e H E D ISO B E YE D ORDERS. r « i, A B r i lli a n t F re n c h O M 'yer’« F ir s t A o h it»**- uaeut 0 4 tlae F ie ld o f U a ttlo . 11 * * * * * * * Lejcune, the brilliant aid do-cutnp of the Marshals Berthior, D ivout nud i Oudiuot, gives a vary interesting uo- oouut of his first achievement on tho field of battle. The French army was crossing the Alps and found itself com­ pelled to attack at u great disadvantage a town which the Austrians were de­ * fending. Young Lajeune, who was anxioua to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * participate in the engagement, w ai greatly disappointed when lie was or- , dured to remuiu at his post in tile rear. T H E C O U R T JE S T E R . T h . F e .t h e r .i l Hobo. When tho firing began, his heart beat “ Did you ever know thut the English furiously, and us the attack progressed A P ra c tic a l J o k . T h a t W i l l g a m m e r. A re prepared from Na- he felt that lie could not remain passive sparrow is a tramp,” asked Depot Su­ P la je d on C a rd in a l W o I mj . perintendent Sanford the other day. , tu re’s mild laxatives, and w hile his fellow soldiers were perform­ Amelia Wofford tells of "The Court ‘Well, he is, and the worst kind of a | ing deeds of valor. while gentle are reliable Jesters of Euglapd” in St. Nicholas. Believing him self unnoticed, be hur­ ‘hobo. ’ Recently I have seen u flock of , The following is related of King Heury and efficient. They ried forward, forgetting that the sol­ them fly from under the pilot of one lo- j VIII's jester: dier’s first duty is obedience, and just comotive to the pilot of an outgoing lo­ Sommers, like Scogan, liked a prac­ where tho fray seemed to he thickest he comotive, and in that way they travel , tical joke, aud one that ho played ou found himself faco to face with his com I aver the country. “ Sharp? Well I should say so. It’s Cardinal Wolsey is thus quaiutly told Cure Sick Headache, Bib maudiug officer. Tho general looked at ! the brightest bird I know of, as I havo ; by Arrniu: the rash young soldier coldly. iousness, Sour Stomach, “ Of a time appointed the king diued “ Since yon have quitted yonr post," maintained for a long time. ” and Constipation. Sold •t Windsor, iu the chappel yard ut Car- Mr. Sunford was in dead earnest, and he said, "you may take this order und iliuull Wolsey's at tho same time when everywhere, 25c. per box. recall that company that has gouo into the reporter went out to look for him- Prepared by C.I.Hood Co.,LoweU,Msss I self at these “ tramp” sparrows. As he he was buildiug thut admirable work a bad positiou. ” Lejouuo heard tho order w ith a stood under the sheds at the union depot of liis tombe, at whose gate stood a strange sensation, for this was an er i a big Missouri Pacific engine came number of poore people, to be served rand from which ho was not likely to along pulling in slowly from its long with alms when dinuer was dono with- return alive. There was no escape, how­ trip from St. liouis. No sooner had the iu, aud as W ill passed by they suluted ever, and touching his cup ho started on train come to a standstill until nut him, taking him for a worthy person his perilous mission w ith a quaking from under tho pilot of the locomotive age, which pleasod him. Iu ho comes, bopped a dozen English sparrows. They i.ud finding the king at dinner nnd the heart. For some distanco he crept along be­ looked around us if to get their bear­ lurdinall by attending, to disgrace him hind a pile of rocks thut protected him ings, and then made straight for the thut ho never loved, Harry, sayes bee, CRr‘P ‘“ ‘ «»'ted this section Herman H. E vclo r.o fS u W. Main St from tho fire of tho enemy, hut at last pilot of a Burlington engine. They dis­ lend me £10. What to doe? saies the Jefferson, Mo a well known