••»T THE W EST « YOVR HOHE PAPER s' ADVERTISERS e)f-«ildn*KNed envelope, H erbert o f exposure, it m ay be rh e u ­ NOTARIES. “ 1 can’t help it, George. I wouldn’t K . IIe * i. 1'iesL. Doot M. Chicavo. l.aro t r i n o n n to the sliktto as efteu ss m a tis m T h e re is jn « t one safe course for go down that ladder for all the world. a flinn to fo llo w w h o finds h iiU n e lf out o f Is represented. They sre quick und end- These shoes I have ou are two sizi g too from the sym ptom s R. BUTTOLPH, diu in q n cm l, lo t so nre the Irish. sorts and suffering big for uio.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. I t Is to resort to Dr. Pierce** Detiene Parson White— Whnt wnz do cause \V by, then, should the ltaliun be singled described G o ld e n M e d ic a l D iscovery. T h is m* ’ icin e Coe vaia h t * Ac. of yo’ bet-i shot, hr'er Jolinsing? cot for oblrziny? m akes th e a p p e tite keen, corrects a ll d is ­ A r»rae sending a «ketch in d dercriptlcn way A n E c o n o m ic a l M a « . ether aa Br'tr Jobnslng— Waal, pahxon, drre evlCAjy a # art am e ar optatna Dftcn, too, it is a Greek with a tun- orders o f th e d igestion, renders a s s im ila ­ ___Crtnrnnntc«- tnrent • prob ib iy wit «atable, Doctor—I left yan a doten piils «cd woz t ’ree causes— two pullets un a ban n perfect, in v ig o ra te s the liv e r, t u r i ties _ »db- H.k on P « t< n u » '•etttrtct (Bated name who gets into a row and ia tio i nufldentlaX. H« - free. Oideat and enriches th e bltxxi and b a il ! firm , told yon to take one every two hoars, R iaaey fo r •♦»•urint pa»«»««, tarn hen.—Up to Date. F l o r n o « , O r e g o n . CaeoatoRnlTreda V ir k a obtained aad a ll F a t 1 «•»•diud with Leing an ltaliun. In the h e s lth y rtesh Mnd n e rve tissue. I t cures broach M unn A co. racelva PatAfitB takes t ___ eat bw itaeoaoadnrted for M o d e ra te Peca, i and yet there are 11 left. Yon didn't it c h i rae, la th e v>erui natur, without lower Itaiiau quarter the Greeks oDd alm ost a ll diseases th a t result from in su f­ " n i model, draw ng or phot x W e s d r iis lf obey my orders. M om b u t 11»« llr a r a . or im p ro p e r no urishm en t o f th e petHrtable o f cfc < h » r few n nt I n e till the Italians aro baud rival«, and their ficient brain an-1 nerves. B ronchial, th ro a t, an d FRANK B. WILSON Patient— Yes, I did. doctor. I took patea»i««e. rei. A PaMhlet toCK “ Could you love a man who was (in.ilai ity iu t iiuks lends trcqaeutly to even lu ng affections, w h en not tfx> ia r ad* t«'a 1‘ateiv» ” «Hth c o *, e r ««aoe in th e U. A handsnineir iihsetrated weekly, the same pill every time. There wasu’t cowardly, Julia?” e a ’itirtn o f »n» «He nt il C v a n e td , re a d ily y ie ld to it. sa 1 foreign cocntri^e» a t free. Addreaa, rctifcui ding thiir cutibcalities. wmu i»r«u i f