, ly a - y —y - 1 T "T- T 'T '« " ? w 4 ADVERTISERS SIÜSLAW'3 0KL7 ?À?ï?.. 4 f OPPORTUNITY A L ,, F THE W EST YOUR HOHE PAPER «j / SUPPORT IT Í 4 FLORENCE, OREGON, F R ID A Y , Mar. 3, 1899. VOL. IX. G E N E R A L D IR E C T O R Y TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE S T A T E O FFIC ER S S T E A M E R “ M IN K ,” Steamer Roberts o — Will make ----- Will make regular trips ALASKA. Six sleeps in a atesper from Montreal And a moou or so from the end cf the line, Aad you stand t»i the fcot ci tte great whtta wall— from governor.................................T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S ■Secretary of S 'a te..............F. I. Dunbar. -----Dei w een ------ Treasurer....... .....................F. S. Moore. fiupt. Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman .¿State Printer....................... W. II. Leeds. Attorney General D. It. N. Blackburn.** TH E S T E A M E R Í .................R. S. P.eati ¡ Calling at the UMPQUA. Supreme Court 1 ...............F. A. Moore 1 ( . . . C. E. Wolvei ton ¡ For passenger and freight rates tfudge Second District. J. W. Hamilton I I — APPLY TO — ^■rosecuting Attorney. Geo. M. Brown L * 'ALSEA- A”d from Florence to Coos Bay E L L A Florence, Or. I W ill carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, I from Florence to San Francisco. COUNTY OFFICERS- O t-^ Z R -D IZ N -Z E F t W ill also bring up freight 3T A C JE L IN E . .##^4** .»* *** For further information inquire H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, , Jotlgc......... t ........................E. O- Totter.! Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ — OF — „ . . 1 ............. IV. T. Bailey Cfcimtsstoners ......... H D Edward« j days mid Fridays. A. W. BEADLE & CO. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ C lerk ...........................................E. U. Lee! 14 California St, days and Saturdays. fileriff................................W. W. Withers San Francisco, California. Treasurer.......................... A. S. Patterson Assessor., ............................ D. P. Burton , fiojiool Superintendent.. . W. M. Miller j Surveyor...............................C. M. Collier| C lron er............................ W. P. Cheshire | Justice bf Peace.................C. IL Holden Constable..............................E. A. Evans M Every cough makes your throat more raw and i r r i t a b l e . Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts st rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in _ S But, oh, the rivers are wide and deep, And the north wind breathes w ith a killing breath, And over the mountains, so rough and stoep, The old dread reaper ahull come and reap— The rime old reaper that men call death Shall reap the white fields of Alaska! —Cy Warm an iu Mew York Sun. W r ite to th e D octor. I NEW HOME TH R O U G H TICK ETS Standard Dictionary •/ WRITE FOR CIRCULARS MORRIS HOTEL, Head of Tide Hotel, T o n s o r la l P a r lo r s . Attorney a t Law, E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. ON E U C E N E A ND FL O R E N C E STACE ROUTE. O L E M YRINI), P atents Notary Public,Surveyor Sdtmific JMtrK«. k, NOTARY FLO R EN C E. PUBLIC. - - O R EG O N PATENTS 0 F u r n is h in g G o o d s A party of prospectors passed that way, And they thought the old face had forgotten its frown, And, pausing, they pulled her white robe away And found her treasure. “ Ah, Q’est queo'est ?•’ Said the French Canadian, kneeling down A t the feet of old Mother Alaska. They told their story, and men went wild And pawned their chattula and Joined the race. The old croon Jingled her gold and smiled, And the gold mad men of the world beguiled With a promise of fortune in that far place A t tho foot of old Mother Alaska. D ry G oods F a n cy G oods Isolated, remote and lotto, i ■wwarar ¡1 Her hard face glaci.il w ith fr04.cn teara. While over her shoulders and In her ears The winds cf the north land w ail and moan In the ears of old Mother Alaska. C lo th in g g Shoes WE DEFY COMPETITION Willamette St., Eugene, Lane Co., Ore. RESPECTFULLY J. V. KAUFFMAN. A DEBT OF HONOR. It was at Charing Cross station, where I called to make some inquiries, E. Bangs, Proprietor. U and I knew her instantly, though she CITY OFFICERS. Stage leaves Eugene daily ex­ was veiled. She