T H E W E S T . ! — rCSI.IRMKD EVKSV FRIDAY MORNING.__ ' COLONIAL POLICY. T’ lM n M idi'. WASHINGTON LETTER. amended Lid will pass the senate i s 1 certain. Then the house can either vote F rom o ra ruovlab CoscEbPoNDtNT. to accept the senate amendments, in -| (ORIGINAI. ANI» AKI.KCTED.) eluding the cuual legislation, or ask for W ash . D C, Feb. 20, 1899 i a conference. In cither event there It is heller to fight for the good than To those unacquainted with congreB- j seems uaehanee for Mr Reed to kill the atonal methods, the present condition i canal legislation without killing the to rail at the ill. Literary. SPECIAL bfnte fbe year 1380, the great com­ mercial ualious of the world have enter- G c z r.rt, L an » Cocf.'TY, O rbuon et^ U|*on a policy of colonial absorption. If in not a mere desire for conquest. ---- BT----- I . . i , 1 list belongs to the past. W ithin the , of business in both bouse and senate , entire river and harbor bill, and he is To lie a well formed man is the gilt of past half century, the world h a. sought would m m to make an eatra session ¡too wise a man to attem pt to do what he fortune; b u tto write and read comes x.i.uncrcal supremacy rather than inevitable. Cut there is still a chance , knows would be more apt to bring i i br nature. E ditor aud Proprietor. g ry. I iis ri alized that tin ' of esi aping it, although it is a aliut one. failure than success. Ttie friends of lie is not truly patient who is willing prosperity of the mother country de­ ( ongrcrs can do an enormous amount of the canal are more hopeful now than lo suffer only so much as he thinks good pends upon her iuduatrial development, work in two weeks, when the conditions they have been at any lime during the and from whom he pleases, Florence, Ore. Mar. 3, IS'JiL I and that this is best conserved by open­ are favorable. There are others, but ; session that the necessary legislaUon i don’t think any person wise, who ing new areas for trade. he prtncp,,!I stumbling block is .he w il.be secured, although there are insults poverty or who prides himself E very new - comer to this place The remark is oflcj> slightingly made Hui army hill, which is now before the many quaking knees in the house for I on having been bred in affluence, who comes by way of Eugene tells in the United Stales at ttie present jnne- senate. If tl e supporters and oppo- i feat that the canal amendment Ine same tale about the mean and . j lure, that “ if the Filipinos ate savages, nents of that hill retain their present result in killing the whole river may i For my part I regard any one who and I reproaches his fid low-man with fortune degrading way in which some r e a l1 ' " n ,H‘ no tr:,'I *8 tl,e Heaviest Its for the man who lias capital to -'cl uncivilized areas, and absorb their ported only liccnuse n majority of the hor bill with tlio amendments rejmrted committee feared to do otherwise, but ' b y ‘h" COm!I,ittee “"d the Nicaragua ''¡8 tax being $9)1.- P i O R r i V p P 1\/T U A T U m rz n m iuvest in business. trade? - .« U ., ‘ , Ii we wish to continue one of the ..............................................— I w iin u r ( t o l i i d a m .a n 1 « n « .A ___ . e ’F l i s i UOZ»ZA»»,1 w s n e a l .* .. - — « ' F l . n T?I _ s X’ « ; a • * The second a regular session of t . th ,! The firs t National hank, of Eugene is I n tiissk days we hear a greet denj ! greatest of industrial powers, we must being acted upon, is not one out of a about progress in all tilings and the obtain our share of the world’s m arkets; possible 100. The men who demanded ttBy-fiftli congress ends tomonow, the ,a le '1 ,o 11,0 «mount of $1,790 23. Tiie Bacific ami «»e must du th a t as other nations this legislation have been buncoed. t«rui oi office of its m em bers expiring So" ,her" . ' ....... - Co"'P any is railed : ncccssiiy