................. E. B. Wilson i Tourist Throat snd Lungs. the matter from the standpoint of the the result is found to have no disadvan­ pressionisu have not affected either hia following at 9 p. in. classifying naturalist. — Philadelphia tages, bnt, on the contrary, is found to method or ideal. The new school to Sleeping Cars 1............................ G. C. Cunipton ¡ Wr/fo aa F n d y , which he belonged iu his youth, which bo positively advantageous. Timos. It y u have any com pliant w butever 8 T . PAUL may tie broadly described aa tlie “ neo I and desiro the bent m edical advice v<>u One of tho features of the Baldwin i Single fare - - - - 85.00 can |uBBiblv receive, writ » tho doctor classical, “ has utmost become an “ old“ M IN N E A P O L IS freely. You will receive u prompt reply, works, which is a blacksmith shop, BRUTAL CLUBBING. Round trip . _ _ _ 89.00 w ithout cotf. A', «lre.8*. EORET S O C IE T IE S . steam hammers aud all, is located on ’ school now, bnt he hits seeu uo reason; DR. J . C. AYER, Lowell, Mas*. OULUTH A B low T h a t K nocked F ire and ¿moke the second floor. This shop doee what ! to swerve from the aims and principles Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ F ro m a Negro*» Head. FARGO the Baldwin works call the light I which inspired and guided his eurliest livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. Negroes in the south have a habit o f work It does not do tho frame forging ' efforts, aud he finds it Impossible to be­ TO G R A N D FO RK S |A M. Florence Lodge Xo. 107. sticking matches, toothpicks and ciga­ or other heavy work, although the ' lieve that any new fashion or iudeod auy ju la r omuiuiiieation on secoaj; ! H urd's oflice in Florence. CRO O KSTO N rettes behind their curs, and it is a com­ work done is, as already intimated, sof- I new discovery can alter certain fund» ______ ktli Saturdays in each month. W IN N IP E G mon thing to see one of them, when ficicutly heavy to call for steam ham- [ mental trntha, which inform ull the E. W . C onn, W. M. The Funk & Wagnalls» asked for a match, pull one of them out u.ers. The entire shop contains 87 greatest art works of the past, including H E L E N A and J .L B b s , EitFiEi.n, Secretary. of the closely kiuked wool just over his forges, served by two fans, which aro those of Phidias and Michael Augaia BUTTE ear. Frequently they have a dozen or dtivtn by electric moters. A comploto —Cosmo Moukhouse iu Bcrihner'a more stowed away there. Not long ugo system of exhaust piping for carrying T H R O U G H T IC K E T S T w o W ild c a ts . Of The an Atlanta policeman, whose heat in­ away the smoke is provided, which, to­ A A. It. G eneral Lyons Post, Xo. 58 TO W K f iH s second and fourth S aturdays C H IC A G O cludes “ Rusty ro w ," a favorito resort gether with the vary liberal window ! A Wells-Fargo aacs-«ungeruu the Santo ENGLISH LANGUAGE jnoiitli at 1 :30 p. m. for idle negroes, had occasion to arrest and skylight area and elevated location, I Fe train hud an uuusaul experience. W A S H IN G T O N S. B. G olvix , C om m ander. a notorious vagrant, whose maiu occu­ results iu the cleanest uad lightest , Among the rrttclsa iu his care w«s a COM PLETE J . L. E ukxish , A d ju tan t. P H IL A D E L P H IA pation was figbtiug and draining the shop, when the number of fires is con- ! cage contzinicg two wildcats, enuigued beer kegs left in front of barrooms. S U C C IE N T side-red, thut we have ever seeu.—Amer- j itorn Fall Lnxtk. iu this stale, to Mar­ ____ i N EW YORK This man, as nsual, resisted arrest ioan Machinist. i tin ’s Ferry, (J. The messuuger front BOSTON ANO ALL. whom hu received them said limy had A U T H O R IT A T IV E and attacked the officer fiercely. The W . P e rp e tu a to d g e,, No. 131, POINTS EA8T mid S O U T H been behaving v«ry well, but uo sooner offiocr saw that extreme measures were D le k e ii. s a il C r s lk . h a a k , every 1st and 3d Tuesdays — —------------------------------ was be started ou bis run than they gut necessary and, drawing bis clnb, aimod The last time I saw Dickens was in nth. Members and visiting 1 For information, timecards, map» aud tickets 301,865 Vocabulary Terms a blow nt the uogm's head. Tho result 1808, at the funeral of