recognized me also nud returned my greeting with a warmth cept Sundays, at 0 a. m., arriving which I hoped was not altogether duo at Florence the day following to the fact that I was able to extricate President.................. W. II. Weatberson her front a human eddy in which she Pullman at 10 a. io. ( O. W. Hurd was entangled. I forgot all about the Sleeping Cars Wm. Kyle Returning-stage leaves Flor­ time table aud turned back, delighted Board of Trustees L. Christensen that tho rush of the preoccupied crowd ence daily, except Sunday’s at 2 M. Morris Elegant around ns gave an excuse to keep her Dining Cars p. nt., arriving in Eugene the day little silk gloved hand upon my arm. Recorder.................... John I. Butterfield Bho had been soeing Couhiu Phil and U nusual opportunities ami Him i n s u r e r ............................ F. B. Wilson Tourist following at 9 p. m. pertenco etn n c n tlj qualify ih f«»r his wife off, she said, and was now, I Write lving vl .... Sleeping Cars ? re el/ all the particulars in y o -r ca»o. guessed, returning to tho desolate house ilrslial............................ G. C. Cumpton Tell nt what your experience has iu Bloomsbury square. The pietaro boon with our (b e r r y vectors I. You 8T. PAUL Single faro - — _ - $5.00 w ill receive a prompt reply, w ithout called up by tho thought was so poign­ cost. M IN N E A P O L IS Round trip - - - - $9.001 Addroaa, DR. J. C. AYER. ant that 1 proposed a visit to West­ <> Lowo.l, Mas». 3 E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . D U L U T H __ minster abbey. She appeared a shade Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’ surprised—I cortuiuly was myself—aud FARG O livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W. then agreed, with a little sigh, which O R A N D FO RKS TO J B f . A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. plainly said, “ As well there cs auy- llu rd ’s oflice in Florence. Aa Regular coininunieation on second CRO O KSTO N _____ whero else. ” But, once she bceopted my and fourth Saturdays in each month. companionship by stepping into tho W IN N IP E G The Funk & Wagnalls. E. W. C obb , W. M. hansom I called she made, I could see, H E L E N A and J . T . B uttkbfiki . d , Secretary. a distinct effort to take interest in the J M I S J ffi, BUTTE multicolored life swirling by. “ The abbey is the first place one thinks of visiting when ono is away, “ Of The i A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 TO she observed, “ and yet, when onn is at i meets second and fourth Saturdays C H IC A G O ENGLISH LANGUAGE homo, it is so near that ouo ke.pa defer­ fcacli mouth at 1 -.30 p. m. ring the visit from day to (lay, aud I W A S H IN G T O N S. B. C olvin , Commander. CO M PLETE am leaving town tomorrow. Papa P H IL A D E L P H IA J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. meant”— Sho did not finish tho sen­ S U C C IE N T N E W YORK tence, but added, “ It is so kind of you A U T H O R IT A T IV E to give your time.” BORTON A N D A L L “ 1 um a man of leisure," said I dryly. tO IL W. Porpetua Lodge, No. 131, P O IN T S E A S T "" I S O U T H “ Papa wns always iu a hurry,” she meets every 1st and 3d Tuesdays' — ------------------------------- went on, aud then stopped again. All month. Members and visiting For information, timecards, innpsand ticket» 301,865 Vocabulary Terms roads of conversation led to her father, Iliren in good standing are cordially ' call on or write »47 Editors and Specialists Ited to attend. A. O. F l ’ nke , M. W and death had written “ No thorough­ 533 Readers for Quotations R. M c M u r p h e y , K notts , Recorder. fare" across every oue. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, 5000 Illustrations “ Bettor wear out tliau rust out," said EUGENE, OREGON. Cost over $960,000 I considerately, “ though tho best cf us A. O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets Appendix of 47,468 Entries but w iite their names on water after ivery Wednesday evening in Lodge A- D- C H A R L T O N , all. A very consoling rejection for the Assistant General Passenger Agent, |1, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in 255 Morrison St.. Cor., 5(1. idlers." 