contractor and builder, was one of the victims anil this shelter camo to an end. Before him appeared, and remained there until the king. To pay three or foure of the car- he l as since been troubled with the after-effects o f the disease A year avo 1 s dinuH’s creditors, quoth hee, to whom there remained 100 steps to be taken : train pulled out is a i m ^ m ^ d e . “ He“ ^ ° b'it{Cd * discoutinuc * ° ' k' That he lives to-day Sure enough the English sparrow is my word is past, aud they are now come under the fire of 300 guns pointed straight at him. a tramp. Evidently they are sharp for the money. That thou sbalt, Will, ° f the « To go forward was, ba believed, cer- I enough to know they w ill bo transport­ quoth lieu. Creditors of mine? saies the tain death. To go bock would bo eter­ ed over the country without exertion. curdinull. lie give yonr grace my hean friends nal disgrace. Tho whole urmy Boomed It may be that they enjoy the rapidly if uuy man can justly aske me a penny. X s7 * ? ? • for Pi*lc Feople " tobed in “ Louts^apei and affer like an amphitheater around him. moving engine, at least it evidently No, saies W ill. Lend me £10. If I pay investigation, decided to give them a trial. 4 1 Should ho prove him self a coward or a pleases them to take a free ride. — Kuu- it not where thou owest it, lie give thee ,, . ;i^ftCr usinK .tlle first box 1 felt wonderfully relieved and was satisfied that Or p o tla f« P a K , ' £30 for it. Duo so, saies the king. That hero? sas City Times. ™d “ 1 b“ « K • - » — I w ill, my liege, saies thee cardinall, “ If I d ie ,” thought ho, “ it w ill be : though I owe nono. With that ho lends lla r u a W o n th o D in n e r. only the Just penulty of my disobedi­ “ ^ ft.Cr tUk‘."b' f? ‘!r boxes of Williams1 Pink Pills for Pale People I am ence; if I accomplish my mission, I ,r f n. r tO K°°i1 °°? hcaIth- "calth- V*®1 \ {ccl Iike ft a "ew raan' "“W. a,ld alld having the will and energy There is a story told of Robert Burns W ill £10. W ill goes to the gate, dis­ of my former days a H nt« caPable of *_____ a . - - . . ® . " 1 shall havo proved that I am worthy yet In bis youth. Bums was living in the tributes it to tho pooro aud brought the creased ambition” 7 ’ return retUrncd> 1 t a,n t«nsacti,ig my . business with m- creased ambition. to fight in tho emperor's army. ” town of Ayr and, though still young, empty bag. Tbero is thy bag agaiue, Mj' Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are a wonderful medicine and anv- So thinking, ho rushod across tho had attained more than a local reputa­ saies hee. Thy creditors are satisfied, .ific.”r',,g fr° m the aftcr-effccU o f the KriP will find that these pills arc the open space amid a storm of cannon balls tion as a poet. One day he was passing und my word out of danger. Who re­ und musket shot. N ot ouo of tho mes­ through the main street of tho town and ceived, saies the king, the brewer or Mr. Eveler will gladly answer any inquiry regarding fins ffsU aip'is enclosed Greatest Weekly in the Country, sengers of death touched him, nud as if saw two strangers sitting at one of the the baker? Neyther, Harry, saies W ill From Cole County Democrat, Jefferson City, Mo. 1 en<-lo3ed- by a miracle ho arrived safo and sound inn windows. With idle curiosity ho Sommers. But, cardinall, answer me in in tho French lines. Tho delivery of stopped to look at them. Seeing him ouo thing, to whom dost thou owe thy i ro w L IL L IÄ M S ' that order saved tho battalion and de­ aud thinking that tho rustic might af­ soule? To God, quoth hee. To whom (In c lu d in g i>osta#e) to any p a r t of the U nited cided tho destiny of the young officer. V \ i N K ■’ S . / i ford them some aniusemeut while wait­ thy wealth? To the pooro, saies hee. States, C anada and M exico. ing, the strangers called him in aud Take thy forfeit, Harry, sates the foolo. T H E W lfiKKLaY C H R O N IC L E , the brightest J J IL L S S • S lc o lflc a n c o o f th o Noso. asked him to dine with them. Burns | Op«" confession, open pennanco. His and most complete W ee k ly N ew sp aper In tho f o r i The nose, the form of which regulates readily accepted the invitation and head is thine, for to the poore at tho w orld, prints re— .