William Mako Into a torribls Lgbt. The frail bars of in good standing are cordially I etc., call on or write was us alarming as it was unexpected. peace Thuckoray, to which 1 accom­ the cage bent so under their batlerinf 347 Editors an J Specialists attend. A. O. F unks , M. W. _ _____ . mi As the club came in contact with the panied my fe her. Although December, that ho drew a couple of revolvers aud 533 Readers for Quotations itts , Recorder. R. URP HEY* man's bead, just over the left oar, there it was as bright and anuny aa a on miner watched (hi in, ready to fight for bis Ills 5000 Illustrations ______________ : General Agent. Itoom s2and 4, Shelton Block, was a cracking sound, and from the bair day. On getting out at the railway sta­ in case they got loose. When the growls, EUGENE. OREGON. Csst over $960,000 Ileceta Lodge Xo. I l l , m eets tongues of blue, sulphurous flame shot tion we encountered George CrnibsLauk, snarls aud spitting finally and ceased, Appendix of 47,468 Entrlea [W ednesday evening in Lodge A- D C H A R L T O N , I out. The negro dropped to the ground, with whom iu early life Thackeray bad the uieimenger took a Later j aud looked Brence, Oregon. B ro th ers in ! Assistant General Passenger Agent, and the club fell from »ho officer’s studied etching aud whose illustrations into the ccge. Wheiv tiaeie had been ¡tiling invited to a tte n d . 255 Morrison St..'Cor., Sd. ■ nerveless hand, while a look of wild were u feainre of Dickeus* earlier works. two big wildcats, weighing respectively The full number of word* and tenus in AxuitEW B runi », X. G. F o r tla n d . O r. eyed amazement appeared on bis oonn- Cruikahunk was thou in his seventieth 60 and 40 pounds in spite of their different dictionaries for the entire al|.|i>il>et Is W M arion M orris , Sec. RITE FOR CIRCULARS ' tonauce. year. He walked with tis to Kensal gauntuess, there was uow oue sleek 1)0 as follows; S'OMnSTil, 5),009; W orchrstxu Sewing Machines wa manafacture and their Ho had hit people with tbn same clnb Green cemetery, aud tbo day being pound wildcat aud a few hairs aud prices before you purchase any other. ia’,,000; W bbstzb (international), 125,000; C kk - boues of the other. The surviving beast T h e New HoMC Brwjwa m a c h in e C o . ' before— in fact, rather frequently—and warm 1 carried bis overcoat. tuby , (si* volumes. complete,) 225,090: blood bad aonietimM followed the blows, IU R C H D IR E C T O R Y The great temperauce artist was as was scut rejoicing on its way, billed as J. I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor STANDARD, over 300,000; hat uever before had they drawn flame quaint and odd iu maimer aud upjieer- “ two wildosta ’’-—ban Fruncisoo Argo­ F lo r e n o s , O r e g o n . snd smoke. II« was about to leave the uuco as any of his own caricatores. naut. .Sample Pages Free. fTEKIAN CHURCH, Florence, j Go- «.«» deniers w r.nlru in every town place hurriedly, not knowing what he Gsorge, as his intimates called him, A r u n * « « ia a c a r. ra s Sabbath service; Sabbath- W rite for prices and term s to Sun Fran- hud done, when bis victim sat np and porrosaed histrionic tastes aud used to Inventor— I've a grand remedy for o'clock a. m. Preaching 11 OUR AIM—To furnish the beat said reproachfully; “ Go way, inant uppiur as Macbeth aud iu other bkake- brouchitii and cold in tho head. Haw f'iseo. Cal. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of AG ENTS W A N T E D . You douu splodo all my matches mid spearcan chaiaclc-rs ut Kaddler's Wells Would yon boom it if ycu tvera aief ’a supper on 1st Sabbath of accommodations at reasonable swiugo my l.a'r offt-u my hr.id. “ The Hu was associated with Dickens, txi, in Bnsinees Mau—The first step is to April, July and October. I officer was so much relieved that be the amateur performances iu coutwctiiar get the paper» to publish n hygienio ar­ Jy is welcome to all the services. I prices. E . D. BRONSON & broke his record by letting the mau go with the promotion of tbo Gnild of Lit- ticle recoiumendiug people to sleep w ith i piests Christians to make his way iu peace. — Wusliiugiou Btar. Pacific Coast Agents lies known. ern turn uud Art. Cruikshauk was also a open floors and wiudows snd with only I. G. K xotts , Pastor. volunteer officer, uud on tho oocasiou of one blanket on the bed. Then every­ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. W h a t S ta m p , t b . U r n t le m a « . kon.o review a comic hard v/rolo in ul- thing will be ready for yonr advertise­ W. W. NEELY, Prop r. 933 Atarket S t. “ In all questions of manuers ;i younq; lnsiou to tis tcuiperunuo proclivities ment the following week.