T H E — PUBLISHED W E S T SVBBY FR ID A Y FOR O REG ON RIVERS. MOM N IN O— —F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon .— B aking P owder C o m m iiie t « K e p o r ta F a v o r a b le o u A p p r o p r i â t I.>nj-ct and the l oat rail- offences against the laws of your na­ C Ij Nyman, a native of Finland wrs j day to the niudtlat above town as gome : | way were stricken out of tlie bill. I ture, and are now paying np tor it drowned in Coos bay last week. i of the piling had pulled out. Tlie scows vessel was built in Mojerd; Kyle’s ship­ For dress cutting and fitting call at will tie safe and require less watching yard at Florence, Oregon ami not in San I McBride made an unavailing effort to Those weak, aching backs, Loss of Sex­ i secure an appropriation of $250,000 for i ual Power, Falling or Lost Vitality, Francisco. ■ the Ladies F.rzuar at Point Terrace. where they are now. Frequent and Painful evacuations of I the boat railway. Hood's pills are the only pills to take There were three ladders for tlie PROGRESS IN MUEIC. the Bladder accompanied by more or Representative Tong te is working . |■ » ¡tli Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Cure all contract to enlarge the Florence school- J among tlie members of the river and less smarting and the escape of par liver ills. house. George H Colter's hid was $258. ' Ths singing class of young misses in harbor committee of tlm housn, and i tides of albumen in the urine with | The school children had a holiday L R Johnson's $250. John I Butter­ Glenada is making very giatifying prog- j especially with Chairman Burton, trying ropy sediment, all point to tlie decline R a n g in g in c lo th from $ 1 .5 0 up. P lu s h cap sa from $ 2 .5 0 u p. '-’„Wednesday it being Washington’s field’s $245. Action on tlie bids was resa in the study ot musical notation to induce them to withdraw their stren­ of your manhood. There are hundreds C otton b la n k e ts 50c, 053, 753, «1.00, a n d «1.25 p ar p a ir. liirtliday. postponed till Saturday Feb. 25th, who die of thia difficulty, ignorant of and voice culture. Tlio older members uous objection to tlie appropriations. tlie cause. Tlie doctors will guarantee Morton Douglas has commenced suit W o o l “ from «2.00 to 18.00 p er pair; mostly aticoguaufutun Chas Sherbotuly lias traded bis ranch have very successfully conquered the COUNCIL MEETING. a perfect cure in all'such cases, and in Justice Holden’s court ugaiust Frank on South Slough to a Mr Pratt for 40 j transposition of the scales and are sing­ C a lico es at^’0, 25, an d 30 y d s ., fo r 81.00. N e w e s t s t y l e s healthy restoration of tlieGonito Urin­ L'uiidun for $3,15. acres of land lying about four mile9 west ing by syllable, melodies having a signa­ A special meeting of the city council ary Organs. of Eugene and will move out there when ture of from one to three sharps. Miss | C h ica g o L . L. m u s lin 5c, C abot W . Cc, C abot A . 7c, w i t h h a lf f A C Karnowsky will take the civil . was held Monday evening with l’resi- READER—Are yon in trouble? service examination for admission to the roads become dry. Mr Pratt will May Phelps alto, and Miss Elva Pepper I dent Weatlierson iu the chair. c e n t re d u ctio n b y th o bolt. Have you been treated and never cured? move to Ids new possessions on the soprano, have commenced taking lessons the light house service. Roll call showed Councilmen Hurd, You dare not risk a return of the dis­ on tlie violin as an aid to the develop­ Tlie city wharf is now ornamented Siuslaw. , Kyle, Morris, President Weatlierson ease. It may appear when happy in The jury list for the March term of ment of a musical ear, an i give evidence with a sign which reads "No boats . » . » . • , and Recorder , ,, .. Butterfie d in attendance, domestic life. Our New Metliol court was drawn liy County Clerk Lee of more than usual talent in a ready allowed on tnis wharf.” , , J Absent Council man Christensen, Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, comprehension of tlie technique of tlie and Sheriff Withers at Eugene last week. From Saturdays Guard we learn that Minutes of last regular meeting were consult us confidentially, instrument. They also possess voices The names of three resident» of Flnr | Men’s and B.»ys’ clothing at prices 8herlff Withers expected to be ready read and approved. Councilman Hurd WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) ence precinct, R B Mills, J F Tanner which in quality of tono, ffexibility and , reported that the two street lamps yesterday to receive 1898 taxes. I and George Morris are among those who compass are above tlie average, to say . ordered at the last meeting had been for our interesting book. “ A Warning that will astonish you. This is an op­ ’' '»■ The f°r bolding the annual school Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept are drawn. This gives this precinct the ! the least. The balance of the class will ! purchased and shipped to F.orence. Bieeting is drawing near. Notices call­ portunity to procure your winter sup­ strictly private and confidential. All | largest representation on the jury that be heard from later on, not having stud- ( Win Bernliaidt, foreman of tlie fire ing a meeting should he posted today. plain sealed envelope. ' it has ever had at one term of court we ied as long by a month or more, but compauj nwde « report recommending answers sent plies practically for cost. Romembor Born at Umpqua River Life Saving believe. Jos Duncan of Herman and I are nil enthusiastic students and making No 0 . O. D. business. I that the city purchase a chemical tire Station on Sunday February 19th, to tlie i Wm Campbell of Lake creek arc also on i rapid progress, the place and call. engine. On motion the judiciary coin- Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. Wife of Henry Bultman a nine pound the jury. GREENLEAF ITEMS. ' mittee were instructed to ascertain tlie jo y . I cost of a suitable engine and report, S tate of ,Onio, C ity of T oledo ,! WRITE TODAY. B y a W est C oiirkspondent . A sheet and pillow- case dance will be L ucas C ounty , f s ' j In the matter of some property against given here March 17lli in the Odd Fel­ Frank J Clienev makes oath that lie which there are unpaid assessments, the Aiidress lows' hall. Further particulars next is the senior partner of the firm of F J Romember wo carry a g.*noral assort- & Lucas Wheeler made a flying visit fo ; marshal was ordered to proceed to levy Week. D r- W» S a u n d e rs & Co , his farm on Nelson creek the 19th. Cheney A Co. doing business in tlie j on the property and sell the same to incut of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Mich. The Florence Fire Company held a City of Toledo, County and State afore­ The Cliickaliominy meeting on the j collect the amount due with costs. meeting Saturday afternoon, Most of said, nod that said firm will pay the 19th was a large one. Rev. Norton Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gent’s, Ladies’ The following bills were allowed: the members responded to the call but sum of One Hundred Dollars for each preached. John I Butterfield for tending street anti Children’s Underwoar, Hosiery and y • few were out of town. and every case of Catarrh that cannot COURT PROCEEDINGS. Greenleaf will have no school this lamps from Jan. 2tltli to Feb. 20th, The Southern Oregon Fair Associa- ' be cured by ttie use of Hall’s Catarrh summer, as an average attendance of $3 75. Tlie W est , printing $9 88. Notions all rcdticed. This sale for i- The county court lias nllowpil the lion’s property near Medford will be Cure. i Tlie following bide were received for three cannot be secured. CASH only. Erank J Cheney. ■old by the sheriff on t lie 25tli, to satisfy I certain portions of Front, Lin-, following hills to parties from tlie west This neighborhood is divided on the mortgage for $290 held by Asa Fordyce. ' Sworn to before me and subscribed question of dancing. Some give and coin and Main streets in Morse’s adili- j part of tlie county: in my presence, this fit li day of Decem­ L Boring, supervisor road district attend dances while others, who lately I tion : Harry Boyle, $400; Fred Butter- STIie many friends of Claude Yates ber, A D, 18Uti. No. 30....................................... $ 9 00 tiel'l, $400; F M Rath $100 or 12I< cents j think tepsichore is an agent of gave him a very pleasant surprise Wed- j A W Gleason, i per cubic yard. M Nuffsinger submitted A P Walker, supervisor district Beelzebub. Rcsiluy evening, at the home of bis -¡sÈM.j- No. 103. claimed $06 76 allowed 50 00 Notary Public. a bill of $15 for clearing off cross-walks parents. The ocrusion being in honor, Miss Josie Willcut and Miss Alice and A Schulte, supervisor district No. of Ids 20tli birthday. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ Clarence Burnett of Lake creek went and grading down to a level with the 106 ................................................ «2 00 i walk two feet on eacli side. On motion ■ The Guard gives report« of t h e ! ly, and acts directly on the blood and over to Cliickaliominy Saturday and I tlie matter of street grading was con- | M E Sanhert A Co.......................... 15 48 mucous surfaces of tlie system, Send attended religious services there Sun­ . prospects of the prune crop from many i tinned till next regular meeting. day, Feb. 19th. FOR SA LE OR T R A D E - of ttie fruit-raisers near Eugene. Nearly for testimonials free. For building two cross-walks on Main F J Cheney A Co, Toledo, O. Something less than half a dozen of street John Yules bid was $33 25; L R •II of them sav the buds are consider- Sold by all druggist», 75c. tlie recent settlers on Deadwood creek Johnson 28cts per linen) feet; E E Be.ne- •bl> injured by the frost. One 2b," steel skein Mitchel Wagon Hall’s Family Pills are the best. declare that they will never winter there dlct $35; Cal Bracy 20cts per lineal foot. with four heavy springs under bed, ¡Catarrh in the bead is cured by again. Still the population always The street committee was instructed to spring seat, neck-yose ami doubletrees Mriod’s Sarsaparilla which eradicates shows an increase from year to year. PERSONALS. make a contract witli Cal Bracy to build j all in good running order. Will sell for from the blood the scrofulous taint that cash or trade for stock. Price $35.00. A bridge across Lake creek at tlie the cross-walks. »•Ruses it soothing and rebuilding the Fred Butterfield made a trip to the Enquire of E E M abh , Florence, Ore. Willcut place is mooted. Lake ereek No bids being received for tending1 ’delicate and diseased tissues. cape Monday. |ieople think if they do the work they street lamps, arrangements were made ■ C o o s county is collecting all taxes WANTED. George O Knowles was at Gvrdiiicr-. can 8et help from the county. I am with John I Butterfield to continue io to 1898, and careless people who afraid they will have to wait until there attend the lamps till April 1st for five Monday on a business trip. . have neglected to pay yearly for five or is a change in the personnel of the cents per night for each lamp. Reliable man for Malinger of Brancb •ix years back are surprised when thev Miss Gertie Harwood started to Mon­ countv court. The council then adjourned. Office I wish to open in this vicinity. mouth Monday to attend school, vi.it the collector’s office and find that If your record is O K hero is a goo»l THc MASQUERADE George Barber of Mapleton was a M A PLETO N NO TES. ♦here are liens on lands often amounting .opening. Kindly mention this paper Mono who are engagud in any of the mechanical caller at T he W est office Wednesday, Io $109 or more. when writing. Abo'it thirty-five couples at tended the pursuits cun succeed without reading and P.Y A COBIIESPONDENT. The express box which was recently i Mrs Joe Morris jr. is visiting a few A .T . M orris , Cincinnati, O. masquerade at Acme Tuesday evening Molen at Roseburg, was found the otner days with relatives on Duncan slough. Illustrated catalogue 4 els. postage. studying this standard Magazine of Sciences j though only abont ten couples wore i day by John Freeman, of that city, in E A Evans wras up North Fork Yes­ Feb 22, 1899. j masks. and mechanical A rt«." It is illustrated with barn, where it had been bidden by terday serving papers for a law-suit. Miss Mattie Brund of Point Terrace Considerable amusement wits afforded , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. robbers after being broken open, Jesse Bounds the well knawn sewing- ; lias been ill during the past week. all "modern cuts of latest inventions in «11 in trying to recognize the participants ! I4ind Oftice, Rotcburff, Orefrou lie letters and pa|>erg it contained were machine agent was in Florence Wednes­ Tlie splendid weather we have been under their