The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, March 03, 1899, Image 4

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! T l.« S to ry o r o S tu r d y K n g t n e e r - lll s
r.wa t h w a i D e c re e d a t a C o a a u lt a t lo w
P k y s t c t t v i'i, b u t a C H a n ffe d
M e d ic a l
T re a t » a n t
H la L ift.
» o n tht turning A'eat, Detroit, Mich.
Jamet Crocket, ■ sturdy old Scotchman,
living ia Detroit, U ich., a* 88 Montcalm
; Street, was «eked about hie wonderful cure.
“ First," La eaid, “ 1 must tell you sotnc-
i thing of my life before my almost fatal sick-
■eae. ( wiu boru ia Scotland in 183k, and
aama to this country in 1848. 1 am a ma-
• riaa engineer by trade, and have Imcn up
and down the big lakes hundreds of liras«.
Locomotor Ataxia 1
and Roralysi 5
Can be Cured
These extreme nervous d is o rd e rs were
tTe&ted. with wonderful success by the d is ­
coverer of Dr. Y/iHioms' Pink Pills for P&le
People previous to his discovery bein$ offered
to th e public. This rem edy is the only known
specific in many disetses th a t, until recent
years, were pronounced incurable. Recog­
nizing th e ir m e rit in such cases, m a n y
physicians now p re s c rib e
H o w a You ng Owuk T li« a g h t
a MUUaAa.
T hey bad been viid tlag aud w h ile
aw ay bad h eet given auch delicious
homemade b iscu it that the memory of
them still liagered in the m ind. Why
shonldn't they have such th in gs thein-
aelves? The m istress of the iiocse de
cided th at they should, if she had to
m ake thorn herself. W hat good w its
w ould uot be w illin g to take a little
troublo to please her husband? So in
t'ris virtuous fram e o f m ind she repair-
ed to the kitchen, and there she stirred
np her b iscuit in the m ost approved
fashion, shaped them d a in tily aud put
them in the pirn. But she was not uc-
( ustonicd to th is work, aud it was uot
11range that she should forget som e of
the ingredinuta. It wjih the talking pow ­
der, a sm all but som ew hat im portant
item in the construction of lig h t bis­
cuit. She did not once think of it anti]
the b iscuit imd been in the oven a few
m om ents. Then, as she stood gazin g
ad m irin gly nt the outside of the range,
w h ich coo til im d th is precious proof of
her cu lin ary sk ill, sho suddenly e x ­
c la im e d :
Dr. W illiam s’
P in k P ills for Pale P eople
“ There, I forgot all about the baking
powder. ”
That w ould have been a heartbreak­
ing thought to m ost housew ives, but
not to this one. She w as a wom an of
< “ N ever m ind, ” she said us she hur­
ried ly thought over various w ays of
m ending m atters; “ those biscuit have
on ly been in a short tim e, and 1 w ill
ju st sprinkle tho baking powder over
th e top, and it can m elt and soak in .’’
Aud she did, but the baking powder did
not. The h ou sew ife herself te lls th is
story of her cooking now w ith groat
glee, w h ile her husband, being a patient
m an. never says a word about h is part
o f it in tue e a tin g .— N ew York Tim es.
B e tr o th a l K in g ,.
Modern Greek peasants axchange a
fold and silver w edding ring, and they
Irink w ine from the same cup. But tho
vgu lar ritual of the Greek church or-
laius that solem n betrothal precedes tho
ictnal marriage, in w hich are used gold
ind silver w edding rings blessed by
ihe priest, the gold ring being given to
;he man, tho silver ring to the woman.
The form of the espousal is then repeat-
id, and tlie rings are placed on the right
lauds and then exchanged that no iu-
Iriority m ayb e betokened by tho worn-
t l w earing the silver ring aud also to
udicate u com mon ownership of prop-
Àn Arm enian m other usually chooses
ter dau ghter’s husband. After all busi-
less prelim inaries are settled between
fie fam ilies tho bridegroom ’s mother,
Iceompauied by a priest aud tw o tna-
irous, v isits the bride and gives her a
ring in token of espousal, aud w ith this
•ing the couple are u ltim ately married.
Among tlio fishing com m unities very
ineieut and elaborate rings are used,
ind they descend as heirloom s from
feneration to generation.
In Japanese m arriages arranged be-
¡ween very young people tho girl re-
jeivos a ring in evidence that the union
is binding. In Malabar an old uativo
snstom seats both bride aud bridegroom
>n a dais, and a relative washes the
’eet of the bridegroom w ith m ilk and
□uts a silv er ring on tho great toe of the
right foot. He then hands a gold ring
to h is kinsm an, and a necklace and
rhaplet of flowers are put on . jo hrido’s
reck and head.— Loudon Mail
There It no spot between Duluth and the
Atlantic Ocean I do not knew. In 1873 1
from tht blaad.
ue«t i im
« » puntiti
l ----- ---------
Ihm p pith
I was in the employ of the Detroit and Cleve­
« le r ­
ly th e n t t t s s t r y m a t t e r n ia t i l H v
« W
•w m ild
land Navigation Co., and for fifteen years I
up w a tte d , n e r v e t is s u e , ttie re by f W t h \
was at my post aa ebief eugineor on one of
t h e r e e l ofr m a n y t g r ie u t d .» s t a t e »
. their big passenger steamers. My first boat
, wsa the U. N. Ilice, which was burned at
The g reat success of th is rtm ed y has led to
the (looks. Then I was transferred to the
Suhle, tv Id eh woe chartered to make the
many a tte m p ts a t im it a t io n and. s u b s titu tio n .
run lietwcuu Detroit and Cleveland.
