Entered a t th e pout-office at Florence, «•.'tflA POlintv Ûrounn u*a uwp/in.l.i.loou rraiiK Knowles li launch in running order The green fruits sent to the markets are : Five hundred cars of annler. 503 Eugene route, last Friday evening under the auspices liexes; lot) cars of prunes, 24,033 pounds to the car; 75 cars of plums in attendance 24,000 pounds to the car. and 75 car ^ocal notice. 8 c e n t , p er li n e , e a c h in s e r tio n • ¡ „ „ „ j M pg the church being nearly filled. Six loads of strawhenies. have their lives and future usefulness The March term of circuit court con- young people of the vicinity competed The evaporated fruit Florence, Or. Mar, wrecked hv INDISCRETION AND venes at Eugene next Monday. There for the prize. The judges selected hy follows. These goods are mostly new, bought the society were Mrs O L Brewster, Mrs are 91 cases on docket. Seven hundred cars of prunes, 24,003 PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms F II Rogers and Andrew Brund. W E S T L IN G S . pounds per car, making a total ol 10,830,- until cured, ere portrayed on the coun­ for tho Fall and W inter trade, and will , Martha A McAllister of Creswell has The exercises open»‘d about 7 :33 tenance an I in the actions of the vic­ ; tieen granted a pension of $8 by the under the maungemunt of Rev Knotts 033 pounds, valued at 3h_. rents, or a tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ bo sold without reserve. It u tlie largest [ total of $525,030: of apples 2,100,000 lbs. , department at Washington. Florence school closes today.V , who announced as the opening part a J were shipped at 0 cents per pound, ed, other organs become affected, and stock carried for many years thus giv­ G uard: W O Y oran lias placed an song from tlie Gospel Hymns, Rescue Annual school meeting next Monday. valued at $123,033, making a total of sooner or later there are serious results. ing 11 great variety to select irotn ' order for material and expects to open the Perishing, followed hy an invocation J Our New Method Treatm ent will posi­ A fine stock of ammunition of all | up a job printing office in a short time hy Rev II Marsh, A rending by Mrs ' $051,033 for evaporated fruit and about tively cure these diseases. kinds at A O Funke’s. $1,000,003 for the entire fruit crop— in this city. J L Furnish was next upon the p r o g r a m . ' MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There nre For Dress Cutting and Fitting call at green and evaporated—sent out of the May Phelps, the first of the contest- ' state. J E Wilson GO vears old and a well thousands of you who have committed Ute Ladies Bazaar at Point Terrace. connected citizen hanged himself at ants then spoke, The Foundation Stone offences against the laws of your na­ A very handsome showing. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed Kellogg last week. No cause cm he of the W O T U. ture,, and are now paving up for it. for 25 cents by C I Hood & Co., Lowell F R U IT GROWERS ORG AN IZE. assigned for the rash act. A Short Story, hy Earl Butterfield was Those weak, aching hacks, Loss of Sex­ Mass. ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Do not put oft' until tomorrow the i the next part. Thia waa followed hy a T he Eugene stage did not get through n « m T W ( I F C r a J ! I S ? ! l i ★ Guard: The Lane County Fruit-1 Frequent and Painful evacuations of ★ I duty that ought to he done today, If song of welcome by five girls. t o Mapleton Tuesday on account of Irm a Sauhert then recited, On Which • growers’ Association was organized at i the Bladder accompanied by more or ; your blood is impure ami you feel weak ! h ig h w ater. ! Eugene last Saturday. less smarting and the escape of p ar­ j and weary, take Hood's Sarsaparilla at Side are You. We have ju6t received some fine once. Viola Colter came next with, Strong Officers were elected as follows: ( ticles of albumen in tlie urine with sample plows. Call and see them. Drink is Raging. A song hy seven President, F M W ilkins; vice president, ropy sediment, all point to the decline R an gin g in cloth from $ 1 .5 0 up. P lu sh cap&3 from $ 2 .6 0 up. From the Guard we learn that Thos | Meyer & Kyle. children, Whose Shoes, was then given. N H um phrey; secretary, J G Steven ' of your manhood. There aro hundreds Bennett, recently employed hy Fisher A J Cotton b lan k ets 5lc, 65a, 75c, 81.00, and 81.25 per,pair. Clara Emmons then delivered, The so n ; treasurer, S B E akin; executive who aie of this difficulty, ignorant of The high water this week brought Watkins lias purchased from Joel Me- committee, F M Wilkins, J G Steven- ; tlie cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee down another large lot of logs for our Cornack a half interest in the U of O Trials of a Christian Conscience W ool “ from i'-’.