A Fanner’s Fortune. The Remarkable Way in which Adam Salm Acquired Success and Happiness. L I F E IX A W A R D R O O M 1 'H E Y W E R E B A I) M E N T H E O F F IC E R S ' Q U A R TE R S O N BOARD TH E FO R M ER IN H A B IT A N T ’S OF ELLS­ A M A N -O F -W A R . W O R T H A N D H A Y S C IT Y . h e r e A ll L ic r p t ili« C ornm tD iler Lat, L ire Hud I la r e T h e ir Korial B e in g - N aval E tiq u e t te 1 volate* t h e Man W hoA i A ll O th er« on B oard .Must Obey. B acii In Ib e HU tiro T b e se Town* W ere K e t So Q o le t as T h ey A re N ow —H ow Som e o f th e C itizen« S e ttle d D ow n —W ild R ill an«l J ia i Curry. « * 9 9 * * * * I « * * "KUawnrtbl" shouted a brute man on The wardroom on a man-of-war is tha liviu,•; plan« of all tho elder ofBoerx o f the Union Pacifio railway, Kansas divi­ tho ship, with cco exception, tba com­ sion, as the train swept through a From the Vernon Timet, Vernon, N. T. er, i hug officer. Ho lives by himself, prairie valley and slowed np at a sleepy, T sterj nnr' hi Vernon and for mile« around : »1.(1 another until twelve boxev h id besa con. has his own cabins, his owu mess, his fottonwood shaded, prairie encircled O L D H A T S ON M A N Y H E A D S . ru H tles Io W o sh ln c lu o 's T im e, knees hottest, good natared Adam Salm, and siiuieJ western Kansas towu. To the left could “ Just six months from the time the first own servants. Naval etiquette and cos i But, even worse than official incompe- not only iu Vernon Center, N . Y .t where lie h« seen a largo aud pocnliar building, I m » x 1 i h idea that the Revolutionary period was new hat he has the old one wrapped up, to vitiate diy life and one that has made Ute mav This is to certify that the article published there every summer." nausea. infliges* and either stowed awuy iu the hat store - . “ on, etc. They are ¡|J miserable for thousands and filled innum er­ in the Vernon ft'ines of D«cumber 17, concent- mesarooin for j»i:ti and hix suhordinutes an age of spotloss political virtue. would only result iu einluirrassmcut on , "They have picked on a very quiet able premature graves. I t is that form o f dis­ ing my cute o f rheumatism by the use o f D r valuable to prevent a cold or break up , Again and agaiu Washington pleaded for safe keepiug or sent to him at his towu in which to rendezvous.” ease known as rhautnnliaai. und which held i W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Pale Piopie is true both sides fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they ure wilin'1 office or residence. As a rule he says, with congress aud with the chief offi­ undisputed away until its <*<»iN|uering enemy and published with my sauctiou. "Yes, this is a quiet towu now, but I 'I hi dee.; not mean thnt he may not cers of tho individual states. In appeal- ] Wrap it up, and I ’ll call for it iu a your confidence. Purely vegetable, (hP'i came m the form of D r. W illiam s’ Pink Pills A d a m S a l ic . -------- be taken — — . . . . vzx iv ili woii can by children or v delicate w «7 Is- ■ blc, i r t meh dop.-nds upon the can remember, 30 years ago, when E lls­ ing to President Reed of Pennsylvania ' day or tw o." lor Pale People.’1 Subscribed and sworn to before me. P r iu i* 9.r»P. i l medicine n iP fliu iiitx « i o . lera * i . .......... Price, 25c. Jil ut n ull lieu or bv n„.a " For a long time I experienced untold anf- i niau t j r lt tx so ■ to say that any show worth was hell's half acre. Yes, worse on the 12th ot December, 1778, to bring The hatter wrups it up, marks it wllh G e o . L. P o w e r s , Notary Fabric. of C. I . H o o d , ooD «Si Co., Lowell, Musa. faring» from tin» ravages of this fearful nil- The blood is the t'ital element An our lives cf effusiveness among those who live than that, for all the cusseduess going those whom he calls the "murderers of the customer’s name, puts it awuy aud - tnent A il kinds of remedies were resorted ! consequently it must be kept pure, rich and on in this town in the sixties couldn’t . Tho n.;!»?