" I brought out the new steamer the ‘City
Some d e a le r s t e ll c u s to m e rs th a t they h a v e “ a
of the Straits,* and fur years acted es her
chief engi.iear. It is a great reaponalbi'ity,
the posit ion of ohief engineer on those lilg
p ill m a d e fro m t h e s a m e fo rm u la ? or “ the sam e
' passenger palaces. Thousands of lives are
held in the keeping of the engineer. Few
e x c e p t in n a m e .” O f c o u r s e i t is n 't t r u e .
realfae the dangers tnat might befall them,
and en the engineer depends the safety of the
they don't fool many buyers. People are
. paasengera. The anxiety euueee a great
; nervous strain, and the strictest attentl
O n e C a u N e v e r H e P le a s a n t t o L o o k U p o n
' neceaeory during the trip. Not lor a
too intelligent.
L’ nlesM I n G o o d H e a lt h .
' ment must lie lose Ilia watch fill new, as the
human freight above him ia absolutely in
“ The m ost h elpful aud agreeable bath
hia care.
is that of tepid water, ” w rites Ruth
SO cents
“ For fifteen yeara I carefully watched
Ashm ore in The L a d ies’ Home Journal.
tha big engine! and boilers without a single
aoeident, and only noticed that I wns getting
“ F ew people can stand absolutely cold
nervous. Suddenly without warning I wus
*re iolfi
baths, aud, no m atter bow strong one
taken tick, and in less than a week I won
only in
K o r t a '» S e v e n W o n d e r « .
m ay be, such a bath should uot bo in ­
prostrated. I had the best of physicians,
«V »ent
und hoped to bo at work again within a
Tho seven wonders of Korea are: (1)
dulged in u n less a thorough rubbing bo
week. I grew graduully worse, and at the
taken afterw ard. To speak plainly, it Tho m arvelous m ineral spring of Kiu-
by muti
council of doctors, they said I had nervous
niust bo rem em bered that w h ile a cold >hauto, one dip in w h ich is a sovereign
prostration, end had destroyed my whole
bath m ay be more or less invigorating ;ure for all tho ills that human flesh is
nervous system vid would never be able to,
be ip again, l'.iey said I had worn myself
it is uot cleansin g. I can easily under- j heir to. (2) The doublo springs w hich,
cut lie the long nervous strain caused by
stand the desire of every wom an to hnvo though far apart, have n strange, m y s­
A d d rtM the On W illi ah * Me.oie.iNt
watolii ng and worrying about the machinery.
a clear, b eautiful skin, but 1 confess to terious affinity. A ccording to Korean
No mull could stand such nervous strains
over seven or eight yeara, while I bud been
being provoked w hen 1 think o f the belief, there is a connection under­
fifteen years in destroying my nerve centres.
am ount of m oney spent on lotions, ground, through w h ich water ebbs and
For three long years I was unable to move
from my bed without aatiatancc. The doctor William»’ Pink Pills for Pale People to me-
Pills for Pale People cured me surely cream s and powders to he applied e x ­ | Sows lik e tho w aters of tho ocenu, iu
tern ally and w h ich have nothing like as i meh a w ay th at only oue spring is full
•aid I Imd looomotor ataxia, and would Finally »he »aid they only coet 50 cent», enoagh.
never be nbl-s to walk ogum.
and »he wanted to know if I would try them.
“ l>r. Williams’ Pink P ill, for I’sle Pea. good an effect upon tha skin as a topld i xt a tim e. The w ater possesses a won-
"Tho pains and suffering I experienced To plenee her I consented, and the first box
le made me wliat I um to day. I onlv with bath w ith good soap taken at least ouco iorful sw eeten in g power, so tliut what-
during those yrara are almost indescribable. give me relief. I continued to use them for
could persuade others to do as I did, and
I w er is cooked therein becomes good and
a week.
My wife used to put eight or ten hot water about two yeara before I could get strength
take them before it is too Iste.”
Tho condition of the skin depends a l­ ! palatablo. (8) The cold w ind cavern,
b a«' around ma to stop the pein. Tims* enough to walk. It came «loir but sure, but
“ J amrs C rocxkt .’’
thatenme to sea me bill mogood-bya when what I am to-dav ie due wholly to Dr
Before me, a Notary Public, personallf m ost en tirely upon tho cure given to the whenco com es a never ceasing w ind so
they left me and I was given np. The doc- William»’ Pink Pill» for Pale People.
appeared James Crocket, who sigiicd aag general health. Tho girl w ho is up late piercing that nothing can w ithstand it
ta n sal I nothing more could be done for me.
“ Nearly everybody in D e tr o it s n o w s how swn.-e to the shoreatatemeiit as being true
at nigh t, g iv es uo care to her diet, in ­ , ind so pow erful that tho strongest man
in Set 1 had given myself up, and thought long I
confined to the bed, and of my evrrv iwrticulsr.
than was no use trying to get well.
wouderAil oom . it it almost a miracle to
R ouf . bt E . H ull . J«..
du lges iu various stim ulants, bathes but annot face it. (4.) Tho indestructible
‘‘ We tried every known remedy, and ray gome people that »aw me when the doctor«
JYetan/fWNfis . seldom nnd exercises less is certain to pine forest the trees of w h ich grow
wtfli kept reading the articles about Dr, had given mo up, but Dr. Williams’ Pink
W syne County, Mteh.
have eith er a d u ll, m uddy looking skin up again us fast as they are cut down,
or ono covered w ith disagreeable look­ i ¡6) Tho floating stone, a m assive block
ing bluck and red spots. One should that has uo v isib le support, but, like
• e n u r in g a L u n e lle .