«K V Kitki. TKIMTWOltTM Y PERSON?» IN T R O U T AND P IC K E R E L. A F r e n c h b u u i a u ' i F u n e r a l. Uoso, ncoordiug to physiognomy, are us free.” The strangers’ astonishment was People A re M o re In te re s te d I n th e Plea« Ib is state to nmt aue o u r hiihiniNS io t li e ir ow n co u n ties. It i - iiiiiin lx t fliee w ork a n t Side o f Life« follow s: Tlio small, flat nose found great, and they both exclaimed: "Who The B ails correspoudeut of the Lon- c h o i k n ! d iit’Nrby u cted at hom e. H i l a n M iH iu b t $900 n . S o m r th ln g A b o u t T lie ir Metli<»da o f F e e d ­ among women and called tho soubrette aro you? You must be Robbie Burns!” il u Tdegraph, writing of a funeral re­ \ v i.r a n d c x i x h i n c »— d e flu ite , ho iiatld e, no inore j in g , as O b served a t th e A q u a r lu iu . ."E very one of us has his aud her no Ie«M » alar> . M o n th ly >. '» lù ie ie m e. Ko ; cently held iu un interior C . u of clone own ailm ents,” writes Edward W. Bok It is rosy to observe at thn aqnarium noso, wheu occurring w ith an other­ —N ew Custle (England) Chronicle. h e li Htlilrcbsetl stm nia-d en v elop e, U e rb e it Frauce, says the dead woman I; * been E. Ilesa , P re s t., h e p t. M. C h icago iu The Ladies' Home Journal, decrying the babils of fish iu feeding. Bonio are w ise ugreeahlo and fortuuato build of iu easy circumstances und had long been A U ls ra a rck llen iiu iscen ce. the unpleasant habit many people have 1 sluggish, sonio are flereo und some aro features, indicates a certain gracious Isiset by tbo odd umbitiou to be buried Professor Aegidi, who was for many i of discussing their bodily ills. “ It is sly. Tho trout are fed on live killies. nud cheerful naivete combined with an iu pomp aud splendor und with the ao- Tho killies when thrown into tho tauk iueousiderato curiosity. Such u nose years the chief of the press bureau, uu enough for ns all to keep well ourselves You cnmpoillmeilt of a large crowd. With seatter iu all directions, with tlio trout seldom is possessed by men, nnd wheu der Prince Bismarck, has published the To be compelled to listen to the ail­ be cured < after them like chain lightning, twist it is it douotes nn individuality char­ follow ing reminiscence of Prince B is­ ments of others does not mako that task th is cud in view she bequeathed to her I f you suffer from any o f the principal tenant, u steady going green­ ing nnd turniug with marvelous celeri­ acterized by weukness and deficient sa­ marck and the ezar, Alexander II: “ Be­ any easier. Besides all this, these un­ alls of men, come to the oldest T h e C K r e n lc ie U u llM In T # grocer, the greater part of her fortune, Specialist on the Pacific Coast, ty. Tbo killies double, the trout dart gacity. A nose thick aud flat is au un­ fore the outbreak of tbe Franco-German necessary narratives of personal ail­ T H E C H R O N IC L E ra n k * w ith the greatest consisting of about #15,OUO, ou the ex­ OR. JORDAN A CO , after them. R ising to u bunch of k il­ favorable feature w ith meu :u well as war the ezar was with King William ments aro positively injurious to onr- newspaper* in the U n ite d S tate*. k 10 5 1 Market St fcit d 1852. press condition that she should bo in ­ lies nt tho top, the trout fairly mnko w ith women, usually sign ifyin g that at Eins. They wero together ono