-__ « • ,TECE W E S T . national FIGHTING I’TTIOS. CHARACTER ) * WASHINGTON LETTER. I - ' ■' does not in so many words say that it : THE WATER SUPPLY OF THE would be best for the government to lay PANAMA CANAL. ” b : "•.IIÍ.D EVERY FRIDAY MORMSIi.— F koai ore. MOULA» O}E.r.KPûwrrj.r. and ma ntnin a cable itself and have no ! ------- a I ChronJGe. dealing» with private corporations, it is ‘ scientific American. W ash . D C, Feb. 13, 1899. generally given that interpretation in In tne planniiig"of a great ship canal Ouo U the noteworthy features o f • kk \ , k . I.AXS COUNTY, O rí nos Hie picoPnt w»i in the Philippines in ‘•Boss" Mason is the title that has congressional’circles. • like the on« now building at Panama. the ease wjttr wblril the American l' it‘n j'*'ulllr,y Riven to Senetor Mason, The military court of inquiry ordered Hr that proposed at Xica raugua, in ' troops Achieve what the Spaniards 1 f' ,” ce l,e W»l*lla<1 the senate to agree Io investigate the embalmed beef charges , which an elevated “divide" is eur- W . H . W E A T H E R S O N i1“1'“11 <3«»wai otj»*’ com- to vole on the McEnery Philippine reso­ made by Gen. Miles, will meet in Wash- : mounted by means of a series of locks, nnuid iq. to the day our new war opcatd lution. It wasn’t a new thing that ington Wednesday of this week. Friends the fundamental problem tv be solved E d ito r m id P ro p r ie to r. was ql the same position which (hat tyaeon 'lid. either. ffe merely of the president are glad that he has ' that of securing a sullh ient and per-, 1 (J Captain General Augiisli occupied got the floor and made a Sensational taken this open and above-board niunenl supply of water at the summit til-fore the arrival at Cavite of General speech about our killing the Filipinos E lo r e n ic O re. F eb . 21, lS'.tit. method, of giving Gen. Miles a chance level to compeusato for losses due to! M errit's troops. That is to say,'he was and promises that had "been made to to show whether his proofs are good or *be intermittent flow of water from hemmed in on the land aides by the get votes for tli« ratification nt the T h e le g is la tu re h a s e x te n d -d for nut, regardless of the declaration it) the 1 the higher to the lower levels, which Phiiipino army. In Angusti’s case treaty, and which senators were trying report of the war investigating cotlimis- occurs whenever « vessel passes through te n y e a r s th e tim e allo w ed th e tlieii «ns »10 escape. Whenever the to squirm out of, and then announced sion that the beef issued to the army .jlu |o,.|ig- fn addition to the loss due Kiuulaw .■ an d F a sto in ra ilro a d •’panisli coniinander ipade 11 sortie lie his intention to keep on talking until the was goo.I. As this court will be stiiitlv to lockages, there is a steady dimj/iutioii ' eotnpttny u n d e r th e fran ch ise to r , «as driven bad; into (he fort«,'although senate agreed to vote on the McEnery a military affair, it will have no authori­ of the water in the canal as the | b u ild in g its ro ad . P erh ap s f|iig ¡ 'IM' •’’ifijMno army waa no larger than it resolution. The senate agreed "at once. ty to compel civilian« to testify, but result of evaporation and of seep­ m e a n s th a t th e co m p an y in ag ain is no«, and his own command was just Senator Quay worked tlija ,bulge in the there should be military testimony age through the material in which tho ' about the pizp of (list of Ids American tariff debate. In thjs particular in­ enough obtainable to settle this matter ahoni to m a k e efforts to n h lu ih canal is built Now, while the oilier „ , successors. Wlien it esme about that stance the whole tiling is a rase of for good aiid all. Either bad beef was problems of canal construai ion are of a ■ ca p 1 ita l w ith w h ich i o bu ild th e T tinned i„n,„i States troops . j . were surrouhded “ oiucli ado about nothing*, as no sort is»ucd or it was not. kind which, given time and money, lo a d or it m ay be th a t th e y h av e by Filipinos it took them hut a few of a resolution adopted by the senate the engineer can ultimately overcome, Parsnip Coinplcxiou. d im p ly o b