I have be^nn gruel sufferer fro m eeaettpettoa
f baro nsed HI pan« Tidnlon with so much teal«*
avoid m any sw eets nud m uch pastry M ohammed’s coffin, rem ains suspended.
fo r otHr five yeara N othin« g iv e nt« any relief.
A c tio n tlia t I cua <UT«erfuUy revoruan-nd tb<-ui.
My f “«*l an J lege and abdomen were bl a ted fo
H are been troubled for about three >u«ra w ith
tricts of Faria a mock m arriage w as re­ aud not allo w h erself to become a slave ¡6, The warm stoue, situated on tho
I uotild not we»r ehoe* on my feci and ouly a loore
w i.iu Z rrilo d liillo u j Attack« coming on reg'd aily
dree-«. 1 »aw kipana Tsbuics advertised In our
cnee a week. Was told by different physicians
cen tly planned for the purpose of secur­ eith er to tea or coffee any iporo than she top of a h ill aud said to have tho pecul­
dally paper, bought »nme ao<l took them ns direct-
th at It wee ceased fcy bud teeth, o f which 1 had
ing n rather dangerous lunatic. Au at- w ould to sonio v iciou s drug or strong iarity of spreading warm th and heat
od. Have taken them alMiut throe week« and there
»er»r«l I hed the teeth extracted, but the a t­
It .«Ui‘b a ch«ng*-1 I in» not constipated «ny mors
tack« continued. I na l ccen adrortlactneubi of
traetiyo youn g person named Milo. De- stim u lan t. She should also remember i l l round it. (7) A drop i.f the sw eat of
attd I owe It a 1 to Ripen t Tabules. la m thirty-
JUpnns T m L' b I aj I d a ll ho paper» but had no futih
laplnnie w as sittin g in her boudoir the that un less she is in good condition in ­ Buddha, for 80 paces round w hich uo
Berea j ear« old, have r.o occup Ulna, only m y
in •hem. bttt about nix wonks since a f r l.’hd In
duced me to try them . H a ro taken but tw o of tho
t.ouauboM dud»« and uursing my sick husband,
other day in a house situated in a tern ally sho w ill be an yth in g but a flower or vegetation w ill grow, nor w ill
em ail 5 coat box»» o f the Tabu lev and hnvi had
lie It a» had the d rop«/ nud I «m try lu < Rlpana
street nlf tho Boulevard St. G erm ain. pleasant object to look upon externally. ” birds or other liv in g th in gs passover it.
norocurrx' te® o f the Attack». R a > o no err given a
Tabale* fo r M:n. He feel» torn-) »wtter but it w ill
—Brooklyn Eaglo.
tectlrnoniai fo r anything before, bet il*e greet
Suddenly a riu g camo to tho door, and
take hoiiiM time, he ha» been »tel* co long. You
HmokeleN« P o w d e r.
am ount ol (root I willed I beU«>o boa been o .c m I
may usu m y letter und name aa you like.
by Ripens Tubule« inducts mo to odd m ine to the
Mr«. M ac . t G obmas C lsrkb .
S a in t N o ra h a n d ill« P ota to .
It is n curiou s fact that w ith all of
ushered in n w e ll dressed man looking
m any UstlmonUus you doubtless liavo In y<nar
St. Norah w as a poor girl, says tho
A. T D b W itt .
pnateaaloa noir.
I have I mmi suffering fro m hoidaokea ever
like a superior sort of valet. Ha told the im provem ents and m odifications so
-iluco I wu« n little g irl. X could ¡¡over rid« In a
M ile. Iielaplnm o that he hail a letter notable in our unvy w e are still using Loudon Bunch, w h o prayed St. Patrick
ctu* or g »Into a crowded
1 w ant to Inform you,
place w ithout getting a
from one of her friends, a countess, aud tho old fashioned sm oky, sm elly powder for a good g ift that w ould make her uot
l a word« o f tUtfbe»t
headache and aiek at uiy
pralee, of the benefit
us the youn g wom an put her hand out that envelops everyth in g in a gray pall, proud but usefu l, and St. Patrick, out
stomach. I heard About
I hare derived from
It l pan * Tabnlea from an
reegive the m issivo tho stronger obscures th e view and confuses thrf gu n ­ i of h is ow n head, taught her how to boil
Rlpana Tabul»« I am a
aunt of tulua who w»«
profcaUuiuU nurse cud
her fingers, pressed them to his ners. O nly one o f our ships has been i potuto. A sad th in g and to be lam en t­
taking them for n a tirrti
In ihl? profession uclear
then, sin k in g on h is knees, u sin g cordite, tlio w onderful sm okeless ed, that tho secret has com e dowu to so
bead 1» mwitys needed.
found auuh ruilnf front
Kipana Taint :«*» doss It.
declaration of lovo pow der w h ich tho E nglish navy has few! Since the h igh est in tellectu al and
their uaa «headvised ma
A fte r nus o f my cose» !
adopted. T he results w ith th is ship, tho p'.iysical life is dependent upon diet—
T h e m odern s ta n d ­
and offered to m arry her.
t.»t..k> them ujo . aud I
found int «elf oow ptotc!/
h are twen dolBguo alnca
ru n d o w n , AoHngom bo
M ile. D elapluine saw by the m an ’s N e w Orleans, w ere tru ly aniHzmg. The ! sinco the cook m akes, w h ile the physi-
Inst October, and w ill
a rd F a m ily M edi­
advleu of M r Or«» Cow­
eyes tliat ho w as dangerously mad, and, rapidity, accuracy and precision of her □ian only m euds— should not sho w ho
ea, they h are complete,
er. Eli G., M l Newark
ly cured m y henduchea.