{. inuxt corno from l.is side, waits. On the largest mirror iu tho hut to f»r relief, hut :t wns the same experience red in order to have perfect health. Tin- r.ur cause” “ to »xmdigu punishment," 1 list had come to count lew. vietirus of rheu- J cause o f M r. »Salm’s sickness was Impure and if he wishes it to be general. The situa­ have keen crowded on to less than h ell’s lie nub-idled his passion and sent these store is a banner with a strange device half section. Times was mighty dull in | mutism—im m unity from excruciating pmu impoverished blood. H e had skilled nn-di- tion ix a dtdieato one. on it informing the public that “ we are tuergetic words: "I wonld to God that for a time, but after temporary relief came > cal treatment and used many icmedius, but In the freer air of the- wardroom we i Ellsworth them davswheu therev isn’t not responsible for bats left with us •ulrerin* once more, as the insidious malady derived no Itenefit until he commenced to I work for the coroner six days iu tho mo of the most atrocious iu each stato over 80 days. ” In the store they keep a took a new grip on its distracted victim. f take D r. W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Pale People find from I'l to 2 0 officers living togetb- ! were hung on a gallows five times as week, and he generally had to work er, the uu;:.: r varying with the size of “ I happened to learn of the wonderful , •m l these cured him. book, and when Smith, Jones, Brown high as tho one prepared by Human." power of h r. W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Pule tho ship. Their ages, may range ft- m 25 overtime on Sundays. It was the tough­ ««•«re proves I# IH B I this n i l * ir ilH T J J 14 n r beat This that remedy is i the People in rxmdiiering rheumatism, hut long means o f imparting those elements that purify, to 50 cud they are'of all ranks above est place on the plains until the rail- : The situation seemed so desperate or Robinson leaves his old " lid ” a note is made of it and duly entered on this •utiering had ma le me incredulous ns I had ! vitalize and enrich the blood, thus aiding road moved on west, and the killers, that only six days later ho wrote to '»pent many dol ais for other remedies, w ith­ bodily functions and arousing every organ that i t naval »-udc-t, and o f all corps. book. Benjamiu Harrison, the speaker of the out finding relief und this expen'eme had into En; ineer olfic rx, lino officers, medical toughs, gamblers and their female com­ tlifui action and iu thia way7 restor After 60 or 00 days have elapsed a embittered me ngaihst proprieturv medicines. ing the entire system. ffeers, i. ariu; officers, one pav » fficcr panions followed on to Hays City. Then house of delegates of Virginia, "As general clearing out of the old hats is I finally concluded to try these pills and | Th at is 1 he reason why Dr. W illiam s’ Pink there can he uo harm in a pious wish the carnival of crime and the contract r-udoue chaplain uiuy all Im iucludt-d bought one box of them, and he fore they were I Pills for Pale People cure so many dhea«es, made, and they go to tho secondhand in the waidrooui of u large ship These for filling thegraveyard was transferred for the good of one's country I shall stores along South Clark street, to tho a'J u^ed f experienced a relief such as J had why doctors prescribe them, why druggists not enjoyed since m y affliction began. W ith recommend them uud why they aie so u n iver n i n live in sh-teroomsurTaugcd «l out a to Hays. But today both towns are as offer it as mine thnt each stato w ill not costumers' palaces, to tho country stores the depletion ui the fi'st box came another ally used. comm, u space, which ix known as the qniet aud orderly us a New England only choose but compel its ablest men sometimos, all to be clenued, relined to attend congress.” village, tom e ef tho tad men of those "wardroom country " This assumption aud furbished up the best way possible. i of a spaix, of prairielike dim usinns ix days settled here iu Ellsworth perma­ f b ars u«*d r.ipsos Tabules w ith so much satis­ Q uaint F ltz-Jam ex O'Brien. It is thus possible for a man to bo I h a re been a great sufferer fro m constipation faction tSat I « jma otoeerfulty rsooitunend Uieui. comparatively truthful iu the cramped nently end t-ccamo qniet citizens—after fo r oxer b ’. « years. Nothing gave m e any reller. Ba»® bass troubled for about three je a rs w ith Mrs. M. E. W. Sherwood relates in stopped on some chilly evening and they became residents c f the graveyard >fy feet and legs and abdomen were bloated so quurters of a ship. In this "country" w hat lead ed bilious attacks a>miug on r» ffll"rty I could not wear shoos on m y feet and only a looaa the New York Times some amusing asked to assist some unfortunate who is My M a ll, P o s t a g e P a l« , exists the social life of the wardroom. on the h ill yonder. oaca a week. Was cold by d itle r s r t phyuh lan« dresM. I raw K ’paus Tabules advertised In our th at tt was caused by bad teeth, o f which I had "Apache B ill, scout nnd tough, took , sayings of Fitz-Jumes O'Brien. On vis­ wearing one of his old hats. These old dally paper, bou«lit some and took them ca direct­ Here these men of varied callings, yet saveraL I had the toeib oxtriwUx), but the a t­ ed. Huvo taken them about taros weeks and there all of the sea's following, live, move up a permanent residence out yonder iting a very patriotic lady on New hats are sometimes sent to the theuters tacks continue^. I had seen udT«,rii«rrucnta of I j s«el* n change! 