()0 to 3S.0!) par pair;! niictlySalenrmmufaclur« Tlie Rum Maniac, was next reci ted son, F B Chase, N Humphrey and F J a perfect cure in all such cases, and lumbermen. meat market. C alicoes at}20, 25, and 30 y d s., for 81.00. j N e w e s t s ty le « hy Maud Wetmore. W Osburn. Meetings are to he held healthy restoration of theG enito U rin­ 0 \V Htnd, district clerk, was takingn From later reports it appears th at the Alter the song, Home Protection, by ary Organs. tlie last Saturday in each month. C hicago L. L. m u slin 5c, Cabot W . 0c, Cabot A . 7c, w ith h a lf census of the school children of Florence fruit crop in the Willamette valley was the children, the judges retired for eon- ' George A Dorris, G W Weider and J READER—Are you in trouble? disti let this week. not damage 1 nearly so much by the saltation. While they were deliberat- i cen t reduction b y thejbolt. II Monteith were appointed a com­ Have von been treated anil never cured? Among the fine poultry now owned cold weather last month as was nt first i ing the audience was entertained w i t l i | mittee to provide a suitable program i Yon dare not risk a return of the dis­ on-tlie river are some handsome Ply- feared. Petite and French prunes are the hymn, Safe in the Arms of Jesus. of papers and discussions for each I ease. It may appear when happy in month Rock fowls the property of Mrs injured much more than Italians. Tlie judges then returned and Rev ■ meeting. domestic life. Our New Method S tile s The rainy weather has given the Knotts announce ! that the medal was i The committee appointed at a recent J Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, Several new correspondents have sent youngsters plenty of opportunity to play awarded to Maud Wetmore. He accom- ' meeting to prepare by-laws and n con­ onstilt us confidentially. us articles within the past two or three ■ in t l i e water hut yesterday we saw a boy panied the announcement with a sh o rt' stitution submitted a report, which was 1 WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) Men s and Boys’ clothing at prices w e|ks. We ate always glad to receive ' enjoying the fun in a way that was new but well chosen and amusing p résen ta-! adopted. Under the provisions of the j tor our interesting hook. “ A Warning that will astonish you. This is an op­ t h e news. to us. He was riding a tricycle through tion speech. ! constitution and by-laws, the m atter Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept ' The mail from Gardiner was delayed a pond and towing behind him a fleet Tlie program being concluded the of curing, packing, shipping and selling ; strictly private and confidential. All portunity to procure your] wintor sup­ b y the high water Tuesday and did not of three small boats. audience was dismissed. the fruit i* placed under the supetin- j answers sent plain sealed envolope. plies practically for co3t. Remember nrrve at Glenada till Wednesday after­ Some of the married ladies of this I tendence and management of the exec- j No 0 . O. D. business. NOTES. noon. ' utive committee. The fruit of each I place can vouch for the misplaced the place and call. Taken altogether this class is the Tlie Douglas county court is adver­ confidence of a certain young couple youngest of tlie six who have competed I member will he kept by itself, and ! Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. tising for bids for the erection of a new while on their wav to the medal contest for the silver medal here, hut ono or two | j graded and his fruit is placed to his W RITE TODAY. court house. They are to he opened last Friday evening. He undoubtedly of its members being over sixteen and credit when received by tlie committee. [ thought he had his arm under her rape one only ten years old. All tlie fruit of tlie association is to be ! March 9th. sold under the association’s label. The I Address The contract for erecting the new or he would not have kept it there the It was a severe strain for some of the | Remember we carry a general assort- Episcopal churcli in. Eugene the coming rest of the way to the church ; and she young people to speak loudly en ough to '" ‘•'«•»»I’ship fee >8 M. and those present Dr- W H-Saunders & Co -, ment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 69 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich. inter has been awardeJ L N Roney evidently had confidence enough in he heard in all the parts of the large and signing the constitution Saturday that cape to hide his arm, or their building hot they succeeded in doing it. j represented 65 per cent of the fruitgrow­ fesOO. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ minds were so preoccupied that neither The parts were well delivered but the ers of the county. lie University of Oregon debating of them knew where the arm was; but appearance of one of two of the contest­ were victors in the contest with S H E E T AN D P IL L O W -C A S E PA R TY and Children’s Underwear, Hosiery and C A TA R R H C A N N O T BE CU RED- others did. Girls don’t trust your capes ants while speaking was such as to Pacific University team at Forest too much. Notions all reduced. This; sale |for I lower the general effect and make con­ Grove 1 ast Friday. There will be a sheet and pillow-case ( With local applications, as they can­ CASH only. Eugene district is in a peculiar posi siderable difterenco in the total number We were informed yesterday after­ not reach the seat of tlie disease. Catarrh dance in the OJd Fellows' building in tion in regard to one of its officers. Two of their marks. noon that work is to be commenced is a blood or constntional disease, and Florence Friday March 17th, 1899. years ago Rev W S Gilbert was elected The universal opinion of those who today at the Spruce Point mill to put it Music by in order to cure it yon must take inter- a school director. After joining the ! attended, so far as we have heard it In « tie r for operation. F Woodcock : : : Organist Ina I remedies. H all’s C ttarrh Cure is 1 1 . second Oregon regiment, when it waa expressed, is that the young people di 1 : : Violinist The Robarts went up the river yes­ ascertained that the regiment would he well and the only regret being that hut | taken internally, and acts directly on Marion Morris terday after L Christensen's and T J absent from the state for a considerable one could he awarded the medal. But I the blood and mucous surfaces. H all’s Tickets including supper nt Tanner Hotel $1.00. Catarrh Cure is not a q nick medicine. Neely’s salt salmon which is to be ship­ time he tendered his resignation as ! ail have a reward th at is of more i m ­ W aisken A no : ii : ws I , , ped Io S a i l Francisco on tlie Bella, school director but the rest of the board portance than the mere name of winning It was prescribed hy one of the heat J ohn T annxr , Managers. The heavy rains Monday and Tuesday declined to nccept it. Recently inquiry a medal, in the practice and knowledge physicians in this country for years, and id considerable of a freshet in the was made of the state superintendent they have gained of the art of speaking, and is a regular prescription. I t is com­ FOR SALE OR T R A D E - posed of tiie best tonics known, combin­ Tuesday evenihg the water was as to whether tlie office was vacant or SUN DAY S E R VIC E S. ed with tlie best blood purifiers, th e highest it has been this winter. not and he decided, that Rev Gilbert is One 2 ! / steel skein Mitchel Wagon acting directly oil the mucous surfaces, A package left at our office last week still a director. As lie is nt Manila it 10 a in Sunday School, 11 a in and j The perfect combination of the two with four heavy springs uuder bed, would take some time to communicate wodnot, opened for several days but it 7 p m preaching. Endeavor 2:33 p m ingredients is what produces inch won­ spring scat, neck-yoke nnd doubletrees prove d to contain a very generous piece with him so it is probable that the other derful results in curing catarrh. Send all in good running order. Will sell mi I G K notts paotqr. ot «Washington pie decorated witli tlie two directors will have to transact the cash or tram, fur stock. Price $35.00. fur testimonials, free. national colors for which Mrs Rath will business for tlie entire board, for a while T O C U R E A COLO IN O NE D A Y. Enquire of E K M ark , Florence, Ore. F J Cheney & Co Props. Toledo, O, at least. p M b e accept our thanks. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. - sheer boom below Point Terrace W ANTED. H all’s Family Pills are the best. PERSO NALS. All druggists refund money if it fails to j | way Tuesday and allowed m iny of cure. 25c The genu. ? lias L B Q o n i D E C IS IO N A F F IR M E D - igs which came after that to pass John Tanner started for Lane county’s Reliable man for Manager of Branch each tablet. the river to tlie Island boom capital yesterday. Office I wish to open in this vicinity. *i caught and held them in safety, The supreme court has affirmed the If your record is O K here is a good F IR S T O REG ON BOY K ILLED II R Mills etarted for Eugene yester­ [»tain A J Campbell who was en- decision of the lower court in the Bran- opening. Kindly mention this pajier , None who are ongagml in any of the mechanical day to do duty as a juror. I in the steamboat business at C »os I » lieu writing. Private Edwin W Hampton, Company ton murder case. pursuits can succeed without reading and Miss Jennie Howe is up South Slough sir many years and who owned the This means the decision of 12 men of H, Second Oregon regiment, was shot A. T. Mourns, Cincinnati, O. for a two week’s at the Mills ranch. when Bhe was brought from that j Lane county that Claude Branton is studying this standard Magazine of Sciences Illustrated catalogue 4 cis. postage. and killed during a reeonnoisance Fell I B Cushman went to San Francisco 22nd in the vicinity of San Pedro Mac- i S'Olty of the murder of John A Linn | to the Siualaw died last week at and mechanical A r ts .^ It is illustrated with last week to purchase machinery for a Marshfield aged 83 years. will stand. Circuit court will meet next cartis near Manila. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. new sawmill. I Monday in Lane county. On that day The deceased was 20 years old last i W est lias for sale one years’ all^moilern cuts |of latest inventions in all A Schulte returned from Gardiner Octolier, and had lived in Portland since or shortly thereafter Judge Hamilton Laud O ffice, R osebu rg. O regon . On in the Holmes Business College Fclw uary 2. iSFF. the brandies of mechanism, and its fund of ^rtland. This is one of the leading Sunday. We understand he is prepar­ lie was 4 years of age. His father mov­ , will re-sentence Branton. As the I N o tic e is h ere b y g iv e n th a t «he f o llo w in g - ed there from Nebraska 16 years ago, penalty cannot be executed within 30 j n a m ed « ettlcr ha* filer<’g >n. I the June term of court. Olive Knowles and Nellie Rice of .». T. HS1I.11.-, T o w n o f F lo ren ce f«»r afutes^mentH m a d e on th- ence this week. KreLti-r. iu ard : George N Frazer of the Mapleton are among the number who i 24th day o f F eb ru ary, 1S9S fo r c le n r in ? M ain, This monthly magazine is ono of the very W alter Gilbert has been laid up for gene foundry, has purchased a 24 obtained third grade certificates at the ■ F ront, L in co ln a n d H a m lin street.s in M orse’s the past lew days with a severe sprain A d d itio n t o F lo ren ce, to ^ H b er w ith th e coats, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. best printed in this country, and ir sold open boat and will place small teacher's examination at Eugene last of iiis ankle. f in ter est a n d e x p e n s e s o f c o lle c t io n , I h a v e lines in it to furnish power for pro- month. to all subscribers a t rates within tha Miss Mabel Knowles of this place I d u ly le v ie d o n th e fo llo w in g p iec es or p a rce ls S E Lowe returned Sunday evening Lnii'l Office at R aaehnrg, O regon , |sion. He will fit the boat up as a j o f lan d as Ret forth in Reid d elJ iiq u m it a s se -s- visited st Glenad i for a few days, re-, Fcbruarj' 2, !<•'». from his trip to Roseburg. He has er pleasure craft, and no doubt will i m e n t ro ll 1>ing and I x in g in «aid Tow n o f I abililylot.all to pay. I t is finely Ulus x .x li- c In li.ir.