▲m., Jersey City, I t *»fc
fearful of a tragedy, sho accepted his Are w ere th e adm iration of nil observers. prepares our pies be as carefully traiued
I aiu tw eaty cine yeara
Mipatta Tabulae w ith
w ith uppareut calm ness. Then she Sm okeless powder has several advan­ as he w ho m akes our pills?
old. You a r * welcome
fra m l fMMtfcl»
C ertainly w hatever m ay ho the
to u«e thia te s tim o n ia l
com m on every-day
iuvited tha strange visito r to tho m ay­ tages. There is no obscuriug of tho
Mi»» Ursula WiSDMAJL
Mrs J. Baougavap»
or’s ollice iu order to have the nuptial view , th eex p lo sio u producing tho m erest know ledge or the ignorance of the serv­
ill of hum anity.
■other wa» tr*Miblcd
knot tied. Tho mail uccom |ianied her haze, w h ich lasts but an instant. It ant in tho kitchen, the m istress of the
w ith h e a r t b u r n aud
ith ulaerity to the establishm ent in leaves hut lit t le residuum in the gun, Louse, ho sho young or old, ough t to he
alecpIaMua.», cau.-r«; Vy
My reran year old bey
quostinu, w here » secretary, inform ed has m uch m ore power nud is every w ay able, lik e St. Patrick in the fable, out of
coffered w ith pain« In
tadtgaotlon. for a good
many *eam. One Cay
bla head, constipation
of the renl state of affairs, pretended to m ore desirable. H igh er m uzzle velocity her own instructed heud to teach Noruh
•he a a \r a tee-.lmnsisl
nod complAined <»f his
read the c iv il m nrriage regulations. is obtained w ith a projectile, as tho how to boil a potato or broil a steak so
ta the paper lidortln ;
iiiim ach . Ho c*»uld not
R l p a n » Tabula«, hba
eat like ohlldren o f his
The m ock bridegroom w as then taken pow der hu m s m uch m ore sin » ly than that they limy y ield their utm ost of rel­
determ ined to g U a thraa
age do and w h a t ha
by a detective to the police depot under tho ordinary sort, aud, therefore, g e n ­ ish and nutrim ent.
did eet did not agreo
a tria l, waa g r e a t l y
U n til she can do that, uo wom an is
ratiovwl by th e ir uaa
w ith him. Ho waa thin
the delusion th at he w as bound for a erates inure gas os the ball travels up to
• nd bow t a k e » th e
and o f a saffron color,
pastry cook's, there to g iv e an order for th e m outh o f tho gnu Tho detuaud for qnalilied to preside over a household,
Tahalea ragntarly O hekarpaafew cartoee Ulpnaa I R u lin g «orne c f the teatlnv ntala In favo r of
Tatsulea In tha hoaae and »ay» »he w ill aot ba w ith I Mipana Tabulae. 1 tried them. Itlpan* Tabnlea not
a sum ptuous w edd in g breukfast. Tbe sm okeless powder seem s to fco one o f the aud since few reach ad u lt life w ithou t
only relieved but actuully cured tny youngster,
o u t them Tha heartburn aud ala«ple<Mncsa have
man was, it apiaiars, form erly em p loy­ im p eratives of the im m ed iate fu tu re.— being called to tliut position iu tho
the haadac: ea k a ro d.aappearrd. b-'wola are In
«leepp'-erad w ith the lndlg**M “ n v hick waa
household o f husband, father or broth­
ftwaaerly ao great a burriaa f>w her. Our win da
good nott«IMI«»n and lie n e 'e r eomplataa o f h it
ed as a valet by one of M ile. Delap- N e w York Ledger.
stomach. Ila la now a red, chubby faced boy. Thta
er, the legend of St. Noruh has a w ide
fa m ily taka th a Tnbuh a regularly, aopaelnlly afte r
wonderful ohau»e I Attribute to Itlpnna Tabute«
a baavty n e a t My m other la fifty year* of age
N o t M a s h o r a lU li o f .
jigui flea rice.— Y outh's Companion.
1 am «ailaned that they w ill honeflt any oua (from
and ts ea>*ylng tha beat o f haubh and spirit« , cl*»
C rusty Old U ncle— W ell, W illiam ,
the cradle to old age' l( taken according to dlreo*
rata liaarty maela, aa lm p o M lb 'llty haf <ra «ho
took HI pane Tabulae.
A>roa B. D lauusm .
T h e N o rth w e s t In d ia n n u d H ia W n /a .