1 am not constipated any more a t a Ripens Tabules tn a ll ihs papers but had no faith becauso a bartender got tho drop on him J Year’s day, after the civil war was de- to be used as headgear for "the rabble” aud have their social being and I owe It ad to HI pa nA Tabules. Ia in th irty- In them , bu: about six wevkx »Ince a frlond In seven ¿ears old. have no occupation, only m y one night and added about two ounces 1 dared, he said, “ She had flags on the or “ au angry mob" or “ a group of Ro­ A day spent iu u wardroom hy a land­ dOM»1 me to try them . Have taken but tw o of the ItouMohold duties and ouislcg m y sick husjpn'l. em ail Scant b»xes of tbs Ta boles and liavr* bad lubber would reveal many interesting to B ill’s w eight iu the shape of leud mantel aud cold roast eagle on tho side­ man citizens.” Drivers of coal wagons, Ils has had the dropsy and 1 ain try in g Klpans no recurrence« t she attacks. I la \ s never wlveo a Tabulo« fo r hlin. He feels some better but Jt w ill differences between naval officers aud placed where it would do the most good. board. ” When asked if he partook of transfer wagons und teamsters general­ testim onial for anytM io t »*fors, but ihs g n a t take some tim e, he has been sick so long. You •m o u n t of good which I believe has been «lone r id m their brethren on shore. To begin with, Comstock Charley, a half breed Chey­ tho latter, ho said no, as "an Irishman ly who want a hat for outdoor use buy ay use my letter and name as you U k a by Rlpans Tabules Induces inn to add mine to the Mrs. M a r t U okmax C l a s k s . they urn mere cosmopolitan in th, ir enne scout, tough and general all round he was drawn hy a patriotic instinct to a great many of these castaways. Tho m any te»tlmon!als yon doubUss« have la your posacasioa now. speech. The men in our wardrooms are had man, also became a quiet citizen of tho potato salad, "and demanded Scotch soft hats can be made over most effec­ A. T. Da W it t . Greatest Weekly io th: Country, I have been Buffering fro m headaches ever gathered together from all parts of tho the place where they planted ’em iu whisky to show cosmopolitan breath. tually, but a stiff hat remodeled and riuco 1 wuu a h ttlu g irl. 1 could r.erer rldo In a I want to Inform you, dyed has an ancient luster thut does not Lest he should become too bellicose, he those days on account of a puncture put car or go luto a crowded ; Union. Local discussions find but an la words of highest i ploco w ithout getting » "felt even afraid to handle a drum­ deceive the intelligent. ‘ praise, o f tb» beneSt uninterested audience, or even a derisive into him by Henry Whitney, sheriff. hca«!acheand sick at m y I havo da-rhed from Country stores sometimes take an in­ fTncludlnjr postage) to any p a rt of ths United " B ill Hickok (Wild B ill) gained his stick. ” 6tornach. I hcurdabout | one, so that a naval officer gets accns- ' R lpim i Tabules. I am a RIpaus Tabules from an Asked if women had inspired mon to voice of these veterans, aud tho result is Elates, C anada and Mexico. JM /P A/N S tornpd to speak and think of all tho 46 ’ fame at Hays City, west of here, as prafesUonal b i h m and aun t of m ine who wns E W B E K L I C H R O N IC L E , the brlfhtsst In thia pr'kieaaloa n clear taking them for catarrh , states us iielnugiugequally to him (Jut- also did Jim Curry, who later on shot drink as well as to heroic actions, he a weinl exhibition of headgear hy tho and T H most head la aJwrys nsedod. pie te W eekly Newspaper in the of the stomach. She had and kille-l Ben Porter, au acior, ut Mar­ said, "Yes! Often when ouo is Alumm, sages of the cracker barrels und hitch­ w orld, p rin coin sido of his own country he ix so great a tupana Tat)utea does It. ts re g u la rly 112 Columns, or ilxtess 1 u ¡«1 such relief fro m A fter ««bo of oiy roses I ing blocks. T h e m o d e r n s ta n d ­ t h r ir use shoad v.aed ma traveler that very few civilians can keep shal], Tex. I knew Jim Curry when he aud the other extra dry." po«es. of N ew s. L ite ra tu r e and General Infor­ foand m >sel f ct»n«|de«efy to toko the n t x), and I A stiff hat once broken can with diffi­ m ation: also a ruacnlflcsnt Agricultural and up w ith the way ho skips iu conversa­ was au engineer on this road. He be- I Anil speaking of the heroic intoxica­ cun down. Aoflag nu 1 ha have been doing ro slnco a rd F a m ily M e d i­ •d v lc c of Mr. Qeo. Bow camo enamored e f a woman, married tion that has sent so many men to war, culty be patched up acceptably, but a H o rtic u ltu ra l D e p a rtm e n t. T h is Is one of th« tion from China to Peru or to T’asma- List October, and w ill •«*ars grand results. old. You am welcome I his cheerfulness aud his heartiness. Tho There was a regim m t of negro soldiers licious egotism. Why, when I am erally wear soft hats, although a few men’ s knowledge o f th e ir ow n localities. 