STATE OFFICERS S T E A M ER “ M l t f K ,” W ill m a k e Steamer Robarts W ill make tegular trips from Governor.................................T. T. Geer. R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S Secretary of S 'ate...............F. I. Dunbar. B e tw e e n - Treasurer................................F. 8. Moore. from I Supt. Public Instruction J. II. Ackerman ’ Ca" 7 a< A L S E A ; AndT State Printer........................W. H. Leede. [ Attorney General D. R. N. Blackburn. ( ................. R. 8. Bean THE STEAM ER Supreme Court < ............... F. A. Moore Calling at the UMPQUA. ( . . . . C . E. Wolverton D U E L L A For passenger and freight rates |Judge Second District. .J. W. Hamilton ^Prosecuting A ttorney.. .Geo. M. Brown — APPLY TO — Florence to Yaquina Florence aifl M of Tlfle. r lorence to Coos Bay Is v o u F f HAIR TURNING GRAY? THE ISLAND IS AS BEAUTIFUL AS IT 13 PRODUCTIVE. It H as T h ir t e e n Ilu n d r e d S trea m s , a W e a lt h o f V e g e ta tio n . H ig h ly C u ltiv a b le WE LEAD IN Boll a n d V a s t D ep osits o f M in e ra ls — F e w R e p tile s , b u t M a n y In sects. Mr. Fredoriclt A. Ober, lute commis­ sioner iu Porto Rico of the Columbian D r y Goods exposition, contributes to The Century an article on "The Islaud of Porto F a n c y Goods Rico." Mr. Ober says: In the extremo northeast rises the highest peak of tbo central cordillera F u r n is h in g G oods What does your mirror say? iu the Luquillo sierra, known as "E l W ill carry freight and passengers Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. Does It tell you of some little Yunque,” or "The A nvil,” variously streaks of gray? Are you from Florence to San Francisco. estimated at from 3,000 to 4,500 feet in pleased? Do your friends of C lo t h i n g COUNTY OFFICERS- height. Tho hills aro of lessor elevation the same age show this loss W ill also bring up freight of power also? toward the west and southwest, but S T A G E L IN E , Just remember that gray t Shoes the whole north central country is rug­ hair never becomes darker ged aud uneven, between the spurs For further information inquire Judge............... . E. O. Potter. without help, while dark hair from the main range lie iuunmorable rapidly becomes gray when — OF — i — secluded valleys, where the soil is of I .eaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ .. W. T. Bailey ■ once the change begins. ■ Commissioners great fertility. The impressive features II. D. Edwards A. W . BE A D L E & CO. (• days and Fridays. of the landscape are the rounded sum­ C lerk........................................... E. U. Lee 14 California St Arrives at Florence Tuesdays Thurs­ mits of the multitudinous hills, which * Sheriff.............................. W. W. Withers leave the coast iu constantly rising bil­ days and Saturdays. San Francisco, California. « 4 ^ ---------------------------------- lows that finally break against tho cor­ treasurer..........................A. S. Patterson Connects with Steamer and Scott b dillera vertebra; yet all are cultivable, Assessor................................D. P. Burton burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with aud cultivated to their very crests, I Willam ette St., though the higher mountain peaks are School Superintendent... .W. M. Miller : Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charges forost clad. Eugene, Surveyor. -'-7 ........ .tufc. Collier reasonable. More than 1,300 streams, it Is said, Coroner............................ W. P. Cheshire of which number perhaps 40 or CO at­ Lane Co., Ore. tain to tho dignity of rivers, rise iu the Justice of Peace.................C. H. Holden hills and seek the coasts, most of them Constable.............................. E. Evans running northerly, though the best har­ bors are in the west and south. But JSS5EHBHHs| notwithstanding the great rivor How u E. Bangs, Proprietor. portions of the island iu the southwest "Nnrnny Damny." CITY OFFICERS. will bring back to your hair are afflicted with drought at times, Stage leaves Eugene daily e x ­ HER ONLY THOUGHT. In his "Highways and Byways In N the color of youth. It never owing to the precipitation of the north­ Devon and Cornwall” Arthur H. Nor­ fails. It is just as sure as cept Sundays, at G a. m ., arriving