I ’ve decided that you n eed n ’t pay back
A num ber o f [»ersons w ere talking the $.'i0 you got from mo last summer
The Indian of the p lains is a far moro
about coincidences, w hen a clergyiuan I ’m g oiu g to m ake you a present o f it.
A new ityle pauk«« routalnlTu; tuw air aíra Tierra» packed In a per** carte« (without gia«d I» n *w for «ala
picturesque ind ivid u al than h is brother
gave an instunce iu h is ow n experience.
sama drug Worm ron n r a o a rr a Thia low-priced anrt ta Intended for the poor and the eoooanManX. <’uo
R eck less N e p h e w —T hanks!
or cousin of the coast. Ho does uot erect
ef tha Ur eoe nt or.rtma (1Î9 tabu!«' eon ba had by mad by sending f o r iw U h l e »ta to the Riraas
“ W hen 1 w as a very young mnn, before
Crusty Old U n cle— W ell, th a t’s not totem poles nud has uo tim ber for tuo
<'UBsr*L Oo'¿ra»T. Ne. ia »prue* Atreet, Maw York—o r a «iode carton (Tra T o r ta s ) will b» met for U*e o«z.fe
a very ruthu siastio w a y you have o f a c ­ purpose if so inclined, but ho is suffi­
I t t r «va T o n a t e a r a i * . • » had
«.»me g rawer«. R * a e r e i « to rrk e e p e re . new« «Mf-nte ao d a t »um « l.^ u o r «U n se
» shops. Tl»ny bar.Sh pain. Indue« sleep and prolong Ufa. Owe gires rrdleC.
w ith a series of m isfortu nes aud was k n ow led gin g m y generosity. I thought ciently s|iectacnlar h im self w ith ou t re­
nearly discouraged. One day 1 wus seat­ you'd ho overjoyed Ht g e ttiu g th is debt sorting to grotesque carvings aud pain t­
ANTKI’—»rvtr.%1. YltVaTWORTIlY FLH.M'b* lb
ed on u bench in tho park of a foreign off your m ind.
ed wood. H is saddle, w ith its leather
thi« »tali' In t»iaiia««t nur btiHlti« mi in U .v ir o a it 1 c ity. My head w as sunk upon toy hands
R eckless N ephew — Oh, it hasn't been hangings and wooden stirrups, is iu
und iicurhx c o u u tlca . It la m a in ly ottlcc t**»rh 1
nnd liluck despair covertsl me lik e a bothering m e I I had no iuteiitiou of itse lf a rem arkable aggregation, nnd
i i»ndnt'li*<l at h o m e, balarv etrniRiit f w »
year an d vxpt'nM « d e fin ite , bonafid«*, n o nmrv
cloud. 1 hud about concluded to strug IMiying you a nyw ay. — C leveland Leader when set off w ith hia goods nud chut
n o Ivae M ila n . M on th ly
K vfiTvncc. Kn
<*kw a elf uddrv»MMl Mt>nni»e<1 v n t v l o w , H e r b e r t 1 g le uo longer w h en a sligh t noise at
tcis tied iu bags, rags, strings nnd
I f you auffer from any o f the |
, K. II vml I'raat.. I ’t'pt. M chh'tigi’.
traetid m y utteutiou, and I glanced up
H l» T r a d * .
ill» of men, come to «he oldest
straps, the effect is remarkable. He
SpoctalM on the PaciAc Coast, I
to see stan ding licforo m e aud contem ­
The P olicem an — W h st's your trade? w ears the cast off garmenta of his w h ite
O ft JOHOAH ft CO.,
T h a M a g ic c f » W o rd .
plating m e w ith big, solem n eyes the
The Suspect— An ironworker.
brother in such original com binations
J M 1 MarhHSl. C«td IM2.
A party of gentlem en but recently ru- m ost beautiful little g irl 1 have ever be­
“ Is that so? I ’ll see what you know that lie looks lik e the personification of
> Y o u t t s M r ii and Middle (
_ —
m r n *»hn Alt* sufferin'
turned from n m etropolitan c ity tell A held. 'What is your name, m y pretty about it. 1 used to be in the trade m y ­ • secondhand stero.
Som etim es the
1 from the effect» o f youthful indiscretions or ea- |
new atory on the leisu rely bellboy. child ?’ w as my natural inquiry ’H op e,’ s e l f .’’
adoption of a pat»- of guernseys as an
ce«»e* iu m.«t>irer rear*. Nervoua and Phr*ir«l
* --- ( They were stopping at a big hotel, nml she answered iu a clear, sw eet voice.
e a r j l X H t Mnaab*»**««
“ I— I m ean iu a laundry “ — Indian exhernal covering g iv es him quito an
in all its cumpiicatio a; M | » r r m a t o r r h « a ,
m tho first evening of their v isit were Then she turned and r o t i aw ay, and tbe apolis Journal
P rM ta to rrfe
athletic nppearnnro. H e wears h is hatr
f l o n e r r h o a , C llo r t. , I
r r e n a r a e y « r IT r i ■■ n t I n * . o«c. 3 y a '
seized w ith a m ighty thirst, but w h ich tittle earth ly form w hose lip s had
iu G ertrude braids, and prefers ear­
I cmmmm I mot tM M m ea, e f gvtai c w e tlw p i »
they believe-, plain ice w ater w ould aa- brought mo a m essage of com fort disap­
B iam en d s are cut in three different rings about the size of half dollar coius.