even­ selvea Physicians all agree that many T H E C H R O N IC L E ha* no equal an th * Paelflo V o u m m e n and m id d le terred in state, tho bourse being drawn tho water fly. They jump almost, if not the character is predominated by mate­ ing, and Prince Bismarck was standing of the slight illuesses, of which some Cnaat. I t leads a ll in a b ility , en terp rte* and — — «Mfcd m e n who ate suffering rial and sensual instincts, w h ile a turn­ ne-w*. by six horses caparisoned im the trap­ from the effects ot youthful indiscretion* or e x - | I people make so much, could be cured if at the other end of the room anxiously quito, clear out of it, us if they were cesses in maturer years. Nerv<criiintori'lterforiit miracle*, hut it well-known to be a fair < | meu uud are masculine attributes.— men of tho place, to tho local baud aud chair, roso, prowled about the room, Independent In e ve ry th in g , n e u tra l In nothing. I w ill not sny that women, more silent, aud y et how sudden I The killie aud squaie Physician and Surgeon, LMe-eminent New York Ledger. lo the gymnastic clubs of the district. in hi* s p e c ia lty - IH acttM g'H o f M e a t. , I dropped stopped before Prince Bismarck, looked than meu, aro prone to this evil, but iu above darts downward My p it 1 1 la tliorouclil v ertidlciitod from the All these societies were, of course, at him, wagged its tail affectionately as tho majority of women havo more | through the water. N ot pursued, it aysteiu w ith o u t usinif M e r e tir .s • , I C o rk Legs W e r o S ca ro *. K V K M Y .H A N it|>plvh'K 1« us w ill r * . I represented with becoming gratitude at and licked the hand he held out toward leisnro than tho majority of men they slow down nnd baits iu tho middle of reive oilr h> eterf npln¡on of hie com plaint. i Ono day iu 1880 Senator Hampton the obsequies. which iu scrupulous ac­ We wilUhiarantee a I'OSITIVE CIHKin I 1 tho tauk to rest nud to recover its equn- I it. The czar, who had attentively- are more likely to let their minds dwell every caee we vudertake, or /urfeil (Iu ® , was going ou his erutchus from tho sen­ cordance with the wishes of the de­ T b e n a a n d H o lla ™ . I ' uim ity after its recent disturbing expe ate chamber to the house of representa­ watched its movements, called out to upon every little ill that assails them ceased beni fuctress of the lucky green­ Prince Bismarck at this moment, ’You aud talk about it. It seems to mo that . Consultation i'U E F . and s tin tly private, i rieuce of being removed from its homo VF.RV RKASONARLK. Treat- < ' in tho live food tank, carried aboat iu tives. Iu tho middle of tho big rotunda see, the dog knows his master's one of tho most important lessons we grocer and tho charitable aud other iu- j CHARQSa ntent personally or by letter. Send for bonk, A Ntitutious, were ou a magnificent and, I can all learn with the close of the year Showing the Ualled States, Deaialea “ T h o PhlioM ophy o f M a r t ia « r ,U 9 a galvanized irou tray, and A n ally' he met a very largo man, also on crutch­ friends. ’ ” es. Ho was a member of congress from free. (A valuable book for men.) of Canada and Narthern M jk I o ) iudeed, colossal scale, seeing that up­ Priuco Bismarck, who fold Aegidi i is to refrain from inflicting upou others dropped into auothcr tank as food for TINIT DB. JORDANW ▼ other Ashes. o s r O N K B ID R . Illinois, a Republican, whose name I this story, added: "I felt rclioved. That what is purely personal to ourselves. ward of (1,1)00 persons belonging to ull G r e a t A lu a e iim o f A n a t o m y i classes of roeiety follow«d lu r mortal At a little distanco is observed the cannot now recall. Hampton stopped was a historical momrut for our poli­ Let us cease this tiresome, this incon­ the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the remains to their last resting place. world. Come and learn llOW wou.leifullv you I siderate, this unnecessary talk about our pickerel. It lias come up silently, like a him aud kindly asked his uame aud cy-’’— Berlin Cor. Loudon Standard. ON T H E O T H R R B I HR. • r e made; how to avoid sickness and disease. ailment* Cold aud hard as it may long, slender, little steamer moving how ho had received his injury. After W e are continually adding new siteiinieiia. giving his name tho congressman said H r . , I I n 11,« B ao a, W e e k , O h r n a lc le f a r O a e T e a r , VA TA LOU I K t'RKS Call or writ.«. T h e R u H la a W o lf H o n n d . seem, tho fact is nevertheless true, nnd deail slow. It comes to a halt so smooth­ e e . t a g . p r e > a la o n m a p a n d > a * e v . 1051 Market Street. San Francisco. Cal. 1 Employer (irascibly)—Uoufonnd that Karoff Russia, whero winters are to w ill ever remain so, that tho vast ma ly und quietly that the instant of its amputation was necessary by reason of amiBEAS boy! He's never arouud when ho is halt is not noticed. It is sim ply seen to a shot he had received iu a fight with severe thut but for a few months in tho : jority of people are interested in what M . n . » 1 M a rk e t S t .. San l-ranclaco The ordnance survey map of England, took Ins discharge and entered the Prus­ silly dead, T h e youn g w o m a n to w hom Which have been cared for ell winter. their work they had stuek a board out which contaioa over 108, out) sheets, aud sian army, a recruit whom that organi- Another t hot. t l i r f u t ili* la a d ir a r y waste, th e young “ M iss,” he declared. A third shot. At night, when everything is quiet, the of tbo window, aud Put stood un tbe eud which hns cost »1,000,000 a year for Btttiou b:i« every — w ife w h o i* a helpleaa, n e rv o u * in v a lid , reason to bold iu eu- th e m ot het w K om bat>es are a hut den in “ Miss agaiu, “ he said. Fourth shot. boys cotue and manage to steul one or of it which was outsido aud Mike on 20 years to keep up to dato, is said to during memory. at. ad <»f a M eaning, a ll these, unless they two plants without discovery. One by the end inside to balance. Suddenly be the largest map in the world. The “ Fourth lu iss.“ announced Booth. An ta k e th e iia h t m eaM tre* V* recover th e ir other shot. “ Mias," again saug out the one her choice flowers have disappeared, Pet abouted: ecale varies from k n feet to oue eighth »•»P« I . K xcomi L h e a lth are b e tte r dead th a n liv in g . In the “ Moike, I've dropped me sponge.” ami all hough she has watched for the lieutenant. m a jo r ity o f ease* these ghont« o f w om en of an iuch to the mile. Tho details are J * tbe of nn enfant terrible " T h ot’s all roight. I'll go down and < we th e tr c o n d itio n to weakness am i d ia who lords it over the home of ■ poh t* ; B,,»h*‘»t Alsgsilnt P u b lilh e S £ “ Hold on then',“ put iu Colonel thieves they have never Isen caught. eo minute that sheets haviug a scalo of git it. ” ease o f th e d iM in c tfy fe m in in e organism The other day she conceived a plan I tlM ijim « R n u, i , „ | C c in r M P ’a t n . Ï- Bnrt. “ What are you trying to do? I 25 turtles show every hedge, fouce, clan in this city, says tbo Toledo B?ado F r e q u e n tly th e y have been deceived b y U i t u P . t i o n * F . . l i 5; When ho got to the street, ho found thought you were going to tlru «1 the by which she saved her remaining t h e in co rre c t diag nosis o f some obacury w all, building and even every isolated The minister came to the house tlio otb i ’ ll « . Y .IK » Work. treesurrs. Tying a string to each flow­ Pnt in a heap ou tho sidewalk and ex­ tree in the country. phyatciaa and do not a n d e ra ta n d the true target. ’’ ¡ ï ‘