1 Miss H k ljix W iser as . ^co m m o n e v e ry -d a y to use this teatlm onlal. wardriwim is constantly resounding with quartered at l*ort Hays. The negroes marching dowu Broadway, I do not sport derbies, nnd many a onco proud, SAM PLE CO PY S EN T FREE Mrs J. OaooKUvsuk i l l o f h u m a n it y . j laughter The men iu it are healthier took offenso ut Jim because he refused know whether I am a part of the uni­ stylish hut may be seen during the usual M oth nr was troubled W ith l i s a r t b n r n and j than men Who live iu houses. They get to serve them with meals at his hoare. verse or whether the universe is a part Chicago stre9t cleaning days perched on li -deepteasnean. p vised by up earlier in the morning and go to l ed They came around to clean out the of me. ” tho cranium of somo stalwart wielder H y revsn yen r^ ld boy Indigestion. f« r a c o l suffered w ith pains in snaay «*sars. One »Lmy of the shovel and pick. earlier ut night. Most of our wardrooms place. Jim weut to shooting, snd when Ills bead, couatlpatlon D iam on d Studded S treets. she saw a teatlm oatal i are bustling with officers at 7 o ’clock in ho quit U ndo Sam’s army was deci- The peddlers buy the old hats. The aud complained of his In the paper Indorsing Perhaps the most interesting fact in milkmen, tho sailors, rivermen, labor- | stomach. Ho coul.l not inaled to some extent. I the morning. R i p a n a T Ura les. She h cat lik e children o f his dsicrrwinsd to g*' e them connection with Kimberly, the Diamond I ; MARX “ Wild B ill was a nervy man and did A glanco ut the breakfast tablo shows erg uud thnt most shifting army ot hu­ ugs do and w h a t ho a tria l, w sj g r e a d y old cut did not agree rsilere.1 by ih c lr uea j the senior lino officer presiding, aud the ' somo killing iu his day, aud he might City, is tho street washing," and somo man odds aud ends which form such an w ith him. He was th in a n d bow t a k e s «h o other officers plau-xl near him according have lived longer if ho had not grown ( of the debris washers have doue very item in the city's population—these ure and o f a saffron color. Tabules regularly. Shekeops a few cartons Ripaus K *a«llag some of (he tcst.m inlals In favor o f 'hatinlA. (., , house 1 . ___ ...__ __ to rank. At tho other end of the tabla careless. You sec. B ill, like all men of well. Tho “ washing” consists of over­ tho men to whom the vast l««jlk of the 'fabule« In ----- the not with ---------- ------ . and . . u «uysuhew n l . lil l . , . . u . ,, ba w II II Ulpana Tabulae, I irle l them. Hipun« Tubules not o u t them The heart busti and aleeplsMiiehS have j is the man who has been elected hy his his elas3, was always expecting trouble hauling the earth for diamonds. old hats go. Hats that have glistened only ra lls w d but actually cured my youngster, d lM p pcarw l w th (he ludlgeatlou which « hi the headaches baro disappeared, bef<>ra aho I he cradle to old age) I f taken accor.iing to direo* took Hlpniia Tubules. j atot H . B laokcm . life in tho wardroom, for tho daily mil- tion, hut lio did allow the drop to to washer has to obtain the consent of per­ final degradation.—Chicago Chronicle. W^n«- C. W . PkKS. j itury routlno is full of drills und oxer- got on him twico to my knowledge. The sons resident in the street or road, to , cises which keep most of the officers on first time I was present, und the next put the latter iuto sound repair again A new fctyle pa*«krt containing rax unm vabvlss packed in a pn|»r carton ( without giaes) Is now for sale T h e C h r o n i c l e H n lld H u j » G R A N T IN D IS G U IS E . some h ru r Hoses roB n v c c n im This low-priced sort Is intended for the poor and tha raonmgifap t,no deck. There are drills with great guns time— w ell, B ill was was gone himself and pay titho to tho municipality in T H E m R O N I d sR ranks w ith the rrestesl • of the O»e tabulw) can be had by mail by sending forty-cl.-ht cents O th o R» a ms ( nnd with sm all amis, drills in clearing j When the second time came to a climax. ' tho shape of 10 per cent on his gross newspapers In ths U n ite d States. A R eroon olsxan ce on th e Q uiet W hich ?