1 standing invited to attend. The full number of word» and terms in A nduew B bvnd , N. G. P o a t l a n d . O r . different dictionaries foi the entire alphabet Is “ Yes, if everything ended here,” she Jerent’^tyle» of replied us the cub pulled up and the M arion M orris , Sec. as follows: 8* orwonth , 51,000; W ohchkstsb Sewing Machine» we manufacture and their great gray temple loomed above us. prices before you purchase any other. 135,000; W ebster (international), 125,000; Ce»- If time be duration set out by meas­ T h e New H o m c se w m a M a c h in e C o . on.«», a,M. tury , (six volumes. complete,) 225,030; ure, my watch was cf opinion that wo BPnioaSauro.H. T. Ck(««(>, 1 1 1 . > Ft lord.. Ko. J. I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor STANDARD, over 800.000; CHURCH DIRECTORY Dallas, Tea. «an Franrioco, Cal. AUanta, Ua. siieut two hours here. My conscious­ re« eacc ev ness, however, lias nothing definite to F lo r p n a o . O r e g o n . ...........S an pie Pages Free............ Good (Iealers uamu.i in every town gay on the matter, “ the eudtuunco of lESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, Write lor price« and terms Io San Ftan- all enduring thiugs" not being painful­ Iregon. Sabbath service; Sahbatli- ly prominent. Neither do I remember ool, 1ft o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 OUR AIM—To furnish the best eiaeo, Cal. having shim« among the tombs. On oue lock a. tfrxand 7 p. in. Sacrament of j I ACENT3 W A N TE D . A Sin gular C alculation. Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath o f ; accommodations at reasonable, thing at least 1 am quite clear. It is In a recent number of Power a diiign- wheu we cauie out 1 was decidedly mary, April, July and October. E. D. BRONSON & CO, t lar caleulatinn is presented by J. A. hangry; «o, nrtfully piloting my ehargo srybody is welcome to all the services., 1» i itor re piests Christiana to make I -------------- Renie. It would require, according to past a rest Arant, 1 suggested lunch. Pacific Coast Agents Mr. ltcnio’s tigur.ia, tho power cf a 10,- Here again a lacuna occurs, for I havo iniselves kuown._ _ „ I SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I. G. K notts , Tastor. 000 horsepower eugino about 70,000,- no distinct recollection of the earlier W. W. NEELY, Prop'r. 933 Market S t. 000,000 yearn to lift tho earth a foot in stages of the laiuqact save the nthor height, and to do this work, allowing fact tl^,t her mode of eutiug and drink­ Tables furnished with all the 13 pounds cf water per horsepower per ing torccd mo to make couqiarisims attorneys hour, would require some 10,000,000,-, which would havo brought nie lowly delicacies of the season. Wild 000,000,000,000 gallons of water, cr to my senses had uot the unforeseen, «• * gautc, fish and fruit in season. Best more than would he discharged at the which has sucu a trick of happening, » ♦ » » * * * . : - * * * A. C. WOODCOCK, mouth nt the Mississippi in (¡0.000 done so with paralyzing promptitude. # • accomodations for the traveling years. This would be enough, the writer , Her ljttlo hunting watch had rnn MARION MORRIS Pro p. estimates, to cover tho entire snrfnco cf down, but the oif.cions cuckoo belong­ public. Charges reasonable. tho earth to a depth of about 300 feet, ing to the restaurant clock spoke so to convert which into steam, using good plainly that the young girl almost Shaving . . . 15 ce A gona. - O regon boilers. Would require soino 4,000,000,- jumped from her cb tir. Hair Cutting . . 35 « • H o o r n , 7 »art » McLaren’» Building, 000,000,000 tons of cent. If tho latter “ Oh, Mr. Patters in," she cried, wetnl attention given to collection» and pro­ Razor Honed . . 23 quantity of the mineral was loaded < u “ what shall 1 do? I was to c a llu p u ne bivines». ears of 20 tons each, it would demand Mr. Turnbull—In* is my guardinu. yon Twentv-three Scissors Ground . . 15 200,000,000,000,000 such cars. If the ; know—abont papa’s Will st half peat M iles W est latter were 30 feet loug nnd all coupled 2, and now it is a quarter past.” E . O. P O T T E R F '.o r a n o a O regon. together in one iraiu, it would reach "Whero does he live?’’ I asked of Eugene. ............... Attorney-at-Law.................... around ihe earth 4 5.000,000 times mid, “ Iu the city, ” she replied despairing­ if m ulling 26 milt« per hour, would ly, “ and, eh, ho is so preeixo. and there EUGENE, OREOOS. consume 23.000,000 years in running uiuy he delays—you don't know him. ” the leDgth of itself. Bo lunch for “ fig- ! 