east "trades” against the northern hills. way tells of a fragment of antiquity H o w W a y la r*« W ir e P ro v e d that heat melts snow, or that President.................. W. II. Weatherson O th e r W o m o a. The higher hills are olothed in tho that still "lingers tn the neighborhood at Floreuce the day follow ing water quenches fire. exuberant aud diversified vegetation of of Redruth, where the country people, AU doubt regarding the ability of Pullm an It cleanses the scalp also at 10 a. m. O. W. Hurd the tropical forest, where tree ferns when they see a ghost, say, ‘Numuy America to successfully invade Spain and prevents the formation of Wm. Kyle Sleeping Cars flourish, nnd great gnm trees and moun­ dnmnyl’ ” and he adds, “ I leavo the after the conquest of Co ba, tbe Canaries Board of Trustees dandruff. It feeds and nour­ R eturning-stage leaves Flor- L. Christensen tain palms tower aloft At lower levels riddle to be solved by any oue who is and tbe Philippines bod been set at rest, ishes the bulbs of the hair M. Morris j Elegant | ence daily, except Sundays at 2 making them produce a luxu­ are tho cedar and mahogany, walunt curions enough to undertake a useful A terrific bombardment of the ooast riant growth. It stops the aud laurel, with many others uotod for piece of practice in unraveling the cor­ paved the way for a land force. Before Dining Cars ecorder. . John I. Butterfield p. m., arriving in Eugene the day hair from falling out and gives their useful woods Throughout the ruption of language." the haughty hidalgoes oould realize a fine toft finish to the hair ........... F. B. Wilson I Tourist easurer i follow ing at 9 p. m. island are found those trees aud shrubs The phrase is probably a corruption their peril a victorious army was storm­ as well. Sleeping Cars valuable for their gums, as the manwy, of "In uomino Domini," the Latin for ing at the gates of Madrid. The Span­ Marshal. . . . . .G. C. Cumpton Wo have a Book on tbo Hair and guaiacum and oopal, while the list of "In thefcanie of the Lord," a phrase so iards made a last desperate stand. Foe Scalp w hich yon n»ay obu.m free 8T. PAUL u j ton request. Single fare - - - - $5.00 medicinal plants includes most of those, familiar in the devotion of the middle days the conflict raged without ceasing, If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the u * r o f th e M IN N E A P O L IS invaluable to onr pharmaoopmias, ages. and the fortune of battle bung in the Round trip _ _ - _ $9.00 Vigor, write the Doctor about It. SECRET SOCIETIES which tropical America has given to balance. In her pulaoe sat Mrs. WeyleC. D u l u th , Tickets for salo at E. B an gs’ the world. These are the silvestres, na­ A N e w P o rc h C h a ir . Badly sewing and shuddering at the FARDO ture's wild ohildreu, but of cultivated A novelty iu wicker furniture is a hoarse booming of tho gnus that tore livery barn, Eugene, and at O. W . TO G R A N D FO RKS « F. A A. M. Florence Lodge Mo. 107. plants there is no species peculiar to wide chair or narrow settle, as you elect tho town to pieces. Regular communication on second ■ H urd’s office in Florence. the tropics that does not flourish here. C R O O K 8 T O N ____ "Valerianol” she murmured. “ My to describe it. and fourth Saturdays in each month. In the littoral levels, between the It has a vory high back and is evi­ husband, Val"— W IN N IP E G E. W. C obb , W. M. mountains snd the sea, grows the sug­ dently modeled after (he high English Crash 1 The door flew open with a T h e F u n k & W agnalls» J. I. B utterfield , Secretary. H E L E N A nnd ar cane, which may be cultivated up to draft chairs that are popular in many bang, aud iu rushed General Weyler, an altitude of 3,000 feet. It was intro­ drawing rooms. bloody and disheveled, followed by his BUTTE duced here from Santo Domingo, hav­ i'he new shadings of wicker furniture staff. ing been brought to America either combine almost every tint known, with, "Pasquita, ” he hasshly ordered, M A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 Of The from Spain or the Canaries. Tho annu­ however, tho sealing wax red and the “ eomething to eat at onoe for myself TO S i meets second and fourth Saturdays C H IC A G O al yield of sugar is estimated at about forest green still much in