------IcafcOvMirANV. No. to (spruce Street. hawYnrk w a siniJe rart<«ar: H i will sent for flee eer.ta. " I w ill tell yon the stoiy of the time finds. Last year £980 was paid to the T H E C H R O N IC L E has no equal on th« Paelfl« KST a SM T a BVU» may edao be had of some grocers, general et<>i ekeep>m. M « l agnate and at come 1 g«»»» Tt-crsa ship for notion, drills in handling am Took th e Roys by Storm . Coast. I t leads a ll In a b ility , enterprise snd *■** barber shepa. They banish pain, b.dw-e akwp and prolong life. O^e gives relief. munition and many others— all of them I I was present. Now, I never knew B ill , municipality iu this way. One day at Chattanooga," says one neWR. j rooted in tho ouo idea that you must to pull his gun to kill unless it was in I In the early days of the diamond of the soldier boys writing iu the Chi­ T H E i ' l l R O N ICT.E* 8 T elegraph ic Reports are U ANTKI»— «V K K A LTM 'C T W U K T M Y PKKSONH IN preserve your owu lifo hy destroying self defense or there was uo other way fields the ground was washed in a very cago Inter Ocean, ••» lot of us were the latest and most reliab le, its Local News th« t ills hlNtu (o inanugc o u r b u s illis » in t h e ir ow n primitive style, many diamonds being fullest and spiciest, and Its E d ito ria ls from ths to secure tho peace and quiet B ill ai- I that of your enemy. n i.(I i .m ib y couiitu-N. I t is in n iiily office w ork j loading hard tack and bacon iuto n You can c o i.d u i-lc d a t fit nic. hnlN ry p tiu ig fii |te»«r Hiiu i x ju jiiN e a -d i fin ite , bonalide, no m ore ed. This debris was subsequently used peaceably if ho could, forcibly if fco ' he cured 1 no li» » MMinry. M o n th ly |75. h c ie ie u c e . Kn- wardroom from ono drill and begins a ! | must. w ill be, the frien d and champion of ths Jim Cnrry was a coward, hut he | for street making purposes, nnd now starving men, and were giving more at- ways cloht- »ell Htbiri'Nsid KiMinjH,1 en v elop e, U e rb e it conversation or ,ierhaps hums a song he P*tplc. as ag a in st com binations, cliques, cor­ yon suàer from any o f the 1 tontiou to badgering each other thau to h. lies», l ’rvixt., D ip t . M . i nicugo. ills of uwo; ( ja w to the oldevt is interrupted hy the bugles on deck und was determined to uequire a reputation years ufter, with better machinery at the work in hand, when a lame man iu porations, or oppreeslcns any kind. I t w ill be Speciah-d on the Pacific Coas!, » i>Wbells. must buckle on las sword aud return to us n had man, end, ax B ill Hickok h eld their disposal, people find it pay» to fatigue dress, walking with some diffi­ Independent In e v e ry th in » , n eu tral In nothing. d «. xmoAN a c o . the championship c f the world ut that I "wash the streets. "—Cape Times. Ouo of (lie comparatively few thing» another drill. t IO6|.«tertet U Està IM2. culty with the assistance of a cane A t every call to quarters all officers timo as a killer. Carry thought he i (hat the lmnd of improvement lins not k Veisun w en and M l < d l e à passed along tho high porch of the quar H e S e ttle d It. . —- • - RtfOM m en wt»o are suffering m ight safely run a bluff on Wild Bill. loncbixl 1« (h . cow hell, which is made must report themselves ready for duty. I from (Sc eiP« tg a f youthful indiscret ions or ea- Au amusing story is told at Stratford- termuster’s shed and looked down at the "rfo he sent B ill word he would kill now juet ax it was 60, 100 and more Tho chaplain aud paymaster, having , («»»«I in maturar years. Nervous and Physical boys for a minuto or two without a ’ ■»•bH lt.«.lm p«iSum ey.».w a» Msaasbewel ycurx Ago and hi.« now junt the i-amo much less to do w ith drills than tho him on sight, not that lie had anything ou-Avon. Ri the smoking room of a S m a il ba ruittiiUatiooat M p e r n ia to r r litp u , i Th! n. i he spoke qniet1’'’ My 'uK: __ __________ ■____ .... •Haet, _ . rrsAstAturrlkWMa, «toMorrhwa, peculiar, clanking sound u h ever. C o w other offloers. arc usually the first to bo against Bill, hut Curry had g»xie into hotel there an Englishman and a Scotch­ That is not the way to load boxes, men. »•«•■ mí y wf “ ■ • € fPrluailwB, tP r lu u llw * . e eie. t e . By the killing business, aud he propped to man engaged in a heated argument back in tho wardroom, where there is .beJ I., arc made «mie of copper und nome ««w waaieiu r f rnnedwA,of grcai cusktivapow Put them in straight and curefully. Bo Showing ths U»l*.ef States, Domisi«! sr, the IXictas he» an arranged hi» trcarmen! of a composition metal, but inert of other work for them. The medical offi­ hold the center of the stage and show John Bull was declaring William your work like soldiers. ’ of Canada and Northern Soxleo ***** ** * ’fi net ©aly aff.wd imanediata rchai but