—A lly Bloper. man should always reiuemts-r that, lines which 1 still recall.* Tables furnished with all the ATTORNEYS while politeness is a good trait to ae. Fuat-/ CruikKiciiik, if yon plcues, delicacies of the season. Wild Gn u horse i , t.-uggy knec.1 quire, courtesy is infinitely belter." Moralints stay IS JUST prate, and doe- ■ t . iaui.b- r- ' Icnrnal. , writes Edward Bek ill Tbe Ladins’ game, fish and fruit in season. Best vooó T tors prose, and U H le M a rb le Im p o rtrU Nnw. C. W O O DCO CK, WHAT Home Joni nal. “ Politeness is uisiiiicni, «•eienr* B lout but courtesy is heart. M ingtiug in good Tho importation cf marble to the front the house accomodations for the traveling THE . top. bnt jn st socioty cau give i;s that veuerr which United ijtates has almost ecstsed. It is MARION MORRIS Pro p. \ so long as the public. Charges reasonable. the world calls u polish o f manners, nod only now and theu that n cargo arrives W ORD '« birds sing and truo politeness is not to be mad. little at this port, while a few years ago a th e f l o w e r s O regon ÏIF4FLIES. Shaving . , . 15 c okxiru, sail a cf nor scoffed nt. Politeness is a tine fleet of sailing venue's brought many tn .id c n ’s lips •ns 7 und X McT.artu'* Hui Wing, art, but is an art pure and simple even cargoes annually from tho famous Car , Hair Cutting . . 35 .«re cherry-red, $< ie.» • m ». io« given to colloetion* and pro­ d( at its best, lnunitely l etter is the culti rara quarries iu Italy t > I'liiladi lplifa. snd s young Razor Honed . . 25 vaiioti of that conrfesv of refinement Marble buildings stem to I-" boeotning m in 's e v e n Twentv-threc Scissors Ground . . 1 < It loee, lust which enters into lb« feelings of others things of tbi, past, anil the tombstone (he la d . aud bolds ilnm mend. It is idle to say makers find little demand for marble M iles W est indicates isiev w ill E . O. P O T T E R that courtery is a relic of old fushiot-fd tombs, slabs or monuments Gr nite F lo r o n a e O regon v e t kise the state of Eugene. antw days aud is no longer looked for. It ts l i a s taken th* plaee of marble every . Attorney-at-Law . And w h -re . ¡rood m»n. is the herm the of the tension at a fltn c t. as ninch the current coin of good socie­ where, even iu the eatMotcnes, where kissris .md ki-sevs be healthy, rod i f tiu e EVGKXE, OREOOS. ty as it ever was. More than any other marble shafts and slabs were formerly Iti use means time saving love »lands sponsor. Jt is only when ill- element or graco In our live« it is in­ tbs «ally proper things Granite nulik«- liealth h»e blasted the sweet cleanliness of 5l I K'S At the Court House. and easier sewing. stantly felt and recognind and basan marble, does not -equira very frequent youth that deal h lurka (((«on ita lips T h e germs of dread consumption are as M A D E an.l R E P A IR E D . I t ’s our own invention unfailing infincuce. It call» for respuct i clesnicg and looks well without being deadly harmless as June tim e tnuterniea to the as nothing else does. Coortehv of man touched up tor years. It also admits ot young man or woman who m thoroughly and is found only on the B E N E D IC T « nor and courtesy of sp-ecli are the gifts a high polish and does not show th« clean, sweet am) healthy in every Sbei ana Th e germa of disease onlv xttacfc a young ninn shonlil cultivate. ’’ marks of nut ly «onlact with metal, a tissue. that w h ich 1» already pertly decayed O L E MY IHN I), O R N E Y - A T - L A W ' marble decs — i hilailelphia Itecord. There is a great medicine that is a sere T re a su re r........ ................ F . 