evidence. and men I Quick I" ENGLISH LANGUAGE cf each month at 1:30 p. m. 70,000 tons. Bursting into tears, she fled from tbe W A S H IN G T O N The durability aud cleanliness of the S. B. C olvin , Commander In these fertile lowlands also tobacco wicker furniture is uddiug markedly to room. With angry stride the general CO M PLETE j P H IL A D E L P H IA J. L. F urnish , Adjutant does exceedingly well, aud the animal its use as all around service, while tho flew after her. S U C C IE N T production is said to be quite 7,000,000 possibility of relieving it with pillows "What means this foolery?" he cried. H, w TO"1* pounds. It may bo cultivated on the aud cushions brings it within the lim it "Speak I" BO STO N ANO A L L A U T H O R IT A T IV E hills, but tho true mountain lover is the of upholstered comfort. "Oh, V-V-V-aleriano," she sobbed, o. u. w. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, coffee, which does not do well below "aud you once p-p-promised never to i meets every 1st and 3 3d Tuesdays P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H 600 feet and is at its best 1,000 feet |cn mouth. Members and visiting F o r in fo r m a tio n , t im e c a r d s , m a p s a n d t ic k e t s i 3 0 1 ,8 6 5 V o ca b u la ry Term « b-bring anybody home to dinner with' M a y B « P r o p r ie t o r Som a D ay . above the sen. It was first brought here Bthren in good standing are cordially e t c ., c a ll o n or w r ite Spacer—The office boy seems to have ont telling me b-b-beforehand I P-p-per- 2 4 7 E d ito r s and S p e c ia lis ts kited to attend. A. O. F unks , M. W. from Martinique in 1722, and now had quite a good time on his holiday. fect strangers, t-t-too. aud not a th-th* K notts , Recorder. 5 3 3 R ea d ers for Q u o ta tio n s R. M c M u r p h e y , yields to the extent of 17,000 tuns an­ thing in tbe bouse f-f-flt to aatt"—New Liner— Wbat makes yon think so? G eu cral A g en t. K ootns 2 a n d I, S h e lto n B lo c k , ! 5 0 0 0 I llu s tr a tio n s nually. Maize, the trne Indian corn, it Spacer—Since bis return all his let­ York Journal. E U G E N E , OR EGO N. ! C oat o v e r > 9 6 0 ,0 0 0 indigenous, as is tho yucca, tho aborigi­ ters come addressed as "editor. ”— Bos­ Io . O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets nal “ staff of life,” and both grow ev­ ton Globe. A P r a c tic a l J o lic r P a a ls h a A . , every Wednesday evening in Lodge Appendix of 47.4 68 E n trie s A- D CH A R LTO N , erywhere, as well as the pineapple, ill, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in A ss is ta n t G eneral P a ssen g er A g en t, A "practical" joker is at present tak­ ■oolal In fla a n e e a . which is more reliable and more uni­ 1 standing invited to attend. 255 M orrison S t., C’or., 8(1. ing a good. Iiard dose of his own medi­ T h e fu ll n u m b er o f w o rd s a n d term s in A ndrew B runo , N. G. "Mrs. Riprap has grown dreadfully cine. About two weeks ago he packed a versal than the peach of our north tom- F o a .-tla .n c i, O r . : d iffer en t d ic tio n a r ie s for th e e n tir e a lp h a b e t la porate zone. Cotton aud rice are fonnd rude to me all of a sudden." M arion M orris , Sec. dry goods box with old shoes, empty "Perhaps she has found ontthat your tin cans aud other rubbish and stut it ! a s fo llo w s : S - o b m o x t ii , 83,000; W o u c m x s t c b at nearly all elovations, the latter, WRITE FOR CIRCULARS husband owes her bnsband some which is the chief food of many labor­ S e w in g M a c h in e s w e m a n u fa c tu r e a n d th e ir MORRIS *** HOTEL, 105,000; W ebstjcr ( in te r n a tio n a l), 125,000; CSK- off to Tampa, Fla., consigned to one of p r ic e s b e fo r e y o n p u r c h a se a n y o th er. f T or y , (s ix v o lu m e s . ers, being wbat is known as the moun­ money. ” —Detroit Freo Press. the companies of tbe Tbitd regiment, c o m p le te ,) 225,000; T H C N E W H O M E 8C W IN Q M A C H IN E CO. CHURCH DIRECTORY tain varioty. J. I. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor Pennsylvania volunteers, with express S T A N D A R D , o v er 300,000; H e N e e d n ’t W o r r y . MUaJoa Sonare, M.T. Chicago, IU. Rt. fxmto, Mo. Bananas and plaiutainsare wonderful­ charges collect. The soldier boys thought DaUaa, Tex. Saa Franrtoco, «.C Ci bl. * Atlanta, G a . F lo r e n c e . O r e g o n . “ How is yonr Don't Worry olnb get­ ly prolific, beariug frnit in ten month« rea sals by , S a n pie Pages Free. it was a box of supplies sent by some tESBYTERIANCHURCH, Florence, I from planting. The plants virtually ting along?" Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath-1 kind friends, aud gladly paid the G ok I deniers wauled in every town last GO years, being equally long lived “ Fine— fine as silk. We elected Iiool, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 j OUR A IM — To furnish the best Write for prices and terms to Sun Fran- with tho cocoa palm, which prodnees Blnnoo an honorary member last even­ charges. ¡lock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of Tiicir chagrin in diruovering the oca- AGENTS W A N T E D . j cisco, Cal. lints in six or seven years and there­ ing. "—Indianapolis Journal. Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of accom m odations at reasonable tents of tho box may be imagined. Bat juary, April, July and October.! after daring the space of an ordinary they have since been turning the tablet 'eryhody is welcome to all the services, prices. A n A c c o m m o d a tin g N e ig h b o r. life, its yield being reckoned at 100 A G e a tle m a n , T h o u g h . E. D. BRONSON & CO, with a vengeance. They learned the stor requests Christians to make unts a year. The annual product of Not long back Mr. X. moved Into a name of tho joker, and for a week past Conductor—Say, can't you read? eniseives known. Pacific Coast Agents I new house, which bad not before been bananas is given aa 200,000.000 aud of Mau With the Cigar—Cf oouraelcan. nearly every man in tbe company haa I. G. K notts , Pastor. cocoanuts 8,000,000. Tbo entire r a n g e SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. occupied. The bell wires were rather Conductor— Well, don't you seo that been writing a letter of tbanlu every W. W. NEELY, Prop'r. stiff, and in consequence tho bells gave of tropical fruits is represented here, sign that says, "Gents will not smoke day to tbe sender of the box. The let­ 933 Market St. no uucertaiu sound. This was particu­ sncli as the guava, lime, orange, ngue- on this car?" ters are mailed with tho soldiers’ privi­ Tables furnished w ith all the larly the case with the doorbell, whose cate, sapodilla and avocado pear, while ATTORNEYS Mau With the Cigar (indignantly)— lege of sending mail without stampa, all subtropio vegetables may be raised, clangor disturbed the whole honse. I want yon lo understand, sir, that 1 postage to be collected from the receiver. delicacies o f the season. W ild T o n s o r ia l P a r lo r s . Mr. X. is a man of sensitive nerves. ' Including those of the south temperats nm no gent. —Chicago Nows. Tbe "joker” is paying about $2 a | cone, such, for instance, as are grown game, fish and fruit in season. Best Tho tremendous jangle of the doorbell day in postage for tho letters of thanks C. WOODCOCK, ' in Florida. ***** made him sbndder, so he wrote in chiilk ***** O r boon W i l l He. ho is receiving, aud he’s wouderiug how accom odations for the traveling The mineral kingdom has not been shove the handloof the doorpost, "Pull “ H pjit ftbont that tnno tbo American much longer they will continue to come. so exhaustively exploited as the vegeta geutly. ” —Philadelphia Record. MARION MORRIS Pro p. public. Charges reasonable. l»snds play id just bolor® the action?” About 9 that evening there was a I ble, but more than traces bavo been "I did not. ’’ found of copper, coal snd iron, as well ¡u g e n e , - O regon violent ringing. Somebody tugged at O ffe r A o « b |>U m L Shaving . . i5 "They opened up on that choras be­ the bell as if he were going to pull ft as vast deposits of salt. The rivers at ginning, "1 hv Land is .My Lund.' 1 un­ E l k P r a i r i e H o t e l. 7 a n d A M c M r e n 's B u ild in g , Nervous Passenger (to motbw of Hair Cutting . . ag p o c ia l a t t e n t io n g iv e n to c o l le c t i o n s a u d p ro­ out by the roots. The noise was terriba. ! cue time rau to the am over hods of derhand the Spaniards took it us some­ howling imp iu parlor car)— Madam, U s ie b u s in e s s , X. himself ran to tho door in a rage golden sand, nuJ from tho stre'ima to- thing personal. "—Cincinnati