Shakespeare to bo the only poet of the that ho was »¡¡splaying energy and apt­ them are made of iron and flnirlied cer has gouo forward to tho sick buy to para« Micut cere, l ire l>oitor d<«aa not claim to "Old Hannibal, who was slouching a OPT O W K S I D E , itude iu his husiuess. B ill paid uo at­ world, and Donald McPherson was parfonn ruimciea, l u t is well-known to be a fair , | with a coating of brouze. The cowbell look after his patients. good deal at his work, turned with im­ and «qu.xre riixxteian aod Surgeon, pre-cniinaat standing np for his Robert Burns tention to Curry’s talk, not considering When the midday breakfast comes, I» not cast Jt la cut from a «heel of in h»s ape« tali» IX a e s v a c n o f Ile a . . Words rail high and blow» s««emed pudent bravado toward the officer and ay ssMlltx thoriH ighly cmN T H E O T I T K n S I D E , •ynwhs w ltboK tosing Mereary • , I imminent when a self confident little » as just in th« act of saying that he did ‘‘Ouo day I met Curry on the street little leisure and relaxation But tho i rivet»<< to 0« w .in ill i ra- < not want any quartermaster's clerk to » C C » r t ’b r a n l c l c f » r O a s rm »», i wtw ..n r a m,*t< o,. .(..., of l i ' >n or in Hays. We went iuto a sulocu kept commercial traveler determined to j through which the strap is p,i5sed, is drills for tho day are not yot over, and )« r » . ’ill .... (.'.ir anf*r n , WMTIVinSUKKi» . -o ' give orders to him, when he Rtarted in F o s i a g c p r e p a i d » n n a p a a » p a p e r . riveted into the la-11. Cow hells are at 1 o clock the bustle is resumed by a little, nervous, excitable German. throw oil on tho troubled waters I ro** wj uwl/rta*«, er One surprise, saluted and, much to tho as ' T henoand D el lam . ADDKZAS "Gentlemen," l,e said, »topping bo Wild B ill's tall fu m aud long, Muck marie of ten sizes, whoss sounds range throughout tiie ship. A sudden call mav FREE or«) -triclly p rivat., tomshment of the boys, lifted his hat. m . n . a , Y o tn r a , through an octave. Sometimes musical com,« for colliaton drill, or fire drill, or hair loomed up ut u table iu the back tween the heated disputants, "let me The look of impudence went from his cnAKusa FKsr KK.tsoxAiii.r. Tre.t- F iu p rlc lo r 8 F C h r o n M . i v«».t pcr^irAlly or by l.tle i. S m i U (by boob part of the room His back wus toward settle this amicably. Who is this Shake­ battalion drill If at sea, a floating tar entertuim rs wlio piny epou helix of one BAX FRANCISCO. CAI. face like a flash, und he said, 'A ll right " T h e P h i l n a o p h y e f M a r r ia g e •It sort and another come to the manufac­ get may be dropped overboard, and for Curry aud myself. Curry walked over speare-Burns?” —Loudon Telegraph (A v . l o . W . book fo rm e - >-) ‘ general. we wiR do it just as you want V IS IT » » . JORUAN-n turer and hy n lection among hells of uu hour the ship he shaken from stem to tho table, standing directly behind j >YY?iYM"iyiYYAYrtMW//fn‘W/f*’iWA tdone. Then all ibe men recognized F lig h t o f th e B u tterflies, 1 G r e a t ¡XI iia r t in i o f A n u t n i n v i the vurious sizes find eight helix that to stern by tho discharge of gnus. From Bill. Before any ono suspected what ho i c t v l is h . reliable i b . bml and largest Museum o f it* kinihiilthe would do ho had his gun against B ill’s i One of the most beautiful sights in I uro accurate in scale. 8 to 6 o ’clock in tho afternoon there is war kl. CiM.ia and learn how wcbdarfilUy you A R T IS T IC A world 1. , he annUill IuigrB, iou nf , head and said, ’Now, you loi g Inured There ere only four factories Iu (lit) generally a respito from work, and tho are made; hex/ to avoid oiikncx« and di«e.i- Recommendei, by L txd ln r ° M Cd ° TeTy look nn<1 W « ara c o it.a u a lly a d d in s new A^scimemu -------, I ’ve got yon, and you’re going butterflies across the isthmus of Pana­ and ho Uliitcd tttutes in which cow helix are wardroom begins to show signs of be­ U f t M m .k .r , * CJ TA LOU LA! hiK K - . Call ........................... ’iiiio _ r w _____ rU a . ^3b T nudersrtod old Hanni- Drey A lw x y , P le a s e .^ , made, and in cseh case the cow bell is ing a home. Some iu it are reading or t® die. ’ B ill never batted an eye nor 1 ma. Where they come from or whither io t i Markst itrael. San F rancheo Cat. b»l better than that rough old fighter ---------------------------- only an item of production among many writing, others are smoking or playing moved a iiiusc!»