er, the l>oct<* h-.s an anunged h»v treatment
i that it trill no« o«ly a ff rd immediate relief but ,
peared fi tever, but the w h ito sp irit of forms— the rose, t h e b rillian t aud the A m osquito net or handkerchief is h it
■u.vge. One of them ste p p ’d to the bell
permanent < ure. 1 he D<* tor doe» rot < lain» to ’
push. It was one of those new fanulcd her name she had left in m y heart, and table, of w h ich tbe secoud ts the p retti­ fgvorito hep.l covering, aud if he as-
perform arfr M le«, b t( if trail '.n* tl r to be « 1'a.r ,
and ««yi
I hw , n - I ' r<eo r»r eminent
th in g , built on the principle r / a dollar from that day I prospered. My eldest est. It is a double pyram id or cone, o f ramos a hat it is as an additional and
in hi* tpor a lt y - n ia c a a « '« o f M e n .
typew riter. You turn tlio hand around daughter is called Hope. " — Exchange.
w h ich tho top ts c u t off to form a large purely ornam ental appendage —D atrcit
• v p o l l la th n ro u »h lv eradicated from tho
ayaf/ m Tvttkout nati'« M r r r n r » .
f i e dial t ill it point' to w hat you w an t,
plane, and at the bottom, directly oppo­ Free I*ress.
o p riv i-x m «« win r«-
eelvn mtr Vmraf ortAim of tito « omplelnt.
then you p r e sslb e butt. n. nnd the bnai-
site to a «mull plane.
It'eu- :<^inro
k r i*
M a rle d a t a a a tte g e .
At a Ixmdon clu b there is tbe most
ties, i-ffli-a is suppos.-d to <lo the res!.
every ecw« tra cede’fair, or fo / a t O n e
T h n w aan d lln lln m
The instrum ent w as caused to register unique pair of eu rtaiu s iu existeucn.
“ F ew stu d en ts o f Napoleonic h isto ­
The finest opal of m odem tim es be
Çdnaultation F‘R I E and «nicily pinate.
T h is portiere is form ed of hundreds of longed to tbe Ktnprosa Joeephiue I t r y ," ears the London Chronicle, “ are
ice w afer a num ber of tim es in the re
c f T iG S S r e a r aKAMNABi r. Treat
pions below, but there waa no response. cham pagne corks, taken from every w as called the “ Burning of Troy ” sw ore that Dr A ntcm archi, w ho a t­
moot personally or hy letter, fa n *’ foe bn k
00 T h e F tilie e e p b y eff Marrlnar,**
Tbe thirst kept on tuereasliig and the known brand o f rhanipagne. each of Its fate it nnknow u. ae tt disappear«« tended upon N apoleon I during his last
frao. (A valuabla bock for men.)
gentlem en got hot in the collar. Guo of w hich l<cars the tin top w inch adorned w hen tho a i l t o entered Bart«.
illn ess at 8t. Helen», is buried in the
1’ieni sonkont goiug down and ehalleng. it w hen tho cork w as in its pareut bot­
cem etery at S au tiago de (tuba. H e bad
G re a t M u r r a i n o f A n a t o m y ,
W ell Named.
tha hneM and largeat M ’ »-e iA o f it* kind in the
tag the elerk nud the bellboys to a bo«- tle. The corks are made in to strings,
s brother liv in g in that island, aud
• mM
Come and leain ’• » «T»
’ I
there being »0 of them to each strin g
“ Thi» is the parlor, eh?" ten ta tiv ely • h e r the em peror's death proceeded
I lg mutek.
• r« made; h o *’ to avoid »if ka-
“ No, don't do th a t,” remarked one Bi'twism every cork there are three t ig remarked tbe real ostatn agcut, w ho thither and lived at Santiago, exercis­
M ’e are roAtir.iiaUy addina t
CArAJA^CK rKXJt. f a n o i tvnin.
of tbe geutlem en. “ Ju«t watch me— Chineae beads of tnrqnniao blue. A lto­ wns looking over the bouso.
ing his ek ill as «u ccu liot gratuitously
IO B I (d a titi Street. Sao Francisco
gether there are 24 strings, and nt from i “ Yoa," replied tbe old man Kidder, tm ong the poor. A fter h is death in
I ’ll be, I ’ll get ’e m .”
H>- prunes! over to the boll, yanked 13a. to 16a a cork, the portiere repre­ “ but 1 n sa a lly call tl the courtroom — 1834 a public m onum ent wa« e n c re d to
the crank 11 round to “ champagne'* and sents a total expenditure Y>t about I ’ve got seven dangbteis, you know.
bin m em ory iu the local cem e ter y ."
Tho FooUah Ad eleo Otro».
let ,t driv« | n an in e m lih ly short tint« «1,600. T h e eorka are lied to a w h ite Harper's Baaar.
L e v . I n C a r ly n e r s .
they» w .h a knock it tb® loor, and the enam eled polo, w ith fancy ends, am! big
“ I bat« to *M a n o n w ,’° ll#1
aashea of bluo ribbon adorn the brass
enough Io g ir o good ad new. ” » t l Mr. hoy «reek h it need la
I .k in d .
" Y e e ," said Adam to Eve as the tw i­
knobs. The total effect ta d istin ctly
“ Cham pagne, gentlem oo?”