Enquirer. there anything any of ns can do to —tu Razor Honed . . aj dny (as iu the neighboring island of j and found bis friend Z. Twentv-three I pacify your little boy? S cissors Ground . . i. “ Wbat tho dickens do ron mean by Huuto Domingo, where tho first A men A n K x p la n a t lo n . Fond Mother (of spoiled child)—Oh. M iles W est E. O PO TTER. ringing that way?” exclaimed X. indig­ can gold was discovered) the natives "Cervera appear, to have some film j thank yon. y es; you are very kind. Yoa F lo r o n c e O regon. wash out unggets by the crude proc­ nantly. “ Don’t yon see what's written of Eugene. ......... Attorney-At-Law .. esses of that distant day when Agncy- trnitsof character, "remarked the broad see, tbe dear llttlo fellow wants to throw there?’’ minded man. : his lunch at the passengers, and I’m E V G E S E , O R EG O N. "Yes, "answered Z. "I do see—that's naba went prospecting with his false "Yes, " replied the uurelenting friend I afraid they wouldn't like it Just stand i friend, Ponce do Leon. why 1 pulled so hard.” • T r i e s A t tfce C ourt Hot:««. There aro no native qnadrnpods hero "He's been at sea all Ins life and uuvei ' where you are, please. Now stop cry- X. looked at the writing and saw, This kind gentleman larger than the agouti and the arutstill bad occasion to mix with other Spun I ing, my pet "Pull urgently.” A passing wag had j M A D E and R E P A IR E D . lards much " —Washington Star. wants yon to play with him.— New lo, bnt birds aro relatively Humorous, added the "nr.” X. has now muffled , York Weekly. -----BY------ E. E. BENEDICT, with s few of hue sung and some of the bell.—London Telegraph. F u ro lu g th e ¡»tege. brilliant plnmago. All domestic fowl T h . ( tn le k a a d t h . tla a tf. Pauline lias put this sign on her A r t i lle r y T a m e do well here, and the great pastures of A T T O R N E Y - A T - L .A .W . piazza, 'No war talk allowed here. ’ ” White—Cur friend Greeu, the sprint­ All artillery may 1« divided into two the northeast and southerns roppott vast "What's that for?" er, bus enlisted—be is to uct as substi­ Money Saved F lo r e r .o e , O r e g o n , herds of cattle and borsee, which suffice main classes, heavy and light. Heavy Oregon. Florence. "Uhn's «Irani Mr McDabb w ill let tute for a relay courier cf daipatobes in * f « « 4 « « artillery is railed also garrison artillery. not only for tho needs of the Island, bnt tbo whole summer go by without By oase be is killed. See? are exported to all parts of tbs West Heavy artillery gnus are placed perma posing. "—PitUbutg Dis|iat( b. Black—Ob, I see. When tbe courier Good Work Done at Reasonable Prices. nently in forts, aud tbo men who handle { Indies, being held iu high eatnen* Patronizing it. of dispatches is dispatched. Green is BO YEARS* There are no poisonous reptiles to lie them form foot artillery batteries and A It «ie H u n te r . W a XTED— SKVEMtI. T.ltJ’»Tred sta m p e d e n v e lo p e , H erb ert think he is what they call a tnscctar NOTARIES. nenvered by baud. In onr army the inhabitants seem to expertence little h . H em . l'ret»L. D en t M. C bic& ro. W i l l i n g l a T a r F o r B U iao a, iau. ”— Indianapolis Joni noi. light artillery gnnncra ride on the cais­ trouble The worst of these are tbe "Say, I'm paying this war tax with­ scorpions, ccutipads, tarautnlss was)«, sons and gnn carriages. In horse artil­ A. R. BUTTOLPH, N e t to Ita T h o u g h t , h „ I CihM igli. p a t e n t a b l e f r ^ s f c k a t r x <‘” r fe e n o t d u e I i ScieMifk American. FRANK B. WILSON. * «c» — I. A l "¿low toCb "Dar isn't mach comfort In de m- They ate intended to be pla-ed pem a- “ War makes society functions an eauy The antimouopolistlc snatimeut ta A fcaedanmety tfleetrated weekly. larweet rtr- h < t e f a ..o in t t a L . neutly for the time being and are mohk dat cont< ntment is better dan eeiattnn nf any anentrff«* Kmmal. Terms. » a " a - ’• fk^»L MeM hy all w sAaa l ar«. I brought to their placet by teams, but riches, said Uncle l.bcu "Ouo Is jes* matter. "How no’" 1777 Mas«ncbusntts passed an act co- C. A. 3KOW & CO. they are not maneuvered as light guns about as habd t-j git as de other 4 Co.»’— Tort "We don't have to thiuk np any now titled "to pTeveut monopoly and o^ Branch mac«, a t I t . W s«ln