various disguises. February 2, 1W. kill in it. the brunches of mechanism, and its fund of day* Dancing was kept up till morning, Notice is hereby given th a t the fa llo w in g , having is an initial for unusual garden­ Guard: The Imp growers of Lane ! * Grace Fisk has been visiting for a few ing in the Mapleton district. music being furnished by George Thur­ named Mettler I ihh tiled notice of hia in ten tion knowledge is inseparably connected witli in­ to m ake fitiul p n w j iu t u p p m t o i iuM cluira, and Dtinlv arc now discussing the feasibility days witli friends in Glenada and Miss Mabie Knowles who has been man with the violin, while Mrs Carnes that Raid proof w ill be miuSe tR’fore <•. 11. H ol­ ventors and mechanics. Solti with T ub f a county organization to advance I Florence. teaching at Hermann concluded her presided at the organ. Marion Morris, I den F . H. Comtuiaaiohfer a l Lake Precinct, lieir interests. Such organizations Rev IG Knotts has been at Dead­ term nt that place Friday, returning Fnlton Woodcock, and Dec Alexander . hongh»« Co., Oregon, ou March H , viz- W kht at clubbing rates. Jirive in nearly every section whore wood several days this week holding ' home Sunday, i also played the the violin part of the George F. R, i»n H . K. No. h M for the N W*4 and lots 4 am i 7, ret Tp. 19 K. 12 aany bops are grown. Some of tlie religious services. time during the evening. W e-t. County Surveyor Collier was at Ma­ Reading growers say a call for a meeting A good »upper was furnished at mid­ Mr Cnrrie, general agent for the Sing­ pleton last week running the lines of lie hr rues l be follov.inj* uitiw*«<4eR to provo Jo organize will be held probably tlie er Sewing Machine Co. lias been nil the night at the Gatos hotel. bi-« cotitiiinouM re .« id e iu u p o n um l c u ltiv a tio n Mrs Martin’s anti Oscar Funke’s place». of Mii«l Ifliul, viz: last of February of early in March. , Ail enjoyed the occasion very niucli. river the past week. ’ He returned to Eugene Monday. I xri * B. H arw ood, J F lin t, J. M. Younc THE HUDSON MILLS BURNED- Oregonian; Elmore, Sanborn & Co. A Mr Rounds of Monroe was a pas­ and F. E. Ftem >hl a ll of Lttkt; Preeiuct, Oregoi'. Frank Knowles received recently on J. T. B niix k *, ire making arrangements to dissolve senger to Florence Monday on his way the Bella n 4 horse gasoline motor for Reglsier. partnership, but the de.taile have not to Gardiner to teach school. ' for his boat, which he will soon have iu The Hudson mills, three miles mrtli Tliis;monthly magazine ie one of the very, Ilieen completed. In tlie future MrEl- George Stonefield of Samaria and Burt first class shape and ready to relieve of Drain Intrued at about 2 o’clock Feb. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. liuore will devote bis time to the can- Cobb of Heeeta attended the masquer­ him of much hard labor. best printedfin this country, and ie sold 1 8 tb . The origin <»f tlie fire is un- I Jncry combination, in which lie is ade at Acme Tuesday evening. The roads to Eugene are still in n i known but it is supposed that it was to all suliscribcrtt at rates within th«( fand OIT km * nt ilnwhur*, Ichairniaii of the executive committee. Cbss David and family who have deplorable condition; the stage only ttie work of an incendiary. Tne loss on I ebriiury 2, 1 W . I Mr Sanborn lias taken offices in the been living at Glenada during the ability|of all to pay. It ia finely illua getting in about twice a week. Tlie I t*,c n,il1 ■,mI l"">’ier destroyed will not Notice I k hereby given th a t the folloM iiig new Spexarth-Brocker building, and winter, moved to Point Terrace Monday. mail is brought on horseback ou other t-e less than $5,090, tlie sheds and luin- nntned settler hurf filed itottoe of his In ten tion will engage in the insurance and com­ tinted and presents the names of famous Miss May Stevens of Heeeta attended days, and seldom fails to make its daily bor in the yard being savel and tlie to (nuke flnnl prfMif P. >upport of lift« claim , an l mission business. that »aid proof w ill bo made before C. H. llo l arrival, thanks to the enterprise of Mr toiler and engine only a partial loss. 1 the masquerade at Acme and spent a authors as contributors. 