B tffcrlr. ••bo* n ’ * »M,w* nr •*r"n« th
" F a lse o n e ,” said he as be stalked lig h t drew about th e sgrd touplo, act-
W hat niakea thia nniqne por­ from ber iweseuce, “ you uow look upou telling their lin eem eu ts to a smublauce
“ No. just bring ns soni plain, every
enough to fo llo w rnd profit by i» him
of yoxth . " h ow w e ll 1 remember the
»»If. but It I « » t«-* »*»1 m su y » n»»n day, com mon w ater w ith lee In i t Wo tiere doubly ra in s hie is the fact that m y face for tbe last tim e .“
baa g o t r k b on n h in t from aom«bo<ly rang for cham pagne just to catch yon each cork heart the autograph of a fa-
“ W ell, yonr locks w ill 1» improved ta r w e m et! You w ore a diffident
N ow get a m ove oti y«u ''— moua actor or actreaa o f the pteaent day
•ho hoa stai-I p o o r . M i
by w earing a mask, '' replied the un i * t r “ —
— Loudon Standard.
it waa a ll.— Indianapolis Journal
A h a
ktud g i r l — N ew York World.
C omvamv .
You can ?
oa ,
r.vrav n.m
í* l
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,
T h e S tory o f • C sp tstn W h o H a d M u r d e r
Indicnte that your liver
is out of order. The
best medicine to rouse
the liver and cure all
these ills, is found In
I n Il l s n « » r t —A F ie r y L ie u te n a n t C olo­
n e l W h o W a n te d to K i l l
H is
ORtcer—A I'e n e e m .k tn B A d ju ta n t.
“ Tragedies iu our own camps, out­
side of battles, were more common than
tho public knows, ’’ said a distinguished
Hssori’s P ills
25 cents. Sold by all medicine deniers. ;
"Tho shooting of Major General N e l­
son at L ouisville by Brigadier General
Jeff C. D avis because Nolson in a fit of
auger had called D avis a long string of
hard names, is ono of tho few that came
to tho surface. You w ou ld n’t think it
probably, but I m yself w as once so close
to a tragedy that it makes my gray hair
rise up ns I recall it.
“ W hile a number of officers of the
regim ent were iu tho m ajor’s tent I said
gfimething that a captain took excep­
tions to, aud a war of words follow ed.
When he plumped out, ‘You are a liar!'
I struck out w ith m y right ami set him
to bleeding. He came back at me like a
tiger cat. W e clinched aud for three or
four m inutes had it hot aud sharp; then
II, H a il, P « lt a ( « P a t« ,
tho others separated us. Ho made all
sorts of threats. I wus adjutant. He
ranked me, aud I confess that for u tim e
t e
I did fear he w ould make me trouble iu
the way of court m artial, but tho m at­
ter seemed to blow over.
“ Ouo fall afternoon the captain in v it­
ed mo to tako n walk w ith him. Think­
ing that our troubles had com pletely
Greatest Weekly in the Country,
healed, I consented. On tho way back
to camp wo passed through an orchurd.
I d im bod n treo to get some apples.
Just as I reached for an npple I saw the
captain reach for his revolver and glare (Inc lud ing postage) to any p a rt of the U n ited
at me like a very fiend. Instantly I loos­ States, C anada and Mexico.
T H E W K E K L .Y C H R O N IC L E , the brightest
ened m y hold and dropped to the ground.
and most complete W ee k ly N ew sp aper lu the
Seizing a stake, I took m y place by his w orld, p rints reg u la rly 112 Colum n», or sixteen
ptures, of News, L ite ra tu re and G eneral In fo r ­
side aud said, ‘Now , you cowardly dog,
ation: also a m agntttcent A g ric u ltu ra l and
put up that gun or I ’ll brain you. ’ T his m
H o rtic u ltu ra l D e p artm en t. T h is Is one of the
tim e he w as kept on a hot griddle for a greatest departm ents in a n y paper on thia
mouth, though I made no threats and Coast. E v e ry th in g w ritte n Is bnsed on ex­
had no thought of reporting h is attempt perience In tbe Coast States, not on Eastern
men's knowledge of th e ir ow n localities.
to nssassiuato mo.
“ Tho next fight we got into w e made SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE.
up for good nud a ll aud remained fast
friends u n til the final round up, when
General Joo Johuston had his men
throw down tlioir guns and go homo to
I ‘make a crox. ’ It happened iu this way:
Tlio colonel had given tho order to form
line of battle. As adjutant it was my
duty to see that each captain carried
out tho order. W hen I reached tho
1 would bo assassin and bad performed
m y duty and started to go away, ho
called out, ‘Adjutant, como back.’
When I com plied, ho took m y hand,
looked mo squarely iu tho eye nud said:
‘Lienteuunt, can you forgive me for all
i of m y meanness to you? I hope so. I
liavo never had a good hour sinco that
T h e C h r o n i c « « IS u l l d l i S 'j s
incident iu tho orchard.’
T H E C H R O N IC T « 2 ranks w ith the greatest
“ ‘W ith nil m y heart, captain. N o
newspapers In the U nited States.
one but you and m yself knows auytiling
T H E C H R O N IC L E lias no equal on the Pacino
about that little nffuir. ’
Coast. I t leads a ll in a b ility , enterprise aud
“ As I said, uothiug clso camo up to he’vs.
T H E C H R O N IC L E 'S T e leg rap h ic R eports a re
separate us w h ile in tho army. Wo
the latest and most reliable. Its lxx?al N e w s the
never m et after being mustered out. Ho fuHcht and spiciest, and its E d ito ria ls fro m the
died threo years ago. Of courso I could ablest pens In the country.