-bj ¡-¡veil th a t t h e I o II o k I iik - 1 F lo ren ce, C o n n ty o f Lane a n d s t a t e o f O regon , |te many excursions for the benefit of decided not to move there as he prefers turning Monday. nnme-I s e llle r h a , lil. J n o tic e o f M , lu te u lk .:. i D ated and presents the names of famous the clauibcda of the coast to the vicinity VMiss Sophie Nicolle will leave in a few : d escrib e d a n d am eaaed eg fo llo w * , o n e h a lf o f ’ to i n n k e I t l l u l p r o o f I--, .llp p n tt o f h is e l s i m , lilel friends next summer. of the county-scat as a place for a home. d a y s for G a rd in e r, w h e re she will en­ i sa id o a a ew m en t th ereo n h a v in g been paid an d i th a t mii I.I proof iv ilf h'- m a d e b efore C. If. Ifo l- th e b a la n ce d e lin q u e n t b e in g th e f o llo w in g uard: Martin Hanson, wlm owns a authors as contributors. T hk W est , A d d itio n to F lo ren ee f t AO. A Mr Troll son and two sons from Miss Augusta Patterson, whp is teach­ o f sa id la u d , viz; Itimling quantity and quality sufficient l/» ts No. IS, I S a n d 2U in B lo ck N o. t in s . J. S lir u u i, I’eter F.rhart, G ra n t R rh art and |m ak e it of commercial importance. Oklahoma arrived at head of tide a few ing at tliat place, visited at Mapleton M o tm ’ h A d d itio n to F lo ren ce ILQ0. ' »•car H r e n .tc r , a!I o f Lake Pre. ¡n et, t i r e r m. 3 in ago and are looking over the country Lot» No. S, 7 and X ill B lo ck No. Saturday and Sunday. »1 ha» been found at several places , ] . T. R in n t r .., | Morve's A d d itio n to F lo ren ce $7.25. Ith e hills in this neighborhood, b u t in with a view to purchasing a home. About one-half million of young sal­ A nd on Hntiirday th e first «lay o f A pril. 1492, R e g l.te r Jy one or two cases has any effort They ate much pleased with the Isiuelaw mon were turned out from the Mapleton a t th e h o u r o f ten o 'c lo ck \ . M. <»f sa id d a y , a t in ma le to get anything more than valley. hatchery this week. This large amount th e Front P o o r o f th e Odd F e llo w « ’ b u ild in g in - i À V i (TIVK »0MCITOT14 WAttTKP KVI2KY WMI.P.Ï | "We do not tike possession of our ideas b it a n possessed by tb r^ ' o r -T I «to ry o f th e P h ilip p in e ? ” o y M urat ' Irface croppings. Will Johnson and wife who moved to of young fish Joes not aeem to m a k e ■aid T o w n o f F lo r e n a t, C o u n ty o f l^ in e and fla b ttio d Thu , u o m in i—i-irnaJ by ¡Ji« flv v a r n a ie n t a» S ta le o f O regon , I w ill s e ll t h e a b o v e d escrib ed O fficial H u to r b o i to t o r w a r Ovp^rtia**ut. T l»e They master ns and force ns Into the area», Joseph Hecker, a Soap c re e k fa rm e r , Iowa some three or four years ago after any appreciable difference in the num- real esta te nt p u b lic a u c tio n to th e h ig h e s t b ook waa w ritten In i n n y » » ir p s a t U n Pr.m- Where like (ladiators, we mnst fight for th s a .” residing here for a time, are expected to ch M M ,o u th a i’- w iir w ith ««eiiarai M erritt, lu I ber left. b id d er for eaah sub join t o r e d e m p tio n to s a tis fy stock man, says of the leech in , t h e hoMpioiU a t 11 o n o l u l l . In H o n g K ou g, iu th e ««id w a rra n t, coat«, in ta rea t a n d a c c r u in g arrive from Portland in a day or two. th e A m erican tren ch er nt ?fa*itla, io 'h e innart»» ior -g rusl.es at a season when other I creek ,ron‘ * '* brot,M’r L O Jo b s.^n Neely’s hall by Ida friends at Mapleton, F ebruary, UF9. B rim fu l o f ori-riii«I p ictu re» U *w it 1,7 g«»v*»ri and they intend to make it their home. the young people coming uwt in spite of O. i.’U WFTOM. m e n t p iiotogrnp oera«m th o w -.t. laârgc laxik. i-l ia scarce. It ie his t-lieorr that the are upon a plane aud in keeping with its L ow p riem . IHg pro.it*). F r e t 'h ! nai 1. < re«m M a rsh a l. Drain W atchmen: Preaident E II tlie atorrn. Mr Knowles will go to the ‘»•is of l«e<-h lie in the rushes. From g iv e n . D rop a ll tr u m y u m iT izU I wnr Ixaili«. O u tfit in««. A«lear to hasten the death of M ums an i­ public school. Miss Ib?se B Parrott is women, and their thoughts are ’worthy tlie au«l u e trhy couirtte». It in m a in lv office work ls in which the disease is far advan- princi|*al of the school at G atdiner and , O IE R V E S n n , « t b e f c d o n p n r c ,r i c h gave m u w e r : for ea.-li k eep s som e holy c o n d u c te d a t horn»*, sa la r y » tm ig h t $ W a ■ » b lo o d . H o o d ’s biirsaT m a p isrifla L flic consideration ot ad people. The Arona i< y ea r a m i e» p en a e> —d« »finite bona fid e, n o m ore I. b u t Mr Heelier*a experience is uraduate^ a da»« of s ii or eight, from beat n e r v e tm tlc . b y e n r ic h in g th e instinct gtiirlc. 1 carefully, of vrhidb H o le « ’« «alary. M o n th ly $76. Keforcnc«*« Ku- ti e common school branche«. « Inae ra il a M r c s ia i nhtvnpc'l env«*l«ipe, |H < rbert rtby of attention. sold with J u r W sjbt ,