ta in ed a new lease o f hours of actual fighting 'to raise the would he anything more than simply this question of water supply is one Jife in hope of being able to dispose ' capture the enemy’s intrenched an expression of the opinion qf the A majority of the ills afflicting people which ¡3 absolutely determined by the o f th e ir fran ch ise to so m e o th e r 1"”iitio" H Heatt'’r '<» army in Hying majority, which would he l>indp,gon «. , fragm ent, nobody. today tun be traced to kidney trouble. natural conditions of the locality. In com pany. I o r a n u m b e r of yearn . other ivui'ds. if there is not available a -• 4 «I •’ 1 1 1 4 n an -i 7 b “ difference in result« if the more A battle roytl io or> between the It pe.’vades all classes of society, in all past th e re has been b u t u t i l e ra il- , . , , watershed whose annual rainfall will . I »c:n:irkai»le from the fact that the »Stan- president and thy senators w ho oppose climates, regardless'of age, sex or con­ provide the necessary supply, the canaj ro a d b u ild in g d o n e ¡ a a n y p a r t y f i ;ih wfrc rcg||Urj)( wh;,e- lhc dition. •* the Hull army hill, which was recently The »allow, colorless-looking people will never he built. th e U n ited S ta te s b u t now th a t American troops are, for the most part, passed by tlie bouse, and which after In our article of last week on the you often meet are afflicted with “ kid­ b u sin e ss is m o re p ro sp ero u s volunteers. The professional soldiers being slightly amended in committee has ney complexion." Their kidneys are Panama Canal, we showed how the th ro u g h o u t (he c o u n try a n u m b e r htirtg hack; the unifonneit citizen went been reported to the senate. These sen­ turning to a parsnip color, so is their floods of the Ghagres are Io he aiored o f new ro ad s a re p ro jec ted a n d no (' ” to ,dl l'J“v ' ¡ ctory- h l the case of ators say tljgt the hill will not he allow­ couipleifion. They iqsy auifer frqiii in two great reservoirs with a combined 1 1 the Spaniards, at the outset, they had ed to pass, an 1 ofior as a compromise, d o u b t som e o f th e i^ w ill bo b u i l t . , indigestion, bloating, sleeplessness, uric capacity of 66,aj3,00.),0J0 gallons, and i to meet a volunteer cveiiiy without ex- to authorize the maintenance of present acid, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, ca- H'at this turbulent river, which thie.it- W c w ould be glad to see a ro ad t o , per|ence llg|iting; ,R ))|o q{ (1 carried to Glenada. If it 'i s sent by ; Pilipi,,«, are very poor ones. Probably If one or the other doesn't give way, an kidney-poisoned blood, clear the com- ‘ thé Alcne routte it must remain at Ölen- Is,tl, theories nrn true. The races be­ extra session is certain, and many think plexfon and soon help the sufferer to ural flow of the Chtigrcs River is suf- j ficient to feed the canal and ’meet the ad« till the next Friday morning then i |,ind the Amriicans nro the warlike it certain regardless of the army bill, by hetter health. The mild and extraordinary efi'ect of 'osses A'le to evaporation, seepage and will he taken tO 'Gardiner that d ar. A northerners who have usually had the reason of the prcbable failure of sqrne Swamp-Root is Boon realized. It stands lockage; hut during the dry season, lctl.-r mailed at Florence between i> nest of the fighting in contests Will, the of the appropriation bills, mid regard the highest for its wonderful cures of the wl,*ch lasts from January J5 to April 13 o'clock p m on Thursday and 2 o’clock p,.opr,, of wariIler ia tif„de»; and the tl,o fight over the army bill ns merely most distressing cases, such as weak ll,cre »'ill lie "It deficit, which must be p m on Saturday will remain at G len-1 American« themselves are naturally an attem pt by politicians to place tho nda till Monday inoruing. A ll' the J bofd aggressive and patriotic. With responsibility for an extra session on kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, ,natle n P by drawing upon the water Florence mail coming over that routo the'm odernLpaniards and Filipinos few the qlher side. Everybody admits