T H E C ilR O N l(? L E hex alw ay s been, and a l ­
liavo sent h ig i out of tho army in d is­
grace aud placed him in tho peniten­ ways w ill be, the friend and cham pion of the
pec pie, as against com binations, cliques, cor­
tiary after he w as out, hut I ’ve alw ays porations, or oppressions «L any k in d . I t w ill be
been glad I did not. Ho w as a good sol­ liuiepvndeut In everything, n e u tra l In nothing.
dier in battle, ns l rave as they made
them, but a bulldog in camp. He left
the army a major. H is name? N ever
m ind that. It is n true story. I w ish it
were uot, for I cannot forget that at oue
tim e iu m y life I w as in a fair w ay to
M a p ?
bo murdered. ”
“ Report to your headquarters under
of Canada a i t Northern M j x I o i
arrest, sir. ”
o k
O N E H ID K .
Tho colonel of a western regim ent
biased that remark to his lieutenant
' colonel ns ho dism issed tho parado ono
O T H IC T t 8 1 D E .
, evening iu December, 1864, a few m iles
H n < S 2 u n d <«et t h e ffla p a n <
i c l e fi»r <>.»• Y e a r ,
back of Petersburg.
p o t t a g e p r e p a i d eas m a p a n d p a p e r «
“ I refuse to go, d------ you, ” wns tho
M . H . «1« Y O i r N O ,
“ Adjutant, roo that Lieutenant Colo-
rroprtetor S F. Ch ron tele.
nel Blank goes to h is quarters nt once,”
said tho angry colonel, who w as iu tlio
right, for tho lieutenant colonel, who
tiV W iY M V Y Y A 'T W ffM 'fr.V iY iV /i'f/fffita
had been drinking, had disobeyed or­
i c t y l is h . R ELIA B LE I
A R T IS T IC -* .
The adjutant knew both officers w ell,
; Recommended by Leading
and that it w ould not do for them to
U reatm akers
They Always Please.
como together that nigh t. He bad a
merry tim e of it keeping them apart.
The lieutenant colonel would jum p up
aud start for the cabin door w ith a
threat to go to the colonel's quarters
nud cut him down w ith his sword. He
was a pow erful man, able to carry out
his threat unless tho colonel should got
the drop. Once tho arrested officer got
js I ^ ” |«,I p i i' e r r ,
away and w as half way to the colonel's
a • » « • r c it v .n j .1 I , . n n in ■( , k . V , c H . , „ ,n J .
•g 'I ,
cabin, w ith sword drawn. “ Stop,
! di»«, i to us
»nt «t«'ni.* fc^e>'.«d
A J Jrtu yettr »est? It p JÓ:
m an," said the adjutant. “ W ould you
blot your record of three years bv com ­
133 Io 146 W 14th Slrsel. he» Torli *'
m ittin g murder? Think of that. 'Think
Bit » X' B O Frft r« :
• •
of your w ife nnd children. Cotne back
I ’ o r i i t h A v e .. C hicago, « rd
»031 ,M arket 5 1 ., Ssn Francisco. • ;
to your quarters. You shall not go a
step farther in that direction un til yon
have killed me. ”
“ I don't w ant to k ill you, but I ’m
goiug to k ill the colonel.
“ A ll right, kill him , but w ait until
tomorrow— until it is light. Don’t shoo*
M agazins
I'uhlislied »S
a man ia the dark. That is no way for
> Cunt sin» B eautiful ( »
ed I'te
a brave man to do. ’’
He w ent hack to h is bnnk and slept
u n til morning. \ \ hen he awoke, he
came to m e and s a id :
' How can I get out of th is scrape,
I H E M c C M . t . C O ..
■ ;
fc IJ» Io 146 V /. I ,t h S I.. \ ( w Y » Ik z i
’ W rite the colnuel an apology."
J fW M W W '.V .V W V A W .’fV.W .w.’ tAM.’I b i
He wrote it, and the adjutant took it
to the eolouel, w ho rwui ¡t, l.m gbcd aud
said. Bring Cvloui l Blank to my qnar*
tors " They met like a p a iro f tretbero,
and to tliis day the adjutant behoves
that he prevented an army tragedy, and
1 guess he did. — Chicago T im esH erald .
th e
d a il y
$6: 7 0
The Weekly Chronicle
$ 1 .5 0
Map o f th e W orld
P atterns
magazine 1
S»te G n s rh ls ii.
“ D i you lik e candy, mamma?" asked
4-y«<ar old Baaat*
“ No, dear," w as the reply. “ It al
w ays niakea rac sick. “
•’I ’m aw fu l glad o f it ," aaid the lit
tie in is» " Y o u ’re ju st the woman I
want to bold my caudy w h ile 1 dresa
d v .ly j —-Uhicago N ew *
. urv-t
I f B T x m i. v
» "ipcirn Sari
I erm
•4 ^««4el, »b*t i» »r phot •. »rtl»
FXCL Onta «s »vfevron w~s tt « f s’’
W1TTR »CX OOFT e r Otra STT*’! AL
!• <• themnwt I-
rsl rr, r w>•»•»«»v»» ms»«
' »«1 kn ar nnrunoB » « e ’T 't
XT ***’ efPtyikg H r |«tonk A
lu o reta iM . W A S H IN C T O N , D. C.