1 he W est den. U. fl Com miavloner nt Lake Precinct, The following was sent us from Point couple of days visiting in Florence this Rli Bangs and the pluck of his drivers The proprietors, Messrs Perkins A- Dougin» Co., Oregon, on Mnech B , llOO, viz and the Cosmo|io!itan arc sold at re­ Terrace with a requeat that it tie pub­ week. • Mrs Neely entertained a number of Bledsoe will probably rebuild the mills Frank E. Guild© on If . E. So f.gga for the RBJ* N W \t t i id lot» 2 ,3 .< I. ».. . 31, Tp. 19 H., K. I I lished. A meeting of the school board but the loss is a severe one to them as friends Sunday in honor of her birthday. S E Lowe went to Roseburg the first duced rates at this oflicc. Wewt wan held Monday noon to consider ttie of the week. He is considering a prop­ A pleasant combine, a "St Valentine well as to tlie coiiinitinity, many mem­ 11© nnm©» the followtng wituef©©» to prove question of expelling John Brynd fr»»tn osition to excl.atige bi» Fiddle creek birthday party” was tendered the bers of which de;>eiid upon the mills Ilia coutliiuotiR r©4deuce upon and c u ltiv a tio n school for knocking off a bat. After an ranch for property in the vicinity of tho Misses Sophie snd Bessie Nicol Is their for work. There was no insurance uf $>aid land, via: M. J. Shrum, Peter F rb a rt, G rant F.rhart and invest iiration it was thought by the county seat. birthday coming on tlie 14th of this « f« 0 ’ >•« property. Oacar lire water, all ui Lake Precinct, Dragon. directors that tlie teacher bad been J. T. bainwCR, Drain Watchman : Mrs H A McCla- Month. THE LEGISLATURE. atlier hasty and that expulsion would IlnCl»ter Messrs Fred P-oun tad Emmett ren ami son. Ralph, left Sunday night tie too severe a punishment for the Slisrpe deserve much praise for the for a visit in Portland after which they, The legislature adjourned Saturday offense. He »vas allowed to remain in expect to spend some time in Eastern skillful manner in which they have evening sine die. We do.not take pesssirian of our tdeis but are poussiaJ by themj school. 2 V f o r **fh»» story of Ihe fh lllp i-tn e ." bv M urat conducted the hatchery at this place. . States. A bill was iiasse l providing for taxing H a I a I amk I, cooiiu M o lt e d by the ( k iv e r iiia e M * * They master us and force us into, the arena, fflpUl H M tortan to the War l>©piirtin ”nt. T h * Tlie creamery business abont Myrtle Cottage Grove Nugget: Mr and Mrs A large percentage of the eggs were btc,d e s $1.25 each year, the monev to O buok wm» w ritten in anny cRir.p« ©t Man Fr»in- Where like (tadiators, we must fl’ ht h r th.sw " Point is increasing in importance cacti Terry Long, who have lieen at the farm hatched, and the fish are now in a fie used for hiil-ling bi'iycle paths. <*Ueo, on th© pHciile w ith General M «rrttr, in the hoHpitMlH at H in n lu lu . in Hoiitf K oii R, In year. Several experienced dairymen of Mr W W Hawley for some months, thrifty condition; and in perhaps Lar.e ami Douglass are among the the Such k the exulted motto of the Arena, and the American treneh©* at Ma iUrt, in the in nr bave arrived from fium lolt eoonte. came in Wednesday. They will go to another month will be ready to be i connti»-» exvcptuil from the o;ieralion ■«nt camp*« w ith A xuinnM o, on tU© deck of th< O lym pia w ith hew ev, nnd in th<* r»iar uf (Ue entire contents oj this monthly moga/jne California, and have puichaaed and Eugene in a few days where they will placed in the liver. ba ttie at the f til of M anila, no n n u /a i *r a^nta 1 of the act. B rim fu l of ori m ninlv uffleu Work I (undtteted at hint»©. f*alarr »traiciu a the liest when you Hovey v» The Siuslaw River f.umlier " " 101 Wm Sutherland, Gien- All d'iigxial» refund money if it fail, to consider 11 i» • Keferehre» K . - l rilla is the bc»t Mood purifier, nerve aelf a-l«irf*»N©'l »rnmitfd sold with T ur W xw. District Nu 103 J A McLead, Florence each la ’det. H e 4«, Pr*-»t , D cp’ M. < hi $bud stomach to n . Get HOOD*». asked for $324 25 - - - PY • • - ST. ILWEATHERSON ¿BsownnrtouRE D R .W A 0 M C O . S H ★ k IARSB ASSORTMENT OP C4PHS J0S7 IN ★ OH J E N I B I H- I UK flail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Price as if You Bought in Person. ■H J. H.- McCLUNG, eu0°rebne np Scientific American.- ids THE E n S M D P n L IT flN , THE ARENA TARN OHLY