that rheumatism and Bright’s Disease, which "npounded within the Alhajueln reser- must, if it mrives nt Glenadu Tuesday« of such qualities have ever appeared in it will lie the action or non-action of the is tho worst form of kidney trouble. At voir’ aljovo refered to. The amount remain there till TVwlnestlay at 9 a in commerce ami statesmanship, and it is senate that will determine whether an druggists, fifty cent and dollar sizes. of " ater used by the locks, assuming 2i You may have a sample bottle by mail PaS8«ges iier day as maximum mid a while that arriving rin Saturday will not to be expected that they will end- extra * 'll be held. How doubt- free, also pamphlet telling all about it. uiean of 13, will be after allowing a retrain 'till Monday forenoon. That dcnly show themselves in the operations *ld that body is may lie judged from Address Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, liberal «»«argin, 319,fi; 1,236 United .States route should be extendei) to 'Florence of'war. W tiat we vitness is, indeed, as ' t!ie foUo’ving words, said to li^ve been N Y . gallons per day. Adding to Ibis the find the service increased to Hire« trips I.ord .Salisbury put it, the natural re- i U3C<* S|ieaker Reed, in a recent eou- When writing please mention this wastc ai|d loss of various kinds, the to tal, a week. lation on the supreme fields of effort of '"ersatlon t “ God only knows what the paper. ____ ___________ daily use would ho 523,388,000 gallons, 1 senate will do, and ho won’t tell.” a strengthening a decaying race. which for three months, or 90 days, ' I t is one of the peculiarities ul human ARE YOU AN W hat the navy departm ent said first j would equal 47,555,000,000 gallons. Now, ; juiture th a t when any work Is done that T h e r e a re a t th e p re s e n t tim e about Schley and Sampson, it eays last, the mean discharge of the Ghagres dur- ■ phowa unusual skill, th e ’ large ' places m o re in d ic a tio n s o f a h e a lth y It has sent a copy of the offlcinl records If so you should take and read , ‘ ‘‘g thl’ PCr‘°d *’ ^hSua.OOO.OOO gallons. having facilities for doing such work le v e lo p m c n t o f fh e friiit-g ro w in g of ^-hley and Sampson to the senate, P A C IF IC * n n n E P I I n \A Z The deficit is, therefore, J3,210,OJ3,0)J will claim the credit for it if they have in d u s try in th é I’neilio N o rth w e st t,l08e rucor‘Is make a bad showing HACIMC ODD FE L L O W gallons. To meet th.g thcre jg gioro(|j nny chance; while if a poor j'ob is done Ih a n h a v e h ith e r to been p ereen - fur Sc,‘,u>’ Hni1 “ «ono short week it has been whipped at a rate we helievo every Odd Follow ll,o dam, the structure was given badly constrbeted San Francisco wouhl , 111 w 11 com i n fio n i (he as fast as onr troops could get at them, would be glad to accept. sufficient margin of stability to permit i have been' very willing to let It bo known g lo o m y re a c tio n w h ich follow ed, and is now no more. Gen. Oiia lias Tiic price of Tim W est is 11.50 per ° of the crest being raised that the vessel was not built there. b r u it g ro w e rs h a v e g iv e n u p all boen allowed to conduct the w lule bust- year and the price of "Pacific qjj ; tcn ftet aljovo its present level. This pi»a* ■■ SPECHI OOTS ★ ★ ★ A X 1) SHOES AT THE ( : WHITE : STORE * P z. C om m encin g M onday J a n u a r y 23rd And C ontinuin g U ntil F ebruary 1st. FOR CASH ONLY. TO EEDÜCG STOGI REGARDLESS OF COST. See our special counter. O .W .H U R D ODD FELLOW? c a r m a KF s CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Goods, ★ Groceries t and ★ Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET.-. hope:, <)} a c q u irin g 8iphlen w ea lth nu88 suit liinuelf, and nobody need m ail Hervici; la te ly from th e ir o rc h a rd s, a n d h a v e a lso !