of Hdvsniinicnt, but it was upon to pay over to Lane county $16,- are doing it— by means of colonies. That is just about tlio exact truth. But I 011 t,lat Ja y - certainly a retrograde movement when ,i . ; j 738.24 without, counting the tax oi: the report of the bill will enable such Late reports say that Grover Cleve- contract lands. the bench mail route Iwtwcen Flo.1- memliers of the committee as desire, to ' land is to be a candidate in 1900 for his -- once and Gardiner was disiontiimcd THE HXTCHERY APPROPRIATION. chum that they did all they could to third term as president. Tne keynote T,1E c,IROi >cr.K is not tne only San thus lessening the opportunity for eoni- put it through. of tiie new policy will be anti-im perial. ' * raiK'i8t'° paper that slated that the miiniiaiion lietween Alicso places. By Jn HjMiaking of the $|.,-,009 appropria- Speaker Reed is credited witli having 18,11 a,,d anti-expansion. I Em-Ila wns turned oqt from a California that route mail wns cariied from one tion fir batelleries the Portland Tele- knocked out the Nicaragua canal bill, I " fhip-yard. The Exam iner said tiie bull post ollicu to the otlier in five or six gram reports Fish Commissioner when it was offered in the house as an ¿ \ ior "9'h* story of tin. l,hilii>piuei.''l'ii' ''»i'lirn'i' vessel was built at Eureka. Tilt Lours while under the present arrange- McGuire «s saying: AV.n.W EATHERSON IKT ★ HATS TO REDUCE STOCK _____ OF COST. O .W .H U R D CARMAN’S CHEAP CASH STOHE! i°r< ? ¡f ri»is hili » sai 1 do, lun ( cen dis J on mo Stil 8 us 1 wet the ' T by 1 nrr, noc Tl tiaii com Mai Tl Epii sum a t$ l Tl test) ihe ftro, W noot tods in or Tli ter
  • Il i if ■ n r r .i o l i . . t- . . . . > 1............. U 1/ • • ¡¡A next morning then on Mondays or Fii- substantial increase in the output of had the bill added to the river and >•?’»'p rices ' li'ii"insiiits."i rioTh:'piH.l!“ i'w ,'hi material and workmanship. Tiie praise harbor bill, by the senate committee on <>'itnt (ns- Lvi.ir,!™, V i"Ti’.uiii"! k ^ c ’ j this vessel is receiving from various days will he forwarded to' Gardiner, salmon. Insurance M ile., Chicago. vomuierce, as an amendment, which quarters will help very much to build fiftetm hours lieing tiie schedule time , ... . . •P F ^ G T IL A L • . . 1 * niHY found like exaggeration, but up the reputation of Florence as a ship- places it away beyond the reach of between those places A letter lor t a , , , . ■ y . Ù R .B 5 Ô IV C AFFAIRS IN THE PHILIPPINE. , * firmly believe th at the new tisherv building point. rlorcnce leaving Gardiner at six in the i points of order in tiie Igmse. That tiie law and this appropriation will ulti- ¡■torning will arrive at Glenada in the . t Admiral Dewey cabled from Manila uiately mean millions of uollars to the ARE YOU AN -evening remain there over night, then Feb. 24th saying that for political rea- stute of Oregon. i be forwarded to Florence shoot nine J sons t iie liatticsliip Oregon should be “ The appropriation hill curries with ' /c lo c k s in. sent there at once. Members of ttie Soros o n th o L im b s C u re d by it provisions for the building of four If so you should take and read I cabinet think lie wants it for the moral H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r i l l a - N o a r t a n d batelleries. Two of these are to be on P A C IF IC O D D F E L L O W effect her presence would have on the ; L u n g T ro u b le s O v e rc o m e . The lato legislature, by a bill, virtu­ the Columbia or its tributaries, and the “ I broke out with .ore. .11 over m r A monthly magasine published in natives. ally ataj)islidl the grand Jury system in other two on the coast streams. The aMW' p , r ti | i i • i | "ro™» ®nd they caused Much in lease itch- Oregon, We understand th e new meas­ location of the latter will be determined ' rsclu *lvel.r «levotcl to tieneral I should g o c r.iy . I u „ ,i^ , General Otis reports tiist tiiat some of the ln? * ure provides for triai by' information in the interests oi Odd Fellowship, both insurgents gained access to ta the the out* out- | roaJ>l"d w,th • feetiag. After tak- bv tiie commissioner later. the circuit c u r t d irect, that the grand "A n effort w ill be made at CnCC e convened only on some routed the 23rd losing about 500 killed ,0 i‘ca1, 1 better in every w«y map out plans, and begin operations vary im portant cáse, and then only by- now in its eighth year. , , , , ’inc* takiaS Hood's Sarsaparilla.” A meeting of the board will be called and wounded ami 200 prisoner». ““ ! --------- -- The -1*8- J- KE3OW, McEwen, Drag »n. 4 “ ' order of (lie ein-nit judge upon proper We have made arraugements with | “ H o o d 's S a rMp . r t l I a ha.« c u re d me of a soon after the legislature n.ljo irns. It cbowing being made by (lie prosecuting the publisher by which we ran club American loss wag slight. / ' S . A -í i y ir 3^' lung trouble sad tluiterlug of the heart is very inp .rtant lo begin this work at Dispatches of I el.. 20th by way of sad since I began taking It my weizht attorney. This really abolishes' the ¿ I- . ‘T an lic Odd Fellow ” with Tuc W est once, and it w ill take threo years for us has mcrcMci t ) pound., it 1», done Q grand jure, as such nn extrem e course Madrid say that European warships to realize returns in the wav of fish, at a rate we believe every Odd Fellow •tt.mtch good and I can Bow enjoy mt P C R iifu ia tia would be followed very rarely. The would be glad lo accept. were disembarking troops at M inila. mea’.s and sat with comfort. I recant after the hatcheries are put in operation fins- will not go’into effect ttiitil 90 days mend Hood's Sarjrpardla aa the best Toe price of Tilt W est i, $1.50 ,,er fne report f o r SALE OR EXCHANGE discredited at Wash­ medicina IL ts possi! !e to t nd ” C W “ 111 course, a larger appropriation ►hall have expired, as it contains no year imt the price of “ Pacific Odd ington. TV OUR PATRONS C4SKY, Prfcnaville, Oregon. would have meant more hatcheries, Imt Caiergeniy oíanse. Fellow " i . $l.0J per year, but we w ill A house . „ j ,ot ¡„ G)enf|fJ# tin- $15,009 can ls> invested in a way S a rs a ­ , S U L T U-nwOkTHY StBSOSS IX We hnvi scud Imtli lo aulswrilier» who pay a year .a » l» " IS a T le rn lo -M y made arrangi ment» r,y munsire our bitsine— in (heir ow n tiie *,rill‘f ,no*f gratifying result», p a r illa l’o-»e is 16 by 24 fe.t and one story ry and W ilici, The Ran Francisco Exam iner and an a ii.a n w e o u a ile s . ti i . matul» « » c e «r.uk atricth in a tvance for $.’ 0(9. • h , ' f!0 A'— t o o d w ^ a b e d ' Z ? ” ' ” rni' h W- .-oinlii,'ic,l at h m ie. Salary «'raich: f e u a lh* °»e True Usad Pur #er. U’.-ar fo’ M e year $2 50 paid in ad an 1 will stop the depletion which has and exp en w e—d c tn lte . M uad.te, no m ire 8>:«i ry aiid t all at our office and see a sample year l*r‘vt. $ t. s«n frr jx M prem ia,. F.«y f„rlhei p ^ , , . , ^ ,n,an ” ¡‘h ti e W, s r 1 ^ r^ , no )CM salary. Mo.nhl» » KefMwwrea Kn- been going on (or years.’’ ♦ SttiC- 1 o r — " ..........I ■ U • cony of “ I-avilk tMii Fellow.” at tin . office ; j * ” ” ... .............. for fhe enm two fid > N- j t a f te r rf.iu r r K lieti l‘ie»i, Peut M Cluj.««. Hood’s p a*d «I gvAtMa. p!lb, ‘• r’. payai | ‘o casi, i„ advance. ng n my weight Mi g the a T v l. e l< . - as Reoresented. . . fot D rv.C oods, A G roceries ★ an d * N o tio n s. Just Opened, Was Almost Grazed Ui and. . CAPS See our special counter. 01)11 FELLOW? ki lH,i 5 & P V L S .R ; Osi £ tU.tfr Th< o fP o g S 'l II pc bill kin Ihe tli Hifl lier line HO er i Fe n fri pua fni ee-l on |il 01 Min I tin«) I rnnk lal lib e h íy û en n Irfaci ïo«e; M Bt »ta ¡1 bt tl "K U ia