«, but raid, ’You would 1 they go no one knows, and though understood himself. There was a twin othtr things Cow bells are sold all over games or loafing S till others are iu not shoot a man »’own without giviu many distinguished naturalists have at­ kle in his eye us he said: 'Romemhor him a show to defend his life, would tempted to solve the problem it ia still their rooms taking the seaman's after­ the country, just the same ax ever, hut A M o n itr r M nalral I iu tr u m c n t. men, these provisions are going to half you?' ’ Wouldn’t I? What show did you noon nap But nt 5 o'clock tho drills »« »trange a mystery as it was to the -tsrved soldiers. You ought to 2 » , The ui«st "igantio lmrp ever oon- much tho greater nntuber are sold in ever give any one, you — -------?' flr8t Kur”Pc®u traveler who observed atri.cttd, rx far ax tho ixxxTd goex, wax the south, the southwest aud the west, and exercises come .Again. When ‘n “ ,e w-Bon as poStiblo By i! :80 o ’clock there is a foeliug that : "The Dutchman was dancing around it- Toward the end of June a few scat that laado ty X’eritnn, the provoet of where farms are larger, less likely to he like mad, imploring Jim to put up his tered specimens are discovered flitting When mules are so scarce and reads so one enn sit down and dine without fear under fence, and rattle are more likely Buikli, near H.u-el, Hwitzerland. in in ‘he wago™ ; NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE gun aud for him and B ill to shake out to sea and as tho »lavs go by the the mo'?“ ’ ,he WOro 1787 That wax a ltrnj whilo ugo, but to stray. There are »old Iu those parts of interruption The mess as a w hole is bands. If they would, he would Maud number increase, until »bout July 14 nn “ ?Te, “ ?“Z 0U .,P‘’.'i'.’ Th" boys go, now gathered together, and the meal is of tho country a hundred dozen cow ! Ì 1» Ì »•„ . y Y , n l * ° - n »n in i i r t . , U . i . - t . S (be fame of M, Veritati'» gigantic ___ , i _ . . , . ? r ? “ .îae, :’ 8°,n’ ''«rjignreupd ■»lightened out out’every ► A do«« net Ispep fh f . . s-»d ! 1 1 W p- burp wax «nhli that it ix «till nvasional bells fo every ten do»» n sold in the east. gein-rully a thoroughly eujoy a hie aud treat for the house, which proposition or In the skv is occasionally almost ob- Ajjrp.?u' cent »tjmp« te.e.'.eJ i was finally aorepted. Wild B ill and • ured by myriads cf these frail insect» • • A ’,d,e” y«uf neareit p ji, ly tuentionexi by writer« on the ran- ami American cow bells arc exported to the delightful affair After it is over there eral directed. Thi, w „ nnl A h 8‘ Jim Curry shook bauds, after which the M c C all company . t h e wonderful, just ax tie- xea serpent, vurious eonntries of South America und are cigura, games, music, or the right tn n°” 'laVa l*u°rP tbe hn,,l« °t Chatta* N ot His Legs. withdraw within on««self w ithout e x ­ B ill said: ‘Now, Jim, I get nothin (30 Io n o w . I4th Sin,I. he«. York ; bhxxly rain, live nnixtadona, etc., are to Australia.— New York Suu. »■»go, aud while ,he fight was in A Russian peasant having gone to (he citing remark. By 10 o'clock most of ag in yon, aud I don’t want to kill you, a J*1** OF’ iu r» : »; AI X’erltnu'a ooloHaal mnsii it instru , ’,9.F,h.h Ave • "--1 *; H a lliln g an R lv p b s s t. these s.iilors are iu bed, but even now but if you are bouud to g»-t a reputation h t V r ’l, y, hi,u* if “ P™ of new ress old Hannibal said bo knew Pthai 3» Alarkct A lsr k .i 51., S i . , San S . n Hrsnclscn. l-rsn cljcn . •: luent wax 8!)0 feet in length, nnd, on X T u ^ ’ i i ’^ ^ C h a u a n ^ F Fitz Roy Dixon tells of "a baby the drills may not be over At midnight there'» a town full cf traderfvet here bo».ts fell asleep by the roud.ide on bis that luxonut, waNcoustrueted iu uu open lot instead of In a harp fiu-for}. If wax elephant" that was captured hy friend» the bugles may sound, and iu two m in­ aud lot» of sassy nigger soldiers Go w-«y home and was stripped of his cher- practice oil them. You'll have to git "‘‘r t boots by a light fingered tramp, most sim ple in ronstnietiun, ixaixistiug of his iu t'eylou iu an article that he utes all tho ship's company be rapidly The Pletore H»t. uinking ready ior au enem y.—New- more of 'em to give you n reputation, but bis sleep remained unbroken till a of 16 wir;x strung tightly brtweeu two contributes to St N icholas Mr Dtxmi York Host and it w ill lake n or«« time to git (bar iwssmg wagoner, seeing him lying half nounred ,'bT, X ^ o 01»1 r itPr "n says: 'poles These wires were of different than if you lie Id a ducursiou with rue. Senas the truck, shouted to h im Her daily Kith atTonled her greet en­ s in s , the largo»t lx ing ouc-sixtli of nu It is straug» to notice how many old hut I think you w ill live longer to cu- take his leg« out of the w ay.” h r lg h tc t M s g x ln e I'uU ltlicO •: A broad, shallow xtream, iueh in dituneftT and the sm sllext tine- joyment. claastoal expreasnma Mill survive in (oy it and be happier than If you k»-pt "My legs?” echoed tho half aroused ¡s Cun-,..,, neautli ,: r p s- tw elfth of an inch. They wore stretched with a sandy bottom, liowed through Tuscany. The people still swear " By ( i ; “.