** B',p^i8e*, at anY ti",u to 8et news ilisconiintieil liettvoen F lo re n c e that lie has captured Aguiualdo, al- sh a k e n o lf th e feelin g th a t ‘th e re thougli it might be best f ir all concerned e n d G a rd in e r by w hich lei ter« I is n o th in g in (h e h tisin ess’’ w h ich ! j if Aguinaldo should oscajH! and go to w e re c a rrie d from one offlee ( q th e so r p ; re ..................... v a le n t for * l tw o th e r in one dnv th e „m il m a 1 k in g | wtts 7 ......... " " o ,u o * r . th re e , El'* °N “> » < • > » - of the money he b y e a rs p rio r to 1898. T h e hp-ge has stolen in the Philippines. t h r r e ro u n d trip s p er w eek be- a tte n d a n c e n t th e C o rv a llis a n d The proposal to add the Hepburn tw ee n thiw e p laces, is co m p ared S p o k an e eo n v e n tio n s sh o w ed th a t Nicaragua canal bill to the river and AV lieu th e w ith th e p resen t sehelttle by w hich „ , . ¡ f r u itg r o w e r s a re a g a in in te re s te d le tte r s m ay he n e a rly a w eek on ill m a k in g th e ir b u sin e ss p ay . 8 • th e w ay, is it an y w o n d er th a t ¡T h e y a r e e n te r in g e a r n e s th , ‘ " 1 , ’" u r p eo p le « re d issatisfie d w ith flic . ‘ io s tu d y ot liow to p ro d u c e th e chan g e? Ia*s1 f ru it n t th e lo w est cost a n d ■■ how to se c u re th e best r e tu r n s for T i l l s WEEK w e received a copy o f th e B o h em ia N ug g et p u b lish e d 1 tr u it wlion p ro d u ce d . T h e v a t O ottage G ro v e by C J H o w ard . 1 ftre 110 l° n g e r ta lk in g in la rg e , i,„-i . 1 11 ' ^ n d on 7 l ' , ' fellow” is |1.00 per year, but we will qqg q o o C **’C 8t,,r‘lH80,303 gallons. Should c®Py of “ Pecifie Oil« Fellow." » urther margin ho deemed necessary, A .T ^ ' u P P . N C g ! C ' l ™ « n . .'i1^ W"tOr8 t*‘*’ ALPHA CLIPPINGS C.iagrts which, in the present scheme, Bv E ve . x C iiaxoe . j. *lu " tl'rol >-‘1 tlie weirs, could be .. ~ reservoirs as is r ° 8ni‘‘ll< r u*’ strcail‘ Alpha Ore Peb 20, 1839 reservoirs, as is nut» done m the Grolo i There is a run of extra fine steelhead « I ™ w atershed,; in connection with Ju st Opened. Goods as Reoresented, ’■a,l8e 0 o •fectiori 011 l._ — _ . a . ",U 1 Kitting getting that Hint bill through, Mild and Mr Hop- Hep- burn has given notice that that he lie would would offer the bill as an amendment to th e ! salmon in I'eadwood creek. the water supply of New York citv J. W. CARMAN Sol" f»rmere here are about Some u oi o( ,,1C the farmers PROPR i f t o h out nt hay owing to having commenced rt,e fo,,oa*“8 Isum colnty clerks ware 10 iced earlier in the fall than usual. employed in the senate 1° feed earlier in the fall than usual. employed in the senate during th r sess- There are about twenty-five head of " " °* 11,0 lale ,e**sl;«ttiro witn tlie reieive.l, etc: I) VKuykeu- snndry civil appropriation bill, which cattle of a mixed lot for sale here. We nould like to see a cattle buver soon. lo,ll l,‘ftee on education, 40 days at is now being considered o , »•* P«r da.v, |129; L I. Driver couinut- hy the house. Onr people are preparing to do spring te« on Federal Resol,iti-, , m». 49 days at While a large majority of tho liouso eo" H,g and |( the weather remains good ■PRA g t h a e Ju per day, M 2); I. E lb a „, Wavs and much oats will be sown in a lew days. I t is a v ery ereditahTe s h e e t a n d h u t a re c a re fu lly s tu d y in g wuild gladly vote for a Nicaragua canal 9 ftP S S » fV e ; rr , .. Meins committee, ch ief clerk, 43 davs ' Miss* Elinor Hale leaves this week for at |f> per day, 120). w e ho p e i t w ill be a re g u la r v isito r ” ow ' ,ow f ° Kl' vü «> fra c tio n o f a hill, notwithstanding the warning of i- x S C f tS lv Hale where ahe will visit her grand- ______ I c e n t p e r p o u n d in th e cost o f p ro - Chrflrman Cannon, of the danger of in- mother Mrs M C Hale, and other to o u r tab ic. d u r in g o r o f m a rk e tin g fru it. I f «I’fo p ria tio n s, it is ia not at r»*l8 |i'es. She will also go to Eugene ■- t-,. > x all certain that they will vote for it as a while out. Tux tow , x or city that (ails to “ get 11 WC a r c n ot m is ta k e n th e re w ill Mrs Granville I.nndv and children rider to an appropriation bill. Many A fter Long Illn e ss H o o d 's S a r s a ­ 0 >vs on itself” within the p e rt year or h e re a fte r he m u c h m o re ca refu l I members regard such a method o( legia- ’Cf‘ ’t'” ’ T"!'