1 did, having met biin in his profes­ P*— t'FFlcB At the Court House. M A D E and R E P A IR E D . ure«.” __ ________ sional capacity some years before, when I was a witness for the defense. -----BY------ An E ditor’« Hard I^ot. “ We'll drive there ut once!" I crlwl E. E. B E N E D IC T , Therearonlways those who w ill kick. royally, putting iny hand iu my pocket For instuuee, if you publish j dees with while she fuuibhsl for her glove. Then A TTO R N EY - A T - L A W . whisker« on them «onio will eay that an awful fact struck me; my purzo WM F l o r e n c e , O r e g o n . Money Saved you ought to ho in a Innntic joint. If gone. 1 Huppose my coualernatiru got ♦ ♦ * ♦ * * • Oregon. F lorpu ee. yon don't print ccnrothing to smiio ct, into my face, for I caught the eye of the By they say you are a i-cssiiiiistic fossil. If polyglot waiter fixed upou me He was Good Work Done at Reasonable Prices. Patronizing it. you spread yourself and writo a g'sxl, 1 tall, aud, I doubt not. swift of too», original article, they w ill say it is aud as l.e sniilc-d thinly I could see that w *"! tsi >—.».rr.»»,. r«nir».,itrfiY peu « n in BO YEARS* thi» cu te l» m c i c e our lm >iiww In trteir o» n atolen. If you reprint an artielo, they EXPERIENCE ».ut n«»art,y o,,,'.,l i e . Il f„ iii.lid y o AL mi ’inrk say you can't write. If you say a de­ he bad lost oue front tooth and all Ins », hoirie, rnlnry «if.ilehl F*'Xi » Geo. Hale : Prop. conducted illusions. I put my hat on aud took it rçar h : u ! e x p e n se —d efilile, houaflile, 11« m .oe serving word for a iin.n, you are partial; off again. At ancthcr time, in another -------------------- -—— ... .y . .— IHl i.io *»Iarv. Monthly «75. Roleiencc.. En if you compliment the women, the men I n « wlf-flrirlrrmrS » l.tn iw l envolope. Herber, place, tho incident would have been N O TA R IE S . are jealous, and if you don't the verdict merely laughuble, but now. wiih her I K. II « .. l'resL. Ken, M. I.bluuro. of the women ii to the effect that your J had bccu so blase, so mildly oyuuell paper is not fit to use iu tho construe , Oh, it was uulhinkublel I moved to­ A. R. BUTTOLPH, tion of a Imstle. If you stay in your ward the counter which was mar the Daaiana office, you nre afraid to remain on the door, sliartoued by the waiter, who waa ____ COFVRMMTS Ac. ■treets; if you do. you ore lazy. If you j mentally culling the police, and ap­ An,on. „»(tine • enlckl, ■»«■»rKitn out optnloo ft»« m look seedy, you are squandering your proaching inc lady in charge explained in.«,ion I, pro»»M. yjtwtabi.. _£TT5?.TL,. , K,.,(rt£,lrron«!«(l»I o«r.t«r • CxveaU»ndTrwIo MarksoMalnM and all Tat 5 money; if you wear good clothe», you the aitnattou. O regon Hue was a Ucnnan firm F lo r ne «n, f t« (Al«, ast Vnxia*»scoa liw.tcd f ' Modem tc F e ci, r ara a dude, mid don't pay for them. If of «potlesa morals, and she listened l'UMU la»« tfcmaàh H«»» A C« r«eft. Fond model, draw. 1 g o r photo. V.'»advUn Pi «11«, ’ »vat 7h«n,«- »a <■*>• yon play a ihclal game of any kind nnd vwUntaWafreoofchaija. n o td -o tl ' calmly to tuy tale, the cold contempt of i,a<-•atiSFwmrc I. A P a m p h let‘ How toCb-J get stuck, you are a fis h ; If yon win, FR A N K B. W ILS O N - a narrow, literal nature glinting in h. r vain rater,t»’* with eo«t ar aam» in fbo u. f».^ you are a tin horn, and bo it gee« small eyes. The ooniwly of the situa­ tud fore igc oauutriea sent fn?o. A Uraaa, A h«nd»o»a*ly lî!n«tr»t»d weekly, lenen rtr- ____ Tin»». «J » through one continual ronnd of pleasant tion did not strike her Bho ouly saw ni'»Uoa o» »o, »K . « r : four re*.a,ha>«L Seid 1 »U n » w .,» 'l« « C. A. SNOW & CO. O ff P btekt O rner, V/aSMiNOTON. D. C • complications.- Itoslyu (Mieh.) Benti- that I had no money "Dcy pay, does N IN Fmiieleated for thousands of year», From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling In the throat ceases; the spasm weak­ ens; the cough disap­ pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con­ sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ toral Plaster should be over the lnnjs of every per­ son troubled with a cough. STAGE L IN E . R WE LEAD Old and wrinkled and cold and fTny, With her white pall pulled o'er her stony breast, Frowning and frigid and far away, Sho has ever stood, ns she atanda today, In the desolate wastes of the wide northwest— titan .la thia hoary old woman, Alaska. Connects with Steamer and Scott s burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges reasonable. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. ! EUGENE-FLORENCE | That is, white with tfca anowa that f i l l and fall O’er the cedar d warfed and thodronpiug ploo That grow at li»o to«t of Alaaltx Florence to Yaquina Florence anil Head of Tillo. NO. 14. who eat hqre; dose are de rules, ” she ■ A Deadlr Oas, reiterated, declining even to examine ‘ Millers and the owners of grain ele­ the ring I offered, “ as a guarantee of ' vators look upou the bisulphide of e*r- good faith. ” bon as oue of tboir most useful agents. The waiter, who had been fielding in When a mill, an elevator or a granary the immediate vicinity, advancod and | becomes infested with weevil, bisul­ asked me if I hud lost anything. I in- . phide of carbon is the cheapest and quired for the proprietor, but by some . most effective thing to exterminate the hideous ill luck he was uot accessible. I pest Bo deadly it the gas, however, saw Miss Langtou, who had gone to the nnd so rupidly does it act that the nt- - door, looking back, evidontly surprised most care must be taken in applying at the delay. Then tho storm burst. the bisulphide. It is usually sprinkled The German waa impenetrable; the over the grain from watering pots. The waiter passed rapidly from legitimate liquid is rapidly converted into a gas, doubt to open skepticism as I tendered uud the latter siuks through the grain, my card, which was not a trump oue, carrying death to the weevil and even aud seeiug that we all talked together, to the uuhatohed eggs. the effect was very striking. So long as the persons applying “ Excuse me," remarked a thin, crisp liquid stand above the point of applica­ voice, “ it is a little trouble about the tion they are pretty safe from tho bill, is it uot? Miss Lungtou, I shall be fumes, but occasiouully the workmen wiih yon in a moment. Don’t bo alarm­ breathe u little of the gas and have to ed.” be removed at once to the open air, as Of course it was old Turnbull, who the heart is qnickly paralyzed by the ought to have bcou miles away and had action of the bisulphide. It is usual to been lunching here all the time instead. treat the lower floors cf a granary first. I bowed, he lookod mo iu the f“™. °od g0 those employed iuthe work may I understood that he remembered the keep constantly above tho gas. Any last occasion on which we had met. I auimal, as a cat or a dog, shut up in un recalled his terrible, “ Now, upon your apartment where the bisulphide is do­ oath, sir, ” os I stood clutching the edge ing its work is found dead when the of the witness stand, a bit of court place is op-.-uod.—Chicago Intor-Ooeau. plaster over one eye. “ You are doubtless aware that Mis« A Cuban Mllku-an. Langtou is my ward?” he observed “ How many cows there sroaboot the wheu he had appeasod tho Teuton streets!” somebody exclaims, aud then sphinx. "I learned It,” 1 replied. “ Permit he is calmly informed that the morn­ ing's tuilk is simply being delivered. mo to congratulate you." "And you will also learn now,” ho A bunch of cattle and tlwir driver stop retorted, shutting his pocketbook with before a house, and the portero comes a snap, “ that 1 wish the acquaintance out with a cup for tho morning’s «ap­ ply. It is seen then that tho cows arc to cud here. ’ ’ being milkud from door to door by tha “ On what grounds?” said L "If on no other than that of the pros- j dairymen, for this is tlie way the acute cut—er—disgraceful sccue, I should he Cuban housewives havo taken to assure justified,” he answered, "hut 1 forbid i for their tallies a lacteal supply which is entirely fresh and absolutely pore. it on—ahem—higher grounds.” Even with the cows milked before Then ho began to talk, "us one man of the world to another,” about Arbus- the door one must continue to watch cula aud her sist«rs. lie was illogical, the milkman, for I have even heard of their having n rubber hug of water con­ but convincing. " What is the amount of the hill?” 1 cealed under their loose frocks and con­ nected with a rubber tube running asked shortly He handed me tho receipted slip of down inside cf tho sleeve, its tip being paper. I put it in my pocket. He concealed in the hollow of the m ilking smiled sardonically, and gathering up hand. Ouly a gcntls pressure upon the his black bag went out to Miss Langtou, hag of water within is iiueded to thus cause both milk aud water to flow into while the waiter hailed a cab by whis­ tling through his lingers in u most tal­ the cup at the same time. The milk venders of Italy and India have also ented way. learned their trade to perfection, for Beyond the glass door I could see Tumbflll talking to Miss Langtou im , they practice this identical trick.