“ sleeper, rubbing his eyeg. "Those legs •ores, pronouncing them "» .» J C . :? V 1* ' f ' ^ r e i ‘ r - -» i . v u is n a s , . , r I . o , h i l =: north nnd south und inclined in »noli a the estate, aud iu a large |»xil Kengan Racchuxf ' and "By Diana!" jttst as we or proj»-ctiu with lao. So now 1««'» jes’ Bhdetnable J , r ? r'0Q N 3 I ,.’ • r«*ncy Work T’ drop thia, or I may get the idea into my ":iU8- Miue had boou out"— luiumt r is« to form nu nngle t f fh'iu SO u m s I to scrub her down every dav. (if do "B y Jove!" but when they talk of •Fbe wrinkles and grav h-fl? - o ' 1 beat! that you’re iu earnest, and that 1‘uris Figaro. to 60 degnx-x n itl> thi liori» qneer iuxtrnment wax not ititendtxl ns she Would lie dowu aud roll, sometimes tus, ( ‘alux and Semprouius •S t n. 1 iJi«K * iB »KKK r«n»r Journal. "Tho S m a llp e s U o.IL" g T H e McCA, , ro .! with all four legs iu the air, but always on exaggi-rntt-d toy, hot wax constructed otantancou, g . ^ effrc. Û h?d . rhe The uativta of tho west coast of Sn burdsnsumo cause of th e ^ n ’ h.lng ,h* S M« I. ,.6 w . , w 4ih f » , • , » New vori ? J iM’In 't IV erry. An B x p la a n tm u H eady. f . r the expn ax pur]Hwe of foretelling keepiug the tip of her trunk out of tile - -• » w c W I t»r re » 2r/|«Ssaaaaa_..-_-_ »• change.« iu tin weather, which w en w aterso that she might have air to After three sue« ssive failures iu s stHHuake^w ? ** v*cvinatrt. They ^•-V.’WAIW ami . vavmw .VAWA’JV.'K "Uxuuah " -«Achtiiued the w ry young ° f w ‘“«’ rtthe«m aiipB1 dev ‘cnlenlated by Professor Veritan Accord hrx-atho. W hen she had doue euough of b. uarkveper, ’ ’ how 111 the world dill you rostiy exixrim eut »aie of Mr. Edison's H il. The lieart and lirer of fowlsan.l buf­ ing to the different tru out with (he strum. falos. are_m iied with yellow rire sud gau s idea, ho used to make her is.me 1 told yen t" get hlushsb made when the w ind W im blowing u»l»e«l "W hy »ton-, you worry a little other ingredient» placed in the model «Alt add lie dowu o il a -and tar, aud th u throngh i t — St Lontx Republic " W ell, mi»», * 1 1 the answer, after about it Mr K«liM.«n?" of a full rigged ship, earned io prores be wt-ultl si ruli In - d< wi-,—a |n ei-»x ef Why shi uld I?" r-plied tho iuren- feme conniders,ion, " iK v k cn s 1 u»u* dominating queen nf ‘ hlle O e n r r n a s. «ton and finally launched into the sea. the which khe seemed highly to approve— hah dis y,r«< flic,1,>11 1 liyalul ,» r r e a d we shall tX d d ,1, ^ 7 7 ” 'Î Li "You are worrying euough (or —tiiugapore Free Frma Vountryiuau (tu d e u tlit)—-l w ouhln't after which she Would |e c o n . m o r e iu bout 1 s color l limi ’ — Washing te .« " psy notbiug for extra gas Just yuuk nusiicd dowu. aud linn she v.euld trot asvabre.T «rs rsi ors w n * ?AY»’7 off I . side In r keeper, both . h uu aud On a purade ground at Calcutta are ¿er out If it d»ws hart A Matter o, Fsaa sereral adjutants, cr argafaa. The««, A Kernten R |M B A » » - » a < T—‘" W».-'F y « «-» Deut ist— Yoa »re plncky, slr. bst g lisliu in g aud niui.iu a abort while iu Tho old.\-l Wtsaieu b u ll, .mg in tie? ’-«f .^ .e l_- -a- w. U.-MVM Invalid I woald rather bs dead tha. birds, which belong to the „ c i , , rlN> M otber-W lnt her Mabie, w hile bs weut »iff for his w»-rld I« a ch u n b s i Dorguuil, Norway. tue sco tho tootb. * r t y o u t o ' ; ; ,e " ; w ' ’r’rt I a r-.ta-. 1 '• ’*•»''•*« liHre! rrer*»!’»^ e-x •5’*» walk up and dowu the ground, and thev * wf? Vountrymun—Ob, 'talu't tue tbnl's I , ,r , He us,d io bring b erl-a tk n It was »-re-co-d tu the eleventh esuturr, a- I ami «'«e wr B ,« .g o ,^ MVi ■»AD h P E < ’ T T I> T -ittV A'tendiug i*hv«i«-ian -A h. madam, ItxJi so much Ilk»- rejj;. „ „ a di>7 gut the tonthaebe Il's luy v ife . S b s’ll | "ulll‘,u if boiled tiev, a-unity tolled up aud frequmt is«»u »( pitch have (ire you shoeio live aud «r iet live — V» lance strangers often mutaks them (or Daagbtrr—H . novtr i l l a luual.a lie f, wbl h l L u ii w i t i d ■iw Acre tu x minute. — kaervwbvt«. served the »«oxi from decay. treu j u u im . how lender m . grwadwrs. w ith g n a t sslnluvtiou _ _ I . is. FOOD’S j l Ì ad I n T fapeì o r THE CHRONICLE " t h e : d a il y Only $ 6 ? 7 0 The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 ♦ ♦ ♦» Î OH YOU WIKI THE CHHOHICLE Reversible Map i Map of the Work a MS CALL/ii MS CALL’ S » magazine * PATENTS Pre»».