*'’' p arilla R e sto re d Cood H e a lth - io. will find itself distanced t y those . , , * sa'riv at Greely, Colorado, but had to a tte n tio n g iv e n to e v e ry d e ta il How a s S tro n g » j Ever. ---------'» precedent to set up. change cars several times and go on t i l t do. Now ia the time to move to ‘‘ A B " "i, illness of two years, during th e b u sin ess o f g ro w in g an d ' Sjwaker Recti and some of the best i different roads on account o( snow do something, and then to do it.—Junc­ which time I underwent several surgical m a rk e tin g fru it th".u h a s h e r e to ­ piirliamentarian« in congresa are atrong- blockades. When last heard from it operat ion«, I at last began to improve, but tion City Timet. fore Imen c o m m o n .— O regon A g i) lyoppo»edto the idea. Consequently Wl" « 'M f**8 belo# zero there and my improvement was to slow that I be- eame discouraged. I was very raoch run Its adoption is doubtful. . 'T** a s u e ..ere. T he eibst state officers oiOregon, who cult ifrist; iv I a/ r f'sf’leo who traded his place in down and 1 did no» have any , pp«,lt.. U „ lie f rendent McKinleys special Colorado to Mr I.nndv is expected to I did net car. to live. One day f mH , took (heir seats July 8, 1859, were: message t'c cdhgrcss, pointing out the arrive here with his family at any time, friend w ho had taken Hood*. Sarsaparilla Tvhn W hitaker, governor; I.licien Heath M F a u re p ro rid e n t o f F ra n c o •nd W'ho urgtd me io tty it. I conaanted pressing née, 1 for a cable controlled by Bi* * 'fe, we hear, liasnervons proetra- and .h e r I had taken a f.w drwe. J began' secretary of stated J D Kuone, treasurer; d ied in P a ris th e ltith in st. o f ,f 14 -?!<• the I 8 to Hawaii and the Philippines r,,Jn *ml ,ll,r 8 rt C0’” ‘nI in hbpea to f«e! bettor and had a better appetite Asaliel Bun!., state printer; I 1 Grover, I . i ol benefittihg lier health ap o p lex y . Igatoedftom ut; l l , Wf?,' w ia firat cohgrea»ii,an, and Gen Jo« t . T .i r « licit . .,, w.nTrn xikstwhess 1 A’/ T!‘b° r b*'1 ,he '"¡’fortune to • nd grew atreoger cvaW day. 1 to.,), , _ o I me and Delazot) Sihltli, th e first U h .» i l i i . - - i .r, «.f the rhUq.|.ii,v, t„ M„r«, cut lus loot some time svo which laid cr three bottles ot Hood’s 8 .rMp . „ lu The Snn Fram izeo Fxam iner and t h e . ll,l';LH.t, ,«.||1IU TVGVlkwioLV«!- * O R tL V iX Ö S5 Hiv U oieriôui iil » . i , o „ r..- . _ l . n _ I............... and am a. strong as ( ever was m mv life’ •t uators. All were democrat«. ¿hl ulfitorihil h» tin- u h »-j’lHirtiuviit . | « n D n , t ' TUe tu ' " f '1 "P f"«’ » wh'l«’ but lie is getting , Orrtt . —; -................... —•> W e « t for otte year $2.50 paid iu flood’s 8 .reelwi li|. hat brought ^ " g nirelynow. When well his (am to health. ’ EwtLV B im x o ta , w G^ r j FOR SAr E OR EXCHANGE. vanee. the h Nl.iteU e l Honobihi. in Hong Kt a<. in Hy will leave for U ft if shunt. Washing TO OUR HATRO.qi Avenue, South Porttand, Oregon. I’ sl u Tilt: Guard wc learn th a t June- —— ‘®» * ben‘ u' e> ^ ¡-Ie . H tRTrt>->*rri'Rtt T«t'KtWi>HTRV PrM«n\< IS A house ami lot in GIen^ a l u l l # h v i* Io have another paper. m maiim » our in their RUT, Mr Al Gi»*ü» »-¡»uy. h . T h e , We i.uu hiul c *otk amt i.ehibvroi.i.ttHw ticerhv v<>utill«*w. 111. mainly have ma..e arrange eiert» «y Imnre is 1C l.y 2f feet an.l Mulhrjr »iretebi »truttcht f» .i w Hr,min! o( ortciiiiU r iv liin , iskvit by gumn will join his brother at t'acoma then I,*eee Laa m ice has fmrehased a plant ^a>duet«>«i ei bome._ aeiaty one story anti which «acorn« then , w a r ami n%pvii»t*w deflitita. lounfttlv 110 marr ¡■Kill ,.imi 3 ’ K.UjtJ..»««. at; ,i. rerjv. « » ¡ « w ith the W r „ f« . , n, nnprea.i.,». For fnrlhsi «1, < am nu n m m u»i w i pa|wr». m n i» . I Uv«». I »«tl I>vi»t. M ( UivaBtfc a ruta'.l place for tw two rsrtiio lara to a n , ; !u ,v . vein«»;«. , «on*« family will remain on Peadwood. H ood’s PU!s ?'r’ 1 * r *,,» '- >4 • H.’[ - ^ 7 o inquire, t thia office.’’ for the wnm rf fri UkX*. j fari, payable cash in ».h » aee. tliA •%<*•»» n l 1 «I. * ( ataiss PViAR; Back t j Health me baak r* H00d ’S SVa‘ r%a f’’