—Ed- wurd Pago Gaston in Woman*« Home sho rearranged her veil. Some girls a t ' an adjacent table put their heads to- | Compsuiou. gother, whispering and tittering. The | chariot pulltd up at th sidewalk with a flourish, and Turnbull touched Mis» Langtou'« arm. Slie made a step for­ ward, but looked rorntl nud punced ir­ resolutely. 1 instantly went to her, and taking the little warm hand she guf e mo press,,1 it to my lips. " la m so sorry yon were inconveni­ enced," sho said. "If I had only known” —and she actually luughcdl “ I shall easily get over tho recollec­ tion of the Inconvenience in the recol­ A ro b ,n t, m anly lection of tne pleasure 1 have hail," 1 son and a cooing replied. baby girl la a tlin g in She bln shed. her boaou, — wh»t Snore cau any wom ­ "Bnt why did you not t«!l m- ?” shi an ly woman oak? mnrmnred. I , is boon th at "It would have hern commonplace,” H e r z e n intended I replied. “ I prcfrrred to h« a pahwlin.1 rhonld he granted io every woman. Tlioosand« fail of this bccsuac they have though a comic one " to look after Ih etr health in a "1 don’t (»’ink it. comio at all," she •w neglected o m rn ly way The health o f a woman'« replied, trying hard not to smile babies is dependent upon her o v a health during the period o f prospective m sternlty “ What stupid people!” "Mias Longton, ns this grntleniau 1» The pinapvctive m other cannot be too psr. »bout her physical condition. 1» ratimr richer in time I him I, perhaps hr ' Iteiilar ehe suffers from lo ra i weakness, nervous­ will excuse us if wo economize, ” re ness or loss o f vigor snd v irility , her c h il­ marked Mr. Turnbull. “ Hero is tb, : dren w ill be weak, puny and sickly. Ih Pierce’a P»v«,riie Prescription i« the cnlv cab. Get in. please. ” un failing cure for alt weakneaa and di»»«.«; Hho throw tun a bright look and went o f the delicate and im p o rt» "’ organa thot with him. Re'-oHcctlng that Iw ssw itb- bear the btuni o f m aternity It m ike» Ib cM or.t my hot, I «eturned for it and found organs strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and I t l a a ir * the prospec'iv* mother on the ground bard l,y a little black silk I elastic. strong and cheerful I t robs M aternity or gl«ve. I picked it up, intending to re- ' its perils. I t in ’ irrea a baby conatltutle, i- turn it. but when I reached the street a lly strong I i it* the invention. ,-l an em i­ and s k illfu l ap»riaii»t, who hae h * l th« cab was already several yards away nent th irty years’ training io thi» pvtticul^t Then tbo lnwyrr'stalk comeback to m t branch, during whieh time be and hi.* atvf. with diabolical distinctness, and I said o f physicians h svt prescribed are c-di.v o f women Medicine., dealers to myself that, after nil, he wus right. tbonaands »»11 it and an honest dealer w ill m t un,” I went straight to my hunkers’, son’ noon yon aa inferior aubstitnte relv f- r him the amount of tho bill, answered a the little added profit he may make tiler, on. I m the mo, her of a ntee tw.'.v ,o«r pufnmrd, spellod Sit’t-vr note a 1 u«ms had txz re- |||,I IUI.II II, badly ssp.tivka • »■»» ¿ W w l R ‘'Vrnì l and a oivm l thai tnoraiuK, kicked tho ghwe îS^ijSSrλ», cnUUiTco.’rt h t with tho photo pinito away nwny iu a lir u w c r nnd give im '.s a A ’ preiae io Dr Ptctce’» 1 - « ripi tun took the next train fur l'»na. — Witliaro Pi rese P r. P ierre’s Pleasant Pellets eu:» con- Buckley in Black and Whit«. »tipation Constipation ia «h» c-iu« • ,-f the (¡an ick tried to abolish prologues and eg i ! i gi-es. but the audiences cf his day V. i-uld not ':'.us«uL many die»»»«». Cur» the c a n « « ire the diaeaae One gentle laxative, and two a mil l 5e. Druggist» acll laem , aud 'tnat as *ojd.” *’ • tJMf»