8. Moore. Supt. Public Instruction J. H. A ckerm an B y te P rin te r........................W. H . Leeds. A tto rn ey G eneral D. R. X. B lack b u rn O o m p ifO E ! ¡Calling at ALSEA. Florence to Coos Bay « D ry Goods F a n cy G oods F u r n is h in g G oods C lo th in g I g Shoes L U E L L A H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, 1 ¡Agcp’s Cherry Pectoral N ORTHERN Pacific, Ry, It N W E D EFY C O M P E T IT IO N . RESPECTFULLY J. V. KAUFFMAN. * NEW HOME Standard Dictionary MORRIS ♦** HOTEL, aæ. co, Head of Tide Hotel, A Tension Indicator: T on sorial P a rlo rs. -:fo Itoruey at Law, E lk P r a irie H otel. ON E U G E N E AND FL O R E N C E S TA G E ROUTE. Money Saved By Patronizing it. Orceon. BO P atents Geo. Hale Frop. N O T A R IE S . A. R. BUTTOLPH, C o pyrig hts < Notary F.iblic, Surveyor rom»»!«?*. h »an i tv S V A F lo r noe, O regon F R A N K B. W IL 8 O N H ?rARY PUBLIC. ••S p .lir ’ <.f e n u th .ro tti-grnea. N otklog Flebciau About It . Therea-e numerous hat cii-iM "ppslls” which nrs regular olmeivances iu the She was an honored member of one (tool Work hone at Reasonable Prices. lives of the average »ontbern negroes. of ibe hereditary suciolira and was a:i Bcsidea the root cbewiug. t’:a track lift­ touishe«l to lenru that she was acensed W.KMrm -'EVF.HAL t iu t o r t « y F k «« ow i \ W e have other striking ing, etc., they have a loro philter of I cl wire pulling in vuuuectioii with hc thl• state to matiiu« our Misfnrve In their »»* »1 ' frogs' legs cooked in still water, an-l t-rs clevttwi of officer a •»id tteaiby cmniHt * ItiaBiabtly «»fflee t«»rk improvements that appeal to Roudueted «t !»«>•”♦, Salary • ashes of a l o t are pownrrn! ei.ocgu t > "W ini pulling!' ehn exclaimed »car mid ' x » hum xlntiulte. bo mAde, n< more the careful buyer. Send for keep a « ay a rival or au entiny T r , “Riu b au insult I Why. it is coiawan no lew jmlnr' Monthly $76. Refe.voceh. Kti l'we pelf-»d1. » hiraso. the tip of his tail aud bury it nuder tint politics. " tbsirstep T<» make a Wifsobedieiif they i •Very frne,” returned her hnslcuid hite “ draw her pn-tiir* ’ and hide it iu tho cnnwiltiigly, “ lint in politics it is prob shingles 'I bus. waging nt alsspiug, i *bly ju-'t l oinmon, ordiuary wire, while Cleveland, Ohio. there is a omstnut f-irciug or oouutor- 1 hare no doubt In yotn ra»o the refer silting of destiny. — Piriladelphia Timos. eno.« « as to tbo very higbeot grade of MihiJnitsI copper wire." rgreats »sd T ia 4» Marts r Mstnrd and •)! Tat J IT H i . Y m «« W ife . T l i . n . « T j P a rt. Kutuiully (hat made ft srtuu differ •at bn »In re* c 9949fU* 1 for Moderate Fren. “ He lived a bachelor until he w s i C«b —Chicago f’ost P'Ti Î dr**»-- «f rphet'». W ttdvjv i» . “ They have given ms the heaviest 7*1«*»*' • Ief rv»rf if fe*n»td ie». bn ami then married a woman yoang patent* = »» r I. A I'cospblet • Mc< to OS- J part in the new play.” The n n tim n u o p o l latte sentiment in enough td he his daughter.” t- *'. I:v» r ’i.” » h •f I • tbo V. • / “ Yon don't rnyt What li it like?" gad forcina sou •. trie« ter. t free. Ad Irtts, “ Daughter? Why, she was yotu.g th is c o u n try ts uot a modern idets In “ I bare to catch the big fat leading U iil MnsxacluiMdtii pcs-qg) an art en- C. A. SNOW & CO. lady when she taints iu the fourth act.'* enough to ho his second wife. “ —Dc- tit * ' Sewing Machine. YEARS* e x p e r ie n c e W hite F lc rs n o e , O re g o n W PATENTS S eww « M achine C o . and certain protection against all re rw e and a speedy rure Jot an germ dieenne» I t ia Dr. Pierce's Golden M edical Dls«siv ctp. It give« youthful aest to the appetdc ft corrects all fhnlta o f the digestion. It aids assirwitatioa. I t t ils the Mao«i w ith the v ita l, life-gietng elements o f the (hos. I t builds m e e t, clean, healthy »iaai.es hr every part o f the body. It driven oat a ll dtaeaae (Terras It earea <)• per cent, o f a ll case» of bronchial throat mid lung affec tkw a i f ta kes in ti ne. A ll good nw diciw dealers sell h. and have nothing "Junt an good ” Mr. |ea Hecdersan (brMun. of saa JosepMw Street. New Orleaaa, La., writes: *• I »»as a e«esl retí (Bore bettlss. (twee in alL sad i rr p» «wo wmí - v • f the 'Petteta, w h ra 1 wva in n e d heuhh _____ I reeiamneiai Or fserech Geinta Mejt- ei 1 D acovery to do a,, tkat 1« la t ’aiSMú to d a ' A man or ««uman who netrketa constipatios aaflera teñir slow poisoidns Dr Pteree s Ptseseat ltellet» core emaatipatklL iittle ’’ P v lir t" ia a Hve, and Uro a AH ptcdicitte «tealrra